Title: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 12, 06:24:37 (http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b33/omegastarr/TheSims3Storesmall.jpg) KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes (http://www.mediafire.com/?186l9ykru020cv7) This part is only needed if you use decrapped versions of this content. Decrapping breaks certain links and this fixes them. This fixes the following problems.
KT_StoreFix_Fixes (http://www.mediafire.com/?lheni7prqz2pvnc) There are some things actually broken with some store objects, this mod fixes those problems. This fixes the following problems.
Quote I've added individual packages for the actual fixes because the unCAStable fixes are not 100% yet. Don't let that deter you from using them though, they work as they should. Right now the only problems are these: I've encountered with these sometimes when you go to CASt them then cancel doing so they become unCAStable again. So don't cancel the job and you'll be fine, and again I stress, sometimes. Then lastly with the Regal fence, the transparency doesn't work right away. As a work around, for now, place two sections of fence then the 1-tile gate, CASt the gate and drag the color template over to the fence. This will fix the transparency, you can now clone tool the fence to use as regular. The individual files are named accordingly and should be self explanatory, a bundled package is also provided. KT_XMLs (http://www.mediafire.com/?uo0ap8d9uta571a)1.63 These are XML mods that WILL require either an OK or update come each new patch.
CCMerged (http://www.mediafire.com/?zr8pddsb911c2j0) If you use arr'd Premium Content from the store than you need this. This fixes the following problems.
So if you use decrapped sims3packs without Awesomemod than you should need all four files. If you use Awesomemod than you need three. If you use all legit items than you should only need one, two if you don't use Awesomemod. Optional Stuff (http://www.mediafire.com/?r722278b4gi7xfw)
When there is an update the new content will be in teal, that's the mod to re-download. Store Content Patch 2.2 (http://www.mediafire.com/?wp6yu0m4ygsyzkh) If you use this patch instead of the one the game generates I would suggest putting this in an overrides folder or in the program files mod folder with Awesomemod. Decrap if necessary. [/list][/list] Title: Re: Premium Content Fix Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 12, 13:45:35 I'm currently using your other fix and I have a question. The Hypnotizer is the only one I have as a package. I bought the other stuff. So where would I put your fix? Overrides folder. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix Post by: Clara on 2012 March 12, 15:30:18 The mirror is actually something that shows up in quite a number of sets. For some reason every set requires a dummy object placeholder to store the thumbnail and other information. With many of the earlier sets it was an activity table from one of the Animals Abound ones, I think, and for the rest it's usually the mirror from the Club Vaindenburger set. If you have that set you already have the mirror.
Title: Re: Premium Content Fix Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2012 March 13, 00:30:30 I always wondered what that extra package was about when I was extracting sets.
Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 15, 02:33:17 Added a fix for the phone from the generations registration rewards.
Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: nahcujam on 2012 March 16, 12:11:41 the pie interaction is blank for the tree, and the message above when you eat the fruit is also blank.
I'm using decrapped simspack, running at 1.29 patch. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 16, 12:35:47 the pie interaction is blank for the tree, and the message above when you eat the tree is also blank. I'm using decrapped simspack, running at 1.29 patch. That has something to do with having the sims3pack installed with the package version(Skadi's fix?) then taking out the package version. It happened to me multiple times while I was perfecting this. If you uninstall it via the launcher then reinstall it it'll be fine. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: michelou on 2012 March 16, 13:07:44 At the risk of sounding stupid, where exactly should an overrides folder be? I've never had one, and have never had any real problems with my mods/cc. I do have things that I think could be considered overrides, but I just stick them in seperate folder I call fixes that is in my mods folder. (I sort of have that "a place for everything and everything in it's place" thing going on with my content - I like to be organized).
So, I guess I am asking, is my fixes folder an overrides folder, just with my own name, or is an overrides folder actually supposed to be called that and placed somewhere specific? Because I have 0 problems with my mods/cc working. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 16, 14:06:34 Either MTS's or MATY's framework comes with an overrides folder. You don't necessarily need it, but it comes in handy when you need to "fix" package files. As long as the "fix" isn't in the same folder as the package it's fixing you should be good to go.
Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 March 16, 14:30:24 The Overrides folder should have a higher priority in Resource.cfg than the other folders, but you can call it whatever you like.
Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: michelou on 2012 March 17, 14:43:09 Thank you for the answers. Since I did my own framework, that would explain why I've never seen it before and my fixes folder is essentially the same thing.
Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 March 17, 20:10:51 I did some testing in-game and my sim still resets at the Spellbook. I haven't tested the cauldron yet since I don't know the proper ingredients. I used the voodoo doll and the needle is there. The hypnotizer seems to work. I noticed that the waterfall of the FOY is off and the other animations as well. The Tree of Prosperity also works as intended. My sim is able to eat the fruit an get the skills. The crystal ball also works as it should.
Here's a screenshot of the FOY: (http://i.imgur.com/XcKM7s.jpg) ETA: I did some more tests and the FOY works fine, the only problem is the animation. My sim does get the moodlet etc. The cauldron also works fine. I can make potions and I see the ladle. The only problem is the Spellbook. For some weird reason it's still conflicting with the FOY in my game. I put in the old FOY and SP fix and got the Spellbook to work again. This time around the hypnotizer wouldn't work though. *Pulls hair* Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 March 18, 10:49:42 My spell book also gives me reset problems, so I put the SKIL resource from Simon's old spellbook fix into kissing_toast's fix and everything works fine. FYI, the reset bug with the spell book is not a conflict with the FOY. It's been doing that since before the FOY was released.
Anyhow, this is kissing_toast's fix with the SKIL resource. I didn't link it before because I don't know if it will bother him. He doesn't seem to have the problem but I can't get rid of the reset. Even if I do get rid of it by uninstalling/re-installing, it's just pops up again at a seemingly random time. So if you don't like it, kissing_toast, let me know and I'll remove it. [Removed outdated link to unecessary fix.] Note: This package is the same as the Joey_StoreCC_Fix_Vx but also includes the spell book fix. Also, I don't take any credit for this fix. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 March 18, 14:40:20 I'll try this out, thank you. I found an old fix for the Spellbook and used it alongside Toast's fix and that works as well. Though the FOY still has the wrong animations. Or am I losing it? Isn't the waterfall supposed to stream from the middle? Also the "magical lights" only appear at the back of the fountain. I'll try your fix and see if that helps.
ETA: I used your fix and it has the same effects as when I had with the two files I was using before. The Spellbook works just as everything else but the animations of the FOY are still weird. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 March 18, 15:29:50 The FOY seems fine. If you look at videos of it, the water doesn't spout from the middle. This is a good one although it takes freaking forever for that slow Granny Shue to get to the silly fountain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgQs8Kp7NG8
The sparkles seem a little random. Sometimes they float through the middle and sometimes in the back. I mean, it could be broken, but I don't think it is. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 March 18, 17:48:04 The FOY seems fine. If you look at videos of it, the water doesn't spout from the middle. This is a good one although it takes freaking forever for that slow Granny Shue to get to the silly fountain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgQs8Kp7NG8 The sparkles seem a little random. Sometimes they float through the middle and sometimes in the back. I mean, it could be broken, but I don't think it is. *Facepalm* Of course I should have looked it up on youtube. Thank you for the link. I didn't know the darn sparkles change position. In that case everything works fine with your fix. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: Tever on 2012 March 18, 22:09:35 Does the fix work with items that I've shoved into a merged package?
Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: afsvfaf on 2012 March 19, 07:01:46 Hi, im new here, but visiting the board for a while.
The Fix Collection is quite nice, but there are a lot more stuff to fix. For example near all Store fences don't show up, even the stairs from Barnacle Bay, and the shell and door from the Stage Venue pack. Hope you continue with new stuff to fix all packs. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: Rubyelf on 2012 March 19, 08:33:25 Hi, im new here, but visiting the board for a while. The Fix Collection is quite nice, but there are a lot more stuff to fix. For example near all Store fences don't show up, even the stairs from Barnacle Bay, and the shell and door from the Stage Venue pack. Hope you continue with new stuff to fix all packs. There are fixes for pretty much all of those, you just haven't looked hard enough. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 19, 13:43:49 Hi, im new here, but visiting the board for a while. The Fix Collection is quite nice, but there are a lot more stuff to fix. For example near all Store fences don't show up, even the stairs from Barnacle Bay, and the shell and door from the Stage Venue pack. Hope you continue with new stuff to fix all packs. The fence thing was fixed with s3cr a long time ago, just update your files and try again. Never heard of a problem with stairs. And using a package file for the venue worked for some people, they showed up just fine in my game as decrapped sims3packs. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: mephlabs on 2012 March 19, 18:22:11 All works perfect, except for the Spellbook, but using @nontouch fix solves it.
A question, is there any possibility to fix the Cash register from the Pets LE?, and make it usable? pd: about the barnacle bay stairs, yes it's true, they're not showing in the game. But the showtime shell you can fin it here: http://www.thesimstg.com/ Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: morriganrant on 2012 March 19, 21:05:45 even the stairs from Barnacle Bay pd: about the barnacle bay stairs, yes it's true, they're not showing in the game. I'm not sure how either of you installed the Worlds, but I've always had the two stair cases. They are the Jacob's Staircase and the Barnacle Free Stair aren't they? Installing via the Launcher and then moving the resulting .dbc to my mods folder, and using CCmagic to install the worlds, has always resulted in my having the world objects. The worlds might be wonky with string errors, but the objects are there. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 March 19, 21:32:54 All works perfect, except for the Spellbook, but using @nontouch fix solves it. A question, is there any possibility to fix the Cash register from the Pets LE?, and make it usable? pd: about the barnacle bay stairs, yes it's true, they're not showing in the game. But the showtime shell you can fin it here: http://www.thesimstg.com/ The cash register is fixed elsewhere. Learn to search. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: mephlabs on 2012 March 20, 02:49:49 For some reason i have all the items from barnacle and the world also working, but the stairs just aren't there:
The ones that appear here: (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-TjWhNCopv0E/TXbnLCXDoPI/AAAAAAABLzU/kF4ftfTNuSA/s1600/-+Store+-+The+Sims%25E2%2584%25A2+3_1299638043558.png) @jezzer: nope, i have the cash register showing up in game (nor the microwave), but everytime i interact with it, nothing happen. And i search through a lot of sites, but no fix find at all. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: morriganrant on 2012 March 20, 03:40:24 For some reason i have all the items from barnacle and the world also working, but the stairs just aren't there: The ones that appear here: <snip> I might have figured it out. Does your world sims3pack have the name "BarnacleBayDDSet.Sims3Pack" or "BarnacleBay.Sims3Pack"? The First has the stairs, the second doesn't. The second one is just the world and was the first released, the first is the one available now, bundled with the Buccaneer Bounty set(BuccaneerSet.Sims3Pack) and the two stairs that are unique to that pack. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: mephlabs on 2012 March 20, 03:53:15 Edit: Yep, you're right, the stairs are only included in the BarnacleBayDDSet.simpack (http://www.mediafire.com/?9a01nt4p7yp9vux), thanks for the solution. (I'm still looking for the Pet's Cash Register) Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: afsvfaf on 2012 March 20, 07:17:03 Well, I'm not stupid. >:(
I looked around and found some Fixes for the fences, but not for all. The "Guardian Fence" and the "Fuzzy Friends Fence" are not in the game. I have all the stuff decrapified and installed via the Launcher, and it works for me. What I wanted to say is that it would be nice to include all the Fixes in your package. The Spellbook will work if you use this fix too: http://www.4shared.com/archive/rH4WLDsp/spellbook_fix.html (http://www.4shared.com/archive/rH4WLDsp/spellbook_fix.html) One last thing I mentioned, some of the windows have have gaps around them in the wall (I think the Gothic ones). Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: Rubyelf on 2012 March 20, 07:39:05 Well, I'm not stupid. >:( I looked around and found some Fixes for the fences, but not for all. The "Guardian Fence" and the "Fuzzy Friends Fence" are not in the game. I have all the stuff decrapified and installed via the Launcher, and it works for me. What I wanted to say is that it would be nice to include all the Fixes in your package. The Spellbook will work if you use this fix too: http://www.4shared.com/archive/rH4WLDsp/spellbook_fix.html (http://www.4shared.com/archive/rH4WLDsp/spellbook_fix.html) One last thing I mentioned, some of the windows have have gaps around them in the wall (I think the Gothic ones). You obviously are stupid, because it's there, and I know it's there because I was the one who requested the fix for them both. Also why should he cater to the lazy people who can't look for the fixes that are already on here. His mod clearly is for the Premium Content, which is the content that has special animations and so forth. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: afsvfaf on 2012 March 20, 08:07:17 Uh sorry!
I know what premium means, and why don't you show it to me, if I'm as stupid as you mean? :'( Don't want to read more than 90 pages in search for it, this needs organisation. I think the Pet's Cash Register Fix is here: http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,18888.msg581878.html#msg581878 And sorry, I didn't ever know that there are two packages of Barnacle Bay exist. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: Rubyelf on 2012 March 20, 08:51:02 Uh sorry! Why should I show you? Not my fault you're too lazy to look, and considering the thread itself has not even hit 90 pages long, I really doubt you would be going that far. Here's a tip, try going back until around the date of those items releases on the thread, and then start from there.I know what premium means, and why don't you show it to me, if I'm as stupid as you mean? :'( Don't want to read more than 90 pages in search for it, this needs organisation. *snip* Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 March 20, 09:48:08 For some reason i have all the items from barnacle and the world also working, but the stairs just aren't there: The ones that appear here: <snip> I might have figured it out. Does your world sims3pack have the name "BarnacleBayDDSet.Sims3Pack" or "BarnacleBay.Sims3Pack"? The First has the stairs, the second doesn't. The second one is just the world and was the first released, the first is the one available now, bundled with the Buccaneer Bounty set(BuccaneerSet.Sims3Pack) and the two stairs that are unique to that pack. I'm sorry to keep on discussing a subject that clearly doesn't belong in this thread but I have the BB "Retailset". About the store content fixes, Witch did ask whether to make a separate thread for those which at the time was decided against in order to keep all store related content in the same thread. Personally I think we need a separate thread for these fixes. There are too many items "borked" in the store some that supposedly got fixed or will be fixed by store patches. Since we have several methods of installing the store stuff we have different kind of borkage that can be fixed in different ways. It's also easier to keep track of which fixes are obsolete and which aren't. I wouldn't mind going through the threads and compile proper documentation in a separate thread myself. Provided people will help me by pointing out any inconsistencies when it's done so I can edit it and keep it up to date. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: witch on 2012 March 20, 11:27:09 Thanks for volunteering.
Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: morriganrant on 2012 March 20, 17:03:49 I'm sorry to keep on discussing a subject that clearly doesn't belong in this thread but I have the BB "Retailset". Does that one have the extra stairs? I believe the old file wasn't named "retail". I did recently download all the Store content from the download's thread so I assumed I had the newer version of BB. I have no idea about the retail set or why they would give it a different name. One would assume it is the same as the BBDDset, as the one they put a box and code out in stores is exactly the same pack. So have you checked on your own for the stairs? That seems like the best way to know if you have them. I even supplied the names up thread. As for a thread with just the fixes, I am absolutely positive that if you had wrong info in it someone would point it out. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 March 20, 20:09:39 (I'm still looking for the Pet's Cash Register) You've already been told there's a workaround for the cash register on here. Learn how to fucking search or do without it forever. Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: TapThatBooty on 2012 March 21, 03:48:22 Thank you for these fixes. I am assuming that the overides folder would apply to all Store content mods which are in the package file format? I thought that it was you over at MTS who had made a few tweaks to the wall climbing item and was going to ask you there (I don't think it is you now though), but I don't know MTS's stance on Arr'd store content.
Title: Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 21, 04:46:09 I do believe the retail set is the set with the stairs. As for fences, once again, Pes fixed s3cr so that they appear, so if they're not showing up you need to update s3cr and reinstall them. Pes also added the fix for the Pets cash register in AM. I wouldn't mind adding fixes for other store items with these, it's just that I'm not going to add stuff I 1. didn't or can't make 2. don't understand or 3. are PEBCAK problems. I will look into the gothic windows and see what's going on. I also don't mind taking requests for actual problems, just ask, the worst I can say is no.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.21.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 21, 17:10:51 Added some stuffs.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.21.2012) Post by: doren on 2012 March 21, 19:18:29 I guess this only fixes what it says it fixes, i. e. problems with the animations of the objects, missing parts of them and the function of the objects themselves?
I got the compilation for February 2012 as one package (including the magic items) and I got very bad crashing problems in Bridgeport, which stopped when I removed the file (there was a whole area in the town which I could not click or even get close to anymore). I deleted a few other objects (which I had for longer though) and of course the compilation includes more than the magic stuff, but I am convinced that one or more of the magic items caused the crashing. I have the spellbook in one merged package and recently installed Hidden Springs (retail version/pack) but I still have those and my game works again. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.21.2012) Post by: mephlabs on 2012 March 22, 03:08:18 Nice again, but i'm having some problems with the SpellBook, don't know if this happens only to me or anyone that is using the fix that @Notouching provided (because the spellbook from KissingToasting package isn't working).
The problem consists if you fail by making a spell you get the correct moodlet but the name refers to a code like: 'moodlets/sims3/failedspell....etc.', and also a window shows that something in a file like 'sims3/sounds/failedspell'. I didn't get any screen i'll test again, just in case anyways. Here's the screen what i got after trying to use a spell (also i'm getting 'Animal Feber' on the action stack list) (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/62869616/sIMS3FAIL.png) (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/62869616/sIMS3FAIL.png) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.21.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 March 22, 08:04:22 Nice again, but i'm having some problems with the SpellBook, don't know if this happens only to me or anyone that is using the fix that @Notouching provided (because the spellbook from KissingToasting package isn't working). The problem consists if you fail by making a spell you get the correct moodlet but the name refers to a code like: 'moodlets/sims3/failedspell....etc.', and also a window shows that something in a file like 'sims3/sounds/failedspell'. I didn't get any screen i'll test again, just in case anyways. *snip* I'm not seeing this issue at all. Try re-installing your spell book. It has worked for other string failures. It may even remove the need for my version of KT's fix. The resource I added to the package is just the same exact resource from the spell book, no alterations at all. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.21.2012) Post by: Vkit on 2012 March 22, 10:04:48 Does the CAS fix includes those stupid flippers that show up in every category and apparently available for random?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.21.2012) Post by: mephlabs on 2012 March 22, 18:16:54 Quote I'm not seeing this issue at all. Try re-installing your spell book. It has worked for other string failures. It may even remove the need for my version of KT's fix. The resource I added to the package is just the same exact resource from the spell book, no alterations at all. Only happens when The Sims Fails on doing the 'Mood Elevatus' Spell. I tried to reinstall and the same issue, so i'm downloading it from another site to check what's going on. (even maybe can be a language bug). And about the fix, it's strange because the KissingToast V7 of the fix isn't working, but yours works (notouching) fine. ---------- Edit: I tried in 2 computers with the game in spanish, with 2 different downloads, and the same bug appear, so can someone try the following: - Learn 'Mood Elevatus' - Try to cast mood elevatus till the sims fails - Check the Moodlet and anything strange Because i'm thinking the bug comes with the fix or with the spanish language. Thanks. :) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.21.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 22, 18:46:33 Quote I'm not seeing this issue at all. Try re-installing your spell book. It has worked for other string failures. It may even remove the need for my version of KT's fix. The resource I added to the package is just the same exact resource from the spell book, no alterations at all. Only happens when The Sims Fails on doing the 'Mood Elevatus' Spell. I tried to reinstall and the same issue, so i'm downloading it from another site to check what's going on. (even maybe can be a language bug). And about the fix, it's strange because the KissingToast V7 of the fix isn't working, but yours works (notouching) fine. ---------- Edit: I tried in 2 computers with the game in spanish, with 2 different downloads, and the same bug appear, so can someone try the following: - Learn 'Mood Elevatus' - Try to cast mood elevatus till the sims fails - Check the Moodlet and anything strange Because i'm thinking the bug comes with the fix or with the spanish language. Thanks. :) Just checked, I'm not getting this. I get what it's supposed to say. The fix only touches the effects file for the spell book nothing to do with the scripts. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.21.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 March 22, 18:50:49 Quote I'm not seeing this issue at all. Try re-installing your spell book. It has worked for other string failures. It may even remove the need for my version of KT's fix. The resource I added to the package is just the same exact resource from the spell book, no alterations at all. Only happens when The Sims Fails on doing the 'Mood Elevatus' Spell. I tried to reinstall and the same issue, so i'm downloading it from another site to check what's going on. (even maybe can be a language bug). And about the fix, it's strange because the KissingToast V7 of the fix isn't working, but yours works (notouching) fine. ---------- Edit: I tried in 2 computers with the game in spanish, with 2 different downloads, and the same bug appear, so can someone try the following: - Learn 'Mood Elevatus' - Try to cast mood elevatus till the sims fails - Check the Moodlet and anything strange Because i'm thinking the bug comes with the fix or with the spanish language. Thanks. :) Well, the thing is, I actually tested it with the mood elevatus spell. I set the chance of success to 1% in XML and used the Mood Elevatus spell over and over. It failed over and over, but I didn't have any problems with the buff named/tool tip. I also tested it with some older versions of the fix. However, I just peeked into the STBLs and it IS a problem with the STBLs. The Spanish 14 STBL is completely broken. Edit: Removed link to a fix that won't fix anything. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.21.2012) Post by: Havelock on 2012 March 22, 19:03:55 The fix would not work.
English:STBL looks like this [0F] 0x9865939C8DFC2389: {Variation.2} [11] 0x8224F0F197F5CE4E: Oops. Maybe I should review these spells a bit more. [22] 0x9221E9CFCF817699: Cursed! [23] 0xAED2B6C5024B9B25: Being cursed is one of the many downsides of knowing a spellcaster [24] 0x0A08E1E472022C46: CursedStoreFirstPerson [25] 0xB96B399C32472968: Spell Casting [26] 0xA9D0BD45F3236D46: Spell Casting [27] 0x8A47A28F497C0151: Level Store 3 [28] 0x169A4F44E9A75737: Level Store 5 [29] 0xCDAE4E77A03D1509: Level Store 6 [2A] 0x9242B5B8EB93216A: Level Store 7 [2B] 0xCD9D4A77A02E9B1C: Level Store 10 German and all other :STBL look like this [0F] 0x9865939C8DFC2389: Store/Objects/SpellBook:SpellFail [11] 0x8224F0F197F5CE4E: Huch, vielleicht sollte ich mir die Zauber noch mal etwas genauer ansehen. [22] 0x9221E9CFCF817699: Gameplay/Excel/buffs/BuffList:CursedStore [23] 0xAED2B6C5024B9B25: Gameplay/Excel/buffs/BuffList:CursedStoreDescription [24] 0x0A08E1E472022C46: Gameplay/Excel/buffs/BuffList:CursedStoreFirstPerson [25] 0xB96B399C32472968: Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:CastingStore [26] 0xA9D0BD45F3236D46: Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:CastingStoreDescription [27] 0x8A47A28F497C0151: Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:AthleticLevelStoreThree [28] 0x169A4F44E9A75737: Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:AthleticLevelStoreFive [29] 0xCDAE4E77A03D1509: Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:AthleticLevelStoreSix [2A] 0x9242B5B8EB93216A: Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:AthleticLevelStoreSeven [2B] 0xCD9D4A77A02E9B1C: Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:AthleticLevelStoreTen The STBL are not complete translated . [0F] 0x9865939C8DFC2389 should point to [11] 0x8224F0F197F5CE4E but you get Store/Objects/SpellBook:SpellFail : like in the Picture posted above Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.21.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 March 22, 19:07:49 Oh yeah. I suddenly recall this being an issue posted in some known store items bug list.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.21.2012) Post by: Noromarc on 2012 March 22, 22:05:41 There is a very long list of missing STBLs for the Latin American Spanish language, and some Castillian missing strings too. I have either pulled the 0x13 (Spain) text and re-instanced it as 0x14 (Mexico) or directly translated and filled a 0x14 STBL. The resulting .package is then placed in the Mods folder as usual.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.21.2012) Post by: mephlabs on 2012 March 22, 23:45:36 I'm currently using the Spanish from Spain version, so i make a 'fix' to the spanish file, at least works fine:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/62869616/SpellBookLESfix.package Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 23, 05:26:33 Added stuff.
Does the CAS fix includes those stupid flippers that show up in every category and apparently available for random? What does it say it fixes? I guess this only fixes what it says it fixes, i. e. problems with the animations of the objects, missing parts of them and the function of the objects themselves? I got the compilation for February 2012 as one package (including the magic items) and I got very bad crashing problems in Bridgeport, which stopped when I removed the file (there was a whole area in the town which I could not click or even get close to anymore). I deleted a few other objects (which I had for longer though) and of course the compilation includes more than the magic stuff, but I am convinced that one or more of the magic items caused the crashing. I have the spellbook in one merged package and recently installed Hidden Springs (retail version/pack) but I still have those and my game works again. NUKE IT FROM ORBIT. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: Rubyelf on 2012 March 23, 09:20:03 Something is seriously stuffed up with the Cellar Arch from the store, I have not seen this mentioned anywhere, apoligies if it has been, but this is what I am talking about:
(http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c155/Rubyelf/cellararch.png) Why is it a light (the light aiming towards the back there is from the arch itself, at nighttime) and have the horrible gaps? I don't ever recall having this issue in the past. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but it's still like this. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 March 23, 09:48:25 Something is seriously stuffed up with the Cellar Arch from the store, I have not seen this mentioned anywhere, apoligies if it has been, but this is what I am talking about: *snip* Why is it a light (the light aiming towards the back there is from the arch itself, at nighttime) and have the horrible gaps? I don't ever recall having this issue in the past. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but it's still like this. This is a bug that EA actually fixed, but you need the updated sims3pack. Try using this one, which virgali linked in the TS3 Store fixes thread (http://moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,21354.msg589641.html#msg589641): http://www.mediafire.com/?wnh5t8sq7w72imu Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: Rubyelf on 2012 March 23, 10:59:18 Something is seriously stuffed up with the Cellar Arch from the store, I have not seen this mentioned anywhere, apoligies if it has been, but this is what I am talking about: *snip* Why is it a light (the light aiming towards the back there is from the arch itself, at nighttime) and have the horrible gaps? I don't ever recall having this issue in the past. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but it's still like this. This is a bug that EA actually fixed, but you need the updated sims3pack. Try using this one, which virgali linked in the TS3 Store fixes thread (http://moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,21354.msg589641.html#msg589641): http://www.mediafire.com/?wnh5t8sq7w72imu Ah cheers, did not see that, I only just today went to use the arch again after not using it for ages. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 23, 14:21:19 Something is seriously stuffed up with the Cellar Arch from the store, I have not seen this mentioned anywhere, apoligies if it has been, but this is what I am talking about: *snip* Why is it a light (the light aiming towards the back there is from the arch itself, at nighttime) and have the horrible gaps? I don't ever recall having this issue in the past. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it, but it's still like this. This is a bug that EA actually fixed, but you need the updated sims3pack. Try using this one, which virgali linked in the TS3 Store fixes thread (http://moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,21354.msg589641.html#msg589641): http://www.mediafire.com/?wnh5t8sq7w72imu Ah cheers, did not see that, I only just today went to use the arch again after not using it for ages. Glad you asked that, I was about to try to fix that next. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 March 23, 15:11:04 My bad. I kept making a mental note to test the Cellar Arch in-game but I keep on forgetting. I had it linked under the "questionable" section since it's from an old post I found buried somewhere and I didn't really know the entire story so to speak. I moved it now to the proper fix section.
Just a quick question about your new fix file KT. I'm still using notouching's file since my sims still reset at the SB with yours but I'll have to download your new file for the window fixes and such to work. So I was wondering if you made any changes to the SB at all. Maybe notouching would like to change his file to match yours but it isn't really necessary. Simon's original Spellbook fix worked for me along with yours. I'm just wondering since I'll have to update the store fix thread since notouching's file is technically outdated. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 March 23, 15:35:51 My bad. I kept making a mental note to test the Cellar Arch in-game but I keep on forgetting. I had it linked under the "questionable" section since it's from an old post I found buried somewhere and I didn't really know the entire story so to speak. I moved it now to the proper fix section. Just a quick question about your new fix file KT. I'm still using notouching's file since my sims still reset at the SB with yours but I'll have to download your new file for the window fixes and such to work. So I was wondering if you made any changes to the SB at all. Maybe notouching would like to change his file to match yours but it isn't really necessary. Simon's original Spellbook fix worked for me along with yours. I'm just wondering since I'll have to update the store fix thread since notouching's file is technically outdated. It's not outdated at all. I update it whenever KT updates his fix. I don't need to change the URL because box.net has a nice "version" feature that lets me upload a new version of a file without changing the url. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 23, 15:41:56 My bad. I kept making a mental note to test the Cellar Arch in-game but I keep on forgetting. I had it linked under the "questionable" section since it's from an old post I found buried somewhere and I didn't really know the entire story so to speak. I moved it now to the proper fix section. Just a quick question about your new fix file KT. I'm still using notouching's file since my sims still reset at the SB with yours but I'll have to download your new file for the window fixes and such to work. So I was wondering if you made any changes to the SB at all. Maybe notouching would like to change his file to match yours but it isn't really necessary. Simon's original Spellbook fix worked for me along with yours. I'm just wondering since I'll have to update the store fix thread since notouching's file is technically outdated. It's not outdated at all. I update it whenever KT updates his fix. I don't need to change the URL because box.net has a nice "version" feature that lets me upload a new version of a file without changing the url. I can easily add the SKL file to mine if you want, to make things easier. Is it any different than the original file? What is changed? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 March 23, 15:52:17 *snip* I can easily add the SKL file to mine if you want, to make things easier. Is it any different than the original file? What is changed? It's exactly the same as the SKIL resource in the s3rc'd package. The only thing I'm unsure about is the UNKN file that Simon included in his fix. I have been testing with and without it, and there doesn't seem to be a difference, so I've been leaving it out. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 March 23, 15:58:35 It's not outdated at all. I update it whenever KT updates his fix. I don't need to change the URL because box.net has a nice "version" feature that lets me upload a new version of a file without changing the url. My bad.This will teach me not to assume. :-[ Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 March 23, 16:17:20 It's not outdated at all. I update it whenever KT updates his fix. I don't need to change the URL because box.net has a nice "version" feature that lets me upload a new version of a file without changing the url. My bad.This will teach me not to assume. :-[ No harsh feelings. You also picked the wrong pronoun for me. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 23, 17:06:53 *snip* I can easily add the SKL file to mine if you want, to make things easier. Is it any different than the original file? What is changed? It's exactly the same as the SKIL resource in the s3rc'd package. The only thing I'm unsure about is the UNKN file that Simon included in his fix. I have been testing with and without it, and there doesn't seem to be a difference, so I've been leaving it out. It is the same exact thing as included in the original. I'm not going to add it to my fix only because it needs to be decrapped if that's how you have the spellbook installed. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 March 23, 17:23:07 *snip* I can easily add the SKL file to mine if you want, to make things easier. Is it any different than the original file? What is changed? It's exactly the same as the SKIL resource in the s3rc'd package. The only thing I'm unsure about is the UNKN file that Simon included in his fix. I have been testing with and without it, and there doesn't seem to be a difference, so I've been leaving it out. It is the same exact thing as included in the original. I'm not going to add it to my fix only because it needs to be decrapped if that's how you have the spellbook installed. I think not de-crapping it is why it is working (in the same vein as not de-crapping the fruit for the tree of prosperity). My spellbook is de-crapped and I don't decrap this file. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 23, 17:32:11 *snip* I can easily add the SKL file to mine if you want, to make things easier. Is it any different than the original file? What is changed? It's exactly the same as the SKIL resource in the s3rc'd package. The only thing I'm unsure about is the UNKN file that Simon included in his fix. I have been testing with and without it, and there doesn't seem to be a difference, so I've been leaving it out. It is the same exact thing as included in the original. I'm not going to add it to my fix only because it needs to be decrapped if that's how you have the spellbook installed. I think not de-crapping it is why it is working (in the same vein as not de-crapping the fruit for the tree of prosperity). My spellbook is de-crapped and I don't decrap this file. Could you do me a favor and give me a save file of yours with a sim that can't use the spellbook? I have never had this issue, granted I've only tested the book in fresh neighborhoods with fresh sims. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 March 23, 17:41:36 Could you do me a favor and give me a save file of yours with a sim that can't use the spellbook? I have never had this issue, granted I've only tested the book in fresh neighborhoods with fresh sims. Edit: Because my sentences were horrifyingly broken. Take two: Usually I install the premium objects after a fresh install. This means that I won't have any mods or cc in the game. The very first thing I do is install the store items. I usually either start playing the sims and then make a clean test world or I do that right away. I plop all the premium content on a lot and test to see if they are all working properly. KT, have you ever tested the SB without AM? While I was digging up stuff from the tech thread I found a post about AM having a built-in fix for the SB just as it has for the AMB reg. rewards and the pets cash register. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 March 23, 18:17:40 I just recently cleaned out a bunch of saves, so I've only managed to find one that has a spell book. Unfortunately, that save is from last August, and back then I had the untouched spell book installed (I purchased the Gothique Library). That is actually the save where the problem started, though. I could use the spell book fine. I saved, quit and reloaded the game (I had Save Error 12 issues back then) and suddenly my sims started resetting when using the spell book. A little while later I re-installed everything as de-crapped sims3packs, but I abandoned that game. I don't know if you want that save since the spell book wasn't de-crapped then. I suppose you could just de-crap the save but I don't know if that would defy the purpose of sending you my broken save.
I can start a new game and send you that if you like. Lately not even un-installing and re-installing will make the spell book work more than once without the fix. Edit: Here's a fresh hood with a broken Spell Book. (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?91fow969uspact0) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 25, 02:31:49 KT, have you ever tested the SB without AM? While I was digging up stuff from the tech thread I found a post about AM having a built-in fix for the SB just as it has for the AMB reg. rewards and the pets cash register. DING! DING! DING! We have a winner! That's it. I tried notouching's save; with Am it works, without AM it doesn't and without AM but with the skill file it does. When I update the AMB rewards thing and figure out the pet cash register thing I'll add those to it. I always just figure that we're on MATY so everyone uses AM. Added stuffs. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.23.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 March 25, 07:39:06 KT, have you ever tested the SB without AM? While I was digging up stuff from the tech thread I found a post about AM having a built-in fix for the SB just as it has for the AMB reg. rewards and the pets cash register. DING! DING! DING! We have a winner! That's it. I tried notouching's save; with Am it works, without AM it doesn't and without AM but with the skill file it does. When I update the AMB rewards thing and figure out the pet cash register thing I'll add those to it. I always just figure that we're on MATY so everyone uses AM. Added stuffs. Ah, I'm glad that's resolved then. Even though I don't use AM I come here for the store items and there's also a lot of useful information about the game. Of course yours is a valid assumption. I also admit that I don't like when "small fixes/features" are added to "big mods". So far that's the only thing I don't like from the modding community when it comes to TS3. everything gets thrown in together which means if you can't use the mod because a big feature is glitching you also have to miss out on the other small fixes and features that aren't clashing with anything else. Since I don't know the first thing about modding and don't have the patience to learn I just shut up and don't use the mods. ETA: I currently am using an unholy hybrid of decrapped stuff along with undecrapped the AMB rewards (I own the EP) will V8 Unawesome cause me any troubles? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 March 25, 10:16:18 Thanks, KT. Actually, I posted in the AM bug thread not too long ago because I was using AM but still got the spell book reset bug. I tried un-installing and re-installing the spell book but was still seeing it with AM installed. Maybe I just need to do a new re-install of all of my store content.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 25, 12:14:39 It shouldn't virgali, all that mod does is make a few EP2 references to BaseGame references. If I recall correctly it changes two inventions, two sculptures, three interior design jobs and a handfull of opportunities.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 March 25, 12:30:24 It shouldn't virgali, all that mod does is make a few EP2 references to BaseGame references. If I recall correctly it changes two inventions, two sculptures, three interior design jobs and a handfull of opportunities. Good to know. *Hits button repeatedly* Baaaah, baaaah. ETA: I'm being a n00b but I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. I uninstalled the old Cellar Arch file. I did through the launcher and then I checked to see if the file is still in the downloads folder and it indeed got deleted. I decrapped and installed the new Cellar Arch but I still have that horrible gap in-game. Should I just make a package file of the object and add that to the mods folder? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 March 25, 16:51:16 It shouldn't virgali, all that mod does is make a few EP2 references to BaseGame references. If I recall correctly it changes two inventions, two sculptures, three interior design jobs and a handfull of opportunities. Good to know. *Hits button repeatedly* Baaaah, baaaah. ETA: I'm being a n00b but I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. I uninstalled the old Cellar Arch file. I did through the launcher and then I checked to see if the file is still in the downloads folder and it indeed got deleted. I decrapped and installed the new Cellar Arch but I still have that horrible gap in-game. Should I just make a package file of the object and add that to the mods folder? You might need to delete your compositorcache. You could try using this file (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zrmbr2l12vdn7f2). It's an untouched sims3pack of the arch. Otherwise, you could go and get it from the store (http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:18701), since you said you owned ambitions. It's free. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 March 25, 19:18:46 It shouldn't virgali, all that mod does is make a few EP2 references to BaseGame references. If I recall correctly it changes two inventions, two sculptures, three interior design jobs and a handfull of opportunities. Good to know. *Hits button repeatedly* Baaaah, baaaah. ETA: I'm being a n00b but I have no clue what I'm doing wrong. I uninstalled the old Cellar Arch file. I did through the launcher and then I checked to see if the file is still in the downloads folder and it indeed got deleted. I decrapped and installed the new Cellar Arch but I still have that horrible gap in-game. Should I just make a package file of the object and add that to the mods folder? You might need to delete your compositorcache. You could try using this file (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?zrmbr2l12vdn7f2). It's an untouched sims3pack of the arch. Otherwise, you could go and get it from the store (http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:18701), since you said you owned ambitions. It's free. Rofl. I didn't know what "set" it belonged to. I understand what I'm doing wrong. I wasn't supposed to decrap the file. I did have a fresh new copy btw. I noticed the file size is different. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 25, 23:02:07 I spent a good chunk of last night hunting down that fucker(the Cellar Arch) in my launcher, naturally it had to be in the sixth DCB file I looked in. The arch is free at the store and it doesn't have a set.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: Rubyelf on 2012 March 25, 23:59:47 I spent a good chunk of last night hunting down that fucker(the Cellar Arch) in my launcher, naturally it had to be in the sixth DCB file I looked in. The arch is free at the store and it doesn't have a set. I found a work around from having to do that. Attempt to install it again, it will tell you "this is already installed blah blah", go under your Installed section, and it will now be the top item in the launcher! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 March 26, 09:14:15 I spent a good chunk of last night hunting down that fucker(the Cellar Arch) in my launcher, naturally it had to be in the sixth DCB file I looked in. The arch is free at the store and it doesn't have a set. I found a work around from having to do that. Attempt to install it again, it will tell you "this is already installed blah blah", go under your Installed section, and it will now be the top item in the launcher! Did you get the Cellar Arch fixed? No matter what I do it won't work. I use fresh copies but the gap is still there. *Le sigh* Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: Rubyelf on 2012 March 26, 10:06:41 I spent a good chunk of last night hunting down that fucker(the Cellar Arch) in my launcher, naturally it had to be in the sixth DCB file I looked in. The arch is free at the store and it doesn't have a set. I found a work around from having to do that. Attempt to install it again, it will tell you "this is already installed blah blah", go under your Installed section, and it will now be the top item in the launcher! Did you get the Cellar Arch fixed? No matter what I do it won't work. I use fresh copies but the gap is still there. *Le sigh* Yah, I just told my launcher to install the pack posted above, it told me "No it exists", so then I went under installed, and it was there at the top, uninstalled it, and reinstalled the pack (that I should note was decrapped), worked like a charm, my cellar arch is fixed. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 March 26, 14:08:36 That trick would be awesome if it worked for me. What I do is open my DBC files one at a time with s3pe and set it to only filter the thumbnails, then just go through those until I find the object I'm looking for. When you know which file it's in you remove the DBC0 file and rename whatever file it is in to 0, start up your launcher, find it, uninstall, then undo the renaming stuff. I didn't use the file that was linked I used a fresh one downloaded from the store, worked for me.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 March 26, 14:30:39 That trick would be awesome if it worked for me. What I do is open my DBC files one at a time with s3pe and set it to only filter the thumbnails, then just go through those until I find the object I'm looking for. When you know which file it's in you remove the DBC0 file and rename whatever file it is in to 0, start up your launcher, find it, uninstall, then undo the renaming stuff. I didn't use the file that was linked I used a fresh one downloaded from the store, worked for me. I should probably try that then. Sounds like a whole lot of trouble just for a stupid arch though. Why don't they simply update the downloads with the fixed file in the first place? My file is also fresh from the store. I tried them all so I think I have the same problem as you, that the arch isn't uninstalling. ETA: It worked! I used s3pe as you suggested and followed instructions and finally got it fixed. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: Blech on 2012 April 24, 18:37:38 Sorry, I've been away for a long while, and have regressed back to a complete noob, so this problem could totally be on my end, but I thought I'd give it shot and see if it's not just me.
I downloaded all of the Store items and converted them to .package files. With the Romanza Bridal Party fix intalled several Store outfits make the sim's torso and thighs invisible. Without the fix, everything is working fine. I'm pretty sure I have everything set up correctly; I merged all Store clothing into one huge file and stuck it in Mods/Packages and I have the fix in Mods/Overrides. ATM, the only CC I have is awesomemod, the Store fixes, and the Store clothing, so, I don't think it could be a conflict or anything. I did not decrap the Store files before converting/merging, I just ran them through s3rc. I've read that it's necessary to decrap fixes if you decrapped the Store stuff, but does that matter if I did not decrap? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 April 27, 18:01:15 *UPDATED OP*
Sorry, I've been away for a long while, and have regressed back to a complete noob, so this problem could totally be on my end, but I thought I'd give it shot and see if it's not just me. I downloaded all of the Store items and converted them to .package files. With the Romanza Bridal Party fix intalled several Store outfits make the sim's torso and thighs invisible. Without the fix, everything is working fine. I'm pretty sure I have everything set up correctly; I merged all Store clothing into one huge file and stuck it in Mods/Packages and I have the fix in Mods/Overrides. ATM, the only CC I have is awesomemod, the Store fixes, and the Store clothing, so, I don't think it could be a conflict or anything. I did not decrap the Store files before converting/merging, I just ran them through s3rc. I've read that it's necessary to decrap fixes if you decrapped the Store stuff, but does that matter if I did not decrap? Don't know what would do this, try decrapping the fix maybe? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: Blech on 2012 April 27, 19:37:34 Thanks, decrapping the fix made it work perfectly. I guess, even with .package installation you still have to decrap first.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: imyourboy on 2012 April 27, 20:52:15 I'm a little confused as in the first post one is labeled Joey_StoreCC_Fix_Vx and the other Joey_StoreCC_Fix_Vx_unAwesome but in the download links one is labeled v9 and the other v10.
I know that v10 and vx equate but I see the fryer is listed in Joey_StoreCC_Fix_Vx yet the download states it is for the unawesome version. I hope that is clear. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 April 27, 21:25:18 The "x" represents whatever version number I'm on. Only use unAwesome if you don't use Awesomemod.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: imyourboy on 2012 April 27, 21:38:58 The "x" represents whatever version number I'm on. Only use unAwesome if you don't use Awesomemod. Does the unAwesome version contain all the fixes that are listed in the Awesome one? Edit: Just tested your unAwesome version and it doesn't fix the fryer so I am assuming there isn't a fix for it for people not using Awesome Mod. Edit: I looked at it in S3PE and the fix is in the unAwesome version and I checked to see if anything was conflicting and there isn't. They start the frying and then halfway through they just walk away but some invisible being continues shaking it up and down but it never finishes. The same thing for the ice cream machine. Edit: I just tried the uncrapified version and I got a serious error on load up so I'm assuming that won't work either. So in my game I can't get the fix in the corrects the frying and I'm assuming the other items in this fix. Last Edit: I got it working. I used the decrapped sims3pack and the not decrapped fix in the regular file and everything worked. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2012 April 27, 21:47:38 I tried your No Randoms fix, but I have a slight problem. I have an unholy hybrid of items: Barnacle Bay and Romanza I arr'ed, Riverview I didn't. So with the fix, two versions of the Riverview clothes appear in the CAS catalog, one normal and one blank. When I test further and try a blank one on a Sim, everything between the Sim's head and feet disappear. This was with a decrapped version of the fix.
I understand if you don't want to tweak the fix any more, but I just thought I'd mention it. And thank you for all your fixes. (I'm glad I waited to install the decrapped Deep Fat Fryer and Ice Cream Maker. Stupid EA. >:() Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 April 28, 02:27:43 I tried your No Randoms fix, but I have a slight problem. I have an unholy hybrid of items: Barnacle Bay and Romanza I arr'ed, Riverview I didn't. So with the fix, two versions of the Riverview clothes appear in the CAS catalog, one normal and one blank. When I test further and try a blank one on a Sim, everything between the Sim's head and feet disappear. This was with a decrapped version of the fix. I understand if you don't want to tweak the fix any more, but I just thought I'd mention it. And thank you for all your fixes. (I'm glad I waited to install the decrapped Deep Fat Fryer and Ice Cream Maker. Stupid EA. >:() That's happening because you've mixed how you have them installed. My/that mod assumes everything is installed the same way, either vanilla or decrapped. @imyourboy: Nowhere in the instructions does it say to decrap the store fixes, kinda defeats the whole purpose doesn't? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: imyourboy on 2012 April 28, 13:59:56 *UPDATED OP* Sorry, I've been away for a long while, and have regressed back to a complete noob, so this problem could totally be on my end, but I thought I'd give it shot and see if it's not just me. I downloaded all of the Store items and converted them to .package files. With the Romanza Bridal Party fix intalled several Store outfits make the sim's torso and thighs invisible. Without the fix, everything is working fine. I'm pretty sure I have everything set up correctly; I merged all Store clothing into one huge file and stuck it in Mods/Packages and I have the fix in Mods/Overrides. ATM, the only CC I have is awesomemod, the Store fixes, and the Store clothing, so, I don't think it could be a conflict or anything. I did not decrap the Store files before converting/merging, I just ran them through s3rc. I've read that it's necessary to decrap fixes if you decrapped the Store stuff, but does that matter if I did not decrap? Don't know what would do this, try decrapping the fix maybe? @kissing_toast ^^ Maybe not in the instructions but I lurk all the time and I just followed your advice above. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.25.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 April 28, 18:16:00 *UPDATED OP* Sorry, I've been away for a long while, and have regressed back to a complete noob, so this problem could totally be on my end, but I thought I'd give it shot and see if it's not just me. I downloaded all of the Store items and converted them to .package files. With the Romanza Bridal Party fix intalled several Store outfits make the sim's torso and thighs invisible. Without the fix, everything is working fine. I'm pretty sure I have everything set up correctly; I merged all Store clothing into one huge file and stuck it in Mods/Packages and I have the fix in Mods/Overrides. ATM, the only CC I have is awesomemod, the Store fixes, and the Store clothing, so, I don't think it could be a conflict or anything. I did not decrap the Store files before converting/merging, I just ran them through s3rc. I've read that it's necessary to decrap fixes if you decrapped the Store stuff, but does that matter if I did not decrap? Don't know what would do this, try decrapping the fix maybe? @kissing_toast ^^ Maybe not in the instructions but I lurk all the time and I just followed your advice above. But that is for the casp mod which says to decrap in the instructions. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: elizabeth on 2012 April 29, 01:21:46 I tried to use your fix for the deep fryer and ice cream machine but they conflict with the magic items fix and tree of prosperity.. If I take those two fixes out then those items no longer work.. do you know why? I believe it said that your fix was suppose to work for all of those items. ???
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 April 29, 01:32:51 I tried to use your fix for the deep fryer and ice cream machine but they conflict with the magic items fix and tree of prosperity.. If I take those two fixes out then those items no longer work.. do you know why? I believe it said that your fix was suppose to work for all of those items. ??? Where are you getting two fixes from? The one does everything. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: elizabeth on 2012 April 29, 01:37:01 I had the other fixes from when those items came out.. I took them out and installed yours but the magic items and the tree of prosperity doesn't work.. with your fix :-\
Ok I see I didn't explain very well... the two fixes I was talking about was magic items fix v3_spell book fix and the tree of prosperity fix.. if I take these two out and only have yours in then the only items that works are the deep fryer and the ice cream machine.. if I leave them all in then according to dashboard they are conflicting. So I'm unable to use it as it is.. :( thank you for coming up with a fix for it so fast I hope it works for someone else though :) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 April 29, 09:24:14 I had the other fixes from when those items came out.. I took them out and installed yours but the magic items and the tree of prosperity doesn't work.. with your fix :-\ *snip* You only need this fix from this thread to fix all premium content problems, including the magic items and the tree of prosperity. If you put this fix in your game alongside those two older fixes, you will have a conflict because this fix contains those older fixes. Remove the older fixes, put only this fix in, and then delete your scriptcache.package for good measure. @kissing_toast ^^ Maybe not in the instructions but I lurk all the time and I just followed your advice above. If you actually lurked "all the time" you would know Joey_StoreCC_Fix_Vx_unAwesome contains everything from Joey_StoreCC_Fix_Vx, plus the extra stuff listed. You don't even need to lurk to know it, because you could also just read the thread which is only 4 pages long right now. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: youarehome on 2012 April 29, 12:30:48 Okay, so I've downloaded the fix, run my files through dashboard, removed the conflicts, but its not working for the ice cream machine and deep fryer! I have Showtime if that helps at all. Also, where do I put the fix and how to I install it? I've decrapified it too because my content was downloaded from the site. Help!
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: imyourboy on 2012 April 29, 13:27:12 If you actually lurked "all the time" you would know Joey_StoreCC_Fix_Vx_unAwesome contains everything from Joey_StoreCC_Fix_Vx, plus the extra stuff listed. You don't even need to lurk to know it, because you could also just read the thread which is only 4 pages long right now. Obviously you didn't read my thread so stfu and learn to lurk moar yourself. I explained that I looked and found that it did. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: imyourboy on 2012 April 29, 13:29:20 Okay, so I've downloaded the fix, run my files through dashboard, removed the conflicts, but its not working for the ice cream machine and deep fryer! I have Showtime if that helps at all. Also, where do I put the fix and how to I install it? I've decrapified it too because my content was downloaded from the site. Help! I did the same thing because I was unsure of the instructions. If you have decrapped sims3packs from here do not decrap the fix and just place it in the mods folder and everything will work fine. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 April 29, 14:27:39 All you tardlings that don't know how to follow instructions GTFO now! There are no conflicts and YOU DO NOT NEED TO DECRAP THE STROE FIX, this defeats the whole fucking purpose of the fix. If you don't know how to install package files that is not my problem. Now, when I get the chance just for shits and giggles I am going to double check my mods. If there are any problems on my side I will gladly put my foot in my mouth. Until then try re-reading the instructions.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: elizabeth on 2012 April 29, 15:15:25 :-[ my apologies to kissing_toast. in all fairness to him I tried the unawesome fix in the list as I don't use awesome mod.. it does work. I did however find a fix for just the new fiesta set and could use 2 or 3 different fixes for all but since this one works for everything I prefer to have this one.. so again kissing_toast I'm sorry for not at least trying the other fix before saying it doesn't work.. thank you for fixing the problem so quickly and for sharing you work!
Elizabeth :D Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 April 29, 21:15:54 I am disappoint that my AIDE isn't stabbing people right now. Stabbing is a nice, unambiguous response to stupidity.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 April 30, 01:33:52 I've double checked them, they're working as intended. LET THE STABBING BEGIN!!!!
(http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b33/omegastarr/april-stab.gif) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 April 30, 14:00:30 YAY! STABBING!
(http://i.imgur.com/DmhUr.jpg) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: lilith on 2012 May 03, 21:08:26 It appears that the cow plant is not functioning properly, it not opens its mouth showing a slice of cake.
Can anything be done to integrate this into the fix? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 May 04, 04:23:37 Updated OP.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.27.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 May 04, 06:20:50 It appears that the cow plant is not functioning properly, it not opens its mouth showing a slice of cake. Can anything be done to integrate this into the fix? The Cow Plant works fine. In order for it to get hungry, it must not be fed for 3 days. Most likely your sims are feeding it autonomously. You can try these mods: http://modthesims.info/d/468514 Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Sparks on 2012 May 04, 14:45:31 Apparently, all taken care of.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 May 04, 15:27:26 I haven't seen this posted anywhere but, the new Tablet PC that comes with this new set (http://store.thesims3.com/setsProductDetails.html?scategoryId=11488&index=0&productId=OFB-SIM3:50553), doesn't work properly when decrapped like most other store items. "Listen to Tabcast" does nothing. From what I've read, upon choosing that feature, Sim's are supposed have an animation that shows a Bluetooth style ear piece and green arrows/indicators around their head while they listen. Once the Tabcast is finished, they gain a skill point in their chosen skill. All the other features (Shop Online for Books, Read Book, Play Online Social Game...etc) are working for me. Here is a .package (http://www.mediafire.com/?t7v75r5rj55qsa7) file I extracted. And here is a link (http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:50554)to the individual item (not for sale separately right now). You mean you didn't see the "I've updated the mod" post about two replies up? Other than what I changed there is no breakage due to decrapping, mine works just as intended. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: dominno on 2012 May 05, 05:13:55 Okay so, the Vintage Phone doesn't get fixed for me. I uninstalled it, grabbed it again from my vanilla folders, decrapped it as I do with all my store items, and installed it again (I install store stuff using sims3packs, CC is always package) but it still doesn't get fixed. Do you have any ideas of what I could be doing wrong?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Sparks on 2012 May 05, 05:51:41 Okay so, the Vintage Phone doesn't get fixed for me. I uninstalled it, grabbed it again from my vanilla folders, decrapped it as I do with all my store items, and installed it again (I install store stuff using sims3packs, CC is always package) but it still doesn't get fixed. Do you have any ideas of what I could be doing wrong? The fix in this thread doesn't work for me either, but with the Tablet. I did the same as you: deleted my original .package, re-downloaded a Sims3Pack, extracted again, decrapped the package, added it to Mods/Packages, then re-downloaded the fixes in this thread and my Sim still can't listen to a Tabcast, but the other features work. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Ily on 2012 May 05, 18:57:01 Okay so, the Vintage Phone doesn't get fixed for me. I uninstalled it, grabbed it again from my vanilla folders, decrapped it as I do with all my store items, and installed it again (I install store stuff using sims3packs, CC is always package) but it still doesn't get fixed. Do you have any ideas of what I could be doing wrong? The fix in this thread doesn't work for me either, but with the Tablet. I did the same as you: deleted my original .package, re-downloaded a Sims3Pack, extracted again, decrapped the package, added it to Mods/Packages, then re-downloaded the fixes in this thread and my Sim still can't listen to a Tabcast, but the other features work. Same here. Works on everything else for me except on tablet. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 May 05, 22:51:19 Okay so, the Vintage Phone doesn't get fixed for me. I uninstalled it, grabbed it again from my vanilla folders, decrapped it as I do with all my store items, and installed it again (I install store stuff using sims3packs, CC is always package) but it still doesn't get fixed. Do you have any ideas of what I could be doing wrong? The fix in this thread doesn't work for me either, but with the Tablet. I did the same as you: deleted my original .package, re-downloaded a Sims3Pack, extracted again, decrapped the package, added it to Mods/Packages, then re-downloaded the fixes in this thread and my Sim still can't listen to a Tabcast, but the other features work. Same here. Works on everything else for me except on tablet. The phone works in my game. The tablet also works, you select which book to listen to, sim plays with the tablet then puts in an ear piece and goes on with his life. Don't know what to say other than you're doing it wrong. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Andistyr on 2012 May 05, 23:36:58 The phone & tablet work in my game as well - in fact, I've never had a problem with the phone. When I first downloaded the phone, it didn't work & I uninstalled it & reinstalled it and it's worked since. First thing I did when I put the new goth set in my game is tested it both then and when you updated your fix. Everything works like it should.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: dominno on 2012 May 06, 05:56:36 That's what I did, as I said above. The tablet works just fine for me though, it is just the phone that refuses to show up correctly. No idea.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: nahcujam on 2012 May 06, 10:37:05 I installed v11 unawesome fix. I commanded my sim to fry, then he would always reset. before updating the fix, it works fine, with the buffs and food showing up. I tried uninstall the set and install again, but still it keeps reseting my sim. The tablet moodlets works for me, and the ice cream maker yields ice cream.
I attached script error regarding the problem. EDIT: Another thing I noticed (due to my stubbornness), I keep on ordering my sim to cook with the deep fryer and always reseting my sim, a moodlet appeared on my sim. Even my sim didn't have the tablet on her inventory, the moodlet icon came from the tablet. (http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/5592/whatig.jpg) (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/804/whatig.jpg/) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2012 May 07, 05:32:51 I was getting a couple corrupt (showed up as bald) hairs in my game; after investigating it looks like noRandoms causes it if you don't have the Barnacle Bay hats. Easy enough to fix in simPE, but I thought I'd give people a heads up.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Anach on 2012 May 07, 10:19:00 All was fine for me with the deep frier for a couple days, but then once again Sims started resetting, which is odd. I can't see why it would work fine for a while, then suddenly stop. Also, after troubleshooting some issues with the spellbook resets after I updated my fixes, I reset all Sims in town to -1 in spellcasting using twallan's Master Controller, and now all is fine. I have the same issue with the tablet not showing any tabcasts, but otherwise works well.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 May 07, 15:38:58 I tried running the game without the fix, because I never tried the tablet without it since I saw the BUFF conflict before I played, and it still works just fine in my game. Have you guys having issues with the tablet tried playing without the fix at all? All I know is that it works for me as decrapped sims3packs.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: imyourboy on 2012 May 07, 20:54:47 All was fine for me with the deep frier for a couple days, but then once again Sims started resetting, which is odd. I can't see why it would work fine for a while, then suddenly stop. Also, after troubleshooting some issues with the spellbook resets after I updated my fixes, I reset all Sims in town to -1 in spellcasting using twallan's Master Controller, and now all is fine. I have the same issue with the tablet not showing any tabcasts, but otherwise works well. This is exactly what has happened with me. It worked fine for two days then Sims started resetting. @KT - I tried playing without the fix but then the fryer doesn't work at all. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 May 07, 22:55:23 Those with the tablet problems are doing it wrong. Just double checked on my other PC and without the fix the action gets canceled once the non-ear piece gets put it. With the fix it works. I'll double check the deep fryer package for stuff, I think there was an UNKOWN file I didn't include, I wouldn't know what would be causing a reset with this one, there is no skill file like with the spell book.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Anach on 2012 May 08, 00:37:26 Well seems I could be an idiot, as I didn't realise tabcasts were essentially skill books, so you wont see tabcast entries if your Sim is fully skilled up.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 May 08, 02:51:12 Those with the tablet problems are doing it wrong. Just double checked on my other PC and without the fix the action gets canceled once the non-ear piece gets put it. With the fix it works. I'll double check the deep fryer package for stuff, I think there was an UNKOWN file I didn't include, I wouldn't know what would be causing a reset with this one, there is no skill file like with the spell book. Ok I might be doing it wrong but I have the other fixes in with it and the .package one doesn't work with that fix. The tabcast doesn't work at least everything else does.But I was reading another site that the spellbook conflicts with the tablet Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 May 09, 00:23:13 After 2 months of playing Witcher I came back to the Sims and updated all the store crap I was missing by decrapifying and transforming to packages as I always do. Removed the previous fixes we were using for the FOY, the spellbook and the cauldron problems, grabbed KT's fix here for the Awesomemod users and put it in my override folder (didn't decrap it or anything). Well, what do you know but everything work as intended. I checked all the old premium items: spellbook, cauldron, FOY... Even the voodoo doll, the musical toilet and the sleeping pod. Summoned a sim with the spellbook, burned his foot with the doll, teleported to the store by using the furtureshock machine thing, made potions, wished for youth at the fountain... And checked all the new premium items, up to the nifty tablet. I even used the hypno in my sims's magic show and podcasted some handy skill points to upgrade the premium toilet to check the autoclean animation, did fried food and ice creams.
