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Updating CC for AL
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Topic: Updating CC for AL (Read 56336 times)
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 192
Updating CC for AL
2008 September 07, 21:27:55 »
Similar to this
, I decided to start a new one for AL, so what items need to be updated for AL?
I found that TVs and Stereos need new BCON and BHAV. Here are the new BCON and BHAV, add them to your package and change group number if needed.
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2008 March 02, 07:29:10
How to use "Updated Resources" file
Open your custom object in SimPE. Sometimes you only have to edit one value in OBJD, but in most cases you have to replace pie menus (TTAB and TTAs), replace/add other resources like BHAV, BCON, OBJf, SLOT, STR#.
Download "updated resources" file attached in the post. Resources are grouped by folder. For TTAB and TTAs, there is only one resource for each, so there will be no room for confusion. If there are multiple resources in one folder, you can find the correct resource by the last group of numbers in their filenames.
Take a look at one of the BHAV files for changing table.
The boldened part indicates the
number. Select Behaviour Function (BHAV) in the Resource Tree, find and replace the matching resource with the same instance number in the Resource List window. If you select the "Instance" tab in the Resource List window, you can sort resources by the instance number.
If there is no matching resource with the same instance number, right-click on Resource List window to add them.
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Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 192
Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #1 on:
2008 September 07, 21:49:31 »
TVs and Stereos need to be updated so that Sims living in other apartments can report noise.
Lord Darcy
Obtuse Oaf
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Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #2 on:
2008 September 08, 10:17:17 »
I edited this post to include quick links to the posts with instructions and required attachments for various type of custom objects. I'll edit this post whenever new information is added.
Instructions and Updated Resources for updating custom objects to Apartment Life
- same as FT
(Note: To enable Tinkering in custom stereos, get
Argon's Tinker by Proxy GUID hack
- same as FT
Baby Changing Table
Potty Chair
How to use "Updated Resources" file
Open your custom object in SimPE. Sometimes you only have to edit one value in OBJD, but in most cases you have to replace pie menus (TTAB and TTAs), replace/add other resources like BHAV, BCON, OBJf, SLOT, STR#.
Download "updated resources" file attached in the post. Resources are grouped by folder. For TTAB and TTAs, there is only one resource for each, so there will be no room for confusion. If there are multiple resources in one folder, you can find the correct resource by the last group of numbers in their filenames.
Take a look at one of the BHAV files, for example.
The boldened part indicates the
number. Select Behaviour Function (BHAV) in the Resource Tree, find and replace the matching resource with the same instance number in the Resource List window. If you select the "Instance" tab in the Resource List window, you can sort resources by the instance number.
If there is no matching resource with the same instance number, right-click on Resource List window to
Updating TVs to AL
Here is the complete collection of changed resources for TVs, from Base Game to AL, so that people don't have to first apply FT package then AL package again.
Note that some resources are slightly different for each type of TVs. You have to pick the right type. Also fixed the EAxian error which disabled watching while lounging on sofas for Elders in 2-tiled TVs.
Copied and pasted from the previous FT thread.
Television - Floor - Expensive: 2-tiled Floor TV
Television - Floor - Moderate: 1-tiled Floor TV
Television - Wall: 2-tiled Wall TV
Television - Wall - Tavern: 1-tiled Wall TV (NL)
How to remove "Pull Out" animations in custom TVs cloned from 2-tiled Floor TV
Sometimes the "Pull Out" animation of 2-tiled Floor TVs may not be suitable for custom TVs, resulting in wonky animation or misplaced TV after reparing/tinkering.
TVs have a line in "Function - Init" BHAV to determine whether they need to be pulled out for maintenance. I believe it's line 0x2. You need to change the value from 0x0000 ("Requires Pull Out") to
("No Pull Out").
Then you have to remove
Anims - Adult (0x81)
Anims - Object (0x86)
from Text Lists to keep the game from calling animations for pulling out TVs.
You have to sell and rebuy TV for it to pick up the change.
Also, you need this global mod to correct repair/tinker animation for all custom 2-tiled floor TVs that need to be pulled out for maintenance.
Repair Animation Fix for 2-tiled Floor TVs - Sims hold the screwdriver correctly
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Last Edit: 2009 January 04, 16:58:43 by Lord Darcy
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Updating CC to AL
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #3 on:
2008 September 08, 18:28:58 »
First let me thank you for this thread - it is really, really helpful!
I saw that the bookcases have already the new options - is there anything else to do?
Lord Darcy
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 958
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Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #4 on:
2008 September 08, 19:05:40 »
Quote from: julsfels on 2008 September 08, 18:28:58
I saw that the bookcases have already the new options - is there anything else to do?
From what I've seen, bookcases and computers seem to remain compatible with AL once they're updated to FT.
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Updating CC to FT
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Lord Darcy
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 958
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Updated Resources for Stereos
Reply #5 on:
2008 September 11, 10:50:51 »
Attached updated resources for all three types of stereos, from the base game up to AL. In addition to new BCON and BHAV for Apartment noise, a couple of existing BHAVs were updated too.
