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KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
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Topic: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013) (Read 1914175 times)
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1272
AIDE to Jezzers
KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
2012 March 12, 06:24:37 »
*If you think something is broken or needs tweaking leave a comment and a link to the item as an untouched sims3pack or package(to speed things up).*
This part is only needed if you use decrapped versions of this content. Decrapping breaks certain links and this fixes them. This fixes the following problems.
No ladle for decrapped Lord Vladimir's Magic Cauldron
No needle for decrapped Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll
No fruit for decrapped Tree of Prosperity
No food for decrapped Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer and Frost-Bite Pro Ice Cream Machine
No handset for the decrapped Vintage Rotary Phone
No cards and chips for decrapped Hit 'em Harder Blackjack Table
No coins for decrapped Wishing Well
Gambling Skill Icon fixed for decrapped Casino
Moar Gambling Skill Icons fixed for decrapped Casino
Fixed meshes for the AF Vintage Baseball outfit
No acc. for Aims Co. Choc-O-Falls Fountain
No acc. for Steam-It-Up Sauna and Infinite Zen Massage Table
No basket ball for Buzzer Beater Free Throw Machine and Rim Rockin' Basketball Hoop
No acc. and food for the Chun Co. Teppanyaki Grill
No acc. for the SwiftGro Gardening Station and Plants vs. Zombies™ Sunflower
No acc. for the Lemonade Stand, Wood Fire Oven, lemon and eggplant tree
No acc. for the Dirty No More Changing and Bathing Station
No acc. for Hot Air Balloon
No acc. for Barrier to Entry System
Fixed missing walls from Monte Vista and Aurora Skies *Courtesy of notouching
No acc. for Fowl and Feathers Chicken Coop
No acc. for Double Down Poker and Roulette Bundle
Fixed missing walls from Dragon Valley *Courtesy of notouching
No acc for Dragons, Fit as a Fiddle Violin, Archer's Gauntlet
Violin Skill Icon fixed
Working Pet Register
Dance Skill Icon fixed
No acc for Stiff as a Board, Light as a Feather Dance Collection
No acc for It's Business Time Industrial Oven
No acc for Surf's Up Sun & Fun Wave Station
No acc for Milkin' It Dairy Corral
No acc for The Titanic Toy Machine
It doesn't matter if you have only one of these or all of these, use it anyways. This file goes into your regular mods folder. If you use packages then this must be in the overrides folder. DO NOT DECRAP THIS, EVER.
There are some things actually broken with some store objects, this mod fixes those problems. This fixes the following problems.
Routing issue with Banquett Fan
Wall cut-outs for the Modernism Window, Not-So-Private Study Door, Nega-Door, Gothique Window and the Muntin Window
Fixed middle slots on the Vineyard Vittles Dining Table
Fixed morphs and bow for Katy Perry Romper from the collectors edition of Showtime
Fixed diagonal wall cut outs for Transparent Window by BahHaus, Concrete Boarder Window and The Insulator
Fixed Clearstory Rectangular window to be CAStable and wall cut outs for both Clearstory windows
No moar route fail when you try to repair/tinker/upgrade the Never Mind the Milk Crates, Here's the Telly TV
Dock the DJ and Origin-al Beats 5000 Stereo radios now act like radios instead of stereos
Fixed stencils on A Little Bit Fishy teen outfit
Fixed routing on Retro Model T Dining Chair
Hewnsman unCAStables are now CAStable
Ultra Lounge unCAStables are now CAStable
Regal Living unCAStables are now CAStable
If you use decrapped content than this part needs to be decrapped, I've already included a decrapped version in the .zip, so pick one and use it. This file goes into your regular mods folder. If you use packages then this must be in the overrides folder. Now available as individual parts.
I've added individual packages for the actual fixes because the unCAStable fixes are not 100% yet. Don't let that deter you from using them though, they work as they should. Right now the only problems are these: I've encountered with these sometimes when you go to CASt them then cancel doing so they become unCAStable again. So don't cancel the job and you'll be fine, and again I stress, sometimes. Then lastly with the Regal fence, the transparency doesn't work right away. As a work around, for now, place two sections of fence then the 1-tile gate, CASt the gate and drag the color template over to the fence. This will fix the transparency, you can now clone tool the fence to use as regular. The individual files are named accordingly and should be self explanatory, a bundled package is also provided.
These are XML mods that WILL require either an OK or update come each new patch.
The Ultimate Career Bundle unlocked
Pet store now sells limited edition content
Conflicts with any other mod that uses the Inventing/JobsAndTasks/Opportunities_EP2/SculptingData/Register xml. This file goes into your regular mods folder. If you use packages then this must be in the overrides folder.
