Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
Why even bother? TS4 is a shitty last-gen tablet game that threw out all complexity, focusing on brain-dead collectible hunting and overly simplistic mood management.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 54
Psycho sookie.
I think it has potential. And by that I mean that it may just be playable a year from now when it catches up to the Sims 2 base game. Right now, 10 mins of gameplay and you feel like there's no point to play on. It may be that we have just grown tired/bored of the sims franchise.
Oona proclaims once again: they need to bring back the old way of playing multiple households. Instead of the discount bulk box of 3 and 4, Sims 2 had households that were individually wrapped chocolates in a neighbourhood full of flavorful delight. When you get bored munching on one, you have a whole neighbourhood to choose from, but you can come back any time and continue where you left off.
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Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
I'm still playing sims 3 happily, there are many things I've still never tried. The big losses of TS3 were genetics and running a business. TS3 in a living hood, with CAST for builders, is the best yet. I wish more companies would try to build people simulators.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 54
Psycho sookie.
The big losses of TS3 were genetics and running a business.
What about the hideous sims with their terrible routing and animations? I think the sims 4 is a step-up animation-wise, loading and overall look of the game (except the worlds. the sims 3 worlds were gorgeous), but nothing feels like sims 2 gameplay-wise. The sims 2 base game was sufficient to play around with families and the age groups were great (no babies aging directly into 9 year olds in 3 days), good aesthetics and UI, the AMAZING music is certainly missed as well  Sims 4 is just an oversimplified, corner-cutting disaster without all those emergency updates they released after the backlash. I don't think it's there yet, like at all.
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
I've always loathed sims music and turn it off ASAP. Routing in TS3 has been much improved with various mods and personally, I always thought the TS3 sims were the most lifelike, but YMMV.
I could not lose the integrated town, I love that all the families/sims are doing their own thing. I pop in here and there and change things around, then move on to the next. Put the sims on Epic and you can still see them all grow up without the endless round of level this fambly up, then the next, then the next.
TS4 is beyond ghastly, it reminds me of the The Sims Online. Lots of little clone sims lined up in a row being inspired to act identically. And painted ground FFS! It's a phone game.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.

Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
As far as I can tell, TS2 was the real game. 3 gave us a living 'hood, which was almost worth something. Admittedly you had to drop genetics, but you also got to drop the scheduler, rotating houses, and the notion that any time you accidentally deleted a family your hood would go BFBVFS (as much fun as that was). I still think the graphics in 2 were better than the softened puddingy stuff in 3. Nevertheless, the point I am slowly getting at is that every new version of the game has dumbed it down further and removed key features to replace them with shiny useless rubbish (like emotions - who uses emotions anyway?).
Tribulatio proxima est
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 37
No open neighborhood, no dice. The open neighborhood is why I still "put up with" TS3. Unless Pescado can figure out a way to open up TS4, I'm good where I'm at, 20 minute loading times and all.
I think if I ever do TS4, it will probably be after the last expansion and patch have been released, the full feature set is in place and I can make the rounds of the modding sites and pick up whatever goodies and bugfixes I want, ONCE. I only just recently worked up the wherewithal to add the last couple of TS3 expansions, weed out everything that broke and update it all to final version. Patches are a giant PITA I really don't need to deal with another dozen times or more (and god knows I'm not about to play an out-of-the-box vanilla Sims game.)
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
I still think the graphics in 2 were better than the softened puddingy stuff in 3.
I will fight you. 
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
What's with all these old absentee senators coming back? Is there something big on the horizon?
 Join the Oona Klostermann High Society Club
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
What's with all these old absentee senators coming back? Is there something big on the horizon?
Yo mama.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Dead Member

Posts: 5874
Moar gayer than Jordi
What witch said.
Please remember to click the "THANKS" button!
Round Mound of Gray Fatness

Posts: 4320
Senator Emeritus. Oh hold on, I am still a senator
 \"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 521
ENTP - Provider of graveside services
"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea." -- Robert A. Heinlein
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 111
We're all better off playing TS3 or even SimCity BuildIt on mobile than that insipid The Sims Online remake with few TS2 elements thrown in, lbr.
I'm waiting for TS5...
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 236
I wouldn't hold my breath for TS5 if I were you. If the theme of TS3 was Half Baked, the theme of TS4 is Barely Baked. And that means that the theme of TS5 will be Raw Meat.  I really don't think EA is interested in creating simulation games any more. They want to cash in on the name recognition of these games to make cheaper online social knock-offs that tend to make them just as much cash for less effort. First came SimCity '13, then TS4. Next came SimCity BuildIt and  ...eventually another Sim mobile game is coming to an app store near you.

Posts: 2176
A flock of crapped nerds
Glad to hear I'm not missing anything gameplay-wise.
I'll just be over here playing TS2 until the inevitable death of the universe.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 9
I understand the warning not to post to this topic... I have to voice my agreement with the sentiments however. I am JUST NOW starting to play sims 3 after a long hiatus from the game entirely. Schilling out good money for an inferior product is no way to encourage better products. So I come in on the back end pay less money (if the product holds up). From what I hear about #4 I won't even bother. What dunderhead decided to drop the toddler phase? This I am sure of, Pescado has done wonders through the years with bettering the games, in short order I might add. If he were so inclined I'm confident he would add bells and whistles to that pig and make it somewhat respectable.
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Pescado once mentioned he was having trouble finding any conditional logic in sims 4. You know TS4 was made for tablets and phones originally? That's why it's so sparse and requires so little computing power.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Pescado said.....don't you have a mind of your own?
 Join the Oona Klostermann High Society Club
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Pescado said.....don't you have a mind of your own?
Well of course, but it doesn't code core mods for wildly popular games.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Two Eyed Cyclops
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Well, it's been more than a year since the release of sims 4 I believe. 2 ep's, some stuff and game packs have been released too. Still not happening? No?
Madame Mim
What gave it away?
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.