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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Lot Challenge, May 2013, FOUNDATION on: 2013 May 30, 23:25:23
Here's my lot. I have all Eps & SPs & most store stuff.

72 Landgrabb Ave - download it here:


2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots. on: 2013 April 26, 17:13:11
What happens if you install a lot built with several EPs that you don't have? I know that items will be missing but will the lot be broken in some way, so that it brakes the game or family living in the lot?

It will work fine, just the items get replaced with base game items. Probably you will need to "wandhere", though.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots. on: 2013 April 23, 04:35:28
The B.R.A.S.S. bed is the metal bed frame bed, right near the beginning in the catalog listing. It costs around $400 -$450. Have a look at my lot pictures. I hope that helps!
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots. on: 2013 April 13, 20:45:39
Hello everyone Smiley

27 Scott St

Furnished: $13,352
Unfurnished: $10,279

Here is my offering. I used a 20x15 lot, comes with a garden plot & driveway. The house is 2 bedroom, 1 bath & features upgraded appliances. You can download it here

I have all Eps & Stuff Packs except the 70, 80 & 90 thing.

I hope you enjoy it!

5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Lot Challenge, April 2013, TINY lots. on: 2013 April 10, 04:28:27
Where do we submit the lots? Do wee need to take pictures & if so, how big do you want them? need info Smiley
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 28 October 2010 on: 2010 November 05, 01:26:15
A conflict! removed the other mods & it is working fine Smiley Thanks!
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 28 October 2010 on: 2010 November 04, 21:46:05
I can purchase the fruits & grapes from the store but I am unable to plant them :/ Any assistance with this would be appreciated.

8  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: 1am freeze & crash to desctop combo! on: 2009 December 03, 20:35:02
Thank you Keyan! it worked perfectly Smiley
9  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Celebrations Wedding Cakes fix on: 2009 April 03, 09:37:16
I think they were all broken, some more other others. This fixes only the cakes that come with Celebrations. To fix cakes cloned from the Celebrations cakes you need to correct 2 BHAVs.

1) Delivery - Test - Cake Exists? - this BHAV needs to reference the GUID of the current cake not the original wedding cake (all of the Celebrations cakes reference the original wedding cake)

2) Interaction - Get Delivered - this BHAV also needs to reference the GUID of the current cake - they got one of the Celebrations cakes right with this but not the other 3.

You can fix custom cakes cloned from the Celebrations cakes by fixing these 2 BHAVs provided that the original creator cloned both the cake & the slices. If only the cake was cloned then it still won't work.
10  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Celebrations Wedding Cakes fix on: 2009 March 21, 08:45:26
this fixes the problem with the Celebrations wedding cakes that can't be cut & served
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Why don't CC wedding cakes work? on: 2009 March 21, 06:49:25
The problem with cake 3 from ProNup Sims is that only the cake is in the package, the cake slices are missing. No slices means there is nothing for the sims to get so they jump out of the interaction.

There is a different problem with the celebrations cakes - the fix for the celebrations cakes is here:,14659.0.html
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: buyable tans? on: 2007 July 22, 05:39:05
I don't see why you couldn't just clone the Tattoo overlay packages & replace the tattoo images with fully tinted transparencies in the tanned color you want. All of the body parts are included (body face & hair) you'd just have to make them all the same color. I even did a tutorial on how to make your own overlay packages.
13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Maxis Broke the Pescado Beard in Black on: 2007 July 19, 12:00:23
I'll have another look at this to see if I can figure out the grey thng. As far as what I installed - LOL - I have everything except the Life Stories, so all EPs & Stuff Packs, so maybe it's one of the stuff packs. i also have installed all of the patches. Weird - at any rate I'll see what I can figure out. thanks for testing it Smiley
14  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Maxis Broke the Pescado Beard in Black on: 2007 July 19, 01:36:27

Test this out & see if it fixes it for you. For some reason the black beard already shows up for me so I don;t know if this will work or not. If it does I'll delete it & post the fix in Peasantry - but - let me know, ok?
15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Maxis Broke the Pescado Beard in Black on: 2007 July 18, 08:30:04
I've never noticed this before & I just tested it to see - but - all of the beards are showing up for me with Seasons.

Which beard is it? I also just looked for the fix but i can't find that either:/ <having a bad hair day!>
16  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Body overlays - tattoos or anatomy bits on: 2007 July 15, 02:09:44
Currently the bits are set up to just use the standard maxis skin tones. I've posted a message in the Sexysims2 thread that explains how to switch the numbers for custom skins, so I won;t repeat it here. It's easy to do unless you want to add additional skintone ranges & that'll take some work. i'll do a tutorial on how to add more, but not til next week Smiley
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Body overlays - tattoos or anatomy bits on: 2007 July 14, 22:21:04
Thanks Gwill for letting me know. I was just trying to be, you know, discrete.

Thanks for posting the links!

JM - yeah - starting with the sunburn was the key as it allowed me to actually see what the primitive is doing. The vamp overlay doesn't allow that - it either is or isn't "on".
18  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Cper and Csla Archetypes - Now with 100% more working than the competition! on: 2007 July 14, 08:48:57

You can add new sets - have a look at this package I did based on the Jeannette face. It's not complete & only shows up in body Shop but it might help you figure out what to do.

There's also a good write up by Wes_H on adding dog collars over at MTS2 that explains how all the keys work together, I found it very informative when I was getting the overlays working.