If you use arr'd Premium Content from the store than you need this. This fixes the following problems.
Buff conflicts with the following items: Sharper Sim's Super Sleeper, MultiTab 6000, The Hypnotizer, Malleable Mimic Voodoo Doll, Lord Vladimir's Magic Cauldron, Frost-Bite Pro Ice Cream Machine, Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer, Leon's Fountain of Youth, Hit 'em Harder Blackjack Table, Triple Riches Slots O'Jackpots Slot Machine, Wishing Well, Aims Co. Choc-O-Falls Fountain, Steam-It-Up Sauna, Infinite Zen Massage Table, Buzzer Beater Free Throw Machine, Rim Rockin' Basketball Hoop, Lemonade Stand, Wood Fire Oven, Dirty No More Changing and Bathing Station, Hot Air Balloon, Barrier to Entry System, Partaeus Maximus statue, Fowl and Feathers Chicken Coop, Double Down Poker and Roulette Bundle, Fit as a Fiddle Violin, Archer's Gauntlet, Dragons, Stiff as a Board, Light as a Feather Dance Collection, It's Business Time Industrial Oven, Surf's Up Sun & Fun Wave Station,
Milkin' It Dairy Corral , Savvy Seller's Collection , The Titanic Toy Machine
Skills for Store Stuff
Recipes for Store Stuff
Store Plants
This fixes anything to do with store Buffs, store food recipes, store skills, and store plants. If any of these is your problem than this is the culprit. This file goes into your DCBackup folder, C:\Users\KT\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\DCBackup. The original should still be here, choose "move and replace" when prompted. If you use sims3packs and already have a working ccmerged in your DCBackup folder you no longer need to keep updating this file as it will retain the correct TGIs when you install new premium content. If you use packages then keep updating it through here.
So if you use decrapped sims3packs without Awesomemod than you should need all four files. If you use Awesomemod than you need three. If you use all legit items than you should only need one, two if you don't use Awesomemod.
Optional Stuff
Gives replacement Monte Vista hairs for those with official copies
Gives replacement roof pattern to those with patch 1.42? or higher
Sometimes patches fuck stuff up, these are replacements of items "gone missing" from any given patch.
When there is an update the new content will be in
, that's the mod to re-download.
Store Content Patch 2.2
If you use this patch instead of the one the game generates I would suggest putting this in an overrides folder or in the program files mod folder with Awesomemod. Decrap if necessary. [/list][/list]
Last Edit: 2013 November 02, 16:18:08 by kissing_toast
Cupcakes Taste Like Violence
It's like a bowl of oranges, only one orange, is an orange of DOOM!
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1272
AIDE to Jezzers
Re: Premium Content Fix
Reply #1 on:
2012 March 12, 13:45:35 »
Quote from: jaldeer on 2012 March 12, 08:54:38
I'm currently using your other fix and I have a question. The Hypnotizer is the only one I have as a package. I bought the other stuff. So where would I put your fix?
Overrides folder.
Cupcakes Taste Like Violence
It's like a bowl of oranges, only one orange, is an orange of DOOM!
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 77
Re: Premium Content Fix
Reply #2 on:
2012 March 12, 15:30:18 »
The mirror is actually something that shows up in quite a number of sets. For some reason every set requires a dummy object placeholder to store the thumbnail and other information. With many of the earlier sets it was an activity table from one of the Animals Abound ones, I think, and for the rest it's usually the mirror from the Club Vaindenburger set. If you have that set you already have the mirror.
Insanity Prelude
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 488
Re: Premium Content Fix
Reply #3 on:
2012 March 13, 00:30:30 »
I always wondered what that extra package was about when I was extracting sets.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1272
AIDE to Jezzers
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #4 on:
2012 March 15, 02:33:17 »
Added a fix for the phone from the generations registration rewards.
Cupcakes Taste Like Violence
It's like a bowl of oranges, only one orange, is an orange of DOOM!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 15
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #5 on:
2012 March 16, 12:11:41 »
the pie interaction is blank for the tree, and the message above when you eat the fruit is also blank.
I'm using decrapped simspack, running at 1.29 patch.
Last Edit: 2012 March 16, 14:45:08 by nahcujam
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1272
AIDE to Jezzers
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #6 on:
2012 March 16, 12:35:47 »
Quote from: nahcujam on 2012 March 16, 12:11:41
the pie interaction is blank for the tree, and the message above when you eat the tree is also blank.
I'm using decrapped simspack, running at 1.29 patch.
That has something to do with having the sims3pack installed with the package version(Skadi's fix?) then taking out the package version. It happened to me multiple times while I was perfecting this. If you uninstall it via the launcher then reinstall it it'll be fine.