You have to pick the right type from which your custom stereo was cloned.
Stereo - BoomBox: tabletop small stereos
Stereo - Moderate: 1-tiled floor stereos
Stereo - Expensive: 2-tiled floor stereos
Make sure to
delete TTAB
from your custom stereo to enable all post-BV functions.
Known issue:
Tinkering is still unavailable for custom stereos. This is due to the lazy coding on EAxis's part, and cannot be circumvented unless you build private Tinker BHAVs for each custom stereo. More information is posted in
this thread
To enable Tinkering in custom stereos, get
Argon's Tinker by Proxy GUID hack
Sometimes the creator cloned the stereo not from Maxis original but from other custom stereo, breaking Fallback GUID upon which Argon's hack relies. If so, you have to fix the Fallback GUID of custom stereo accordingly.
0x9AC9AA83 stereo expensive -> 2-tiled base game stereo
0x2C7B5B6B stereo moderate -> 1-tiled base game stereo
0xD3EB1C4C stereo woodcomfy -> FT Vintage Stereo
(8.77 KB - downloaded 1298 times.)
Last Edit: 2009 January 04, 15:18:03 by Lord Darcy
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Updating CC to FT
Updating CC to AL
Juvenile Jackass
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Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #6 on:
2008 September 14, 06:09:44 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2008 September 11, 10:50:51
Known issue:
Tinkering is still unavailable for custom stereos.
*tinker by proxy guid hack magically appears
It works for any clones with intact fallback guids for the expensive stereo, moderate (single tile), and the vintage stereos.
For reference:
0x9AC9AA83 stereo expensive
0x2C7B5B6B stereo moderate
0xD3EB1C4C stereo woodcomfy
UPDATE: added check for NL Jukebox (not by GUID though, it's by Valid EP Flag 1 not being set to 1 so clones won't accidentally be enabled.)
(0.38 KB - downloaded 1156 times.)
Last Edit: 2008 October 04, 21:03:44 by Argon
Desktop: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz, 3GB RAM, Nvidia Ge-Force GTS 450 1GB, Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium, WSXGA+ (1680x1050), Windows 7 Pro x64
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Lord Darcy
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #7 on:
2008 September 14, 07:39:30 »
Quote from: Argon on 2008 September 14, 06:09:44
*tinker by proxy guid hack magically appears
Thank you very much.
If only EAxis had the sense to assign category or maintenance type (like TVs) to stereos as well. It would have been more convenient.
In case the fallback GUID is mangled (like cloning from another custom stereo), this hack will work if you fix Fallback GUID to match the original Maxis stereo, is it correct?
Quote from: TashaFaun on 2008 September 09, 08:00:47
Mine are updated to FT but they don't have the AL options
If you've fixed the OBJD correctly to refer the semiglobal, bookcases should work fine in AL as well.
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Updating CC to FT
Updating CC to AL
Lord Darcy
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #8 on:
2008 September 15, 11:33:11 »
As of FT, bookcases no longer use local pie menu (TTAB, TTAs). No need to update TTAB/TTAs, as they are now only vestigial.
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Updating CC to FT
Updating CC to AL
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 162
Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #9 on:
2008 September 15, 19:27:16 »
Thanks for this! I have actually updated CC all by myself now, and it worked nicely. But I have a question. There's a .bak file generated sometime when I edit the .package files (possibly when I save?). What is it for, and why is it generated?
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Juvenile Jackass
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Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #10 on:
2008 September 15, 19:44:05 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2008 September 14, 07:39:30
In case the fallback GUID is mangled (like cloning from another custom stereo), this hack will work if you fix Fallback GUID to match the original Maxis stereo, is it correct?
Yep, it works just like the instruments by proxy.
Quote from: Crash on 2008 September 15, 19:27:16
There's a .bak file generated sometime when I edit the .package files (possibly when I save?). What is it for, and why is it generated?
It's there in case you made a stupid edit and want to go back to your original file. bak = backup.
Desktop: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz, 3GB RAM, Nvidia Ge-Force GTS 450 1GB, Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium, WSXGA+ (1680x1050), Windows 7 Pro x64
Laptop: Sony VAIO VPCYB15KX, AMD Dual-Core E-350 1.60 GHz, 4GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6310, WXGA (1366x768), Windows 7 Pro x86
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 162
Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #11 on:
2008 September 15, 20:54:27 »
Quote from: Argon on 2008 September 15, 19:44:05
Quote from: Crash on 2008 September 15, 19:27:16
There's a .bak file generated sometime when I edit the .package files (possibly when I save?). What is it for, and why is it generated?
It's there in case you made a stupid edit and want to go back to your original file. bak = backup.
Aha, of course, stupid of me not to think of that. I assume that means it's safe to delete once I've got things working. Thanks for the explanation - I am kinda new to editing stuff in simpe.
Don't argue with an idiot. He will just drag you down to his level, then beat you with experience.
Lord Darcy
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 958
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Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #12 on:
2008 September 16, 14:45:55 »
Argon, could you include GUID of NL Jukebox as an exception in your Tinker by Proxy GUID hack? Jukebox does not have the repair slot, but Tinker function will appear due to the fallback ID.