All the premium stuff work without any problem: animations, accessories and moodlets all work, no reset happened. I haven't tried deep frying for several days though but I will ASAP. So double check your folders for a forgotten fix somewhere or something. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Ily on 2012 May 09, 02:22:28 I tried running the game without the fix, because I never tried the tablet without it since I saw the BUFF conflict before I played, and it still works just fine in my game. Have you guys having issues with the tablet tried playing without the fix at all? All I know is that it works for me as decrapped sims3packs. I have tried every combination of the following that I can think of: decrapped, non-decrapped, package, sims 3 pack, fix installed, no fix installed. The closest I have come to success is a non-decrapped package w/fix installed because that's when the tabcasts work. But for all combinations the sim plays the social games for two seconds and puts it away. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 May 09, 13:54:33 I tried running the game without the fix, because I never tried the tablet without it since I saw the BUFF conflict before I played, and it still works just fine in my game. Have you guys having issues with the tablet tried playing without the fix at all? All I know is that it works for me as decrapped sims3packs. I have tried every combination of the following that I can think of: decrapped, non-decrapped, package, sims 3 pack, fix installed, no fix installed. The closest I have come to success is a non-decrapped package w/fix installed because that's when the tabcasts work. But for all combinations the sim plays the social games for two seconds and puts it away. Your sim actually has to need social points to play it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Ily on 2012 May 09, 15:29:44 I tried running the game without the fix, because I never tried the tablet without it since I saw the BUFF conflict before I played, and it still works just fine in my game. Have you guys having issues with the tablet tried playing without the fix at all? All I know is that it works for me as decrapped sims3packs. I have tried every combination of the following that I can think of: decrapped, non-decrapped, package, sims 3 pack, fix installed, no fix installed. The closest I have come to success is a non-decrapped package w/fix installed because that's when the tabcasts work. But for all combinations the sim plays the social games for two seconds and puts it away. Your sim actually has to need social points to play it. Never thought of that so I just tried it but I was still having the same problem. But if the social and fun bar is low, then it works. Anyways thanks for replying helping :) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 May 11, 19:27:13 Ok what points do you have to have to read a book in tabcasts because my sims don't have any skill points and its not working. I know how to add a mod and all the other stuff works in that mod but the tabcast and the tree of prosperity. I had to add Skadi tree back because it doesn't work without it. It might work in your game but you need to realize its not in mine. If you have a suggestion on how to get it to work on all the things I would appreciate it. Be more understanding because I am asking for help and this mod doesn't do as it says for me.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: bitterquill on 2012 May 11, 21:37:38 It might work in your game but you need to realize its not in mine. If you have a suggestion on how to get it to work on all the things I would appreciate it. Be more understanding because I am asking for help and this mod doesn't do as it says for me. What right do you have to tell him what he "needs to realize," exactly? Your computer and your game are your own, and their setup is unique. If he needs to be more understanding about you asking for help in a scenario that he cannot duplicate, you most certainly need to be more understanding about the fact that he's a modder and not a psychic. There is a big difference between reporting bugs or asking for help, and barging into someone else's territory and demanding that they fix something when there is no solid evidence, as far as they can see, that it is even broken. If you want people to help you, consider the effect of how you speak to them. For what it's worth, the mod works fine in my game, too. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 May 11, 22:24:38 Both items work for me. When I used the podcast for handiness & charisma my sim had zero points. Podcast still works now that he has level 8 or so in the skills. It's only the time counter shown on the moodlet that changes and gets higher with your skill level, not the podcast accessibility. The tree thing works perfectly too, my sim ate the fruit he 'impregnated' or something and gained a skill point. The tree also moves every couple of hours with the tingling sound. Suggestion to correct the DERP: you may have a default, override or mod somewhere you forgot about. Anything that concern the item could cause a problem: like a mod to change the price, or for the catalogue placement - also called "unlocker".
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: elizabeth on 2012 May 11, 22:46:48 I don't know what is wrong that I can't use this fix.. I installed the unAwesome11 fix and put it in the overrides folder.. I didn't test the tablet or the doll... and the only thing that worked for me was the fortune telling table.. I'm puzzled as to why it is working for others and I have tried several times but can't get it to work in my game.. if someone can tell me why and help I would appreciate it.. thanks here are some pics
pictures deleted Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 May 11, 23:38:52 This is the tabcast in mine. Everything works but the tree and the tabcast. You have to have the extra tree for it to work.
http://i702.photobucket.com/albums/ww29/SimsDelight/Screenshot-82-2.jpg http://i702.photobucket.com/albums/ww29/SimsDelight/Screenshot-81-1.jpg I would post the tree but I have it working with Skadi's .package tree in my game. Apparently the fountain of you doesn't work either here is a picture http://i702.photobucket.com/albums/ww29/SimsDelight/FountainOfYouth.png Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 May 12, 01:07:51 This is all I know for sure: my fix works on a pc, with all games, fully patched, and all items installed as decrapped sims3packs. Every single file in the fix is not decrapped and does not need to be, hence the fix, therefore it should work no matter how your items are installed. That's all I know. It would be different if there were a vast amount of people saying it doesn't work. Thank you bitterquill, couldn't have said it better myself.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 May 12, 19:00:38 This is all I know for sure: my fix works on a pc, with all games, fully patched, and all items installed as decrapped sims3packs. Every single file in the fix is not decrapped and does not need to be, hence the fix, therefore it should work no matter how your items are installed. That's all I know. It would be different if there were a vast amount of people saying it doesn't work. Thank you bitterquill, couldn't have said it better myself. Yes I realize it working in your game but its not in mine and I can't get the fountain of youth to work at all now. I ahve all the games patched and I decrapified everything to but that fix doesn't work. If I made a mistake on something I am sorry but can you suggest something to try to get the fix to work. I am not saying that your fix is bad and that for most of you its working. I just need help to get it to work in my game.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: Skadi on 2012 May 15, 00:36:44 I am now getting resets with the deepfryer when trying to make maple bacon ice cream. The tablet works fine. My store content is legit though.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 May 15, 14:16:14 That's what you get for combining bacon and ice cream. >:(
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 May 17, 05:14:00 Updated OP
I've removed the spell book and fountain animations fix since EA has fixed it themselves. I've also removed the buff conflict fix and the spellbook reset fix. If you look in your DCBackup folder you will find a package named ccmerged. Since I assume you're using arr'd content, decrap this file and place it in your mods folder. This package contains a BUFF, SKIL, and an UNKN file that is updated and shared by most premium store content. This will fix the buffs and the spellbook reset bug, maybe even the fryer reset bug? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 May 17, 10:50:08 Updated OP I've removed the spell book and fountain animations fix since EA has fixed it themselves. I've also removed the buff conflict fix and the spellbook reset fix. If you look in your DCBackup folder you will find a package named ccmerged. Since I assume you're using arr'd content, decrap this file and place it in your mods folder. This package contains a BUFF, SKIL, and an UNKN file that is updated and shared by most premium store content. This will fix the buffs and the spellbook reset bug, maybe even the fryer reset bug? If you regularly clear your DCBackup folder and have deleted your ccmerged.package, you will need to re-install your premium content. In my case, I can had to re-name my The Sims 3 folder, install all premium content, and then copy the ccmerged.package to my old The Sims3 folder. Then I could delete the new folder and re-name the old one back to The Sims 3. Decrapping the ccmerged.package didn't work. but I changed the Group for all 3 resources to 0x01000000 and everything works fine. ETA: I install only decrapified sims3packs. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.03.2012) Post by: nahcujam on 2012 May 17, 16:04:33 maybe even the fryer reset bug? Have tried it. I even followed notouching's tip since I have only decrapped store stuffs. My Sims reset when cooking with the deep fryer. EDIT: I misunderstand notouching's post... I have all working now, even the deep fryer, What I did is, not to decrap ccmerge, just edit the group. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 May 17, 19:16:53 I got everything to work but I am using a blogs fix since I have no idea if I delete their fix if it will stop working. :-\
I am not sure what was going on with the tablet but I had to put a separate one to get it to work and in my content it only shows as 1 tablet which is kind of strange since one is the set in the launcher and the other was a .package of the tablet. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 May 18, 04:22:58 I got everything to work but I am using a blogs fix since I have no idea if I delete their fix if it will stop working. :-\ Are you talking about that TG blog fix? That's just my fix with someone elses name on it. I am not sure what was going on with the tablet but I had to put a separate one to get it to work and in my content it only shows as 1 tablet which is kind of strange since one is the set in the launcher and the other was a .package of the tablet. Then either you only have one installed or someone changed the .package version to not be shown in the catalogue. Which icon shows up, store or packaged CC? As for the ccmerged file, I must have an old version of my fix floating around my mods folders because it worked last night when I changed the OP. When I used only ccmerge and my fix this morning it didn't work until I manually decrapped ccmerge. So once I make sure I have all the premium stuff installed I will add the contents of ccmerge to my fix. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) Post by: twoftmama on 2012 May 18, 15:23:00 I turn all my Store content into packages and while I have the ccmerged file you mentioned, if I open it in S3pe, it's empty. There's no files in it.
Everything works fine for me with your previous fix, except the tabcasts on the tablet, which I can easily live without. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 May 18, 17:59:35 I got everything to work but I am using a blogs fix since I have no idea if I delete their fix if it will stop working. :-\ Are you talking about that TG blog fix? That's just my fix with someone elses name on it. I am not sure what was going on with the tablet but I had to put a separate one to get it to work and in my content it only shows as 1 tablet which is kind of strange since one is the set in the launcher and the other was a .package of the tablet. Then either you only have one installed or someone changed the .package version to not be shown in the catalogue. Which icon shows up, store or packaged CC? As for the ccmerged file, I must have an old version of my fix floating around my mods folders because it worked last night when I changed the OP. When I used only ccmerge and my fix this morning it didn't work until I manually decrapped ccmerge. So once I make sure I have all the premium stuff installed I will add the contents of ccmerge to my fix. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) Post by: Rizin on 2012 May 20, 17:10:52 version 11 unAwesome works just fine for me as far as I can tell. Its just version 12 that's giving me problems. The fryer reset, the tablet tabcast not functioning properly. All this works with version 11. All I use Is decrapified sims3packs. I guess I'll stick with that one for now until I figure out how the heck to Group my resources.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) Post by: Miss Malevolent on 2012 May 20, 17:33:07 Hmm, Do you have Version 10 anywhere...that one worked. I downloaded 11 and stupidly deleted 10 thinking it would work(instead of testing first), but now the fryer, tabcast, spellbook etc doesn't work anymore. The antique phone never worked for me with any fix...I think it's cause it's borked in the mid century set and not the generation reg set. But I can live with the phone being messed up. If anyone has KT version 10's fix, I'd appreciate it.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 May 20, 17:53:29 It's the one I use, didn't bother getting the later versions since everything works top notch for me with this one.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 May 21, 02:35:16 Updated OP. Hopefully this way makes it easier for some people. If something is still wonky just let me know, just make sure to include how everything is installed.
I need two things: someone that uses packages to let me know if the ccmerged_vanilla works for you and someone to let me know if the deep fryer reset thingy is gone. Thanks. Also, has anyone had the option to change the oil in the deep fryer yet? There is an included oil bottle object and an xml for it but I haven't seen the option to ever actually change the oil. Maybe it's something like with the fairies for the ToP that Ea gave up on or didn't activate? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: Andistyr on 2012 May 21, 04:14:52 I didn't know you could change the oil in the deep fryer. I'll keep having my sim use it and see if the oil will need changing or not. Just to note that I've never had a problem with the deep fryer. I'm guessing you mean you need to know if the sim still resets when using it?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: Starwind on 2012 May 21, 08:40:34 Updated OP. Hopefully this way makes it easier for some people. If something is still wonky just let me know, just make sure to include how everything is installed. I installed both the KT Storefix Awesome and KT StorefixUnawesome, I didn't install either of the others as I install vanilla sims3pack's. The tabcast function is not working (no earphone or buff), had no problems with it in the version 11 fix but everything since doesn't work for that. Have not experienced the deepfryer jump bug at this time. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 May 21, 09:13:27 Updated OP. Hopefully this way makes it easier for some people. If something is still wonky just let me know, just make sure to include how everything is installed. I installed both the KT Storefix Awesome and KT StorefixUnawesome, I didn't install either of the others as I install vanilla sims3pack's. The tabcast function is not working (no earphone or buff), had no problems with it in the version 11 fix but everything since doesn't work for that. Have not experienced the deepfryer jump bug at this time. I assume you didn't install both of the fixes at the same time but tried each individually? If you've ever deleted all content in your DCBackup and did not re-install your premium content, your ccmerged.package may not be complete, which will cause problems. ETA: KT, Unless this is something else fixed by Awesomemod, there is no need for 2 versions of the ccmerged.package. Everyone will need the one with the store group ID, regardless of how one installs the content. When the core loads the store moodlets, it looks for a very specific resource which must have the store group ID. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: Starwind on 2012 May 21, 11:14:47 Updated OP. Hopefully this way makes it easier for some people. If something is still wonky just let me know, just make sure to include how everything is installed. I installed both the KT Storefix Awesome and KT StorefixUnawesome, I didn't install either of the others as I install vanilla sims3pack's. The tabcast function is not working (no earphone or buff), had no problems with it in the version 11 fix but everything since doesn't work for that. Have not experienced the deepfryer jump bug at this time. I assume you didn't install both of the fixes at the same time but tried each individually? If you've ever deleted all content in your DCBackup and did not re-install your premium content, your ccmerged.package may not be complete, which will cause problems. Actually I did install both at the same time as per the instructions KT has with the latest update... Instructions *This fix assumes that ALL affected items are installed the same way* Everyone will need this file here----->KT_StoreFix_Awesome (http://www.mediafire.com/?ntd4kaqtnyekfm4) If you don't use Awesomemod you will also need this file here----->KT_StoreFix_UnAwesome (http://www.mediafire.com/?w3j8ob3m07o8z3o) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 May 21, 12:31:12 I installed both the KT Storefix Awesome and KT StorefixUnawesome, I didn't install either of the others as I install vanilla sims3pack's. The tabcast function is not working (no earphone or buff), had no problems with it in the version 11 fix but everything since doesn't work for that. Have not experienced the deepfryer jump bug at this time. I assume you didn't install both of the fixes at the same time but tried each individually? If you've ever deleted all content in your DCBackup and did not re-install your premium content, your ccmerged.package may not be complete, which will cause problems. Actually I did install both at the same time as per the instructions KT has with the latest update... Instructions *This fix assumes that ALL affected items are installed the same way* Everyone will need this file here----->KT_StoreFix_Awesome (http://www.mediafire.com/?ntd4kaqtnyekfm4) If you don't use Awesomemod you will also need this file here----->KT_StoreFix_UnAwesome (http://www.mediafire.com/?w3j8ob3m07o8z3o) Oops, I don't use the UnAwesome fix so I totally glazed over that part. Still, the part about your ccmerged package stands. If it is incomplete -- and you don't have the complete file elsewhere -- you will have problems with the store items. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 May 21, 18:22:45 I installed both the KT Storefix Awesome and KT StorefixUnawesome, I didn't install either of the others as I install vanilla sims3pack's. The tabcast function is not working (no earphone or buff), had no problems with it in the version 11 fix but everything since doesn't work for that. Have not experienced the deepfryer jump bug at this time. Do you have a ccmerged file in your dcbackup folder? You may need to uninstall and reinstall your premium objects to get that back. ETA: KT, Unless this is something else fixed by Awesomemod, there is no need for 2 versions of the ccmerged.package. Everyone will need the one with the store group ID, regardless of how one installs the content. When the core loads the store moodlets, it looks for a very specific resource which must have the store group ID. Yea, I knew that. It was the group instance of the ccmerged files that threw me off, I could have sworn I didn't use any decrapped files in my fix. I wonder how that file works for legit owners, Ea does some weird things sometimes. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: danielmyst on 2012 May 21, 21:46:24 The deep fryer reset bug is still there with the latest 2 patch files (StoreFixes/UnAwesome Store Fixes)The Sim goes to use the deep fryer and the sim uses it but right before whatever is in the deep fryer is about to finish cooking, the sim cancels the the action of cooking and resets by doing the same action again in an endless loop.
My store content is all installed via the launcher and I have my own ccmerged file in my DCBackup folder. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: imyourboy on 2012 May 21, 22:47:32 I used every combo from the instructions provided and could not get the deep fryer or the tabcast to work so I went on a search to see if anyone else had a fix. Most other fixes advertised were this fix just hosted by someone else not even bothering to change the name of it.
Finally I found a fix at a site called The Sims 3 Contents. It fixed all the problems. I'm not saying the fix that is offered here isn't right but that in my case it did not work and this did. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 May 21, 23:01:58 That one is also mine just repackaged. If you were to use all three files I provided you would have the same exact thing. The only thing they did was removed the KEY file so that you have no idea what object each piece belongs to. I do realize that it seems that everybody's game responds differently to stuff, what with all the different ways to install cc and all the different combinations of mods and what-not. As long as you get it to work is all that matters.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 May 22, 06:16:24 The deep fryer reset bug is still there with the latest 2 patch files (StoreFixes/UnAwesome Store Fixes)The Sim goes to use the deep fryer and the sim uses it but right before whatever is in the deep fryer is about to finish cooking, the sim cancels the the action of cooking and resets by doing the same action again in an endless loop. My store content is all installed via the launcher and I have my own ccmerged file in my DCBackup folder. Try this: cut and paste your DCBackup folder to the desktop. Then create a new DCBackup folder and download the ccmerged_decrapped file here and put it in your new DCBackup folder. See if that works. The UNKN resource in the ccmerged.package contains the recipe list for the deep fryer. Perhaps yours is borked in some way. ETA: The fix from The sims 3 Contents does contain this UNKN file, which explains why the fix worked for imyourboy. Most likely his ccmerged.package is incomplete, empty, or doesn't have the correct group ID. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2012 May 22, 06:33:04 So what happens with an unholy hybrid of crapped and decrapped items?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 May 22, 07:40:06 So what happens with an unholy hybrid of crapped and decrapped items? Nothing special. Everyone needs the same exact resources in the ccmerged.packaged, and these resources must have the store group ID. Decrapping removes the store group ID, which is why the objects stop functioning properly. Of course, you may need to make sure you have the right ccmerged whenever you install new premium content. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 May 22, 13:49:41 So what happens with an unholy hybrid of crapped and decrapped items? Nothing special. Everyone needs the same exact resources in the ccmerged.packaged, and these resources must have the store group ID. Decrapping removes the store group ID, which is why the objects stop functioning properly. Of course, you may need to make sure you have the right ccmerged whenever you install new premium content. Just to add something to this; decrapping doesn't change the TGI's for any file in the ccmerged package. It only changes what needs to be to make the game think it's not a store item. So for example if I used a decrapped tablet and a packaged tablet they both would be using the same exact buff file. As far as premium content goes the fix is only needed if you're using arr'd stuff, legit stuff should work just fine. There's nothing in the files to suggest otherwise, even though people do have problems with legit objects. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.20.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 May 22, 16:11:58 So what happens with an unholy hybrid of crapped and decrapped items? Nothing special. Everyone needs the same exact resources in the ccmerged.packaged, and these resources must have the store group ID. Decrapping removes the store group ID, which is why the objects stop functioning properly. Of course, you may need to make sure you have the right ccmerged whenever you install new premium content. Just to add something to this; decrapping doesn't change the TGI's for any file in the ccmerged package. It only changes what needs to be to make the game think it's not a store item. So for example if I used a decrapped tablet and a packaged tablet they both would be using the same exact buff file. As far as premium content goes the fix is only needed if you're using arr'd stuff, legit stuff should work just fine. There's nothing in the files to suggest otherwise, even though people do have problems with legit objects. When I install my legit premium content, the group ID is the store group ID. Are you sure you didn't have a rogue de-crapped object somewhere when you tested? Legit stuff will of course work fine, assuming the one has not deleted one's ccmerged.package. Then legit stuff will break as well. Fixing the ccmerged is easy though, even for somebody who is not smart enough to keep a back up of store content. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) Post by: Miss Malevolent on 2012 May 23, 07:07:56 It's the one I use, didn't bother getting the later versions since everything works top notch for me with this one. Thanks so much, everything (except the phone) is back working again. Whew! SO HAPPY! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 May 23, 11:04:17 It's the one I use, didn't bother getting the later versions since everything works top notch for me with this one. Thanks so much, everything (except the phone) is back working again. Whew! SO HAPPY! Most likely you have installed an old version of the generations registration pack. EA fixed the phone not too long after they released the pack. Now it is only broken for people who decrap their sims3packs. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 May 23, 12:58:41 EA fixed the phone not too long after they released the pack. Now it is only broken for people who decrap their sims3packs. i.e. ALMOST EVERYONE HERE. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 May 23, 14:40:46 EA fixed the phone not too long after they released the pack. Now it is only broken for people who decrap their sims3packs. i.e. ALMOST EVERYONE HERE. True. I should have added "unless you use KT's store fix." So new generations reg pack + KT's store fix = working Vintage Rotary phone. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.23.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 May 23, 15:28:28 Updated OP. I've added an actual fix, not a decrap thing, for the Vineyard Vittles table that had problems with the middle slots. EA gave the table the wrong script class, womp womp. I've included both the vanilla and decrapped fixed file so one size fits all.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) Post by: Miss Malevolent on 2012 May 23, 16:55:57 True. I should have added "unless you use KT's store fix." So new generations reg pack + KT's store fix = working Vintage Rotary phone. I have KT's fix, and everything works but that phone. *shrug* Dunno why, and more to the point, no big deal...I'm just glad everything else works. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) Post by: Havelock on 2012 May 23, 19:41:49 True. I should have added "unless you use KT's store fix." So new generations reg pack + KT's store fix = working Vintage Rotary phone. I have KT's fix, and everything works but that phone. *shrug* Dunno why, and more to the point, no big deal...I'm just glad everything else works. Maybe your Phone is missing the needed script to work like it should. Try the attachment and see if it works. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) Post by: Miss Malevolent on 2012 May 29, 05:11:45 Maybe your Phone is missing the needed script to work like it should. Try the attachment and see if it works. Yep, that worked. Thank you! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 June 01, 04:30:38 Updated OP.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: ILikeChocolateMilk on 2012 June 01, 15:16:53 I have used every Store Fix you have published, and although it worked miracles for my Tablet and Ice Cream Making Machine it does absolutely nothing for my Deep Fryer. It did at some point, but even then it would mess up every person in my town. I'm not saying that your fix is at fault, I'm just saying that the stupid thing does not work. If I tell my sim to go and deep fry something, they will begin the process and will start acting like it's a child and will do that stupid "cuddly crap" with the deep fryer saying stuff like "AWWWWW!!". And then, when the food is almost done, the sim will reset and the food won't be edible. The food sits on the handle of the deep fryer and my sim has to start the process over. But the food is never finished. I have some Error Scrips from NRAAS Error Trap if that would help. If you would like for me to post a video of what is happening I will try my hardest to do that as well. I'm not all that great with uploading stuff.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 June 01, 15:57:51 I have no clue why that would happen. You're not using a mod that lets sims talk to appliances are you? I also thought that Nrass is currently incompatible with the premium contents?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: ILikeChocolateMilk on 2012 June 01, 16:00:35 I didn't even know there was a mod that let's you talk to appliances to be honest. ???, but as far as the NRAAS mods being incompatible with all premium content, IDK if that's true. All other premium items work. Except the got dangit deep fryer.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 June 01, 20:32:43 I also thought that Nrass is currently incompatible with the premium contents? I use pretty much all Nraas mods and have no problem with premium content. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: imyourboy on 2012 June 01, 21:22:25 I am using all of NRAAS Mods and I finally got all the premium content to work as I stated earlier in this thread.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 June 01, 21:40:41 I thought I read something about either over watch or error trap not working with something, can't refind the thread I saw that in. I don't use his mods so IDK.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 June 01, 22:19:32 There was a user report that one of the Overwatch functions conflicted with Tabcasts, but that's still pretty much hearsay, as there is no way of knowing whether or not that person knows the first thing about troubleshooting. For what it's worth, it's not listed in the Known Issues by Twallan.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 June 01, 23:24:08 DERP. I use the overwatch too and the tabcasts work fine.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: Sigmund on 2012 June 02, 00:28:01 I don't think they conflict. I use both fine, too.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: Xav on 2012 June 02, 02:33:02 Twallan commented on the deep fryer reset error before:
Quote The log is in regards to a number of broken references being stored by the Deep Fryer object. That object is not particularly well written, and has been known to cause problems for many users. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 June 02, 06:35:42 I have used every Store Fix you have published, and although it worked miracles for my Tablet and Ice Cream Making Machine it does absolutely nothing for my Deep Fryer. It did at some point, but even then it would mess up every person in my town. I'm not saying that your fix is at fault, I'm just saying that the stupid thing does not work. If I tell my sim to go and deep fry something, they will begin the process and will start acting like it's a child and will do that stupid "cuddly crap" with the deep fryer saying stuff like "AWWWWW!!". And then, when the food is almost done, the sim will reset and the food won't be edible. The food sits on the handle of the deep fryer and my sim has to start the process over. But the food is never finished. I have some Error Scrips from NRAAS Error Trap if that would help. If you would like for me to post a video of what is happening I will try my hardest to do that as well. I'm not all that great with uploading stuff. Upload the script error and I'll take a look at it. Honestly, this reset bug is very likely to be tied to improper installation and/or incomplete ccmerged (read this (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/)). Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: ILikeChocolateMilk on 2012 June 02, 15:49:29 Here's the script error I get every time I start my game up. I have installed all content the same way and I have never deleted the ccmerged file. I install via the launcher, and then use the .dbc files. I do have backups of everything, but all of them come in sets, so if re-installation is the only possible solution anyone can think of I will try that and then let you know of the results.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 June 02, 17:04:44 Here's the script error I get every time I start my game up. I have installed all content the same way and I have never deleted the ccmerged file. I install via the launcher, and then use the .dbc files. I do have backups of everything, but all of them come in sets, so if re-installation is the only possible solution anyone can think of I will try that and then let you know of the results. Several of your Nraas mods are sorely out of date. Also, I don't use the magic gnome mod but it hasn't been updated since pets and may need an update. You might have out of date tuning mods as well. Try moving out all of your mods, deleting the scriptcache, and then starting the game with only Kt's fix. Then start a new hood and try to use the deep fryer. If it doesn't work, you might need to re-install that set. Something else you can do is to rename your Sims 3 folder in Documents\Electronic Arts and install the set via the launcher. Then add KT's fix and start a new game and see if the deep fryer works. The unhandled reference is caused by food props from the deep fryer that aren't being properly cleaned up, and it seems like twallan is hoping to fix that in the next ErrorTrap update. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2012 June 05, 05:05:03 The majority of my content is installed as decrapped packages, but I installed Lunar Lakes and Hidden Springs (also decrapped) through the launcher. You said these fixes assume everything was installed the same way, so is there likely to be a problem with the tree of prosperity or fountain of youth?
Also, just to be a hundred percent clear, ccmerged_decrapped goes in Overrides if you use packages, not DCBackup? edit: found the answer to one of the things I asked, so I took that out so as not to waste your time. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: Xav on 2012 June 08, 00:15:41 If you're using packages, you'll need to update the ccmerged file (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/) because the casino items have a new BUFF and SKIL resource.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 June 08, 05:17:27 Updated OP for new store set.
The majority of my content is installed as decrapped packages, but I installed Lunar Lakes and Hidden Springs (also decrapped) through the launcher. You said these fixes assume everything was installed the same way, so is there likely to be a problem with the tree of prosperity or fountain of youth? There shouldn't be, that's moar of a decrapped or legit thing. You do know that you don't need to decrap if you're using packages, right? That way you won't need most of what I "fix." Also, just to be a hundred percent clear, ccmerged_decrapped goes in Overrides if you use packages, not DCBackup? edit: found the answer to one of the things I asked, so I took that out so as not to waste your time. I haven't tried putting it in DCBackup, that might work. I just think it's easier to plop it in the framework. Just tried it, it works that way as well. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: ILikeChocolateMilk on 2012 June 08, 14:51:37 If you use DC Backups, do you put the ccmerged_decrapped files in Packages or Overrides? BTW, I got my deep fryer to work. What actually did it, I don't know. I re-installed all custom content and I also updated all of my mods and my game. I hadn't updated my game to 1.34 because I didn't even know Sweet Treats was out yet. But Thanks for the suggestions, because one of them worked.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 June 09, 00:37:49 I having trouble getting the blackjack table to work with that fix suggestions or can someone make it in a .package file that works? I tried to do the whole set I don't know if I did it right because its still having issues.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 June 09, 01:06:12 I have the blackjack table as a .package file and still get the missing resource error and the giant blocks. It's the only premium object I have that doesn't work now. I'm going to redownload the KT fix files and make sure I didn't miss an update.
ETA: Sure enough, I missed one of KT's updated files. Everything works fine. My AIDE is a good AIDE. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 June 09, 02:16:16 Ohh wow sounds like your video card is on the fritz. Did you update it?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 June 09, 03:31:15 Sounds like your brain is on the fritz.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 June 09, 04:12:45 Ok sorry I didn't have all the updates either and thanks Kissing Toast it works.
Though I don't know if this is an issue but I haven't seen any of the moodlets its suppose to have just lucky and unlucky. :-\ Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: mephlabs on 2012 June 09, 07:45:58 About the new Gambling Skill, I think the Icon for the Skill (The one that is shown in the Skill List/Log) is missing for me.
Anyone else has the same problem? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 June 09, 08:05:35 About the new Gambling Skill, I think the Icon for the Skill (The one that is shown in the Skill List/Log) is missing for me. Ditto. I threw KT's updated fix and his latest CCmerged in the override folder and the blackjack accessories and the moodlets work perfectly. The skill bar appears and works but no icon in the journal. It's just an icon though, who cares. I wonder if it appears for the legit buyers.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 June 09, 09:42:47 About the new Gambling Skill, I think the Icon for the Skill (The one that is shown in the Skill List/Log) is missing for me. Ditto. I threw KT's updated fix and his latest CCmerged in the override folder and the blackjack accessories and the moodlets work perfectly. The skill bar appears and works but no icon in the journal. It's just an icon though, who cares. I wonder if it appears for the legit buyers.There is an icon for the gambling skill. It's very easy to fix. The TGI of the IMAG resource for the icon is wrong when decrapified. The IMAG resource for the gambling skill icon is in the accessoryGambling package (0x816911c256e146bf801cdc68ec79a95f.package, contains StoreObjectsGamblingSkill.dll), and has instance ID 0xA14CEE3885128E41. Edit: Link removed. Please download KT's updated fix. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: snowflakeinhell on 2012 June 09, 11:29:45 None of the fixes work for me, I tried everything, following the instructions, but I still get big grey blocks at the blackjack table telling me something is missing..
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 June 09, 15:16:23 You need KT's fixes to be set up as an override, which means the computer needs to read the files first before it reads the files they affect. In my "Mods" folder, I have a "Packages" folder and an "Override" folder. My "Packages" folder has several sub-folders ("Hair," "Clothing," "Hacks," etc.). Putting my cc into subfolders like that serves two purposes: it makes it much easier to locate individual .packages, and subfolders are automatically lower in the file-reading hierarchy. Anyway, set up your overrides correctly, double-check your resource.cfg file to make sure it's set to read all folders and subfolders in the "Mods" folder, and everything should work correctly.
ETA: The computer would probably read your "Overrides" folder before your "Packages" folder anyway, because of the Magic of Alphabetical Order, but I tend to compartmentalize a lot. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: snowflakeinhell on 2012 June 09, 16:36:58 You need KT's fixes to be set up as an override, which means the computer needs to read the files first before it reads the files they affect. In my "Mods" folder, I have a "Packages" folder and an "Override" folder. My "Packages" folder has several sub-folders ("Hair," "Clothing," "Hacks," etc.). Putting my cc into subfolders like that serves two purposes: it makes it much easier to locate individual .packages, and subfolders are automatically lower in the file-reading hierarchy. Anyway, set up your overrides correctly, double-check your resource.cfg file to make sure it's set to read all folders and subfolders in the "Mods" folder, and everything should work correctly. ETA: The computer would probably read your "Overrides" folder before your "Packages" folder anyway, because of the Magic of Alphabetical Order, but I tend to compartmentalize a lot. I tried everything, even making an overrides folder and putting the files in there, and still the same problem. I did get something to work though, I put the store fix files in my packages folder and put the ccmerged file in dcbackup, and everything seems to work ok, except one thing seems to be invisible on the blackjack table and my sim won't gain any gambling skill from it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 June 09, 23:08:43 You need KT's fixes to be set up as an override, which means the computer needs to read the files first before it reads the files they affect. In my "Mods" folder, I have a "Packages" folder and an "Override" folder. My "Packages" folder has several sub-folders ("Hair," "Clothing," "Hacks," etc.). Putting my cc into subfolders like that serves two purposes: it makes it much easier to locate individual .packages, and subfolders are automatically lower in the file-reading hierarchy. Anyway, set up your overrides correctly, double-check your resource.cfg file to make sure it's set to read all folders and subfolders in the "Mods" folder, and everything should work correctly. ETA: The computer would probably read your "Overrides" folder before your "Packages" folder anyway, because of the Magic of Alphabetical Order, but I tend to compartmentalize a lot. I tried everything, even making an overrides folder and putting the files in there, and still the same problem. I did get something to work though, I put the store fix files in my packages folder and put the ccmerged file in dcbackup, and everything seems to work ok, except one thing seems to be invisible on the blackjack table and my sim won't gain any gambling skill from it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 June 10, 01:10:57 You need KT's fixes to be set up as an override, which means the computer needs to read the files first before it reads the files they affect. In my "Mods" folder, I have a "Packages" folder and an "Override" folder. My "Packages" folder has several sub-folders ("Hair," "Clothing," "Hacks," etc.). Putting my cc into subfolders like that serves two purposes: it makes it much easier to locate individual .packages, and subfolders are automatically lower in the file-reading hierarchy. Anyway, set up your overrides correctly, double-check your resource.cfg file to make sure it's set to read all folders and subfolders in the "Mods" folder, and everything should work correctly. ETA: The computer would probably read your "Overrides" folder before your "Packages" folder anyway, because of the Magic of Alphabetical Order, but I tend to compartmentalize a lot. I tried everything, even making an overrides folder and putting the files in there, and still the same problem. I did get something to work though, I put the store fix files in my packages folder and put the ccmerged file in dcbackup, and everything seems to work ok, except one thing seems to be invisible on the blackjack table and my sim won't gain any gambling skill from it. Not getting the gambling skill is ccmerge fail, not getting the accessories for the blackjack table is just plain fail. Just an update, I got the icon showing up for the skill. I will look into the autonomous thing tonight as well. I'm also going to change the way my fix is set up again, sorry bout that. I'm going to split up the decrapped problems from the actual problems. As always any and all suggestions about things are welcome. Edit: Sims do use the blackjack tables. They just like the slot machines better. I set the lot to big park and removed the slot machines, sims kept pouring in to play blackjack. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: Tomislaw on 2012 June 10, 06:12:24 Hit 'em Harder Blackjack Table, Triple Riches Slots O'Jackpots Slot Machine[/li][/list] Instructions *This fix assumes that ALL affected items are installed the same way* Everyone will need this file here----->KT_StoreFix_Awesome (http://www.mediafire.com/?18ovvvn63np7814)(06.08.2012) :) If you don't use Awesomemod you will also need this file here----->KT_StoreFix_UnAwesome (http://www.mediafire.com/?w3j8ob3m07o8z3o) If your premium store content is arr'd you need this----->ccmerged_decrapped (http://www.mediafire.com/?x2jq8r9usr3bm3p)(06.08.2012) :) *If you use packages make sure to put these in your overrides folder* Original ccmerged package (as of 06.08.2012) attached below. *No Random mod moved to my blog, link in signature.* I have problem with newest set (BlackJack Table and Slot Machine). I deccraped and installed S3P, but I have problems like missing objects chips etc. I have in packages Joey_StoreCCFix...... I don't use AwesomeMod. What I need that I can fix latest and newest set? First or Second or Third link in qouted post? What is overrides folder? Where I can find it? Thank you. :) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: YoungOldPrude on 2012 June 10, 07:15:42 I just had my first Elder sim play blackjack. Her Fun bar was 97% green starting out, but within, oh, say thirty sim minutes, she had the glaring red "Stressed Out" moodlet. I fixed up her fun bar and sent her over to a slot machine only to receive the same results.
Update: Please disregard the above. I figured it out. The Frugal trait was to blame. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 June 10, 08:02:56 Then the blackjack autonomy could be raise a tiny bit, I've tested by putting one on the home lot and nobody touched it ever. However when I've put a slot machine they all rushed to it.
Quote As always any and all suggestions about things are welcome. notouching's fix for the icon works, it could be added to the ccmerged file you provide. Instructions could also insist on the use of an override folder, not touching the original files is a must to avoid a massload of whining.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 June 10, 08:19:19 Maybe KT could make a tuning file just for you. I have no problems at all with the blackjack tables in my game. Actually it's often full of sims. I don't play the enormous EA lot though so that may be it. I do have the slot machines on the lot as well though.
ETA: The spellbook isn't animating properly for me either. Though I am able to learn spells and use them. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 June 10, 09:49:34 Maybe KT could make a tuning file just for you. I have no problems at all with the blackjack tables in my game. Actually it's often full of sims. I don't play the enormous EA lot though so that may be it. I do have the slot machines on the lot as well though. ETA: The spellbook isn't animating properly for me either. Though I am able to learn spells and use them. Have you got the latest store patch? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 June 10, 10:09:03 Maybe KT could make a tuning file just for you. I have no problems at all with the blackjack tables in my game. Actually it's often full of sims. I don't play the enormous EA lot though so that may be it. I do have the slot machines on the lot as well though. ETA: The spellbook isn't animating properly for me either. Though I am able to learn spells and use them. Have you got the latest store patch? *Headdesk* I'm pretty sure I don't. I always patch up manually so I tend to miss out on the store patches. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: hercules on 2012 June 10, 14:06:48 It is normal in a lot of simoleons casino lucky objects, windows, pillars are replaced with those of the base game of The Sims 3? For example the blackjack table is replaced with a normal table of The Sims 3 ... I wanted to know if it is normal or is there a solution to solve this problem
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 June 10, 16:20:35 Indeed. After a couple of days my active sims finally started using the blackjack table (still sparingly). The autonomy is low but it is really there.
hercules, the lot have to be decrappified to show the correct items. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: hercules on 2012 June 10, 16:29:20 hercules, the lot have to be decrappified to show the correct items. and, how can I decrapified the lot?Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 June 10, 17:00:41 How is everyone getting the moodlets to work I still am only getting lucky and unlucky. :-\
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2012 June 10, 21:57:49 Eh, I'd already decrapified the sims3packs back before I gave up on the launcher and didn't want to download them again. I'll keep that in mind for future downloads though.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 June 11, 17:42:27 So how DO you fix the fat fryer? My Sim just stood and starved while it fried - for at least 4 Sim Hours. I gave up and sold it back. The only options were Serve and Deep fry and Eat. In neither case did it ever finish cooking, though every now and then the fryer basket jumped out and wiggled all by itself... They do seem to be getting cooking pointage from it but no food at all. If you had installed the files correctly, it would be working. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 June 29, 10:55:49 KT, I went and identified some packages for you, in case you spot this before you start working on the fix.
Frog: 0x471216ea194d4465a259e185d6a42a5c.package Coin: 0xaa7c9c529fbd412eaa17dc57f0203e04.package Car Keys: 0x2d7a14a06c1f4ab7911e806097383a71.package Wishing Well: 0x467f3ebca64d45b495a0ca2ab0ee6fdf -- In case anyone wants to take a look at it Edit: The car keys are relevant. Edit2: Edit3: Link removed. Please download KT's updated fix. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 June 29, 13:49:10 KT, I went and identified some packages for you, in case you spot this before you start working on the fix. Frog: 0x471216ea194d4465a259e185d6a42a5c.package Coin: 0xaa7c9c529fbd412eaa17dc57f0203e04.package Car Keys: 0x2d7a14a06c1f4ab7911e806097383a71.package Wishing Well: 0x467f3ebca64d45b495a0ca2ab0ee6fdf -- In case anyone wants to take a look at it Edit: The care keys are relevant. Le sigh. I was hoping there would be no conflict with the premium content this time around. KT is usually very fast with fixing the pc though so I'll wait patiently while he gets to it. Do they intentionally code the pc objects to break when decrappified or is it something in the decrappifying process that ends up breaking the objects? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 June 29, 14:26:30 KT, I went and identified some packages for you, in case you spot this before you start working on the fix. Frog: 0x471216ea194d4465a259e185d6a42a5c.package Coin: 0xaa7c9c529fbd412eaa17dc57f0203e04.package Car Keys: 0x2d7a14a06c1f4ab7911e806097383a71.package Wishing Well: 0x467f3ebca64d45b495a0ca2ab0ee6fdf -- In case anyone wants to take a look at it Edit: The care keys are relevant. Le sigh. I was hoping there would be no conflict with the premium content this time around. KT is usually very fast with fixing the pc though so I'll wait patiently while he gets to it. Do they intentionally code the pc objects to break when decrappified or is it something in the decrappifying process that ends up breaking the objects? It is decrapifying that breaks the objects. It removes the store group from the TGI of the accessories, so the game can't find them. Whether they do it intentionally, I don't know exactly. Anyhow, I attached the package files needed to make them work so you could just put those in your mods folder until KT updates, if you are feeling antsy. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 June 29, 15:02:57 I've just been waiting for someone awesome person to upload the new world, I will update soon as I get it. I don't think the "breaking" is on purpose. Decrapping changes a teeny tiny number value inside of the packages to make the game think they're not store files. When it comes to accessories that's a bad thing because the object is looking for XYZ, but decrapping turned it into ABC, so technically it's not there. I just turn it back into XYZ.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 June 29, 15:37:37 I've just been waiting for someone awesome person to upload the new world, I will update soon as I get it. I don't think the "breaking" is on purpose. Decrapping changes a teeny tiny number value inside of the packages to make the game think they're not store files. When it comes to accessories that's a bad thing because the object is looking for XYZ, but decrapping turned it into ABC, so technically it's not there. I just turn it back into XYZ. Oh, I see now. I was waiting for icanthbebothered to upload it since (she/he?) is very fast and I know icbb recently bought two of the most expensive bundles to get the arcades from the mystery bag. Another simmer uploaded it though a couple of hours ago. Although you can't see the frog and such the wishing well does work so people can use it while you're working on the fix. @notouching: That was fast! :) *Hits the baaa button repeatedly* P.S. This is not store related but I was wondering if you could add the KPST items to your norandom mod, KT? I may decide to arrr it after all if you would be so kind. :) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 June 29, 16:03:53 Updated OP, haven't actually tried it in game yet, should be OK though.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 June 29, 17:03:32 I have a question about the casino because even though I have the casino from the store it still doesn't have any of the moodlets or the gambling skills. Do you know what causing it? Someone gifted me the casino. I haven't run into a problem with the wishing well at least maybe because its from the store to. :-\
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 June 29, 17:05:51 I have a question about the casino because even though I have the casino from the store it still doesn't have any of the moodlets or the gambling skills. I have run into a problem with the wishing well at least maybe because its from the store to. Moodlet or skill problems are due to ccmerge fail. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 June 29, 17:06:29 Updated OP, haven't actually tried it in game yet, should be OK though. Well I've been testing notouching's files but the bloody sim won't get the love wish fulfilled. I suspect it's because she already had it granted before I had the files and probably won't get the wish fulfilled now that she's already in a romantic relationship. So far I had no luck with the WW spawning the pixies and fireflies on the ToP either. I believe the chanc eof them spawning is rather low though. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 June 29, 17:11:28 I have a question about the casino because even though I have the casino from the store it still doesn't have any of the moodlets or the gambling skills. I have run into a problem with the wishing well at least maybe because its from the store to. Moodlet or skill problems are due to ccmerge fail. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 June 29, 17:22:38 Updated OP, haven't actually tried it in game yet, should be OK though. Well I've been testing notouching's files but the bloody sim won't get the love wish fulfilled. I suspect it's because she already had it granted before I had the files and probably won't get the wish fulfilled now that she's already in a romantic relationship. So far I had no luck with the WW spawning the pixies and fireflies on the ToP either. I believe the chanc eof them spawning is rather low though. I've gotten the lucky coin and frog to show up. I have no ides what the car keys are for? Does it give you a car? Does the well get fairies too or is it just the tree? I have a question about the casino because even though I have the casino from the store it still doesn't have any of the moodlets or the gambling skills. I have run into a problem with the wishing well at least maybe because its from the store to. Moodlet or skill problems are due to ccmerge fail. Solve that problem and things might start falling in to place. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 June 29, 17:29:13 Well I've been testing notouching's files but the bloody sim won't get the love wish fulfilled. I suspect it's because she already had it granted before I had the files and probably won't get the wish fulfilled now that she's already in a romantic relationship. So far I had no luck with the WW spawning the pixies and fireflies on the ToP either. I believe the chanc eof them spawning is rather low though. I've gotten the lucky coin and frog to show up. I have no ides what the car keys are for? Does it give you a car? Does the well get fairies too or is it just the tree? [/quote] Oh, I'm sure the files work, the problem is that my sim suddenly has terrible luck getting the wish fulfilled so I it's hard for me to test them atm. I'm trying with your files now and a new household. Fishing a car key ought to give you a new car. I believe the car you get is a random base-game car. The WW spawns a pixie show at night. The tree should also have a chance to spawn either a pixie show or firefly show at night. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 June 29, 17:38:28 Updated OP, haven't actually tried it in game yet, should be OK though. Well I've been testing notouching's files but the bloody sim won't get the love wish fulfilled. I suspect it's because she already had it granted before I had the files and probably won't get the wish fulfilled now that she's already in a romantic relationship. So far I had no luck with the WW spawning the pixies and fireflies on the ToP either. I believe the chanc eof them spawning is rather low though. I've gotten the lucky coin and frog to show up. I have no ides what the car keys are for? Does it give you a car? Does the well get fairies too or is it just the tree? I have a question about the casino because even though I have the casino from the store it still doesn't have any of the moodlets or the gambling skills. I have run into a problem with the wishing well at least maybe because its from the store to. Moodlet or skill problems are due to ccmerge fail. *snip* You have a random chance to get car keys when you wish for wealth. They will give you a random car listed in the tuning: CarSedan, CarHatchback, CarPickup2door, CarSports, CarExpensive1, CarExpensive2, CarUsed2, CarUsed1 As for the Pixies & Fireflies, what I have noticed so far is that it is the Wishing Well will spawn the pixies/fireflies if there is an unmodded Tree of Prosperity on the lot. With the modded tree of prosperity, both spawn fireflies/pixies. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 June 29, 17:46:02 Yup, just found the car keys and got the fairies to show up. I did play around with the xml for the chances of those things to happen though. I like when the fairies throw your money back at you.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 June 29, 19:12:00 You have a random chance to get car keys when you wish for wealth. They will give you a random car listed in the tuning: CarSedan, CarHatchback, CarPickup2door, CarSports, CarExpensive1, CarExpensive2, CarUsed2, CarUsed1 As for the Pixies & Fireflies, what I have noticed so far is that it is the Wishing Well will spawn the pixies/fireflies if there is an unmodded Tree of Prosperity on the lot. With the modded tree of prosperity, both spawn fireflies/pixies. Oh, good to know. They were rather vague about the car keys in the chat. Yes, but they always spawn? Also hetero male sims beware. Wishing for love will always summon a male lover. ETA: Quote from nonamena at MTS Quote This tuning file in particular will not work for an un-modded tree. It only works for my Tree of Prosperity script. If you want to stop using the mod, you'd have to get tuning from elsewhere -- which I am currently looking into doing. However, it seems like, if you put an unmodded tree of prosperity onto a lot with a wishing well, only the wishing well with spawn pixies/fireflies. When I set the pixies/fireflies to 100% chance on the tree, i still didn't get any, even with a wishing well on the lot. But the wishing well did spawn pixies/fireflies (it has its own separate tuning). So, at least for now, it looks like if you want the tree to spawn pixies/fireflies, you still need this mod. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: kaynissevengreen on 2012 June 29, 20:39:17 Hey, I've been scrolling through many forums looking at fixes for my Multitab 6000 problem, about the Tabcast not working. I've tried multiple things to get it working, uninstalling the pack and reinstalling it, and I tried both versions of the store fix to get it working, and nothings worked, I'm not really sure why. And I've updated my store content update thingy...
I put the package files for the store fix in the overrides folder, as I dont have awesome mod I got the first two, I don't know if I needed both. The only things I havent done are "decrapify" my sims 3, mainly because I don't know what it means. I havent touched my DCbackup, but I did use the ccmerged.package file uploaded it and replaced my own, thinking that might be the problem. Does anyone have any sort of idea why it isnt working? I have package files in the mods folder I don't mind deleting, if anyone thinks that would get my tabcasts working. Thanks in advance! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 June 29, 20:44:07 Oh, good to know. They were rather vague about the car keys in the chat. Yes, but they always spawn? Also hetero male sims beware. Wishing for love will always summon a male lover. They(pixies) don't always, they're tuned to show up about 60% of the time. I just had a frog turn into a female sim for my gay sim while testing. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 June 29, 21:15:21 Ok I really have no clue what that means it works with your fix but it won't if I have it just on its own. I rather not have your fix if its a legit copy but none of the freaking moodlets or the gambling skill work. Its not cc what ever crap problem I reinstalled everything back in so it should be working. Its is a legit copy so basically you are telling me that its EA products that are failing not mine. I have to keep fixes in my game anyways but I have like 5.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 June 29, 21:26:06 No, I'm telling you that you're doing it wrong.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 June 29, 21:45:40 Umm I get that but what am I doing wrong?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 June 29, 22:00:15 Umm I get that but what am I doing wrong? Have you not read this? (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 June 29, 22:10:39 Oh, good to know. They were rather vague about the car keys in the chat. Yes, but they always spawn? Also hetero male sims beware. Wishing for love will always summon a male lover. They(pixies) don't always, they're tuned to show up about 60% of the time. I just had a frog turn into a female sim for my gay sim while testing. Typical EA voodoo. The gay guy gets a female lover while the hetero gets a male one. ::) I've only played with the WW for a few hours and I've got already about 100 things on my list I'd like to change about it. First the game should summon a lover of the appropriate gender for the sim. Then I'd like to get rid of the "nothing happened" outcome. The wish should either fail or succeed. That's what makes the object fun. The pixies throwing money at your sim, the creepy evil kid arising from the well and the frog leaping out of the well. Ok, so maybe I don't have a 100 things on my list but these two issues annoy me to death. I would also love it if sims could sit on the edge of the well. That would make for some really beautiful screenshots. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: imyourboy on 2012 June 29, 23:49:33 I just threw your fixes into my packages folder and scanned with Dashboard and it shows that it is conflicting with Store Stuff Part 3. Is this something that is known? I didn't see any post about it.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 June 30, 00:39:19 Ok yes but I had to buy all the stuff I don't want fixes in my game. Its getting stupid.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: bitterquill on 2012 June 30, 00:53:25 I just threw your fixes into my packages folder and scanned with Dashboard and it shows that it is conflicting with Store Stuff Part 3. Is this something that is known? I didn't see any post about it. If you're using packages, the answer is in the posts that immediately follow the OP. All mods need to be in a location that's at a higher priority level than the files they modify. Ok yes but I had to buy all the stuff I don't want fixes in my game. Its getting stupid. You didn't have to buy anything. I got all my Store stuff and fixes here and everything works for me. As you were already told: Moodlet or skill problems are due to ccmerge fail. If something is fail, get one that isn't. I'm not sure how much clearer the answer can get. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 June 30, 01:34:52 Yes I realize I didn't have to buy it I have no idea what a ccmerge fail is its coming from my launcher yes in the backup folder but how do you replace it if it fails?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 June 30, 01:42:58 Ok yes but I had to buy all the stuff I don't want fixes in my game. Its getting stupid. "It"? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 June 30, 02:20:51 Wow Jezzer that was intelligent ::)
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: brownlustgirl on 2012 June 30, 03:54:49 Yes I realize I didn't have to buy it I have no idea what a ccmerge fail is its coming from my launcher yes in the backup folder but how do you replace it if it fails? Umm I get that but what am I doing wrong? Have you not read this? (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/) Hopefully now they will see it? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: bitterquill on 2012 June 30, 04:00:20 Yes I realize I didn't have to buy it I have no idea what a ccmerge fail is its coming from my launcher yes in the backup folder but how do you replace it if it fails? Read the thread, you insufferable idiot. Read the very first post from beginning to end. All those scary squiggly lines? Those are "letters" and they come together to form "words," some of which, when properly divined, contain the solution you seek. For fuck's sake. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 June 30, 04:23:44 Wow Jezzer that was intelligent ::) Sweetie, I don't think you would recognize "intelligent" if it held you down and teabagged you. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 June 30, 06:18:39 I just threw your fixes into my packages folder and scanned with Dashboard and it shows that it is conflicting with Store Stuff Part 3. Is this something that is known? I didn't see any post about it. I'm not entirely sure what this store stuff part 3 is. If there is something in there that the fix fixes than yes, it would show up as a conflict, but a good one. Wow Jezzer that was intelligent ::) Sweetie, I don't think you would recognize "intelligent" if it held you down and teabagged you. This is just pure awesomeness, made my night. @Tia - No one here is going to do this for you. If you don't know what the ccmerge file is then I suggest you shut the fuck up and figure it out. You are on the goddamn internet for fuck sakes, use a search engine, any one of them. Might I also add that I highly doubt you even bothered reading anything from the OP, I only mention the fucking thing four times, yes, four times. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Madame Mim on 2012 June 30, 08:02:20 Tia: I'd like to add that the fact your purchased from EA products don't work is no problem of ours in the first place. If you don't like Kissing Toast's fixes you are completely welcome to go to EA and ask them for help with your mental fail.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: MannyCalavera on 2012 June 30, 09:20:19 Why in the name of god is there always a buff conflict between premium items? I just can't understand why EA keeps messing up the same thing over and over again.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 June 30, 09:41:14 Why in the name of god is there always a buff conflict between premium items? I just can't understand why EA keeps messing up the same thing over and over again. It is not a buff conflict. EA isn't messing anything up. If you install through the launcher and do not delete the ccmerged.package everything will work exactly as EA has designed it to. The buffs use the same TGI because of the way EA has handled loading them in the core. Instead of loading a separate buff table for every single premium content item, EA loads one for all premium content items. It is smart because it saves EA time, but it is particularly sensitive to user error. If you delete the ccmerged.package, install de-crapped sims3packs, or use package files instead of sims3packs, you have to go about fixing the ccmerged.package yourself. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Anach on 2012 June 30, 10:23:10 Best and cleanest way to install content is to decrapify all store content and install through the launcher, and install all CC through merged packages in your mods folder (after extracting from sims3pack if needed). That keeps everything organised for easy reinstall, allows easy removal of CC and ensures everything works as intended.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 June 30, 11:16:16 That's impossible to do, the launcher quickly become unstable if there's too many files. I dread to imagine installing the whole store like that, it would be a nightmare - and take days! Plus you won't be able to fix the categories of the stuff easily and if you want to remove an item you're good for a one hour search in the looooong list the launcher spouts. It's a fucking piece of shit, I use it only to install stuff that really needs it.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Sparks on 2012 June 30, 11:42:18 It's not impossible. I just did exactly that about a week ago; game runs probably 10 times faster/smoother using this method. Launcher isn't as unstable as it used to be. Also, I have my own CASP fixes, not to mention stencil removers and unlocked mailboxes. Everything works fine.