Cupcakes Taste Like Violence
It's like a bowl of oranges, only one orange, is an orange of DOOM!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 28
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #7 on:
2012 March 16, 13:07:44 »
At the risk of sounding stupid, where exactly should an overrides folder be? I've never had one, and have never had any real problems with my mods/cc. I do have things that I think could be considered overrides, but I just stick them in seperate folder I call fixes that is in my mods folder. (I sort of have that "a place for everything and everything in it's place" thing going on with my content - I like to be organized).
So, I guess I am asking, is my fixes folder an overrides folder, just with my own name, or is an overrides folder actually supposed to be called that and placed somewhere specific? Because I have 0 problems with my mods/cc working.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1272
AIDE to Jezzers
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #8 on:
2012 March 16, 14:06:34 »
Either MTS's or MATY's framework comes with an overrides folder. You don't necessarily need it, but it comes in handy when you need to "fix" package files. As long as the "fix" isn't in the same folder as the package it's fixing you should be good to go.
Cupcakes Taste Like Violence
It's like a bowl of oranges, only one orange, is an orange of DOOM!
Feckless Fool
Posts: 284
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #9 on:
2012 March 16, 14:30:24 »
The Overrides folder should have a higher priority in Resource.cfg than the other folders, but you can call it whatever you like.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 28
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #10 on:
2012 March 17, 14:43:09 »
Thank you for the answers. Since I did my own framework, that would explain why I've never seen it before and my fixes folder is essentially the same thing.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
Do you see a midget Hitler?!
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #11 on:
2012 March 17, 20:10:51 »
I did some testing in-game and my sim still resets at the Spellbook. I haven't tested the cauldron yet since I don't know the proper ingredients. I used the voodoo doll and the needle is there. The hypnotizer seems to work. I noticed that the waterfall of the FOY is off and the other animations as well. The Tree of Prosperity also works as intended. My sim is able to eat the fruit an get the skills. The crystal ball also works as it should.
Here's a screenshot of the FOY:
ETA: I did some more tests and the FOY works fine, the only problem is the animation. My sim does get the moodlet etc. The cauldron also works fine. I can make potions and I see the ladle. The only problem is the Spellbook. For some weird reason it's still conflicting with the FOY in my game.
I put in the old FOY and SP fix and got the Spellbook to work again. This time around the hypnotizer wouldn't work though. *Pulls hair*
Last Edit: 2012 March 18, 09:46:40 by virgali
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
Feckless Fool
Posts: 284
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #12 on:
2012 March 18, 10:49:42 »
My spell book also gives me reset problems, so I put the SKIL resource from Simon's old spellbook fix into kissing_toast's fix and everything works fine. FYI, the reset bug with the spell book is not a conflict with the FOY. It's been doing that since before the FOY was released.
Anyhow, this is kissing_toast's fix with the SKIL resource. I didn't link it before because I don't know if it will bother him. He doesn't seem to have the problem but I can't get rid of the reset. Even if I do get rid of it by uninstalling/re-installing, it's just pops up again at a seemingly random time. So if you don't like it, kissing_toast, let me know and I'll remove it.
[Removed outdated link to unecessary fix.]
Note: This package is the same as the Joey_StoreCC_Fix_Vx but also includes the spell book fix.
Also, I don't take any credit for this fix.
Last Edit: 2012 June 19, 20:47:40 by notouching
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
Do you see a midget Hitler?!
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #13 on:
2012 March 18, 14:40:20 »
I'll try this out, thank you. I found an old fix for the Spellbook and used it alongside Toast's fix and that works as well. Though the FOY still has the wrong animations. Or am I losing it? Isn't the waterfall supposed to stream from the middle? Also the "magical lights" only appear at the back of the fountain. I'll try your fix and see if that helps.
ETA: I used your fix and it has the same effects as when I had with the two files I was using before. The Spellbook works just as everything else but the animations of the FOY are still weird.
Last Edit: 2012 March 18, 15:19:11 by virgali
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
Feckless Fool
Posts: 284
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #14 on:
2012 March 18, 15:29:50 »
The FOY seems fine. If you look at videos of it, the water doesn't spout from the middle. This is a good one although it takes freaking forever for that slow Granny Shue to get to the silly fountain:
The sparkles seem a little random. Sometimes they float through the middle and sometimes in the back. I mean, it
be broken, but I don't think it is.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
Do you see a midget Hitler?!
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #15 on:
2012 March 18, 17:48:04 »
Quote from: notouching on 2012 March 18, 15:29:50
The FOY seems fine. If you look at videos of it, the water doesn't spout from the middle. This is a good one although it takes freaking forever for that slow Granny Shue to get to the silly fountain:
The sparkles seem a little random. Sometimes they float through the middle and sometimes in the back. I mean, it
be broken, but I don't think it is.
