Is your ' Interaction tweaks ' mod a tweak to make the Ask to Move In interaction more autonomous or less autonomous ? Since installing Generations my playables get automously pestered by their best friends , who keep asking them to move in and that's without this mod in . So surely a mod isn't needed to make it more autonomous ?  And if it's supposed to make it a little less autonomous then it doesn't seem to be working because my sims get pestered just as much with this installed  Anyone who is in either the ' Best Friend ' category or ' Old Friend ' category keeps nagging my sims about moving in  The interaction tweaks mod isn't about one thing specifically. It's a collection of tweaks that enable autonomous interaction for a few things, as well as enable others for teens. Hard to remember specifically which off-hand, but it doesn't alter the chances of such things. The "Ask to move in" interaction was something I've had in there for a few versions, so I've never tested to see if it worked without my tweak, however, it isn't marked as autonomous by default, at least not in that file. You can change this yourself. Look in the 0x50B229A0C636C136 file, search for "ask to move in" and change the auto to false and udo to true. Thanks Anach . Furthermore, if you want to see what exactly I change, you can use WinMerge to compare my version to the original in gameplaydata.pacakge.
Bruce Banner
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 123
I've changed it successfully ... hopefully  I've barely ever used S3PE so modding isn't something I do . Hopefully it's worked though . Thanks again for the advice .
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 24
The interaction tweaks mod isn't about one thing specifically. It's a collection of tweaks that enable autonomous interaction for a few things, as well as enable others for teens. Hard to remember specifically which off-hand, but it doesn't alter the chances of such things. The "Ask to move in" interaction was something I've had in there for a few versions, so I've never tested to see if it worked without my tweak, however, it isn't marked as autonomous by default, at least not in that file.
You can change this yourself. Look in the 0x50B229A0C636C136 file, search for "ask to move in" and change the auto to false and udo to true.
Yeah thanx anach, this was one of the reasons I wouldn't download this. I just started tweaking NRaas tuning xml's for myself and and with your help now I'm satisfied with this mod 
Marvin the Martian-"Oh goody! My illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator." Vivi Ornitier- "No more. I won't let you make any more instruments of murder!"
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 201
Lazy Lurker
Anach, would you consider making a mod that increases the fridge cost of multiple serving food? I think it's wrong that a 8 serving dish costs exactly the same as a single serving one. I think the 8 serving dish should cost about 3 times the amount of the single serving.
I'm an apathetic sociopath, I'd kill you if I cared.
Anach, would you consider making a mod that increases the fridge cost of multiple serving food? I think it's wrong that a 8 serving dish costs exactly the same as a single serving one. I think the 8 serving dish should cost about 3 times the amount of the single serving.
That is a good idea. I'll have a look an see if I can locate a tuning file, and then hope there are separate values for group/single servings.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 168
Is the RewardFridgeUnlock now part of another mod or have you removed it completely?
Updated some stuff. Don't ask what, as I don't recall. It's like a lucky dip.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 821
MATY's Lord and Savior
Quick question Anach, are you Anach from  Couldn't you have asked this in PM?
"Terminate the erroneous data" is an awesome euphemism for an abortion.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 13
Quick question Anach, are you Anach from  Couldn't you have asked this in PM? Could you have messaged me this in a PM? Why of course you could but you didn't!
Hey girl hey?
Quick question Anach, are you Anach from  Couldn't you have asked this in PM? Yes I am and yes they could. BTW. I have not yet checked these mods for compatibility against the current patch, and I'll not be updating these mods until possibly late next week, so use at your own risk.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 32
Can your InteractionTweaks be used with Buzzler's 'Moar Interactions?' Both seems to change the same XML file, but both mods are very attractive to me, I can't choose just one so I had to ask even if it's a foolish question.
Can your InteractionTweaks be used with Buzzler's 'Moar Interactions?' Both seems to change the same XML file, but both mods are very attractive to me, I can't choose just one so I had to ask even if it's a foolish question.
Unless Buzzler has done something new today with his interactions mod, they shouldn't share any similar files. His mod adds his own tuning files, and doesn't change any existing game xml. I can't remember all the changes off the top of my head, but If Buzzler tweaks a similar interaction, then it will likely overwrite/replace any settings I have changed for the base interaction, so you can safely use both together. However, mine haven't yet been updated to the latest patch. Not sure when I'll get around to it at this stage, as I'm having a much needed Sims 3 break and finishing off a few other games I bought but never played.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 95
I have Buzzler's moar interactions and a number of Anachs mods in my game, I am updated to the latest patch and all the expansions, I haven't experienced any problems.
Let me know if you suddenly become interesting.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 205
I've just noticed that the pregnancy tweaks make the bump disappear. So I tried others, and it was the same thing. Do you have any idea what they could conflict with? Dashboard didn't come up with anything.
I've just noticed that the pregnancy tweaks make the bump disappear. So I tried others, and it was the same thing. Do you have any idea what they could conflict with? Dashboard didn't come up with anything.
Well I know there was a bug with 1.22 that caused Sims to get stuck pregnant (if they got reset), but I've not heard of the opposite, nor have I had that issue myself. The only difference with my pregnancy tweak is that it makes the pregnancy duration longer, so the bump may take longer to show than with the standard length pregnancy. I'm in the process of updating mods as we speak, and the pregnancy mod should be fine, as no updates were needed.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 95
I've just noticed that the pregnancy tweaks make the bump disappear. So I tried others, and it was the same thing. Do you have any idea what they could conflict with? Dashboard didn't come up with anything.
I had the problem of the baby bump not showing, and found it was CC Clothing not having pregnancy morph. When I dressed sim in appropriate clothing the bump appeared.
Let me know if you suddenly become interesting.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 205
Well, it may be clothing conflicting, but not on its own, since I had a save with a pregnancy near the end and with a pregnancy tweak, no bump, no pregnancy tweak, bump, with the same clothing. Same with 2 other similar tweaks.
Well, it may be clothing conflicting, but not on its own, since I had a save with a pregnancy near the end and with a pregnancy tweak, no bump, no pregnancy tweak, bump, with the same clothing. Same with 2 other similar tweaks.
There is also some Generations clothing marked for pregnancy, but it has no morph. More sloppy EA categorisation.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 205
That wouldn't explain why the bump grows back when I take out the mod. I tried with everything out, even DBCs except awesome and longer preg, no bump. I have to find a no cd to try without awesome.
Feckless Fool

Posts: 260
I have to find a no cd to try without awesome.
Twallan has a No-CD, it's in the page with his mods.
Finally finished updating to the current patch, although I'm still not actually playing at the moment. There shouldn't be any issues, but as always, let me know if you come across anything.
Also I have included a couple mods that I generated with velocitygrass' tools (MTS), simply because they were in the folder where I keep all my mods. For those two mods in particular it maybe best to generate your own using velocitygrass' mod tools, that way you get your own choice of options. Up to you.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Do you plan updating your mods for 1.26?
Sure do. I'll do it once I get Pets, which should be next week. Looking forward to playing it. However, I plan to be playing Battlefield 3 next week too, so it might take me longer than expected.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 317
This is the first time i've had your mods conflict with a new version/EP. Guess something big-ish changed. Or i've just been getting lucky. Either way, I can't choose a Lifetime Wish while these Mods are in my Packages folder so i'm just gonna wait for the new versions.