Don't be lazy, just try it. Also, as for un-installing, you can do so in S3PE as well. I just fixed a bunch of corrupted patterns that made my Misc section empty. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: bitterquill on 2012 June 30, 11:54:14 That's impossible to do, the launcher quickly become unstable if there's too many files. I dread to imagine installing the whole store like that, it would be a nightmare - and take days! Plus you won't be able to fix the categories of the stuff easily and if you want to remove an item you're good for a one hour search in the looooong list the launcher spouts. It's a fucking piece of shit, I use it only to install stuff that really needs it. There's a great deal of legitimate criticism regarding the Launcher, but I wholeheartedly disagree that the method described by Anach is "impossible" or that it would "take days" to set up. I've used extracted/merged store packages in the past and found it perfectly acceptable at the time (except for the misbehaving counters and sectionals), but chose to switch back to decrapified Sims3Packs as a method of keeping EA content and third party CC apart. I recently did a ground-up install of all the EP's/SP's and store content and although it took the better part of an afternoon, the vast majority of that was installing the game itself. The Store stuff only took about an hour. I did find that the Launcher started "skipping" files when I installed too many at a time (because, as you noted, it is a fucking piece of shit); when I started installing things in 200mb chunks, a number I chose rather arbitrarily because it's just a bit smaller than the average file in my DCCache, it was smooth sailing. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Anach on 2012 June 30, 13:26:34 That's impossible to do, the launcher quickly become unstable if there's too many files. I dread to imagine installing the whole store like that, it would be a nightmare - and take days! Plus you won't be able to fix the categories of the stuff easily and if you want to remove an item you're good for a one hour search in the looooong list the launcher spouts. It's a fucking piece of shit, I use it only to install stuff that really needs it. It's not impossible at all. It's exactly how I have my store stuff installed, and all of it works perfectly. It is actually easier to create overrides for store content using this method, as the mods folder is already higher priority than dccache, so fixing categories (Which I have done extensively with s3sr) is quite simple. I don't have any stability issues, and as I never uninstall store stuff (why would you remove it?), I don't care if it displays in the launcher or is difficult to find. I just find my game is healthier when I do things this way, and there is less screwing about with priorities and duplicates in the mods folder. There's a great deal of legitimate criticism regarding the Launcher, but I wholeheartedly disagree that the method described by Anach is "impossible" or that it would "take days" to set up. I've used extracted/merged store packages in the past and found it perfectly acceptable at the time (except for the misbehaving counters and sectionals), but chose to switch back to decrapified Sims3Packs as a method of keeping EA content and third party CC apart. I recently did a ground-up install of all the EP's/SP's and store content and although it took the better part of an afternoon, the vast majority of that was installing the game itself. The Store stuff only took about an hour. I did find that the Launcher started "skipping" files when I installed too many at a time (because, as you noted, it is a fucking piece of shit); when I started installing things in 200mb chunks, a number I chose rather arbitrarily because it's just a bit smaller than the average file in my DCCache, it was smooth sailing. Great tip! I do the same thing to install Store content. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: witch on 2012 June 30, 14:40:59 That's impossible to do, the launcher quickly become unstable if there's too many files. I dread to imagine installing the whole store like that, it would be a nightmare - and take days! Plus you won't be able to fix the categories of the stuff easily and if you want to remove an item you're good for a one hour search in the looooong list the launcher spouts. It's a fucking piece of shit, I use it only to install stuff that really needs it. With my new machine I did the entire store contents to date in one hit. So I suspect the process is somewhat dependant on the hardware available. It took about 10 minutes. I did find that the Launcher started "skipping" files when I installed too many at a time (because, as you noted, it is a fucking piece of shit); when I started installing things in 200mb chunks, a number I chose rather arbitrarily because it's just a bit smaller than the average file in my DCCache, it was smooth sailing. I used to do exactly this on my old machine and I found it worked fine. My files then were around 250MB each. With the new machine the dbc files are about 1.2GB which tends to bear out my theory that the quality of the hardware has a significant effect on the process. It also pays to link to the latest launcher. I don't use the launcher to start my game and it can be easy to leave a link to the old launcher on the desktop. Lately I have remembered to point the shortcut to the most recent launcher and have found it increases stability. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 June 30, 14:42:54 I don't have the slightest idea on how to do scripts and since zero informations/help/tute/anything were released since that tool exist I cannot use the s3sr method but it's okay since I'm so used to fixing the stuff with the CTU and S3PE that it only takes a couple of clicks to add the latest store set. Plus there's the problem that a bunch of third party CC also need the launcher (counters, worlds, some hairs, some patterns, and even some accessories and clothes!), otherwise they 'break' so It's better not to clog the launcher with all the store because you still need to stuff it with a ton of third party things.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Anach on 2012 June 30, 15:45:27 I used to do exactly this on my old machine and I found it worked fine. My files then were around 250MB each. With the new machine the dbc files are about 1.2GB which tends to bear out my theory that the quality of the hardware has a significant effect on the process. It also pays to link to the latest launcher. I don't use the launcher to start my game and it can be easy to leave a link to the old launcher on the desktop. Lately I have remembered to point the shortcut to the most recent launcher and have found it increases stability. If you install the store content without the game running, they will be limited to 250Mb each (in my experience) or if you install via launcher with the game running (quicker this way) the files will end up larger, as the game tends to try to put everything into a single .dbc, but maybe the install process is more reliable this way? No idea why there is a difference in each process. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Sparks on 2012 June 30, 16:17:33 I don't have the slightest idea on how to do scripts and since zero informations/help/tute/anything were released since that tool exist I cannot use the s3sr method but it's okay since I'm so used to fixing the stuff with the CTU and S3PE that it only takes a couple of clicks to add the latest store set. Plus there's the problem that a bunch of third party CC also need the launcher (counters, worlds, some hairs, some patterns, and even some accessories and clothes!), otherwise they 'break' so It's better not to clog the launcher with all the store because you still need to stuff it with a ton of third party things. So then use the Launcher strictly for Store items; keep custom content as merged packages. Any custom content that cannot be extracted into package and added to your overrides is probably shitty quality/shittily created anyway. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Anach on 2012 June 30, 16:26:02 Any custom content that cannot be extracted into package and added to your overrides is probably shitty quality/shittily created anyway. This is how I decide what to keep and what not to keep. Anything that is crap quality, missing features, or doesn't work properly, I avoid. Hard enough keeping the game running smoothly as it is, without adding crap. There is an amazing amount of crap out there, yet people install it because it looks ok, and wonder why their game crashes. I also refuse to install CC as sims3pack, but that's just my preference for sanity. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 June 30, 18:03:22 So then use the Launcher strictly for Store items; keep custom content as merged packages. Not before there's a tutorial for s3rc to fix the categories and such.No, not everything that breaks as a package is crap. Apparently extracting the package breaks 1/1000 of the data of the item, it all depends if the exploded data was vital or not. Generally it's not. Otherwise we should be able to use the counters and the worlds as packages. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 June 30, 19:28:04 Not before there's a tutorial for s3rc to fix the categories and such. I assume you meant s3pe, and it's a little time-consuming, but easy to do. Just use s3pe to open the .dbc files in your DCCache folder (I shouldn't have to tell you this, but back them up first). To recategorize clothing, sort by Tag. Scroll down until you're in the CASP section, highlight an item you want to recategorize, and click the "Grid" button at the bottom of the page. A window will pop open that will let you set clothing categories, etc. Make the changes, click "Commit" and move on to the next thing you want to recategorize. You can also use this on cc accessories to change their type. For Objects, sort by Name. Scroll down to the OBJD. The Grid for OBJD allows you to set room and catalog sorts for an object, as well as enabling various object flags. Once again, make your changes, "commit," and move on until you're done. For safety and simplicity's sake, I wouldn't recommend changing anything other than categories. Messing with object flags can cause your game to behave unpredictably if you don't have a good idea of what you're doing. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.08.2012) Post by: Sparks on 2012 June 30, 19:44:32 P.S. This is not store related but I was wondering if you could add the KPST items to your norandom mod, KT? I may decide to arrr it after all if you would be so kind. :) I made one; see here (http://shower-scream.livejournal.com/15080.html)for a description. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 June 30, 21:40:44 Oops, sorry Jezzer, I meant s3sr. I was in a bit of hurry when I typed my previous post. I already know how to modify the OBJD and CASP to recategorize the stuff, that's how I fix everything I put in package. I didn't know we could do it with the DCCache though. The problem is rather how to create the recategorizing scripts to use with s3sr that Anach was talking about previously.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: witch on 2012 June 30, 21:47:46 I used to do exactly this on my old machine and I found it worked fine. My files then were around 250MB each. With the new machine the dbc files are about 1.2GB which tends to bear out my theory that the quality of the hardware has a significant effect on the process. It also pays to link to the latest launcher. I don't use the launcher to start my game and it can be easy to leave a link to the old launcher on the desktop. Lately I have remembered to point the shortcut to the most recent launcher and have found it increases stability. If you install the store content without the game running, they will be limited to 250Mb each (in my experience) or if you install via launcher with the game running (quicker this way) the files will end up larger, as the game tends to try to put everything into a single .dbc, but maybe the install process is more reliable this way? No idea why there is a difference in each process. I have never installed content with the game running, I wasn't aware you could. The sole difference for me was the two different machines. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 June 30, 22:25:14 Oops, sorry Jezzer, I meant s3sr. I was in a bit of hurry when I typed my previous post. I already know how to modify the OBJD and CASP to recategorize the stuff, that's how I fix everything I put in package. I didn't know we could do it with the DCCache though. The problem is rather how to create the recategorizing scripts to use with s3sr that Anach was talking about previously. This post (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/11/edit-your-custom-foods-easily-s3sr-objk-resource-scripts-batch-processing-no-s3pe-needed/) is about OBJK overrides, but it covers the basics of s3sr scripts. Also, you could download Anach's s3sr scripts (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,19875.0.html) and just open them in a text editor. Click on Download My Mod and then download the Catalogue Fix. The s3sr scripts are included and you can use them as a template. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 June 30, 22:26:55 Oops, sorry Jezzer, I meant s3sr. I was in a bit of hurry when I typed my previous post. I already know how to modify the OBJD and CASP to recategorize the stuff, that's how I fix everything I put in package. I didn't know we could do it with the DCCache though. The problem is rather how to create the recategorizing scripts to use with s3sr that Anach was talking about previously. I have no clue. Before Moryrie made her first packages available, I installed everything as decrapped sims3packs and recategorized everything by hand to get all the damned Buccaneer Butthole pirate outfits fixed. Then I churned my own butter and dipped my own candles. Times are tough, up here on Walton Mountain. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 June 30, 23:33:17 I have no clue. Before Moryrie made her first packages available, I installed everything as decrapped sims3packs and recategorized everything by hand to get all the damned Buccaneer Butthole pirate outfits fixed. Then I churned my own butter and dipped my own candles. Times are tough, up here on Walton Mountain. Ha! The same thing happened to me, I first used can't-recall-the-name's packages who disappeared. Then Moryrie's, who stopped uploading them. So I too was forced to learn to make my own. But it's good since it forced me learn to use S3PE, I even discovered how to make my own override weeks ago for Katy Perry's Sweet Crap. Recategorized all the crap, un-randomized most of it and even removed the English writings from 2 tops' stencils. It can be useful to make your own butter.This post (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/11/edit-your-custom-foods-easily-s3sr-objk-resource-scripts-batch-processing-no-s3pe-needed/) is about OBJK overrides, but it covers the basics of s3sr scripts. Also, you could download Anach's s3sr scripts (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,19875.0.html) and just open them in a text editor. Click on Download My Mod and then download the Catalogue Fix. The s3sr scripts are included and you can use them as a template. Okay, there was a confusion on my behalf about s3rc's utility. See when you and Anach said you used s3rc to "create an override", I thought that s3rc magically helped cutting down some steps of finding correct the CASP, change CASP, or whatever tedious thing by automating some steps but it doesn't at all. Huge misunderstanding there.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 01, 00:27:09 Typical EA voodoo. The gay guy gets a female lover while the hetero gets a male one. ::) I've only played with the WW for a few hours and I've got already about 100 things on my list I'd like to change about it. First the game should summon a lover of the appropriate gender for the sim. Then I'd like to get rid of the "nothing happened" outcome. The wish should either fail or succeed. That's what makes the object fun. The pixies throwing money at your sim, the creepy evil kid arising from the well and the frog leaping out of the well. Ok, so maybe I don't have a 100 things on my list but these two issues annoy me to death. I would also love it if sims could sit on the edge of the well. That would make for some really beautiful screenshots. I've done some more testing with the frog thing and I keep getting females for male sims. Also I've attached an XML tuning mod to get rid of the "nothing happened" thing. I changed it to show the fairies about 50% of the time(from 35%) and fireflies 100% of the time if there are no fairies. And when it rains wealth upon you I changed the amounts from 50-500 simoleons to 50-5000 simoleons. This particular XML is worded very straight forward so it's easy to change what you need. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Anach on 2012 July 01, 02:30:10 Not before there's a tutorial for s3rc to fix the categories and such. There are examples provided in my s3sr thread (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,19875.0.html). Otherwise you can always ask in that thread. If you are already doing it via s3pe, then you have done most the work. The only steps it cuts down on is having to use someone else's ancient revision OBJD/OBJK/CASP file, and you can make alterations to existing edits quickly via script, and reapply all changes easily after a patch. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 July 01, 20:47:12 *snip I've done some more testing with the frog thing and I keep getting females for male sims. Also I've attached an XML tuning mod to get rid of the "nothing happened" thing. I changed it to show the fairies about 50% of the time(from 35%) and fireflies 100% of the time if there are no fairies. And when it rains wealth upon you I changed the amounts from 50-500 simoleons to 50-5000 simoleons. This particular XML is worded very straight forward so it's easy to change what you need. At first I suspected that it could be because my sim hasn't flirted with any sim yet. Though you said your male sim is gay so I assume his sexual preference was already set. I guess what I meant to say is that I wished the object would choose a partner based on the sim's sexual preference. It still weird my male sim got a prince instead of a princess. I guess the voodoo is only on my end then. I'll make good use of your tuning mod. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Andistyr on 2012 July 01, 21:12:24 No, it's not just you - I've only tried wishing for love with one person - I had my girl I created wish for love and twice I got a female - the first was a elder female and the second was young adult female. I got out of my game without saving came back had my girl wish for love again and this time I got a guy. It'd be great if it worked like Virgali said - the wishing well choosing a partner based on your sim's sexual preference.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 01, 22:51:59 I ended up with an elder too, I thought that was weird. This behavior might be in the DLL part of the well, which is so not what I now how to do. I can take a look in/at it but I have no idea what it all means. Kinda. Somewhat.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 July 02, 06:43:33 I ended up with an elder too, I thought that was weird. This behavior might be in the DLL part of the well, which is so not what I now how to do. I can take a look in/at it but I have no idea what it all means. Kinda. Somewhat. Yes, Elders showing up are a hardcoded possibility. Also, the Wishing Well does check your sim's gender preference. Newly created sims, and sims fresh out of the library, may not have the gender preference you are expecting, though (including the possibility of having no preference). Edit for missing word. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 July 02, 15:04:48 Also, the Wishing Well does check your sim's gender preference. Newly created sims, and sims fresh out of the library, may have not the gender preference you are expecting, though (including the possibility of having no preference). Edit for missing word. Well my male sim was fresh out of CAS so that explains a lot after all. Do you happen to know when the sexual preference is set? Is flirting once with a specific gender enough? Does it require the sims to flirt with multiple sims of a specific gender? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 02, 16:14:30 I want to say it takes three romantic interactions to set the preference. I have no clue where that number comes from though, ;)
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: vorpal on 2012 July 02, 17:25:15 As far as I know each romantic interaction will raise your Sim's preference towards one gender by, I think, 4 points and lower the preference against the opposite gender by -2 points. It might be 2 vs. -1 though, but in any case the ratio is like that. "Ask if Single" once might be enough to set your Sims preference. The next time you ask another Sim of that gender and your Sim might start rolling the wish to kiss that Sim. I tried that once by sending a male Sim around town and ask as many other males as possible if they were single. When the reaction was positive Story Progression soon began to send these Sims to same sex romances.
One additional note: it might be one of my mods that corrects this now, but sending a Sim on vacation used to reset their gender preference to zero, thus allowing a heterosexual married Sim to live out their latent homosexuality in France, China or Egypt. It also reset to zero again when they returned. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 July 02, 17:55:48 What about the romantic interaction "Ask If Single"? I ask everybody that and what their sign is, just to fill in the stupid blanks on their info popup. I'd hate to think I'm making my sims constantly question their sexuality.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: vorpal on 2012 July 02, 18:37:14 Both count as romantic interactions, so, yes, if they respond positively you're shifting their gender preference towards your Sim's gender and your own Sim's, too, of course. There are some additional factors based on traits and relationship levels, however. A straight Sim with Commitment Issues or with the Flirty trait might react positively to these low-level questions but might still refuse flirting with a gay Sim, and a totally straight and married Sim with the Family Oriented trait might not react negatively to a gay Sim asking whether they are single if their relationship is good or maybe best friends.
ETA: AwesomeMod's Story Mode, for example, sets initial gender preference to +1000/-1000. It would take you 500 successful romantic interactions to set that Sim's gender preference back to zero. ETA2: Just checked: it's 2/-1 for each successful "Ask If Single" interaction. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: ShortyBoo on 2012 July 02, 19:32:15 Is there any chance you could fix the square window that came with Lucky Palms? I haven't personally checked it out yet since I just installed the world last night, but apparently it can't be recolored and the wall cutouts appear to be messed up as well.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 02, 19:35:59 Is there any chance you could fix the square window that came with Lucky Palms? I haven't personally checked it out yet since I just installed the world last night, but apparently it can't be recolored and the wall cutouts appear to be messed up as well. I am working on that at the moment. For now here's a fix I found on the BBS that works. Before I add it to my stuff I want to figure out how it works and add the other two presets to match the other window. It also has a window mask fix that I haven't confirmed is needed yet, I do know the other window needs it for the diagonal. *update* I got the window to be recolorable on my own!!! WOOT!!! So proud of mah self!!! Such a pain in the ass I tell ya. Anywho, it will be a few days until I finish it and post it, real life stuff. Makes me think maybe now I can make default replacement fixes for those few stairs. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 July 03, 15:54:08 I'm proud of you too; I dub you KT the TS3 store mechanic. Now for something completely different. You posted a list of stuff a while of go of things that needed fixing. I haven't heard anything about it since though. Are these still a work in progress?
Edited: 'cause of a wtf did I post moment. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 03, 16:28:35 Kind of. It's only diagonal wall masks that need fixing. They are low on my priorities right now, got more mens CAS stuff in my head that I want to try to make first, been on a roll lately.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 July 03, 17:27:18 Oh, I see now. I don't even notice those things, tbh. Probably because I've done very little building for TS3 so far.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 July 05, 01:58:54 I have a question about the ccmerge file so if its not working then I should use the fixes correct? I have tried to reinstall my game hoping it would fix it but its doing the same thing. :-\ I don't think what I am doing is causing the problem.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 July 05, 14:53:25 If it's working for everyone else and not working for you, than something you are doing is causing the problem. Look at the instructions again. Read them. Reread them. Rereread them. Look at the other posts in the thread to make sure you haven't missed anything. Then follow instructions.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.05.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 05, 16:03:04 Updated OP. Had to change the format again because of decrapping, so I separated the mods. The links are in the titles.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 July 05, 21:34:47 If it's working for everyone else and not working for you, than something you are doing is causing the problem. Look at the instructions again. Read them. Reread them. Rereread them. Look at the other posts in the thread to make sure you haven't missed anything. Then follow instructions. Ok yes I get that but its still not working it worked before I reinstalled my game so I know it works. But I didn't have the one from the store either. Now its not working because I have the store version.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 06, 05:50:31 Updated OP. I will be working on making those stair/railing/fences from the store default replacement CAStable, so stay tuned.
Ok yes I get that but its still not working it worked before I reinstalled my game so I know it works. But I didn't have the one from the store either. Now its not working because I have the store version. I'm going to give you ONE moar chance. First off you're giving us little to no information to work with here. All we know is that you won't google. Are your store items arr'd? Do you use packages? Can you follow directions? Download the "ccmerged decrapped" file I provide in the OP and put it in your DCBackup folder. Run your game and tell us what happens. And don't fuck it up! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.06.2012) Post by: XsauroxPlayer on 2012 July 06, 16:55:01 I can notice only two bugs: first, the fountain of youth doesn't have the waterfall effect, and second, the "picture" for gambling skill is missing (the icon now is fixed, but i'm talking about the picture which shows up for example when a sim earns a point of gambling skill). All the rest works perfectly (i have tested a lot) thank you so much! ;D
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.06.2012) Post by: Rich on 2012 July 06, 18:28:25 Does this fix the Steampunk counter from defaulting back to the original color when on a corner, if it does, it's not working for me, I placed everything in Overrides.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.06.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 06, 18:29:34 I can notice only two bugs: first, the fountain of youth doesn't have the waterfall effect, and second, the "picture" for gambling skill is missing (the icon now is fixed, but i'm talking about the picture which shows up for example when a sim earns a point of gambling skill). All the rest works perfectly (i have tested a lot) thank you so much! ;D I'll look into the gambling thing but as far as the FoY is concerned that's total PEBCAK, get the store patches, uninstall/reinstall the FoY and Spellbook, then decrap the store patch if they're decrapped items. Does this fix the Steampunk counter from defaulting back to the original color when on a corner, if it does, it's not working for me, I placed everything in Overrides. Is that on the list of things it fixes? That's a package problem, not mine, use sim3packs. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.06.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 July 06, 19:08:52 I can notice only two bugs: first, the fountain of youth doesn't have the waterfall effect, and second, the "picture" for gambling skill is missing (the icon now is fixed, but i'm talking about the picture which shows up for example when a sim earns a point of gambling skill). All the rest works perfectly (i have tested a lot) thank you so much! ;D Sometimes I have to delete the FoY and buy it again for the water to appear. I believe this only happens when I save the lot to bin though. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.06.2012) Post by: elizabeth on 2012 July 06, 19:27:02 everything is working for me! I hope it continues to do so.. :)
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.06.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 06, 19:53:33 Will add those other Gambling Skill Icons to the fix when I update it next, probably tonight. Good eye XsauroxPlayer.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.06.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 July 06, 23:59:59 Does this fix the Steampunk counter from defaulting back to the original color when on a corner, if it does, it's not working for me, I placed everything in Overrides. Store counters, islands, and sectional sofas have this problem, and it can only be fixed by installing via decrapified sims3pack. You can use Custard to remove the other items from a sims3pack and just keep the counters. I usually install the counters in their own s3pack and the rest of the items as a merged .package. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.06.2012) Post by: XsauroxPlayer on 2012 July 07, 23:36:48 Will add those other Gambling Skill Icons to the fix when I update it next, probably tonight. Good eye XsauroxPlayer. Glad to help you somehow :) btw i solved the FoY thing as you said.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.06.2012) Post by: dominno on 2012 July 09, 18:38:20 Just double checking for those of us who are slow. For a person who has arr'd, decrapped stuff with no AM they would have to add all files, correct? Except for the the store fixes zip, in which we should only use the decrapped file and chuck the other?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.06.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 10, 03:06:00 Updated OP. Still can't find the wrong references for the baseball morphs so this'll work for now, also keep in mind there is no LOD3 so when you zoom out far away the body will disappear. I might make one later when I'm really bored or something.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 July 10, 09:02:03 In patch 1.36, EA have included all buffs from the store objects in the buffs_store XML. They have even added buffs for upcoming premium content to it already. They have also done the same for the RecipeMasterList and the Skills XML. The ccmerged.package may become less of an issue because of this.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: Anach on 2012 July 10, 10:40:16 It would require some testing, but I'd imagine they would have disabled ccmerged entirely to make sure it doesn't conflict with the new xml. Which makes sense, as people often delete DCBackup, as well as the issues with different methods of installs, it would be far less painful the new way.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 July 10, 11:13:16 I have just done a clean install of all premium content and the ccmerged.package was created. Also, I noticed, the new skills_store XML is missing the gambling skill. Finally, the new XMLs do not use the same TGI as the XMLs in the ccmerged.package. The fact that the TGI is different is very important, because the the type is specified in the core when loading these store files. So I went and removed my ccmerged.package and tried to learn a spell with Spell Book and my sim reset. It looks like it is still just as important to keep the ccmerged.package in tact, at least for now. Perhaps they are preparing for Supernatural, since they did say that Supernatural will add new functionality to the store magic items.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 10, 13:26:09 L&P: They plan on making a "serve tea" hidden skill? WTF There also appears to be a new athletic skill with some new buffs. Some of these might not be new, I just don't recognize all of them at the moment.
AdrenalineRushStore EfficientNap EfficientSleep PotentPotables Exhilarated Pumped MagicFlowerMainStore MagicFlowerSecondaryStore OrganicBoostStore PowerBoostStore SmoothieBoostStore ImpressedByChocolateFountainStore TastelessStore Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 July 10, 16:51:23 The Athletic Skill isn't new. It's been in the skills_store xml for a long time. They are planning to release a ceremonial tea set and a vending machine.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 July 10, 16:59:32 I recognize some of the names and I could link them to existing items. Maybe they just decided to update them with new buffs? We have a chocolate fountain and the adrenaline rush is also an object you can get for free from the store. Of course it could turn out that these things aren't at all related.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 July 10, 17:48:24 I recognize some of the names and I could link them to existing items. Maybe they just decided to update them with new buffs? We have a chocolate fountain and the adrenaline rush is also an object you can get for free from the store. Of course it could turn out that these things aren't at all related. It won't be the same chocolate fountain. There was a survey a while ago about premium content, and the chocolate fountain was in the survey. It will be all new stuff I'm sure. Old stuff won't make them money, after all. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 July 10, 19:06:17 Yes, the chocolate fountain we already have is just a lame deco (romanza bridal-something set) so it must be an upcoming item in the store. Something similar to the punch fountain from Sims 1 maybe, err without any alcohol.
The boost thing must be for the vending machine: OrganicBoostStore for the healthy apple snack, PowerBoostStore for an energy drink/soda and SmoothieBoostStore for the candy/sweet snack? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 July 11, 01:37:07 Half my stuff is arred which I am assuming it came from here and half is from the store. I have the overides folder with the fixes and the ccmerge decrapified file in the folder in the packages in a mod folder but I also still have other peoples fixes in there to along with .packages of the tree and the tablet. And I followed your direction and added that file in the backup and it still isn't working for me. So basically extra besides yours I have the .package of the tree and the tablet a magic fix and a premium content fix.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: Anach on 2012 July 11, 02:08:32 Just an FYI.All my stuff is decrapified, and installed via the launcher. I did not decrapify my ccmerged, nor am I using the one provided here, and yet all my premium store content works perfectly fine.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: RebelRed on 2012 July 12, 00:54:03 All my decrapped arr'ed stuff worked fine until one day it just up and didn't. The fryer was fine, my magic stuff was fine, and then suddenly things started removing themselves from my game and everything went to hell. Fuck if I know what the hell I did. I think I'll just continue to blame EA, because with them hell you never know what is going to work or not! These fixes work for me though, and for that I am a very happy, baaa.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 12, 05:29:14 Half my stuff is arred which I am assuming it came from here and half is from the store. I have the overides folder with the fixes and the ccmerge decrapified file in the folder in the packages in a mod folder but I also still have other peoples fixes in there to along with .packages of the tree and the tablet. And I followed your direction and added that file in the backup and it still isn't working for me. So basically extra besides yours I have the .package of the tree and the tablet a magic fix and a premium content fix. You most likely have a conflict somewhere. Everything in that last sentence is old, remove it. If the tree and tablet are only installed that way then leave them obviously. If some of your premium objects are legit you may need both ccmerges? I dunno everything I have is arr'd. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 July 12, 20:40:21 Just wanted to let KT know that the KT_StoreFix_Fixes will now conflict with some mods (namely, TFM's Market at home mod, and any other mod that alters the Register XML). This is easy for the user to fix though. Just open the package in S3PE and delete the Register XML resource, if you prefer to use a mod that lets you buy WA items at home.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 July 12, 20:56:03 It seems that they fixed the male clothes from the latest set. Of course KT already made a fix for these.
Quote from: SimGuruKelly Hi All, First of all, I want to let you know that we do our best to release bug free content, but every now and then, even with our great QA, something will slip through. We are very grateful for our loyal forum members to keep us on our toes. :-) We are releasing a fix for the following today: Market Square Outfit is now available for Young Adult Pauper Hides a Prince Outfit is now available for Young Adult Sims no longer clip through the Just Right Dining Chair Please uninstall these individual assets (or the set, if you prefer), re-download from your purchase history, and do a clean install. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 July 12, 22:10:44 Half my stuff is arred which I am assuming it came from here and half is from the store. I have the overides folder with the fixes and the ccmerge decrapified file in the folder in the packages in a mod folder but I also still have other peoples fixes in there to along with .packages of the tree and the tablet. And I followed your direction and added that file in the backup and it still isn't working for me. So basically extra besides yours I have the .package of the tree and the tablet a magic fix and a premium content fix. You most likely have a conflict somewhere. Everything in that last sentence is old, remove it. If the tree and tablet are only installed that way then leave them obviously. If some of your premium objects are legit you may need both ccmerges? I dunno everything I have is arr'd. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: TeMochkiN on 2012 July 14, 22:48:15 Hello! Please, can you add correct russian localization for Lady Ravendancer Goth's Book o' Spells from this (http://www.mediafire.com/?b15x25dv08opk7p) file? I will be very grateful to you!
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 15, 03:03:19 Just wanted to let KT know that the KT_StoreFix_Fixes will now conflict with some mods (namely, TFM's Market at home mod, and any other mod that alters the Register XML). This is easy for the user to fix though. Just open the package in S3PE and delete the Register XML resource, if you prefer to use a mod that lets you buy WA items at home. Pretty much, that's the main reason I label everything in the mod, if you don't want it remove it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: Marykate on 2012 July 15, 14:05:44 Ok I admit I am a real newbie here. I have store content bought from the store and installed with the launcher. No decraptified mods. I am not sure which I need to get for the fixes to work for just the original store stuff (?). Mainly the deep fryer, ice cream maker, and the magic stuff. Could someone please explain which one I should use? Thanks.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 15, 15:23:56 Ok I admit I am a real newbie here. I have store content bought from the store and installed with the launcher. No decraptified mods. I am not sure which I need to get for the fixes to work for just the original store stuff (?). Mainly the deep fryer, ice cream maker, and the magic stuff. Could someone please explain which one I should use? Thanks. You mean to tell us that you can't match up what's wrong in your game to what each part fixes to determine what you need? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: Marykate on 2012 July 15, 15:36:28 I know my main interest is the deep fryer and the ice cream maker.
First Fix mentions those but says decraptified which I do not do. Second one says Store fixes but doesn't mention the items I am looking for. Third one mentions Ultimate career bundle unlocked and Pet register. Fourth one mentions the deep fryer for cc merged (and something else). I do not merge my cc. I do not know how to mod, what it requires. I am just not sure which of the 4 choices I needed. I thought that I would ask nicely if someone could tell me. Thanks anyway. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 July 15, 16:15:02 Didn't the store issue a patch to fix its own items?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 15, 19:54:50 There's nothing wrong with the legit deep fryer or icecream maker.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 July 15, 20:05:38 Fourth one mentions the deep fryer for cc merged (and something else). I do not merge my cc. That is NOT what the fourth one means, it's in fact the name of the file. And you still didn't say what was not working exactly with your legit files.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.09.2012) Post by: Ebakthecat on 2012 July 18, 18:59:07 Hey. I'm using .package files, yet when I place the fix into the Overrides folder, the bugs still occur within the game.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.19.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 19, 06:40:31 Updated OP. Finally got around to adding my fix for the Edwardian Kitchen counter. This one has two parts, the one included in the fix file and the sims3pack from the link in the description. The sims3pack needs to be decrapped if you're using the decrapped fix. This is the only way to keep the CAStability of the object, which for as long as I've had the fix post here you'd think someone by now would have said something.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.19.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 July 19, 13:36:50 Something.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.19.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 July 19, 14:20:44 Updated OP. Finally got around to adding my fix for the Edwardian Kitchen counter. This one has two parts, the one included in the fix file and the sims3pack from the link in the description. The sims3pack needs to be decrapped if you're using the decrapped fix. This is the only way to keep the CAStability of the object, which for as long as I've had the fix post here you'd think someone by now would have said something. Even though I do download and install all the store content, I don't use all of it. I do nothing steampunk related so it just sits there in my game looking pretty. I did test to see if the counter worked properly though. I never tried to Cast it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.19.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 July 19, 18:04:15 I like to use the Steampunk furnishings and decor for my inventor sims, and now that there are usable casino items the "Viva Las Vegas" stuff has a place. Even the horrid Katy Perry's Butthole SP can be used for playgrounds and children's rooms.
BUT THIS CIRCUS SHIT HAS GOT TO GO. *cough* Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.19.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 19, 18:09:03 BUT THIS CIRCUS SHIT HAS GOT TO GO. *cough* That's almost my exact reaction to the new set. Showtime was a huge FAIL, they need to just cut their losses and move on. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.19.2012) Post by: Bettylex on 2012 July 20, 13:06:55 Wouldn't like to be sent to the RL in my first post but... what happened to the Edwardian Kitchen fix? Is it now included in the KT_StoreFix_Fixes file? I mean, do I have to uninstall the sims3pack I got yesterday and redownload this file?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.19.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 20, 13:13:37 Wouldn't like to be sent to the RL in my first post but... what happened to the Edwardian Kitchen fix? Is it now included in the KT_StoreFix_Fixes file? I mean, do I have to uninstall the sims3pack I got yesterday and redownload this file? I took it down, still working out the kinks. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 20, 20:04:59 Updated for new set. Thanks to knightguy.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: Andistyr on 2012 July 20, 20:11:58 When I click on your CCMerged Decrapped link, it takes me to my MediaFire files.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: ShortyBoo on 2012 July 20, 20:23:25 When I click on your CCMerged Decrapped link, it takes me to my MediaFire files. Same here. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 July 20, 20:40:39 Updated for new set. Thanks to knightguy. ETA: Also confirmed that the ccmerged link isn't working. ETA 2: Nvm, I'm blind as fuck. Quote Original ccmerged package (as of 07.20.2012) attached below. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: Tomislaw on 2012 July 20, 20:52:51 Same here. Also. I'm waiting for re-update a new link for CCMerged Deccraped. Thank you for your work! :) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2012 July 20, 21:00:35 I can't get the ccmerged_decrapped.package either. However, I downloaded the attached ccmerged.zip (from the bottom of the post) and decrapped it myself. Will that work as intended?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 July 20, 21:29:58 I can't get the ccmerged_decrapped.package either. However, I downloaded the attached ccmerged.zip (from the bottom of the post) and decrapped it myself. Will that work as intended? I tried that but she doesn't get the right buffs. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2012 July 20, 21:41:37 I can't get the ccmerged_decrapped.package either. However, I downloaded the attached ccmerged.zip (from the bottom of the post) and decrapped it myself. Will that work as intended? I tried that but she doesn't get the right buffs. Well, dang. Guess I'll just have to wait Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: E-double on 2012 July 20, 22:27:54 Take the extra "j" off of the end of the ccmerged_decrapped link. It should work.
http://www.mediafire.com/?w83prkyqel1ee9j Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 July 20, 22:43:55 Take the extra "j" off of the end of the ccmerged_decrapped link. It should work. http://www.mediafire.com/?w83prkyqel1ee9j Woohoo! That worked, my sim is getting the right buffs now. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 20, 22:54:23 I'll fix the links when I get home, I was in a rush to get them done before I left.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 July 20, 23:50:23 Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 21, 01:02:30 If you know how to use s3pe you can grab the two swb files from the store patch yourself. If not I'll add it later for you. While I don't get asked a lot to re-download the patch, I have had to more than once. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 July 21, 01:17:59 *snip* If you know how to use s3pe you can grab the two swb files from the store patch yourself. If not I'll add it later for you. While I don't get asked a lot to re-download the patch, I have had to more than once. Well I know how to open up s3pe to edit tuning files and that's it. I don't know what swb files are or where to find them. If you'd like to tell me what to do I'll gladly do it myself. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 21, 03:58:40 Fixed broken link and added the store patch 1.1, decrap it if that's how your stuff is installed. If you have a mix match of installations use both.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: mandababy on 2012 July 21, 05:24:46 The CCMerged_Decrapped** link does indeed work now however it takes you to the KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes.zip file. Which is the exact same file that is under the KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes* link, instead of the CCMerged_Decrapped file it should take you to. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure they are supposed to be two different files & two different links.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: Tomislaw on 2012 July 21, 06:13:08 kT Store fixdecrapped and CCmerged deccraped are same file. So ... it's ok or?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2012 July 21, 08:19:54 kT Store fixdecrapped and CCmerged deccraped are same file. So ... it's ok or? No. Wait for KT to fix the link. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 21, 12:20:06 FIFY, also added link in sig for my mediafire folder where all the files are kept for when I derp out again.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 July 21, 12:56:51 Just finished making my combined package. Guess what! All those horrible, hideous outfits? They're marked Valid for Random across multiple categories.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: Anach on 2012 July 22, 00:55:10 Just finished making my combined package. Guess what! All those horrible, hideous outfits? They're marked Valid for Random across multiple categories. Great! Need to update my tuning file for Dresser. It doesn't surprise me though, the CAS categories are probably worse than the buy mode categories in terms of correct placement. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 July 22, 03:59:03 They have them marked as Formalwear and Sleepwear too. I kind of want to throttle someone at EA right now.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: candesco on 2012 July 22, 14:14:42 So far i use the fixes without problems. But if i look now to the OP it seems that one file has got an other name. I have now ccmerged decrapped, storefix_awesome and storefix_unawesome, all placed in override (together with some other)
It seems that storefix_awesome has got an other name. Is this perhaps storefix decrapfixes and storefix fixes? I assume then you end up with 4 files instead of 3? FYI: all the premium stuff i use are from here and from moonpirate, decrapped. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 22, 15:09:40 Yes, delete storefix_awesome. I had to break that one up into two.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: coltraz on 2012 July 25, 20:40:43 I'm confused. At the risk of looking a fool to not understand your colour coding methods, would you please enlighten me?
The little "*" beside "KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes" indicates this explanation: "Goes into an overrides folder if you use packages." Okay, great, I use packages, so into my overrides folder it goes. But next there's, "KT_StoreFix_Fixes" which has the same explanation only also has the additional explanation of, "*Use decrapped version if that's how you have the original installed." That doesn't mean much to me. Am I supposed to use both, one, or the other? And I take it I'm meant to use "CCMerged_Decrapped" as well in order to sense the full effects of your efforts? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 July 26, 00:30:10 Right. There's a vanilla(legit) version or a decrapped(arr'd) version. I've gone ahead and just included a decrapped version.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 July 27, 22:05:48 Finally the Black Jack table is working.....................I think I needed a new resource file..............the one that I had was old.............. added the fixes to the Override File and finally after a lengthy time of working on this..............the Black Jack Table is working. Now I can work on the casino to put it back in the shape that it is supposed to be in. Stop crapping all over the threads. FFS! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 July 31, 03:06:51 Ok so my question is is this what the chocolate fountain is suppose to be doing?
(http://i49.tinypic.com/11b3wvp.jpg) she has long hair but the chocolate is gushing everywhere. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: Rich on 2012 August 08, 17:16:48 I'm unsure if this is possible or classified as a "fix" but I thought it would be worth asking.
Is it possible to enable the decrapped Sims 3 Store Eco-Friendly cars work as Eco-Friendly cars, there is a hack at MTS http://www.modthesims.info/d/416172 (http://www.modthesims.info/d/416172) but it doesn't work with the decrapped cars only "official" versions, Here is a link to the Prius: http://store.thesims3.com/prius *New cars and Archived* , I am unable to find a link to any of the Renault's, well a working one anyway. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 August 08, 17:28:19 I'm unsure if this is possible or classified as a "fix" but I thought it would be worth asking. Is it possible to enable the decrapped Sims 3 Store Eco-Friendly cars work as Eco-Friendly cars, there is a hack at MTS http://www.modthesims.info/d/416172 (http://www.modthesims.info/d/416172) but it doesn't work with the decrapped cars only "official" versions, Here is a link to the Prius: http://store.thesims3.com/prius *New cars and Archived* , I am unable to find a link to any of the Renault's, well a working one anyway. Have you tired decrapping the mod? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: Rich on 2012 August 08, 17:30:42 I'm unsure if this is possible or classified as a "fix" but I thought it would be worth asking. Is it possible to enable the decrapped Sims 3 Store Eco-Friendly cars work as Eco-Friendly cars, there is a hack at MTS http://www.modthesims.info/d/416172 (http://www.modthesims.info/d/416172) but it doesn't work with the decrapped cars only "official" versions, Here is a link to the Prius: http://store.thesims3.com/prius *New cars and Archived* , I am unable to find a link to any of the Renault's, well a working one anyway. Have you tired decrapping the mod? I'd have no idea where to even start :P Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: coltraz on 2012 August 08, 17:45:28 I'm unsure if this is possible or classified as a "fix" but I thought it would be worth asking. Is it possible to enable the decrapped Sims 3 Store Eco-Friendly cars work as Eco-Friendly cars, there is a hack at MTS http://www.modthesims.info/d/416172 (http://www.modthesims.info/d/416172) but it doesn't work with the decrapped cars only "official" versions, Here is a link to the Prius: http://store.thesims3.com/prius *New cars and Archived* , I am unable to find a link to any of the Renault's, well a working one anyway. Have you tired decrapping the mod? I'd have no idea where to even start :P You'd start here: http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15129.msg518282.html#msg518282 :P Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: Rich on 2012 August 08, 17:50:37 I'm unsure if this is possible or classified as a "fix" but I thought it would be worth asking. Is it possible to enable the decrapped Sims 3 Store Eco-Friendly cars work as Eco-Friendly cars, there is a hack at MTS http://www.modthesims.info/d/416172 (http://www.modthesims.info/d/416172) but it doesn't work with the decrapped cars only "official" versions, Here is a link to the Prius: http://store.thesims3.com/prius *New cars and Archived* , I am unable to find a link to any of the Renault's, well a working one anyway. Have you tired decrapping the mod? I'd have no idea where to even start :P You'd start here: http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15129.msg518282.html#msg518282 :P Hehe, ok so doing that would essentially make the hack work with the decrapped cars? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 August 08, 18:03:24 I got a chance to look at that mod and decrapping most likely won't help. Try asking the mods creator, I don't do DLL stuff. That being said,
I'd have no idea where to even start You can't be serious. You're here asking about decrapped items and you're going to tell me you don't know what I'm talking about when I say decrap the mod? This is why MATY is so MEEN! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: Rich on 2012 August 08, 18:08:51 I got a chance to look at that mod and decrapping most likely won't help. Try asking the mods creator, I don't do DLL stuff. That being said, I'd have no idea where to even start You can't be serious. You're here asking about decrapped items and you're going to tell me you don't know what I'm talking about when I say decrap the mod? This is why MATY is so MEEN! I meant I wouldn't have any idea how to decrap an package file, not the terminology. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 07.20.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 August 08, 23:58:36 I meant I wouldn't have any idea how to decrap an package file, not the terminology. Wut? Uh the same way you decrap sims3pack, the tool does both.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 August 23, 21:03:04 Updated for new world. Does not fix the no interactions thing. If you have that I would suggest turning ST into packages, install them, run the game and make sure it now works, then remove the packages. Worked for me.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: imyourboy on 2012 August 23, 22:05:17 Updated for new world. Does not fix the no interactions thing. If you have that I would suggest turning ST into packages, install them, run the game and make sure it now works, then remove the packages. Worked for me. I downloaded the ccmerged_decrapped.zip but the file inside is named ccmerged.package instead of ccmerged_decrapped.package. Did you change the naming of this particular package? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Mell on 2012 August 23, 23:30:44 I have a question.
I managed to do almost the same fix as yours. I did it because I wanted to learn how to do it. The only difference between yours and mine is that yours have the resource name included. Do you manually copy/paste it or am I missing a step somewhere? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 August 23, 23:42:59 I have a question because I can't get the sauna to work unless I take out the fixes but then I don't have the gambling skill if I don't have it in so is there a way to just fix it so I get the magic stuff to work and the gambling skill ? The tabcasts won't work either without that fix but then I can't get the sauna to work if its in.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 August 24, 00:09:18 Everything works for me with the exception of the voodoo doll who's animations are off. When I use the bind to sim interaction for example the animations show up on the floor under the sims' feet. The sauna steam seems to be off also. I mean it's very steamy, I can't see my sim at all. I'm pretty sure it looked different in the live chat.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Andistyr on 2012 August 24, 00:30:02 The file for the ccmerged_decrapped just says ccmerged. I clicked on your ccmerged_decrapped link and opened up the zip file, and it says ccmerged instead of ccmerged_decrapped like before. I was wondering if that was right or not.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 August 24, 00:47:58 The file for the ccmerged_decrapped just says ccmerged. I clicked on your ccmerged_decrapped link and opened up the zip file, and it says ccmerged instead of ccmerged_decrapped like before. I was wondering if that was right or not. That might be the problem. I'm really not sure since everything else appears to be working just fine so I think it's more voodoo on my end. ETA: I took the ccmerge file out and more stuff started breaking so I'll leave it in for now. Last time I tried decrapping the regular ccmerge file but it didn't help. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Mockingbird on 2012 August 24, 02:16:27 All your fixes were working perfectly before today.
I downloaded the ones marked as updated today and I took out the old KT fix files and added the new ones. The items all seem to be working in game but none of the ones with accessories have the accessories. Examples: blackjack table has no cards or chips, choc fountain has no glasses, caldron no ladle. Sims animate using the objects and get buffs but accessory objects are invisible or big white boxes. All the store premium items were installed as decrapped sims3packs. I do not have any store items in package files. My Override folder has: CCmerged.package (8/23/12 extracted from ccmerged_decrapped.zip) KT_storefix_DecrapFixes.package KT_storefix_fixes_decrapped.package KT_storefix_Unawesome.package I've double checked my resource config and deleted my cache files as well. I have not added Sunlit Tides and even if I rollback to the previous KT fix files, they no longer work. I'm stumped. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2012 August 24, 02:56:36 @Mockingbird: The ccmerged_decrapped.zip is supposed to have a file with the same name. We'll just need to wait until KT corrects that.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 August 24, 03:32:15 Sorry about the mix up, the ccmerge file in the ccmerge_decrapped zip IS the correct one. I only open up the original and change the group instances and forgot to add the _decrapped to it. It's been a while since I've had to update it. If anyone ever needs to check the correct one will have 0x01000000 instead of 0x00000000.
@Mell - Yes that's what I do, I copy and paste the name from the ODBJ. @Mockingbird - That's definitely a problem with the KT_storefix_DecrapFixes.package file then. Try re-downloading it. You didn't decrap it did you? @Tia - The ccmerge_decrapped will fix the gambling skill and moodlets. Have you tried using just that one? The decrapped fixes one deals with everything else that has problems due to decrapping, IE accessories. @virgali - I'll look into those, I don't remember that with the voodoo doll and my steam wasn't that foggy. Simply decrapping ccmerge doesn't work because those files normally don't need to be decrapped to make them work. For what ever reason the group instances don't match up and they need to be decrapped manually. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 August 24, 03:53:01 Yes but the biggest problem is that with your fixes the sauna isn't working. There is no interaction to it at all. I don't know how to make a .package version of the sauna to see if it helps. Does anyone have one? I don't have a problem with using the fixes but this is what the sauna is doing
(http://i48.tinypic.com/29krwxy.jpg) The coals are all greyed out. It doesn't show a interaction at all to it and you can"t take a mud bath either Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 August 24, 04:54:20 But without the fixes it works? I'm checking for conflicts with other premium content now.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Mockingbird on 2012 August 24, 05:13:07 @Mockingbird - That's definitely a problem with the KT_storefix_DecrapFixes.package file then. Try re-downloading it. You didn't decrap it did you? No, I didn't decrap them, I put your files in exactly as I downloaded them. I re-downloaded them and still isn't working 100%. I know all the items were working last weekend when I played. I did some testing in a lot with all the premium items on it and your new patched files in my override folder: The following seven items are not working for me (as far as I could tell all other premiums worked fine). TreeProsperity: No fruit (picking fruit animation halts) ChocolateFountain: No cups, skewers, straws etc. (most animations halt) Ice-cream mkr & Fryer: Invisible foods (animations for cooking and eating work) Voodoo Doll: Invisible pin (animation like there is one) Caldron: Invisible Ladle (animation like there is one) Spellbook: Resetting Position Bug BlackJack Table: No cards/chips (white blocks) Next I extracted all the files out of Lucky Simolean Casino sims3pack, decrapped the packages, then plucked out the ones for cards, chips, deck, betting-accessory, and gambling-skill (but not the actual card table) and put these tiny packages in my mods folder and now the blackjack table works. So I did the same pulling just the fruit for the TreeofPros. package from Lunar Lakes and the tree is now working. Tomorrow I will pull the other files apart seeking these mostly tiny parts files for the other 5 items Since it seems to be just me - I'm really stumped but dealing with it this way. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 August 24, 05:15:45 @Mockingbird - That's definitely a problem with the KT_storefix_DecrapFixes.package file then. Try re-downloading it. You didn't decrap it did you? No, I didn't decrap them, I put your files in exactly as I downloaded them. I re-downloaded them and still isn't working 100%. I know all the items were working last weekend when I played. I did some testing in a lot with all the premium items on it and your new patched files in my override folder: The following seven items are not working for me (as far as I could tell all other premiums worked fine). TreeProsperity: No fruit (picking fruit animation halts) ChocolateFountain: No cups, skewers, straws etc. (most animations halt) Ice-cream mkr & Fryer: Invisible foods (animations for cooking and eating work) Voodoo Doll: Invisible pin (animation like there is one) Caldron: Invisible Ladle (animation like there is one) Spellbook: Resetting Position Bug BlackJack Table: No cards/chips (white blocks) Next I extracted all the files out of Lucky Simolean Casino sims3pack, decrapped the packages, then plucked out the ones for cards, chips, deck, betting-accessory, and gambling-skill (but not the actual card table) and put these tiny packages in my mods folder and now the blackjack table works. So I did the same pulling just the fruit for the TreeofPros. package from Lunar Lakes and the tree is now working. Tomorrow I will pull the other files apart seeking these mostly tiny parts files for the other 5 items Since it seems to be just me - I'm really stumped but dealing with it this way. You're decrapping them? That's what should* be breaking them. Try decrapping my fix then see if that works for you. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 August 24, 05:29:02 But without the fixes it works? I'm checking for conflicts with other premium content now. Yes it works if I take out the fixes but I rather have the fixesTitle: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 August 24, 05:40:14 Ok, there are no conflicts with other premium content.
@virgali - My steam is not that steamy. I checked the voodoo doll bind animations and the effects have always been on the floor for me. Is there a pic or vid that says otherwise? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 August 24, 12:30:52 The issue with the Sauna having no interactions is almost certainly a ccmerged fail.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Mockingbird on 2012 August 24, 14:52:09 You're decrapping them? That's what should* be breaking them. Try decrapping my fix then see if that works for you. I tried decrapping your file KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes.package; decrapping shrank it by 33 kb and none of the 7 items I mentioned worked - they appeared to be less functional than before. For example the ChocoFountain, I could fill it but drinking animation broke (unlike before they would drink with invisible straw.) So I put back in your un-decrapped fix and my accessory packages (decrapped) and now every animation works, no invisible accessories, and buffs seem correct. The only item I haven't fixed yet is the spellbook. I'll probably install Sunlit Tides later and see how the sauna and massage table work. I'm not sure if my posting is helpful to you/others or just annoying. I'm posting the rest of this like experimental results that may help someone else - and not because I expect anyone to bend over backwards trying to fix this for me. The reason I decrapped the accessory packages was on my first attempt to fix things, I put in all the little accessory packages as well as the package for the big item (the black jack table), all files were un-decrapped - this caused me to get a catalogue duplicate (folder icon and store icon) the folder one (package file) worked but the store-installed-decrapped one was still broken. I decrapped my package files and put those in and that removed the duplicate from the catalogue and the store icon blackjack table now worked fine. Then I just experimented taking out the actual table package and keeping only the accessories and again all worked fine. Un-decrapped accessories did not fix the store icon table but decrapped ones did. I've fixed 6 of the items this way. Only one left to tinker with is the Spellbook - found the file but decrapped or undecrapped - neither package fixes the reset position bug. Tried several "fixes" posted elsewhere online and not yet found one that works. This is all so odd, since prior to this release, your fixes worked perfectly for me. Just for extra weirdness - rolling back to your old fixes no longer works. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 August 24, 15:40:22 You're decrapping them? That's what should* be breaking them. Try decrapping my fix then see if that works for you. I tried decrapping your file KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes.package; decrapping shrank it by 33 kb and none of the 7 items I mentioned worked - they appeared to be less functional than before. For example the ChocoFountain, I could fill it but drinking animation broke (unlike before they would drink with invisible straw.) So I put back in your un-decrapped fix and my accessory packages (decrapped) and now every animation works, no invisible accessories, and buffs seem correct. The only item I haven't fixed yet is the spellbook. I'll probably install Sunlit Tides later and see how the sauna and massage table work. I'm not sure if my posting is helpful to you/others or just annoying. I'm posting the rest of this like experimental results that may help someone else - and not because I expect anyone to bend over backwards trying to fix this for me. The reason I decrapped the accessory packages was on my first attempt to fix things, I put in all the little accessory packages as well as the package for the big item (the black jack table), all files were un-decrapped - this caused me to get a catalogue duplicate (folder icon and store icon) the folder one (package file) worked but the store-installed-decrapped one was still broken. I decrapped my package files and put those in and that removed the duplicate from the catalogue and the store icon blackjack table now worked fine. Then I just experimented taking out the actual table package and keeping only the accessories and again all worked fine. Un-decrapped accessories did not fix the store icon table but decrapped ones did. I've fixed 6 of the items this way. Only one left to tinker with is the Spellbook - found the file but decrapped or undecrapped - neither package fixes the reset position bug. Tried several "fixes" posted elsewhere online and not yet found one that works. This is all so odd, since prior to this release, your fixes worked perfectly for me. Just for extra weirdness - rolling back to your old fixes no longer works. You need a complete ccmerged.packaged to fix the spell book. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 August 24, 15:57:18 @ Mockingbird - No problems, I'm glad to help when it seems that someone is actually trying and not being all tardly. If your sims are resetting with the spell book that's a ccmerge thing like notouching said. Get the ccmerge_decrapped zip and put that file either in your overrides folder/dcbackup folder/old framework mods folder. If your other items are fully working and your satisfied then just leave it the way you have it. IF you feel adventurous you might want to just remove all instances of any of my fixes in your mod folders and try again.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 August 24, 17:29:27 The issue with the Sauna having no interactions is almost certainly a ccmerged fail. What is that suppose to mean I even started over and added the fixes in and its not working? Its not the copy of Sunlit Tides that came from this site it came from the store. Besides if that was a ccmerge fail wouldn't all the items its suppose to be fixing fail to and those all work but the sauna?Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 August 24, 17:37:31 I'm terribly sorry KT. I looked up clips of the voodoo doll on youtube and the animations do appear on the floor. I even went back to an old EA folder of mine that don't have the new stuff installed and the animations appear on the floor there too. I'm not sure why I remember them appearing on the sim, tbh.
In the mean time I fixed the excessive steam glitch as well. Before: (http://i.imgur.com/3D0vPl.jpg?1) (http://imgur.com/3D0vP) After: (http://i.imgur.com/tEGa4l.jpg?1) (http://imgur.com/tEGa4) I sincerely apologize for my Kermit flailing once again. This time I promised myself to more more careful and test everything thoroughly and somehow I always manage to end up running back here like a headless chicken. (Dutch expression) Edited to add thumbnail. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 August 24, 17:51:43 Ok sorry I didn't realize there was a different ccmerge decrapified file and I was still using the old one. So everything works now including the sauna. :)
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 August 24, 17:59:42 @virgali - No worries, I jump to conclusions ALL the time. We're[most of us ;)] here to help each other out. On that note YOU CAN WOOHOO IN THE STEAM!?!? Sweet.
@Tia - Glad you figured it out. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 August 24, 18:26:58 @virgali - No worries, I jump to conclusions ALL the time. We're[most of us ;)] here to help each other out. On that note YOU CAN WOOHOO IN THE STEAM!?!? Sweet. @Tia - Glad you figured it out. Yes, it gets very steamy and the sims get pixelated. If I remember correctly there are rose petals too. There's also a special interaction that allows you to try for a baby boy or baby girl. It gives you a 100% chance of getting the gender of choice, if the sim gets pregnant that is. The romantic massage (from the massage table) gives the sim a fertility boost for triplets. ETA: Am I the only one annoyed that the massage table doesn't spawn an NPC masseur? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 August 24, 20:39:41 The package in the ccmerged_decrapped.zip file is "ccmerged.package," not "ccmerged_decrapped." Is it just a misnamed file, or did the wrong file get zipped?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 August 24, 20:50:07 The package in the ccmerged_decrapped.zip file is "ccmerged.package," not "ccmerged_decrapped." Is it just a misnamed file, or did the wrong file get zipped? That one is fine, I just didn't rename it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: ladybugg on 2012 August 24, 21:12:29 I've gotten everything to work except for the sauna. I've tried everything i can think of to fix it, but nothing works. It won't let me place it. I have a house that came with one, but I can't click on it. Everything else seems to work fine. Can someone please help?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2012 August 24, 21:15:35 The package in the ccmerged_decrapped.zip file is "ccmerged.package," not "ccmerged_decrapped." Is it just a misnamed file, or did the wrong file get zipped? Seriously? The answer to that is on the previous page. Whatever happened to SEARCH MOAR? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 August 25, 16:07:14 I did search moar. I asked my AIDE, and he told me the answer. Search complete.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 August 25, 17:54:38 The package in the ccmerged_decrapped.zip file is "ccmerged.package," not "ccmerged_decrapped." Is it just a misnamed file, or did the wrong file get zipped? Seriously? The answer to that is on the previous page. Whatever happened to SEARCH MOAR? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: RebelRed on 2012 August 25, 18:20:29 Oooooh feeling extra bitchy today girls?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 August 25, 18:28:32 They just jealous because they don't have awesome aides.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 August 25, 19:30:08 People get ugly when they have to peel their own grapes.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 August 26, 16:02:57 ETA: Am I the only one annoyed that the massage table doesn't spawn an NPC masseur? BBS sheeplings reported that if it's placed on a comm lot it will assign a townie just like the tattoo chair. Didn't try it though. Will you be sharing your steam fix for the sauna? I first thought it was going to explode when I saw that. Too bad it didn't.Okay I spent an hour testing the last fix, trying out all the premiums I could think of (I just realized I forgot to test the tree of posterity, crap.).The only KIA I have is the fountain of youth cascade animation thing missing. However it works perfectly, moodlets and sim anims. So who cares. :P Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 August 26, 20:35:34 ETA: Am I the only one annoyed that the massage table doesn't spawn an NPC masseur? BBS sheeplings reported that if it's placed on a comm lot it will assign a townie just like the tattoo chair. Didn't try it though. Will you be sharing your steam fix for the sauna? I first thought it was going to explode when I saw that. Too bad it didn't.Okay I spent an hour testing the last fix, trying out all the premiums I could think of (I just realized I forgot to test the tree of posterity, crap.).The only KIA I have is the fountain of youth cascade animation thing missing. However it works perfectly, moodlets and sim anims. So who cares. :P Poppycock. All my PC items are tested on a special community lot I threw together. No masseur appeared. The lot is a hangout. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 August 26, 20:50:18 Did you fast-forward 2 days? It's supposedly like the barman, it can take a while to find a victim. Frankly I too thought that this was too good to be true though. Crap, here goes my plans for an open comm SPA.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Naria on 2012 August 27, 00:05:53 I couldn't find the answer in the thread, so I was wondering if I keep the original ccmerged.package in the DCBackup folder when I put the decrapped one in the Overrides folder or not?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 August 27, 00:28:35 You can, I personally just alter the one my game generates. It's as simple as changing a 0 to a 1.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Kasarcher on 2012 August 27, 01:01:11 I can`t use the sauna at all nor I can place it on a lot I have the fixes but they are not working for me
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kece on 2012 August 27, 04:04:38 I have looked unless I am missing something.......on installation, but in the KT_StoreFix, do both files go in the override file that was created? I have updated the files and prior to this have saved my game just in case need to reinstall everything again. I put all the mod files in the overdrive file created, so far everything is working............trying the prosperity tree........to see if that gives fruit.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Asmodeuseswife on 2012 August 27, 12:04:03 I have all the buffs and interactions for the Sauna except none of my sims will woohoo in it, or even try for one sprog let alone multiple ones. Am I missing something?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: RebelRed on 2012 August 27, 13:36:22 The couple in question must cuddle on the bench first; you may also need one more romantic action before you get the woohoo, tfb option.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Asmodeuseswife on 2012 August 27, 18:07:04 Ah thanks
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 August 27, 22:44:48 Updated OP somewhat, apparently it isn't easy enough to understand what is going on.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: RebelRed on 2012 August 28, 00:27:04 You may have to draw a picture, in crayon, with captions.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Xav on 2012 August 28, 07:30:02 ETA: Am I the only one annoyed that the massage table doesn't spawn an NPC masseur? BBS sheeplings reported that if it's placed on a comm lot it will assign a townie just like the tattoo chair. Didn't try it though. Will you be sharing your steam fix for the sauna? I first thought it was going to explode when I saw that. Too bad it didn't.Okay I spent an hour testing the last fix, trying out all the premiums I could think of (I just realized I forgot to test the tree of posterity, crap.).The only KIA I have is the fountain of youth cascade animation thing missing. However it works perfectly, moodlets and sim anims. So who cares. :P Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 August 28, 18:31:29 ETA: Am I the only one annoyed that the massage table doesn't spawn an NPC masseur? BBS sheeplings reported that if it's placed on a comm lot it will assign a townie just like the tattoo chair. Didn't try it though. Will you be sharing your steam fix for the sauna? I first thought it was going to explode when I saw that. Too bad it didn't.Well weird how I placed it outside with plenty of lighting and it still worked. What I experienced was a glitch which I fixed by deleting and buying the object again. @Painkiller: How does this work? Do I have to plop it down, stay at the lot while forwarding it two days until someone shows up? Cause I played for several sim days when I was testing out and no NPC spawned to massage anybody. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Xav on 2012 August 29, 00:54:07 Well weird how I placed it outside with plenty of lighting and it still worked. What I experienced was a glitch which I fixed by deleting and buying the object again. Can you post what it looks like? I went to test this again and it was still influenced by lighting for me even if I deleted and bought the object again.- Outside (http://i50.tinypic.com/23r4egk.jpg) - Inside - Dim (http://i50.tinypic.com/29fqxvo.jpg) - Inside - Dimmer (http://i46.tinypic.com/2vs4zdx.jpg) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: witch on 2012 August 29, 01:03:07 I've got my sauna placed in the corner of a brightly lit garage. The only time I recall totally excessive bloom was when the sims woohooed.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 August 29, 08:02:48 Well weird how I placed it outside with plenty of lighting and it still worked. What I experienced was a glitch which I fixed by deleting and buying the object again. Can you post what it looks like? I went to test this again and it was still influenced by lighting for me even if I deleted and bought the object again.- Outside (http://i50.tinypic.com/23r4egk.jpg) - Inside - Dim (http://i50.tinypic.com/29fqxvo.jpg) - Inside - Dimmer (http://i46.tinypic.com/2vs4zdx.jpg) I already posted a picture in this thread. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 August 30, 08:49:16 How does this work? Do I have to plop it down, stay at the lot while forwarding it two days until someone shows up? Cause I played for several sim days when I was testing out and no NPC spawned to massage anybody. Yes, like that. So it doesn't work. Stupid sheeplings must have meant that you should put it on lots where there is already an NPC so that you could use him/her to give you a massage.About the steam: I tested it outside in the garden in bright day and had the same huge steam than the one showed in Virgali's pic and in your 'outside' pic. It looks ridiculous, a bit toning down would be nice. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Cyber-Surfer on 2012 September 01, 00:50:31 Hey KT...