OT: Lol at your new watermelon avatar.
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Updating CC to FT
Updating CC to AL
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
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Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #13 on:
2008 September 29, 02:24:52 »
Quote from: Argon on 2008 September 14, 06:09:44
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2008 September 11, 10:50:51
Known issue:
Tinkering is still unavailable for custom stereos.
*tinker by proxy guid hack magically appears
It works for any clones with intact fallback guids for the expensive stereo, moderate (single tile), and the vintage stereos.
For reference:
0x9AC9AA83 stereo expensive
0x2C7B5B6B stereo moderate
0xD3EB1C4C stereo woodcomfy
Hi Argon, I'm sort of confused on how to install your tinkering hack. Do you add it to the SimPE file of the stereo that I'm trying to edit or what? Thanks for any help you provide in advance.
Lord Darcy
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #14 on:
2008 September 29, 11:26:13 »
Argon's hack is a global mod. You don't include it in custom stereos or anything. Put it in your Downloads folder, and almost all custom stereos that you've already updated to FT or AL will gain Tinker function automatically.
Sometimes the creator cloned the stereo not from Maxis original but from other custom stereo, breaking Fallback GUID upon which Argon's hack relies. If so, you have to fix the Fallback GUID of custom stereo accordingly.
0x9AC9AA83 stereo expensive -> 2-tiled base game stereo
0x2C7B5B6B stereo moderate -> 1-tiled base game stereo
0xD3EB1C4C stereo woodcomfy -> FT Vintage Stereo
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Updating CC to FT
Updating CC to AL
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 456
What Would Brian Kinney Do?
Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #15 on:
2008 October 04, 21:07:14 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2008 September 16, 14:45:55
Argon, could you include GUID of NL Jukebox as an exception in your Tinker by Proxy GUID hack? Jukebox does not have the repair slot, but Tinker function will appear due to the fallback ID.
Done, but not done by GUID so jukebox clones will still be disabled. I can't imagine why you'd need to change the Valid EP Flags 1 on the expensive stereo, so it seemed like a good way of going about it.
Desktop: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz, 3GB RAM, Nvidia Ge-Force GTS 450 1GB, Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium, WSXGA+ (1680x1050), Windows 7 Pro x64
Laptop: Sony VAIO VPCYB15KX, AMD Dual-Core E-350 1.60 GHz, 4GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6310, WXGA (1366x768), Windows 7 Pro x86
Lord Darcy
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 958
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Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #16 on:
2008 October 04, 22:26:19 »
Thanks, I've edited the guide to update stereos.
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Updating CC to AL
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #17 on:
2008 October 10, 17:57:57 »
This is somewhat off topic but I am trying to update a dresser to Seasons. How would one go about that?
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Lord Darcy
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 958
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Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #18 on:
2008 October 11, 06:08:39 »
Quote from: CandyToast on 2008 October 10, 17:57:57
This is somewhat off topic but I am trying to update a dresser to Seasons. How would one go about that?
Most custom dressers do not require update, except for hacked dressers containing custom BHAVs. There is no easy way to update those hacked ones.
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Updating CC to FT
Updating CC to AL
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 108
ISTP/INTJ Half C-3P0, Half evil genius
Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #19 on:
2008 October 11, 17:04:31 »
Thankyou. I didn't think of that, maybe I should check to see if it works next time before I ask
"The lesson here is that dreams inevitably lead to hideous implosions"
Fold Spindle Mutilate!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #20 on:
2008 November 08, 20:00:57 »
Sorry for the necromacy, but I didn't want to start a new thread. I am trying to update my bookcases, and I got this part done:
How to update OBJD:
Object Data > RAW Data > Select Decimal
07. Resource cross-refs > Interaction Table ID 1 -> 3
Commit and save.
But I don't know what I should be doing with the updated resources I downloaded from Lord Darcy.
Lord Darcy
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #21 on:
2008 November 08, 20:33:21 »
Quote from: jenny_dunagan on 2008 November 08, 20:00:57
But I don't know what I should be doing with the updated resources I downloaded from Lord Darcy.
Read the instruction first from
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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #22 on:
2008 November 08, 20:58:11 »
Timely necromancy!
I was just trying to do this yesterday, and I got all confused because there seem to be 2 files for each resource. One of them has the .simpe extension as described in your instructions Lord Darcy, but what am I to do with the other (.simpe.xml) one? I correctly matched the instance number to replace the right resources, and created the one that wasn't there already, but then I got nervous about discarding half of the files you included. There must be a reason why they're there?
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Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #23 on:
2008 November 08, 21:07:05 »
The two files work together. You only need to specify one and it finds the other automatically.
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Re: Updating CC for AL
Reply #24 on:
2008 November 09, 16:57:44 »
Ok, so I followed those steps and when I checked the bookcases in game, they did have all the new options. But...all of the ones I updated are freezing my game. If I have one of the bookcases on a lot, it freezes, my sims won't move. But I can go into buy mode, delete it and then they start moving again.
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