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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AM Version 1.67? on: 2014 January 29, 02:24:01
Also getting core mismatch with 1.67
Was walking my girlfriend through updating over the phone and didn't know EA had snuck another patch in after 1.66. Bastards.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here on: 2012 November 30, 19:49:57
Anyone know of a download for the Laganaphyllis Simnovorii (aka The Cow Plant) as a solo piece?
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2012 November 17, 05:01:37
Naturally it would be glaringly simple. Back to it then.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2012 November 17, 04:06:36
I've spent the last many hours downloading and extracting to .package the store files from knightguys posts on the front page of this thread.

- downloaded the files
- extracted to .package with Delphy's MultiInstaller tool.

The idea, probably obviously, being to then create larger merged packages from the individual packages in order to try to ensmallen the size of it all a bit. However, I'm running into a strange issue with s3pe when I try to import the extracted .packages. It makes no difference if I import ...from package or dbc. It doesn't matter how many or how few packages I try to import. I continuously get this error message:

Could not open package PACKAGENAME.package. Expected magic tag 'DBPF'.  Found 'DBPP'.

I can find zero reference to this error in any searches either here, googled, or on the s3pe forums. I have posted there as well. Since there are others here who have already gone through this process and seemingly not had this issue, I thought I'd poke in while I wait and see if anyone might have an idea what would be causing this error.

eta* I've done no decrapifying or recompressing. I was saving that for the final merged product.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2012 November 11, 14:32:04
Alright and one more while I'm at it:

Is it expected that Sunlit Tides and Lucky Palms are listed under the Objects tab rather than the Lots/Worlds tab?

6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2012 November 11, 14:15:52
Of 537 store items downloaded and decrapified, I have 175 that remain as little brown boxes in the launcher. I have tried de-crapping them multiple times and they still stay as little brown boxes. My addled memory seems to recall this means there is a problem and the items won't install right.  Am I recalling correctly?
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 10th July 2012 (1.36) on: 2012 October 19, 14:46:48
Anach, I just downloaded your Sunset Valley Expanded. Before I dive in I was curious: Are the relationships/family trees of the existing sims all in tact or do they require fixing?
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re-install: Total Failure on: 2012 October 15, 10:30:48
Problem solved. Feel free to delete this as it no longer serves any purpose.

Had a fit of nostalgia over the game so I decided to download and reinstall TS3 with all its new EPs and SPs. Everything was fine up to the point I was trying to get the framework working right in order to recognize AM. In a bout of complete dumbassery I overwrote/replaced the wrong Resource.cfg files. To complete it, because dumbassery must never go half-assed, I had also deleted all the downloaded packs in order to save room on my drive. Result: Game won't run and I can't recover the borked files without completely re-downloading.

I will re-download if it comes to that but I thought I'd attempt an appeal here and see if anyone might be willing to share their default resource.cfg files from the Game/Bin directories of their expansion packs. Because I can't remember if I only forked the base game, WA, and Supernatural or if I went all out.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Jfadeworld - A New Pudding Destination on: 2011 April 10, 09:12:37
I've been playing it for several sim weeks, for hours at a time, and not run into any problems yet.

Pretty sure I just jinxed myself.
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Sims 3 Motive Decay Project- WIP Looking for feedback and input. on: 2011 March 31, 04:21:36
You're a bladder infection just waiting to happen.
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Testing the waters: What do you want in a 'hood? on: 2011 January 11, 23:05:00
I think offering a saved file version of the world in progress is a fine idea, for those that do enjoy a story in progress. Just be aware any mods (such as AM) would have to be properly uninstalled/hood reset before a final save. Doing that should null and void any conflict issues users might have.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Testing the waters: What do you want in a 'hood? on: 2011 January 06, 03:16:59
Here's what I have left of the CAW files for Bayborough, if you wanted to play with it as a template.

As far as an opinion on what sims should go in a hood, I really don't have any input. I also always nuke pre-set populations and raise my own.

ETA: **Fixed download/link. I forgot to include the .world and .settings files.

13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: TS3 Store Stuff Made Shiftable Now with CURTAINS on: 2010 December 03, 07:45:25
i'm confused when I first downloaded this I thought it was for non-decrapified sims store stuff but now it says for "Crapified" sims store stuff

so which is it?  Huh

14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Twinbrook: Pudding Pied! on: 2010 November 14, 07:40:56
Does it work without decrapifying it?

As for missing objects:

More lots have been placed (special credits to Behind the Junkyard by Shady@MTS and Little Robot Shack by Shivar@Fuzzy Logic Dishwasher). One lot contains build mode CC (download: 3 New Porch Fences by Flabaliki@MTS for the pool to show up correctly.

