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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Pets and travels
on: 2012 September 11, 19:23:46
What happens when a single sim wants to travel, but has pets at home (horses, in particular)? Can I send him abroad without problems? I got the pets EP together with SN, so I'm completely new to this stuff.
EA's not THAT bad. Your pets should be fine while traveling.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 Patch 1.38
on: 2012 September 01, 04:49:48
Via SimAd, a massive list of changes. Godspeed XML modders. In JazzData only LocomotionConfig is changed.
In GamePlayData.package the changes are:
AddSmartSensor_PetFeedingStation AdmireSelf_Mirror AdmireSelf_VanityDresser AgingManager_0xc91a73dbff35eeca AskToBehave_Sim AutoVenuePlacement Awareness Awwww_Sim BakingDish_CleanUp_BakingDish BakingDish_CookInOven_BakingDish BakingDish_Prepare_BakingDish Balloons Bars Bathtub_0xe7c16e5507467768 BedMakeBed_Bed BedSleep_0xae29aadc36ba8672 BedVibrate_Bed Bed_BeReadToSleep_Sim Bed_ReadToSleep_Sim Blog_Computer BlowBubbles_BubbleBar Books Bookshelf_PutAllBooksAway_Bookshelf Bookshelf_ReadSomething_Bookshelf Bookshelf_ReadToToddler_Bookshelf Bookshelf_Read_Bookshelf BrewPotion_MagicCauldronRegency BrowseWeb_Computer BrushTeeth_Sink Buffs buffs_store CareerEvents Careers CASLogic_0xe529346fdcd11774 CastSpell_Sim ChallengeDelegateFunctions_0x9b4a05d733c3bb3e ChallengeSets ChangeAppearance_Mirror ChangeAppearance_VanityDresser ChangeDiaper_Sim ChangeSwingState_BabySwing ChatRandom_Computer ChatSpecific_Computer CheckOutWrinkles_Mirror CheckOutWrinkles_VanityDresser CheckSelfOutInMirror_Mirror CheckSelfOutInMirror_VanityDresser Check_Fireplace ChessTable_0xaa9f8d0b8d4f3b3a CircumstancePrimitives CleanBathtub_Bathtub CleanLitterBox_LitterBox CleanOut_FishBowlBase CleanShower_Shower CleanSink_Sink CleanUpCake_CleanU CleanUp_AshPile CleanUp_BarTray Cleanup_BuffetTable CleanUp_CatHuntFailureObject CleanUp_ClothingPileDry CleanUp_CowPlant CleanUp_FoodScrap CleanUp_LitterPile CleanUp_MeltedHeap CleanUp_PicnicBasket CleanUp_ScatteredFeathers CleanUp_SnackBowl CleanUp_ToyScraps CleanUp_Trashcan CleanUp_VomitPile Clean_BoxStall Clean_Counter Clean_FishTank Clean_HighChair Clean_MinorPetTerrarium Clean_Toilet Clean_UrinalHandFlush Computer_0xd31a7e9da0865e6c Conjure_MagicCauldronRegency CowPlant_0x2a08693a95868c37 Crib_ReadToSleep_Sim Criminal_0xe58032638f5c477a CrystalBall_0xc0fa483f5b887338 CuddleRelaxingVibrate_Sim Cuttingboard_CleanUp_CuttingBoard CuttingBoard_Prepare_CuttingBoard DanceOnCounterOrTable_IDanceOnCounterOrTableObject DanceSolo_GameObject DanceTogetherA_Sim Dance_Bass Dance_DJTurntable Dance_Drums Dance_GameObject Dance_Piano DeathReaction_Sim Demographics DemographicsAppaloosaPlains DemographicsChina DemographicsEgypt DemographicsFrance DemographicsNewDowntownWorld