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Author Topic: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates  (Read 131105 times)
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
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Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« on: 2005 November 04, 03:13:44 »

Just reposting this here so it doesn't get buried. Feel free to repost this tutorial on other sites if you want.


First you want to go into the CAS in the game in debug mode (boolprop testingcheatsenabled true then hold shift and N). Now go to the screen with the facial templates and hover over them. This gives you the internal names of those facial templates. I actually ran the game in windowed mode and left it open while I was hunting for the face files.

Now the file you need to look for is Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\Sims3D\CASFace.package. If you are going to leave the game open then you will need to make a copy of this file to work with it, SimPE won't open the original while the game is running. I just made a copy of it on my desktop.

Now open the file. On the left side there's several selections. You want to pick Geometric Data Container because those are the actual meshes and the only files we're really concerned with. Then I would hit the "type" bar above all the geometric data container listings on the right side to sort them alphabetically because it's just easier to deal with.

Now fine the face or faces in question (remember, you can get the names from the CAS in debug mode) and then export them. Make a new file in SimPE and import them. You can delete the exported files once you've added them to your new file and saved it. The face templates will always be in sets of 2, the regular and LOD15 version so make sure you get both geometric data container files for each template.

Now find a sim whose facial structure you like and open their package file in SimPE. You can do this from neighborhood character files if you know the sim's character #, which you can get in the sim browser in SimPE, or you can do it with a bodyshop sim template. Those will get saved in the SavedSims directory and tend to get file names with numbers so you might not be able to easily tell who they are unless you just have one in that directory. SimPE also has a sim surgery plugin where you can export any neighborhood sim's looks to a bodyshop template in the SavedSims directory and call it whatever you want.

Now when you open your sim's file go to Geometric Data Container. Their might be multiple selections here, particularly if the sim has gone through all the different ages in the game. For Adults, look for the ones with age3_0_gmdc and age3_0LOD15_gmdc in their names and extract these two entries as well (you can preview the mesh if you go to the 3D Mesh tab down below).

Now go back and open your new file (the name doesn't matter btw) with the original face templates and go to the Geometric Data Container again. For the template you want to replace, highlight it on the main upper window on the right hand side and write down or copy the "filename" somewhere where you won't lose it. You will need it in a sec. Do this for the LOD15 version too. So in my example where I was replacing the first male facial template called amArchHeart I copied down the filenames amArchHeart_tslocator_gmdc and amArchHeartLod15_tslocator_gmdc. The second is the same name but with LOD15 inserted after the archetype name.

After you've stashed those names somewhere, highlight those files again on the upper right window and do a right click on them. Choose replace, then load the data you previously extracted from your sim. Make sure you replace the LOD15 from your sim with the template's LOD15 and the regular one with the regular one. You might want to save them to different places when you extract them.

Once you've replaced them (the entries should show up in italics in SimPE to signify that they were modified) then highlight them and change their filename back to that of the template. So you may see something like #0x6f0009f8!age3_0LOD15_gmdc, in my example if I wanted to change the adult male 'heart shaped' template I would rename that file name to amArchHeart_tslocator_gmdc. If you saved those names before to a temporary notepad file you can just copy and paste them back over. Now do this for both the regular and LOD15 version of the template and commit then save.

That's it. Now put it in your downloads folder and run the bodyshop and you'll find your face there. If find that the thumbnail in the bodyshop or CAS is not correctly displaying your new facial template then delete this file: My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Thumbnails\CASThumbnails.package It's totally safe to delete and doing so will force the game to regenerate new face template thumbnails.

Of course you'll have to do this many times over for all the templates and both genders. Probably all the ages too.  A quick tip though, if you have a sim whose face you like, you can open them in the bodyshop, change them another gender or age and resave them to get the female or child etc versions of that same face to use for templates. This way you can keep matched sets for both genders when you do the replacing.
« Last Edit: 2005 November 04, 03:23:50 by Motoki » Logged

In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #1 on: 2005 November 05, 20:57:00 »

This is very interesting...I've been opening the Geometric Data Container in a similar manner to fix sims that get disfigured(ie: Crimplip) by SimPe's Surgery plugin, though I use clean Installer to identify the character file. Apparently Sim Surgery is corrupting the GDC in some cases.

Not being a coder myself, I will need to look at what you've done indepth to understand it Roll Eyes. I am curious as to whether you think it would be possible to build a morphing mod for sims faces similar to the sliders used in bodyshop for faces/facial features?. Something that is fairly user friendly that would allow you to morph 2 sims that you have either created or downloaded. It would be fantastic if you could manipulate the features of a child by morphing the the individual characteristics of the parents. Being hideously repulsive myself, I prefer to surround myself with beautiful female sims in my dark seclusion.