Got a question.. I've taken all 4 files ( I don't use Awesome Mod)... and put 3 of them in my mods framework, where they belong, and the 4th (ccmerged.package) into the DCCBackup folder per the instructions. They work great, for the most part, and haven't noticed any problems with most the PCI's they fix.. However... The deep fryer works.. when a sim is cooking with it, it shows food items floating in the fryer, and then the sim plates the item, and it's an empty plate. Any idea why this is occuring and what to do to fix it. All my content is either free sets or arrr'd. Currently using base game 1.36 patch. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Dstar on 2012 September 03, 19:16:56 For some odd reason I have never been able to get any of these store fixes to work, since Lucky Palms.
I use the MTS framework. The premium content(Sunlit Tides and Lucky Palms) that needs fixes is in .sims3packs though I have others that are .package files. So I put "KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes" in the packages folder then "KT_StoreFix_Fixes_decrapped" and "KT_StoreFix_UnAwesome" in the overrides. The "ccmerged_decrapped" and "ccmerged" in the DCBackup and the "Content Patch" in the ContentPatch folder. What am i doing wrong? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 03, 19:34:37 I need more than "doesn't work," explain.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Dstar on 2012 September 03, 20:12:40 I need more than "doesn't work," explain. Sorry, sometimes I forget some of the finer details. By not work i mean no moodlets or gambling skill for Slots and Poker Table. Then no moodlets for the message table and i am unable to place the sauna because it is just a translucent red image. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 September 03, 20:23:48 I also have the worlds as Sims3packs and the rest of the store content as .packages. Try putting all four KT Fix Files in your Override folder. Make sure your resource.cfg file is set to recognize your Override folder, and that your Override folder is set to be "read" before your "Packages" folder.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Dstar on 2012 September 03, 20:29:07 ****Update**** Putting all the files(ccmerged_decrapped, KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes, KT_StoreFix_Fixes, KT_StoreFix_Fixes_decrapped, and KT_StoreFix_UnAwesome) in the overrides folder fixed all the problems I was having. Thanks jezzer and kissing_toast. :)
I also have the worlds as Sims3packs and the rest of the store content as .packages. Try putting all four KT Fix Files in your Override folder. Make sure your resource.cfg file is set to recognize your Override folder, and that your Override folder is set to be "read" before your "Packages" folder. How do I set that up? this is what the resource.cfg file looks like Quote Priority 501 DirectoryFiles Files/... autoupdate Priority 1000 PackedFile Overrides/*.package PackedFile Overrides/*/*.package PackedFile Overrides/*/*/*.package PackedFile Overrides/*/*/*/*.package PackedFile Overrides/*/*/*/*/*.package Priority 500 PackedFile Packages/*.package PackedFile Packages/*/*.package PackedFile Packages/*/*/*.package PackedFile Packages/*/*/*/*.package PackedFile Packages/*/*/*/*/*.package Priority 499 PackedFile Test/*.package PackedFile Test/*/*.package PackedFile Test/*/*/*.package PackedFile Test/*/*/*/*.package PackedFile Test/*/*/*/*/*.package Priority -50 PackedFile Probation/*.package PackedFile Probation/*/*.package PackedFile Probation/*/*/*.package PackedFile Probation/*/*/*/*.package PackedFile Probation/*/*/*/*/*.package Priority 500 PackedFile DCCache/*.dbc Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: XsauroxPlayer on 2012 September 04, 07:14:12 With supernatural we need a few fixes: the vodoo doll has a new interaction to zombify a sim, but it doesn't work; the cristal ball from the magic set on the store should give a bonus to a sim on the new career; using the spellbook should increase the hidden skill about spellcasting; and the lord vladimir cauldron should increase the new alchemy skill
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 September 04, 15:58:28 Your resource file looks fine, Dstar. Your Mods folder should contain your Override folder and your Packages folder. That should be enough to give your Override files priority over your packages; if KT's fixes are now working for you, then you have it set up correctly.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 04, 16:30:04 With supernatural we need a few fixes: the vodoo doll has a new interaction to zombify a sim, but it doesn't work; the cristal ball from the magic set on the store should give a bonus to a sim on the new career; using the spellbook should increase the hidden skill about spellcasting; and the lord vladimir cauldron should increase the new alchemy skill The game just came out today, give it a rest. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Cyber-Surfer on 2012 September 04, 20:58:17 So no idea on the missing food on plates from the deep fryer, be it foods, or deep fried ice cream?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 04, 21:39:40 So no idea on the missing food on plates from the deep fryer, be it foods, or deep fried ice cream? You know what? I totes forgot about that, will check it out while I'm checking out Supernatural. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: Cyber-Surfer on 2012 September 04, 23:11:18 Much appreciated KT.. :)
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.04.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 05, 00:44:35 Updated for 1.38, let me know if anything goes wonky.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 05, 02:24:36 Hey KT... Got a question.. I've taken all 4 files ( I don't use Awesome Mod)... and put 3 of them in my mods framework, where they belong, and the 4th (ccmerged.package) into the DCCBackup folder per the instructions. They work great, for the most part, and haven't noticed any problems with most the PCI's they fix.. However... The deep fryer works.. when a sim is cooking with it, it shows food items floating in the fryer, and then the sim plates the item, and it's an empty plate. Any idea why this is occuring and what to do to fix it. All my content is either free sets or arrr'd. Currently using base game 1.36 patch. Cannot reproduce, redownload the decrapped fix file, the one that mentions the food for the fryer. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.04.2012) Post by: IAmTheRad on 2012 September 05, 04:12:08 Well, as you know, Supernatural came out today, and with it came the limited edition items. The peashooter doesn't show up in the decrapped game.
http://www.4shared.com/file/InHBMLw-/EP7LimitedEditionSET.html Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.04.2012) Post by: morriganrant on 2012 September 05, 05:28:00 Well, as you know, Supernatural came out today, and with it came the limited edition items. The peashooter doesn't show up in the decrapped game. http://www.4shared.com/file/InHBMLw-/EP7LimitedEditionSET.html Is that auto installed with the Limited Edition, or do you have to install it separately via the Sims3pack? The one in my game is there and functioning, my werewolf is playing catch with it. I installed the limited edition but also decrapified the sims3pack and installed all the store stuff with CCmagic. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.04.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 05, 13:24:57 I'll take a look. They don't "come" with the game, you have to register it and download them from your purchase history as usual.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.04.2012) Post by: morriganrant on 2012 September 05, 18:20:39 I'll take a look. They don't "come" with the game, you have to register it and download them from your purchase history as usual. Ah, well then, I have a functioning one via the sims3pack that was uploaded to the store thread. The pea shoots out, the sim catches it. It they are supposed to get some sort of athletic boost(probably not knowing EA thinking) then that doesn't happen. I have patch 1.38, Supernatural itself, and installed all of the store items using CCmagic. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.04.2012) Post by: IAmTheRad on 2012 September 05, 23:42:50 The thing is, that I installed the plants vs zombies peashooter item with the Sims 3 launcher. If I wanted to extract the .package files myself, I could. I know that's how I got the pet register working before AwesomeMod did.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.04.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 06, 04:28:54 The thing is, that I installed the plants vs zombies peashooter item with the Sims 3 launcher. If I wanted to extract the .package files myself, I could. I know that's how I got the pet register working before AwesomeMod did. Just checked mine for you and it's in there working, as a decrapped sims3pack. Are you looking in the right place? it's either in plants or outside activities. I kinda like it, it bounces and blinks, very animated. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.04.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 September 06, 12:45:56 So what are the magic items supposed to do? I'm confused by this.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.22.2012) Post by: XsauroxPlayer on 2012 September 06, 14:21:32 With supernatural we need a few fixes: the vodoo doll has a new interaction to zombify a sim, but it doesn't work; the cristal ball from the magic set on the store should give a bonus to a sim on the new career; using the spellbook should increase the hidden skill about spellcasting; and the lord vladimir cauldron should increase the new alchemy skill The game just came out today, give it a rest. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.04.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 06, 15:05:39 So what are the magic items supposed to do? I'm confused by this. The voodoo doll now turns sims into zombies when you curse them. It can now also force werewolves and fairies into their supernatural forms. This works, I've done it. The cauldron is supposed to give you one of the new skills when you use it, doesn't work AFAIK. The fortune tellers ball is supposed to give job performance gain to fortune tellers in that career, tried it, doesn't work AFAIK. And the spell book is supposed to give you one of the new skills as well, doesn't work AFAIK. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.04.2012) Post by: Cyber-Surfer on 2012 September 06, 19:51:51 KT,
Just to let ya know.. redownloading all the files and re-installing them seems to have fixed the issues.. Not sure why.. but *shrugs*. Thanks for the help. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 06, 21:32:45 Updated OP. A few things, at some point the animations for the Uber toilet have broken so trying to figure that out ATM and please read the details for the ccmerged package as I've added information.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: IAmTheRad on 2012 September 07, 05:58:27 The Peashooter pack didn't install properly. It's working now, after I reinstalled all my Sims3Packs.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 September 07, 18:30:37 Updated OP. A few things, at some point the animations for the Uber toilet have broken so trying to figure that out ATM and please read the details for the ccmerged package as I've added information. Is it the new fix for the pc items that caused it to break or is this a SN related problem? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 07, 19:21:53 Updated OP. A few things, at some point the animations for the Uber toilet have broken so trying to figure that out ATM and please read the details for the ccmerged package as I've added information. Is it the new fix for the pc items that caused it to break or is this a SN related problem? It's not a conflict with other PC items that I know. A tardlette on the forums says it's from the 1.38 patch. I don't know, might have to wait(and wait) for an actual fix from EA, at least a Guru responded to the post about it so they do know about it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: akmpe on 2012 September 08, 04:44:28 Any chance you could look into the routing fail whenever a sim is told to upgrade the Dock The DJ stereo from T-Mobile?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 08, 05:24:58 Any chance you could look into the routing fail whenever a sim is told to upgrade the Dock The DJ stereo from T-Mobile? Looked into this and figured it out. All of the smaller stereos have the script of the cheap stereo, which does not have options to upgrade. There are two store stereos, Dock the DJ being one of them, that have scripts for the expensive stereo. The route failure isn't coming from the stereo, it's coming from what ever you're placing it on. There are a few things you can do to work around this yourself. 1. Using Awesomemod CTRL click the object and manually add the upgrades. 2. Put the stereo on the ground and upgrade it, then put it back. 3. If you want I can remove the upgrade options all together, this would be the actual fix as its not supposed to have them anyways. Some opinions on if I should include option 3 in the fix would be nice. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: kece on 2012 September 08, 08:04:04 For those looking to download Super Natural, PirateBay does have it by Farlight. Since here in Peru, they do not have games or should say legitimate games, and EA keeps trying to tell me that I am in Spain.........I downloaded it from PirateBay, it does work so far have not had any issues, with the exception which I think is posted here, that you need to update the sliders to 1.38. I have not had the chance to add the bonuses that are to SuperNatural, trying it out first, this is a good copy...........for me took a few days to download since using a USB modem............but it is working good at the moment.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 September 08, 09:59:41 Well I think most people here use AM so option 1 is very handy. I myself don't use any core mods and I prefer option 2.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: dominno on 2012 September 08, 17:06:26 I would love option 3 since I stopped using AM a while back.
EDIT: Am I the only tard who can't find the cauldron anymore? It was there before and worked fine with KT's fixes, now I can't find it and I've searched plenty of times before deciding to ask. Has anybody had this problem? The spellbook released at the time is still there and working correctly. I also just saw I am too missing the Voodoo doll. Plus babies are borked. I don't even know, I took every single mod, override and CC out. It only fixes the babies, not the missing magic objects. This is not the place to find a fix for that but thought I would elaborate on it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: runesong on 2012 September 09, 01:45:14 I have the cauldron, the voodoo doll and the crystal ball table. I don't have the spellbook.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: akmpe on 2012 September 09, 04:06:15 Looked into this and figured it out. All of the smaller stereos have the script of the cheap stereo, which does not have options to upgrade. There are two store stereos, Dock the DJ being one of them, that have scripts for the expensive stereo. The route failure isn't coming from the stereo, it's coming from what ever you're placing it on. There are a few things you can do to work around this yourself. Aye, option three would be very nice if you wouldn't mind. I seem to remember having route fail when putting it on the ground, as well, but I haven't tried in a while. If it's not meant to be upgraded, then it's better to not have a useless option.1. Using Awesomemod CTRL click the object and manually add the upgrades. 2. Put the stereo on the ground and upgrade it, then put it back. 3. If you want I can remove the upgrade options all together, this would be the actual fix as its not supposed to have them anyways. Some opinions on if I should include option 3 in the fix would be nice. Now that I think of it, Supernatural's Witches have the ability to Magically Upgrade. I'll check to see if that works at all. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: secretiveness on 2012 September 09, 21:02:23 Hi!
I use only Multitab 600 and downloaded these 4 files. It helped for tabcast but broke other thing. My sim is interior Designer and she has errand to buy things to someone house for eg I bought desk and money was taken from my sim's family funds. In window where is list to do desk even wasn't mark as done. What should I do? /Sorry for my English, I'm still working on it. I hope so that you understand what I mean ::) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 09, 22:28:30 Hi! I use only Multitab 600 and downloaded these 4 files. It helped for tabcast but broke other thing. My sim is interior Designer and she has errand to buy things to someone house for eg I bought desk and money was taken from my sim's family funds. In window where is list to do desk even wasn't mark as done. What should I do? /Sorry for my English, I'm still working on it. I hope so that you understand what I mean ::) If I understand you correctly this has nothing to do with my fix. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: secretiveness on 2012 September 10, 13:31:19 Lately I installed your files, store patch in Launcher and no mosaic mod. Before this modifications my sim worked as interior designer without any problems.
I removed no mosaic mod, your files and now my sims can't work and tabcast doesn't work. Do you have any idea what caused this? Store patch could have broken professions? I know if it does nothing with your fix then this isn't your problem but I really count on you with it. Mods aren't my thing, so please ;) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: Leo on 2012 September 10, 17:25:46 I have a problem:
I did't play Sims for some months but with the new expansion I returned to the game and installed the addon with all CC/mods removed (also the spellbook and your fix, which worked until then without problems). I also installed the Store patch. After that I put back all my CC. Now my Sims jump back when completing learning a spell from the spellbook, with and without your recent release of your StoreFix. With the "old" version of your StoreFix (I kept it as backup) the spellbook workes fine. I guess the problem is that I applied the Store patch before I put the CC (in particular the spellbook) back in the mod-folder? I searched/googled but there seems to be no way to rerun the Store patch manually to update the spellbook. So I am rather clueless what to do... Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 10, 17:28:53 I have a problem: I did't play Sims for some months but with the new expansion I returned to the game and installed the addon with all CC/mods removed (also the spellbook and your fix, which worked until then without problems). I also installed the Store patch. After that I put back all my CC. Now my Sims jump back when completing learning a spell from the spellbook, with and without your recent release of your StoreFix. With the "old" version of your StoreFix (I kept it as backup) the spellbook workes fine. I guess the problem is that I applied the Store patch before I put the CC (in particular the spellbook) back in the mod-folder? I searched/googled but there seems to be no way to rerun the Store patch manually to update the spellbook. So I am rather clueless what to do... If your store stuff, the spell book, is decrapped you must decrap the store patch in order for it to work. Also you can just delete the store patch folder and the launcher should ask you again to download it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: Leo on 2012 September 10, 18:19:57 I have a problem: I did't play Sims for some months but with the new expansion I returned to the game and installed the addon with all CC/mods removed (also the spellbook and your fix, which worked until then without problems). I also installed the Store patch. After that I put back all my CC. Now my Sims jump back when completing learning a spell from the spellbook, with and without your recent release of your StoreFix. With the "old" version of your StoreFix (I kept it as backup) the spellbook workes fine. I guess the problem is that I applied the Store patch before I put the CC (in particular the spellbook) back in the mod-folder? I searched/googled but there seems to be no way to rerun the Store patch manually to update the spellbook. So I am rather clueless what to do... If your store stuff, the spell book, is decrapped you must decrap the store patch in order for it to work. Also you can just delete the store patch folder and the launcher should ask you again to download it. Thanks for your quick answer. I deleted the "ContentPatch" folder and so the Store patch installed again. Unfortunately the spellbook was still not fixed --> same error (Sims jumping back when comleting learning a spell). I should mention I have the store stuff as extracted non-decrapped package files. What am I doing wrong? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 10, 18:55:51 Make sure you have my ccmerge fix in your overrides folder, that fixes that. Or just use Awesomemod which fixes that.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: Leo on 2012 September 11, 07:50:17 Your ccmerge fix in DCBackup folder or Awesomemod didn't fix it but ccmerge fix in overrides did it! Thanks again. ;)
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 September 11, 17:31:51 Thank you for coming back and letting us know the astounding news that installing something correctly worked. Holding my breath for an entire day sucked.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: XsauroxPlayer on 2012 September 12, 07:55:34 hey what about a fix for the transform interaction in the vodoo doll?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 12, 13:55:05 hey what about a fix for the transform interaction in the vodoo doll? That doesn't need a fix, it works. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: XsauroxPlayer on 2012 September 12, 15:32:12 hey what about a fix for the transform interaction in the vodoo doll? That doesn't need a fix, it works. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: RebelRed on 2012 September 12, 15:36:12 Did you wait the two days for the transformation? From what I googled they should get a moodlet and then two days later they change.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: XsauroxPlayer on 2012 September 12, 15:41:32 Did you wait the two days for the transformation? From what I googled they should get a moodlet and then two days later they change. No it doesn't work, the interaction resets when the sim should do it :(Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 12, 16:11:02 Did you wait the two days for the transformation? From what I googled they should get a moodlet and then two days later they change. No it doesn't work, the interaction resets when the sim should do it :(@XsauroxPlayer - Works in my game. @RebelRed - Two days!?!? Whoever said that must have a lot of lag, it happens when you do the action. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.06.2012) Post by: RebelRed on 2012 September 12, 17:17:10 Heh. Haven't tried it yet, I get some game time this evening.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 14, 06:34:49 Updated OP. Big thank you to Inge and Havelock for helping me with the TV fix. As always let me know if something doesn't work, shit happens. Also if for what ever reasons you do not want part of a mod just crack it open with s3pe, every file is labeled.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 September 14, 19:41:09 KT, will your buff fix conflict with the no sparkly vampires mod?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 September 14, 20:13:33 KT, will your buff fix conflict with the no sparkly vampires mod? It shouldn't, the store buffs are in a completely different place than the game buffs. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: devylzangyl on 2012 September 20, 08:58:10 Sorry if this is stupid. I was wondering do we put the ccmerged in both the overrides folder and the DCBack up folder too? And do the other files go in the mods folder? Or do they go in the overrides folder too?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: Madame Mim on 2012 September 20, 12:28:28 It is stupid, you're right, but I doubt you're sorry. The instructions are on the front page and you should go and read them.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: kece on 2012 September 20, 17:18:58 I really have no idea where to post this. I tried out the awesome mod was starting to actually like it. Then the power went out, and my game shut down…….When I tried to load my game again there is a misconfiguration with awesome mod. My game and most of my content became corrupt. I thought hell………although I had everything backed up, I uninstalled and reinstalled everything. I have added the my mods file, with packages and overides file, added the resource file. Tried the new method without the d3dx9_31.dll and had tried it with the d3dx9_31.dll in the installation directory. My game will not load…….it goes to the splash screen and sits and sits………looking like it is going to load but never does. I have tried Nrras Master Controller mod, and the game loads fine. I didn't decrap iawsome mod as I did not do this the last time. I for the life of me can not figure out what I am doing wrong. I have updated .netfix……I thought that might be the issue. That wasn't an issue. Anyone have any ideas as to get the awesome mod to work? ???
Before someone says search, I have searched, I have redownloaded the framework from here: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=384014, and have followed the directions from here although this is before generations so followed the post setup: http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,17454.0.html, and have even looked at the information from here: http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15185.0.html Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: phoenixc on 2012 October 30, 04:34:54 I think your fix mods need update for 1.42....
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: RebelRed on 2012 October 30, 18:57:03 No shit Sherlock? Fucking take a pill and wait for him to fucking update. Why do these morons think that he needs reminding? Be patient, like the fucking rest of us!
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 October 30, 23:03:32 I think your fix mods need update for 1.42.... Oh thank god! I'm so glad you're offering to do that for me. When you're done just send it to me at the email on my profile. Thank you so much, now I won't have to do it when Seasons comes out, it'll all be done for me. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: phoenixc on 2012 October 31, 04:32:11 I think your fix mods need update for 1.42.... Oh thank god! I'm so glad you're offering to do that for me. When you're done just send it to me at the email on my profile. Thank you so much, now I won't have to do it when Seasons comes out, it'll all be done for me. Sorry for my english, but I didn't told that I will make the update ???.... I don't know how to make it..... sorry if you understod anything else... I hope your answer it was a joke, if not, I'm in trouble... :o ....pleeease update your fix mods... Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: bitterquill on 2012 October 31, 08:19:27 His point was that he'll get to it when he's good and ready and no amount of begging will make it happen faster unless you do it yourself. Be patient.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: phoenixc on 2012 October 31, 11:21:21 His point was that he'll get to it when he's good and ready and no amount of begging will make it happen faster unless you do it yourself. Be patient. I am patient. I still play 1.39 ::) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: SQK on 2012 October 31, 16:48:34 ....pleeease update your fix mods... It's inconsiderate and rude to beg (or even ask) for a mod creator to update their mods. They already know when they need to, you're basically insulting their intelligence. They get to it when they get to it, not a second sooner. The fact that you even told him he needs to update shows quite the opposite of patience. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 October 31, 16:53:43 Not to mention A. the patch came out the day you let me know that I needed to update B. Seasons doesn't come out for another two weeks and C. Am isn't updated yet. I will not be updating until I get seasons.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: phoenixc on 2012 October 31, 21:02:43 ....pleeease update your fix mods... It's inconsiderate and rude to beg (or even ask) for a mod creator to update their mods. They already know when they need to, you're basically insulting their intelligence. They get to it when they get to it, not a second sooner. The fact that you even told him he needs to update shows quite the opposite of patience. sorry if I ofended someone, but knowing that it's waiting the season, I wanted an answer like in the next post.... I don't know from where you are, but in Europe the Season appear at the end of the november... Not all the people can buy the season, and the last patch for supernatural it's came out... If I won't be able to buy season, I will be obliged to play the patch 1.39 instead of 1.42 Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: phoenixc on 2012 October 31, 21:13:24 Not to mention A. the patch came out the day you let me know that I needed to update B. Seasons doesn't come out for another two weeks and C. Am isn't updated yet. I will not be updating until I get seasons. In Europe the game will appear at the end of november....If I won't be able to buy season, I will be obliged to play the patch 1.39 instead of 1.42, or to eliminate the objects from EA store... Sorry if I ofended someone with my words (my request) but your answer was predicted... for that I made it the request.... (Not wanting to argue with anyone) These are my argument, it's your decision... (sorry for my english, I use a program to translate in english-not google) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 November 01, 22:49:54 It adds a little preview of some Seasons functionality (diving boards, ocean swimming, "attraction" system, and some more social media retardation), but it's technically not a "Seasons" patch, per se, as it includes fixes for several different EPs. Seasons comes out 11/13/12 in the US, I believe.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: Andistyr on 2012 November 01, 23:30:04 Thought I'd mention Sims can't use the new Chun Co. Teppanyaki Grill - decrapped anyways. Don't know about the "legal" version. KT will have to look into this when he gets a chance.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: elizabeth on 2012 November 02, 00:45:52 Thought I'd mention Sims can't use the new Chun Co. Teppanyaki Grill - decrapped anyways. Don't know about the "legal" version. KT will have to look into this when he gets a chance. My sim can use both of the tricks but can't cook.. I thought that was odd.. the menu is there and it all seems to work except for the cook option.. when I select cook it drops outta queque. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: Andistyr on 2012 November 02, 00:49:02 That's what happened when my sim tried to cook - since it's premium content, the decrapped version won't work for the cook option and I bet the legal version is ok.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 02, 03:30:53 I just got home, going to DL and take a looksy in a bit.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.14.2012) Post by: woflz on 2012 November 02, 03:46:35 In my case, there is no option to cook; just the two tricks. Does this mean I have to uninstall everything (even the placeholders), or would it be alright to just wait and see if there will be a fix for this?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 02, 05:31:23 Updated OP.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 November 02, 14:20:50 Indeed no serve option. I used my test sim, cheated her a maxed cooking, added a fridge, table, chair, island, island chair, 2 counters just in case and no dice.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 02, 15:16:57 That's odd, I use a small empty world for testing and my sim was in an empty house, the only object being the grill. And I know that there are atleast two recipes that are level one for cooking. Try reinstalling?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: igottapi on 2012 November 02, 16:08:01 Same here, no serve option. I redownloaded everything and started with both a new sims folder and a new world with no other mods or downloads.
I did it two or three times to make sure but still nothing. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 November 02, 16:15:07 Tested it again, still no go. I too use a tiny world for testing the stuff and am currently torturing my test sim to level up the cooking skill without cheating. I removed all the mods/overrides, all I kept in is your decrap fix. The test sim already has 7 in cooking skill and still nothing. I installed the set as decrapped packages in CC magic, only put the decrapped counters sims3pack in the launcher. Don't know what is wrong here... What is odd is that legit buyers reported the same borkage on the bbs. Off to check everything once more.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: Xianah on 2012 November 02, 16:28:16 The grill isn't working for me either, just the trick and grease options. I have your fixes that are up to date. Hmmm very disappointing, but not surprising. Really hope this gets fixed soon.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 02, 16:41:58 I didn't think to update the ccmerge because there's no new buffs but there are new recipes, let me update that and see how that goes for you.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 November 02, 17:04:03 Yes, added the ccmerge file and the serve option appeared, finally! Everything works perfectly now, accessories and recipes, thanks KT.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: woflz on 2012 November 02, 18:26:39 I didn't think to update the ccmerge because there's no new buffs but there are new recipes, let me update that and see how that goes for you. It works now! Thanks! XD Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: kem on 2012 November 02, 18:29:40 I downloaded the ccmerged file ang KT fix, and It didn't working... I can't see the prepare meal interactions...
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 02, 18:59:22 I downloaded the ccmerged file ang KT fix, and It didn't working... I can't see the prepare meal interactions... The two posters above you tell a different story, PEBCAK. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: kem on 2012 November 02, 19:13:12 So first I need the learn a new recepies?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 November 02, 19:52:04 I have tried 3 times and added all the stuff in the folders and my game is crashing. I have other mods in my game from Nrass I just need to find a solution because the fixes are crashing my game to the desktop. I haven't ever had this problem. :-\ Ok never mind I figured out one of my mods was conflicting.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 November 02, 23:41:12 Did everyone else's butthole pucker when they saw Tia was having trouble again?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 November 03, 00:18:48 Did everyone else's butthole pucker when they saw Tia was having trouble again? Haha I said I figured it out if you didn't read or can't see. It was one of Twallan's mods that made it crash.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: bitterquill on 2012 November 03, 02:09:51 Oh, I'm pretty sure he saw that. Your narrowing it down to tightpants doesn't negate (and, in fact, actually reinforces) the fact that your problems tend to be so mind-numbingly stupid as to inspire fear in others.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 November 03, 12:15:11 Did everyone else's butthole pucker when they saw Tia was having trouble again? "Bored to death" would be a more accurate description.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 November 03, 13:15:45 Can't it be banned from this thread?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: kem on 2012 November 03, 15:16:57 Itadakimasu! Japanese Inspired Dining isn't working for me with the last fix... I can't see the served interactions..:( What's the problem?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: Xianah on 2012 November 03, 17:11:54 I have installed your updated stuff and it's all in the correct folders. I am still not getting any cooking interactions. I just tried removing all my mods to see if there was a conflict but alas... While it's not the end of the world, but it obviously would be preferable to find out why this isn't working for some.
Thanks Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 November 03, 17:41:24 Then you're doing it wrong. It's obviously either the uncorrect folders or the uncorrect files. Check again all steps: the set have to be decrapped before being installed as you like (launcher or packages), then put the "KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes" and the "ccmerged" file in your Override folder, delete the compositor cache.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: kem on 2012 November 03, 17:57:26 Then you're doing it wrong. It's obviously either the uncorrect folders or the uncorrect files. Check again all steps: the set have to be decrapped before being installed as you like (launcher or packages), then put the "KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes" and the "ccmerged" file in your Override folder, delete the compositor cache. I put ccmerged file in the DCBackup folder, and KT fix in the mods folder, but it isn't working..Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: woflz on 2012 November 03, 19:02:56 Then you're doing it wrong. It's obviously either the uncorrect folders or the uncorrect files. Check again all steps: the set have to be decrapped before being installed as you like (launcher or packages), then put the "KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes" and the "ccmerged" file in your Override folder, delete the compositor cache. I put ccmerged file in the DCBackup folder, and KT fix in the mods folder, but it isn't working..Sorry for butting in. I put "KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes" in the "mods" folder (where both the 'overrides' and 'packages' folders are) since I use sims3packs instead of packages. I think you should only put that file in the "overrides" folder if you're using packages. Not sure if 100% correct, but this seemed to fix the issue for me. *Oh and I have two copies of the updated ccmerged; one in the "overrides" folder, and one in the "DCBackup" folder. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: kem on 2012 November 03, 20:39:15 What do you mean "Overrides" folder?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: bitterquill on 2012 November 03, 21:50:35 What do you mean "Overrides" folder? Go to MTS and read the instructions. (http://linna.modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:Installing_Sims_3_Package_Files/Setup_and_Files) Seriously. This is basic shit and MTS has it all spelled out for people who don't know it already. I know you have to start somewhere but help tends not to be forthcoming when you think MATY is that place. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 November 03, 21:57:43 What do you mean "Overrides" folder? You make a overrides folder and put it in you mods folder in the packages.. ;)What do you mean "Overrides" folder? Go to MTS and read the instructions. (http://linna.modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:Installing_Sims_3_Package_Files/Setup_and_Files) Seriously. This is basic shit and MTS has it all spelled out for people who don't know it already. I know you have to start somewhere but help tends not to be forthcoming when you think MATY is that place. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: bitterquill on 2012 November 03, 23:44:33 What do you mean "Overrides" folder? You make a overrides folder and put it in you mods folder in the packages.. ;)What do you mean "Overrides" folder? Go to MTS and read the instructions. (http://linna.modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Game_Help:Installing_Sims_3_Package_Files/Setup_and_Files) Seriously. This is basic shit and MTS has it all spelled out for people who don't know it already. I know you have to start somewhere but help tends not to be forthcoming when you think MATY is that place. I linked to detailed instructions and recommended that Kem avoid further sporking by doing a bit of reading. That is neither mean nor unhelpful. Moreover, the instructions I offered are more useful than the ones from you, which are confusing if not incorrect. The Overrides folder does indeed go in the Mods folder, but it does not go in Packages. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: Insanity Prelude on 2012 November 04, 21:51:09 Out of curiosity, which Twallan mod supposedly conflicts with this? I wasn't aware his mods even touched the Store crap.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: kem on 2012 November 05, 17:07:45 So.. I try to reinstall the new premium content, but it isn't working... Try to clean DCBackup, isn't working.. I put int de MODS folder the ccmerged file(the 8 kb size) and now working perfectly..
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 November 05, 18:35:43 Out of curiosity, which Twallan mod supposedly conflicts with this? I wasn't aware his mods even touched the Store crap. The Hybrid mod to make your sims more then one occult.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: LuckyLucky on 2012 November 05, 22:37:17 It does not work, for example when I play basketball I dont see the ball, the fix didnt fix it. I dont understand the whole thing with ,,descraptfixes" and overrides folder, can you please explain it to me simplier? I have a folder Mods, and in this folder I have Resource.cfg and folder Package. And anything that I download a iput in this folder Package, I dont have any more folders in it. So where shoud I put the fix? And what type, KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes or KT_StoreFix_Fixes1.38 and do I need CCmerged? Can you please help me? I am totaly lost and desparated. ???
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 05, 23:24:14 It does not work, for example when I play basketball I dont see the ball, the fix didnt fix it. I dont understand the whole thing with ,,descraptfixes" and overrides folder, can you please explain it to me simplier? I have a folder Mods, and in this folder I have Resource.cfg and folder Package. And anything that I download a iput in this folder Package, I dont have any more folders in it. So where shoud I put the fix? And what type, KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes or KT_StoreFix_Fixes1.38 and do I need CCmerged? Can you please help me? I am totaly lost and desparated. ??? The overrides thing is simple framework, go to MTS and read the FAQ. As for your other problems, go back to the first post and READ everything. The answers are there in the simplest form I can offer. You've already stated your problem, look to see if any of the fixes posted address that problem(one of them does). Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: awesomegirl on 2012 November 09, 23:35:54 Hi, could you please do something for corrupted wedding gifts? EA doesn't seem to be doing anything for that crap. ???
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.13.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 14, 17:26:03 Should probably mention now updated for 1.42. ;)
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.13.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 November 14, 18:13:21 Should probably mention now updated for 1.42. ;) Your 1.42 update fixes the problem with festival foods not showing up on the menu with the concession stand. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.13.2012) Post by: The Sims TG on 2012 November 15, 22:40:42 Someone test this, I don't have time right now. Should be all that is needed for the new PC. it work for me. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.13.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 November 16, 00:22:00 It works for me too. I didn't test any of the other PC though.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.13.2012) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2012 November 16, 01:05:12 Is there any way to modify the new greenhouse roof pieces? As of now, they don't keep rain and snow out; and who knows how long it will take EA to fix it.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.13.2012) Post by: E-double on 2012 November 16, 03:39:02 They put up a temporary fix for the greenhouse on the bbs.
http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/611517.page Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.13.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 16, 04:47:05 Is there any way to modify the new greenhouse roof pieces? As of now, they don't keep rain and snow out; and who knows how long it will take EA to fix it. I'll take a look at it, maybe there's a box to tick or something to make it snow proof. I think EA suffers from a very bad case of lack of communication, this is just ridiculous. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.13.2012) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2012 November 16, 05:40:25 Is there any way to modify the new greenhouse roof pieces? As of now, they don't keep rain and snow out; and who knows how long it will take EA to fix it. I'll take a look at it, maybe there's a box to tick or something to make it snow proof. I think EA suffers from a very bad case of lack of communication, this is just ridiculous. Thanks, KT. Some people on the BBS are reporting that even with EA's so-called "fix," their plants are still going into hibernation, too. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.13.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 November 16, 06:08:26 Didn't Inj make glass or invisible floor tiles? You could make a flat roof, pave it with those, and then put the toppers on, maybe.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 16, 06:25:14 Updated OP.
Didn't Inj make glass or invisible floor tiles? You could make a flat roof, pave it with those, and then put the toppers on, maybe. That's probably the best bet right noa, only downside to that is the snow will still pile up on the glass floor/roof. This is just bad quality control, who would of thought to make the Seasons themed store set compatible with Seasons. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: Grimma on 2012 November 16, 08:20:39 Updated OP. Didn't Inj make glass or invisible floor tiles? You could make a flat roof, pave it with those, and then put the toppers on, maybe. That's probably the best bet right noa, only downside to that is the snow will still pile up on the glass floor/roof. This is just bad quality control, who would of thought to make the Seasons themed store set compatible with Seasons. *smacks nose with newspaper* NO! You do great work and I'mma let you finish, but this is just... no. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.13.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 November 16, 10:47:49 Should probably mention now updated for 1.42. ;) Your 1.42 update fixes the problem with festival foods not showing up on the menu with the concession stand. It fixes it because using the 1.38 version of the Store Fixes mod (and any other mod that alters the Register XML from 1.38) with patch 1.42 is what caused the new registers not to show the food in the first place. If there's another register added to the game in a future expansion, you can just temporarily delete the Register XML in KT's fixes mod to get your new registers to work until KT updates his mod. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 November 16, 14:03:42 Updated OP. Didn't Inj make glass or invisible floor tiles? You could make a flat roof, pave it with those, and then put the toppers on, maybe. That's probably the best bet right noa, only downside to that is the snow will still pile up on the glass floor/roof. This is just bad quality control, who would of thought to make the Seasons themed store set compatible with Seasons. *smacks nose with newspaper* NO! You do great work and I'mma let you finish, but this is just... no. When introducing former AIDEs to your current AIDE, you have to lower them into the tank in separate plastic bags to acclimate them, otherwise they'll fight. ETA: Inj modified her glass floor to become invisible as a fix for the greenhouse. You can pick it up here (http://www.den.simlogical.com/denforum/index.php?topic=1468.0). Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: awesomegirl on 2012 November 17, 01:29:55 ETA: Inj modified her glass floor to become invisible as a fix for the greenhouse. You can pick it up here (http://www.den.simlogical.com/denforum/index.php?topic=1468.0). Thank you, but doesn't that make it consider the greenhouse as indoors? Kissing_Toast's fixes always work beautifully, I'd be very grateful if he fixes that. That's ridiculous, here (http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/611517.page) the SimGuru simply changed the topic and they're all happy like nothing has ever happened. >:( Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: Sigmund on 2012 November 17, 03:55:29 ETA: Inj modified her glass floor to become invisible as a fix for the greenhouse. You can pick it up here (http://www.den.simlogical.com/denforum/index.php?topic=1468.0). Thank you, but doesn't that make it consider the greenhouse as indoors? ???Yup. I think somebody mentioned this in Inge's post, but I don't think the game allows you to plant things inside areas that are designated "inside". So EA's greenhouse seems kinda useless, particularly for players with Seasons. One way you could sort of get around this (I was toying with building a greenhouse before Seasons, but haven't gotten around to it yet) would be to plant them outside, and move them inside the greenhouse manually in buy mode. You'd need moveobjects on to do it. I'm not sure what would happen to the plants, so you might want to back up if your Sim has a really prized garden or something. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 November 17, 04:17:10 According to the BBS thread, as long as a certain percentage of the room is covered, it's considered sheltered from weather. You can delete out a few ceiling tiles, and it should work.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 17, 04:43:18 I think this whole "green house" business is a sham and was always meant to be. You can't plant plants inside, using "moveobjects" will give you route failure when you direct your sim to do anything to it. Not to mention the fake roofs that they're "working on" to fix. I usually don't bitch and moan too much about stuff like this but I was really looking forward to real green houses like in the Sims 2.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: Sigmund on 2012 November 17, 04:56:09 Ugh. There goes my idea, then.
I usually don't bitch and moan too much about stuff like this but I was really looking forward to real green houses like in the Sims 2. Same here. I'm really disappointed that my sims won't be able to garden in the winter. Goddammit, EA, why are you so incapable of making things that work? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: witch on 2012 November 17, 07:25:17 I've roofed over (and then made invisible) a couple of gardening workstations. I'll let you know how it goes.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 November 17, 22:53:09 So if you roof the greehouse does it make it weather proof? :-\
Nevermind I found a fix I didn't notice it was on here when I posted. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.01.2012) Post by: Martine on 2012 November 18, 17:15:49 Out of curiosity, which Twallan mod supposedly conflicts with this? I wasn't aware his mods even touched the Store crap. The Hybrid mod to make your sims more then one occult.I had some trouble getting the new 1.42 version to work, after some testing I found out that it somehow conflicts with NRAAS' Master Controller (the 'ccmerged file fix' still works though, it's just the invisible accessories problem). Anyone able to reproduce this problem? I'm using decrapped files and Awesomemod, so I'm using 3 out of 4 files. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 November 18, 20:42:57 Retro Model T Dining Chair from the Mid-century Modern Dining & Style set is still borked. The "fixed files uploaded to the "Downloads" thread are still borked. Either the re-uploaded Drifter's Desire set isn't the correct file or EA simply fucked up again, either way the chair still gives a routing error and is unusable unless people use the old file which is no longer avilable here. If you care to take a look at it, I'll re-upload the file.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: Andistyr on 2012 November 18, 21:23:18 I noticed that too when EA "updated" that set. I didn't think it was worth pointing it out. When the set first came out, the chair was ok & the teen fish dress was missing the stencils that the adult version has. EA "updated" the set and I took out the old one and replaced it with the new version (package of course) and when I got into my game, I tried out the chair (I heard reports that your sim couldn't sit in it) and sure enough my sim couldn't use it. So, I put back the 1st version, took out that messed up teen dress in that package, & bought the fixed version by itself. I figure EA isn't going to look into it. They might if enough people report it, but, even so, it would take several weeks for them to fix it and re-release it.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 November 18, 21:44:58 I noticed that too when EA "updated" that set. I didn't think it was worth pointing it out. When the set first came out, the chair was ok & the teen fish dress was missing the stencils that the adult version has. EA "updated" the set and I took out the old one and replaced it with the new version (package of course) and when I got into my game, I tried out the chair (I heard reports that your sim couldn't sit in it) and sure enough my sim couldn't use it. So, I put back the 1st version, took out that messed up teen dress in that package, & bought the fixed version by itself. I figure EA isn't going to look into it. They might if enough people report it, but, even so, it would take several weeks for them to fix it and re-release it. Could you please upload the fixed standalone teen dress? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: awesomegirl on 2012 November 18, 21:46:58 To get a working greenhouse, do these steps:
1.If you haven't built your greenhouse yet, plant seeds first and then make the greenhouse over the garden. (Of course you'll need Inge's invisible rugs to roof the place.) 2.If you have built and roofed your own greenhouse already or you're using EA's, remove a wall, do step 1 and then rebuild the wall. It's not counted a fix, but it'll do the trick. *Tested* Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 19, 03:49:00 So the working chair is in the first release of the set with the broken dress, and the second release has a broken chair but fixed dress??? If this is the case I'll look to see what was changed for the chair and add a fix for both items so that no matter which set is installed they'll work. Sound good?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 November 19, 04:01:52 Someone on the BBS said that Sims will plant indoors if you have "Moveobjects" toggled on. Give me a chance to test that out.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 19, 04:28:45 Someone on the BBS said that Sims will plant indoors if you have "Moveobjects" toggled on. Give me a change to test that out. And I heard someone on the BBS say that you get route fail, we need to reevaluate our sources here me thinks. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 November 19, 13:47:33 Someone on the BBS said that Sims will plant indoors if you have "Moveobjects" toggled on. Give me a chance to test that out. And I heard someone on the BBS say that you get route fail, we need to reevaluate our sources here me thinks. That's why I said, "Let me test it." :P Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 November 19, 15:04:33 So the working chair is in the first release of the set with the broken dress, and the second release has a broken chair but fixed dress??? If this is the case I'll look to see what was changed for the chair and add a fix for both items so that no matter which set is installed they'll work. Sound good? That sounds awesome KT! Where in the world would we be without you. In the mean time I posted a workaround. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: beansontoast on 2012 November 19, 20:06:59 So the working chair is in the first release of the set with the broken dress, and the second release has a broken chair but fixed dress??? If this is the case I'll look to see what was changed for the chair and add a fix for both items so that no matter which set is installed they'll work. Sound good? IIRC the second set includes 2 copies of the same chair, which is what causes the borked-ness of the chair. I thought I read that the issue had be resolved- but now I can't seem to find the post. Here's just the chair, for people who want to uninstall the borked chairs with the launcher http://www.mediafire.com/?bab67ka33vfis9d Here's the fixed teen dress http://www.mediafire.com/?418f21si4lcs25k Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 19, 20:19:59 I noticed that too when EA "updated" that set. I didn't think it was worth pointing it out. When the set first came out, the chair was ok & the teen fish dress was missing the stencils that the adult version has. EA "updated" the set and I took out the old one and replaced it with the new version (package of course) and when I got into my game, I tried out the chair (I heard reports that your sim couldn't sit in it) and sure enough my sim couldn't use it. So, I put back the 1st version, took out that messed up teen dress in that package, & bought the fixed version by itself. I figure EA isn't going to look into it. They might if enough people report it, but, even so, it would take several weeks for them to fix it and re-release it. Didn't the Gypsy set have something to do with breaking the chair as well or am I just making things up? I could have sworn that's what I read somewhere. Either way when I get some time I'm going to do some testing, maybe tonight? I just don't feel like dealing with the launcher having to uninstall/re-install stuff, it's such a pain. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 November 19, 22:59:43 From what I understood, the gypsy set came with a copy of the Mid-century chair. According to someone who tested both sets, the chair doesn't get borked despite both being installed. these would be the old files of the Drifter's desire and Mid-century dining sets. The problem is the new file of the Mid-century dining set. They fixed the Drifter's desire by removing the extra chair and fixed the thumbnail of picnic table. They fixed the Mid-century dining by adding the missing stencils and then borking the chair.
Quote I tested this one pretty thoroughly. The file for the dining chair is only corrupt in the updated Mid-Century Set. Both the individual download of the dining chair, as well as the one incorrectly included in the October set are both fully functioning. Quoted from the thread (http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/30/592332.page) jaldeer posted a while ago. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: Inge on 2012 November 19, 23:39:50 Well I finally managed to get a right-shaped cutout for the greenhouse roofs themselves so you don't have to mess about with the invisible rugs (available now at my site). Would be interested to know where the snow piles up using those instead.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 20, 18:19:48 Updated OP. In the original release of Mid-Century Modern Dining and Style Set the teen dress was missing stencils, in the fixed release they broke the chair. The update ensures that no matter which release you have installed both items work.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 November 20, 18:21:59 Updated OP. In the original release of Mid-Century Modern Dining and Style Set the teen dress was missing stencils, in the fixed release they broke the chair. The update ensures that no matter which release you have installed both items work. Mucho baaa to you KT. You forgot to update the date of your post though, it still says the 15th. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: beansontoast on 2012 November 20, 19:03:16 Well I finally managed to get a right-shaped cutout for the greenhouse roofs themselves so you don't have to mess about with the invisible rugs (available now at my site). Would be interested to know where the snow piles up using those instead. Snow does not seem to pile on them and they get frosted over. The plants inside go dormant, which could be due to the missing wall sections. (http://i48.tinypic.com/kdq4vb.jpg) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.15.2012) Post by: gehenna on 2012 November 20, 19:12:38 Hi guys!
Your fixes are always awesome, ofc! This is the first time that one of your fixes didn't work 100%.. more like 98% My problem is with the Sunflower in the Greenhouse DL. I installed them as .package files, and applied your fixes as usual. Whenever the flower lets out sunligt fertilizer I get the stupid white blocks with the "missing object resource instance..." errorcode. I tried to install the sim3pack instead and moved the fixes around as in your manual but still the same shit. Everything that I have in my .package files is up to date and I really don't know what else to do. Anybody? ??? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 21, 02:40:58 Updated OP. Added new store patch.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: zsusensei on 2012 November 21, 04:27:19 Hy hello!
I love your work! Fantastyc!! BUt ! The spell book (Lady Ravendancer Goth's Book o 'Spells) wont work. If you can fix the problem please do it as soon as possible! Thanks :) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: coolkips on 2012 November 21, 04:59:47 Updated OP. Added new store patch. Could you gimme more detail explanation about "If you use this patch instead of the one the game generates I would suggest putting this in an overrides folder or in the program files mod folder with Awesomemod. Decrap if necessary." Sorry about noob question... Where is the overrides folder location? Where I could get Awesomemod? Which one is recommended? Using this ContentPatch or use directly Store Update v2 from Launcher? Thanks Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: Madame Mim on 2012 November 21, 05:33:23 Updated OP. Added new store patch. Could you gimme more detail explanation about "If you use this patch instead of the one the game generates I would suggest putting this in an overrides folder or in the program files mod folder with Awesomemod. Decrap if necessary." Sorry about noob question... Where is the overrides folder location? Where I could get Awesomemod? Which one is recommended? Using this ContentPatch or use directly Store Update v2 from Launcher? Thanks Why are you even considering using a mod if you don't know what/where your overides folder is? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: coolkips on 2012 November 21, 06:15:03 Why are you even considering using a mod if you don't know what/where your overides folder is? Because I starting to use it, from the first time. Start to play the Sims...So, nee some help with details... Thanks in advanced. CMIIW Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: Grimma on 2012 November 21, 07:07:54 Why are you even considering using a mod if you don't know what/where your overides folder is? Because I starting to use it, from the first time. Start to play the Sims...So, nee some help with details... Thanks in advanced. CMIIW If you do not understand the basics of adding custom content and mods to your game, I suggest that you consider not using awesome mod. No RLY. If you simply must, go check out the MTS page they have on how to work CC and packages for how to get the folders going. If you don't know what to do now or how to get to the mod the sims page that explains this, don't mod your game. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: coolkips on 2012 November 21, 07:23:25 Why are you even considering using a mod if you don't know what/where your overides folder is? Because I starting to use it, from the first time. Start to play the Sims...So, nee some help with details... Thanks in advanced. CMIIW If you do not understand the basics of adding custom content and mods to your game, I suggest that you consider not using awesome mod. No RLY. If you simply must, go check out the MTS page they have on how to work CC and packages for how to get the folders going. If you don't know what to do now or how to get to the mod the sims page that explains this, don't mod your game. FYI I already used some MOD (the simple one), and I know about "How to use CC and packages". But seem this vocab is new for me... overrides folder and awesomemod. I posting here to get fixes of store contents... and already used this KT Store Fixes before... BUT... again, today I notice that annoucement that I post above.... mention about Store Patch v2.0... Then I asked to KT... which one is recommended... using the Launcher update or using KT Store Patch.... then I wanna know more about overrides folder... Please... just answering my question... Don't ask why I asking that... Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: Sigmund on 2012 November 21, 17:46:43 Hy hello! I love your work! Fantastyc!! BUt ! The spell book (Lady Ravendancer Goth's Book o 'Spells) wont work. If you can fix the problem please do it as soon as possible! Thanks :) The book worked fine the last time I tried it. Either it's a problem stemming from the most recent store patch, or you're doing something wrong. Please... just answering my question... Don't ask why I asking that... MATY isn't a place for beginners. If you're not familiar with how to use the Overrides folder or what Awesomemod is, take Grimma's advice and check out MTS. Google is your friend. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 November 22, 09:50:54 FYI I already used some MOD (the simple one), and I know about "How to use CC and packages". But seem this vocab is new for me... overrides folder and awesomemod. I posting here to get fixes of store contents... and already used this KT Store Fixes before... BUT... again, today I notice that annoucement that I post above.... mention about Store Patch v2.0... Then I asked to KT... which one is recommended... using the Launcher update or using KT Store Patch.... then I wanna know more about overrides folder... Please... just answering my question... Don't ask why I asking that... http://lmgtfy.com/?q=sims+3+overrides+folder You're welcome. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: coltraz on 2012 November 22, 18:40:59 Since I use .packages MOST of my store content is seen by the game as unofficial CC (with a "*" icon rather than a store content icon) as it's not installed via the launcher, and not in Sims3Pack form. So do you know if installing the patch through the launcher will be effective or should I use your contentpatch.package instead?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 22, 19:38:46 Since I use .packages MOST of my store content is seen by the game as unofficial CC (with a "*" icon rather than a store content icon) as it's not installed via the launcher, and not in Sims3Pack form. So do you know if installing the patch through the launcher will be effective or should I use your contentpatch.package instead? The one I have posted is only because some people had issues with the launcher asking every time for the patch. It's the same as the one the launcher gives. It's really only a matter of decrapped or not rather than how it's installed. You get the cc icon because they're in your mods folder, but they're the same as vanilla sims3packs. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: Ambular on 2012 November 23, 01:19:19 I've just put the store patch (decrapped) in my Overrides folder, and it seems to be causing empty spaces in my Buy catalog which can be clicked and have a price listed, but there's no object or description. I assume these are store items I don't have. Is this an expected behavior or a cause for concern?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 November 23, 06:49:20 I've just put the store patch (decrapped) in my Overrides folder, and it seems to be causing empty spaces in my Buy catalog which can be clicked and have a price listed, but there's no object or description. I assume these are store items I don't have. Is this an expected behavior or a cause for concern? Did you need the store patch? It's only for those people who's store patches won't "stick" which requires us to update it every time or for those people that keep getting prompted to download the patch over and over when it's already been installed. The store patch doesn't need to be decrappified. It doesn't go in your Overrides folder either. It should go into the "content patch" folder in The Sims 3 folder. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 23, 08:46:02 I've just put the store patch (decrapped) in my Overrides folder, and it seems to be causing empty spaces in my Buy catalog which can be clicked and have a price listed, but there's no object or description. I assume these are store items I don't have. Is this an expected behavior or a cause for concern? I would guess those are just items you don't have installed. The new patch changes a lot of fences and windows. They won't cause any harm, it's essentially just the main part of the object with none of the filling. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: coolkips on 2012 November 23, 16:53:04 Which one is recommended... using the Launcher to update Store Patch 2.0 or using KT Store Patch?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: Ambular on 2012 November 23, 17:35:50 I've just put the store patch (decrapped) in my Overrides folder, and it seems to be causing empty spaces in my Buy catalog which can be clicked and have a price listed, but there's no object or description. I assume these are store items I don't have. Is this an expected behavior or a cause for concern? Did you need the store patch? It's only for those people who's store patches won't "stick" which requires us to update it every time or for those people that keep getting prompted to download the patch over and over when it's already been installed. The store patch doesn't need to be decrappified. It doesn't go in your Overrides folder either. It should go into the "content patch" folder in The Sims 3 folder. I would assume I need it, since I don't allow my Launcher to access the internet and don't even have a tab for the store patch in there. And KT's own instructions above say 'If you use this patch instead of the one the game generates I would suggest putting this in an overrides folder or in the program files mod folder with Awesomemod. Decrap if necessary.' So I put it in Overrides and decrapped it, as I decrap everything else. I would guess those are just items you don't have installed. The new patch changes a lot of fences and windows. They won't cause any harm, it's essentially just the main part of the object with none of the filling. Okay, just wanted to make sure. Thanks! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 November 23, 18:06:15 Which one is recommended... using the Launcher to update Store Patch 2.0 or using KT Store Patch? They're the same exact thing, you decide. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 November 23, 21:36:43 But decisions are hard and stuff!
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: Inge on 2012 November 24, 12:33:34 Remember that to use my greenhouse roof fix you need to delete and re "buy" the pieces after installing the mod, and you need to lay a floor under them first. It's the floor that makes the greenhouse weatherproof.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: ViridianaCordero on 2012 November 28, 01:15:51 The ccmerged is not working for meee help plz!! :'(
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: Madame Mim on 2012 November 28, 03:01:53 The ccmerged is not working for meee help plz!! :'( Go to the front of this thread and read the instructions again. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 November 28, 15:31:51 The ccmerged is not working for meee help plz!! :'( Go to the front of this thread and read the instructions again. But first, throw yourself in front of a bus for writing such a retarded sentence. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: INateYou on 2012 November 29, 05:14:23 I still get white boxes from the sunflowers instead of fertilizer or whatever it is that it's supposed to give me. When I hover over it, it says "missing resource file" with a big string of letters and numbers. All my override and cc merge files are up to date to the newest.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: Baarogue on 2012 November 29, 06:10:35 I still get white boxes from the sunflowers instead of fertilizer or whatever it is that it's supposed to give me. When I hover over it, it says "missing resource file" with a big string of letters and numbers. All my override and cc merge files are up to date to the newest. It's a good thing you didn't waste your time sharing that big, scary string of letters and numbers. They couldn't possibly be helpful. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: morriganrant on 2012 December 01, 01:40:26 I still get white boxes from the sunflowers instead of fertilizer or whatever it is that it's supposed to give me. When I hover over it, it says "missing resource file" with a big string of letters and numbers. All my override and cc merge files are up to date to the newest. It's a good thing you didn't waste your time sharing that big, scary string of letters and numbers. They couldn't possibly be helpful. "Missing object resource instance 319e4f1d:01000000:00000000000f5888 -" I have the same. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 01, 01:58:21 I'll take a look into it, I was rushing when I did that one.
Mine popped out a sunshine thingy, are you both using the latest fixes? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: Josette on 2012 December 03, 21:55:52 First, thanks kissing_toast.