DemographicsTwinBrook Dishwasher_0xb2d99b052b615a08 DisposeAlivePlant_Plant DisposeDeadPlant_Plant DisposeDollHouse_DollHouse DisposeOpportunityTrash_TrashPileOpportunity DisposeOutside_TrashPile DisposePotion_MagicCauldronRegency DisposeTrash_TrashPile DnPDefaultIcons DoHomework_Homework Donate_FishTank DoPlay_DJTurntable DreamNodeInstanceDefaults DreamsAndPromisesManager_0xb67b426e698edd03 DreamsAndPromisesNodes DrinkBarGlass_IEdible DryClothesInDryer_ClothingPileWet DryClothesOnClothesline_ClothingPileWet DryClothing_Clothesline DryClothing_Dryer EatCake_CowPlant EditCollectionDialog_0xf3ffd9ee5aeb7c14 ElectroDanceSphere_0x7d37a52e0b619694 EmptyTrash_IAcceptsGarbage Empty_PottyChair ExtinguishSim_Sim Extinguish_Fire FeedAllFishOnLot_IFishContainer FeedAutonomously_FishBowlBase FeedAutonomous_FishTank FeedManyDefinition_PetBowl FeedOnFloor_Sim FeedPetGourmetFood_PetFood FeedPet_PetBowl FeedToddlerInHighChair_Sim FeedTreat_Sim Feed_CowPlant Feed_FishTank FillBowl_PetBowl Fill_PetFeedingStation Fishing FoodTray_CleanUp_FoodTray FoosballTable_0xc6c105eb1ae37b1e FootMassageChair_0xbc93e12a1a994d03 FortuneCookieMaker_0xa02554d2c969d43b FrankenSimConverse_ICounterSurfaceAppliance FrankensteinReaction_Sim Fridge_CleanOutBadFood_Fridge Fridge_Prepare_Fridge FryingPan_CleanUp_FryingPan FryingPan_CookOnStove_FryingPan FryingPan_Prepare_FryingPan GameplayInitializers Genetics_0x71bbafc2bb6085c7 GetCleanLaundry_Clothesline GetCleanLaundry_Dryer GhostReaction_Sim GiveBabyFood_HighChair GiveBottle_HighChair GiveBottle_Sim GussyUp_Mirror GussyUp_VanityDresser HearMyFortune_CrystalBall HelpWithHomework_Homework HideClothes_SkinnyDipClothingPile HoldChild_BabySwing Homework_0x279b8bc53dcefa96 HotTubBase_0x6a44ed3fe8ed504d Idles Imbue_TreeOfProsperity Ingredients Insects InsectSwarms_0x18fe538fc403588a JobsAndTasks JoinPoolGame_PoolTable Join_HopscotchCourt Jukebox_0xddd727b50ad6885b KaraokeMachine_0x09985c95e24a126b KickGnome_GardenGnome KickOver_Flamingo Kick_VendingMachine KnockOver_TrashcanOutside LearnSpells_SpellBook LickClean_ServingContainerSingle LinkedWishes LookOutWindow_Windows LookThroughOrStargaze_Telescope Lot_0x66e02479706b771a Mailbox_0x894944a6dad4a2cf MakeDrinks_Bar MakeDrink_Bar MakeHotBeverage_HotBeverageMachine Motives Motive_0xf8d47557a2e45d9e MournInteraction_Sim Mourn_Urnstone MultiSeatObject_0x9cd7892a5b280bb0 MummyReaction_Sim NectarMaker_0x1d2e9ddb3e22d61f News Notifications NpcRoles ObjectCategoryData OccultVampire_0x36330d971d54d54d OnOff_PetFeedingStation Paint_Easel PaperContainer_CleanUp_CleanU PetPlant_CowPlant Photography PickFruit_TreeOfProsperity PickUpAndDrink_Glass PickUpChildFromSwing_BabySwing PickUp_PutInInventor PickUp_TrashcanOutside PillowFight_PillowFight PizzaBox_CleanUp_CleanU Plants Plant_0xd2daa8b8e789f61a PlayChess_Computer PlayComputerGames_Computer PlayComputerGames_ComputerCheap