Those notes would be the only custom content added. As far as I can recall, I only used base game objects for bed change ups and cribs.

15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: CAW and Installation of Revised World Problem on: 2010 November 12, 07:59:27
You know, if you are exporting a world for a second time, don't just rename it in the save as, go into add/edit description from your layers pallet and change the name there. This is what's causing this for everyone, although you rename the world when you save it, it still has the same internal name and the launcher usually says it's already installed. I have 5 versions of one world installed right now but they all have different internal names, even if it's blah1 and blah2 they will all install even though they are the same. I did it to compare different layouts, etc

From here.
16  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2010 November 12, 07:53:57
I'm curious how AM is currently categorizing apartment NPCs. Are they considered homeless? While working my way through the apartment buildings trying to eliminate duplicates, I noticed many of them are new NPC types (mixologists, papparazzi, bouncers) and not considered service. On a listhomeless the list is full of single sim families; too many to fit on the popup, wihich makes me think it may be the NPCs in the apartments that are being listed. I wonder if AMStory will then continuously try to move them into available "homes" as I evict, causing the game to spawn more NPCs to fill the apartments (if it even does that).

eta: After some random destroyalltownies it appears this is the case. NPCs will move into the available apartments but are still considered homeless making it impossible to leave certain pieces of real estate open. Evict and delete one, another snaps up the house and another is regenerated to take the place of the evicted/deleted.
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: Editing "hidden" rooms in Late Night. on: 2010 November 05, 23:38:14
It also works for me on XP.
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances on: 2010 November 02, 03:36:14
The difference: I set my config to testingcheatsenabled false.

Mine was set to that until just today, and it still got all stuttery. So I think that may just be coincidence.

Could be. Could be the new hood was loaded free of fuckery. I'm sticking with it off for now, though, as my game is running silky smooth.

As for the welcome wagon, do they have to come inside the building to ask to be buzzed in? I only got the wagon on the non-shell apartment in bridgeport, which has the mailbox outside, which the welcome wagon would stand by. Maybe in the other ones they come inside to the mailbox, and then trigger the "Buzz in" thing.

One of the visitors went inside and used the call box which rang the active sim's cell phone. The other 2 stayed outside milling but selecting the buzz in option triggered all 3 to head up the elevator and into the apartment. So basically the call box = the doorbell. However, it has to be used in order to invite people in. You can't simply invite anyone hanging out to come into your house (apartment) without them calling and asking to be buzzed in.
19  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances on: 2010 November 02, 02:30:26
After killing the process from the freeze and restarting from before the welcome wagon came the first time, this time the first visitor rang the active sim on her phone and she was able to buzz them in. Hoodoo, I suppose. I trashed that particular test run after another freeze up.

Running a new test hood now. I've been playing this one for 3 sim days with zero stutters and zero freezes, only the occasional pause when families are moving in/romance is being initiated. The difference: I set my config to testingcheatsenabled false.

I still find it a bit of an annoyance that I can't direct a sim to greet another outside their apartment building and invite them in but then I haven't actually seen any other sims walking by either, so it may be a moot point.
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances on: 2010 November 01, 22:59:20
Apartment living related annoyance: There seems to be no "invite inside" for visiting sims. Perhaps I am doing it wrong.

I decided to go ahead and try out Bridgeport, start racking up a bug list of my own. Moved a sim into the apartment building on 19th street. First go, she couldn't enter the building. I had to RBBB off (yes the RBBB actually works for me) and replace the doors to clear the path. Shell issue no doubt.
At about, 11 am?ish, a welcome wagon of 3 showed up. They milled about outside the apartment building talking on their cell phones. Attempting to click on them from either inside the actual apartment or the lobby or the grounds outside only gets the introduction pie menu. No way to invite them inside. Friendly introductions then gets the socializing pie menus. Still no invite inside interaction. I also notice as soon as my sim steps outside her apartment door she gets the "go home" arrow on her portrait. Visiting sims still just stood around outside the building randomly chatting to each other and on their cell phones.

So for the hell of testing it out I decided to try the form group thing. Group-joiner #1 immediately headed up the elevator to the apartment to watch some t.v., #2 stayed outside, the game is now frozen (for exactly 15 minutes) mid invite of the third and final member. (1:54pm game time.) My poor computer sounds like a jet engine trying to take off. End tasking in a moment.