Second, does anyone have an issue with the decrapified (sims3-pack) Teppanyaki Grill. My sims don't get the option to cook on it. The other fixes do work for me. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: morriganrant on 2012 December 03, 22:10:12 I'll take a look into it, I was rushing when I did that one. I was sure that I had been. KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes Date modified 11/16? I've cleared caches since it's been installed. I've placed down the greenhouse since then as well and every sunflower has been dropping white squares. I've installed this store crap by decrapping it, extracting with the multi-installer, then combining with Simpe.Mine popped out a sunshine thingy, are you both using the latest fixes? Edit: Fucking hell, user error obviously, I reviewed by resource.cfg plus folder setup and things were off kilter. After clean game testing folders weren't dropped back in the right places. I apologize. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: Sarrah on 2012 December 07, 00:30:19 KT I just wanted to let you know that the pizza oven for Monte Vista is not working, are you planning to put out a fix for it? I have all your most recent fixes and everything works minus the oven, when you click on the oven no options come up.I just thought I'd give you heads up because I know you have to update every time new store content comes out.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: Andistyr on 2012 December 07, 01:00:10 I noticed too that the pizza oven doesn't work. I already figured that a decrapified Monte Vista pizza oven wouldn't work. Decrapified Premium Content doesn't work unless you buy it "legal". The other Premium Content comes with the Al Fresco Street Market. It's the Humble Harvest Stands. One stand has eggplants and the other lemons. I haven't tried it out to see if it's ok. Just thought I'd mention that's the other Premium Content so KT can see if it needs a fix also.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: witch on 2012 December 07, 02:45:56 I've used both the farm stands and successfully purchased seeds.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: Sarrah on 2012 December 07, 02:52:08 In this case, even if you buy it directly from the Store it still does not work regardless if it is Decrapified or not. I bought it right from the Store, made a new, fresh, clean Sims 3 Folder and reinstalled all store content and it still gives me no options to cook anything on the Pizza Oven.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: Shivani on 2012 December 07, 04:59:34 I am seeing the same behavior (or lack thereof). Decrapified, launcher-installed Monte Vista and the Al Fresco set. The pizza oven isn't even as useful as a decorative item of dubious environment enhancement. There are no options available whatsoever. The harvest stands, on the other hand, work just fine for me, at least in terms of purchasing from them (and wasn't I surprised to find flame fruit for sale). I have not tried consigning anything with them. (I did not try the lemonade stand, but at least that has options available to me.)
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 07, 05:05:34 Got the lemonade stand and plants fixed, twas a bitch. Will finish the oven and wedding cake tomorrow, for some reason in my initial run I was only able to make eggplant lasagna.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 December 07, 10:39:15 Got the lemonade stand and plants fixed, twas a bitch. Will finish the oven and wedding cake tomorrow, for some reason in my initial run I was only able to make eggplant lasagna. KT, I have no idea what your problem was with the plants but it may be related to the ccmerged.package, as my plants work perfectly fine, and I have only adjusted the ccmerged.package. The plants added two new resources to the ccmerged.package, and you have to set their group to 0x01000000. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 07, 15:28:58 Got the lemonade stand and plants fixed, twas a bitch. Will finish the oven and wedding cake tomorrow, for some reason in my initial run I was only able to make eggplant lasagna. KT, I have no idea what your problem was with the plants but it may be related to the ccmerged.package, as my plants work perfectly fine, and I have only adjusted the ccmerged.package. The plants added two new resources to the ccmerged.package, and you have to set their group to 0x01000000. Holy shit snacks I didn't even think to look in there yet! Of course those are the two files I've narrowed it down to. I thought it was weird that they put those files needed for the plants in the package with the veggie cart as opposed to the pant packages, oh well. Thanks . Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: phoenixc on 2012 December 07, 16:12:30 I am seeing the same behavior (or lack thereof). Decrapified, launcher-installed Monte Vista and the Al Fresco set. The pizza oven isn't even as useful as a decorative item of dubious environment enhancement. There are no options available whatsoever. To me the pizza oven have all the options (my sims has max skill cooking) but on the animation some "objects" are missing ... dough, shovel for oven ... you can see strange movement, but you can not see the material .... Finally you can see only the plate prepared (sorry for my english, I can not explain better). I installed decraped Monte Vista. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 December 07, 16:41:17 If you have no interactions at all for the pizza oven, your ccmerged.package is probably broken. If you keep your ccmerged.package in your overrides folder you have to update it whenever you put in new premium content. If you keep it in the DCBackup, the launcher will automatically update the file itself, though it's possible it might somehow get corrupted or something while merging. The oven adds new recipes to the recipe master list in the ccmerged.package, so if there are no oven recipes in the ccmerged.package you won't be able to use the oven at all.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.20.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 December 07, 18:32:55 Yup, no interaction with the oven at all. Didn't expect EA to spit out so many new stuff at the same time, having new harvestable is really nice.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 December 07, 21:09:35 The wedding cake? The one object I thought wouldn't break. So what's wrong with it?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 07, 21:15:23 Updated OP. If you use sims3packs and rely on the launcher to update your fixed ccmerged file re-download it, they've added stuff for the new plants.
The wedding cake? The one object I thought wouldn't break. So what's wrong with it? Nothing if you use the legit version ;) Also forgot to double check that one but it should be good. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: INateYou on 2012 December 07, 22:14:00 I updated everything on the first page, put the ccmerge file in DCbackup and now my premium items aren't working. The items for the oven still don't show up while she is cooking, but I do get the food once it's done. Whenever I try to seel juice using the lemonade stand, the cup doesn't show up and the person trying to purchase the juice is then instantly caught by overwatch for being a stuck sim.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 December 07, 23:46:15 Grabbed the 4 files, replacing the old ones I had in my overrides and most premiums seem to work (tried the tree of posterity, crystal ball, tablet's tabcast, frier, ice cream maker, chocolate fountain; The veggie stand also work: I could buy lemons without any NPC, consign my lemons and tend the stand) but the tepenyakki grill has no cooking option (there's only the grease thing and the 2 tricks) and the wood oven has no interactions at all. Tried by raising my test sim's cooking skill to 5, putting in a counter, a fridge and a table, no dice. Is it the ccmerge file again like what happened with the grill?
Edit: yeah, it was that. I grabbed Nona Mena's ccmerged file available on her blog and put it as it is in my override folder and now the grill and the oven work perfectly! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: MarcusPrime on 2012 December 08, 01:58:22 Amy word yet on getting the Lunar Lakes domes to work without "Seasons" weather blowing through them?
I am taking a guess this is a decrapifying issue (and thus a store fix would solve it). Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: Sarrah on 2012 December 08, 02:07:00 I did mine a bit differant, I placed KT's Files in Overrides and placed Nona's CCMerged in DCbackup. When I tried to use the Oven, Grill it was a no go, so I copied Nona's CCMerged into Mods-->Packages leaving KT's Files where they should be in Overrides and now everything is working again. I am really glad it is all working once more, thankyou KT for being so quick to update your files and thankyou Painkiller for the suggestion to use Nona's CCMerged.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: charmedjosh on 2012 December 08, 03:11:55 All is working fine for me except for the cake it has accessories but the plate has invisible cake on it.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 08, 07:00:43 Amy word yet on getting the Lunar Lakes domes to work without "Seasons" weather blowing through them? I am taking a guess this is a decrapifying issue (and thus a store fix would solve it). I'll add it to my "list," I've got something else going on right now. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 December 08, 13:08:46 Either I have outdated files or the cake needs to be fixed. The "slice" is invisible and the cake sometimes appears as a metallic ball in buy mode, it looks like the "marker" object. everything else works fine.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: Miss Malevolent on 2012 December 08, 15:36:46 I was just thinking today that I wanted to say thanks.
I had a problem with the new oven, and like clockwork, you had fix at the ready. Without prompting you update those files. For love the of the game or sticking it to the man, or both, I don't know, but I appreciate you. Thanks KT for taking your time/energy/what have you, to play Robin Hood of the Sims for people. *Dons flame retardant suit for typing such a sappy post on MATY.* Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: woflz on 2012 December 08, 18:32:41 Either I have outdated files or the cake needs to be fixed. The "slice" is invisible and the cake sometimes appears as a metallic ball in buy mode, it looks like the "marker" object. everything else works fine. Same here, except in an old save file the cake appeared fine (minus the invisible slice >_<), while in a new save file I had 2 versions of the cake. The original one with invisible slices, and one metallic ball. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: igottapi on 2012 December 08, 21:38:05 kissing_toast do you happen to know the correct names for the Purple Eggplant? I've been trying to add it to the plant list xml but cant seem to find the names. I was able to add the lemon tree since it was already there on the store plant list xml but the eggplant isnt and its driving me insane.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 December 08, 23:20:42 All is working fine for me except for the cake it has accessories but the plate has invisible cake on it. Maybe the cake is a lie. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 09, 00:12:24 kissing_toast do you happen to know the correct names for the Purple Eggplant? I've been trying to add it to the plant list xml but cant seem to find the names. I was able to add the lemon tree since it was already there on the store plant list xml but the eggplant isnt and its driving me insane. it's named accessoryEggPlant in the package, what does doing that achieve? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: igottapi on 2012 December 09, 00:53:18 Its 'cause I like to change the info on the plants, like the amount of harvest and other stuff, but I need the right names for it to work. Unfortunately accessoryEggPlant wasn't it, neither was purple eggplant or eggplant plant. I don't know what else to try and I cant find anything in the two eggplant packages. I just don't get where the lemon and eggplant are getting their info from since there is no xml with it in any of the packages.
Between a funny looking lemon and not finding the correct name to put, I'm hating this Premium Content just a tiny bit lol Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 09, 02:52:41 If you have s3oc there's a base game eggplant that shows up, maybe added from a patch? Try that, I'll clone it and check next time I run it if I remember.
It may appear that the cake is a lie, BBSers are reporting no cake slices as well. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 December 09, 09:29:21 Its 'cause I like to change the info on the plants, like the amount of harvest and other stuff, but I need the right names for it to work. Unfortunately accessoryEggPlant wasn't it, neither was purple eggplant or eggplant plant. I don't know what else to try and I cant find anything in the two eggplant packages. I just don't get where the lemon and eggplant are getting their info from since there is no xml with it in any of the packages. Between a funny looking lemon and not finding the correct name to put, I'm hating this Premium Content just a tiny bit lol What you need is in the ccmerged.package, not the GameplayData. Open the ccmerged.package and find the UNKN resrouce (it's just an XML you can edit with a text editor. Inge will fix with next s3pe update) with TGI 0xE5105068-0x01000000-0xF74A6C35CA9D1655. That's the store plant list. You can just mod this directly or make an override of this one resource that you put in the Overrides folder. It will need to be updated if they add new plants to the store. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: igottapi on 2012 December 09, 12:18:38 Its 'cause I like to change the info on the plants, like the amount of harvest and other stuff, but I need the right names for it to work. Unfortunately accessoryEggPlant wasn't it, neither was purple eggplant or eggplant plant. I don't know what else to try and I cant find anything in the two eggplant packages. I just don't get where the lemon and eggplant are getting their info from since there is no xml with it in any of the packages. Between a funny looking lemon and not finding the correct name to put, I'm hating this Premium Content just a tiny bit lol What you need is in the ccmerged.package, not the GameplayData. Open the ccmerged.package and find the UNKN resrouce (it's just an XML you can edit with a text editor. Inge will fix with next s3pe update) with TGI 0xE5105068-0x01000000-0xF74A6C35CA9D1655. That's the store plant list. You can just mod this directly or make an override of this one resource that you put in the Overrides folder. It will need to be updated if they add new plants to the store. OMG Thx. It was driving me insane not being able to find where the info was or the name of the plant. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 December 09, 13:38:02 If you have s3oc there's a base game eggplant that shows up, maybe added from a patch? Try that, I'll clone it and check next time I run it if I remember. I think the basegame eggplant is the one you get from gardening opportunities that grows literal eggs. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 December 09, 17:13:46 KT, as somebody mentioned in the other store thread, the walls, floors & roofs are missing from the build catalog. I know you've probably been through the 113+ files for MV too many times now so I uploaded all the files for the walls etc. If you add them to your fix, I'll take down the upload.
[Link removed due to KT updating his fix] You can put these in your Mods folder until KT adds the fix. You'll end up with 2 copies of each object in your catalog though. There are 31 walls, and 3 Floors (2 packages because one floor is a recolor). Edit: these files were only run through s3rc Edit2: Oops, fixed the link, sorry. Edit 3: [Link removed due to KT updating his fix] Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: Asmodeuseswife on 2012 December 09, 17:38:55 Thanks but it says file is invalid or deleted.
Edit: Thanks I got it. :-* Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 December 09, 21:28:34 Here's a proper fix for the walls & floors. It won't add duplicates and just fixes the TGI in the CWAL resources. You can use this until KT adds the fix himself.
[Link removed due to KT updating his fix] Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: Asmodeuseswife on 2012 December 09, 21:55:11 Thanks notouching, much appreciated.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: dweebface on 2012 December 10, 10:46:21 Mediafire seems to have taken down all of the files on the first post except for ccmerged.zip
Any chance of a re-upload? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 December 10, 13:32:24 Jeez, KT. Who did you piss off recently? Seems like mediafire is taking down nearly everything you upload. In the meantime, here are the latest Store Fixes & Decrap fixes. I put them on 2 shared because I'm not trusting mediafire right now. Use the small blue download button above the File URL field to download the file.
Edit: Links removed as KT has updated his links on the front page. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: elizabeth on 2012 December 10, 16:02:42 when my sim goes to the market she seems to be talking to someone at the stands but I can't see anyone there.. Are there suppose to be sims tending the different stands there? That seems to be the only problem I have, everything else works.. I don't really consider it a problem but just wondering if anyone else can see these invisible sims... lol
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 December 10, 16:50:24 when my sim goes to the market she seems to be talking to someone at the stands but I can't see anyone there.. Are there suppose to be sims tending the different stands there? That seems to be the only problem I have, everything else works.. I don't really consider it a problem but just wondering if anyone else can see these invisible sims... lol Yes but my experience in MV is as such that sims tending the stands generate rather slowly. I don't recall ever seeing kids tending the lemonade stands in MV either. I have more luck with that object in Sunlit Tides. The animation is there in case there's a sim tending the stand or if your sim is tending it so other sims would do it as well. It does look ridiculous when no-one is there though. I would recommend Shimrod's more townies out in the town mod and Twallan's registry mod. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: elizabeth on 2012 December 10, 17:48:57 I have twallan's register.. and it would be nice to see more sims out .. thanks I'll have to look for Shimrod's mod. :)
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 10, 18:11:40 This is the first time in a while I've been able to get MATY to load, I'll re-upload those when I get the chance. What's wrong with the walls, are they simply not set to show up in the catalogue? And as for mediafire, who fucking knows.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 December 10, 19:17:07 This is the first time in a while I've been able to get MATY to load, I'll re-upload those when I get the chance. What's wrong with the walls, are they simply not set to show up in the catalogue? And as for mediafire, who fucking knows. Decrapifying changed the TGI of the VPXY but it didn't change it in the TGI Blocks in the CWAL resource. Just have to go into the CWAL grid and set the group number of the VPXY to match the de-crapped VPXY group.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 10, 19:24:52 If you have s3oc there's a base game eggplant that shows up, maybe added from a patch? Try that, I'll clone it and check next time I run it if I remember. I think the basegame eggplant is the one you get from gardening opportunities that grows literal eggs. When I thought about that I thought so too maybe, but I remembered seeing an eggplant in the thumbnail. I doubled checked, it's a purple eggplant, marked as base game. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 December 10, 19:40:00 If you have s3oc there's a base game eggplant that shows up, maybe added from a patch? Try that, I'll clone it and check next time I run it if I remember. I think the basegame eggplant is the one you get from gardening opportunities that grows literal eggs. When I thought about that I thought so too maybe, but I remembered seeing an eggplant in the thumbnail. I doubled checked, it's a purple eggplant, marked as base game. Maybe they have to be integrated into the basegame to work as harvestable produce. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 December 10, 19:43:28 If you have s3oc there's a base game eggplant that shows up, maybe added from a patch? Try that, I'll clone it and check next time I run it if I remember. I think the basegame eggplant is the one you get from gardening opportunities that grows literal eggs. When I thought about that I thought so too maybe, but I remembered seeing an eggplant in the thumbnail. I doubled checked, it's a purple eggplant, marked as base game. Maybe they have to be integrated into the basegame to work as harvestable produce. That purple eggplant is just a prop for one of the recipes. I think it's ratatouille. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 10, 20:41:05 Updated links, maybe these'll stick.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: phoenixc on 2012 December 11, 12:21:03 First, sorry for my english, second I want to ask, for the "fix mods" premium content, the "Lemonade stand" and "Fruit and Veggie Stand" is one and the same thing?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 December 11, 12:47:44 First, sorry for my english, second I want to ask, for the "fix mods" premium content, the "Lemonade stand" and "Fruit and Veggie Stand" is one and the same thing? The Lemonade Stand and the Fruit and Veggie Stand are two separate objects that do different things. Sims buy/sell fruits and veggies at the Veggie stand. At the Lemonade Stand, sims can buy/sell lemonade. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: phoenixc on 2012 December 11, 14:49:58 First, sorry for my english, second I want to ask, for the "fix mods" premium content, the "Lemonade stand" and "Fruit and Veggie Stand" is one and the same thing? The Lemonade Stand and the Fruit and Veggie Stand are two separate objects that do different things. Sims buy/sell fruits and veggies at the Veggie stand. At the Lemonade Stand, sims can buy/sell lemonade. I asked because in the text of "KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes" and CCmerged, the "Fruit and Veggie Stand" don't appear. I was able to supply the Limonade stand, but not the Veggie Stand ... I don't know how must be in game ... Both Stands have the same activities ? If yes, the veggie stand don't work properly... Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: Painkiller on 2012 December 11, 16:59:54 The veggie stand cannot be stocked, it's simply a specialized consign register disguised as a cart. Like the register you see in the consign shop, but it only deals with gardening stuff: veggies, seeds and related skills books. So it has a basic register menu: the option are tend, buy and consign. The tend option only means standing there for hours, don't know about the pay though, haven't tried it seriously yet.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 December 12, 16:07:14 Thanks for the answer. Your first "thanks" post got moved for a reason. Lurk moar. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: Selentic on 2012 December 12, 16:52:52 If you have s3oc there's a base game eggplant that shows up, maybe added from a patch? Try that, I'll clone it and check next time I run it if I remember. I think the basegame eggplant is the one you get from gardening opportunities that grows literal eggs. When I thought about that I thought so too maybe, but I remembered seeing an eggplant in the thumbnail. I doubled checked, it's a purple eggplant, marked as base game. Maybe they have to be integrated into the basegame to work as harvestable produce. That purple eggplant is just a prop for one of the recipes. I think it's ratatouille. My sims was able to purchase an actual eggplant at the food store register in China. And when returned home the eggplant is also plantable. (I have all expansions and store stuff installed so not sure which one added this item). Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 December 12, 20:15:16 You folks really confuse me. There's the base-game "eggplant" which allows you to plant actual eggs. The Monte Vista venue comes with two new harvestables. An actual eggplant (aubergine) and lemon. You can buy both at the grocery store and the new veggy stand stand store pc item. This is common knowledge? I mean you are talking in thread documenting specifically a fix for these plants? :S
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: notouching on 2012 December 12, 21:31:16 If you have s3oc there's a base game eggplant that shows up, maybe added from a patch? Try that, I'll clone it and check next time I run it if I remember. I think the basegame eggplant is the one you get from gardening opportunities that grows literal eggs. When I thought about that I thought so too maybe, but I remembered seeing an eggplant in the thumbnail. I doubled checked, it's a purple eggplant, marked as base game. Maybe they have to be integrated into the basegame to work as harvestable produce. That purple eggplant is just a prop for one of the recipes. I think it's ratatouille. My sims was able to purchase an actual eggplant at the food store register in China. And when returned home the eggplant is also plantable. (I have all expansions and store stuff installed so not sure which one added this item). Explaining to virgali and this guy (who completely did not understand what was going on): Base game eggplant: harvestable base game Eggplant that grows eggs Al Fresco Eggplant: Called "Purple Eggplant" in the game. You can plant it, purchase it at the grocery store, sell it, cook it, etc. It's a custom ingredient (premium content) and it is available via the Sims 3 Store as part of the Al Fresco venue. Finally: eggplant accessory that is shown while cooking specific recipes (Autumn Salad for example) but can be cloned in s3oc as a separate object as it is found in the base game fullbuild packages. The problem WAS: igottapi wanted to mod the new harvestables (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,21330.msg596875.html#msg596875) but did not know that he needed to use the Plants List in the ccmerged.package and not in the GameplayData.package. KT didn't think about this and suggested the purple eggplant accessory used when creating certain recipes. I then realized what was going on and informed igottapi that what he needed is in the ccmerged.package. The rest of the conversation is about a useless accessory that has no point in the game. Looking at Jezzer's responses, I am unsure if he followed all of this. Not that it matters. The conversation did get convoluted. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: virgali on 2012 December 13, 02:38:11 Oh, right! The eggplant you see is an actual object? I didn't know. I thought the things you saw on the wooden board while cooking was just different versions of the wooden board object as in it's all one object if I'm making any sense. Thank you for clearing things up.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 15, 21:08:56 Witch! There's a tard loose in my thread!
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.07.2012) Post by: witch on 2012 December 16, 00:42:34 Witch! There's a tard loose in my thread! Not any more. :D Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 20, 16:39:32 Updated OP. Thanks to notouching for the wall and floor fix.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: KawaiiMiyo on 2012 December 21, 16:49:42 I'm seeing blank thumbnails in the buy catalog with some of your fixes. I have installed only decrapped sims3packs... (with the exception of the pet store, and the fountain of youth which are packages) I have your ccmerged package in the dcbackup folder, and I have the Decrapfixes package, and the fixes package (the later was decrapified) in my overrides folder. I also have the contentpatch file in my regular mods folder right alongside awesomemod. Removing my overrides folder gets rid of the blank thumbnails, they show up when I put it back in.
Other than your fixes I have Clara's unlocked stencils in my overrides folder, but removing them seems to have no effect. I'm not sure what the blank thumbnails are supposed to be, I know two of them are sinks... One is priced at $400, and may be a duplicate of another $400 sink, however the other has a price different than the others, so not a duplicate, and I haven't a clue which one it's supposed to be. There are others that show up as blanks, I just mention the sinks because they are the first ones I notice. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 21, 17:00:27 Usually that just means one of two things: you're missing something that I fixed or you have a decrap/vanilla mismatch for that item. I can't say there should be anything for sinks in there, and if it's the stencils thing then you most likely have decrap/vanilla mismatch. Have you tried testing what's in your overrides folder one by one?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: KawaiiMiyo on 2012 December 21, 17:39:39 Usually that just means one of two things: you're missing something that I fixed or you have a decrap/vanilla mismatch for that item. I can't say there should be anything for sinks in there, and if it's the stencils thing then you most likely have decrap/vanilla mismatch. Have you tried testing what's in your overrides folder one by one? Okay, first I was wrong about the location of ContentPatch.package ... I was moving things around, and when I said removing my overrides folder got rid of the blank thumbnails, at that time I had this file in there. Having said that, I have completely narrowed it down to ContentPatch.package as what is causing my blank thumbnails. That file, even without any other overrides or fixes will cause the blanks to show up. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: Ambular on 2012 December 21, 17:48:39 Usually that just means one of two things: you're missing something that I fixed or you have a decrap/vanilla mismatch for that item. I can't say there should be anything for sinks in there, and if it's the stencils thing then you most likely have decrap/vanilla mismatch. Have you tried testing what's in your overrides folder one by one? Okay, first I was wrong about the location of ContentPatch.package ... I was moving things around, and when I said removing my overrides folder got rid of the blank thumbnails, at that time I had this file in there. Having said that, I have completely narrowed it down to ContentPatch.package as what is causing my blank thumbnails. That file, even without any other overrides or fixes will cause the blanks to show up. Same thing that happened to me (mine is decrapped, for the record) but just as KT said when I reported it, it doesn't appear to be causing any other issues, just the blank thumbnails. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: KawaiiMiyo on 2012 December 21, 18:03:55 Same thing that happened to me (mine is decrapped, for the record) but just as KT said when I reported it, it doesn't appear to be causing any other issues, just the blank thumbnails. Good to know... So I'm probably just missing something, and nothing is being hidden from me. Now it's going to forever bug me until I find out what it is. I could have sworn I actually had everything. Real quick while I'm posting here, I've only recently started using your fixes, and up until now I've had .package fixes for things like the spellbook and pet shop. For the pet shop I have 3 files, the pet shop package, a pet shop merged package, and the register fix... Is it safe to assume, now that I'm using your store fixes I can safely remove this extra crap and stick with the sims3pack version like I do everything else? I have no clue what was going on with the petshop at the time that caused me to get those files, when I have untouched sims3packs of everything else that I decrap before installing. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 21, 18:10:09 Same thing that happened to me (mine is decrapped, for the record) but just as KT said when I reported it, it doesn't appear to be causing any other issues, just the blank thumbnails. Good to know... So I'm probably just missing something, and nothing is being hidden from me. Now it's going to forever bug me until I find out what it is. I could have sworn I actually had everything. Real quick while I'm posting here, I've only recently started using your fixes, and up until now I've had .package fixes for things like the spellbook and pet shop. For the pet shop I have 3 files, the pet shop package, a pet shop merged package, and the register fix... Is it safe to assume, now that I'm using your store fixes I can safely remove this extra crap and stick with the sims3pack version like I do everything else? I have no clue what was going on with the petshop at the time that caused me to get those files, when I have untouched sims3packs of everything else that I decrap before installing. Should be, I don't use any of that other stuff and my pet shop works fine. You can use this tool to figure out what you don't have, http://sims3.crinrict.com/en/s3s-browser. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: KawaiiMiyo on 2012 December 21, 18:29:06 Should be, I don't use any of that other stuff and my pet shop works fine. You can use this tool to figure out what you don't have, http://sims3.crinrict.com/en/s3s-browser. So I just spent some time trying to find out exactly which sinks those blanks were for, and it appears they are sinks that I do indeed have! Crinrict's tool (Thank you, btw) lists 19 sinks, the EA store lists 19 sinks. I counted out the amount of store-labeled sinks I have in game, 19. Yet I show two blank sink thumbnails from that content patch... I will have to investigate further on some of the odd-priced items I have in the game with other categories. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 21, 21:59:57 Should be, I don't use any of that other stuff and my pet shop works fine. You can use this tool to figure out what you don't have, http://sims3.crinrict.com/en/s3s-browser. So I just spent some time trying to find out exactly which sinks those blanks were for, and it appears they are sinks that I do indeed have! Crinrict's tool (Thank you, btw) lists 19 sinks, the EA store lists 19 sinks. I counted out the amount of store-labeled sinks I have in game, 19. Yet I show two blank sink thumbnails from that content patch... I will have to investigate further on some of the odd-priced items I have in the game with other categories. They are most likely decrap/vanilla mismatches then, a decrapped store item is seen as diferent object in game. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: SimLife on 2012 December 22, 00:11:23 Replace the decrapped Contentpatch.package with a non-decrapped version, and everything will work fine.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: Heli on 2012 December 22, 00:55:47 Replace the decrapped Contentpatch.package with a non-decrapped version, and everything will work fine. Only for the decrapped fences, I changed the group in the undecrapped Contentpatch.package to 0x00000000. The Contentpatch has very hight priority, in my game higher than overidges folder. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 December 26, 01:57:42 This might be a stupid question but the lemonade stand is new right its not the kids stand to sell stuff. :-\
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 December 26, 02:06:30 This might be a stupid question but the lemonade stand is new right its not the kids stand to sell stuff. :-\ Yes, that is a stupid question. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: Madame Mim on 2012 December 26, 06:46:16 This might be a stupid question but the lemonade stand is new right its not the kids stand to sell stuff. :-\ Yes, that is a stupid question. No. It's not even a question. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2012 December 27, 05:57:49 True, it's a stupid statement. Tia, fix the punctuation in your post to make it a stupid question, please.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2012 December 29, 06:01:03 Updated OP.
I've added individual packages for the actual fixes because the unCAStable fixes are not 100% yet. Don't let that deter you from using them though, they work as they should. Right now the only problems are these: I've encountered with these sometimes when you go to CASt them then cancel doing so they become unCAStable again. So don't cancel the job and you'll be fine, and again I stress, sometimes. Then lastly with the Regal fence, the transparency doesn't work right away. As a work around, for now, place two sections of fence then the 1-tile gate, CASt the gate and drag the color template over to the fence. This will fix the transparency, you can now clone tool the fence to use as regular. The individual files are named accordingly and should be self explanatory, a bundled package is also provided. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: vorpal on 2012 December 29, 11:27:37 (...) I've encountered with these sometimes when you go to CASt them then cancel doing so they become unCAStable again. (...) That is actually something that I've frequently seen with EA's own, too. Fences, stairs and railings can become unCASTable and/or lose their CAST when the action is cancelled or undone.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: Ambular on 2012 December 29, 16:36:07 (...) I've encountered with these sometimes when you go to CASt them then cancel doing so they become unCAStable again. (...) That is actually something that I've frequently seen with EA's own, too. Fences, stairs and railings can become unCASTable and/or lose their CAST when the action is cancelled or undone.I just ran into this issue last night and was wondering what was going on. Thanks for the heads-up. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: coolkips on 2012 December 30, 01:32:08 This might be a stupid question but the lemonade stand is new right its not the kids stand to sell stuff. :-\ Yes, that is a stupid question. Then you give a stupid answer too :D Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 December 30, 21:23:29 This might be a stupid question but the lemonade stand is new right its not the kids stand to sell stuff. :-\ Yes, that is a stupid question. Then you give a stupid answer too :D Ok then is the lemonade stand and the kids bake sale table the same? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: Madame Mim on 2012 December 30, 21:26:55 Ok then. Are the lemonade stand and the kids bake sale table the same thing? FIFY - no. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: Tia on 2012 December 30, 21:31:44 Ok then. Are the lemonade stand and the kids bake sale table the same thing? FIFY - no. Thanks for the information and thanks. Is there a suggestion to get the tablet to work everything else works but the tablet. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.20.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 03, 04:21:54 Ok then. Are the lemonade stand and the kids bake sale table the same thing? FIFY - no. Thanks for the information and thanks. Is there a suggestion to get the tablet to work everything else works but the tablet. What do you mean by doesn't work? I happen to be in and out of the game now, I'll check mine. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 03, 19:20:57 Stupid question, the tabcasts that come with the tablet, they're supposed to give you skill points right?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: jezzer on 2013 January 03, 19:25:36 Stupid question, the tabcasts that come with the tablet, they're supposed to give you skill points right? Yes. They let you level the skill while doing other things. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: virgali on 2013 January 04, 14:32:42 Stupid question, the tabcasts that come with the tablet, they're supposed to give you skill points right? Yes. They let you level the skill while doing other things. I concur and the tablet does work for me. Easiest and fastest way to skill, tbh. there are certain things that will disable the tabcast though. Such as sleeping and taking a bath which is kind of logical. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: Viper on 2013 January 04, 15:52:18 I'm running the Chun Co. Teppanyaki Grill in decrapped package form and I have your latest storefix decrapfixes. I am also patched 1.42. I am able to do everything but serve food. I have tested it with a sim at a level 9 cooking skill and still no option. Is something broken from extracting the package and unlocking it or am I doing something wrong in game.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 04, 18:04:33 My computer is currently out of commision so someone else is going to have to do the fix for the new premium content.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: virgali on 2013 January 04, 18:08:50 My computer is currently out of commision so someone else is going to have to do the fix for the new premium content. nonamena to the rescue?Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: notouching on 2013 January 04, 21:47:54 As far as I can tell, there is only one accessory that needs fixing this time around (powder for the changing table). The baby monitor doesn't have any accessories. Somebody please correct me if I am wrong.
Removed Changing Table Fix due KT updating his fix Get an updated ccmerged.package here if you need one (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/) (scroll to bottom of post). The changing table added two new moodlets. I will remove the changing table fix when KT is able to update his fix. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: awesomegirl on 2013 January 05, 03:00:51 @notouching The only option the baby monitor has for grown ups is turn on/turn off. You should try it with babies/toddlers and I've tested all its interactions, they work fine.
As for the changing table, interactions show up and work properly, the only thing that seems to be missing is its moodlets. Not a serious problem, I think. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: notouching on 2013 January 05, 08:58:22 Yes, the interactions themselves are not affected by de-crapping. The only reason interactions do not show up on some PC objects is due to broken ccmerged (which can be caused by decrapping, but is easily fixed). This goes for moodlets too. Update your ccmerged, and your moodlets will show.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: awesomegirl on 2013 January 05, 10:08:56 Right. Just a question, where should I put your CCmerged? In overrides folder or DCbackup folder? I'm currently using KT's CCmerged which is in my overrides folder. Thanks for the fix, btw.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: Madame Mim on 2013 January 05, 11:36:19 Right. Just a question, where should I put your CCmerged? In overrides folder or DCbackup folder? I'm currently using KT's CCmerged which is in my overrides folder. Thanks for the fix, btw. Go back and read the original post - you're doing it wrong. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: awesomegirl on 2013 January 05, 11:58:36 Placing KT's CCmerged in the DCbackup folder (which is said in the original post) didn't fix my issues, I put it in the overrides folder and they're all fixed. My question is about notouching's CCmerged, I want to know if it needs to overwrite KT's or not. And if it does, does it have KT's fixes in it or not. Tnx
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: notouching on 2013 January 05, 13:17:25 Just put it wherever you put KT's ccmerged. They are the exact same file, except the new ccmerged has the new buffs. If KT's computer were working, the ccmerged would be exactly the same. KT's ccmerged has no "fixes" in it. Maybe you should read that page I linked and learn what it is.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: awesomegirl on 2013 January 05, 20:16:46 Yeah I know, I was just trying to clarify my question! Got it, thanks.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 12.29.2012) Post by: Tia on 2013 January 06, 02:13:40 I actually got the tabcast to work I had to up date my resource file and it started working again.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 10, 20:14:38 Updated OP. Everything should be 1.47 now. Fixed my PC, twas the PSU.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: awesomegirl on 2013 January 10, 23:19:22 Do we have to patch our game to 1.47 to get these? I won't be able to do so till the game comes out.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: bitterquill on 2013 January 10, 23:33:03 What's stopping you from doing it before that? This is the first I've seen of such a problem.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 January 11, 01:23:03 I've noticed something strange since the latest patch. Monte Vista's wedding cake (Happily Ever Frosted) shows up in the catalog the way it should, but next to it is a silver ball with the same name. I've never had problems using these fixes before, but is it just PEBKAC?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 January 11, 02:42:19 Do we have to patch our game to 1.47 to get these? I won't be able to do so till the game comes out. What game the patch wasn't intended for the stuff pack.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 January 11, 04:54:25 Do we have to patch our game to 1.47 to get these? I won't be able to do so till the game comes out. What game the patch wasn't intended for the stuff pack.GO HOME, TIA. YOU ARE DRUNK. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 11, 21:34:37 I've noticed something strange since the latest patch. Monte Vista's wedding cake (Happily Ever Frosted) shows up in the catalog the way it should, but next to it is a silver ball with the same name. I've never had problems using these fixes before, but is it just PEBKAC? Maybe they fixed the wedding cake? Or maybe I left some testing extras in my fix. I'll look into it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 January 11, 21:55:27 Maybe they fixed the wedding cake? Or maybe I left some testing extras in my fix. I'll look into it. Awesome, thanks. Maybe they fixed something in the latest store patch. I installed that and 1.47 at the same time. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 11, 22:19:50 Maybe they fixed the wedding cake? Or maybe I left some testing extras in my fix. I'll look into it. Awesome, thanks. Maybe they fixed something in the latest store patch. I installed that and 1.47 at the same time. Well I don't think they fixed it. Tonight, if I get to it, I'm going to try to find all those empty objects in the catalog. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 12, 06:02:06 Do we have to patch our game to 1.47 to get these? I won't be able to do so till the game comes out. No, nothing in my fix was touched in the new patch. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 January 12, 15:07:57 I have had that extra box with the black ball next to my MV wedding cake since you released the fix. They didn't add the new store objects code to the core libraries in 1.47 though, so they haven't fixed the cake.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 January 14, 11:28:41 KT, Skadi mentioned I should give you a nudge and see if you can fix the newest issue. Installing the new 1.47 patch has made the male and female hair from Monty Vista disappear. I didn't notice until today when I happen to be on TS3 forum and noticed alot of reports on that. I checked my game, and sure enough they were gone. Don't know if it's something you can fix, but, worth mentioning to see if you can. Just whenever you have the time.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 January 14, 16:15:14 KT, Skadi mentioned I should give you a nudge and see if you can fix the newest issue. Installing the new 1.47 patch has made the male and female hair from Monty Vista disappear. I didn't notice until today when I happen to be on TS3 forum and noticed alot of reports on that. I checked my game, and sure enough they were gone. Don't know if it's something you can fix, but, worth mentioning to see if you can. Just whenever you have the time. Apparently, those aren't the only missing hairs. Scroll down to crinrict's post: http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/15/633962.page (http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/15/633962.page). Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 14, 16:45:20 KT, Skadi mentioned I should give you a nudge and see if you can fix the newest issue. Installing the new 1.47 patch has made the male and female hair from Monty Vista disappear. I didn't notice until today when I happen to be on TS3 forum and noticed alot of reports on that. I checked my game, and sure enough they were gone. Don't know if it's something you can fix, but, worth mentioning to see if you can. Just whenever you have the time. How did you patch? I still have the four hairs mentioned. I used the launcher to patch so I think that would be the incremental. As for the blank thumbnails, I've found and fixed three of them so far. If you have any of the pre-order items from HELS you'll have doubles/blank thumnails. I will add it when I track down the rest. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 January 14, 22:02:50 If one doesn't "legally" own Monte Vista, then it'll be fine. I actually own Monte Vista "legal", which is why it's doing that. Also mentioned as disappearing due to the patch is the toddler beret and a child female hair. Those two hairs I didn't buy and I have as a package and I checked last night and they are still there. So if someone "legally" has the 4 hairs mentioned, then it'll disappear from their game. I had patched from the one before this one (don't remember the patch number). I also used the launcher to patch to 1.47.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 14, 23:07:10 If one doesn't "legally" own Monte Vista, then it'll be fine. I actually own Monte Vista "legal", which is why it's doing that. Also mentioned as disappearing due to the patch is the toddler beret and a child female hair. Those two hairs I didn't buy and I have as a package and I checked last night and they are still there. So if someone "legally" has the 4 hairs mentioned, then it'll disappear from their game. I had patched from the one before this one (don't remember the patch number). I also used the launcher to patch to 1.47. That's why they should keep the patches (store/game) separate, IMO. If I get a chance I'll see if they've added any store files to the game files that would do this. I do know that with the braided child hair BBSers were crying about it not being recolorable, so maybe EA was trying to fix that? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 January 14, 23:28:44 Thanks KT. On a side note, I did wait a couple of days after the patch was released before I went ahead and patched. I didn't think to even check the forum for problems. I thought since it didn't fix much, there wouldn't be a problem. Stupid of me to think that. I didn't even know you couldn't recolor that braided child hair. I never used it. Could be they were trying to fix it. I wouldn't know why their stupid patch made those two Monte Vista hairs disappear. I stopped trying to figure out EA along time ago.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 January 16, 00:11:29 I have an unholy hybrid of vanilla/decrapped stuff. Is there something I can do about all the annoying duplicate thumbnails, besides decrapping and reinstalling the legit items? Will the Content Patch work if I don't decrap it?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 16, 01:18:58 I have an unholy hybrid of vanilla/decrapped stuff. Is there something I can do about all the annoying duplicate thumbnails, besides decrapping and reinstalling the legit items? Will the Content Patch work if I don't decrap it? I don't know, I believe most of them are for unreleased objects to be honest. As for other stuff you would have to go through the store patch and pick out what you don't want decrapped, which would be a huge pain in the ass. @jaldeer - If you could link me those hairs as separate sims3packs that would speed things up greatly. If not that' s cool, I'll get to it eventually. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 January 16, 01:28:26 I have an unholy hybrid of vanilla/decrapped stuff. Is there something I can do about all the annoying duplicate thumbnails, besides decrapping and reinstalling the legit items? Will the Content Patch work if I don't decrap it? I don't know, I believe most of them are for unreleased objects to be honest. As for other stuff you would have to go through the store patch and pick out what you don't want decrapped, which would be a huge pain in the ass. Okies. Well, I'm going to download the patch via the Launcher, and see what happens. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 January 16, 14:30:31 KT, that female hair and the male hair that went missing after the 1.47 patch are from Monte Vista. I wouldn't know how to go about and make just those two hairs as Sims3pack files. I would if I knew how to.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 16, 17:17:14 @jaldeer - Try this, put it in an overrides folder. In there is simply just the vanilla CASP files for the hairs. See if this works. I've also added an elder hair for males since I couldn't find one in the files it piggy backs off of the adult male hair so you do need that installed for it to work, which shouldn't be a problem.
Updated the decrapped fixes mod, I removed parts of the wedding cake from Monte Vista that didn't really do anything but give blank thumbnails. No big deal. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 January 16, 21:34:22 KT, I'm not seeing the file you're telling me to put in the overrides. You mean the fix fixes?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 16, 22:05:15 KT, I'm not seeing the file you're telling me to put in the overrides. You mean the fix fixes? Herp-a-derp, forgot to attach it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 January 16, 22:31:39 LOL - I was thinking you were suppose to attach a fix. Thanks for the fix. I'll try that. Edit: Thanks for the fix, but, it didn't work. I put it in the overrides like you said, and neither Monte Vista hair showed up. I even put it in Mods/Packages just to see, and that didn't work either. I don't know why your fix didn't work, unless I did something wrong (I wouldn't know what that would be though).
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 18, 05:18:16 LOL - I was thinking you were suppose to attach a fix. Thanks for the fix. I'll try that. Edit: Thanks for the fix, but, it didn't work. I put it in the overrides like you said, and neither Monte Vista hair showed up. I even put it in Mods/Packages just to see, and that didn't work either. I don't know why your fix didn't work, unless I did something wrong (I wouldn't know what that would be though). That's OK. It was more of a hunch than a fix really. Figured it was worth a shot. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Occasionally on 2013 January 18, 14:47:30 LOL - I was thinking you were suppose to attach a fix. Thanks for the fix. I'll try that. Edit: Thanks for the fix, but, it didn't work. I put it in the overrides like you said, and neither Monte Vista hair showed up. I even put it in Mods/Packages just to see, and that didn't work either. I don't know why your fix didn't work, unless I did something wrong (I wouldn't know what that would be though). Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in... Did you delete all the cache files after putting in the fix? Could make a difference maybe?Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 18, 17:42:11 LOL - I was thinking you were suppose to attach a fix. Thanks for the fix. I'll try that. Edit: Thanks for the fix, but, it didn't work. I put it in the overrides like you said, and neither Monte Vista hair showed up. I even put it in Mods/Packages just to see, and that didn't work either. I don't know why your fix didn't work, unless I did something wrong (I wouldn't know what that would be though). Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in... Did you delete all the cache files after putting in the fix? Could make a difference maybe?I'm sure it's good advice to delete the cache files, and I'm not directing this specifically to you Occasionally, but I really don't think it matters. I've hardly ever remembered to delete my cache files while testing/making mods or anything else inbetween takes. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Occasionally on 2013 January 19, 01:54:39 LOL - I was thinking you were suppose to attach a fix. Thanks for the fix. I'll try that. Edit: Thanks for the fix, but, it didn't work. I put it in the overrides like you said, and neither Monte Vista hair showed up. I even put it in Mods/Packages just to see, and that didn't work either. I don't know why your fix didn't work, unless I did something wrong (I wouldn't know what that would be though). Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents in... Did you delete all the cache files after putting in the fix? Could make a difference maybe?I'm sure it's good advice to delete the cache files, and I'm not directing this specifically to you Occasionally, but I really don't think it matters. I've hardly ever remembered to delete my cache files while testing/making mods or anything else inbetween takes. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Painkiller on 2013 January 19, 23:58:23 Damn, I liked your Frank N Furter sim avatar! How are we gonna do the time warp now? :(
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 20, 00:35:15 Damn, I liked your Frank N Furter sim avatar! How are we gonna do the time warp now? :( You too can have your own Frank N Furter! http://omegassims3stuff.blogspot.com/2012/10/dr-frank-n-furter.html (Only while supplies last. Limits and restrictions apply. See full post for more details.) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Painkiller on 2013 January 20, 00:58:08 You too can have your own Frank N Furter! I can haz? ;D Baahttp://omegassims3stuff.blogspot.com/2012/10/dr-frank-n-furter.html (Only while supplies last. Limits and restrictions apply. See full post for more details.) He'll be a feared inventor and shall be avenged for his avatar replacement. Sunset Valley will burn for this outrage! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 January 23, 06:56:55 KT, don't know if this would work for your fix or not, but, I managed to find a site that converted that La Dolce Vita Updo (the female hair that came with Monte Vista) for download as a package without having to have Monte Vista (I have know idea how she did it since I've never done that). She had the other hair, the Tuscan Hat, but, didn't post it because of a problem with the hat. I don't know if it would be possible to use her package of the hair to make the "legal" one show up (would be nice to have the Tuscan Hat back too). EA is suppose to be working on a fix. I hope they get it out this week. If you can't no big deal. If you can, I can upload that hair or you can go to the site and download it (Simmer Store). This is just a thought.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 23, 17:28:15 KT, don't know if this would work for your fix or not, but, I managed to find a site that converted that La Dolce Vita Updo (the female hair that came with Monte Vista) for download as a package without having to have Monte Vista (I have know idea how she did it since I've never done that). She had the other hair, the Tuscan Hat, but, didn't post it because of a problem with the hat. I don't know if it would be possible to use her package of the hair to make the "legal" one show up (would be nice to have the Tuscan Hat back too). EA is suppose to be working on a fix. I hope they get it out this week. If you can't no big deal. If you can, I can upload that hair or you can go to the site and download it (Simmer Store). This is just a thought. I could easily make versions that don't require MV, if that's what you want? They won't be overrides but intirely new objects. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 January 23, 21:30:16 That would be great if you could do that for me. At this point, it doesn't matter they wouldn't be overrides. I can easily put those hairs back on the Monte Vista sims in the households. Edit: I was on that Simmer Store site, and she says the Tuscan Hat is fine, and she won't be posting it since she thinks it's ugly. That was a different hat I saw on her site. I think that's stupid. She must be a kid. But, that's ok since you said you could do that for me.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 24, 06:44:12 Here are the MV hairs as new objects. Shouldn't require MV. I changed some of the categories around, removed random, and included the elder versions with proper thumbnails, there originally was no male elder.
http://www.mediafire.com/?3tecda39qoqf12p Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 January 24, 08:28:26 Thank you so much. You're awesome. Having them this way is better than not having them at all. Now all I do is put these hairs back on whoever had them on in Monte Vista. Someday EA might acutally fix this. I know others reported other clothes & hair disappearing due to that patch. For me it was just these 2 hairs.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 24, 15:32:06 Thank you so much. You're awesome. Having them this way is better than not having them at all. Now all I do is put these hairs back on whoever had them on in Monte Vista. Someday EA might acutally fix this. I know others reported other clothes & hair disappearing due to that patch. For me it was just these 2 hairs. No problem, you contribute a lot to the store downloads thread so you deserve it. Gotta contribute myself in anyway I can. I haven't seen anyone here complain about those other hairs and they're still in my game as well, so I'll deal with that one when I have to. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 January 27, 09:31:03 KT, a little info on that missing roof, which if anybody patched to 1.47 and they have the Pets Ep, it'll be missing. I would have not noticed for a while if I didn't happen to read on it and check for myself. The missing roof is from Pets, the name is Standing Seam Roof and it does have the same pattern as the Corrugated Metal Roof. Appaloosa Plains has a total of 8 lots that use that roof plus the Verona County Fire Department and the Equestrian Regional Training Grounds that are in the Library when you install Pets. I know this because I installed on another computer just the base game (I didn't install Origin), patched to 1.42 using the Super Patch, installed Pets, and went to Appaloosa Plains. I had not known that you couldn't recolor or upload a roof. I did all that to look at the color of the roof or seeing if I could upload it. That's when I found out you can't recolor roofs.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: Rubyelf on 2013 January 29, 01:23:42 The Happily Ever Frosted wedding cake that came with Monte Vista does not have any actual cake on the plates, nor does it actually reduce in size as people take pieces of it, not sure if this is a fault on EA or if something happened in the decrap process.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 January 29, 16:11:03 The Happily Ever Frosted wedding cake that came with Monte Vista does not have any actual cake on the plates, nor does it actually reduce in size as people take pieces of it, not sure if this is a fault on EA or if something happened in the decrap process. Known issue that appears to be a problem with the actual scripting of the cake. It's not related to decrapping, unfortunately. Otherwise it would be an easy fix. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.10.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 29, 16:27:01 I browse the BBS every so often and I believe this issue hasn't even been acknowledged by EA yet.
The Happily Ever Frosted wedding cake that came with Monte Vista does not have any actual cake on the plates, nor does it actually reduce in size as people take pieces of it, not sure if this is a fault on EA or if something happened in the decrap process. Known issue that appears to be a problem with the actual scripting of the cake. It's not related to decrapping, unfortunately. Otherwise it would be an easy fix. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.29.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 29, 19:07:05 Updated the OP. Added a new package of optional stuff that may or may not get fixed eventually. One of the newer patches "hid" the two Monte Vista hairs for people with official copies. As well as the same for a roof pattern from the Pets patch, which should be missing for everyone that keeps patched. If these ever gets fixed than just delete them.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.29.2013) Post by: morriganrant on 2013 January 31, 04:18:23 Updated the OP. Added a new package of optional stuff that may or may not get fixed eventually. One of the newer patches "hid" the two Monte Vista hairs for people with official copies. As well as the same for a roof pattern from the Pets patch, which should be missing for everyone that keeps patched. If these ever gets fixed than just delete them. Should the hair be decrapified or are they clones? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.29.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 January 31, 06:20:54 Updated the OP. Added a new package of optional stuff that may or may not get fixed eventually. One of the newer patches "hid" the two Monte Vista hairs for people with official copies. As well as the same for a roof pattern from the Pets patch, which should be missing for everyone that keeps patched. If these ever gets fixed than just delete them. Should the hair be decrapified or are they clones? Clones, no decrap needed. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.29.2013) Post by: TeMochkiN on 2013 February 10, 10:21:55 Sorry, what means "unCAStables", "CAStable" and "No acc."?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.29.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 February 10, 13:33:27 Sorry, what means "unCAStables", "CAStable" and "No acc."? "UnCAStable" means the Create-a-Style tool doesn't work with that particular item. "No acc." means "no accessory," which means that the little graphic items Sims pull out of buttspace while using an object (like the cauldron stirrer, or the chips and cards with the blackjack table) don't display properly. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.29.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 February 13, 21:48:37 There's a new store patch, which is supposed to fix the MV wedding cake and hair. We'll see.
Also: Have you supported your friendly, neighborhood MATY yet? THERE'S ONLY A WEEK AND A HALF LEFT. SUPPORT THE MUNICIPALITY! (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,19339.0.html) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.29.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 February 13, 22:11:15 There's a new store patch, which is supposed to fix the MV wedding cake and hair. We'll see. Also: Have you supported your friendly, neighborhood MATY yet? THERE'S ONLY A WEEK AND A HALF LEFT. SUPPORT THE MUNICIPALITY! (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,19339.0.html) It fixed my wedding cake, I was never missing the hairs. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.29.2013) Post by: TeMochkiN on 2013 February 15, 18:49:51 Hello! Can you create decrap version of "Store Content Patch 2.1"? I do not know why, but after decrapifying "Store Content Patch 2.1" by myself some items are becoming broken or disappeared in game.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.29.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 February 15, 19:12:11 Hello! Can you create decrap version of "Store Content Patch 2.1"? I do not know why, but after decrapifying "Store Content Patch 2.1" by myself some items are becoming broken or disappeared in game. What items are breaking and/or disappearing? Maybe it's not PEBKAC. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.29.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 February 16, 13:22:16 Doesn't decrapping the patch file create duplicate entries with blank thumbnails in the catalog? Maybe that's what he's talking about.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 01.29.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 February 19, 22:40:28 Before anyone says anything, I will be updating if needed tonight after class.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: Asmodeuseswife on 2013 February 22, 09:18:58 Sorry KT but was wondering if the fix also fixes it so as we are able to see the wallpaper patterns (The ones that come with the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center) in build mode, as they dont appear in the library and we are unable to recolour them?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 February 22, 14:29:59 On the download thread, someone has put the "Aurora Skies" GOLD version.
On EA site, this version contains another 2 premium content (besides the air balloon): - Local motion toddler walker and - Head start playpen. These should be included somewhere in the your Fix ?... or are working without fix? (sorry for my english) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 February 22, 15:00:34 On the download thread, someone has put the "Aurora Skies" GOLD version. On EA site, this version contains another 2 premium content (besides the air balloon): - Local motion toddler walker and - Head start playpen. These should be included somewhere in the your Fix ?... or are working without fix? (sorry for my english) The walker and playpen don't need a fix. The moodlets they provide are already available in KT's ccmerged. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 February 22, 16:36:52 Sorry KT but was wondering if the fix also fixes it so as we are able to see the wallpaper patterns (The ones that come with the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center) in build mode, as they dont appear in the library and we are unable to recolour them? I'll look into it. Someone said that the Monte Vista roof pattern doesn't show up as well. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 February 22, 20:32:33 Are the newest fixes compatible with patch 1.50?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 February 22, 20:35:15 Are the newest fixes compatible with patch 1.50? I haven't had a chance to do those yet, or to see if they even need updating. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: coolkips on 2013 February 23, 02:09:05 How about Content Patch v2.2? ???
(http://puu.sh/26MUY) Why don't give alternate download like Content Patch v2.1... ;D Thank for Hot Balloon fixed.. 8) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 February 23, 19:29:10 Are the newest fixes compatible with patch 1.50? I haven't had a chance to do those yet, or to see if they even need updating. patch 1.50 it come with so many changing in gameplay... the list founded here: http://www.den.simlogical.com/denforum/index.php/topic,1797.msg11497.html#msg11497 is huge... Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: daisylee on 2013 February 25, 03:31:08 I just downloaded and installed your newest ccmerged and the balloon problems I had are gone. Thank you. I still have a teppanyaki grill that does not work and resets sims. It worked for a while with a ccmerged from Nona, but does not work with the newer ccmerged packages. I see that it is not one of the items listed as fixed in the ccmerged information. If possible, when you have a chance are you able to fix it and add to the ccmerged? It would be appreciated.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 February 25, 05:58:53 I just downloaded and installed your newest ccmerged and the balloon problems I had are gone. Thank you. I still have a teppanyaki grill that does not work and resets sims. It worked for a while with a ccmerged from Nona, but does not work with the newer ccmerged packages. I see that it is not one of the items listed as fixed in the ccmerged information. If possible, when you have a chance are you able to fix it and add to the ccmerged? It would be appreciated. It's not listed because it's not broken, so no, it's not possible. :D Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: daisylee on 2013 February 26, 02:24:14 I and other people have been unable to do anything but the tricks and if we select to make something the sim resets. When it first came out we were able to use a ccmerged by Nona and that solved the problem. Now that I am using a newer ccmerged, the grill no longer works again. That is why I was hoping it could be included in the ccmerged here.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 February 26, 04:55:56 I and other people have been unable to do anything but the tricks and if we select to make something the sim resets. When it first came out we were able to use a ccmerged by Nona and that solved the problem. Now that I am using a newer ccmerged, the grill no longer works again. That is why I was hoping it could be included in the ccmerged here. But it works in my game and there's no band wagon of other complaints that it's not working. I don't know what else to tell you without sounding like a dick. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: daisylee on 2013 February 26, 08:04:31 If you want to read this, here is an example of a thread with reports that the grill was not working. The solution that worked for some of us was to use the ccmerged file provided by Nona. That is why I thought that if the grill were included in the ccmerged file here that it might work again.
http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/605535.page It is not a game deal-breaker by any means, but if it is possible to include it in the ccmerged file here when next updated it might help. Thanks. Edit: Someone was kind enough to give me a heads up that Nona has updated her ccmerged file. I will get that and see if it makes a difference. Edit: The sims still reset and cannot use the grill to cook. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 February 26, 16:27:33 If you want to read this, here is an example of a thread with reports that the grill was not working. The solution that worked for some of us was to use the ccmerged file provided by Nona. That is why I thought that if the grill were included in the ccmerged file here that it might work again. http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/605535.page It is not a game deal-breaker by any means, but if it is possible to include it in the ccmerged file here when next updated it might help. Thanks. Edit: Someone was kind enough to give me a heads up that Nona has updated her ccmerged file. I will get that and see if it makes a difference. Edit: The sims still reset and cannot use the grill to cook. The grill isn't listed in the ccmerged buff conflicts section because it has no new buffs, but it does fall under the "Recipes for Store Stuff" part so it is included in the ccmerged I provide. If you are using a decrapped version of the grill you also need the decrapped fixes mod as well, that can cause resetting. And are you sure you don't have an old ccmerged somewhere that is overriding the new one? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 February 26, 16:48:33 Updated for 1.50.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 February 27, 12:28:30 If you want to read this, here is an example of a thread with reports that the grill was not working. The solution that worked for some of us was to use the ccmerged file provided by Nona. That is why I thought that if the grill were included in the ccmerged file here that it might work again. http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/605535.page It is not a game deal-breaker by any means, but if it is possible to include it in the ccmerged file here when next updated it might help. Thanks. Edit: Someone was kind enough to give me a heads up that Nona has updated her ccmerged file. I will get that and see if it makes a difference. Edit: The sims still reset and cannot use the grill to cook. You probably have a problem with a ccmerged.package hiding somewhere, as KT has suggested. Try removing your mods folder and testing the grill (with a working ccmerged). Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: Freddy on 2013 February 27, 18:06:45 Updated for 1.50. @KT: Thank you for the update! Everything works perfectly, I tested all the premium content. Every item has its moodlets and interactions. Would you please upload Store Content Patch 2.2 (.package file)? I need it to get my MV wedding cake fixed :) Thank you for the other fixes! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: Asmodeuseswife on 2013 February 28, 11:00:46 Sorry KT but was wondering if the fix also fixes it so as we are able to see the wallpaper patterns (The ones that come with the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center) in build mode, as they dont appear in the library and we are unable to recolour them? I'll look into it. Someone said that the Monte Vista roof pattern doesn't show up as well. I've updated all the fixes KT and still the wall patterns and Monte Vista roof are missing. Wasn't sure if you were aware of this. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: Freddy on 2013 February 28, 16:47:13 Sorry KT but was wondering if the fix also fixes it so as we are able to see the wallpaper patterns (The ones that come with the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center) in build mode, as they dont appear in the library and we are unable to recolour them? I'll look into it. Someone said that the Monte Vista roof pattern doesn't show up as well. I've updated all the fixes KT and still the wall patterns and Monte Vista roof are missing. Wasn't sure if you were aware of this. Yes, I updated all of them too and they're still missing. @KT: Thanks for uploading Store Content Patch 2.2 ;D Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: kalil on 2013 March 01, 03:15:52 I downloaded the Decrap Fixes file and placed it in my overrides folder and everything works perfectly, until my sims go to Woohoo then the game crashes. I use Twallan's Woohooer, does this affect me using the Decrap fix??
