On my residential lot (homebusiness with ticketmachine) I cannot make coffee anymore (with none of the coffeemachines) and with the bars, I only have the jugglingoption (and with the NL bars, the barista option) but I cannot mix drinks.
The only thing I did after installing the patch was testing the MTS2 coffeehacks, which should make coffeedrinking less attraktive - but these should not have been related to bars anyway - and I am currently testing the MTS2 motivestop hacks for exercisemachines and pianoplaying. And I removed the finalfix and the noservochores, since that should have been fixed with the patch. I have already removed the coffeerelated hacks and I checked with clean installer for having overlooked possible duplicates, but the options to drink coffee or to mix a drink did not return.
Up to now I only used hacks from Pescado, TwoJeffs, Inga, Crammyboy and Merolas Multipainting and the game was fine. With OFB - since some game features have become so annoying - I also dared to try some MTS2 hacks from Squinge and the ones I mentioned from Eddief66. I never download any lots from he exchange, so no hacks I do not know about.
Unluckily I did not test the game after installing the patch (before everything was fine) and before trying the new hacks, my fault. So I cannot say exactly what caused the problem.
Can anyone help? Anyone having a similar problem?
These are the MTS2 hacks I have been using for the first time:
Eddief66_Punching Bag and recolors
LessAttractive Expresso (REMOVED)
LessAttractiveCoffeMaker (REMOVED)
LessAttractiveOrigLargeExpresso (REMOVED)
Or could it be one of my "old" hacks which worked fine until the patch (too many to list them all, since I am addicted to MATY)?