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1  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims4 is not gonna happen on here, is it? on: 2016 April 30, 22:15:12
I'm a page too late for the reunion, but I'm getting back into sims now that I have a life again.  Seems like I missed a lot.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / World of Puddings / Re: neko brand pudding pops on: 2009 July 12, 01:15:21
I don't hate the neko!
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / World of Puddings / Re: I Quit This Pudding Halfway Done (Version 2! First official updated Pudding!) on: 2009 June 27, 06:24:56
Well, I redid the sim with my new computer and it looks much, much closer.  Here it is.  V2.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / World of Puddings / Re: I Quit This Pudding Halfway Through on: 2009 June 26, 08:19:29
Put makeup on him?

That'd be fine and dandy, except for the fact that I know that you can make sims appear to have blood-filled lips.  Also, I don't wear makeup.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / World of Puddings / Re: I Quit This Pudding Halfway Through on: 2009 June 26, 08:02:23
Are you giving yourself nightmares?

Not yet.  But I won't rest until it stops looking so pale.  There's no blood in those lips!  What the fuck is that?!
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / World of Puddings / Re: I Quit This Pudding Halfway Through on: 2009 June 26, 07:38:57
I call "fake" on the Perfectionist trait.  A perfectionist would never release a "not-looking-anything-like-its-creator" pudding.  A perfectionist would either perfect it, or release nothing.

If it helps, I've been losing sleep trying to make a more accurate version.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / World of Puddings / I Quit This Pudding Halfway Done (Version 2! First official updated Pudding!) on: 2009 June 24, 07:24:12
Here's your own Quittaire Pudding, complete with not-looking-anything-like-its-creator less sucky graphics action!

Name: LilBrudder Quittaire
Gender preference: female
Favorites: Indie, Custom
LTW: Musical Composer, Author
Jobs: Music, anything else
Included traits: Handy, Virtuoso, Bookworm, loner, frugal
Additional (optional) traits: Green thumb, Loves the Outdoors, Grumpy, Perfectionist

Version two!  Less suck!
8  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sims 2 and Windows 7 on: 2009 January 23, 01:15:52
...or just stick with Windows XP, a time-tested, well-supported alternative to Windows Vista 2.0
9  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: NEWS: WE CAN HAZ LEGAL THREATS? on: 2008 December 15, 21:54:28
This is a very troubling trend, the confusion of information and pointers to information. Yes, pointers is a geeky programmer concept, but the address of a brothel can be public information while the brothel remains a private residence for ladies and generous gentlemen. When trouble happens, you don;t eliminate the address, you close the brothel.

Here the concept of requiring links to child pornography be removed is attempting to be extended to links to examples of copyright violation. While you can make an argument that there is an overriding social purpose for obliterating mere references to child pornography, you cannot make the same argument in what is a property rights issue. But it appears that EA would like to do so.

Huh.  There's a quandary.  Would the copyright law be upheld if the copyright violated was that of child porn?
10  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: L&P Spore (expansion) announced on: 2008 October 15, 00:44:06
My stage preferences has to go something like this: Space, Cell, Creature, Civilization, Tribe.

Tribe is long, boring and tedious, but Space is really pretty.
11  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Wormhole navigation on: 2008 October 09, 19:20:44
I think the stardrive's limitation near the core is wrong.  It should become more and more elliptic, pointing to the center, to be more realistic.

Then again, this means you'd have a hell of a time getting back home. But that's what happens when you fly into a supermassive black hole.
12  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Wormhole navigation on: 2008 October 09, 02:56:07
Pen and paper?  2d4 roll?
13  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Easter Eggs on: 2008 October 04, 17:51:26
In my first game, I did that.  I was all, wtf was that thing?  Volcano?  So I walked over it.
14  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Wormholes on: 2008 September 25, 01:12:00
The core is also a black hole, but apparently in Splotch, it isn't, so meh.

Actually, it was a black hole.  It took you elsewhere and was clearly black hole-like.
15  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Easter Eggs on: 2008 September 22, 22:07:20
That would be the "Rolling Thunder" thing the patch fixed.
16  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Space Empires on: 2008 September 22, 20:17:17
I'll say what I said in #grah.  At some point, they'll decide that the next planet they want to take is the one in that system.  It's (sado)random, I assume.
17  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Any ideas on how to deal with the Grox? on: 2008 September 22, 00:47:22
Has anyone seen the Grox's homeworld?

I've used the mini happy ray when I first met the Grox, as they were only at an orange with me, not red.  It was futile for a mini, but perhaps a full happy ray would work.
18  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Easter Eggs on: 2008 September 21, 21:05:02
Llamas have been with Maxis since the first SimCity, IIRC.  Some of the earlier games, like SimLife, SimAnt, SimSafari, and SimTown didn't have llama references, but those are OLD.
19  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Speed up, Speed up, SPEED UP FFS!!!!11!ONE! on: 2008 September 21, 03:11:09
I had this problem with macro...*inate when getting food.  Even if on three, it acts like it's on one and they stare at the fridge until I cancel the macro out.  Then, speed 3 kicks in.
20  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Easter Eggs on: 2008 September 21, 03:07:21
Bah.  There are plenty of odd RL stellar combinations.
21  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Anyone using the "no cd" for spore? on: 2008 September 21, 02:38:51
Well, there's your problem!  NEVER get a torrent/crack for EA Stuff if it isn't ViTALiTY, RELOADED, or DeMoNiC.
22  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Easter Eggs on: 2008 September 21, 02:35:59
I love the stellar disk most.  It was awesome.
23  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Easter Eggs on: 2008 September 20, 22:07:01
I found out that if you spin the galaxy fast enough in the beginning, it vomits pictures of the developers or coders or commissars, or whatever.  How many rare stellar formations have you found?  I've seen the binary system, the black hole, and the stellar disk.  Are there any others?
24  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Spore Mods! on: 2008 September 20, 22:02:14
That is a good policy.
25  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Anyone using the "no cd" for spore? on: 2008 September 20, 21:57:40
The 1.01 exe is for the Creature Creator.  Not the game.
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