I am glad you are tacking this Smiley I can scratch it off my list now!

19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Body overlays - tattoos or anatomy bits on: 2007 July 14, 08:24:34

Well, it was a lot of trial & much error Smiley

When I was working on getting the sunburn overlays working, I noticed that 0x017C was pointing to the instance Number of a collection in the globalcatbin.package, which tied into the same instance numbered 3IDR that pointed to the appropriate Text List with all the Property Sets names. But I was still missing something. Eventually I stumbled across Wes's tutorial on how to add dog collars - which explained how there are 3 sets of keys linking stuff together. I had to dig through about 800 3IDRs in the globalcatbin package to find the right 3iDRs because you can't access that info in debug mode because the overlays never show up.

Then I just extracted everything related to the sunburn overlays & started slowly morphing it from EAs to mine by changing one thing at a time until it didn't work. Later I figured out that I had to use the global group rather than a custom group for the TXTR & TXMTs & once that happened the rest fell into place. Starting with the sunburn overlays was the key for me - I knew we should be able to replicate this effect because the sunburn overlay gets put on when the sim is in distress & removed when they recover, unlike the vampire overlay which is basically there until they are non-vampires.
20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Body overlays - tattoos or anatomy bits on: 2007 July 14, 04:28:39
Hi Ste Smiley

Basically - you could use both custom skins & defaults with the anatomy bits. You have to actually choose to put the bits on each sime. They may or may not cover up what's already on existing skins - these are slightly transparent & may not be exactly the same size/shape as custom skins. Hopefully many of the full skin creators will like this idea & will convert their anatomy bits to share & leave their actual custom skins bare so people can choose the skins tones 7 whatever biits they want - sort of how to please everyone. I don;t expect this to happen overnight! But I do think most people will see the benefits of converting them.

It probably could be made to work with the plantsims & Werewolves - but - they both have the same priority in the game & the Plantsim/Werewolf skins are not very transparent, so, while the bits are likelystill there, they don;t show & I wasn;t positive they they wouldn;t conflict. So, i decided to exclude them. I may look into this decision again next week, but i need a break from it right now Smiley

Yeah - the males is just pubic hair. I didn;t really spend a lot of time on the graphics because I assumed people would just swap out my textures anyway. My main goal was just getting this to work & work correctly.

I think you might have to remove the anatomy bits & reapply them if you change skin tone or hair color but I'm not positive. I didn;t actually try it. I tested going from teen through elder & that part works. Worst case is you have to remove then reapply them.

There are some clothes in the game that have tattoos on them - actually the male tattoo is the one from the Uni urbz skin, I think. These outfits will need to be converted if people want them. The esiest way to make new tattoos is to look for some "dingbat" fonts & use them - that's how I did the female tattoos Smiley
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Body overlays - tattoos or anatomy bits on: 2007 July 14, 02:00:48

Yes - you can have multiple overlays - both anatomy bits & the tattoos & as far as I tested it works with the Vampires. I don;t think there's an easy way to apply it to everyone but I actually didn;t look into that. LOL - I spent two solid weeks getting this part working.

BastDawn, using default replacements is still certainly a choice. I just wanted to be able to have blonds & redheds with the right hair colors. My file is tiny, especially when compared to a skin replacement, let alone multiple replacements. But it's really personal choice. This will just give people a lot more choices & freedom to put what they want on the skins they want.
22  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Body overlays - tattoos or anatomy bits on: 2007 July 13, 23:29:25
Hi Smiley

I hope it isn't wong to post this here. I know a lot of your are intereseted in body overlays & not everyone visits MTS2.

I've managed to get them working Smiley

Tattoos & anatony bits at the adult site. I won't post a link but they are in the hacks section there.

23  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Garden Sprinklers Break Less on: 2007 July 09, 03:51:59
Here's a small mod I made awhile ago that makes sprinklers break less - they will still break, just not as much.
24  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sim allergies on: 2007 July 07, 12:12:09
In my quest to get the sunburn/frostburn overlays working I did a lot of investigating the allegies - it's totally random Smiley At some point they get the allergy token, then the next loop through it gets removed. It's not permanent & only happens in the spring.

In case you want the sunburn/frostburn look on demand you can find it at
25  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Living expensive on: 2007 June 29, 02:20:52

I'll look into this & see what I can come up with. My mod does fix the dorm "divide by zero" problem that Pescado's fix does, it just does it in a different way Smiley The original dorm billing gets the price then divides it by the number of myne doors on the lot, but, if you built a custom dorm & didn't put in Myne doors, then you'd get the divide by zero error. JM fixed that, my mod just eliminates counting the doors & substitutes counting playable sims - but - they do conflict because they mod the same BHAV. You only need one of them.

Warge - I think you are misunderstanding. The dorm billing only affects dorms. It bills every playable sim $300 for living in the dorm. The alternative mods I posted also bill for the dorms, but they also increase overall billing on all of the other lots. If a sim is poor & has a 2 x 2 lot, they will be billed appropriately for that 2 x 2 lot - then the bill is simply multiplied by 3 or 5 or whatever you decide. The rich sim on a large lot is still billed according to the size of the lot 7 how much stuff they have, then taht bill is multiplied by 3 or 5 - so everyone gets billed more, but it's proportional to how big the lot is & how much stuff they have.
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