Updated finally.
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
Thank you for updating.  Thank you for putting two stupid emoticons on your retarded thanks post.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Feckless Fool

Posts: 284
Just wondering, did you decide to abandon Anach_CASSkins6x4?
Uh-oh, more thank you posts. Just wondering, did you decide to abandon Anach_CASSkins6x4?
I haven't used it myself for a while, and I don't like updating things I don't use. cmar has something similar over at MTS for those that don't like scrolling the skin panel.
Updated to include a world I've been working on. Screenshots will happen when I work out why mine are coming out black.
Updated to remove the reduced memories files (was causing issues) and add Showtime lots to the purchasable businesses.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 62
I downloaded and installed your tweaked Sunset Valley. I then placed various business/venues and houses in the new lots you had placed about. Other than switching a couple of the lots from community to residential, I didn't change a thing.
Shortly after starting a new game I noticed my Sim was having difficulty going to the stadium for athletic training, then later getting to her job (the warehouse). She would get the route fail thought bubble whenever I requeued the action. I could send her close to the stadium then do a few "go here" actions until she was close enough to send her in. As far as the warehouse, she got into the car to go to work then it dumped her right before the warehouse and again I had to do a couple "go here" actions to finally get her inside. The following Sim day I also noticed that other families were just standing around when they should be at work.
I'm not sure what's going on, and would really like to play your tweaked version as Sunset Valley has always been one of my favorites too.
I downloaded and installed your tweaked Sunset Valley. I then placed various business/venues and houses in the new lots you had placed about. Other than switching a couple of the lots from community to residential, I didn't change a thing.
Shortly after starting a new game I noticed my Sim was having difficulty going to the stadium for athletic training, then later getting to her job (the warehouse). She would get the route fail thought bubble whenever I requeued the action. I could send her close to the stadium then do a few "go here" actions until she was close enough to send her in. As far as the warehouse, she got into the car to go to work then it dumped her right before the warehouse and again I had to do a couple "go here" actions to finally get her inside. The following Sim day I also noticed that other families were just standing around when they should be at work.
I'm not sure what's going on, and would really like to play your tweaked version as Sunset Valley has always been one of my favorites too.
I can't say I've noticed any routing issues those locations, and have been sending Sims there frequently, but I do have some routing tweaks installed which might be making a difference. I'll have a look at the routing around those areas and do some testing of those areas over the weekend.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 62
Much appreciated, Anach.
If you can't find anything perhaps you can point me in the direction of what and where the routing mods you use are?
Much appreciated, Anach.
If you can't find anything perhaps you can point me in the direction of what and where the routing mods you use are?
I had a good look around the stadium and couldn't find anything obvious. I had to rebuild the routing data anyway after I fixed some other routing issues outside the town area, and also fixed a rogue tree that somehow made its way into the street. My Sims still have no issues with the Stadium area either. Try the new version and see how you go. I have my Sports Bar and Dog Park in those two new lots. As for the routing tweaks, I'm using Twoftmama Route Fix Flavor 2 v4. One other tweak people often use is the sims3.ini in the Game\Bin folder. However, mine is currently default. [Config] DynamicAvoidance_FieldRadius = 0.15 DynamicAvoidance_InactiveFieldLength = 3.0 DynamicAvoidance_MinNonIntersectingDistance = 0.24 DynamicAvoidance_FieldLengthPad = 0.6 DynamicAvoidance_StopDistanceMultiplier = 1.85 Stroller_MinimumPathLength = 5.5 Stroller_MaxIncline = 0.05 If you continue to have problems, please try to get a screenshot of the area giving you issues, that way I can be more specific when looking in the editor. PS. For everyone else. Updated mods also uploaded.
Updated mods again. Removed genie pregnancy restrictions for genieTweaks, and added DiaperToNappy name change.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 152
I am using your world and I love it as I have placed all the Showtime lots but I do have a few routing issues. I have a big legacy going on in this world but I downloaded your updated world with the routing issues fixed. If I install this will my saves continue to work and everything I have done in the town still be there? I've never replaced a world before.