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: daisylee on 2013 March 01, 07:02:05 Thank you for the replies about the grill. I am pretty sick now, but when feeling better will play with this a bit more and see if something will work.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 March 01, 21:01:31 I downloaded the Decrap Fixes file and placed it in my overrides folder and everything works perfectly, until my sims go to Woohoo then the game crashes. I use Twallan's Woohooer, does this affect me using the Decrap fix?? It shouldn't I use Twallan's mods and have never had a problem with KT's fixes and that mod.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: Freddy on 2013 March 02, 19:42:51 Store Content Patch 2.2 fixed my MV wedding cake, but I have a question about it. The slice is now visible, but when I place the cursor on the slice it says: Gameplay/Excel/RecipeMasterList/Data:WeddingCakeSliceDOT07
I'd like to know if this is ok to show. Does this happen to you too? ??? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: kalil on 2013 March 04, 11:16:12 I downloaded the Decrap Fixes file and placed it in my overrides folder and everything works perfectly, until my sims go to Woohoo then the game crashes. I use Twallan's Woohooer, does this affect me using the Decrap fix?? It shouldn't I use Twallan's mods and have never had a problem with KT's fixes and that mod.Whoops, my bad, just realised I needed to update the mods after updating the game! :/ Everything works great now! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 March 04, 13:24:16 I downloaded the Decrap Fixes file and placed it in my overrides folder and everything works perfectly, until my sims go to Woohoo then the game crashes. I use Twallan's Woohooer, does this affect me using the Decrap fix?? It shouldn't I use Twallan's mods and have never had a problem with KT's fixes and that mod.Whoops, my bad, just realised I needed to update the mods after updating the game! :/ Everything works great now! "Whoa, I finally figured out I was turning purple because I forgot to breathe! You can stop worrying now!" Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: SJActress on 2013 March 04, 20:17:44 I see that you have a fix for the decrapped version of the Plants vs. Zombies™ Sunflower. I downloaded the legitimate Sunflower from the Store as a Sims3Pack (the entire gardening system with which it came), and the rays of sunlight turn into Missing Object white boxes. I tried re-installing it several times, to no avail. Someone on this thread several pages back reported the same thing. I'll probably download it anyway at some point, but I was wondering if downloading your fixes would fix this problem.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: XsauroxPlayer on 2013 March 05, 16:35:47 I think that in University Life you should check if the Statue premium content has sounds
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: The Sims TG on 2013 March 07, 01:25:21 somehow the fix are conflicting with the game, making class schedules do not appear. Has any solution for this?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 March 07, 01:46:10 I see that you have a fix for the decrapped version of the Plants vs. Zombies™ Sunflower. I downloaded the legitimate Sunflower from the Store as a Sims3Pack (the entire gardening system with which it came), and the rays of sunlight turn into Missing Object white boxes. I tried re-installing it several times, to no avail. Someone on this thread several pages back reported the same thing. I'll probably download it anyway at some point, but I was wondering if downloading your fixes would fix this problem. Maybe? Try the decrapped fixes one. Quote I think that in University Life you should check if the Statue premium content has sounds Is it supposed to have sounds? Quote somehow the fix are conflicting with the game, making class schedules do not appear. Has any solution for this? Take them out until they're updated. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 March 07, 06:03:39 Problem with no class schedule fixed. It was the unawesome fix so replace that only.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: XsauroxPlayer on 2013 March 07, 09:33:40 Quote Quote I think that in University Life you should check if the Statue premium content has sounds Is it supposed to have sounds? I don't know if it has one but it's a little bit strange that it's mute :\ Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: Menaceman on 2013 March 07, 15:13:57 It's a STATUE! Why should it have sounds? It's not got a music system wired into it.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: ganz_shoni on 2013 March 07, 16:34:45 Problem with no class schedule fixed. It was the unawesome fix so replace that only. That means everyone suffering from the blank schedule classes bug should only update the unawesome fix? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 March 07, 17:27:28 The statue does have a custom moodlet attached to it so be sure to update your ccmerged.package.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: sim_vader on 2013 March 07, 17:48:59 Problem with no class schedule fixed. It was the unawesome fix so replace that only. That means everyone suffering from the blank schedule classes bug should only update the unawesome fix? i tried it but this solution dont worked on my case, the class schedule empty continues... T_T Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 March 07, 19:06:17 The statue does have a custom moodlet attached to it so be sure to update your ccmerged.package. Done. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Ambular on 2013 March 07, 19:22:13 The store content patch link is invalid.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 March 07, 19:57:19 Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 02.21.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 March 07, 21:04:04 i tried it but this solution dont worked on my case, the class schedule empty continues... T_T Do you have NRaas' Traveler mod? If so, NRaas just updated it yesterday; as it conflicted with Uni. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 March 07, 21:44:23 How do fix this problem. I send my sims to the University put them in a dorm and then there are no options to even do anything. I took out Traveller and Career mod of Twallans already. But its still doing that.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 March 08, 13:26:28 I haven't checked them yet this morning, but as of last night, Twallan had posted that he hasn't started following up on the university-specific bugs that have popped up since the EP came out. His mods are set for 1.50, but some of them were messing up on a university move, because university worlds are handled differently from regular and vacation worlds by the game, and his mods aren't recognizing that. I would avoid using any type of role-assigning mod like Story Progression or Register until he gives it the all-clear.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: megshush on 2013 March 09, 17:50:59 Hi, I think that this might me associated with the store fixes, but I'm not completely sure.
I've searched and searched, and haven't found anything. So some of the Monte Vista items are no longer showing up in the catalog. They're in the world, but I can't buy them, or clone them. I've tried both the sims3packs, and package files of the items, and nothing works. These are the items that I've noticed the issue with: the Grunge Walls set the Fresco Market items the wall ivy(all) Here are the walls and ivy in package format (http://www.mediafire.com/?jne8s72oc9by4z5) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 March 11, 23:45:12 Hi, I think that this might me associated with the store fixes, but I'm not completely sure. I've searched and searched, and haven't found anything. So some of the Monte Vista items are no longer showing up in the catalog. They're in the world, but I can't buy them, or clone them. I've tried both the sims3packs, and package files of the items, and nothing works. These are the items that I've noticed the issue with: the Grunge Walls set the Fresco Market items the wall ivy(all) Here are the walls and ivy in package format (http://www.mediafire.com/?jne8s72oc9by4z5) I can confirm the Monte Vista walls and floors are missing again. IIRC, there are supposed to be 31 walls and 5 floors. The 5 walls from the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center also seem to be missing, as well as the Showman's Stand from Aurora Skies. And does anyone else have doubles of the face paint from the School Spirit Pack? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 March 11, 23:53:29 Don't know if anyone knows this, but, in addition to the 5 walls from the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center, there are 6 new roofs that came with Aurora Skies. I don't know if they show up or not with a decrapped version of Aurora Skies.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: morriganrant on 2013 March 12, 00:44:44 The 5 walls from the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center also seem to be missing, as well as the Showman's Stand from Aurora Skies. And does anyone else have doubles of the face paint from the School Spirit Pack? May just be you. I have various other "blank" icons in CAS that then have missing meshes when put on the sim, but I have only one of each of the mascot face makup. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 March 12, 00:50:15 I can confirm the Monte Vista walls and floors are missing again. IIRC, there are supposed to be 31 walls and 5 floors. The 5 walls from the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center also seem to be missing, as well as the Showman's Stand from Aurora Skies. And does anyone else have doubles of the face paint from the School Spirit Pack? I took those out so I can test them myself, someone earlier said they were still missing, IDK if it was PEBKAC or not since I personally never tested them. What's the showman's stand? I'll check the next time I boot up my game for the double face paints. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 March 12, 01:11:11 The Showman's Glass Stand is a display case. Aurora Skies page: http://store.thesims3.com/auroraskies.
The MV walls and floors worked for me before, when you included them in your fix. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 March 12, 02:46:00 The Showman's Glass Stand is a display case. Aurora Skies page: http://store.thesims3.com/auroraskies. The MV walls and floors worked for me before, when you included them in your fix. Are you looking in the right category? It's not a functional display case, but a random deco item. EA loves their deco items. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 March 12, 06:29:36 The Showman's Glass Stand is a display case. Aurora Skies page: http://store.thesims3.com/auroraskies. Are you looking in the right category? It's not a functional display case, but a random deco item. EA loves their deco items. Why am I not surprised? I'll check in the deco section later. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Menaceman on 2013 March 12, 11:07:34 Even if it is a functional display case, which it really looks like it should be, it may still be in misc. deco anyway. That's where they decided to dump the SN displays. I have so many recat files for this game.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 March 12, 12:45:13 There are cc creators with three functioning brain cells out there who manage to make less of a hash of categorization than EA does.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Menaceman on 2013 March 12, 21:12:27 I can't understand EA's obsession with sticking EVERY store Premium Content piece into the Misc. catagory of nearly every section as well as the regular catagories.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: megshush on 2013 March 13, 03:30:34 So after numerous tests, I found out that them showing up has something to do with the userpresets file.
When I had my old one in, they wouldn't show up, I deleted it, and now they're back. I also am only using the updated Unawesome KT fix right now, just to play it safe. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 March 13, 03:35:11 So after numerous tests, I found out that them showing up has something to do with the userpresets file. When I had my old one in, they wouldn't show up, I deleted it, and now they're back. I also am only using the updated Unawesome KT fix right now, just to play it safe. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Menaceman on 2013 March 13, 16:25:48 So after numerous tests, I found out that them showing up has something to do with the userpresets file. When I had my old one in, they wouldn't show up, I deleted it, and now they're back. I also am only using the updated Unawesome KT fix right now, just to play it safe. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. The walls? The floors? Their brain cells? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: megshush on 2013 March 13, 18:29:26 I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. [/quote] I'm talking about what all of the previous posts on this page are about(also my original post on the bottom of pg.31). The Monte Vista Walls. I really don't think that there's any reason for your confusion ::) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 March 14, 01:39:27 I tried extracting the wall and floor packages from decrapped versions of Monte Vista and the Tiny Prodigies Learning Center, then combining them with s3pe. They won't show in my game. S3pe won't let me combine the packages from the vanilla .sims3packs. Is there something I'm missing?
On the other hand, I did find that pesky display case in the deco section. ::) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Cappuccino on 2013 March 14, 02:12:45 ^ Did you try placing anything inside the glass case? I can only place things on top of it...
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 March 14, 10:31:17 I don't have any problems with the MV & Aurora Skies Walls showing up in my game, but I am still using my MV fix which I shared (ans I made a fix for AS and sent it to KT). KT had incorporated mv fixes into his, but if I understand what is going on this thread (haven't been following too closely lately as I've been busy with non-Sims stuff), he removed it because somebody said their walls weren't showing?
In any case, here are my fixes. If they work for you, please post (they work fine for me): [Links removed as KT has added fixes to his fix] I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I'm talking about what all of the previous posts on this page are about(also my original post on the bottom of pg.31). The Monte Vista Walls. I really don't think that there's any reason for your confusion ::) [/quote] People aren't required to remember every single post you make. Be specific when you post. You used a pronoun without even having an antecedent, so people had to either read back through the thread just to figure out what you were talking about or guess. No need to roll your eyes. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Asmodeuseswife on 2013 March 14, 14:44:29 I don't have any problems with the MV & Aurora Skies Walls showing up in my game, but I am still using my MV fix which I shared (ans I made a fix for AS and sent it to KT). KT had incorporated mv fixes into his, but if I understand what is going on this thread (haven't been following too closely lately as I've been busy with non-Sims stuff), he removed it because somebody said their walls weren't showing? In any case, here are my fixes. If they work for you, please post (they work fine for me): MV_WallsFloors_Fixes (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?pa1khsh9axilo9e) - Fixes for Monte Vista AS_WallsFixed (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?pkphnkhsdh9xe1e) - Fixes for Aurora Skies Thanks for these ;) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 March 14, 19:19:59 Updated OP. Re-added the Monte Vista walls and added the Aurora Skies walls from notouching, thank you for doing those BTW. Can someone confirm or deny that there are roofs missing from either of these as well? I've been slacking on the Sims department lately, I'm a busy bitch and don't feel like starting something unless it's absolutely unnecessary.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 March 14, 20:00:26 In any case, here are my fixes. If they work for you, please post (they work fine for me): MV_WallsFloors_Fixes (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?pa1khsh9axilo9e) - Fixes for Monte Vista AS_WallsFixed (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?pkphnkhsdh9xe1e) - Fixes for Aurora Skies Baaaa! ;D Just out of curiosity, how did you do it? I was finally able to get the extracted packages (from AS) into my game, myself, but then I had duplicates. Updated OP. Re-added the Monte Vista walls and added the Aurora Skies walls from notouching, thank you for doing those BTW. Can someone confirm or deny that there are roofs missing from either of these as well? I've been slacking on the Sims department lately, I'm a busy bitch and don't feel like starting something unless it's absolutely unnecessary. And baaaa to you, too! The roofs show up fine for me. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 March 15, 10:00:51 In any case, here are my fixes. If they work for you, please post (they work fine for me): MV_WallsFloors_Fixes (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?pa1khsh9axilo9e) - Fixes for Monte Vista AS_WallsFixed (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?pkphnkhsdh9xe1e) - Fixes for Aurora Skies Baaaa! ;D Just out of curiosity, how did you do it? I was finally able to get the extracted packages (from AS) into my game, myself, but then I had duplicates. *snip* To get rid of duplicates, I took the decrapified packages and exported the CWAL resource for each wall/floor. I had to change the group for the VPXY in the TGI Blocks. Decrapping changed the group for the VPXY in the package, but the TGI Blocks in the CWAL resources did not get changed. So I made the VPXY group match the decrapped VPXY group and voilŕ. No duplicates but the walls work. Removing links to my fixes since KT added them back. Updated OP. Re-added the Monte Vista walls and added the Aurora Skies walls from notouching, thank you for doing those BTW. Can someone confirm or deny that there are roofs missing from either of these as well? I've been slacking on the Sims department lately, I'm a busy bitch and don't feel like starting something unless it's absolutely unnecessary. Totally understand your sentiment. I have been feeling the same way lately. I have no issues at all with the roofs. The Monte Vista roofs were added in patch 1.42, and the AS roofs show up fine and are usable in my game. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Freddy on 2013 March 15, 17:46:21 Updated OP. Re-added the Monte Vista walls and added the Aurora Skies walls from notouching, thank you for doing those BTW. Can someone confirm or deny that there are roofs missing from either of these as well? I've been slacking on the Sims department lately, I'm a busy bitch and don't feel like starting something unless it's absolutely unnecessary. My MV and AS walls and roofs show up in game perfectly. Thanks for the fixes :) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: TheNoble on 2013 March 16, 09:38:02 Someone over at MTS have created a fix to change an acoustic guitar into an an electric guitar. Would it be good if you can make a fix like that too on all store guitar, as all guitar from store are labelled as acoustic guitar.
Here's the author comment about how to make it: Quote from: PhenomIIFX @ MTS Just change the scriptClass Control code to "Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.HobbiesSkills.ElectricGuitar". Modding store items is inconvenient. I think you need to decrapify them. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 March 17, 02:09:20 Someone over at MTS have created a fix to change an acoustic guitar into an an electric guitar. Would it be good if you can make a fix like that too on all store guitar, as all guitar from store are labelled as acoustic guitar. Here's the author comment about how to make it: Quote from: PhenomIIFX @ MTS Just change the scriptClass Control code to "Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.HobbiesSkills.ElectricGuitar". Modding store items is inconvenient. I think you need to decrapify them. I can do this. If you can get me the guitars as single sim3packs or at least give me the names of all the sets so that I can eventually find them. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: TheNoble on 2013 March 17, 02:23:11 I'll try to get the list for you then. I'll post it ASAP.
EDIT: Here's the list of all store guitars that look like an electric guitar: Quote "In Like Flynn" Fusion Guitar - Futureshock Bedroom (SciFiBedroomSet.Sims3Pack) Dream Guitar- Katy Perry Collectors Edition Set (EP6KatyPerrySet.Sims3Pack) MacSymver's Guitar - Toyota Prius Sweet Life Pack (PriusVDLCset.Sims3Pack) Sizzlin' Strings Guitar - Toyota Prius c City-friendly Pack (carPriusCSet.Sims3Pack) Soul of Spade Guitar - Viva Las Vegas Bedroom (VegasBedroomSet.Sims3Pack) or October 2011 Compilation (Oct2011Set.Sims3Pack) If there's something wrong or left behind, just tell me. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Menaceman on 2013 March 19, 19:54:45 There's also the Vine Me Up guitar from the Store that was a Simpoint bundle item. I've updated guitars 3 and 4 on that list as well as the Vine Me Up guitar but haven't actually tested them in game yet.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Melanija on 2013 March 20, 20:22:28 I have various other "blank" icons in CAS that then have missing meshes when put on the sim I don't know if it has the same cause, but I am having this problem too, as well as duplicate icons where one item works, and the other has a missing mesh. Been messing around with this in a clean mods folder today, and discovered it's caused by the content patch I downloaded here. I don't decrap my stuff, just run it through s3rc and install as packages with Delphy's multi installer and I have all EPs & SPs, patched to 1.50. I've tried installing the content patch in both overrides and the content patch folder and still have the same problem, and the same thing with re-downloading the patch to make sure I had the most recent one. One interesting thing is that running the dashboard tool while the patch is in the packages folder doesn't show a conflict with the store CAS items, even though I opened up both in s3pe and saw that there were CASP files with the same instance number. Is it possible that a decrapped version of the content patch got uploaded on accident? Not sure if that's something that could even cause this, but it's driving me crazy trying to dress sims with this mess in my CAS. I'm really at a loss and am hoping there's not something incredibly obvious that I missed that's causing this.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 March 20, 22:11:47 The content patch I provide is decrapped.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: morriganrant on 2013 March 20, 23:06:11 Is it possible that a decrapped version of the content patch got uploaded on accident? Not sure if that's something that could even cause this, but it's driving me crazy trying to dress sims with this mess in my CAS. I'm really at a loss and am hoping there's not something incredibly obvious that I missed that's causing this. All my stuff is decrapped, the individual files seem to look fine in Simpe(As far as I can tell) but in game seemingly random CAS clothes and objects are "missing". Everything was working fine with the combined packages that I made months back, and had just been creating smaller packages with newer items when released. With the Uni release I deleted all my EA store combined packages and rebuilt them. Suddenly every fucking CAS store item wasn't showing properly in the icon or on the sim. After trying different things over a day, I finally just picked up a torrent with already combined decrapped packages( doing this is not supported by Pescado). Nearly everything is showing now, minus a few items which may be from the sets that I combined that were not included in the torrent. I've screwed around trying so many different things to find out what I did wrong that things have kinda blurred together at this point. I finally got sick of trouble shooting this fucking game and have switched to Skyrim for a few days. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 March 21, 00:05:12 I let the Launcher download the latest store patch. Now, I haven't tried everything; but even without decrapping the patch, the conflict between the cauldron and spellbook seems to be fixed. Maybe you guys can try downloading the patch from the Launcher?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Ambular on 2013 March 21, 04:24:48 I have various other "blank" icons in CAS that then have missing meshes when put on the sim I don't know if it has the same cause, but I am having this problem too, as well as duplicate icons where one item works, and the other has a missing mesh. Been messing around with this in a clean mods folder today, and discovered it's caused by the content patch I downloaded here. I don't decrap my stuff, just run it through s3rc and install as packages with Delphy's multi installer and I have all EPs & SPs, patched to 1.50. I've tried installing the content patch in both overrides and the content patch folder and still have the same problem, and the same thing with re-downloading the patch to make sure I had the most recent one. One interesting thing is that running the dashboard tool while the patch is in the packages folder doesn't show a conflict with the store CAS items, even though I opened up both in s3pe and saw that there were CASP files with the same instance number. Is it possible that a decrapped version of the content patch got uploaded on accident? Not sure if that's something that could even cause this, but it's driving me crazy trying to dress sims with this mess in my CAS. I'm really at a loss and am hoping there's not something incredibly obvious that I missed that's causing this.I appear to be having the same problem as well...I'll mess with things when I get a chance and see if I can figure anything out. Just how critical is the store content patch, anyway? I got along without it for some time, but I also don't put my game through its paces to the extent that a lot of y'all do. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Melanija on 2013 March 21, 05:07:25 The content patch I provide is decrapped. Ah, so that is it. Do you have any plans to upload a non-decrapped version? Also, you might want to change the description to say something other than "Decrap if necessary", as it's quite misleading.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Miss Malevolent on 2013 March 22, 04:35:08 I have various other "blank" icons in CAS that then have missing meshes when put on the sim I don't know if it has the same cause, but I am having this problem too, as well as duplicate icons where one item works, and the other has a missing mesh. Been messing around with this in a clean mods folder today, and discovered it's caused by the content patch I downloaded here. I don't decrap my stuff, just run it through s3rc and install as packages with Delphy's multi installer and I have all EPs & SPs, patched to 1.50. I've tried installing the content patch in both overrides and the content patch folder and still have the same problem, and the same thing with re-downloading the patch to make sure I had the most recent one. One interesting thing is that running the dashboard tool while the patch is in the packages folder doesn't show a conflict with the store CAS items, even though I opened up both in s3pe and saw that there were CASP files with the same instance number. Is it possible that a decrapped version of the content patch got uploaded on accident? Not sure if that's something that could even cause this, but it's driving me crazy trying to dress sims with this mess in my CAS. I'm really at a loss and am hoping there's not something incredibly obvious that I missed that's causing this.All you have to do, is disable custom content go into your game, and enable custom content when you open the game again, then the missing meshes and items will show up. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Menaceman on 2013 March 22, 21:09:44 Here are the three Store guitars I have that have been set to be electric instead of acoustic if anyone else wants them. I've tested them in my game now and they all seem to work fine.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) Post by: Zoan on 2013 March 30, 14:04:22 I have various other "blank" icons in CAS that then have missing meshes when put on the sim I don't know if it has the same cause, but I am having this problem too, as well as duplicate icons where one item works, and the other has a missing mesh. Been messing around with this in a clean mods folder today, and discovered it's caused by the content patch I downloaded here. I don't decrap my stuff, just run it through s3rc and install as packages with Delphy's multi installer and I have all EPs & SPs, patched to 1.50. I've tried installing the content patch in both overrides and the content patch folder and still have the same problem, and the same thing with re-downloading the patch to make sure I had the most recent one. One interesting thing is that running the dashboard tool while the patch is in the packages folder doesn't show a conflict with the store CAS items, even though I opened up both in s3pe and saw that there were CASP files with the same instance number. Is it possible that a decrapped version of the content patch got uploaded on accident? Not sure if that's something that could even cause this, but it's driving me crazy trying to dress sims with this mess in my CAS. I'm really at a loss and am hoping there's not something incredibly obvious that I missed that's causing this.I appear to be having the same problem as well...I'll mess with things when I get a chance and see if I can figure anything out. Just how critical is the store content patch, anyway? I got along without it for some time, but I also don't put my game through its paces to the extent that a lot of y'all do. Were you able to figure anything out? Im having this problem as well. When I install the Content Patch, I get duplicate non-working copies of tons of objects showing up in my Buy Mode. Like right next to the right item, there will be a copy with the exact same icon, or an icon missing. You can click on it but you cant place it or anything as only 1 copy works. I have tried putting the patch with Awesome folder, overrides folder, mods folder. The same thing happens no matter where. ** Update. NVM I was able to get it fixed by just installing patch through the launcher. I previously forgot to take your decrapped one out of overrides like a dumbass after installing through launcher. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 April 05, 03:13:53 I'd like to confirm what Tia said in another thread - the chicken coop needs a fix. You can't see the chickens come out on the top. Including Charlie. When KT has time, or someone here with the knowledge, will have to fix this.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Havelock on 2013 April 05, 22:46:52 I'd like to confirm what Tia said in another thread - the chicken coop needs a fix. You can't see the chickens come out on the top. Including Charlie. When KT has time, or someone here with the knowledge, will have to fix this. Edit: Deleted get the updated KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes in the first post. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 April 05, 23:38:00 It works now - thanks for the fix. It was crazy seeing your sim talk to invisible chickens.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: snowflakeinhell on 2013 April 06, 00:23:37 Fix works great, except the feed bag is missing when you go to feed the chickens.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 April 06, 04:21:22 I noticed that too. I wonder if you're suppose to see the feed bag when your sim feeds them? Edit: Nevermind, your sim is suppose to have a visible bag of feed. I just saw a picture of the coop at the Store. The picture showed a boy feeding the chickens and he had a bag of feed in his hands.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Havelock on 2013 April 06, 07:51:19 I noticed that too. I wonder if you're suppose to see the feed bag when your sim feeds them? Edit: Nevermind, your sim is suppose to have a visible bag of feed. I just saw a picture of the coop at the Store. The picture showed a boy feeding the chickens and he had a bag of feed in his hands. Fixed redownload. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 April 06, 08:16:04 It works - thanks for fixing it.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Zed Pee Em on 2013 April 07, 14:50:26 Stupid question but do the buffs need to be fixed? Because they are not working for me.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: virgali on 2013 April 07, 16:46:41 You can use notouching's fix for those found here: http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Zed Pee Em on 2013 April 07, 22:51:32 Ah that okay that works thanks.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: coolkips on 2013 April 10, 00:02:13 So we need to use both StoreFix_DecrapFixes.package by Havelock and then ccmerged.package by Nona Mena?
Is it right guys? ;D Thanks. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: YoungOldPrude on 2013 April 11, 06:34:43 The chicken coop is EVIL. It hates the other PC items.
Everything (moodlets, animations) was working fine before I installed it, but then I realized that Multi-Tab wasn't working properly. After a series of successive tests, I realized that nothing other than the chicken coop was even receiving moodlets. Get this: I took out the StoreFix file AND the CCMerged file, and the vile chicken coop still functions! The feed bag should be gone! The chicken talking to you should be gone! What the heck? But lo, once CCMerged and the StoreFix are put back (and once the chicken coop is terminated), everything else begins to work again! Has anyone else had similar results? I've got about twelve different saves concerning booming chicken farms, so I am feeling the loss rather keenly. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Seacret on 2013 April 11, 10:46:52 The chicken coop is EVIL. It hates the other PC items. Everything (moodlets, animations) was working fine before I installed it, but then I realized that Multi-Tab wasn't working properly. After a series of successive tests, I realized that nothing other than the chicken coop was even receiving moodlets. Get this: I took out the StoreFix file AND the CCMerged file, and the vile chicken coop still functions! The feed bag should be gone! The chicken talking to you should be gone! What the heck? But lo, once CCMerged and the StoreFix are put back (and once the chicken coop is terminated), everything else begins to work again! Has anyone else had similar results? I've got about twelve different saves concerning booming chicken farms, so I am feeling the loss rather keenly. I just checked and all the moodlets are working fine for the rest of my premium content including the chicken coop. Did you remember to delete the cache files after you removed it? I've found that if I don't do that accessories and moodlets will work when technically they shouldn't. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: YoungOldPrude on 2013 April 12, 01:53:16 I sure did! But I found out that the guilty PC content is not the Chicken Coop. The blame belongs to both the Pea Shooter and to the University Party Statue.
Here are the tests that I have been running: PC Items Used to Obtain Test Results: Voodoo Doll, Tree of Prosperity, Multi-Tablet, and Weird Dancing Sunflower Thing... Load Up 1: New DBC File consisting of Farm Decor + University Incentive Packs + Pea Shooter + Decades Stuff Pinball Machine +Chicken Coop PC Result: No Moodlets for Any of the Tested PC Load Up 2: New DBC File consisting of Farm Decor + University Incentive Packs + Pea Shooter + Decades Stuff Pinball Machine Result: No Moodlets for Any of the Tested PC Load Up 3: New DBC File consisting of Farm Decor + University Incentive Packs + Decades Stuff Pinball Machine Result: No Moodlets for Any of the Tested PC Load Up 4: New DBC File consisting of Farm Decor + University Incentive Packs Result: No Moodlets for Any of the Tested PC Load Up 5: Separated Chicken Coop Files (Feed Bag, Rare Eggs, Chicken Model, Coop, Baby Chick) +Standalone Pea Shooter + Standalone Decades Stuff Pinball Machine Result: No Moodlets for Any of the Tested PC Load Up 6: Separated Chicken Coop Files (Feed Bag, Rare Eggs, Chicken Model, Coop, Baby Chick) Result: Huzzah! Moodlets for all! Load Up 7: Separated Chicken Coop Files (Feed Bag, Rare Eggs, Chicken Model, Coop, Baby Chick) +Standalone Pea Shooter Result: No Moodlets for Any of the Tested PC Now, it would seem as though the Pea Shooter were the guilty party. Yet on Load Ups 3 & 4, the Pea Shooter was out and there were still no moodlets for the tested PC. :-\ This calls for more testing! Load Up 8: Separated Chicken Coop Files (Feed Bag, Rare Eggs, Chicken Model, Coop, Baby Chick) +Standalone Decades Stuff Pinball Machine Result: Huzzah! Moodlets for all! Load Up 9: just the Standalone Pea Shooter Result: No Moodlets for Any of the Tested PC Load Up 10: just the Standalone Decades Stuff Pinball Machine Result: Huzzah! Moodlets for all! Load Up 11: Standalone Pea Shooter + Standalone Decades Stuff Pinball Machine Result: No Moodlets for Any of the Test PC—surprise, surprise. ::) New idea: Load Up 12 New DBC File consisting of Farm Decor + University Incentive Packs + Separated Chicken Coop Files (Feed Bag, Rare Eggs, Chicken Model, Coop, Baby Chick) + Standalone Decades Stuff Pinball Machine (NO University Party Statue) Result: Huzzah! Moodlets for All! Load Up 13: New DBC File consisting of Farm Decor + University Incentive Packs + Separated Chicken Coop Files (Feed Bag, Rare Eggs, Chicken Model, Coop, Baby Chick) + Standalone Decades Stuff Pinball Machine + University Party Statue Result: No Moodlets for Any of the Test PC CONCLUSION: The Chicken Coop is NOT evil. The Pea Shooter and the University Party Statue are! The only thing that the Pea Shooter and the University Party Statue have in common is that they are both preorder Premium Content. Would that somehow make them exceptional compared to the normal $tore-regulated PC? Any advice is welcome. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 April 12, 08:10:27 I do not have these problems. Are you using a mix of Launcher installed content and package files? If so, put the ccmerged.package in your overrides folder. Also, make sure you are using an updated ccmerged. You can get one here: http://nonasims.wordpress.com/tag/ccmerged/
One more thing, make sure you aren't using any out of date mod that alters store content moodlets, or some out of date premium content fix. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: coolkips on 2013 April 12, 10:43:24 I do not have these problems. Are you using a mix of Launcher installed content and package files? If so, put the ccmerged.package in your overrides folder. Also, make sure you are using an updated ccmerged. You can get one here: http://nonasims.wordpress.com/tag/ccmerged/ Is it something happen with Kissing Toast so he still waiting for releasing new fix?One more thing, make sure you aren't using any out of date mod that alters store content moodlets, or some out of date premium content fix. And about Havelock DecrapFix, the size is bigger than usual? Any reason? Thanks Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 April 12, 12:16:48 I do not have these problems. Are you using a mix of Launcher installed content and package files? If so, put the ccmerged.package in your overrides folder. Also, make sure you are using an updated ccmerged. You can get one here: http://nonasims.wordpress.com/tag/ccmerged/ Is it something happen with Kissing Toast so he still waiting for releasing new fix?One more thing, make sure you aren't using any out of date mod that alters store content moodlets, or some out of date premium content fix. And about Havelock DecrapFix, the size is bigger than usual? Any reason? Thanks KT is probably busy, which is why he hasn't updated. I took a look at Havelock's Fix, which I had not yet downloaded because I was lazy. As it turns out, his fix is much larger than KT's because he has many empty STBLs in it. I do not know why those STBLs are there, but they should not be there. If the empty STBLs are actually Store STBLs that might explain the missing moodlets. Moodlets that do not have proper localization do not show up in game. Edit: I looked a bit closer at Havelock's package because I had some more spare time and saw that the reason the package is so big is because he included a lot of unnecessary resources that KT normally omits. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: Havelock on 2013 April 12, 14:09:17 I do not have these problems. Are you using a mix of Launcher installed content and package files? If so, put the ccmerged.package in your overrides folder. Also, make sure you are using an updated ccmerged. You can get one here: http://nonasims.wordpress.com/tag/ccmerged/ Is it something happen with Kissing Toast so he still waiting for releasing new fix?One more thing, make sure you aren't using any out of date mod that alters store content moodlets, or some out of date premium content fix. And about Havelock DecrapFix, the size is bigger than usual? Any reason? Thanks KT is probably busy, which is why he hasn't updated. I took a look at Havelock's Fix, which I had not yet downloaded because I was lazy. As it turns out, his fix is much larger than KT's because he has many empty STBLs in it. I do not know why those STBLs are there, but they should not be there. If the empty STBLs are actually Store STBLs that might explain the missing moodlets. Moodlets that do not have proper localization do not show up in game. Edit: I looked a bit closer at Havelock's package because I had some more spare time and saw that the reason the package is so big is because he included a lot of unnecessary resources that KT normally omits. The STBL are for the new accessorys i added. The chickens and the foodbag, the empty one are from the bag and have nothing to do with moodlets. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 April 12, 16:05:12 I'm still here, I'm just busy with school.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: coolkips on 2013 April 15, 05:22:04 I'm still here, I'm just busy with school. Okay then... Good to hear some news from you Kissing Toast ;D Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: YoungOldPrude on 2013 April 16, 07:23:20 I do not have these problems. Are you using a mix of Launcher installed content and package files? If so, put the ccmerged.package in your overrides folder. Also, make sure you are using an updated ccmerged. You can get one here: http://nonasims.wordpress.com/tag/ccmerged/ One more thing, make sure you aren't using any out of date mod that alters store content moodlets, or some out of date premium content fix. It worked! I've been testing it on and off for the last couple of days and have concluded that everything is now working as it should be. Thanks so much, notouching. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 April 16, 08:56:14 I do not have these problems. Are you using a mix of Launcher installed content and package files? If so, put the ccmerged.package in your overrides folder. Also, make sure you are using an updated ccmerged. You can get one here: http://nonasims.wordpress.com/tag/ccmerged/ One more thing, make sure you aren't using any out of date mod that alters store content moodlets, or some out of date premium content fix. It worked! I've been testing it on and off for the last couple of days and have concluded that everything is now working as it should be. Thanks so much, notouching. If you ended up putting the ccmerged in your overrides folder, make sure you don't forget to update that every time you get new premium content. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) Post by: YoungOldPrude on 2013 April 16, 12:02:42 Oops. I should have clarified. I did end up copying the CC Merged over to the Overrides folder. I always keep it updated, it's just that I have never had to have it in the Overrides folder before. It has always worked just fine in the DCBackup folder before now. I don't know why it decided to start acting up . The only content that I let the Launcher handle is Worlds—and they're certainly not a new thing. Meh. I'll chalk it up to a cosmic mystery. ::)
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 April 19, 07:32:22 Added the chicken coop stuff, updated ccmerged, and made the patch I offer vanilla. I feel like there was something else I was supposed to do. ???
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: Tenshi on 2013 April 20, 01:00:38 I have a feeling I'll probably be told to search moar or that I'm being stupid, but, I need to ask anyways because I'd rather not break my game..
About ccmerged.. Is it safe to have more than one (the one in the DCBackup and one in Overrides), or do I need to get rid of one? Google didn't answer so well (some said it was okay, others..were unclear..).. Not knowing which to get rid of or update, or to update them both, kind of sucks. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: Madame Mim on 2013 April 20, 01:15:44 Bugger search moar. The instructions are on the front page - read the fucking instructions.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: Tenshi on 2013 April 20, 01:40:13 I have read them, and I've updated that one.
And, seeing as it says nothing about one in the Overrides, I'm thinking I should take that one out?? I came here trying to make sure I wouldn't screw up my game. I sincerely apologize for my stupidity. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: coltraz on 2013 April 26, 21:38:27 KT_StoreFix_Fixes_All is the old file which is now broken down into your individualized packages, right?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 April 27, 04:31:14 That's a merged package of them all, it's current.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: XsauroxPlayer on 2013 May 03, 21:05:38 the new poker and roulette tables need a fix :)
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: coolkips on 2013 May 04, 04:30:19 the new poker and roulette tables need a fix :) Yeah, off course since it's a Premium Content ... as always before ;DTitle: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 May 05, 21:55:20 Works for me.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: daciasil on 2013 May 06, 05:30:06 You can make a quick and dirty fix yourself to get the premium content working. KT mentioned that he was busy with school, and for those of you too excited to wait you can try making a quick fix. First let's make accessories like the roulette ball, poker cards, etc show up. Install your decrapified .sims3pack like you normally would. Then take an untouched version of the sims3pack and run it through s3rc.exe not decrapify.exe. Then extract the .sims3pack into several .package files by using delphy's program here :http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=364038. Take the .package files and put them in the overrides file. The accessories for the premium content should show up now.
Updating ccmerged.package for the new buffs requires a bit more work and some ability with xml tuning. You'll have to open up the .package files in s3pe and search around for the buff information. For example, with the latest premium set, the buff data is in the .package with the data for the gambling skill. Look for the tag "BUFF" a copy the new information (starting with <BuffName>WinningStreakStore</BuffName>) and paste it into the buff information in ccmerged.package. You can learn more about xml tuning here: http://www.modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Tutorial:Sims_3_XML_Tuning_Modding. If this is too much, you can wait for KT to update or wait for Nona to post an updated ccmerged.package: http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/ Good luck! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: XsauroxPlayer on 2013 May 06, 16:57:04 great hint! it works ;)
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 May 08, 08:35:51 You can make a quick and dirty fix yourself to get the premium content working. KT mentioned that he was busy with school, and for those of you too excited to wait you can try making a quick fix. First let's make accessories like the roulette ball, poker cards, etc show up. Install your decrapified .sims3pack like you normally would. Then take an untouched version of the sims3pack and run it through s3rc.exe not decrapify.exe. Then extract the .sims3pack into several .package files by using delphy's program here :http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=364038. Take the .package files and put them in the overrides file. The accessories for the premium content should show up now. Updating ccmerged.package for the new buffs requires a bit more work and some ability with xml tuning. You'll have to open up the .package files in s3pe and search around for the buff information. For example, with the latest premium set, the buff data is in the .package with the data for the gambling skill. Look for the tag "BUFF" a copy the new information (starting with <BuffName>WinningStreakStore</BuffName>) and paste it into the buff information in ccmerged.package. You can learn more about xml tuning here: http://www.modthesims.info/wiki.php?title=Tutorial:Sims_3_XML_Tuning_Modding. If this is too much, you can wait for KT to update or wait for Nona to post an updated ccmerged.package: http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/ Good luck! Just a heads up -- This is a perfectly fine way to do it, though I just use the ccmerged generated by the launcher. This time around, it is not necessary. The new casino objects use the same exact moodlets as the previous casino objects. They only changed the icon, I believe. So actually there was only a tiny insignificant change to the ccmerged. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 May 08, 12:46:55 The new casino objects use the same exact moodlets as the previous casino objects. They only changed the icon, I believe. So actually there was only a tiny insignificant change to the ccmerged. No, they didn't changed only the icon... I decrapified the sims3pack and I installed via launcher. There are 2 different icon for the new roulette and poker table. It show up in game, but without the fix my sims is reset to home... so, I can't play roulette or hand dead poker... I use the ccmerged created by launcher (who is working fine with the fix files) I will be patient waiting the fix... For me, the daciasil advice don't work. Sorry, but I'm not a native English speaker Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: YouWereAdopted on 2013 May 11, 21:41:38 KT can fix my broken store items all night long.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: JustASimmer on 2013 May 15, 23:22:13 I'm not sure what everyone else is experiencing, but for both tables my Sim sits down and immediately "bounces" off it (though it has no issue taking her cash).
For the poker table, I also tried the"practice poker." She sat down fine enough, but when practicing two merged white boxes formed around her head--you could hear the sounds properly though. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 May 17, 03:29:58 I have 24 hours left for this semester, then I'll be back to the Sims, mostly, Simcity is a lot of fun too.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: pepsihamster on 2013 May 17, 06:55:32 I have 24 hours left for this semester, then I'll be back to the Sims, mostly, Simcity is a lot of fun too. Good luck on your finals! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 May 17, 07:18:43 I have 24 hours left for this semester, then I'll be back to the Sims, mostly, Simcity is a lot of fun too. Good luck on your finals! In Romanian we say BAFTA, never "good luck" (in romanian = noroc). It's a superstition between students. So, BAFTA!!! (and the answer is SA FIE = like about "to be so", never thanks) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: coolkips on 2013 May 21, 07:55:50 I have 24 hours left for this semester, then I'll be back to the Sims, mostly, Simcity is a lot of fun too. BAFTA! ;DTitle: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 May 21, 19:29:04 Thanks guys ;)
This has actually been sitting on my desktop for a while now so test it out and give me the green light to add it to the main fix. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: JustASimmer on 2013 May 21, 21:13:56 Roulette worked perfectly fine, and the "practice poker face" worked fine. For me, however, the actual playing of poker I think was borked; she would sit down and take out the chips, but she kept calling for someone to come over instead of playing and the robot didn't move. The buy-ins except for 10,000 were also faded. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 May 22, 01:40:27 NM, yes I did. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: JustASimmer on 2013 May 22, 01:56:21 Are you able to replicate the same issues with the poker table, or am I the only one that you know of?
Like I said, roulette is perfectly fine, just the poker table with the issues I mentioned above. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 May 22, 04:04:43 Are you able to replicate the same issues with the poker table, or am I the only one that you know of? Like I said, roulette is perfectly fine, just the poker table with the issues I mentioned above. It works for me, but my sim is the only sim in the world so once he set his chips down he just sat there waving/calling for someone to join him. I guess Poker is not single player. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 May 22, 10:13:36 The new casino objects use the same exact moodlets as the previous casino objects. They only changed the icon, I believe. So actually there was only a tiny insignificant change to the ccmerged. No, they didn't changed only the icon... I decrapified the sims3pack and I installed via launcher. There are 2 different icon for the new roulette and poker table. It show up in game, but without the fix my sims is reset to home... so, I can't play roulette or hand dead poker... I use the ccmerged created by launcher (who is working fine with the fix files) I will be patient waiting the fix... For me, the daciasil advice don't work. Sorry, but I'm not a native English speaker I couldn't be bothered to respond to this earlier because I wasn't actually playing the game. Yes, the change to the ccmerged IS tiny. In fact, it seems that they actually just fixed an error in the original set. There are two winning moodlets: WinningStore and WinningStreakStore. Originally both used the moodlet_winbig icon (two green upwards pointing arrows). In the new set, WinningStore uses the single arrow icon. If you don't believe me, you can verify this yourself by comparing the moodlet icons and the BUFF resources in in the Lucky Simoleons casino set to the new casino set. You are looking for the packages with the StoreObjectsGamblingSkill.dll. Keep in mind that KT's decrap fix and the ccmerged are two separate packages, and two separate issues. You cannot fix all decrap issues with a working ccmerged. So yes, you do need a fix for the poker/roulette tables, but it is not related to the ccmerged, which is what I was talking about in the first place. Thanks guys ;) This has actually been sitting on my desktop for a while now so test it out and give me the green light to add it to the main fix. Tested this with a household of four and it's working great. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: JustASimmer on 2013 May 22, 17:28:31 Are you able to replicate the same issues with the poker table, or am I the only one that you know of? Like I said, roulette is perfectly fine, just the poker table with the issues I mentioned above. It works for me, but my sim is the only sim in the world so once he set his chips down he just sat there waving/calling for someone to join him. I guess Poker is not single player. That's what I'm guessing, too. I only have one sim in my household, but I will go to the casino and try once there are more people. Since the poster above said it was working fine I'm sure it's just not single player. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: JustASimmer on 2013 May 23, 14:09:40 Also, have a quick question for you, kissing_toast:
Whenever I am either at EA's University or a custom one using Pendragaon's rugs, I have no class schedule--it's completely blank. It was mentioned that Twallan's traveler mod and one (or more?) of your store fixes was causing the conflict, particularly "unawesome." Do you happen to know if this is true? Trying to figure out what the source could be before tearing my mods folder apart/removing it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: kittykattalw on 2013 May 23, 16:52:16 I tried the poker fix yesterday and it works perfectly. Thank you for taking the time, as always, to fix these store objects for the rest of us plebs ;)
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 May 24, 04:13:05 Also, have a quick question for you, kissing_toast: Whenever I am either at EA's University or a custom one using Pendragaon's rugs, I have no class schedule--it's completely blank. It was mentioned that Twallan's traveler mod and one (or more?) of your store fixes was causing the conflict, particularly "unawesome." Do you happen to know if this is true? Trying to figure out what the source could be before tearing my mods folder apart/removing it. It was the unawesome one, one of the XMLs needed updating. I fixed that. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 04.19.2013) Post by: coolkips on 2013 May 27, 02:52:54 Also, have a quick question for you, kissing_toast: Whenever I am either at EA's University or a custom one using Pendragaon's rugs, I have no class schedule--it's completely blank. It was mentioned that Twallan's traveler mod and one (or more?) of your store fixes was causing the conflict, particularly "unawesome." Do you happen to know if this is true? Trying to figure out what the source could be before tearing my mods folder apart/removing it. It was the unawesome one, one of the XMLs needed updating. I fixed that. Topic: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.24.2013) ~~~ since the title not changed, i didn't notice that already updated... LOL ;D Thanks for updating it KT... ;) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.24.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 May 30, 19:59:00 Here are fixes for Dragon Valley and Renaissance Faire Venue (Baby dragons, violin, archery, and wall papers). These fixes will be removed when KT has updated his fix.
DV_BabyDragon_Fixes.zip - Allows dragon egg to hatch, fixes accessories for feeding the dragon and allows dragon to fly RennaissanceFaire_Fixes.zip (violin & archery) - fixes missing accessories DV_WallFixes.zip Edit: RennFaire_ViolinSkill_Icons_Fixes.zip - fix for Violin skill icons. Mediafire was giving me a hard time about uploading. Edit2: Added some details. Edit3: Just a tip, you can use NRaas DebugEnabler/AM to change the the dragon type of your dragon. Edit4: Links to fixes removed. KT has updated his fix. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.24.2013) Post by: BananaPants on 2013 May 31, 04:11:52 I was wondering if the Community Grill from The Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire set needs a fix as well? There are no interactions available when I place it in game. I made a new Sims 3 folder and added a fresh Mods folder so there was no other CC to create a conflict. Whether I installed the set through the launcher or used a decrapped package version the result was the same, "no interactions available." Of course this could just be something for me and no one else but I really see no reason for it not to work so I thought I would add this in here. Thanks!
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.24.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 May 31, 06:28:17 I was wondering if the Community Grill from The Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire set needs a fix as well? There are no interactions available when I place it in game. I made a new Sims 3 folder and added a fresh Mods folder so there was no other CC to create a conflict. Whether I installed the set through the launcher or used a decrapped package version the result was the same, "no interactions available." Of course this could just be something for me and no one else but I really see no reason for it not to work so I thought I would add this in here. Thanks! Sounds like you just need the updated ccmerged file. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.24.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 May 31, 06:58:22 I was wondering if the Community Grill from The Duke of Bows Renaissance Faire set needs a fix as well? There are no interactions available when I place it in game. I made a new Sims 3 folder and added a fresh Mods folder so there was no other CC to create a conflict. Whether I installed the set through the launcher or used a decrapped package version the result was the same, "no interactions available." Of course this could just be something for me and no one else but I really see no reason for it not to work so I thought I would add this in here. Thanks! Are you placing this on your home lot? You can't use any grill on the home lot without a fridge. Grills can be used on a community lot without a fridge, but not the home lot. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: BananaPants on 2013 May 31, 17:42:38 Are you placing this on your home lot? You can't use any grill on the home lot without a fridge. Grills can be used on a community lot without a fridge, but not the home lot. Sounds like you just need the updated ccmerged file. It was the same on residential and community lots. Though I didn't have a fridge on the home lot, I'll have to keep that in mind in the future. I'll give the new updates a go and see if that helps. Thanks for the feedback! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: Dark_Walker on 2013 May 31, 22:02:54 I have the updated files for the fixes...Has anyone else noticed that playing the violin does not create the enjoying music moodlet?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: runesong on 2013 June 01, 01:03:57 I have the updated files for the fixes...Has anyone else noticed that playing the violin does not create the enjoying music moodlet? They play so badly...how could they be enjoying it?Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: Dark_Walker on 2013 June 01, 03:29:15 Heh, it doesn't sound too bad after it gets trained up. But anyway the store premium content page says that they should be getting a enjoying music moodlet. Just pointing it out.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: Dark_Walker on 2013 June 01, 03:33:55 I also noticed that the skill bar for violin only appears if you either cancel the action or gain a level. 'points it out' It's probably just me though. Delphy says I have no conflicts...
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: dominno on 2013 June 01, 06:15:03 Everything is working fine except I have two dragon eggs on the buy catalog now, plus the egg still won't hatch. Only using KTs fixes, that is.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: Dark_Walker on 2013 June 01, 06:25:27 I got the same problem with my dragon eggs...2 in the catalog. One is under custom content the other is a store item. Neither of them will hatch. I have the latest KT fixes also.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 June 01, 08:13:18 I got the same problem with my dragon eggs...2 in the catalog. One is under custom content the other is a store item. Neither of them will hatch. I have the latest KT fixes also. Same to me... and I'm not the only one. There are many others found at thesims3 community forum. Here I found a fix for Dragon: Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here « Reply #3010 on: 2013 May 31, 00:09:18 » THANKS THIS IS GREAT Reply with quote Hello, I do not know where to post this: Dragon Valley: http://adf.ly/PmiyD the fix http://adf.ly/Pl2t9 the world There are 2 fix for dragon, but fix2 conflict with KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes. Maybe the fix for dragon are different from the general fix... Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 01, 08:39:29 I got the same problem with my dragon eggs...2 in the catalog. One is under custom content the other is a store item. Neither of them will hatch. I have the latest KT fixes also. Same to me... and I'm not the only one. There are many others found at thesims3 community forum. Here I found a fix for Dragon: Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here « Reply #3010 on: 2013 May 31, 00:09:18 » THANKS THIS IS GREAT Reply with quote Hello, I do not know where to post this: Dragon Valley: http://adf.ly/PmiyD the fix http://adf.ly/Pl2t9 the world There are 2 fix for dragon, but fix2 conflict with KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes. Maybe the fix for dragon are different from the general fix... This fix is not a proper fix. Just use my fix (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,21330.msg600308.html#msg600308) for now (the one a few posts above) until KT fixes his. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 June 01, 09:13:14 I got the same problem with my dragon eggs...2 in the catalog. One is under custom content the other is a store item. Neither of them will hatch. I have the latest KT fixes also. Same to me... and I'm not the only one. There are many others found at thesims3 community forum. Here I found a fix for Dragon: Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here « Reply #3010 on: 2013 May 31, 00:09:18 » THANKS THIS IS GREAT Reply with quote Hello, I do not know where to post this: Dragon Valley: http://adf.ly/PmiyD the fix http://adf.ly/Pl2t9 the world There are 2 fix for dragon, but fix2 conflict with KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes. Maybe the fix for dragon are different from the general fix... This fix is not a proper fix. Just use my fix (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,21330.msg600308.html#msg600308) for now (the one a few posts above) until KT fixes his. I played with the fix1 on override (beside all others updated fix) and it work... the eggs are hatching and I have all interactions with the dragon. With the updated KT fix (31.05.2013) and without fix1 the eggs don't hatch. I tried in 2 different games. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 01, 09:39:04 I played with the fix1 on override (beside all others updated fix) and it work... the eggs are hatching and I have all interactions with the dragon. I don't know what fix1 is. I consider the one you linked not proper because its nearly 30mb, when it doesn't need to be. It's just a waste when you could use a fix that is much smaller and actually fixes everything, not just the hatching. I have the updated files for the fixes...Has anyone else noticed that playing the violin does not create the enjoying music moodlet? The enjoying music moodlet does show up, but the sim playing won't get it. Also, the tuning for the violin is set that only sims within 3 meters of the musician will get the moodlet, so other sims have to be standing really close to get it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: dominno on 2013 June 01, 12:21:21 notouching, I figured your fix would do the trick but I thought KTs had been updated for the dragon hatching also among the rest of the fixes. Thanks for sharing yours, I'll be using it for now.
Also, to the guys above, that fix1 doesn't seem right, use the ones here. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 June 01, 12:28:56 I played with the fix1 on override (beside all others updated fix) and it work... the eggs are hatching and I have all interactions with the dragon. I don't know what fix1 is. I consider the one you linked not proper because its nearly 30mb, when it doesn't need to be. It's just a waste when you could use a fix that is much smaller and actually fixes everything, not just the hatching. I believe that I have not expressed clearly. I have used the latest update on page 1 that it has added blue "dragon", but eggs not have hatched. In addition I put Fix1 who is big, but the eggs are hatched with him and the interactions with the Dragon are normal. So, with only the KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes does not work. Your advice is to replace the fix1 with DV_BabyDragon_Fixes, if I understand well but in addition to KT. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 01, 12:45:47 Yes, at this point, you only need DV_BabyDragon_Fixes and KT's fix.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 June 01, 12:51:34 Yes, at this point, you only need DV_BabyDragon_Fixes and KT's fix. Finally something really clear... ::) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 01, 12:54:45 Yes, at this point, you only need DV_BabyDragon_Fixes and KT's fix. Finally something really clear... ::) Yeah, I think we had lost in translation problems. Just put DV_BabyDragon_Fixes in a folder with higher priority than KT's fix to make sure everything works properly. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 June 01, 13:59:03 Yes, at this point, you only need DV_BabyDragon_Fixes and KT's fix. Finally something really clear... ::) Yeah, I think we had lost in translation problems. Just put DV_BabyDragon_Fixes in a folder with higher priority than KT's fix to make sure everything works properly. Ups! Another problem... KT's fix are in the overrides (resource priority 1000). Not a problem to make another folder... but what new value to make on resource file? for packages I have 500 and for overrides I have 1000... give me other 3 value to change the resource file. Edit: Dashboard tell me that is a conflict between latest KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes and DV_BabyDragon_Fixes. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 01, 14:31:37 Yes, at this point, you only need DV_BabyDragon_Fixes and KT's fix. Finally something really clear... ::) Yeah, I think we had lost in translation problems. Just put DV_BabyDragon_Fixes in a folder with higher priority than KT's fix to make sure everything works properly. Ups! Another problem... KT's fix are in the overrides (resource priority 1000). Not a problem to make another folder... but what new value to make on resource file? for packages I have 500 and for overrides I have 1000... give me other 3 value to change the resource file. Edit: Dashboard tell me that is a conflict between latest KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes and DV_BabyDragon_Fixes. Make a temp folder with priority 900 and put KT's fixes in it. Dashboard will detect a conflict because KT's fixes have some files found in DV_BabyDragon_Fixes. It doesn't matter as long as the DV_BabyDragon_Fixes has a higher priority (more info (http://www.den.simlogical.com/denforum/index.php/topic,1551.0.html)). Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 June 01, 15:07:01 Yes, at this point, you only need DV_BabyDragon_Fixes and KT's fix. Finally something really clear... ::) Yeah, I think we had lost in translation problems. Just put DV_BabyDragon_Fixes in a folder with higher priority than KT's fix to make sure everything works properly. Ups! Another problem... KT's fix are in the overrides (resource priority 1000). Not a problem to make another folder... but what new value to make on resource file? for packages I have 500 and for overrides I have 1000... give me other 3 value to change the resource file. Edit: Dashboard tell me that is a conflict between latest KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes and DV_BabyDragon_Fixes. Make a temp folder with priority 900 and put KT's fixes in it. Dashboard will detect a conflict because KT's fixes have some files found in DV_BabyDragon_Fixes. It doesn't matter as long as the DV_BabyDragon_Fixes has a higher priority (more info (http://www.den.simlogical.com/denforum/index.php/topic,1551.0.html)). Beeeee!!!!! Sorry for my English. I'm not a native English speaker. Edit: I did it and it works. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: charmedjosh on 2013 June 01, 18:19:46 Is the Violin Skill working as intended?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: virgali on 2013 June 01, 19:27:14 I also noticed that the skill bar for violin only appears if you either cancel the action or gain a level. 'points it out' It's probably just me though. Delphy says I have no conflicts... I too am experiencing this problem. Does the notouching violin fix actually fix these issues? From what I understood all we need are the KT fixes and notouching's baby dragon egg fix. We can disregard every other fix she posted in this thread, correct? All the Dragon Valley and venue stuff work fine for me, btw. I placed the lot without any problems and all the objects showed up as they should. The grill works, the violin and archery objects have their accessories, the dragon eggs are hatching just fine (although I do have an extra egg in buy mode) and I'm getting all the moodlets and benefits from the dragons as I'm supposed to. It's only the skill bar of the violin is wonky ETA: disregard the moodlet thing. I obviously can't read. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 01, 20:00:53 There is nothing wrong with the violin skill, aside from missing icons which are part of KT's fix now. The reason the skill bar only shows up briefly is because that's how the violin is coded. It does not calculate the skill gain continuously. When your sim finishes playing the violin (whether you cancel the interaction, or it just finished), it will calculate how long the sim was playing, and based on that, it will determine the number of skill points the sim should gain.
Yes, currently the only fix from me that's needed is the dragon fix. Edit: virgali, you can use NRaas DebugEnabler/AM to delete the dragons. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 June 01, 22:59:02 It should be better now, thank you all for your feedback and help. I didn't have time to actually test the dragons out yet. Everything else does work though, except for the violin skill bar, you do gain skill even though you don't see it.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: coolkips on 2013 June 02, 02:56:26 It should be better now, thank you all for your feedback and help. I didn't have time to actually test the dragons out yet. Everything else does work though, except for the violin skill bar, you do gain skill even though you don't see it. So, is all things updated on first post? ???KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes (http://www.mediafire.com/?s556idafrjggcfn) & CCMerged (http://www.mediafire.com/?i29rc6sesncl28a) ::) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 June 02, 05:53:51 It should be better now, thank you all for your feedback and help. I didn't have time to actually test the dragons out yet. Everything else does work though, except for the violin skill bar, you do gain skill even though you don't see it. So, is all things updated on first post? ???KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes (http://www.mediafire.com/?s556idafrjggcfn) & CCMerged (http://www.mediafire.com/?i29rc6sesncl28a) ::) Yes, tested... Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: Ange on 2013 June 02, 09:14:04 About the violin, I'm experiencing a strange glitch : the 6 first compositions arent' available ! (see AznSensei's list (http://aznsensei.blogspot.be/2013/05/dragon-valley-store-world-review.html))
I tried to remove my CC, start a whole new DV, etc. : NO WAY ! Does anyone here have the same problem ? Maybe it's related to the french version of the game ... :'( Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: runesong on 2013 June 02, 17:24:40 About the violin, I'm experiencing a strange glitch : the 6 first compositions arent' available ! (see AznSensei's list (http://aznsensei.blogspot.be/2013/05/dragon-valley-store-world-review.html)) Yes. I have the American version.I tried to remove my CC, start a whole new DV, etc. : NO WAY ! Does anyone here have the same problem ? Maybe it's related to the french version of the game ... :'( Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: Ange on 2013 June 02, 17:53:41 About the violin, I'm experiencing a strange glitch : the 6 first compositions arent' available ! (see AznSensei's list (http://aznsensei.blogspot.be/2013/05/dragon-valley-store-world-review.html)) Yes. I have the American version.I tried to remove my CC, start a whole new DV, etc. : NO WAY ! Does anyone here have the same problem ? Maybe it's related to the french version of the game ... :'( *fingers crossed* Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 03, 10:16:42 [Edit: link removed]
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: daisylee on 2013 June 03, 15:37:06 I have to ask, how do we set the priority level of a folder? I have Windows 7. I have looked and even googled for an answer and so far cannot find any option to set a priority level for folders.
