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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2012 November 18, 22:13:52
Whenever somesim dies of overheating the fire lingers on that site for the rest of my gameplay. It only leaves if I save & reload the neighbourhood.

Just the sound or the flames themselves?
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2012 November 18, 14:07:58
I have noticed that the sound effects from some items on the festival lots will linger to seasons that the item is not located in.  I kept hearing fire and couldn't find a single flame.  I discovered that the sound was coming from a spot that a fire pit had been placed for the winter festival.  This also happened with a beehive I placed in the spring festival.  The sound haunted the spot all year long.  Has anyone else noticed this effect leak over through the seasons?  So far I've only heard it happening with fire and bees.  I'm wondering what other items cause the sound leak.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Missing Sims on: 2010 November 23, 01:01:09
I don't know why but I feel pretty today and I think I wanted to help you. The best thing I will ask you to do now is to evict all those pretty families you want to keep and move them to a same new neighborhood. Also, check your lifespan setting, who knows if you accidentally made it to short.

I had to read this 3 time before I realized that the pod people have gotten to you.  Just don't fall asleep.   
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: Building Your Own Apartments: Late Night on: 2010 November 13, 20:33:01
I went and tried this in my own game and I found your problem.  The pillar you are trying to remove is not a pillar at all.  It is part of the shell itself.  If you use the eyedropper on it you will see that it does not select a pillar at all, it selects the whole building.  I couldn't tell you why it won't allow pools and hot tubs on this level.  My guess is that it is treated like any other bottom level.  You can't put a pool or hot tub in the lowest level basement of a house either. 
You might have to rethink your design plan and put the pools and tubs on the second level.

I could swear you already made this post. Where did it go?

 I did.  It got eaten in a technical error.  I deleted it and reposted.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: Building Your Own Apartments: Late Night on: 2010 November 13, 19:07:18
I went and tried this in my own game and I found your problem.  The pillar you are trying to remove is not a pillar at all.  It is part of the shell itself.  If you use the eyedropper on it you will see that it does not select a pillar at all, it selects the whole building.  I couldn't tell you why it won't allow pools and hot tubs on this level.  My guess is that it is treated like any other bottom level.  You can't put a pool or hot tub in the lowest level basement of a house either. 
You might have to rethink your design plan and put the pools and tubs on the second level.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: Building Your Own Apartments: Late Night on: 2010 November 10, 20:23:58

I already have those cheats upon startup. Here is the section I mean. You can see a pillar type object under there.

Yes I see it.  I'm not sure what you are having trouble with.  You could try moving it with ‘Moveobjects on', if it is yelling at you when you try to remove it.  You might try nuking it in game mode.  Using "RestructBuildBuyInBuildings false" should turn off the restrictions. Double check to make sure the cheat is actually turned off
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: Building Your Own Apartments: Late Night on: 2010 November 10, 20:00:22
Why would I want apartment markers when I clearly stated that it was a fresh shell, and I wanted to edit the darkened section, something which is clearly not public space?

Because it is the markers that cause the space to be blackened in the first place.  You need to find them and move or remove them in order to use the space.  Going into BuyDeBug mode makes them visible. You might also need to turn off RestrictBuildBuyInBuildings if you are trying to alter an area that is not part of your apartment, such as adding a second floor to your penthouse.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances on: 2010 November 03, 20:00:44
I get the impression this was why EA disabled this parking space. They would've been bombarded with sheep on the BBS complaining that the food truck space wasn't doing anything in a non-Late Night hood.

I can't even get the darn truck to work in EA's late night hood so what's the difference?  I see it driving around sometimes, but I have NEVER seen it parked.
9  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Coreless AwesomeMod? on: 2010 August 10, 17:13:48

I asked my wife this morning if I could dump the current save games and switch to AwesomeMod which is obviously the superior one, but she responded with an unequivocal NO. So for now I will continue on my quest try to emulate AwesomeMod's awesomeness. Some day I'll be able to make the switch to AwesomeMod. Until then, thank you for your time.

Husbands and wives should not share computers!   That's just wrong on so many levels.  Get your own computer (Pro Tip- with AwesomeMod you will not need to use a disk to play the game, so you can both play at the same time.) Then you can prove to her that she is wrong. 
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Fargo Updated on: 2010 August 08, 16:18:44
Yes, I am on that and tracking down the offender as we speak.  The part that ticks me off the most is that the problem occurred between when I uploaded my test version, and when I uploaded the final product.  Had it occurred before testing I would have seen the problem while testing. 
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Fargo Updated on: 2010 August 06, 22:06:10
the strange thing is that I looked at many of the custom lots last evening and saw none of the new CC on them, at least not so far. Maybe I've just missed it, but you would think that if it were included in the download of the lot, that it would be present on the lot it came with.  Huh

I guess the best place to look for the custom content would be the very back of the graveyard, by the pond.  There is a dilapidated, smaller, graveyard with custom tomb stones.  The other is inside the farmers market.  There are bags of fertilizer and packages of seeds ‘for sale' there. 
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Fargo Updated on: 2010 August 05, 06:11:37
There were grave markers among the cc.  Since I never got as far as playing the world, I can't say for sure if all you meant to come did, or, not.