Stuttering does indeed appear to be related to derelict vehicles. I towed a group of 72 at within the first hour of playing, game ran smooth for a bit. 2 sim hours later things got junky again and I towed another 48.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night Arr on: 2010 October 28, 20:02:35
You're fucking welcome. Now go fucking enjoy building your fucking world.
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances on: 2010 October 28, 20:01:53
RE: Empty Bars

Are you all checking the times that these bars are empty against the times these bars are supposed to be hopping?
There is, apparently, peak days/times for each bar. I would imagine if you're not visiting the bars at these times/on these days it might be what is causing the lack of patronage.
If you are visiting at peak times/on peak days and they are empty I wonder if it has something to do with computer specs.

At the risk of jinxing myself, I haven't run into any problems thus far. Athletic skilling works, work hours are normal, no crashes. I only ran a neighborhood for a few hours to test stability before jumping into build mode, though.
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night Arr on: 2010 October 28, 08:05:15
Have they already updated CAW? that's odd it was not mentioned in patch notes. is it updated with Late night as in, it has new stuff from LN?
I'm just wondering because I haven't had a good answer asking in the stupid EA noob Forum. All they reply with, is "IDK I DONT USE CAW" I mean wtf!

Dunno, what problem is it to download and install? It's not like it sets your computer on fire. If it's not updated it will yell about version incompatibility.

because if it doesn't work then I would need a full re-install fking duh! and since I am building a world I wasn't going to risk it. After countless of forum posts I finally got a response that it doesn't work, which is what I figured in the First place until some idiot had to go and post here that it does work when it doesn't.  So If you truly did not know what the problem is or was, then you sir are an idiot. It's a simple question. I'd be amazed the day The sims Team releases a CAW update with an Expansion Pack.

One more fucking time in tiny speak for you:

Uninstall your current CAW. Download from the fucking link at the official website (right fucking here: Fucking install. Working CAW just for you.

I'm running CAW right now. Loading old worlds, starting new ones, and editing with absolutely no problems. LN installed, game fully fucking patched.
There is no patch for CAW just like there was no patch for CAW with Ambitions.

ETA: Pics or it didn't happen.
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Building Your Own Apartments: Late Night on: 2010 October 28, 02:11:45
I was incredibly disappointed with the "apartments" of Late Night. Fortunately, we can build our own.
The following was ripped directly from some random SimGuru on the official BBS.

Before you start, you'll want to enter the cheats for "testingcheatsenabled true", "buydebug", and "rbbb off". This will allow you to purchase the markers that allow apartment functionality, and allow you to edit the portions of a lot that are considered public space within an apartment.

When you create an apartment building, there are three important markers within buydebug that you'll want to use...

1. Public Room Marker - This marker should be placed in any room that you want any Sim who is visiting the lot to be able to walk around in, consider it as public space within a building such as the lobby. Unless cheats are entered, when you enter build / buy mode on a lot, any room that has a Public Room Marker can't be edited. The Public Room Marker is also the object that flags a lot as an apartment lot. Once one of these has been placed, any outdoor areas on the lot will automatically be flagged as public space. One special note: If you place a parking space in an area that is flagged as public space, your Sim can still purchase a vehicle and park it in that spot.

2. Hidden Room Marker - This marker is similar to the tomb room marker from World Adventures as some people have noted. It will turn a room completely black and hide the contents from the player. There is no way to unhide a room once this marker is placed inside it. You should place this marker inside the rooms that other Sims who will populate your building live inside, thus hiding it from view as your Sim can't visit their living area. If you hold CTRL + SHIFT and click on the hidden room marker, you can also set ambient sound for the building. You should only set this on one hidden room marker per lot, and it should be the marker closest to the player's apartment. Finally, any door that is connected to a room with a hidden room marker inside it should be flagged as an NPC door if you want another Sim to live inside it as if it was their apartment. Hold CTRL + SHIFT and click on the door, and select the "Make NPC Door" option.

3. Level Skip Marker - This marker isn't essential, but it can come in handy. For example, if you build a four story building, and your Sim's living area is on the top floor, you may want to add a level skip marker on the second and third floor if your Sim has no reason to ever visit those floors. When this marker is placed on a floor, moving the camera up or down a floor will automatically skip past a floor that this marker is placed on.

For your Sim's private living space, aka any room that makes up their actual apartment, don't place any markers in those rooms at all. Any room without a marker will be considered as a room that the Sim living on that lot owns, and they will be able to freely edit it in build / buy mode without cheats. Additionally, areas without a marker are the only areas that count towards the lot value or environment score.

On a final note, every building that you want to have function as an apartment should have the Callbox object placed in an area that is considered public space. This will allow other Sims to visit and to call the NPC Sims that live in your new building!
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night Arr on: 2010 October 27, 20:37:11
Just jumping in to confirm, for those interested, a fresh download and install nets a working CAW.
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