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26  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: What did you do with the Wolff family? on: 2009 July 13, 18:00:12
If you read the bio of the Landgraab family, it says that Geoffrey took Nancy's name because of her family's status in the town.
27  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 10, 21:37:35
Okay then, 'DIAF Raymundo' would work for me.
28  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 10, 20:20:58
Except for Raymundo! makes me miss the bonfire from Uni.  Cheesy

You know, I think the next novel my Sim writes after Suicidal Emo Rabbits will be called The Agonizing Fiery Death of Raymundo.  Cheesy
29  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 10, 19:06:16
Yeah, I'd love for them to be able to buy copies of Sim authored books in the store. At least they can read them in the library, which is an improvement on the Sims 2 novels where only one copy existed ever.
30  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 10, 18:58:42
The next time I have a Sim write a novel, I'm calling it Suicidal Emo Rabbits.
31  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: What did you do with the Wolff family? on: 2009 July 10, 16:49:22
I like the Wolff family as well, though I haven't played them. In my previous Sunset Valley, they had a daughter, Marlena, who inherited her father's silver-tipped hair. It was interesting to see a child with grey streaks, but she eventually grew into it. She later cloned spawned herself, passing the silver tipped hair to another daughter. I then married one of the sons in my family to her, hoping they'd breed. I did play them to make them try for baby, twice, but failed to get her pregnant. They died of old age, and left the house empty.
32  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 10, 16:40:43
Aww, the bunny is cute and fluffy. Be careful, it's so cute and fluffy, someone might try to eat it.  Tongue
33  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 10, 01:05:02
Often I think too hard about the impact of my decisions (such as whether to eat meat or not) on the environment, on the general amount of suffering in the world, greedy corporate farms, etc., and then my mind boings in the opposite direction, and I think what does any of it matter? Does it really matter that animals die atrociously to bloat overweight fast food eaters, or that 35,000 children starve every day? None of us are getting out of here alive. Maybe the suffering and pain and waste make it all more meaningful.

No offense to Wiccans, of course.

I was going to cut myself after reading that, because the suffering and pain makes my futile life more meaningful, but instead I'm posting a lolcat.
34  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 09, 17:22:11
I should hope that self-preservation would take priority over "I can't kill this.  Its cute and fluffy!".

I don't think cows, chickens and pigs are cute and fluffy, really. Cats are cute and fluffy. If it came down to self-preservation, I'd kill and eat my fat loser neighbor (also not cute and fluffy) before I'd kill any of the stray cats in my neighborhood for food.
35  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 08, 14:47:33
I'm no supporter of Palin, and I do think she was stupid to not realize she would get flak for doing an interview with a turkey being slaughtered behind her, but I also thought people made way too big of deal about it. They were actually censor blurring out the turkey slaughter when presenting it on the news, and getting all squeamish about it. I try to make a point of not criticizing meat eaters, since I don't want them criticizing me (not that that stops them), but the one thing that really bothers me about most meat eaters is that they do get squeamish about animal slaughter, even when it's as relatively humane as what was going on in that Palin video. Seriously, if you are that grossed out by how the food you eat is produced, how do you still eat it?
36  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Weird career bug. on: 2009 July 06, 00:45:39
I've seen reports about some weird access blockage of the criminal warehouse in Riverview. Check this thread:,15414.msg444215.html#msg444215
37  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 05, 15:04:14
Actually, one of the primary reasons that tigers are endangered is over hunting by humans. Not for the meat, but for the fur, and for the 'medicinal' properties of its penis. Also just for sport. They aren't really very good at defending themselves against humans with guns. The reason we don't eat animals like tigers is that they don't do all that well in captivity and could not be mass produced the way cows and chickens can.
38  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 05, 01:15:53
"Sounds like" screaming isn't necessarily really screaming.
FWIW, my 'ethical choice' isn't about the slaughtering of animals. Animals kill and eat other animals, and humans are no different from the other animals. I don't approve of many of the practices of industrial farming, the way the animals are forced to live before slaughter, so your argument doesn't really blow all ethical vegetarians out of the water.
What I fail to understand is why any mention of vegetarianism, in which no one is trying to convert meat eaters, always brings out people who want to prove vegetarians are wrong. Why the fuck do you care what other people eat? Why does it bother you that someone has made a different lifestyle choice than you?
39  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / World of Puddings / Re: Faizah 2.0: More images than ever. on: 2009 July 04, 19:09:09
Thessaly, perhaps?