I have the latest cc merged from post 1 and the DV dragon fix and the eggs still are not hatching. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 June 03, 16:25:42 I have to ask, how do we set the priority level of a folder? I have Windows 7. I have looked and even googled for an answer and so far cannot find any option to set a priority level for folders. I have the latest cc merged from post 1 and the DV dragon fix and the eggs still are not hatching. Your framework, from here or MTS, should have come with an overrides folder and a resource.cfg file, that's what sets the priority. The one I have has different priorities for different folders in your mod folder, like a test, probation, or an overrides folder. I just checked mine and it hatched, if you hover over the egg it should have a countdown. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: Ange on 2013 June 03, 16:58:35 Play Composition fix: http://www.den.simlogical.com/denforum/index.php/topic,1978.0.html I just tried it ... the Sims with a less than 6 points in Violin can't play anymore.This issue was caused by the way the store team coded the interaction. DAMN STORE ITEMS ! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 03, 19:09:08 It's beginning to look like it was EA's intention that the user only has 8 choices. The rest of the "compositions" appear to be more like a learning curve for your sim, rather than actual compositions.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: daisylee on 2013 June 03, 19:31:19 I have to ask, how do we set the priority level of a folder? I have Windows 7. I have looked and even googled for an answer and so far cannot find any option to set a priority level for folders. I have the latest cc merged from post 1 and the DV dragon fix and the eggs still are not hatching. Your framework, from here or MTS, should have come with an overrides folder and a resource.cfg file, that's what sets the priority. The one I have has different priorities for different folders in your mod folder, like a test, probation, or an overrides folder. I just checked mine and it hatched, if you hover over the egg it should have a countdown. I get the countdowns and the notice that it is time to hatch, and then the count goes to zero and nothing happens. I have my Mods folder, with the packages folder and overrides folder and the resource file inside it. I put the DV dragon fix in the overrides. I have tried the cc merged in both the dc backup and in the packages. So far, no hatching. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 June 03, 19:43:46 I have to ask, how do we set the priority level of a folder? I have Windows 7. I have looked and even googled for an answer and so far cannot find any option to set a priority level for folders. I have the latest cc merged from post 1 and the DV dragon fix and the eggs still are not hatching. Your framework, from here or MTS, should have come with an overrides folder and a resource.cfg file, that's what sets the priority. The one I have has different priorities for different folders in your mod folder, like a test, probation, or an overrides folder. I just checked mine and it hatched, if you hover over the egg it should have a countdown. I get the countdowns and the notice that it is time to hatch, and then the count goes to zero and nothing happens. I have my Mods folder, with the packages folder and overrides folder and the resource file inside it. I put the DV dragon fix in the overrides. I have tried the cc merged in both the dc backup and in the packages. So far, no hatching. You no longer need dv dragon fix, it's integrated in the decrap fix now, which you should also need to update as I had stuff in there that wasn't needed. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 03, 19:45:41 It's beginning to look like it was EA's intention that the user only has 8 choices. The rest of the "compositions" appear to be more like a learning curve for your sim, rather than actual compositions. Confirmation from EA that there are only 5 compositions for the violin: http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/682018.page#10879852 Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: Ange on 2013 June 03, 20:35:13 It's beginning to look like it was EA's intention that the user only has 8 choices. The rest of the "compositions" appear to be more like a learning curve for your sim, rather than actual compositions. Confirmation from EA that there are only 5 compositions for the violin: http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/682018.page#10879852 I bet the Store's Team did something wrong (again) and that they're trying to cover it up with bullshit ! Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 June 03, 20:47:38 I bet the Store's Team did something wrong (again) and that they're trying to cover it up with bullshit ! Not really, if you listen to the "hidden" songs you'll notice they suck. Those are the tunes your sim plays as s/he is learning. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 04, 09:12:49 It's beginning to look like it was EA's intention that the user only has 8 choices. The rest of the "compositions" appear to be more like a learning curve for your sim, rather than actual compositions. Confirmation from EA that there are only 5 compositions for the violin: http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/682018.page#10879852 I bet the Store's Team did something wrong (again) and that they're trying to cover it up with bullshit ! Yep, I figured it was you. I was linking for the benefit of others. I agree with KT, however. The other "songs" are actually just songs your sim plays while learning. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: ArabellaCaramella on 2013 June 07, 19:45:40 OK... Dragon valley has been driving me nucking futs. I have all 4 of the fixes: KT_StoreFix_Fixes, KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes, KT_StoreFix_UnAwesome, CCMerged, and the copy of Dragon Valley I have was linked from this site. But still, my dragon eggs won't hatch.
I have some questions; The decrap fixes don't need decrapping, and the storefixes have a decrapped folder (which I used since my issue is with the decrapped content of dragon valley)... since my issue isn't fixed then will decrapping the vanilla files myself make a difference? Do I need to decrap the Unawesome or CCmerged? I installed my Dragon Valley through the launcher... these fixes work for this, right? I have also found a .package version of Dragon Valley... will this work better? If so, what folder is it meant to go in? 'cause I couldn't make it work or find a definitive answer online last night. Are these fixes more likely to work with AwesomeMod? Is there any reason these fixes wouldn't work because I have several parts of Twallan's Nraas mod installed (storyprogression, mastercontroller, dresser, decensor) ... Please help. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 07, 20:21:26 1. Absolutely do not decrap KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes.
2. Do not decrap the ccmerged.package. 3. If you installed decrapped Sims3packs, use the decrapped version of KT_StoreFix_Fixes 4. No, the fixes are not more likely to work with AM. 5. This has nothing to do with NRaas mods. If you're using decrapped sims3packs and KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes, and your eggs are not hatching, then the dragon is not properly installed. Re-install the Dragon Valley sims3pack on top of your current installation. Do not uninstall Dragon Valley first. It may take several tries until the dragon is properly installed, but that should fix it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: ArabellaCaramella on 2013 June 07, 21:41:18 OK... so to clarify, there's no point decrapping the vanilla files... I'm already using the decrapped versions, and don't decrap unawesome or ccmerged either. That means my fixes are all set up right at least.
Thanks for the advice, I've tried re-installing dragon valley like a dozen times... few more can't hurt! Makes sense cos the dragon egg and baby dragons don't seem to show up properly in the launcher, I get "baby dragon" the buy object but I think they're meant to be pets. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 June 07, 23:49:58 I haven't played with dragons yet. But according to a thread at the TS3 Forums, the dragons are freezing, to the point where they just have to be deleted. Will the DecrapFixes take care of that? Or do we have to wait forever for EA to fix it (they haven't even acknowledged the problem!)?
More details here: http://forum.thesims3.com/jforum/posts/list/682737.page. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 June 08, 03:59:02 I experienced a dragon freezing the other night, but, didn't think too much. I played Quinn Flanagan's house and bought him a dragon egg, and when it hatched, it was black and when I went to his house a few nights later (I was checking out the rest of the houses), he had a green one and him and the green one were frozen. I deleted the green one and evicted him and moved him back in his house. I was reading that thread and psychotica said she used Twallan's Debug Enabler to reset the dragon and she downloaded a No Autonomous Dragon Interactions mod by Margaret Pendragon at MTS2. I just downloaded it and if I experience a dragon freezing again, I'm going to use Twallan's Debug Enabler to reset it.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 08, 06:08:04 Both NRaas DebugEnabler and AM can take care of freezing dragons. I have also noticed that a frozen dragon can sometimes take care of itself. If my sim tried to interact with a frozen dragon, she would freeze too, but cancelling the interaction would sometimes make them both unfreeze.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: justapple on 2013 June 16, 13:12:34 i using the dashboard for check erros, and it say: decrapfixes in conflit with contentpatch.package
what i can do? :s Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: Madame Mim on 2013 June 16, 21:36:56 i using the dashboard for check erros, and it say: decrapfixes in conflit with contentpatch.package what i can do? :s Well, if English is your first language you can learn punctuation, sentence structure and explain why you were trying to (my best guess) lower case mis-spelling of a god. Otherwise - put decrapfixes in the folder they're meant to be in and ignore it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 June 19, 09:43:05 The patch 1.55 is arrived. I don't want to update the game until I know if the KT's store fix needs update or not. If yes, I will be patient, no doubt.
Don't hate me for this post... but with 1.50 I was burned... (sorry for my English expression, but I'm not a native English speaker) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: Skoria_bay on 2013 June 19, 10:27:16 Pescado said there was a lot wrong with 1.55 that will take a while to fix with an updated AM. I would say the same with KT's store fixes and do not patch until the all clear is given.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 20, 18:56:29 KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes is perfectly safe to use with 1.55
If you are using KT_StoreFix_Fixes_All with patch 1.55, open KT_StoreFix_Fixes_All.package with S3PE and delete the XML resource called "Register." This is the only resource in the fix that ever needs an update because it is an actual resource from the GameplayData.package. I actually always delete this resource because I prefer to use a different Register mod. If you are using KT_StoreFix_UnAwesome, open the package in S3PE and delete the JobsAndTasks XML. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 June 21, 03:59:47 Sorry if I don't understand. For those who don't know use s3pe, will be an update on first page? If not, what other mod for "register" we need to use?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 21, 06:07:32 Sorry if I don't understand. For those who don't know use s3pe, will be an update on first page? If not, what other mod for "register" we need to use? I am sure there will be an update, when KT has time. I don't know if there is any currently updated register mod at the moment. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 June 21, 06:55:43 Sorry if I don't understand. For those who don't know use s3pe, will be an update on first page? If not, what other mod for "register" we need to use? I am sure there will be an update, when KT has time. I don't know if there is any currently updated register mod at the moment. If we talk about Twallan Register mod, no, there isn't an update for the moment. By the way, decraped lot "Skylight Studio for the Performing Arts" (from downloads thread) with new premium content "Ballet bars" and new rug for dance, works fine with patch 1.50... The premium contents show correctly and all interaction works perfect.... tested in game for hours... but your sim need to spend a lot of time to learn ballet. The gain skill is like to violin... I didn't patched yet to 1.55. I talk to much?... Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: Skadi on 2013 June 21, 07:05:50 I talk to much?... No, because you just answered the question I was thinking all day. Thanks for being the lot guinea pig. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: Capitaine Marie on 2013 June 21, 07:06:16 Does anyone else have a borked outfit with the Skylight Studio? In my game, the thumbnail for the teen outfit is blank; and when wearing the outfit, she's just a head and feet. :o
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 21, 09:18:34 Sorry if I don't understand. For those who don't know use s3pe, will be an update on first page? If not, what other mod for "register" we need to use? I am sure there will be an update, when KT has time. I don't know if there is any currently updated register mod at the moment. If we talk about Twallan Register mod, no, there isn't an update for the moment. Edit: fixed links. By the way, decraped lot "Skylight Studio for the Performing Arts" (from downloads thread) with new premium content "Ballet bars" and new rug for dance, works fine with patch 1.50... The premium contents show correctly and all interaction works perfect.... tested in game for hours... but your sim need to spend a lot of time to learn ballet. The gain skill is like to violin... I didn't patched yet to 1.55. I talk to much?... Actually, the dance floor does require a couple fixes, because sims cannot dance with a partner without these fixes (if you decrap). TeenAerobicsSuit (http://www.mediafire.com/download/qccraxsdle7h5j4/TeenAerobicsSuit.zip) - This is a package file version of the teen aerobics suit. The thumbnail is messed up but your teen will be able to wear the suit. You will have two versions of it, use the one with the folder icon. I will remove these when KT has updated his fixes. Edit: Dance floor fixes removed Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 June 21, 10:02:55 The link for DanceFloorFixes send you to home page, not to download...
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 21, 10:29:48 The link for DanceFloorFixes send you to home page, not to download... Fixed now. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.31.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 June 25, 15:46:02 If no other line changes are required confronted by the 1.50 version I think I update myself Register and JobsandTasks in the KT_StoreFix_Fixes_All and KT_StoreFix_UnAwesome.
I added the Dance_floor_Fixes like a separate package with 900 priority... What can happen if I'm wrong? Premium content will not work, right? Or the game crash? It remain rather than trying to test.Wish me luck. It's temporary, until KT will have time to update his mods. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 June 25, 17:46:27 Updated everything. Moved around and changed some things so pay attention. I removed the unAwesome mod and replaced it with the KT_XML mod. Now that is the only piece that needs updating come new patch time. The working pet register was moved to decrap fixes since that's technically what it is. Game isn't reliably loading so I don't have the patience to fix the teen workout outfit right now; since I couldn't find the problem in the package itself I'll have to add bits that I think is causing it one at a time and load the game.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Ambular on 2013 June 25, 17:59:11 Updated everything. Moved around and changed some things so pay attention. I removed the unAwesome mod and replaced it with the KT_XML mod. Now that is the only piece that needs updating come new patch time. The working pet register was moved to decrap fixes since that's technically what it is. Game isn't reliably loading so I don't have the patience to fix the teen workout outfit right now; since I couldn't find the problem in the package itself I'll have to add bits that I think is causing it one at a time and load the game. Just to clarify, as it's no longer specified in the first post: is KT_XMLs still only needed if you *don't* use AwesomeMod? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 June 25, 18:33:28 Updated everything. Moved around and changed some things so pay attention. I removed the unAwesome mod and replaced it with the KT_XML mod. Now that is the only piece that needs updating come new patch time. The working pet register was moved to decrap fixes since that's technically what it is. Game isn't reliably loading so I don't have the patience to fix the teen workout outfit right now; since I couldn't find the problem in the package itself I'll have to add bits that I think is causing it one at a time and load the game. Just to clarify, as it's no longer specified in the first post: is KT_XMLs still only needed if you *don't* use AwesomeMod? Yes and no, the career bundle is fixed by AM, the register isn't. Either way you should be able to use it with AM, I'll test when a test version is out. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: JustASimmer on 2013 June 25, 18:59:35 Just want to clarify:
I remove the unawesome package from my folder and replace it with the XML one. Since you can't fix the outfit right now, I use the fix provided by notouching? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: virgali on 2013 June 25, 21:09:38 My pet register isn't decrapped. Will your fix affect it's functionality in my game?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 June 26, 05:35:41 My pet register isn't decrapped. Will your fix affect it's functionality in my game? No. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 26, 06:15:07 Just want to clarify: I remove the unawesome package from my folder and replace it with the XML one. Since you can't fix the outfit right now, I use the fix provided by notouching? It's not a "fix" really. It's just a package version of the outfit that isn't decrapped. Something about decrapping breaks the outfit. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: sethsoul on 2013 June 26, 12:08:05 It seems that the unawesome fix need an update. With Island Paradise, the lifeguard carreer have some problem like in University. They're no missions for the lifeguard. The lifeguard chair as only got the basic sitting option. :-\
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: RogueSkinner on 2013 June 26, 17:14:27 once I updated these my game wouldn't even start. Had to completely remove them after forcing the game to create a new sims 3 download file. these are the only updates I've made since playing last. Anyone have the LAST version of these so I can at least use everything up to the dance studio til this gets fixed? I hadn't saved them before replacing. =/ learned my lesson the hard way
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 June 26, 17:49:09 once I updated these my game wouldn't even start. Had to completely remove them after forcing the game to create a new sims 3 download file. these are the only updates I've made since playing last. Anyone have the LAST version of these so I can at least use everything up to the dance studio til this gets fixed? I hadn't saved them before replacing. =/ learned my lesson the hard way You are talking about the KT mods for 1.50? If yes, I have this mods.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: RogueSkinner on 2013 June 26, 19:32:31 yes. the ones prior to this latest update. =) it's the newest one that's borked for me it seems
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 June 26, 20:38:46 Make sure you're not using unAwesome anymore, if you're trying to use that and the xml one you'll get borkedness. Share past versions all you like; just don't share it here, there's enough idiocracy as there is.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: RogueSkinner on 2013 June 27, 15:23:21 yeah I'm not using the unawesome one or the xml ones. not sure what happened
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 June 28, 22:04:46 Before anyone jumps all over me about this I did test it. But the fixes conflict with the food and drink stand. I had to take all my mods out to determine which one was causing the problem and the fixes are the one that cause it to not have a food menu show up. If anyone can get it not to do that I will add them back in.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 June 29, 03:22:52 Before anyone jumps all over me about this I did test it. But the fixes conflict with the food and drink stand. I had to take all my mods out to determine which one was causing the problem and the fixes are the one that cause it to not have a food menu show up. If anyone can get it not to do that I will add them back in. What food and drink stand? Are those new objects? Store? Game? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 29, 11:05:46 Before anyone jumps all over me about this I did test it. But the fixes conflict with the food and drink stand. I had to take all my mods out to determine which one was causing the problem and the fixes are the one that cause it to not have a food menu show up. If anyone can get it not to do that I will add them back in. Did you re-download KT_StoreFix_Fixes? Because that is the package that used to have the Register XML in it. Re-download the package and your food will show up. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 June 29, 16:41:15 Before anyone jumps all over me about this I did test it. But the fixes conflict with the food and drink stand. I had to take all my mods out to determine which one was causing the problem and the fixes are the one that cause it to not have a food menu show up. If anyone can get it not to do that I will add them back in. What food and drink stand? Are those new objects? Store? Game? Before anyone jumps all over me about this I did test it. But the fixes conflict with the food and drink stand. I had to take all my mods out to determine which one was causing the problem and the fixes are the one that cause it to not have a food menu show up. If anyone can get it not to do that I will add them back in. Did you re-download KT_StoreFix_Fixes? Because that is the package that used to have the Register XML in it. Re-download the package and your food will show up. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 June 29, 17:09:47 Well the food and drink stands work fine for me and have food/drinks in them. Make sure you do not have an old copy of a fix somewhere in your folder, or that you don't have some other outdated mod that alters the Register XML. Don't forget to delete the scriptcache.package when you add/remove a mod.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 June 29, 20:05:51 Well the food and drink stands work fine for me and have food/drinks in them. Make sure you do not have an old copy of a fix somewhere in your folder, or that you don't have some other outdated mod that alters the Register XML. Don't forget to delete the scriptcache.package when you add/remove a mod. What register are you referring to? I delete all the caches when I take out mods. But at this point it doesn't matter I think my stuff works without the fixes. I haven't tested it all out but the things I had trouble with and needed the fixes for work without it. But if I could get the fixes to work I would use them not all my stuff is from the store.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: justapple on 2013 June 30, 15:40:34 i put "KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes", "KT_StoreFix_Fixes_All" e "KT_StoreFix_UnAwesome" in packages folder, and ccmerged in Dcbackup.
But i dont see itens ._. obs: i install set complete and after uninstall the lot and itens i dont like ._. What i can do? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 June 30, 21:27:49 i put "KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes", "KT_StoreFix_Fixes_All" e "KT_StoreFix_UnAwesome" in packages folder, and ccmerged in Dcbackup. But i dont see itens ._. obs: i install set complete and after uninstall the lot and itens i dont like ._. What i can do? I'll give you one ESL benefit of the doubt. I don't know what you are asking, if you can try to clarify what it is you mean I can try to help. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: justapple on 2013 June 30, 22:14:24 I install itens, this appears on launcher. but when i'll play dont appears in game ._. just the premiun content of chickens appears.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 June 30, 23:01:23 I install itens, this appears on launcher. but when i'll play dont appears in game ._. just the premiun content of chickens appears. You have to use this first, then install them. http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15129.0.html Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: justapple on 2013 June 30, 23:06:32 OMG, i'm really confuse, how i use it ???
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 June 30, 23:26:58 OMG, i'm really confuse, how i use it ??? Make a folder and put your sims3packs into it. Download the first link and put those two files into the same folder with your sims3packs. Select the sims3packs and drag them over the decrapify.exe. That's it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 July 01, 21:20:45 AIDE, I AM DISAPPOINT.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: coolkips on 2013 July 09, 16:49:35 This guy (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=74144) is hijacking your Fix and renamed it into:
http://www.simstg.com/2012/05/store-fixes-05052012.html (http://www.simstg.com/2012/05/store-fixes-05052012.html) Kindly recheck it. Coz I've already compare, it have the same HASH. Here are they:
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 July 09, 17:44:42 This guy (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=74144) is hijacking your Fix and renamed it into:
http://www.simstg.com/2012/05/store-fixes-05052012.html (http://www.simstg.com/2012/05/store-fixes-05052012.html) Kindly recheck it. Coz I've already compare, it have the same HASH. Here are they:
Yea, I know. I've harassed him a bit just to fuck with him, but what evs. This is what happens when you put stuff on the internet. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: iHateyou on 2013 July 12, 19:10:57 Before anyone jumps all over me about this I did test it. But the fixes conflict with the food and drink stand. I had to take all my mods out to determine which one was causing the problem and the fixes are the one that cause it to not have a food menu show up. If anyone can get it not to do that I will add them back in. I think I have this same issue. The IP food stands and also the seasonal fair food stalls don't work for me. My sim will chat with the food stand worker and then just drops the action without the food menu popping up. I observed this with only Overwatch and the store fixes installed. It's a minor issue for me so I haven't tried anything to fix it besides deleting cache files. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: SendMeLies on 2013 July 12, 21:31:07 I can confirm it doesn't work with fix installed: the seasonal food stall and the tropical food/drink stands have clerks, but if you try to get food the action drops.
The only places that sell the new food from IP properly are the food registers from WA. Without the fix installed the new food is available as snacks at the refrigerator. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 July 12, 23:34:32 I can confirm it doesn't work with fix installed: the seasonal food stall and the tropical food/drink stands have clerks, but if you try to get food the action drops. The only places that sell the new food from IP properly are the food registers from WA. Without the fix installed the new food is available as snacks at the refrigerator. I might be able to take a look into this tonight. EDIT: Are you knuckle heads sure you don't have any obsolete mods of mine in there? I've double checked all the XMLs and it's not those. Nothing else in there would cause this. I haven't booted up my game yet to check my food stalls so we'll soon find out. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: iHateyou on 2013 July 12, 23:58:57 I'm only absolutely sure that I AM a knucklehead. I'll just strip out all your fixes, download new ones and give it a try, k?
Ok yeah, after doing that, it works. I did update all the fixes after the patch, but I bet I missed a file. Tight pants, I guess. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 July 13, 00:39:18 I'm only absolutely sure that I AM a knucklehead. I'll just strip out all your fixes, download new ones and give it a try, k? Ok yeah, after doing that, it works. I did update all the fixes after the patch, but I bet I missed a file. Tight pants, I guess. That's good, I can't even find these food carts you speak of anyways. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: iHateyou on 2013 July 13, 00:42:54 They are in buymode under the resort tab. I guess if you're not on an owned resort you'd have to debug to find them.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Cheese Fiend on 2013 July 13, 21:51:51 Yeh the new food stalls in resorts work fine for me. Haven't come across any problems with the updated fixes
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 July 18, 20:01:35 Fixes for the Business as Usual Bistro. These fixes will be removed when KT has updated his fix.
Don't forget to update your ccmerged. Edit: Links removed because KT has updated his fixes. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: dianapgonzo on 2013 July 19, 14:20:09 Before anyone jumps all over me about this I did test it. But the fixes conflict with the food and drink stand. I had to take all my mods out to determine which one was causing the problem and the fixes are the one that cause it to not have a food menu show up. If anyone can get it not to do that I will add them back in. I think I have this same issue. The IP food stands and also the seasonal fair food stalls don't work for me. My sim will chat with the food stand worker and then just drops the action without the food menu popping up. I observed this with only Overwatch and the store fixes installed. It's a minor issue for me so I haven't tried anything to fix it besides deleting cache files. hey I downloaded the "shop from inventory" mod from MTS and it fixed this issue for me http://modthesims.info/d/409607 Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 July 19, 14:24:08 Before anyone jumps all over me about this I did test it. But the fixes conflict with the food and drink stand. I had to take all my mods out to determine which one was causing the problem and the fixes are the one that cause it to not have a food menu show up. If anyone can get it not to do that I will add them back in. I think I have this same issue. The IP food stands and also the seasonal fair food stalls don't work for me. My sim will chat with the food stand worker and then just drops the action without the food menu popping up. I observed this with only Overwatch and the store fixes installed. It's a minor issue for me so I haven't tried anything to fix it besides deleting cache files. hey I downloaded the "shop from inventory" mod from MTS and it fixed this issue for me http://modthesims.info/d/409607 This isn't even an issue, it's user error. Search moar and learn how to use punctuation and the shift key. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 July 19, 16:39:01 It was the register causing the problem. But I can use all my store items without the fixes now.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 July 19, 16:43:45 It was the register causing the problem. But I can use all my store items without the fixes now. I have the last register and the fix but I didn;t encountered this error... Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 July 19, 17:05:25 It was the register causing the problem. But I can use all my store items without the fixes now. I have the last register and the fix but I didn't encountered this error... Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 July 19, 17:41:44 I don't understand how many times I have to explain that this was not about NRaas Register mod. It was about the XML file in the GameplayData that is called Register. TWO COMPLETELY SEPARATE THINGS. An older version of KT_StoreFix_Fixes altered this XML, causing compatibility issues when major patches were released. There are other mods out there (NOT NRaas Register) that also alter the Register XML, and they will also cause this problem.
If your IP food stands are empty you have AN OUTDATED TUNING MOD OR your KT_StoreFix_Fixes is outdated. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 July 19, 17:47:14 I didn't talk about XML register... I was talking about Nrass mod...
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 July 19, 19:37:39 Did you even read what I wrote? I just explained (for the third time) that the food stands problem is not related at all to NRaas Register.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 July 20, 20:17:30 Wasn't there a pet register in one of the fixes? Thats the one that caused the problem.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 July 20, 21:05:26 Wasn't there a pet register in one of the fixes? Thats the one that caused the problem. No. The pet register fix did not cause the problem. The "Pet store now sells limited edition content" feature of KT_StoreFix_Fixes was the problem because it ALTERED THE REGISTER XML. The pet register is separate from the Register XML. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Juan Sfalcin on 2013 July 25, 19:42:55 Can we expect an fix for the Business as Usual set? I get a giant white cube in my game when they do the animations. lol
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 July 25, 19:46:46 Can we expect an fix for the Business as Usual set? I get a giant white cube in my game when they do the animations. lol You can expect one, yes. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Seacret on 2013 July 25, 20:07:51 Can we expect an fix for the Business as Usual set? I get a giant white cube in my game when they do the animations. lol You can expect one, yes. You need to be fucking patient since the damn thing just came out and KT has more going on in his life than these fixes. RL comes first, get over it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Juan Sfalcin on 2013 July 27, 20:37:28 Can we expect an fix for the Business as Usual set? I get a giant white cube in my game when they do the animations. lol You can expect one, yes. You need to be fucking patient since the damn thing just came out and KT has more going on in his life than these fixes. RL comes first, get over it. Definitely. I wasn't demanding anything dude, calm your horses. He can upload it whenever he wants, I was simply asking. Thanks for answering anyways, KT. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 July 27, 21:38:59 You could also just read a few posts up and find the temp fix. Hard work, I know.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Juan Sfalcin on 2013 July 27, 22:30:08 You could also just read a few posts up and find the temp fix. Hard work, I know. I will overcome my laziness and try that. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Iforgotthis on 2013 July 29, 14:40:50 Is anybody else having problems with the Fit as a fiddle violin? I got an arr'd copy from a website that said it decrapped everything. I have all four store fixes in the right places, but every time I play the violin my sim still doesn't move up skill. I don't have awesome mod but I do have Mastercontroller (with cheats module) and debugenabler. Will these interfere? Thanks.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: dominno on 2013 July 29, 17:24:37 Is anybody else having problems with the Fit as a fiddle violin? I got an arr'd copy from a website that said it decrapped everything. I have all four store fixes in the right places, but every time I play the violin my sim still doesn't move up skill. I don't have awesome mod but I do have Mastercontroller (with cheats module) and debugenabler. Will these interfere? Thanks. I was having this problem last night. I don't use AM either and all my store content is arr'd. I went and updated my NRaas mods, not sure if that had anything to do with things but I'm lazy and I rather be safe. The skill bar doesn't show up until the Sim has gained at least one skill on the violin. No idea what's up with that but I just had him play all night until he got that first skill point, then just upped him to level 10 using MC to save myself some grief. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 July 29, 18:18:42 No skill bar for the violin is a known issue, AFAIK everyone has this.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 July 29, 18:44:42 No skill bar while playing the violin is normal. Not gaining any skill at all (i.e. skill bar does not flash at the end of the interaction) means the ccmerged.package is incomplete or otherwise blocked (for example, if you've installed an outdated store skill mod, or you have installed store items via packages and the packages are overriding priority of the ccmerged).
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Iforgotthis on 2013 July 30, 11:29:38 No skill bar while playing the violin is normal. Not gaining any skill at all (i.e. skill bar does not flash at the end of the interaction) means the ccmerged.package is incomplete or otherwise blocked (for example, if you've installed an outdated store skill mod, or you have installed store items via packages and the packages are overriding priority of the ccmerged). That could be it. How do I undo that (If you know)? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Madame Mim on 2013 July 30, 11:36:13 No skill bar while playing the violin is normal. Not gaining any skill at all (i.e. skill bar does not flash at the end of the interaction) means the ccmerged.package is incomplete or otherwise blocked (for example, if you've installed an outdated store skill mod, or you have installed store items via packages and the packages are overriding priority of the ccmerged). That could be it. How do I undo that (If you know)? Depends on which one you did. When you figure out what you did the answer should be self evident. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Iforgotthis on 2013 July 30, 11:54:13 No skill bar while playing the violin is normal. Not gaining any skill at all (i.e. skill bar does not flash at the end of the interaction) means the ccmerged.package is incomplete or otherwise blocked (for example, if you've installed an outdated store skill mod, or you have installed store items via packages and the packages are overriding priority of the ccmerged). That could be it. How do I undo that (If you know)? Depends on which one you did. When you figure out what you did the answer should be self evident. Well the ccmerged is from here so it can't be that... so it must be the packages overriding the priority of the ccmerged. But how do I undo that? (I'm really sorry for asking so many questions, I've never been a real computer whiz so I find it difficult to do somethong without somebody telling me) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 July 30, 12:31:52 Put a copy of the ccmerged in the Overrides folder (http://www.den.simlogical.com/denforum/index.php/topic,1513.0.html). You must remember to update this ccmerged every time you get new premium content or the new content won'r work right.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Iforgotthis on 2013 July 30, 13:19:51 Put a copy of the ccmerged in the Overrides folder (http://www.den.simlogical.com/denforum/index.php/topic,1513.0.html). You must remember to update this ccmerged every time you get new premium content or the new content won'r work right. Aaah! Thank you so much! It works great now, just like it should! :) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 July 31, 08:19:02 In all reality, I deserve a sporking for helping you. This is a frequent problem.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 July 31, 15:22:57 In all reality, I deserve a sporking for helping you. This is a frequent problem. Not true. Let me argue. It's more human than to help someone. Unlike the others, you're human and courteous.... (and I will be the blame now) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 July 31, 15:33:42 In all reality, I deserve a sporking for helping you. This is a frequent problem. We all have our weak moments now and then. ;) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Starler on 2013 July 31, 15:38:31 Not true. Let me argue. It's more human than to help someone. Unlike the others, you're human and courteous.... (and I will be the blame now) You're right, of course. Notouching's failings are directly related to its humanity. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 July 31, 16:08:22 Not true. Let me argue. It's more human than to help someone. Unlike the others, you're human and courteous.... (and I will be the blame now) You're right, of course. Notouching's failings are directly related to its humanity. Failings?... I don't understand... Anyway, here is not the place for a debate about the existing and non-existing humanitarianism on this site. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 July 31, 16:12:38 In all reality, I deserve a sporking for helping you. This is a frequent problem. Not true. Let me argue. It's more human than to help someone. Unlike the others, you're human and courteous.... (and I will be the blame now) I hope you choke on your burgeoning emotion. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 July 31, 16:31:14 I hope you choke on your burgeoning emotion. The words are the soul image.... Have you soul? I don't think so. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Starler on 2013 July 31, 16:45:15 The words are the soul image.... Have you soul? I don't think so. Wait, when did this thread become about music? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 July 31, 17:04:04 The words are the soul image.... Have you soul? I don't think so. Wait, when did this thread become about music? soul= spirit, personality, not only music style Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 July 31, 17:59:48 Jezzer most definitely has a soul. I think it looks like grumpy cat.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 July 31, 18:38:45 Jezzer most definitely has a soul. I think it looks like grumpy cat. I don't like Friskies product... even their grumpy cat... For me, subject is closed... Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Starler on 2013 July 31, 18:42:21 For me, subject is closed... Then why did you use an ellipsis? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: RebelRed on 2013 July 31, 19:00:58 This is not fluffy, happy, sunshine sims. Stop with the pleasantries. MOAR FIGHT!
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 August 01, 15:29:22 The words are the soul image.... Have you soul? I don't think so. THEN WHO WAS PHONE? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Frank on 2013 August 02, 02:02:03 The words are the soul image.... Have you soul? I don't think so. THEN WHO WAS PHONE? No....WHO is on FIRST..... Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 August 02, 10:01:01 @notouching, can you help us with a new temporary fix for the new premium content?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 August 02, 12:02:08 Temp fix for the surfing board: SurfsUp_Fixes
Also, minor update to the business as usual bistro fixes, so the menu doesn't show up twice in buy mode: Fixes for the Business as Usual Bistro I am unable to do extensive testing on this because I am very sick, so does anyone know what's supposed to happen when a seal attacks? The store says "Proudly display your broken board so you will always remember the time when your Sim was Almost a Meal." But when my sim finally got attacked, she didn't get a broken board in her inventory or anything. I went through the packages several times looking for perhaps an accessory that needs fixing for decrapped packs, but I couldn't find anything. So maybe it's just working as intended. Edit: Links removed because KT has updated his fixes. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 August 02, 14:21:10 The surf it works, but I didn't see any shark, in my game is a seal or sea lion....
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: virgali on 2013 August 02, 14:40:08 The surf it works, but I didn't see any shark, in my game is a seal or sea lion.... It is supposed to be a sea lion. The object doesn't have a shark. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 August 02, 14:46:05 The surf it works, but I didn't see any shark, in my game is a seal or sea lion.... It is supposed to be a sea lion. The object doesn't have a shark. A sea lion attack? I must play more to see that. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Menaceman on 2013 August 02, 19:57:03 From what I understand your Sim will only get a damaged board to display if you have them buy a custom board from buy mode to use INSTEAD of the default plain wooden one. That board can then be displayed and will show three large bite shaped chunks missing. There are pictures and info over at SimsVIP.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Viper on 2013 August 03, 15:43:54 From what I understand your Sim will only get a damaged board to display if you have them buy a custom board from buy mode to use INSTEAD of the default plain wooden one. That board can then be displayed and will show three large bite shaped chunks missing. There are pictures and info over at SimsVIP. What default one? If I don't buy the Sim a surfboard from the buy mode they can't use the machine. The Sim gets reset either by NAARS or the game with an error report. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 August 03, 16:01:41 The surf station works fine, but I can't see all the clothes that came in set, for example, the new swimming costume for males.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 August 03, 22:13:48 I noticed the male swimming trunks were in outfits instead of bottoms. At first I thought possibly they didn't put it for young adults, but, then when I went to the outfits to see if the male wetsuit was there, I saw the male swimming trunks.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Oloriell on 2013 August 06, 19:11:06 Good evening to all.
Sorry for a question, if it's inadequate, but I really don't know, what to do. Also, if this is an inappropriate topic, please, don't be angry and point me to the necessary one ) I've been using these fixes for a long time - and never had any problems with my Store, but now I've downloaded "Business As Usual Bistro", downloaded temporary fix from this topic - and it came with a problem. The stove presents, no white cubes - but if the guest orders some food, a cook can either change clothes to normal and go home (then returns), or do some other animation (for example, lady-cook began to give birth). In some situations a cook comes to the guest, writes an order - and then also changes clothes and leaves until the order isn't cancelled, then changes clothes again and returns to the stove. This happens not with all the food, but with some of it, every time different. I download Store from the torrent site, now it is in packages (only worlds are in DCCache). My patch version is 1.55, so I have KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes, KT_StoreFix_Fixes_All, KT_XMLs, CCMerged, IndustrialKitchenFixes and mods from Optional_Stuff in Overrides package and CCMerged dublicated in DCBackup. All other Store objects work fine. Could you please suggest, what it could may be and how to solve this? Thanks in advance and sorry for my English, if something is wrong :) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 August 06, 19:32:00 A have the same situation and I'm not the only one, but I don't mind. One comes, one goes...
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: polinasid on 2013 August 09, 18:28:14 can you make a fix for business as usual bistro?
link to free download: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxEVgD_s3dM5ZlJLM2pzNTlEREE/edit Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: Madame Mim on 2013 August 09, 21:52:40 can you make a fix for business as usual bistro? link to free download: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxEVgD_s3dM5ZlJLM2pzNTlEREE/edit If you're so desperate go and make it yourself. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: coolkips on 2013 August 10, 23:59:58 can you make a fix for business as usual bistro? link to free download: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxEVgD_s3dM5ZlJLM2pzNTlEREE/edit If you're so desperate go and make it yourself. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 06.25.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 August 11, 12:26:22 can you make a fix for business as usual bistro? link to free download: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxEVgD_s3dM5ZlJLM2pzNTlEREE/edit If you're so desperate go and make it yourself. Seriously, go give your toaster a bath. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 August 13, 07:26:22 Phew! Finally got around to updating. Big thank you to notouching for helping; I basically just merged his fixes with mine. I haven't had much time lately for anything because I just moved in with the BF, so things are still a bit disorganized over here. Hopefully soon I'll get a chance to look the new items over in game.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 August 19, 08:23:11 Thanks for the update, KT. I went back and removed the links for the temp fixes because they are no longer necessary.
About the Surf board, it does work fine, with the exception of the damaged board when the sim gets attacked by a seal (I did buy a custom board and not the default one). I haven't had the time to do a thorough investigation of what causes the issue. The damaged boards appear for people with legit copies, so there is something about decrapping that causes the problem. Is there anyone who installed this set as non-decrapped packages? If so, do you get a damaged board when a seal attacks? Personally, I'm not overly fussed about the damaged board. The sim can surf and gain skill etc. just fine and the damaged board just takes up space. It does sort of bother me that I couldn't figure it out, though. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 August 19, 18:26:41 Thanks for the update, KT. I went back and removed the links for the temp fixes because they are no longer necessary. About the Surf board, it does work fine, with the exception of the damaged board when the sim gets attacked by a seal (I did buy a custom board and not the default one). I haven't had the time to do a thorough investigation of what causes the issue. The damaged boards appear for people with legit copies, so there is something about decrapping that causes the problem. Is there anyone who installed this set as non-decrapped packages? If so, do you get a damaged board when a seal attacks? Personally, I'm not overly fussed about the damaged board. The sim can surf and gain skill etc. just fine and the damaged board just takes up space. It does sort of bother me that I couldn't figure it out, though. I'll take a look when I can, been in the mood for Simming lately. I don't think there is a problem. I believe the reason you don't get back a broken board when you just use the station out right is because you don't have a board to get back. But when you have a board and you get attacked you get it back because it's yours. Where did you hear that non arr'd versions act differently? The BBC? Can anyone here confirm or deny that? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 August 20, 06:28:54 I bought a custom board from the buy catalog and then used the surfing station. Then my sim got attacked but the board didn't change. This happened several times. Is there something I'm missing?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 August 20, 11:48:17 If you don't chose the buyed board, you can't see the damage... If you clik on the board from inventory, and the attack is happens, you can't use again that board. I f you don't chose the board from inventory (buyed board) sims use the default board and the damage can't be seen.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 August 20, 17:59:25 Are you dragging the board to your sim's inventory? If you do that then the board changes.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 August 20, 18:07:46 Ok, wow. I got it. Thanks for the help. I didn't realize the board needed to be in the sim's inventory when you use the surfing area for it to get damaged. I'm just going to chalk that up to being really sick when this thing got released.
So that's good, everything works fine. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: michelou on 2013 August 24, 13:55:37 Hey, KT, just a heads up, Microsoft Smart Save Filter, on IE is blocking your stuff. It has identified all of your stuff except the store patch as malware. I was able to download with firefox no problem, but I just thought I'd let you know.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: Phthon on 2013 August 24, 16:50:51 Hey, KT, just a heads up, Microsoft Smart Save Filter, on IE is blocking your stuff. It has identified all of your stuff except the store patch as malware. I was able to download with firefox no problem, but I just thought I'd let you know. It isn't KT's stuff that is sending the alert. KT uploads to MediaFire and there are ads. It is the ads that are causing that malware alert. It happens to me all the time. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: michelou on 2013 August 24, 17:04:54 Well, it only came up as blocked once I hit the download (actually, it only comes up once I hit save in the bottom download bar) and I download stuff from Mediafire all the time with no problems, had in fact just downloaded something (CC clothing, to be precise) just before trying to download KT's stuff. I was also able to download a CC house from Mediafire after the alerts from KT's stuff, using IE.
Which is why I was thinking that it's KT's stuff that's specifically flagged. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 August 25, 12:55:30 Hey, KT, just a heads up, Microsoft Smart Save Filter, on IE is blocking your stuff. It has identified all of your stuff except the store patch as malware. I was able to download with firefox no problem, but I just thought I'd let you know. I have identified your problem. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 September 06, 05:10:09 I saw that there appeared a new patch and a new premium content. As EA says the new premium content does not work without the new patch.
It would be the penultimate effort. seeing that the Sims3 in the future will be the last sims3 EP Series of sims3. Thanks in advance to KT and everyone else who has helped simple players like me . Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: Andistyr on 2013 September 06, 05:19:48 I installed the new set fine without patching and it works (just to clarify the set works because I bought it). I'm waiting till I get the new stuff pack delivered before I patch. I'm sure the cow won't work for people who didn't buy it without a fix. I was going to upload the set, but, I had saw that someone else already did.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 September 07, 11:30:53 Temporary Farm Fresh Fix: Download (http://www.mediafire.com/download/a7zzt34d4yjwcm0/FarmFreshFix.zip)
This fix will be removed when KT has had time to update his fixes. This fix required a little extra effort than previous fixes. First, I had to change the TGI Blocks in the OBJK so it referenced the correct VPXY. This wasn't necessary for most of the previous fixes. Second, I was bothered by the blank icons in the interaction queue. The icons went blank due to the fix, and even after I changed the TGI blocks in the non-decrapped OBJD, I couldn't get them to show up properly. In the end, the only thing that worked was including the non-decrapped icons in the fix. What this means is the fix is larger than normal (25kb). Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: floopyboo on 2013 September 09, 04:04:50 The moos work just fine without the patch. Don't know about anything else.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: INateYou on 2013 September 12, 20:43:43 Not sure about other premium items, but after patching I know for certain the cows and chickens items don't work. The interactive cow and evil chicken no longer show up and if a sim tries to interact with the object they freeze and the action can't be canceled.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 September 13, 06:15:00 Sounds like a problem with your installation, because everything works fine for me with 1.57. The interactive cow won't show up without the temp fix. If Charles the Evil Chicken isn't showing up, then you might have a problem with your with installation. Try re-installing the coop (don't uninstall first) and see if that helps. If that doesn't help, re-name your Sims 3 folder, install the sets, add the fixes and test the objects in game.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: polinasid on 2013 September 14, 15:25:30 can u please do a fix for Milkin' It Dairy Corral from farm folk set?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 September 14, 16:28:04 can u please do a fix for Milkin' It Dairy Corral from farm folk set? Or you could, I don't know, read the thread. I'll give you a hint. Just read this page. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 September 15, 12:22:38 can u please do a fix for Milkin' It Dairy Corral from farm folk set? Jesus Christ on a cracker. I hope your cow falls on you. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: virgali on 2013 September 15, 15:43:57 can u please do a fix for Milkin' It Dairy Corral from farm folk set? Jesus Christ on a cracker. I hope your cow falls on you. That's one sexy clown avatar you got there. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: HomeschooledByTards on 2013 September 15, 15:53:35 can u please do a fix for Milkin' It Dairy Corral from farm folk set? Jesus Christ on a cracker. I hope your cow falls on you. That's one sexy clown avatar you got there. Jezzer is known for his sexy avatars. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 September 16, 12:36:25 can u please do a fix for Milkin' It Dairy Corral from farm folk set? Jesus Christ on a cracker. I hope your cow falls on you. That's one sexy clown avatar you got there. *waits for Bugger to log in* Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: stacay on 2013 September 17, 11:35:18 Ive put that farm fresh fix in my game but still my sim gets stuck when i ask them to interact with it, what can i do to make it work
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 September 17, 21:24:55 Just popping in to say that I will be updating soon. I've caught up on some BBS threads about other store problems. I'm posting a list here, some of which we've seen before and some new. Let me know what you agree with or what you don't. As always feel free to add anything else that you feel need fixing.
Quote 1. Muntin Window * FIXED * 2. Fences, stairs and gates from "Ultra Lounge" set * FIXED * 5. Bed Barthelme * REQUIRES A FIX * 7. Vintage Rotary Phone * FIXED * 15. Gothique Window * Fixed * 16. Modernism Window * Fixed * 17. Nega Door Archway * Fixed * 18. Not So Private Study Door * Fixed * 19. Flute Forward * FIXED * 20. Arch-way to Paradise * REQUIRES A FIX * 24. Little Lullaby Crib * REQUIRES A FIX * 25. Muse Painting * REQUIRES A FIX * 5. Bed Barthelme * REQUIRES A FIX * - The "problem with this one is that the feet aren't recolorable. There aren't any channels left to use so we're SOL. 20. Arch-way to Paradise * REQUIRES A FIX * - The interior of the arch isn't recolorable, this I will fix. 21. Retro Model T Dining Chair * REQUIRES A FIX * - Apparently not usable with tables? Works for me. Can anyone here state otherwise? 23. Flute Forward Vintage * REQUIRES A FIX * - Apparently the third color channel takes up the whole dress. Works for me, PEBCAK? 24. Little Lullaby Crib * REQUIRES A FIX * - The interior of the crib is non-recolorable, will fix. 25. Muse Painting * REQUIRES A FIX * - Frame is non-recolorable, will fix. 26. Animals Abound * REQUIRES AN UPDATE * - Someone bitching about stencils and shift-ability, deal with it. I singled these out because I haven't seen these before. I would really like feedback about 21 and 22 before I mark off completely as PEBCAK. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: Ambular on 2013 September 18, 02:58:38 Because of reasons, to my annoyance, I'm currently forced to limp along at patch level 1.50. I'm wondering will the current versions of any of these fixes work/break anything if used with that patch (and only store content that doesn't require a later patch, obviously)?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 September 18, 03:06:12 Because of reasons, to my annoyance, I'm currently forced to limp along at patch level 1.50. I'm wondering will the current versions of any of these fixes work/break anything if used with that patch (and only store content that doesn't require a later patch, obviously)? Not that I know of, the only ones that would would be the XMLs. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 September 18, 18:12:28 Ive put that farm fresh fix in my game but still my sim gets stuck when i ask them to interact with it, what can i do to make it work Did you put it in Overrides? If not, put it there. Also, delete the scriptcache.package, and buy a new Corral. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 September 19, 00:58:44 Ok this might be a weird question but the production stuff from origin the preorder for Movie Stuff isn't the light suppose do more then just be a spotlight? I thought it was suppose display the plates the went over it? Like the freezer bunny and other things right now its a big light that does nothing.
ETA: Nevermind I found my own answer. :P Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: virgali on 2013 September 19, 11:58:30 The problem with the Retro Model T Dining chair is that the set that it came in needed a fix for the dresses. For some odd reason they fixed the dresses and borked the chair so to my knowledge those that have the set with the fixed dresses indeed need a fix for it. Since we arrr the crap out of the store you already made a fix that work with either of the sets which is why you don't experience this problem.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 September 19, 13:24:40 Was the complaint about the stencils on Animals Abound about them needing to be unlocked? Because that fix is already out.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 September 19, 15:11:07 Was the complaint about the stencils on Animals Abound about them needing to be unlocked? Because that fix is already out. Yep yep yep. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 September 26, 22:00:06 I am currently working on temp fixes for Midnight Hollow. It was 220 files to go through, so it's a bit time consuming. There are 45 walls/floors to fix alone.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 September 26, 23:37:39 Awesome. I will be going over Midnight Hollow tonight as well; since my Marvel Heroes update didn't go live today like it was supposed to. I will first be going over the cow thing then this. I am also making some CC based on some of the Savvy Shoppers stuff.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: iHateyou on 2013 September 27, 01:26:43 I just wanted to confirm if Simagon Alley needs a fix. I was under the impression you could shop there, but the only interaction I have for it is business tower stuff. Is that how it is supposed to be, or is it broken?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 September 27, 02:30:05 I am pretty sure if someone owned the business you could shop there. Its not owned by anyone. But actually when I looked at it its a business rabbithole. Its the business building.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 08.13.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 September 27, 02:59:37 Yea, it's one big business rabbit hole. No actual shopping.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 September 27, 03:58:54 Updated OP. When notouching has the wall fixes done I will add those, I simply do not have the patience to do something I will never use.
EDIT - The activity table and balloon toy are still messed up. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: iHateyou on 2013 September 27, 05:12:04 Those liars... it says right in the description that there's shopping. Who needs a freaking 64x64 business tower rabbit hole? WTF?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 September 27, 07:30:17 Good news, the walls and floors don't need fixing this time around.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: XsauroxPlayer on 2013 September 27, 09:08:14 there is a missing resource in the new toy machine, with the 'ball with the form of an animal' or something like that: the toy can't be created
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: DeidraDee on 2013 September 27, 16:46:37 I'm getting an error with the toy machine as well. All toys work except for balloon animal and table blocks.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: amorot on 2013 September 27, 17:47:01 I can't create memories after new fixes.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 September 27, 18:13:47 there is a missing resource in the new toy machine, with the 'ball with the form of an animal' or something like that: the toy can't be created I'm getting an error with the toy machine as well. All toys work except for balloon animal and table blocks I'm going to say this as nicely as I can atm, learn how to fucking read. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 September 27, 18:50:35 So weird question if you have a legit copy of this world the toy maker will work right?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: DeidraDee on 2013 September 27, 19:45:42 there is a missing resource in the new toy machine, with the 'ball with the form of an animal' or something like that: the toy can't be created I'm getting an error with the toy machine as well. All toys work except for balloon animal and table blocks I'm going to say this as nicely as I can atm, learn how to fucking read. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: INateYou on 2013 September 27, 21:07:48 there is a missing resource in the new toy machine, with the 'ball with the form of an animal' or something like that: the toy can't be created I'm getting an error with the toy machine as well. All toys work except for balloon animal and table blocks I'm going to say this as nicely as I can atm, learn how to fucking read. Well it does kind of say four posts above your original post about it that "The activity table and balloon toy are still messed up." You obviously don't need to search through all 43 pages for your answer since this stuff just came out yesterday so it's going to be a recent post about it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: HomeschooledByTards on 2013 September 27, 21:21:43 I didn't even have to report it all. Seeing that you seem to know everything, I'll take my help elsewhere. You didn't need to report it, since it was a known issue. Which you would have known too, had you taken a couple minutes to read the last page of the thread. However, since you're a fucking special snowflake, take your ball and go home. Don't let us see you darken our doorstep again. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 September 27, 21:27:20 So weird question if you have a legit copy of this world the toy maker will work right? AFAIK Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: David_Sims on 2013 September 27, 23:30:39 Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into the Fixes, KT. Your work is greatly appreciated! ;D
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 September 27, 23:54:16 I can't create memories after new fixes. I still have to check the xml files for compatibilty, it's a pain in the arse so don't hold your breathe. UPDATE: Everything works now with the Toy machine. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 September 28, 04:35:27 I still have to check the xml files for compatibilty, it's a pain in the arse so don't hold your breathe. UPDATE: Everything works now with the Toy machine. We must redownload the KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes ? (you didn't changed the date on title of thread) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 September 28, 06:34:43 I can't create memories after new fixes. I still have to check the xml files for compatibilty, it's a pain in the arse so don't hold your breathe. UPDATE: Everything works now with the Toy machine. The XMLs are fine for 1.57. The only XML that changed in 1.57 was the Stereo XML. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: caroline on 2013 September 28, 09:49:45 toy machine works without a problem, but I have a problem with the Industrial Oven and Level Up Collection, instead of a notebook and eating are balls and basketballs can´t be seen, which holds the sim, have any ideas for the solution of these problems, I have the latest Fix
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 September 28, 12:34:15 toy machine works without a problem, but I have a problem with the Industrial Oven and Level Up Collection, instead of a notebook and eating are balls and basketballs can´t be seen, which holds the sim, have any ideas for the solution of these problems, I have the latest Fix Jesus. Go back and untoss that salad until it resembles something readable. Also, sentences begin with capital letters and end with a period (or full stop), question mark, or exclamation point. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: daisylee on 2013 September 29, 01:19:11 I cannot place the register from the sellers collection. I keep getting an error that the counter has no slots.
??? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 September 29, 02:38:09 I cannot place the register from the sellers collection. I keep getting an error that the counter has no slots. ??? I don't have this problem, I've been using the register. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Kikisaur on 2013 October 07, 14:33:16 Is anyone else having trouble with the Multitab 6000, Sauna and massage table? For some weeks now my sims haven't been able to listen to tabcasts; when you make them do it, they do all the animations but get no moodlet and obviously their skill doesn't increase either. Same with the sauna and the massage table. I've uninstalled and reinstalled all said objects, redownloaded them to install a fresh copy, tried both .package and sims3pack, redownloaded the ccmerged many times over and deleted the DCBackup folder, let the game regenerate a new one and update the ccmerged (I also tested in between updating the file).
I've searched and searched but all the posts I find are from when the above objects were first released, and mine have worked fine till now. I cannot for the life of me figure out what could be wrong, what have I missed? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 October 07, 14:44:45 Do you have a mix of some store stuff installed through the launcher, and other store stuff installed as packages?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Kikisaur on 2013 October 07, 14:51:39 Hmm, yes I do actually. Today I uninstalled most of my packages and installed them as sims3packs. I've always had a mix of launcher and mods folder stuff because I prefer to install everything as packages, but some things I've had to install through the launcher. The ones I left as packages were mostly non-premium objects and clothes, except for the Seeing Stars (?) set with the hypnotizer, since that is the one pack that refused to install through the launcher no matter what I did. Could that be the issue?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 October 07, 17:15:13 Yes, that could be the issue. The downside to installing premium content as package files is that the moodlets will overwrite each other. Put the ccmerged file in your overrides folder and see if it helps.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Kikisaur on 2013 October 07, 17:18:19 Thanks, notouching! I'll remember to try that next time if I run in to similar issue. I actually managed to fix it this time by installing a fresh version of the Seeing Stars set via the launcher, so now all the premium items are installed that way. Cheers!
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Kav Sud on 2013 October 08, 05:37:16 Is anyone else having trouble with the Multitab 6000, Sauna and massage table? For some weeks now my sims haven't been able to listen to tabcasts; when you make them do it, they do all the animations but get no moodlet and obviously their skill doesn't increase either. Same with the sauna and the massage table. I've uninstalled and reinstalled all said objects, redownloaded them to install a fresh copy, tried both .package and sims3pack, redownloaded the ccmerged many times over and deleted the DCBackup folder, let the game regenerate a new one and update the ccmerged (I also tested in between updating the file). I've searched and searched but all the posts I find are from when the above objects were first released, and mine have worked fine till now. I cannot for the life of me figure out what could be wrong, what have I missed? I once had the exact same problem. For me it worked moving the premium content .package-file causing the messs to the Overrides folder. Good you got it working, just saying for possible future solutions -.^ Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 October 08, 07:18:51 Is anyone else having trouble with the Multitab 6000, Sauna and massage table? For some weeks now my sims haven't been able to listen to tabcasts; when you make them do it, they do all the animations but get no moodlet and obviously their skill doesn't increase either. Same with the sauna and the massage table. I've uninstalled and reinstalled all said objects, redownloaded them to install a fresh copy, tried both .package and sims3pack, redownloaded the ccmerged many times over and deleted the DCBackup folder, let the game regenerate a new one and update the ccmerged (I also tested in between updating the file). I've searched and searched but all the posts I find are from when the above objects were first released, and mine have worked fine till now. I cannot for the life of me figure out what could be wrong, what have I missed? I once had the exact same problem. For me it worked moving the premium content .package-file causing the messs to the Overrides folder. Good you got it working, just saying for possible future solutions -.^ That is the WRONG way to do it as it will result in all other premium content not working properly. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 October 09, 12:54:42 I know this will get moved to the Tarderdome but I need to know - has a fix for the dancing sunflower been done? 'Cos I think I have the latest ccmerged and the damn thing is still making white boxes. You need the KT_StoreFix_Fixes file. If you have this package installed already, re-install the sunflower (without uninstalling first). Sometimes the accessories are not installed properly through the launcher and then even KT_StoreFix_Fixes won't help. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 October 09, 15:01:43 I know this will get moved to the Tarderdome but I need to know - has a fix for the dancing sunflower been done? 'Cos I think I have the latest ccmerged and the damn thing is still making white boxes. You need the KT_StoreFix_Fixes file. If you have this package installed already, re-install the sunflower (without uninstalling first). Sometimes the accessories are not installed properly through the launcher and then even KT_StoreFix_Fixes won't help. Don't enable the fucking Betatard, She can (allegedly) read the thread and figure out how to fix her game like everyone else. And if she can't, even better. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 October 17, 17:57:44 I know this will get moved to the Tarderdome but I need to know - has a fix for the dancing sunflower been done? 'Cos I think I have the latest ccmerged and the damn thing is still making white boxes. You need the KT_StoreFix_Fixes file. If you have this package installed already, re-install the sunflower (without uninstalling first). Sometimes the accessories are not installed properly through the launcher and then even KT_StoreFix_Fixes won't help. Don't enable the fucking Betatard, She can (allegedly) read the thread and figure out how to fix her game like everyone else. And if she can't, even better. Moment of weakness, my apologies. Here's a temp fix for the Door of Life and Death from Grim's Manor: DoorOfLnD_GrimsManor_Fix (http://www.mediafire.com/download/kcz80k1pq0q1s1y/DoorOfLnD_GrimsManor_Fix.zip) Don't forget to update your ccmerged (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/). Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 October 18, 01:44:31 Moment of weakness, my apologies. Does that even work I tried it and my sims keep glitching at the Door of Life And Death so I had to actually buy the lot? I know how to use the fixes I have them in my game before. But premium content never works for me off here for some odd reason.Here's a temp fix for the Door of Life and Death from Grim's Manor: DoorOfLnD_GrimsManor_Fix (http://www.mediafire.com/download/kcz80k1pq0q1s1y/DoorOfLnD_GrimsManor_Fix.zip) Don't forget to update your ccmerged (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/). Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 October 18, 05:46:18 Well, it works great for me. I always put the fixes in the Overrides folder, just to be sure.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 October 21, 18:58:25 It's worth mentioning that KT_XMLs should not be used with 1.63.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Croe on 2013 October 24, 20:58:40 Not sure if this is within the scope of this project but the ITF preorder premium content (Quantum Power Chamber) from this post (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15100.msg602871.html#msg602871) has missing textures and assets when run through decrap. Overall functionality seems to be intact.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 October 24, 22:36:44 Not sure if this is within the scope of this project but the ITF preorder premium content (Quantum Power Chamber) from this post (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15100.msg602871.html#msg602871) has missing textures and assets when run through decrap. Overall functionality seems to be intact. I'll take a look at it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: IAmTheRad on 2013 October 25, 02:24:26 Not sure if this is within the scope of this project but the ITF preorder premium content (Quantum Power Chamber) from this post (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15100.msg602871.html#msg602871) has missing textures and assets when run through decrap. Overall functionality seems to be intact. The object itself will look fine. When putting on the powersuit, then the missing textures and assets will appear. I ran it though s3rc itself, used Delphy's multi installer and threw the package files inside a subfolder for testing. The powersuit then shows up properlyTitle: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: aquasunsets on 2013 October 26, 04:07:57 So if you use decrapped sims3packs without Awesomemod than you should need all four files. If you use Awesomemod than you need three. If you use all legit items than you should only need one, two if you don't use Awesomemod. Just to clarify, the all four files are KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes, KT_StoreFix_Fixes, KT_XMLs, and CCMerged, the three are KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes, KT_StoreFix_Fixes, and CCMerged, the one if you use legit items is KT_StoreFix_Fixes, and the two if legit and no Awesomemod are KT_XMLs and KT_StoreFix_Fixes, correct? So if you have arr'd decrapped content and Awesomemod, would you need KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes (in overrides) , KT_StoreFix_Fixes (decrapped and in overrides), and CCMerged (in DCBackup)? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: virgali on 2013 October 27, 09:51:17 Not sure if this is within the scope of this project but the ITF preorder premium content (Quantum Power Chamber) from this post (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15100.msg602871.html#msg602871) has missing textures and assets when run through decrap. Overall functionality seems to be intact. The object itself will look fine. When putting on the powersuit, then the missing textures and assets will appear. I ran it though s3rc itself, used Delphy's multi installer and threw the package files inside a subfolder for testing. The powersuit then shows up properlyEdit: I tried again with a vanilla game and it worked. How's one supposed to customize the suit though? You can't plan outfit nor change appearance when it's equipped. Update: Well I uninstalled the pack and then reinstalled it but suiting up still doesn't work so my guess is it's a ccmerge issue since it does work in the vanilla game. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 October 27, 15:59:56 There's an updated ccmerged here: http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/
This morning I had time to install the Quantum Power Pack, and and I was able to fix missing accessories to get rid of the white box, but I can't get the sim in the power suit without putting the whole package for the power suit in. I'm not sure what the problem is. I was chatting Inge about whether there is an NGMP type resource for CAS but we don't know of any. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: virgali on 2013 October 27, 19:06:00 There's an updated ccmerged here: http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/ This morning I had time to install the Quantum Power Pack, and and I was able to fix missing accessories to get rid of the white box, but I can't get the sim in the power suit without putting the whole package for the power suit in. I'm not sure what the problem is. I was chatting Inge about whether there is an NGMP type resource for CAS but we don't know of any. Sweet! You're awesome. Usually I can mix my legit stuff (there are a few items I don't decrap) with my decrapped stuff without any problem. For some odd reason though the quantum pack won't work in my regular save and I don't get the moodlets. Everything works perfectly fine in my vanilla game though. I'll just make a package file and throw it in my mods folder then. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 October 27, 22:08:18 If you're using the Spell Book Tweaks mod, that's the problem. It needs an update.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 October 27, 22:31:14 The Quantum Power Pack is suppose to have moodlets?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 October 28, 06:30:25 Yes. Without the moodlet, the sim cannot transform into the power suit because it is the actual moodlet that is coded to make the transformation, not the interaction.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Roobs on 2013 October 28, 12:05:03 Edit: I tried again with a vanilla game and it worked. How's one supposed to customize the suit though? You can't plan outfit nor change appearance when it's equipped. Update: Well I uninstalled the pack and then reinstalled it but suiting up still doesn't work so my guess is it's a ccmerge issue since it does work in the vanilla game. From what I can tell, it looks like the suit isn't an outfit. It's actually an object that goes over the Sim, using similar resources to the CAS clothing for its mesh and textures etc. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 October 28, 13:33:50 Edit: I tried again with a vanilla game and it worked. How's one supposed to customize the suit though? You can't plan outfit nor change appearance when it's equipped. Update: Well I uninstalled the pack and then reinstalled it but suiting up still doesn't work so my guess is it's a ccmerge issue since it does work in the vanilla game. From what I can tell, it looks like the suit isn't an outfit. It's actually an object that goes over the Sim, using similar resources to the CAS clothing for its mesh and textures etc. This is false. The power suit is a CAS item. The arm bracer is an accessory. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: virgali on 2013 October 28, 16:26:40 Notouching is right. I came across the "visor" or glasses thingy when I was creating a sim in CAS. I wasn't in the mood to look for the other CAS pieces at the time but I'm certain they're there. Unfortunately once the suit is equipped changing appearance (mirror) and changing or planning outfit are all blocked. I don't think they really thought this through. Even if I were to save an edited version of the costume in CAS, who's to say it would work and even if it did I assume the chance of getting the outfit you want is completely random.