I am using your world and I love it as I have placed all the Showtime lots but I do have a few routing issues. I have a big legacy going on in this world but I downloaded your updated world with the routing issues fixed. If I install this will my saves continue to work and everything I have done in the town still be there? I've never replaced a world before.
Yes everything will continue as normal. Just be sure to backup your saves before uninstalling the world, so the game doesn't delete them. If you have any routing issues, please let me know where, and if possible, include some screenshots of the affected area.
Another update: Separated toilet/bath sit interactions into its own package with a fix for uber-toilet missing translation. Added NoAutoHypnotizer to remove the autonomous use of the hypnotizer (Visiting sims would spend the entire time self-hypnotized). Altered the Potion price mod, and removed the OBJD edits for sale prices, as I intend to include those with another mod I'll be releasing soon.
Updated Sunset Valley Expanded.
Some additions.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 56
n00b Queen
Anach, did you take out the Effects Removal or have I gone blind? Should the old one still work?
Anach, did you take out the Effects Removal or have I gone blind? Should the old one still work?
Yes, I took it out as I was having issues. Although I had fixed the issue I was having, it's safer to use the tool on MTS to create your own. That file needs updating every patch, or you may end up missing effects from objects and Sims.\
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Yes, I took it out as I was having issues. Although I had fixed the issue I was having, it's safer to use the tool on MTS to create your own. That file needs updating every patch, or you may end up missing effects from objects and Sims.\
hello, first I wanna say thanks for these awesome mods!. and, to my problem then... my game seems to crash a few times after updating to 1.34 patch and I thought maybe some of your mods need updating. would you mind telling me which mods need updating? I will not use them until you update... I am not asking you to, but i will wait because I don't have the knowledge to do it myself. and again... thanks! (excuse my english)
« Last Edit: 2012 June 10, 05:25:20 by qimamrullah »
Yes, I took it out as I was having issues. Although I had fixed the issue I was having, it's safer to use the tool on MTS to create your own. That file needs updating every patch, or you may end up missing effects from objects and Sims.\
hello, first I wanna say thanks for these awesome mods!. and, to my problem then... my game seems to crash a few times after updating to 1.34 patch and I thought maybe some of your mods need updating. would you mind telling me which mods need updating? I will not use them until you update... I am not asking you to, but i will wait because I don't have the knowledge to do it myself. and again... thanks! (excuse my english) I haven't updated for 1.34 yet. Started working on it today, but some family decided to visit, and then had to convince my daughter back to her own PC. I'll try get some done this evening.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
oh, I see. It's better to wait then, I just really can't play without these mods. I hope I'm not rushing you. EDIT: stupid typo 
« Last Edit: 2012 June 10, 08:54:37 by Qim »
oh, I see. It's better to wait then, I just really can play without these mods. I hope I'm not rushing you.
I wouldn't call it a rush  Just happened the patch came out on the week I have my Daughter for school break. This coupled with my 8 year old file server died this week, so am waiting for parts and having to do everything from backups. Very inconvenient of EA as usual!
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Wow, what a week! I hope it will sort out soon.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 305
Beware donkey poo.
I have my Daughter for school break.
Oh, Look. You named your daughter, Daughter. How convenient. I knew a guy who named his dog, Dammit. This was also convenient. *This ends Eeyore's Steven Wright impression.*
"[M]embers of MATY do not realize how badly they are perceived by society, and that people are secretly mocking them in silence." -- cwurtz 
I have my Daughter for school break.
Oh, Look. You named your daughter, Daughter. How convenient. I knew a guy who named his dog, Dammit. This was also convenient. *This ends Eeyore's Steven Wright impression.*Very. I also named my ginger cat "Ginger Cat". We like to keep things simple were I live. This site needs a counter ".. hours since last grammar or spelling mistake spotted" I doubt the timer would make it far.