40  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 04, 03:42:23
I do, however, get very tired of those (most likely not here, just in other places I see) talking about meat substitutes and the like.  I can't help but think if a person isn't going to eat meat, why do they want a meat substitute? Cheesy

If you've read this thread, you've seen people say they eat things like tofu, seitan or veggie burgers because they like them. Some people who eat meat also eat these 'meat substitutes' because they like them. Get it now? I don't get why you should be 'very tired' of people talking about what they eat, for whatever reason. If you are tired of the conversation around you, go talk to someone else. I'm kind of tired of hearing other people's opinions of what I eat, especially since I'm not trying to get you to eat what I'm eating. Again, why do you care?
41  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 03, 12:05:24
Funny thing.  I eat meat therefore I get plenty of protein, potassium, and a lot of amino acids that aren't in any other food source. When I shop for groceries I'm not looking for food substitutes I'm buying food (whether it be meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, etc.).  I rarely see a vegan or vegetarian NOT look for a meat substitute while shopping.  I see products like tofu being advertised for their meat-like qualities and all kinds of weird things like that.  (I have tried tofu and that stuff is darned disgusting.) If a particular style of eating is good for a person, why do they need to be looking for substitutes for the foods they don't eat?  I don't eat much in the line of grains and I don't bother looking for grain substitutes.  I don't eat processed sugar, and I also don't use sugar substitutes.

When you say you rarely see a vegetarian or vegan not looking for a meat substitute, how do you know who is and isn't a vegetarian while shopping? Do you look into people's carts to see if they have meat products? Do you follow around shoppers who don't have meat products to see if they buy tofu or frozen veggie burgers? Why the fuck do you care what other people eat? You are the kind of person some of us were talking about, you see a discussion about vegetarianism in which no one is saying anyone else should give up meat if they don't want, and you come in to tell us why vegetarians are wrong.
42  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 02, 17:58:32
Solace, this thread will provide some context:,12710.0.html
43  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 02, 16:38:51
I really don't see the entire problem with animal-eating, really. Protesting the inhumane practices of factory farming doesn't mean you give up meat. It just means you kill it yourself. Try some 100% organic, free-range, all-natural, automotively processed meat.

I agree with that absolutely. I'm a pro-hunting vegetarian. The problem is where I live, the only meat I'd be able to hunt is stray cats and dogs, squirrels and raccoons, and if I were to go up into the hills, coyotes. None of which appeal to me due to my cultural conditioning, so I end up just not eating meat.
44  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 02, 15:33:30
This is why you quit being one of those ethical ones. I can eat all the marshmallows I want.

Marshmallows are one of those things I won't eat because of the texture. I don't care that they're made of gelatin, I just think they're nasty.
45  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 July 02, 14:36:36
I've been able to get them to woohoo in bed without having them do any flirt actions previous to having them relax in bed. If it weren't for that, my Sims wouldn't get to woohoo at all. I can't stand going through the whole romance tree every time.
46  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 02, 12:06:36
I think the interactions added regarding the vegetarian Sims are pretty funny. People always like to stereotype vegetarians as annoying preachers whereas my experience is that most people immediately question me and want me to justify why I do not eat meat, as if I am attacking them by choosing to live differently!

That is so spot on. I rarely even tell people I'm a vegetarian because of the reaction I get. I've never preached my lifestyle to anyone, but I've gotten a lot of preaching from meat eaters.  I've had people whose only daily vegetable intake was the condiments on their McDonald's burger tell me my diet wasn't balanced enough.
47  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 01, 20:38:59
Thanks, phyllis. I'm glad vegetarians don't just have to take teasing from others, they can harass people right back. There is a vegetarian in my extended Sim family (the younger sister of the Sim I'm currently playing). I'll have to play with her a little and see how many people she can piss off at a BBQ.
48  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 01, 19:19:16
 Cheesy Can vegetarians harass non-vegetarians for their meat eating ways?
I used to have a friend (my college roommate) who called herself a vegetarian, but actually ate fish & poultry. We were at a BBQ where she would hassle the beef burger eaters while she was herself eating turkey burgers.  Roll Eyes 
49  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 01, 18:21:55
What I find hilarious about the vegetarian trait is that in Sims 3, meat grows on plants like a fruit or vegetable, so there's no reason to be a vegetarian.
Well, some vegetarians aren't vegetarians because they want to save animals. Like myself. I just hate the taste of meat and the texture of the fat globules and strings. I still like the flavor. I can't process the real stuff well, anymore, as I found out when I tried some pepperoni on a lark.

That's true. My vegetarianism is also not based on wanting to save animals from slaughter, but more of a boycott of the practices of meat farms. So I'm also an exception to the generalization I just made.
50  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Does the Vegetarian Trait affect anything besides food choices? on: 2009 July 01, 16:00:50
Someone gave me the stupid console version of Sims 2, so I tried it out. It had a section in the fridge for 'Harvested Meats'. My first thought was 'cool, a slaughterhouse!', but it turned out the harvested meat category was for the fish you pulled out of your aquarium. Now in Sims 3, harvested meats come from bushes.  Roll Eyes
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