PlayFoosballInteraction_FoosballTable PlayGame_ArcadeMachineBase PlayGame_CocktailTableArcadeMachine PlayVideoGameSystemOnTV_TVCheap PlayVideoGameSystemOnTV_TVExpensive PlayVideoGameSystemOnTV_TVModerate PlayVideoGameSystemOnTV_TVModerateFlatscreen PlayVideoGameSystemOnTV_TVWall PlayVideoPoker_Computer PlayWithFire_Fireplace PlayWithMirror_Mirror PlayWithMirror_VanityDresser PlayWithToy_ToyBox PostWorldInitializers Pot_CleanUp_Pot Pot_Prepare_Pot PracticeSpeech_Mirror PracticeSpeech_VanityDresser Pregnancy_0x11f25825c4c91614 PushKickReaction_Sim PutAwayLeftovers_ServingContainer PutAwayPetToys_PetToy PutAwayToys_PetToyCrate PutAway_Book PutAway_PetToy PutAway_ToyBoxToy PutCarriedChildInSwing_BabySwing PutDown_VoodooDoll PutInSwing_Sim ReactToKickedFlamingo_Sim ReadBookChooser_Book ReadBook_Book ReadBook_BookGeneral ReadBook_BookSkill RealEstate RecipeMasterList RecipeMasterList_store RecycleJournal_MedicalJournal RecycleNewspaper_Newspaper Register RepairableComponent_0x340cd58a3a1b1753 RepairBathtub_Bathtub RepairComputer_Computer RepairDishwasher_Dishwasher RepairEDS_ElectroDanceSphere RepairFrankenstein_Sim RepairHotTub_HotTubBase RepairJukebox_Jukebox RepairKaraokeMachine_KaraokeMachine RepairShower_Shower RepairSink_Sink RepairSpeaker_WallMountedSpeaker RepairStereo_Stereo RepairTV_TV Repair_FootMassageChair Repair_FortuneCookieMaker Repair_GumballMachine Repair_NectarMaker Repair_PetFeedingStation Repair_PinballMachine Repair_RoutineMachine Repair_SleepPodFuture Repair_TattooChairAdvanced Repair_TattooChairReal Repair_Teleporter Repair_TimeMachine Repair_Toilet Repair_TrashCompactor Repair_WashingMachine ReviewSpells_SpellBook RideBull_MechanicalBull RoastMarshmallow_FirePit RockGemMetal RockGemMetalSpawner_0x9c9ade5ce9947224 Rummage_IOutdoorAcceptsGarbage Sabotage_PetFeedingStation Scare_Sim Scold_CowPlant ScoopOut_FishTank SearchGalaxyInteraction_Telescope SeedSpawnerChina1_0xe7ffa8126cf21a36 SeedSpawnerChina2_0xe7ffa8126cf21a35 SeedSpawnerCommon1_0x7572fb4cb52e35a4 SeedSpawnerCommon2_0x7572fb4cb52e35a7 SeedSpawnerCommon3_0x7572fb4cb52e35a6 SeedSpawnerCommon4_0x7572fb4cb52e35a1 SeedSpawnerEgypt1_0x0f7ea1ac38b96e1a SeedSpawnerEgypt2_0x0f7ea1ac38b96e19 SeedSpawnerFrance1_0x551fdb30a42e4076 SeedSpawnerFrance2_0x551fdb30a42e4075 SeedSpawnerFrance3_0x551fdb30a42e4074 SeedSpawnerFrance4_0x551fdb30a42e4073 SeedSpawnerRare1_0x121f9590f7c33d4d SeedSpawnerRare2_0x121f9590f7c33d4e SeedSpawnerRare3_0x121f9590f7c33d4f SeedSpawnerRarity_0x8ef62d5500ccf18d SeedSpawnerSpecial1_0x5a069297b3074086 SeedSpawnerSpecial2_0x5a069297b3074085 SeedSpawnerSpecial3_0x5a069297b3074084 SeedSpawnerUncommon1_0xe8fff7185d275f3f SeedSpawnerUncommon2_0xe8fff7185d275f3c SeedSpawnerUncommon3_0xe8fff7185d275f3d ServeFood_HighChair ServingContainerGroup_CleanUp_ServingContainerGroup ServingContainer_CleanUp_ServingContainer SetFeederTimer_PetFeedingStation