I didn't really mean for any of it to come through.  I had forgotten about the back of the graveyard and the garden bags at the market, until you mentioned it.  I also went through the neighborhood house by house removing what I knew was CC.  It is really hard to know what came with the game and what didn't, without tags.  I think 44 items is pretty small in comparison to what some of the more stylized worlds probably come with.  
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Fargo Updated on: 2010 August 05, 05:38:30
I had heard good things about this world but had not yet tried it.  I decided to download your updated version.  You may want to add in your first post that Fargo downloads with 44 custom content items from TSR.  There were windows, doors, a baby pram, patterns, garden bags, mirror...well you get the drift I'm sure.  This custom content cannot be deleted without also deleting the world.  One can try to delete the cc from the launcher but end up with an error saying it can't be done because of dependents.  I opted to delete everything since there was so much I had absolutely no interest in having in game.  It would have been nice to know in advance that the world contained cc and what it was.

I tried really hard not to include CC in the world at all; I even went house to house removing stuff.  44 items?  Not too bad; they must have been attached to the homes I downloaded.  I really was not aware that they would attach themselves to the world.  I thought there would just be a few blank spots where the items were.  Thank you for letting me know.  Did the old dilapidated tombstones in the back of the grave yard come through?

Could you please upload a version of this updated Fargo without the custom content?
I have the same problem as dolldrms, and when I checked the file in Custard, some of the CC also showed up as corrupt.
Easier said than done.  I suspect that if CC is showing up corrupt that it is a few patterns.  I noticed a few rugs in the world didn't look right.  I didn't build the houses in the world and to look at them I have no idea what came with them as CC and what came with the game, it is not as though they glow or anything.  
I will consider your request but this world is done.  I have already started a larger world.  
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Can't save sim from burning home. Anyone up for BBQ? on: 2010 August 05, 01:12:53

You've got me wondering now about all the mechanics of playing a fire fighter (I played one early on, but only up to level 2 in Twinbrook) so I'm really going to have to play another one - maybe I'll do that in Fargo. It would be a good way to check out the new layout.

My husband had a gnome invasion while playing the firefighter, last night.  It was hilarious.  The gnomes stand there and shout obscenities at you while you try to catch them.  They disappear as you grab.  You can kick them over before you take them.
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Fargo Updated on: 2010 August 05, 00:56:11
Most of the cherry trees are on lots that can easily be deleted without hurting my feelings in the least.  I used them on all the lots for a bit of continuity.  Choose what you love and feel free to replace them.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Fargo Updated on: 2010 August 04, 21:01:18
I have updated Fargo to include new career lots from Ambitions.  There is now a Junkyard/Consignment Shop, Laundromat, Styling Salon, Hangout/Tattoo Parlor and a Firehouse.  I have added a thin land bridge to provide access to the Island.  I have fixed a few floating objects and roads that grew grass from certain angles.  Because Ambitions gave us the ability to add and remove world objects, I added the Space Shuttle back to Fargo.  My Astronaut sim is quite pleased, but if you prefer not to have it, you are welcome to delete it.  I added 2 new neighborhoods to make up for the military housing that I removed.  I've also added a couple of cute parks.  There are now 109 residential lots and 40 community lots.

I'd like to offer special thanks and recognition to all the builders that created the lovely houses in my neighborhood, but I don't know who many of them are.  MATY's own Tangie created one of them; see if you can find it.  Plasticbox created many of the small houses I put in town.  Hatshepsut created many of my suburban houses.  In all cases, if there was something written in the details box, I left it there so there might be a signature of the artists on some of the houses.  If you know the names of any of the other creators, feel free to list their names and give them credit here.  I did not build any of the residential homes but I did alter many of them in tiny ways, either to touch up terrain paint or replace custom content with game objects.

If you are already playing the old Fargo, don't forget to package up your families; you will have to uninstall the old in order to install the new.

Here is where you can get your hands on it…
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Can't save sim from burning home. Anyone up for BBQ? on: 2010 August 04, 01:38:27
Must say I haven't encountered that problem yet, and been playing the firefighter a fair bit.  Was it a custom house or an EAxis one?

It was a custom house.  I can't remember where I acquired it from.  The porch was arranged so that there was one tile between the door and a railing.  I think 2 tiles are required for the kicking the door in animation, but I could be wrong.