The object itself works fine. My problem was the now outdated ccmerge file I was using which prevented me to get the moodlets which caused the suit and its functions not to appear. When I first started testing it I completely overlooked the fact that the vanilla save had the correct moodlets but my regular one didn't. @notouching: do you know what triggers the negative moodlet -15 they receive sometimes? I think it's called "stasis sickness" or osmething similar. At first I thought it was because I yanked the sims back out too quickly after sending them to the pod. Though I left one sim in there for the biggest part of the day and she still got the moodlet. I guess it's a small price to pay for a in-game cheat though. I'm just curious. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 October 28, 17:38:26 Yeah, that stasis sickness moodlet is probably meant to be a balance thing, because it is always applied at the end of stasis, whether they are in a long or short time. It's not even random. It's the price you pay for instantly maxing all your motives. You could alter the buff in the ccmerged to make it neutral.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Roobs on 2013 October 28, 22:17:54 You're right. I was getting confused with the arm bracer. My bad.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 October 29, 00:06:33 Yes. Without the moodlet, the sim cannot transform into the power suit because it is the actual moodlet that is coded to make the transformation, not the interaction. So what sort of moodlets is it suppose to have. I am not sure how that suit thing. I know the freezing the sim part gets moodlets.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: virgali on 2013 October 29, 10:34:00 Yeah, that stasis sickness moodlet is probably meant to be a balance thing, because it is always applied at the end of stasis, whether they are in a long or short time. It's not even random. It's the price you pay for instantly maxing all your motives. You could alter the buff in the ccmerged to make it neutral. I see, I was suspecting that. It doesn't bother me enough to try and do something about it, it's a really small price to pay to max the motives whenever one wants indeed. ETA: Does this mean we can change which CAS assets the game references when the moodlet is triggered via tuning or would one need to change script code? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 October 29, 11:36:10 You could probably make a default replacement for the suit, without needing to change the script. Anything else requires scripting.
Yes. Without the moodlet, the sim cannot transform into the power suit because it is the actual moodlet that is coded to make the transformation, not the interaction. So what sort of moodlets is it suppose to have. I am not sure how that suit thing. I know the freezing the sim part gets moodlets.Sims get moodlets when they're in the stasis chamber, when they exit the stasis chamber, and when they use the equip power suit interaction. If you aren't getting them, you have a ccmerged problem. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: virgali on 2013 October 30, 15:38:39 You could probably make a default replacement for the suit, without needing to change the script. Anything else requires scripting. I understand. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 October 31, 00:12:01 You could probably make a default replacement for the suit, without needing to change the script. Anything else requires scripting. Ok sorry since I never use half the stuff I have for the game I never notice. But I noticed moodlets with The Quantum Power Pack suit on. Yes. Without the moodlet, the sim cannot transform into the power suit because it is the actual moodlet that is coded to make the transformation, not the interaction. So what sort of moodlets is it suppose to have. I am not sure how that suit thing. I know the freezing the sim part gets moodlets.Sims get moodlets when they're in the stasis chamber, when they exit the stasis chamber, and when they use the equip power suit interaction. If you aren't getting them, you have a ccmerged problem. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: yeahguy on 2013 October 31, 01:28:20 Does any know exactly how to use this fix?I'm confused because I did everything it said and my wood oven stove still isn't working.I put each package and their respective places.But nothing happens every time I play.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 October 31, 02:03:51 Try putting them all in the override folder with the ccmerged file. If you don't have all of the flies updated it will cause it not to work.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: yeahguy on 2013 October 31, 03:18:01 I put all the files in:
Ccmerged package KT Storefix Decrap KT Stor fixes package S3rc Lin S3rc win Etc Everything is updated but still nothing Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Madame Mim on 2013 October 31, 07:16:19 In where? Your bottom? Did you consider reading the instructions on the page where you got the links to download it? Or did you just grab everything and shove it up there?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: yeahguy on 2013 October 31, 22:32:42 I did read the instructions and I did put each of the files in the places they needed to be,like the overrides and the packages.All I wanted was help not a rude comment.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 October 31, 23:55:59 I did read the instructions and I did put each of the files in the places they needed to be,like the overrides and the packages.All I wanted was help not a rude comment. Then you sir are in the wrong place. You're doing something wrong, try again. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 09.26.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 November 01, 00:05:44 I did read the instructions and I did put each of the files in the places they needed to be,like the overrides and the packages.All I wanted was help not a rude comment. Meaning put the fixes in the override folder with the ccmerge file out of the folder you should have a resource file. After that if you still can't figure it out then you are doing it wrong like KT said they work and it's not that complicated to figure out.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Orlha on 2013 November 02, 17:15:29 Good day.
I have the Sims 3 with all addons and last update. I have installed Store (from Jun. 2009 to Oct. 2013) as the package-files (...Sims 3/mods/packages). I have KT's store fixes in the Overrides folder: KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes.package KT_StoreFix_Fixes_All.package KT_XMLs.package KT_MV_amhaior_2C317E3D.package KT_MV_afhair_244965D0.package Kari_roof_StandingSeam_5AE25A35.package File "ccmerged.package" is put to the DCbackup folder. And it seems everything works well. http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/2379/9qz4.jpg http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/3910/0d84.jpg http://img11.imageshack.us/img11/6314/1hh4.jpg But if we put ContentPatch.package in the folder "ContentPatch", some hair accessories will be doubled. http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/7996/h2wb.jpg http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/2212/t076.jpg http://img809.imageshack.us/img809/3010/0yka.jpg And if we don't, everything will be OK. What should I do to have both patch and not-doubled hair accessories? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 November 03, 13:15:36 Did you decrapify the patch?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Orlha on 2013 November 03, 14:45:37 I think not.
I understand very little of it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: BlueSoup on 2013 November 04, 06:36:14 I've read through all of the posts regarding the violin issues, and I don't believe I've seen a particular facet of the violin skill complained about yet. When I try to have one Sim with the violin skill and a maxed logic skill teach it to another Sim, it doesn't appear. But there was a blank option on the pie chart that turned out to be the violin skill. Anyone else have this problem, or is it just me? Is there a fix I'm missing? I do have the updated mods.
(http://gyazo.com/d6f70c086079f61ee003f55ca57e786a.png) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2013 November 04, 12:54:09 I think not. I understand very little of it. Then search through the forum about decrapifying and edumacate yourself. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Orlha on 2013 November 04, 16:28:15 I doing this with decrapify.exe.
Some problems with hairs have been solved, but now I have doubled bald head. http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/8012/xnl7.jpg http://img545.imageshack.us/img545/7963/9ai8.jpg Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Orlha on 2013 November 05, 18:59:21 I trying drag and drop on decrapify.exe or s3rc.exe or both.
I still have bags with doubled hairs. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2013 November 06, 09:00:37 The way I always do it is to put decrapify.exe and s3rc.exe in an empty folder, then copy in to that folder all the sims3packs that I want to process. Then I use the following Windows script file, which I save as s3rcbatch.cmd: Code: for /R %%i in (*.sims3pack) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" for /R %%i in (*.package) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" for /R %%i in (*.nhd) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" for /R %%i in (*.sim) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" for /R %%i in (*.dbc) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" @pause just double click on s3rcbatch and wait for it to finish... Never failed me yet! it's wrong if I have only one % not 2 like you? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 November 06, 15:17:07 You don't even need a batch file, just make sure both s3rc and decrappify are in the same folder as the packs and drag-n-drop.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Orlha on 2013 November 07, 10:41:59 I trying drag and drop on decrapify.exe or s3rc.exe or both. I still have bags with doubled hairs. The way I always do it is to put decrapify.exe and s3rc.exe in an empty folder, then copy in to that folder all the sims3packs that I want to process. Then I use the following Windows script file, which I save as s3rcbatch.cmd: Code: for /R %%i in (*.sims3pack) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" for /R %%i in (*.package) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" for /R %%i in (*.nhd) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" for /R %%i in (*.sim) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" for /R %%i in (*.dbc) do s3rc.exe -fD "%%i" @pause just double click on s3rcbatch and wait for it to finish... Never failed me yet! Tryed this too. Decrapified, but stilll bugged. Or one bug, or another. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 November 07, 20:29:24 Temp fix for Grandpa's Grove (fixes the baby seat for the tractor): GrandpasGroves_Fixes (http://www.mediafire.com/download/22wo1rh5y2a1abh/GrandpasGrove_Fixes.zip)
Make sure you have an updated ccmerged, so you can harvest the orange tree. The set does contain resources for a corn plant but the data is not complete. It is missing STBLs, and there is no data for the corn in the plants and ingredients XMLs. This may be fixable with a mod, but it seems possible that EA is planning to add another set to the store that will unlock the corn. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: runesong on 2013 November 11, 15:30:03 I updated my ccmerged file and placed it in MyDocuments/ElectronicArts/TheSims3/DCBackup. I find the orange tree in my game, but it when I place it, it just looks like newly planted soil instead of an actual tree. It does not grow and when I put my curser on it, it does not say its an orange tree or the status of its maturity.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 November 11, 16:21:41 I don't know where you got your ccmerged from, bur KT hasn't updated his yet. If it's an up-to-date ccmerged, something is blocking your ccmerged: an outdated mod, an outdated copy of the ccmerged in some other folder, or possibly a another premium content item that is installed as a package and getting higher priority.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: runesong on 2013 November 11, 17:10:14 "Temp fix for Grandpa's Grove (fixes the baby seat for the tractor): GrandpasGroves_Fixes
Make sure you have an updated ccmerged, so you can harvest the orange tree. The set does contain resources for a corn plant but the data is not complete. It is missing STBLs, and there is no data for the corn in the plants and ingredients XMLs. This may be fixable with a mod, but it seems possible that EA is planning to add another set to the store that will unlock the corn." I should be more specific. The "updated" ccmerged file I referred to is "the most recent" ccmerged file found on page one of this forum. I was taking YOUR advice...lol as stated above. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 November 11, 17:14:48 Ok well, I didn't say to get the ccmerged from KT. I just said to update it. So, go find an updated one. It's been linked many times in this thread and I get bored with linking it sometimes. In fact, there's a link to it 2 pages back.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Cadmium on 2013 November 11, 17:21:24 As I've just looked this up myself , here is the link for Nona's updated ccmerged.package - http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/
Enjoy :) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 November 11, 20:57:03 :-\ So I am confused because aren't you suppose to grow the orange tree? So if they look like a soil of dirt and not a tree isn't that what is suppose to be at first? I haven't tried to grow them yet so I could be wrong.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 November 12, 07:22:00 Tia, did you actually read his comment, or did you just read the first two sentences? The last sentence is an exact description of what happens when the ccmerged doesn't have the data for the orange tree.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: charmedjosh on 2013 November 12, 09:35:45 Is there a fix for the quantum power pack? When I put the power suit on I got missing textures.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: virgali on 2013 November 12, 14:01:10 Is there a fix for the quantum power pack? When I put the power suit on I got missing textures. Go back a couple of more pages and you'll find it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: MoonNight on 2013 November 12, 20:26:20 Is there a fix for the quantum power pack? When I put the power suit on I got missing textures. Download s3rc (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15129.0.html) Inside the folder you will find two exe (decrapify and s3rc). I decrapified sims 3 pack (dropped sims pack on decrapify and then on s3rc) then I installed it. To fix it i ran untouched sim pack through only s3rc exe (not decrapify) and then I converted it to sim packages with Delphy's Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter. When you do that you get a lot of packages. Install only the accessories/power suits as package files. Don't add the package for the stasis chamber (that is the biggest file). If you want you can then merge packages in one package with s3pe. I put them in override folder but I think it will work also if you put them in package folder. Try it and tell me if it worked. If you want some more information go to http://nonasims.wordpress.com/tag/quantum-power-pack/To make it easier for you I uploaded fix I made for myself. It works for me. To make it I followed instructions I wrote here. Here is the link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/yd5k0bc4fp22d07/ep11_limited_fix.package Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: HomeschooledByTards on 2013 November 12, 21:13:20 Bad MoonNight! No double posting, edit your previous post instead. You are also entirely too helpful for this site. Help should come with snark and bile, not plain actual help.
Now, go sit in the corner and think about what you did. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: charmedjosh on 2013 November 13, 02:02:42 Is there a fix for the quantum power pack? When I put the power suit on I got missing textures. Download s3rc (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15129.0.html) Inside the folder you will find two exe (decrapify and s3rc). I decrapified sims 3 pack (dropped sims pack on decrapify and then on s3rc) then I installed it. To fix it i ran untouched sim pack through only s3rc exe (not decrapify) and then I converted it to sim packages with Delphy's Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter. When you do that you get a lot of packages. Install only the accessories/power suits as package files. Don't add the package for the stasis chamber (that is the biggest file). If you want you can then merge packages in one package with s3pe. I put them in override folder but I think it will work also if you put them in package folder. Try it and tell me if it worked. If you want some more information go to http://nonasims.wordpress.com/tag/quantum-power-pack/To make it easier for you I uploaded fix I made for myself. It works for me. To make it I followed instructions I wrote here. Here is the link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/yd5k0bc4fp22d07/ep11_limited_fix.package Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: MoonNight on 2013 November 13, 03:44:00 Because it contains all accessories/power suits that came with limited editon which were messed up when sim pack was decrapified and installed. If you read my previous post when I explained process to make fix you should understand why its so big. This is how I made it work but there are probably other ways to do it. I'm not a modder I just followed instructions I found somewere on web.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Tia on 2013 November 13, 21:56:18 Tia, did you actually read his comment, or did you just read the first two sentences? The last sentence is an exact description of what happens when the ccmerged doesn't have the data for the orange tree. Yes I read it but I have the legit copy but I still don't know where the oranges are.Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 November 13, 22:31:03 Tia, did you actually read his comment, or did you just read the first two sentences? The last sentence is an exact description of what happens when the ccmerged doesn't have the data for the orange tree. Yes I read it but I have the legit copy but I still don't know where the oranges are.Well your legit copy still won't work if your ccmerged is broken. You can buy the oranges form the Grocery store, or buy the autosoil from buydebug. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: MoonNight on 2013 November 15, 14:48:34 Is there a fix for the quantum power pack? When I put the power suit on I got missing textures. Download s3rc (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15129.0.html) Inside the folder you will find two exe (decrapify and s3rc). I decrapified sims 3 pack (dropped sims pack on decrapify and then on s3rc) then I installed it. To fix it i ran untouched sim pack through only s3rc exe (not decrapify) and then I converted it to sim packages with Delphy's Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter. When you do that you get a lot of packages. Install only the accessories/power suits as package files. Don't add the package for the stasis chamber (that is the biggest file). If you want you can then merge packages in one package with s3pe. I put them in override folder but I think it will work also if you put them in package folder. Try it and tell me if it worked. If you want some more information go to http://nonasims.wordpress.com/tag/quantum-power-pack/To make it easier for you I uploaded fix I made for myself. It works for me. To make it I followed instructions I wrote here. Here is the link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/yd5k0bc4fp22d07/ep11_limited_fix.package ur fix doesn't work. if u use only package file for accessories, how do u install the stasis chamber? run s3rc only version? if u run it, the sim3pack will install accessories anyway. I heard that there is another way to fix this but I didn't try it so I don't know if it works. You run your untouched sims3pack through s3rc and then install the pack as package files. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2013 December 13, 15:52:23 Temp fix for the Classically Cool Fixer-upper Car - RH_CarFixerUpper_Fixes (http://www.mediafire.com/download/uk9kq9ha976o4ia/RH_CarFixerUpper_Fixes.zip)
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Nikel on 2013 December 15, 12:32:34 When can we expect an update from the marvellous genius that is kissing_toast? /Arselickingmode=off Why? Are you allergic to notouching's fixes?Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: kammy on 2013 December 18, 00:48:05 Temp fix for Store:
‧No acc for Quantum Power Chamber ‧No acc for Door of Life And Death ‧No acc for Grandpa's Grove Tractor ‧No acc for Classically Cool Fixer-upper Car Downloads: http://www.4shared.com/rar/avP7W8in/Store_Fix__2_.html Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: JordanAnny on 2013 December 18, 13:04:32 Thanks for the good work and the time people spend her for fixing things.
I have some kind of Bug report for you. Cause some of the clothes are broken after decrapping and I don't know if anyone has seen it. Female Wet Suit from Surf's Up Sun and Fun Collection All-out Dance Outfit from Skylight Studio for the Performing Arts Easygoing Tee posted by Lissy Female Baseball Outfit form Boardwalk Attire (Roaring Heights Gold) Also I miss two Female Teen Outfits, they don't appear ingame. Teen Version of Blossom Dress from Live, Laugh, Love Teen Version of Mohica from September 2011 Compilation And I think one or two of the Midnight Hollow Victorian doors have missing stencils. Maybe someone can fix this. Thanks to all and keep up the good work. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2013 December 18, 16:59:08 Thanks for the good work and the time people spend her for fixing things. I have some kind of Bug report for you. Cause some of the clothes are broken after decrapping and I don't know if anyone has seen it. Female Wet Suit from Surf's Up Sun and Fun Collection All-out Dance Outfit from Skylight Studio for the Performing Arts Easygoing Tee posted by Lissy Female Baseball Outfit form Boardwalk Attire (Roaring Heights Gold) Also I miss two Female Teen Outfits, they don't appear ingame. Teen Version of Blossom Dress from Live, Laugh, Love Teen Version of Mohica from September 2011 Compilation And I think one or two of the Midnight Hollow Victorian doors have missing stencils. Maybe someone can fix this. Thanks to all and keep up the good work. If you can elaborate a little more on what's wrong with the first chunk you mentioned that would be great. Supplying said items would also speed things up. The semester is over now and the holidays are almost over as well so I should have some time soon to update things. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Clara on 2013 December 18, 23:42:04 Some of the VPXY resources in those four outfits are pointing to components elsewhere in the game files that aren't decrapified, resulting in missing meshes. Here's a fix that should correct the issue. They're all working fine for me now.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: JordanAnny on 2013 December 19, 08:11:48 Some of the VPXY resources in those four outfits are pointing to components elsewhere in the game files that aren't decrapified, resulting in missing meshes. Here's a fix that should correct the issue. They're all working fine for me now. Thank's for the fast Fix. :o If only I could have made that myself, but I don't have the knowledge. :-\ If you can elaborate a little more on what's wrong with the first chunk you mentioned that would be great. Supplying said items would also speed things up. The semester is over now and the holidays are almost over as well so I should have some time soon to update things. The two Teen Outfits should install with the Set. One as AF and the same as TF. But the Teen Outfits are not in the CAS list. They are not broken, they don't apper after install. So I don't know what's wrong with that. The Midnight Hollow Victorian Doors have missing stencils I think. One door has three or four different designs, and the matching others only one. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Levini on 2014 January 06, 15:24:02 After reading through all the Stuff, I have noted no one has put out the Borked Mother Russia Set on the list of problems.
Issues Found - Both 1 tile and 2 tile windows have horrible wall cutout leaks (I fixed those up and can pass you the Wall cutouts) - Fence has transparency issues and problems with the Thick Snow. I fixed the snow part but the transparency issues are an oddity to me. The textures have an alpha channel, but by some oddity it isn't working at all. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: kimi on 2014 January 08, 20:23:46 Is there a fix for the quantum power pack? When I put the power suit on I got missing textures. Download s3rc (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15129.0.html) Inside the folder you will find two exe (decrapify and s3rc). I decrapified sims 3 pack (dropped sims pack on decrapify and then on s3rc) then I installed it. To fix it i ran untouched sim pack through only s3rc exe (not decrapify) and then I converted it to sim packages with Delphy's Sims 3 Pack Multi-Extracter. When you do that you get a lot of packages. Install only the accessories/power suits as package files. Don't add the package for the stasis chamber (that is the biggest file). If you want you can then merge packages in one package with s3pe. I put them in override folder but I think it will work also if you put them in package folder. Try it and tell me if it worked. If you want some more information go to http://nonasims.wordpress.com/tag/quantum-power-pack/To make it easier for you I uploaded fix I made for myself. It works for me. To make it I followed instructions I wrote here. Here is the link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/yd5k0bc4fp22d07/ep11_limited_fix.package ur fix doesn't work. if u use only package file for accessories, how do u install the stasis chamber? run s3rc only version? if u run it, the sim3pack will install accessories anyway. I heard that there is another way to fix this but I didn't try it so I don't know if it works. You run your untouched sims3pack through s3rc and then install the pack as package files. Is their any other way to make them equip the power suit!? They go in & come out the same, not even a white box like u said! :( Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: MoonNight on 2014 January 09, 19:35:30 Did you download my fix or did you make your own? Do you have updated ccmerged package (if you don't you won't get moodlet that is necessary for change)? Tell me exactly what you did step by step so maybe I will be able to help.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: kimi on 2014 January 10, 04:29:29 Did you download my fix or did you make your own? Do you have updated ccmerged package (if you don't you won't get moodlet that is necessary for change)? Tell me exactly what you did step by step so maybe I will be able to help. Yes, i've downloaded your fix & I have nona sims recent ccmerged packageI installed a decrapped sims 3 pack, then put in your fix (in the overrides folder), but nothing happens... tried in the packages folder & still nothing happened, tried putting in both folders at the same time, with no results either Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: MoonNight on 2014 January 10, 10:45:56 What happens if you equip suit without using my fix? Do you get white box or there is no change at all? I know you have updated ccmerged but did you just in case checked if you get a moodlet when you equip it?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2014 January 26, 05:45:15 Seeing that there are 2 new patch (1.66 and 1.67) I ask a favor. On the post 1082 (pag 43) I saw KT_xml needs update every time for a new patch. If yes, can we have sparated update for every new patch? because there are many persons that didn't patched none of of them yet.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 January 26, 14:54:37 Seeing that there are 2 new patch (1.66 and 1.67) I ask a favor. On the post 1082 (pag 43) I saw KT_xml needs update every time for a new patch. If yes, can we have sparated update for every new patch? because there are many persons that didn't patched none of of them yet. The XMLs don't need to be updated. None of the resources in that mod were altered in 1.66/1.67.Did you download my fix or did you make your own? Do you have updated ccmerged package (if you don't you won't get moodlet that is necessary for change)? Tell me exactly what you did step by step so maybe I will be able to help. Yes, i've downloaded your fix & I have nona sims recent ccmerged packageI installed a decrapped sims 3 pack, then put in your fix (in the overrides folder), but nothing happens... tried in the packages folder & still nothing happened, tried putting in both folders at the same time, with no results either Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Miss Malevolent on 2014 January 26, 22:19:27 My wood oven stove wont' work.
I saw on another site that you have to remove any store fix packages to get it to work. However, won't that cause the items fixed by the storefix to NOT work? Or is having the updated ccmerge from Nona enough to keep them working? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: JustASimmer on 2014 February 05, 03:48:44 Could use some insight on these fountain fixes that were posted over on Simlogical: http://www.den.simlogical.com/denforum/index.php?topic=3026.msg15379#msg15379
These are all of the store fountains that were "supposed" to work from the get go, apparently. Here's the issue: I placed the fixes in the packages folder, but not all of the fountains work, and I'm not sure if it's because I'm using decrapped content, or the files themselves. When installed, you'll see the original fountains and the fixed versions right next to it--mine had a folder icon rather than the store bag. The Sphinx, Kraken, Moroccan, King & Queen Hot Tub, and Le Cirque Hot Tub did not work--when clicking the icon it was invisible, but when I pressed live mode you'd see the water sprouting out. I know the page mentioned that the modder didn't think the Kraken was originally meant to have water, so who knows. The others worked fine despite also being decrapped. ??? To KT or others who've done fixes--any ideas on what's going on or how to fix? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: bitterquill on 2014 February 05, 05:49:51 Decrapify the fixes.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: JustASimmer on 2014 February 05, 14:34:55 Oh, it's that easy? Oops. For some reason I didn't think they could be. Off to decrapify, then.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2014 February 06, 20:30:12 The new venue from EA store needs some fix?... or it needs be only decrapified?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: uroshdemz on 2014 February 06, 20:31:59 The new venue from EA store needs some fix?... or it needs be only decrapified? I just tested it and it needs a fix. :)Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 February 06, 23:20:23 I am working on a fix but I am having issues with the Menus de Vilo statue, the glass partition and the glass chess table. The statue and the partition are going to the sim's personal inventory on creation (instead of going to the family inventory), and then I am unable to move them and place them on the lot. The glass chess table went to the family inventory when the sim created it, but it did not have the glassy texture when I placed it on the lot.
EDIT: For clarification, the statue and partition were only unmovable because the personal inventory had become corrupt. The stained glass windows worked fine, as did the small objects that get placed in the personal inventory. The jewelry accessories are a bit of a pain, but I think I have them working properly now. Either way, the fix for this is going to be pretty big, and you might be better off just installing the set as undecrapped package files. Edit: Originally posted this in the wrong thread due to sleep deprivation. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: JustASimmer on 2014 February 07, 01:22:39 I thought according to KT's main page that you didn't have to update the ccmerged anymore unless you were using package files? Or are you saying this will have to be a package file, so update ccmerged?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 February 07, 07:13:36 I thought according to KT's main page that you didn't have to update the ccmerged anymore unless you were using package files? Or are you saying this will have to be a package file, so update ccmerged? You don't have to update the ccmerged if you installed as a sims3pack, but many people don't. Others have issues with their ccmerged even when they install the sims3pack and use someone else's. If your ccmerged is working, there's no need to update it.Edit: Many of the problems I was having last night are not an issue anymore. Fix should be forthcoming soon. Edit 2: PrismArtStudio_Fixes (http://www.mediafire.com/download/fg7f5ldt0pauhdz/PrismArtStudio_Fixes.zip) Fixes: missing accessories that cause the big white block. Objects and accessories can be crafted. Let me know if you notice something is still broken. Edit 3: Fix has been updated to include 2 missing skill icons. Edit 4: Fix has had a minor update to hide the extra copies of the jewelry in CAS. I noticed them showing up twice for teens. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Viper on 2014 February 07, 15:15:32 Could you have another look at the The Titanic Toy Machine. The table block is coming out as a black ball and the animal balloons are a white block (object missing a resource instant and a long string of numbers).
I would recommend updating your ccmerge each time there is new premium content installed. I had to a couple of months ago and I suddenly had moodlets relating to each object which I never had before. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: macharper on 2014 February 07, 16:11:59 Could you have another look at the The Titanic Toy Machine. The table block is coming out as a black ball and the animal balloons are a white block (object missing a resource instant and a long string of numbers). Both of these work fine in my game, decrapped content installed via launcher and using the fixes from the site as outlined in first post. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: macharper on 2014 February 07, 16:18:07 Fixes: missing accessories that cause the big white block. Objects and accessories can be crafted. Let me know if you notice something is still broken. All looking good so far, including the pain in the glass' moodlet showed up when Sim inspected blow torch and it went off in her face. Quick work! A minor point, there is no icon for the Artisan skill, on mouse over, (unsure if there should be one) so Wwen messages are delivered by the game eg. gained artisan skill the icon is also missing. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 February 07, 18:12:16 Fixes: missing accessories that cause the big white block. Objects and accessories can be crafted. Let me know if you notice something is still broken. All looking good so far, including the pain in the glass' moodlet showed up when Sim inspected blow torch and it went off in her face. Quick work! A minor point, there is no icon for the Artisan skill, on mouse over, (unsure if there should be one) so Wwen messages are delivered by the game eg. gained artisan skill the icon is also missing. Woops, thanks for the report. The fix has been updated. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Levini on 2014 February 07, 21:25:55 Notouching, I checked today for those with Package form of the art studio.
Pre your fixes, all accessories appear to show up on the Glass maker, but then when they are dipping the glass in the plates, the sim loses the stick and resets. Post plopping fixes, reapplying the CCmerged (Just in Case), I am still getting a reset bug on it. I ran a NRAAS Interaction test for the item and attached it to my post if that will help. EDIT: Attachment no longer attached as it I am assuming it is not needed or relevant. If I am required to keep it up I apologize, I will put it back up. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 February 08, 00:11:06 I don't have this issue so there must be something wrong with your set up. Honestly, it sounds like a ccmerged issue. If you have installed the content as packages, you'll need to put the ccmerged in your overrides folder.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Levini on 2014 February 08, 01:13:11 Oh ok. I may have forgotten to update the overrides CCM. Thanks for the time.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2014 February 08, 08:19:14 Fixes: missing accessories that cause the big white block. Objects and accessories can be crafted. Let me know if you notice something is still broken. All looking good so far, including the pain in the glass' moodlet showed up when Sim inspected blow torch and it went off in her face. Quick work! A minor point, there is no icon for the Artisan skill, on mouse over, (unsure if there should be one) so Wwen messages are delivered by the game eg. gained artisan skill the icon is also missing. Woops, thanks for the report. The fix has been updated. It's all OK... everything is working fine. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Viper on 2014 February 08, 14:42:33 Could you have another look at the The Titanic Toy Machine. The table block is coming out as a black ball and the animal balloons are a white block (object missing a resource instant and a long string of numbers). Both of these work fine in my game, decrapped content installed via launcher and using the fixes from the site as outlined in first post. I'm running mine decrapped and in merged package form. I am using the fixes as stated in the first post. If I wasn't why would I bother to bring these problems up? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Levini on 2014 February 08, 19:10:46 That CC Merged package that comes with the fixes is a bit outdated. Also did you place the CCMerged in all the right locations (overrides for packages, Packages for normal S3P/decrapped S3P, and DCBackup for all else)?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 February 08, 19:29:32 The table block and the balloons are coming out fine for me. Your problem is probably from a faulty installation. If you're using decrapped sims3packs try re-installing the sims3pack and see if it helps.
That CC Merged package that comes with the fixes is a bit outdated. Also did you place the CCMerged in all the right locations (overrides for packages, Packages for normal S3P/decrapped S3P, and DCBackup for all else)? In most cases, if you use only decrapped sims3packs, there is no need to put the ccmerged anywhere other than dcbackup. But if you mix or use packages, then it has to go into overrides. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Levini on 2014 February 09, 00:15:15 Well he is saying both Decrapped and merge package form. I am thinking he is using it as both Sims 3 pack and package, which at best sounds illogical. Then again if he is using a decrapped package, then it wouldn't go too well anyhow as you shouldn't really need to decrap it in package form.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: tizerist on 2014 February 09, 15:21:03 That CC Merged package that comes with the fixes is a bit outdated. Is there an updated one somewhere?Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Viper on 2014 February 09, 17:14:22 Well he is saying both Decrapped and merge package form. I am thinking he is using it as both Sims 3 pack and package, which at best sounds illogical. Then again if he is using a decrapped package, then it wouldn't go too well anyhow as you shouldn't really need to decrap it in package form. You have to decrap the sim3pack before extracting packages to merge. Otherwise s3pe won't read the files because the program picks up that it is a store file and you can't merge the files together. I do not run content in the launcher not even worlds. I thought everybody did it this way. I use ccmerge file from nonasims's site my original corrupted. I do put this file the override folder. http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/ I did see the balloons in the debug buy section looking alright except for one. It had one version okay and a duplicate which was black ball, the table block was also a black ball. I think your right about a corrupt install. I don't think it would work to re-download and run in package form again. I've tried it before with problematic PC content. Would it help if I installed it in the launcher? The launcher is problematic for me and I try and use it as little as possible. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 February 10, 10:07:50 That CC Merged package that comes with the fixes is a bit outdated. Is there an updated one somewhere?Yes. (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/) *snip* You have to decrap the sim3pack before extracting packages to merge. Otherwise s3pe won't read the files because the program picks up that it is a store file and you can't merge the files together. I do not run content in the launcher not even worlds. I thought everybody did it this way. *snip* It is not necessary to decrap package files to merge them. Use s3rc only, and then the only thing you'll need is an updated ccmerged. No fixes necessary. Yes, many people do use decrapped packages but that's because they don't know better, not because it's the right way to do it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 February 10, 14:22:05 So is there somewhere a CCMerged which is updated to include the premium glass bench? Not nagging, just begging! Nona's seems to be dated 6 Feb, before this thing was on the Store? I assume you mean the glassblowing station? Yes, the Nona ccmerged is updated for that. The set was released on February 6th. The studio is also listed on the page as being included. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: misse on 2014 February 10, 18:08:20 Not sure what I've done wrong, but...
I've followed KT's and nona's instructions to a Tee, downloaded the fixes and ccmerged as per instructions... some of my store content were fixed and worked as they should. others were not fixed. I use decrapped sims3packs. I still get the white boxes with: Titanic Toy Machine Artisan's Glassblowing and Jewelry Making (Prism Art Studio) It's Business Time Industrial Oven Plants vs. Zombies Sunflower Other problems: Chun Co. Teppanyaki Grill - Sim can't prepare food Classically Cool Fixer-upper Car - car disappears after sim fixes it Dragon eggs - doesn't hatch Milkin' It Dairy Corral - sim gets stuck playing tic-tac-hoof and won't do any other interaction Tree of Prosperity - no fruit Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Handlangerin on 2014 February 10, 20:02:32 Did you put the ccmerged.package in your Mods\Overrides folder?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: misse on 2014 February 10, 21:05:16 I tried that. Doesn't work. The few premium contents that work will only work with the ccmerged in the dcbackup folder
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Handlangerin on 2014 February 10, 21:38:02 Put the package in your overrides and dcbackup folder. You will find some missing fixes in this thread.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: polinasid on 2014 February 12, 22:58:35 can u pls make a fix for Classically Cool Fixer-upper Car from roaring heights? here is a link:
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0AvCke3DxkuLWJVSXN0UlVEZGM&usp=sharing Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2014 February 13, 04:32:00 can u pls make a fix for Classically Cool Fixer-upper Car from roaring heights? here is a link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B0AvCke3DxkuLWJVSXN0UlVEZGM&usp=sharing look at post #1138/13.12.2013 on page 46. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 February 13, 07:17:21 Download: CumulativeStoreTempFixes (http://www.mediafire.com/download/9ar8spm1wlbebr4/CumulativeStoreTempFixes.zip)
Contains fixes for: Door of Life and Death (Grim's Manor) Power Suits (Quantum Power Pack) Grandpa's Grove Tractor Fixer Upper Car (Roaring Heights Gold) Glassblowing table (Prism Art Studio) Combine with KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes to have fixes for all of your premium content. I have not previously uploaded a fix for the quantum power pack, so if you're using the package files of the suits you can remove them and use this fix instead. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: ilusiek on 2014 February 13, 17:47:51 Download: CumulativeStoreTempFixes (http://www.mediafire.com/download/9ar8spm1wlbebr4/CumulativeStoreTempFixes.zip) Contains fixes for: Door of Life and Death (Grim's Manor) Power Suits (Quantum Power Pack) Grandpa's Grove Tractor Fixer Upper Car (Roaring Heights Gold) Glassblowing table (Prism Art Studio) Combine with KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes to have fixes for all of your premium content. I have not previously uploaded a fix for the quantum power pack, so if you're using the package files of the suits you can remove them and use this fix instead. Hey thanks! This freaking glassblowing table is working now. Earlier it was reseting my sim and, ugh, I've had this ugly white box with "no resource" Rly thank all of You for making those incredible fixes :* Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: JessnekoChan on 2014 February 15, 23:25:17 I'm wondering when you're going to update for a few things. The Roaring Heights stuff, and the new Glassblowing stuff. There's a whole bunch of stuff here. http://freesims-3.tumblr.com/ (http://freesims-3.tumblr.com/)
The car from Roaring Heights turns into a white box, and I know from experience that most Premium content will not work without a fix if you don't get it from the Sims Store. I also can't find my corn crops, or the orange trees, but I know I have them installed. Please and thank you. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: witch on 2014 February 16, 00:01:56 I'm wondering when you're going to update for a few things. The Roaring Heights stuff, and the new Glassblowing stuff. There's a whole bunch of stuff here. http://freesims-3.tumblr.com/ (http://freesims-3.tumblr.com/) The car from Roaring Heights turns into a white box, and I know from experience that most Premium content will not work without a fix if you don't get it from the Sims Store. I also can't find my corn crops, or the orange trees, but I know I have them installed. Please and thank you. Dear god, please read back at least the last page of a thread before you go posting the same fucking question we've heard over and over again. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: HomeschooledByTards on 2014 February 16, 00:10:51 Dear god, please read back at least the last page of a thread before you go posting the same fucking question we've heard over and over again. But that would require effort, patience, and thoughtfulness of others. None of which special snowflake tards have. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Levini on 2014 February 16, 02:26:28 Ok, I have all the fixes to the glass blowing station and everything. Now I noticed another issue. My sim doesn't seem to be putting on the jewelry made with the station, nor does the jewelry show up in the CAS screen when I plan outfit.
Oi, I am an idiot, I assumed it would show in sim inventory and not family inventory. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: ghettobecky on 2014 February 19, 22:18:14 The ice cream maker, Gumball machine, and Deep fryer do not show up in any category of buy mode :(
(I am using a file I decrapped from the free ts3 store forum) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: JessnekoChan on 2014 February 20, 05:25:33 Download: CumulativeStoreTempFixes (http://www.mediafire.com/download/9ar8spm1wlbebr4/CumulativeStoreTempFixes.zip) Contains fixes for: Door of Life and Death (Grim's Manor) Power Suits (Quantum Power Pack) Grandpa's Grove Tractor Fixer Upper Car (Roaring Heights Gold) Glassblowing table (Prism Art Studio) Combine with KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes to have fixes for all of your premium content. I have not previously uploaded a fix for the quantum power pack, so if you're using the package files of the suits you can remove them and use this fix instead. This worked for me....kinda. My sim will start the project. Glass blowing or using the car. But then the sim kinda resets and stops. it's like i'd never done the interaction. Also, can anyone link me a free download for the power pack and the pet store register? I'm not sure if I got it or not when I got Into the Future and Pets, and I really want them to complete my world. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 February 20, 07:06:03 Download: CumulativeStoreTempFixes (http://www.mediafire.com/download/9ar8spm1wlbebr4/CumulativeStoreTempFixes.zip) Contains fixes for: Door of Life and Death (Grim's Manor) Power Suits (Quantum Power Pack) Grandpa's Grove Tractor Fixer Upper Car (Roaring Heights Gold) Glassblowing table (Prism Art Studio) Combine with KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes to have fixes for all of your premium content. I have not previously uploaded a fix for the quantum power pack, so if you're using the package files of the suits you can remove them and use this fix instead. This worked for me....kinda. My sim will start the project. Glass blowing or using the car. But then the sim kinda resets and stops. it's like i'd never done the interaction. Also, can anyone link me a free download for the power pack and the pet store register? I'm not sure if I got it or not when I got Into the Future and Pets, and I really want them to complete my world. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: woodyc on 2014 February 21, 11:55:31 Basically, I can place a dragon egg but when the timer runs out for it to hatch, it just stays at 0 and never hatches.
I did download the file from this site and not Sims 3 store if that makes a difference. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2014 February 21, 12:47:41 Basically, I can place a dragon egg but when the timer runs out for it to hatch, it just stays at 0 and never hatches. I did download the file from this site and not Sims 3 store if that makes a difference. Quit spamming multiple threads about your stupid fucking dragons. One post is enough. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 March 07, 20:03:33 There's no fix required for the Bohemian Garden set. Just make sure you update your ccmerged (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/).
Also, you can download a merged fix that contains my temp fixes and KT's fixes in one file, if you want: notouching_DecrapFixes.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/download/tnler2rwbyyou03/notouching_DecrapFixes.zip) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Clara on 2014 March 07, 22:00:28 Fix for the Athletic Dress (http://store.thesims3.com/productDetail.html?productId=OFB-SIM3:70527) showing a blank mesh in CAS when decrapified.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: woodyc on 2014 March 12, 14:35:26 When placing the Lemon tree, Orange tree and Purple Egg plant, they never seem to grow, just remain a lump of soil. I have installed the store fix but it still hasn't worked. Any help
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: kissing_toast on 2014 March 12, 14:51:40 When placing the Lemon tree, Orange tree and Purple Egg plant, they never seem to grow, just remain a lump of soil. I have installed the store fix but it still hasn't worked. Any help Try reading a few of the last posts jackass. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: jezzer on 2014 March 12, 15:35:35 I'm honestly not sure at this point that it can read.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2014 March 13, 18:50:37 To notouching:
Please, can you update your fix for Grandpa including the mod that can make the corn be planted? The mod is here http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?p=4313153#post4313153 Or if you don't want do it, can you eliminate the corn and plant corn from key? I think you know how to "fix" the fix making the corn be planted... (sorry for my english) ... can you try? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 March 13, 19:38:40 To notouching: Please, can you update your fix for Grandpa including the mod that can make the corn be planted? The mod is here http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?p=4313153#post4313153 Or if you don't want do it, can you eliminate the corn and plant corn from key? I think you know how to "fix" the fix making the corn be planted... (sorry for my english) ... can you try? The first answer is No, because I have no doubt that EA will release another Store set that unlocks the corn and I really can't be bothered to fix something that technically isn't broken. Secondly, I don't understand what you mean by "Or if you don't want do it, can you eliminate the corn and plant corn from key?" The Grandpa's Grove fix (and the combined fix) do not contain any resources related to the corn at all. There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to use douglasveiga's temp fix alongside these store fixes. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: kece on 2014 March 24, 06:52:44 I've noticed something peculiar that is with the food concession stands, my sim was trying to buy food and nothing happened. I thought my c-merged file was updated to the latest. I will update once again, but I was curious if there was/is an issue with the concession stands. I had him click on the attendant and the stand and nothing.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 March 24, 12:27:07 I've noticed something peculiar that is with the food concession stands, my sim was trying to buy food and nothing happened. I thought my c-merged file was updated to the latest. I will update once again, but I was curious if there was/is an issue with the concession stands. I had him click on the attendant and the stand and nothing. This is a problem if you're using an outdated version of KT_XMLs. At some point the fixes were separated so that the "Pet store now sells limited edition content" fix was given a separate package, because it usually needed an update for major patches. I recommend re-downloading the KT_StoreFix_Fixes and KT_XMLs. As long your ccmerged is updated, you don't need to re-download it. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: kece on 2014 March 24, 18:38:32 I've noticed something peculiar that is with the food concession stands, my sim was trying to buy food and nothing happened. I thought my c-merged file was updated to the latest. I will update once again, but I was curious if there was/is an issue with the concession stands. I had him click on the attendant and the stand and nothing. This is a problem if you're using an outdated version of KT_XMLs. At some point the fixes were separated so that the "Pet store now sells limited edition content" fix was given a separate package, because it usually needed an update for major patches. I recommend re-downloading the KT_StoreFix_Fixes and KT_XMLs. As long your ccmerged is updated, you don't need to re-download it. I've downloaded Monas c-merged file and installed that in the overide file and in the DCBackup, should I still re-download the KT_StoreFix and the KT_XMLs? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: witch on 2014 March 24, 23:15:35 I've downloaded Monas c-merged file and installed that in the overide file and in the DCBackup, should I still re-download the KT_StoreFix and the KT_XMLs? This is a problem if you're using an outdated version of KT_XMLs. At some point the fixes were separated so that the "Pet store now sells limited edition content" fix was given a separate package, because it usually needed an update for major patches. I recommend re-downloading the KT_StoreFix_Fixes and KT_XMLs. As long your ccmerged is updated, you don't need to re-download it. Reading for comprehension, what? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: loryah on 2014 March 25, 08:40:55 Hello,
I have a problem with the Artisan's Glassblowing and Jewelry Making Station. A big cube appear when my sim use it. Do you think you can fix that, please ? Or give an another solution. thanks in advance ! Loryah Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: kece on 2014 March 25, 08:45:56 Hello, I have a problem with the Artisan's Glassblowing and Jewelry Making Station. A big cube appear when my sim use it. Do you think you can fix that, please ? Or give an another solution. thanks in advance ! Loryah Your answer will be found if you search................I am being nice in saying this as to what others will be. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: loryah on 2014 March 25, 11:06:57 excuse-me. I've search on web but not on the site. I will search right now.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 April 04, 14:20:50 Fixes for Deliciously Indulgent Bakery: DeliciouslyIndulgentBakery_Fixes.package (http://www.mediafire.com/download/9jnly9lmbkv74qi/DeliciouslyIndulgentBakery_Fixes.zip)
Make sure you update your ccmerged (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/). Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: simofannn on 2014 April 04, 15:57:56 Fixes for Deliciously Indulgent Bakery: DeliciouslyIndulgentBakery_Fixes.package (http://www.mediafire.com/download/9jnly9lmbkv74qi/DeliciouslyIndulgentBakery_Fixes.zip) Make sure you update your ccmerged (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/). The plates are empty and can't click the bakery oven :( Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 April 04, 18:14:45 Fixes for Deliciously Indulgent Bakery: DeliciouslyIndulgentBakery_Fixes.package (http://www.mediafire.com/download/9jnly9lmbkv74qi/DeliciouslyIndulgentBakery_Fixes.zip) Make sure you update your ccmerged (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/). The plates are empty and can't click the bakery oven :( You have a ccmerged problem. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: simofannn on 2014 April 04, 20:27:00 Fixes for Deliciously Indulgent Bakery: DeliciouslyIndulgentBakery_Fixes.package (http://www.mediafire.com/download/9jnly9lmbkv74qi/DeliciouslyIndulgentBakery_Fixes.zip) Make sure you update your ccmerged (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/). The plates are empty and can't click the bakery oven :( You have a ccmerged problem. You are right! I had to replace my ccmerged file. The oven works fine and so does everything else but when I try to purchase items from the Baker's Bazaar, it shows empty plates and is added to family inventory. When I take the plate out of the family inventory, the only interaction i get is "Browse" ??? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: loryah on 2014 April 04, 21:05:47 Make sure you update your ccmerged (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/). This step is mandatory or fix alone can suffice? Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: witch on 2014 April 04, 21:52:22 This step is mandatory or fix alone can suffice? Try it and see. Let us know. Make sure you update your ccmerged (http://nonasims.wordpress.com/2012/05/17/dcbackup-ccmerged-package-and-your-premium-content-items/). The plates are empty and can't click the bakery oven :( You have a ccmerged problem. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: petterbrunov on 2014 April 05, 01:22:02 Just a little report, the confectioner tool I mean that confectioner bag doesnt shows up when making a birthday cake. I've aready updated the ccmerged. Anyone else having the same issue?
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Levini on 2014 April 05, 02:09:54 Yep!
I am also noticing that Aside from most of the Bohemian plants not working for me, the ones that do work don't work with the bakery oven AT ALL. My CCMerged is in all the correct locations and updated, notouching's decrap fixes are in the overrides and I have all current fixes as of now. I run everything as packages BTW. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: kimi on 2014 April 05, 06:04:35 Yep! Yes, most of the Bohemian plants aren't working for me either... :(I am also noticing that Aside from most of the Bohemian plants not working for me, the ones that do work don't work with the bakery oven AT ALL. My CCMerged is in all the correct locations and updated, notouching's decrap fixes are in the overrides and I have all current fixes as of now. I run everything as packages BTW. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2014 April 05, 08:52:59 Just a little report, the confectioner tool I mean that confectioner bag doesnt shows up when making a birthday cake. I've aready updated the ccmerged. Anyone else having the same issue? Same to me... Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 April 05, 11:36:34 Thanks for the reports.
-- The frosting piping bag has been fixed and is now visible: DeliciouslyIndulgentBakery_Fixes.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/download/9jnly9lmbkv74qi/DeliciouslyIndulgentBakery_Fixes.zip) (this is the same link as here (http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,21330.msg604125.html#msg604125), as the file has not moved) -- Fix for the Bohemian Garden Harvestables: BohemianGarden_Plants_Fixes.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/download/cupe6bb87r3fbw2/BohemianGarden_Plants_Fixes.zip) As for this report: *snip* You are right! I had to replace my ccmerged file. The oven works fine and so does everything else but when I try to purchase items from the Baker's Bazaar, it shows empty plates and is added to family inventory. When I take the plate out of the family inventory, the only interaction i get is "Browse" ??? I cannot reproduce empty plates from the baker's bazaar. If your plates are empty and you're using my fix, you may have an installation issue. I have noticed the following quirks when purchasing food from the bakery lot: If you purchase food by clicking on the display case, the food is added to the sim's personal inventory, not the family inventory. If you then place this food on the lot, you can use "grab a plate" to grab a plate. If you place the food on your home lot, you can use "call household to meal" but it seems the grab a plate interaction is missing. If your household only has a single sim, you might not see this option at all. I don't know, I don't didn't test with a single sim. I think this is a coding problem, but I currently do not have time to look into it. If you purchase the food from the register, the food is placed in the family inventory. I didn't have the "Grab a plate" interaction from most of them, except one time on the bread. Again, I think this is a coding problem with the object, so it's not a fix I can whip up in 20 mins or so, but I'm not sure. What I'd like to know is: do these problems come up for people who purchased the set from the store? Also, if you install the set as package files, do you get these problems? If these problems exist for users who bought from the store as well, then it's a coding problem. If the grab a plate interaction is visible for people who installed the set as packages, it's a decrap problem. Personally, I don't have the time to test this in depth. Hopefully somebody else can and will report back. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Levini on 2014 April 05, 13:45:31 I will check it out and pop up results. I am gonna hopefully doubt it, but it's good to find a glitch.
EDIT: 5 of the 8 plants are still busted for me (strawberry, pecan, rasberry, peach, pear). The remaining three still don't work with the bakery set. Now for the Bakery Set, I tried out buying a group meal from the register. I have a single sim and all I see when looking through the menu is to purchase serving plates not group meals. Oddly when I place them from family inventory they turn into full meals. Upon trying to click these items, I only get the Browse interaction BTW: I am running it as packages. I am gonna try placing the plants fix in the Overrides and seeing if they work out. (EDIT: Nope! no cigar at all) Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2014 April 05, 14:29:46 Thanks for the reports. -- Fix for the Bohemian Garden Harvestables: BohemianGarden_Plants_Fixes.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/download/cupe6bb87r3fbw2/BohemianGarden_Plants_Fixes.zip) What kind of fix is this? My plant works good, they appear on the recipes of bakery oven... and they are harvestables. Edit: I have instaled Bohemian sim3pack decraped Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 April 05, 17:27:55 I will check it out and pop up results. I am gonna hopefully doubt it, but it's good to find a glitch. EDIT: 5 of the 8 plants are still busted for me (strawberry, pecan, rasberry, peach, pear). The remaining three still don't work with the bakery set. Now for the Bakery Set, I tried out buying a group meal from the register. I have a single sim and all I see when looking through the menu is to purchase serving plates not group meals. Oddly when I place them from family inventory they turn into full meals. Upon trying to click these items, I only get the Browse interaction BTW: I am running it as packages. I am gonna try placing the plants fix in the Overrides and seeing if they work out. (EDIT: Nope! no cigar at all) Ok, I decided to sit down and give this some attention. About the Bohemian Garden harvestables: I had a similar issue in my game with these. The plants wouldn't produce new harvestables. I checked the ccmerged and it's perfectly fine, so I made the fixes I posted earlier and they worked for me. However, after reading phoenixc's comment, I tested the plants without a fix in a brand new game and the plants worked fine. I think there may be some corruption going on here. Try the plants in a fresh game and see if they work (without the fix I posted them for them). After going through about one hundred million review videos of this venue, trying to find at least ONE where people actually show some freaking gameplay and not talk for half an hour about how totally awesome and cool and sweet every single object is, I have come to the conclusion that the plates are working as EA intended. I can't be sure because my brain started to melt while watching the videos, but I did see a couple where the sim purchased from the glass display case and got a serving plate. If you click on the plate while it's in the sim's inventory, you can use the "Grab a Plate" interaction.This also works for the food that ends up in your sim's inventory. I don't really have the time or inclination to fix this so hopefully somebody else will do it. Until then, just click on it from your sim's inventory. @phoenixc, you can just ignore the bohemian garden fix. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Levini on 2014 April 05, 22:22:14 You won't believe it but it seems I got my Stuff working when I removed everything but them. I then proceeded in and found the likely cause may be Anak_Ponti's update of Blackcat07's Ingredients overhaul mod (which was updated to 1.63 and Monte vista Harvestables) I removed it and am testing now.
Now Notably, I am still having issues with the Bohemian garden stuff not integrating with the bakery oven. I dunno if it's cooking skill related, but my sim only gets an option to serve foods and nothing with the harvestables. I am not sure how it works, but I was assuming they were new recipes. EDIT: I confirmed Anak_Ponti's update of Blackcat07's Ingredients overhaul mod is the problem. the mod is not updated to Bohemian gardens and the Current one that is linked on the uploads page I doubt is updated to the Bakery set. I can play fine sans it so I pulled it until it's fully up to date. Thanks for being of help anyway and answering my stupid questions. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Madame Mim on 2014 April 06, 06:25:01 I fucking don't believe that you didn't go there first! Of course an ingredients overhaul is going to effect these kind of game objects.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Levini on 2014 April 06, 06:36:20 Tbh, I didn't even remember having it. I had to sit here and uncombine it out of my files (while removing other things).
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2014 April 06, 15:27:25 Playing my bakery lot (I'm the owner of the lot), when I click on cash register to buy something, it appear a store window but no name in addition to the recipe. It's only a generic name (in my italien game is named "piatto di portata". I don't know how is in english).
When I click the display to buy, It appear only the pie, even if on display there are all kind of recipes. I couldn't take a photo even with printscreen. Before installing the bakery, error trap didn't give any message. After installing the bakery set, I have that errortrap: I attached the script error Maybe because I'm using the debug serve? Maybe because I saved the game being on bakery lot? Maybe because I had on the display pizza from wood oven? Maybe because I am the owner of the bakery? I'm so confuse. None of the other premium content didn't gave me error trap. What can I do? Uninstallig and reinstalling the set?. I decraped sim3pack like every other store content. The bakery station work fine (with your final fix). I can cook all the recipe. All the recipes can be sell. edit: Maybe because I have not the sell rug under the counter with the cash register? I will try again... edit1: I sold the bakery lot, at 3am the lot was reset. Saved and out of game. Restarted game and at 3am the next night, I founded a new script error. I will attach. I don't understand. edit 2: I forgot to say that I have 2 birthday cake and 2 wedding cake in build/buy mod. edit 3: I deleted the 2 script error. Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: Tia on 2014 April 06, 17:17:52 So is there an easier way to keep the bakery stocked without chaining your sim to the stove 24/7? I don't want her to cook all day and all night just to fill the bakery.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: notouching on 2014 April 06, 18:03:59 You can use NRaas DebugEnabler or Awesomemod debug interactions to restock the shelves. Alternatively, there's a new NRaas mod out: NRaas Cupcake (http://nraas.wikispaces.com/Cupcake+Testing). It is currently in testing.
Title: Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) Post by: phoenixc on 2014 April 06, 18:32:43 So is there an easier way to keep the bakery stocked without chaining your sim to the stove 24/7? I don't want |