SetObjects_store ShowerTub_0x5ba63779a2d7a9b3 Shower_0x72f34a5000f4cc6a SimRoutingComponent_0x7728186024b1edce SimUpdate_0x4111135bea0b0262 SimWalkStyleRules_0xe360ef92b8233fca Sim_0xa29571c6f77aa18d Sim_ReadToSleep_Autonomous_Sim Sim_ReadToSleep_PickBook_Sim Sink_0x6eff340ce40451d5 SitAndWait_GameObject SkillBasedCareers Skills skills_store Skill_0x927b292f16a5b573 Slide_StaircaseSpiralWithRailing Snack_CleanUp_CleanU Snuggle_Sim SocialCallback_0xbf46450a94a5eab2 SocialComponent_0xd23f83ef7f810490 SocialData_BaseGame SocialData_EP3 Socializing SocializingActionAvailability SpellEnchant_CrystalBall SpellEnchant_SpellBook StandUpGnome_GardenGnome StandUp_Flamingo Stereo Stereo_0xd77b1cf3e56201db Stock_FishTank Stove_Clean_Stove SwatInsect_ScenarioMoth Swinging_BabySwing Swing_SwingSet TakeBath_CornerBathtub TakeBubbleBath_CornerBathtub TalkToPlant_Plant TattooChair_0x21ef962fb6dfa8d8 TeachPlayDeadTrick_Sim TeachRollOverTrick_Sim TeachShakeTrick_Sim TeachSitTrick_Sim TeachSitUpTrick_Sim TeachSpeakTrick_Sim TeachToTalk_Sim TeachToWalk_Sim Teleporter_0x81e5ad55bd18e000 TeleportToCommunityLot_RoutineMachine TeleportToGym_RoutineMachine TeleportToPointDestination_RoutineMachine TeleportToShop_RoutineMachine TeleportToWorkOrSchool_RoutineMachine TellOwnFortune_CrystalBall TellSimBogus_CrystalBall TellSimFortune_CrystalBall Tickle_Sim TimedCry_Sim TimeMachine_0x404c26f00b180cd2 Tinker_PetFeedingStation ToddlerHug_Sim Toilet_0x236c504b2fa572bb TossInAir_Sim ToyBox_0x342adb7f1bac7e5e TraitManager_0x85009be60155d3c6 Traits TraitTuning_0xc4e3fd010a0b7db0 Trashcan_0xcdfe1ccd444ef510 TrashCompactor_0xde3fb13fa50a1662 TurnOnInteraction_Stereo Tutorial TV_0x2ebd9038fd112af1 UberClean_Toilet UpgradeMakeUnbreakable_PetFeedingStation UpgradePreventBreakage_RoutineMachine UpgradeSpeakers_RoutineMachine UpgradeTransporter_RoutineMachine Urnstone_0x8332d3edece83e1e VelvetRopes_0x4d419f8a196b7359 Venues WallMountedSpeaker_0xd4596d455c9c7024 WarmSelf_Fireplace WashHands_Sink WatchChild_BabySwing WatchTVAutonomously_TVCheap WatchTVAutonomously_TVExpensive WatchTVAutonomously_TVModerate WatchTVAutonomously_TVModerateFlatscreen WatchTVAutonomously_TVWall WatchTV_TVCheap Watch_FishTank WaterPlant_Plant WeedPlant_Plant Weed_Weeds WooHoo_PhotoBooth WorkOut_ChinUpBar WorkOut_WorkoutBench WriteNovel_Computer WritingChallengeSet Writing_0x49f73ba878b269dc XpBasedCareer_0x7996ef5c7f17e520
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: New Patches 1.31/1.32
on: 2012 March 11, 04:20:49
so my shit is fucked- when i try to go to an old family there's no squares on the left side with my members in it-no control. when i try to start a new one i'm stuck in town view. doesn't freeze just doesn't go down to the new house or have control options pop up. this is since my last patch, version
Kissing Toast, how dare you make socks that spout shitty grammar!