Maybe the door was turned the wrong way.  Do you think that would make a difference?  
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Can't save sim from burning home. Anyone up for BBQ? on: 2010 August 03, 23:52:18
No, it wasn't your house.  The house of yours that I added to my world has a 2 by 4 tiled front porch and you have a back door, although that back porch is only 1 tile.  BTW the world is done, I'm just playing one more night with it to make sure I haven't missed any major issues that the new world editor can't fix.
19  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Can't save sim from burning home. Anyone up for BBQ? on: 2010 August 03, 21:36:38
I ran into an annoying issue recently.  My firefighter was unable to break down the front door to a house.  He kept getting the "Can't get to it' bubble and stood there like a dummy.  It was probably because the front porch was only 1 by 2 tiles and there was no room for the animations.  This wasn't the problem; I simply chalk that up to a poorly designed house.  Said house also only had the one entrance.  The occupant has since been given notice that her home is a fire hazard and has added a second fire exit. 

The problem was that I was unable to teleport into the home using testingcheatsenabled and the standard cheat.  The option was available for any exterior location, but nowhere within the house.  I remember someone mentioning here that they had to teleport to get to fires in un-routable locations.  Is this is a new problem?  I'm wondering if it was because it is not possible to teleport into a sim's home without first being invited, or if this is similar to not being able to ‘Build on lot' during a catastrophe.  Either way, let it be a lesson to you to make sure your sim's homes are up to code.
20  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: J. M. PESCADO WILL YOU MARRY ME? on: 2010 August 02, 06:58:58
This thread just got a tiny bit creepy. 
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Can't get "buydebug" to work. Solved. on: 2010 July 31, 18:04:39
That's odd.  I'll try it in my game today with the new AM.  I know it was working yesterday with the 7/17 (or whatever) version.  Do you have testingcheatsenabled, through setconfig?  By that I mean, did you type "setconfig testingcheatsenabled true" or did you just type "testingcheatsenabled true"?  To be clear when I use it I open the control counsel and type in "testingcheatsenabled true" then open it again and type "buydebug".  If you are doing it any differently, that might be the problem.  If you are doing it the same, I say again, that's odd.
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Can't get "buydebug" to work. on: 2010 July 31, 17:46:50
Do you mean that you get a message that says "buydebug is not a valid code", or that you can't find where the items in buydebug are found?   
23  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Your neighborhood is corrupt and has exploded in a bfbvfs on: 2010 July 28, 21:05:31
While I already have numerous people helping me, I'd like to ask one more question about awesomemod and the Sims 3 in general, since I haven't played this game to the depths I have been lately. I was wondering, when I'm playing my main household, if when I look into another rendered sims house, if they should be moving around or not. I see my neighbor comes home and just stands inside her house until it's time to sleep and then goes to work. They work fine on community lots and stuff, so it isn't a matter of AI not working at all, just wondering if they should be doing stuff visible to me at their house. When I visit their house they kind of just stand there too, occasionally talking to me. I only really ask this because I made a new city and I looked at a rendered sims house and they seemed to be moving about. That new city was without awesomemod by the way. Maybe I butchered the config somehow, and made it contradict itself and explode. Free will is off, but I read that they fixed free will messing with non active sims so that is moot. Turned free will on too, no luck, other than the new city without awesomemod. Sorry for not knowing the basics of this game and what should be happening, I'm just OCD and have to make sure my game is working the way it should be. Thanks!

This is normal.  It is called "Low detail mode".  Most of your neighborhood will slip into it when they are not being played.  Some of the sims will go about their lives, but most will go into this catatonic state to reserve CPU and RAM.
24  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Your neighborhood is corrupt and has exploded in a bfbvfs on: 2010 July 28, 20:43:38
Something similar happened to me when I went on vacation back when WA was new and shiny.  My Sim died and I was given the option to return to my last save point.  I should have known better; I should have just quit the game and returned to my last save point on my own; I should never have trusted EA not to corrupt my save. 

I returned home to find a doppelganger of myself standing in my kitchen.  Unlike you, I recognized immediately that there was a problem and trashed my save.  It is always a good idea to have multiple saves at key, life changing points in your game.
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Feedback and Help- CAW on: 2010 July 28, 02:22:31
What you are asking for is not possible at this time, at least not with the tiny island you chose to use as a base.  If you really want to create something like this, you need to choose the largest piece of land possible.  Then you should plop down one of the distance terrain objects.  Carve away at the land until you have chiseled away almost all of the land around the distant terrain.  Then you can make your little islands as far away from that as possible and it will appear as though the main land is in the distance. 

Aside from that I'm not into tiny island towns.  I like large sprawling worlds that put my computer to the test.  There are many others that like them small though.
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