*Facepalm* Of course I should have looked it up on youtube. Thank you for the link. I didn't know the darn sparkles change position. In that case everything works fine with your fix.
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 137
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #16 on:
2012 March 18, 22:09:35 »
Does the fix work with items that I've shoved into a merged package?
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #17 on:
2012 March 19, 07:01:46 »
Hi, im new here, but visiting the board for a while.
The Fix Collection is quite nice, but there are a lot more stuff to fix. For example near all Store fences don't show up, even the stairs from Barnacle Bay, and the shell and door from the Stage Venue pack.
Hope you continue with new stuff to fix all packs.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 288
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #18 on:
2012 March 19, 08:33:25 »
Quote from: enmercy on 2012 March 19, 07:01:46
Hi, im new here, but visiting the board for a while.
The Fix Collection is quite nice, but there are a lot more stuff to fix. For example near all Store fences don't show up, even the stairs from Barnacle Bay, and the shell and door from the Stage Venue pack.
Hope you continue with new stuff to fix all packs.
There are fixes for pretty much all of those, you just haven't looked hard enough.
High Distinctions for Forensic Analytical Science? CHECK! Honours? CHECK! Scholarship for PHD after completing my Majors? CHECK!
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1272
AIDE to Jezzers
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #19 on:
2012 March 19, 13:43:49 »
Quote from: enmercy on 2012 March 19, 07:01:46
Hi, im new here, but visiting the board for a while.
The Fix Collection is quite nice, but there are a lot more stuff to fix. For example near all Store fences don't show up, even the stairs from Barnacle Bay, and the shell and door from the Stage Venue pack.
Hope you continue with new stuff to fix all packs.
The fence thing was fixed with s3cr a long time ago, just update your files and try again. Never heard of a problem with stairs. And using a package file for the venue worked for some people, they showed up just fine in my game as decrapped sims3packs.
Cupcakes Taste Like Violence
It's like a bowl of oranges, only one orange, is an orange of DOOM!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #20 on:
2012 March 19, 18:22:11 »
All works perfect, except for the Spellbook, but using @nontouch fix solves it.
A question, is there any possibility to fix the Cash register from the Pets LE?, and make it usable?
pd: about the barnacle bay stairs, yes it's true, they're not showing in the game. But the showtime shell you can fin it here:
Last Edit: 2012 March 19, 18:43:40 by mephlabs
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2382
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #21 on:
2012 March 19, 21:05:45 »
Quote from: enmercy on 2012 March 19, 07:01:46
even the stairs from Barnacle Bay
Quote from: mephlabs on 2012 March 19, 18:22:11
pd: about the barnacle bay stairs, yes it's true, they're not showing in the game.
I'm not sure how either of you installed the Worlds, but I've always had the two stair cases. They are the Jacob's Staircase and the Barnacle Free Stair aren't they? Installing via the Launcher and then moving the resulting .dbc to my mods folder, and using CCmagic to install the worlds, has always resulted in my having the world objects. The worlds might be wonky with string errors, but the objects are there.
One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone. -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Grammar Police
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Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #22 on:
2012 March 19, 21:32:54 »
Quote from: mephlabs on 2012 March 19, 18:22:11
All works perfect, except for the Spellbook, but using @nontouch fix solves it.
A question, is there any possibility to fix the Cash register from the Pets LE?, and make it usable?
pd: about the barnacle bay stairs, yes it's true, they're not showing in the game. But the showtime shell you can fin it here:
The cash register is fixed elsewhere. Learn to search.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #23 on:
2012 March 20, 02:49:49 »
For some reason i have all the items from barnacle and the world also working, but the stairs just aren't there:
The ones that appear here:
@jezzer: nope, i have the cash register showing up in game (nor the microwave), but everytime i interact with it, nothing happen. And i search through a lot of sites, but no fix find at all.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2382
Re: Premium Content Fix (updated 03.14.2012)
Reply #24 on:
2012 March 20, 03:40:24 »
Quote from: mephlabs on 2012 March 20, 02:49:49
For some reason i have all the items from barnacle and the world also working, but the stairs just aren't there:
The ones that appear here:
I might have figured it out. Does your world sims3pack have the name "BarnacleBayDDSet.Sims3Pack" or "BarnacleBay.Sims3Pack"? The First has the stairs, the second doesn't. The second one is just the world and was the first released, the first is the one available now, bundled with the Buccaneer Bounty set(BuccaneerSet.Sims3Pack) and the two stairs that are unique to that pack.
One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone. -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
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