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Lights! Camera! Inaction! SHOWTIME!
on: 2012 March 11, 04:17:07
I haven't had any/more lag in Starlight Whatever, but I have had several cases of the audio cutting out for a while (lets say five minutes) and then coming back on allofasuddenandrushedlike. It's very strange.
I can second this. The sound in my game has been cutting out while testing a lot I've been building (a watering hole IIRC) in Builder's Island. It appears that the ambient sounds are cutting off the music playing from a jukebox inside the lot.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Sims 3 Pets- Whats borked thread
on: 2011 November 13, 00:09:03
Hunter training seems to be broken, in that a cat can learn hunting skill from eating, guarding furniture, sleeping, playing with humans, playing with other cats (not just the pounce interaction either), breathing, going to the toilet, etc. All the while through training fatigue. It's taken my sim cat 3 days to get to level 8 hunter. Surely that can't be right?!
ETA: reset sim fixed the sticky hunter training issue. I really hope I'm not going to have to do this for every pet I train. Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
This only appears when Cat A pounces on Cat B, Cat A's skill meter sticks. When the cat in question does anything else regarding "hunting" it should be safe and the skill meter should drop immediately. Unfortunately EA left no tuning regarding the pounce interaction itself, but just a tuning file regarding the "transition to pounce." This means that the interaction can't be disabled at all, I've tried it. I'm pretty sure there's something in the script that can be fixed, however.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The infinite grounding loop, RE: Generations
on: 2011 November 05, 20:09:25
One solution I've found to somewhat fix this is modify the Punishment XML file by adding this in the code: <AbsolvingAction> <AbsolvingActionType>GoToSchoolInRabbitHole</AbsolvingActionType> <TroublePointsRemoved>20</TroublePointsRemoved> </AbsolvingAction>
The only drawback is Sims won't be able to go to school by bus, you will have to direct them to go to school either by clicking on the rabbithole (they will go by cab) or a vehicle that they can use. At least the Sim in question won't be scolded for going to school.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
on: 2011 October 19, 23:04:49
Not sure whether this is store related or not but since it's a promo/reward item I figured I'd post this here. Does anybody have a idea how to get the pets costumes? I believe you had to pre-order with origin to get them so I don't expect MATYANS (MATYians?) to have these. Though maybe you know people that did pre-order with origin and got it. I'll be googling for them in the mean time.
I'm pretty sure you can ask the Zetatard, since this is its kind of thing.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Generations: What Sucks, What's Fucked, and What Did EA Get Right by Utter Luck
on: 2011 June 01, 04:13:59
Sending Sims on dates are annoying as hell if the active Sim doesn't have a car. It appears that when the active Sim goes on a date with Sim B, Sim B drives away leaving the active Sim behind. After that, I had to click on the venue again and wait for Sim B to show up. Sim B shows up and goes into the cab. Also, the option for "Ask 'x' to Leave Date" when clicking on Sim B is stupid. "End the Date" fits better. I suppose that changing the wording is too much work. I'm hoping that group outings didn't get borked.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The Sims Medieval
on: 2011 March 23, 10:27:02
Anyone tried opening the game packages with s3pe yet? Is it compatible with the modding tools available?
I was able to open the packages successfully. To add on to Spockers' response, the exception errors I got were for VXPY and RIG. There are probably more file types that get these errors, but I just wanted to see if s3pe would go crazy if I opened up a package file from TSM.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Will we be able to import our own music into Build/Buy mode?
on: 2009 December 13, 02:53:46
I obviously do know how to search because I dug up this thread. That shows I certainly did search for an answer. If you have done some searching and have found an answer then your reply could have been constructive if you were able to point me in the correct direction.
And as for your grammar, it's pretty ridiculous to point out flaws in the way I type, when you yourself cannot post a sentence without sounding retarded.
Just because you dig up an old thread does not make you very special at all. Heck you didn't even have to use this site to find your answer. Google would've helped you out. Just because you're new you do not get any special treatments. You have to do the job yourself. We are not a "nice" sim site like others seem to be. This is a whole new territory. Maybe you'll enjoy flailing your arms about in Retardo Land?