This is something I've wanted for a long time and never mentioned because I doubted that it was possible... Huh

~ Le Rant finis~


Lord of the Nannies
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #2 on: 2005 November 05, 21:47:44 »

Yes should be able to do that. Just make a package file from the parent sim via the method I gave, drop it into downloads, give the kid surgery with the machine to use the parents' templates. You can't use the slider in the surgery machine, but you can right click on the face which blends that facial template onto the sims current face just a little bit each time you right click.

Once you're done you can take out the template package files if you want. You may also want to do templates for each parent's twin of the opposite gender by doing sim surgery on them, opening them in the bodyshop, switching them over to the opposite gender and saving. Of course this is all a lot of work and I wouldn't want to be doing it every time I had a kid in the game.  Shocked

AllenBBQ actually did make a full set of replacement templates for the adults but took down the files since there's some issues with changes between the ages if a full set is not done etc. It seems this process is going to need more looking into and experimenting.  Undecided
« Last Edit: 2005 November 06, 03:28:19 by Motoki » Logged

In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #3 on: 2005 November 20, 08:33:48 »

I'd love that set of replacements, or even just a partial set. Grin  Looks like a lot of work though. If you guys do some of this stuff, can you save us all grief and post a few each so we build up a set?  I should think it would be a more varied set if different people contribute sims.  Most of the templates aren't too bad, it's just you get bored with them.  But there are a few really awful ones.  I guess I couldn't use them myself until I get Uni or NL of course.  Wouldn't it be easier to delete some and add others?  I guess the answer is "yes it would, but you can't do it that way!"
« Last Edit: 2005 November 20, 08:41:50 by cwykes » Logged

Sick of Bluewater?  Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead.  Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB.  Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience!
Lord of the Nannies
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #4 on: 2005 November 20, 13:14:36 »

University or NL doesn't add any new ones, but seems like they are threatening too with a 'shopping pack' Tongue Any replacements should work with the base game.

I have to admit, I haven't been in much of a TS2 mood lately (see the simpotence thread Wink ) I've more been in the mood to come here and talk about it lol.

AllenBBQ did make a set of replacements for adults, he's still working on the other ages AFAIK. I know he did pull the files down though because he wanted to test things more and wait until he had the other ages done.

In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #5 on: 2005 November 20, 13:48:14 »

University or NL doesn't add any new ones, but seems like they are threatening too with a 'shopping pack' Tongue Any replacements should work with the base game.
doesn't the genetics being in a different author cause a problem taking Uni sims to the base game?

I have to admit, I haven't been in much of a TS2 mood lately (see the simpotence thread Wink ) I've more been in the mood to come here and talk about it lol.
Know what you mean - you've probably seen me around a lot too.  If you want my little set of lots as place holders for your new 'hood challenge, they're downloadable free off TSR today.  Delete when you get something better.  I'd really love to know if the river looks good or bad with NL and and tips for improving that.  currently struggling to hide a pool in the river for another community lot.  cursing the random drops in water level when you deepen 1 extra bit....

AllenBBQ did make a set of replacements for adults, he's still working on the other ages AFAIK. I know he did pull the files down though because he wanted to test things more and wait until he had the other ages done.
Look forward to them.

Sick of Bluewater?  Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead.  Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB.  Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience!
Lord of the Nannies
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #6 on: 2005 November 20, 13:55:25 »

doesn't the genetics being in a different author cause a problem taking Uni sims to the base game?

It's not really genetics, but rather the default facial templates the game bases some of its genetics on. The genetics itself aren't set until a sim is created.

As far as I can tell, it shouldn't matter what version of the game is run and all the files changed are from The Sims 2 directory (as opposed to The Sims 2 University or The Sims 2 Nightlife ones).

In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Feckless Fool
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #7 on: 2005 November 24, 22:44:21 »

I just thought I'd chime in with this other download I put up.  It's all the base template faces extracted from "CASFaces.packages".  It'll be helpful to anyone who wants to try making their own.  (At least taking out SOME of the tedium!)
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #8 on: 2005 November 26, 13:55:20 »

That sonds so cool i'll try it.Smiley

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Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #9 on: 2005 December 08, 02:50:06 »

Does this affect the sims genetics or only the appearance?  For instance if you replace the male face that has the huge nose and banana mouth with a handsome face,  make a sim using the new face and allow him to procreate,   will he pass on the new facial features or the old ones?   
Juvenile Jackass
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #10 on: 2005 December 12, 01:07:42 »

Awesome tutorial.  Thank you.  I had that 'crimped lip' thing from SimPE's sim surgery mentioned by S|ckPuppy but had no idea how to fix it.  So I made an archtype of the sim's face and used the cosmetic surgeon to give him a new mouth.  I was using the Pollination Technician sim, so getting an uncorrupted version of him was easy.  Everything worked great, the mouth behaves normally and doesn't look so odd - and now I have the alien face as an archtype, lol.

edit: removed pics.

I am so happy!  He was looking really, kind of, well.....let's just say I was careful with the close ups.
« Last Edit: 2006 June 05, 13:27:06 by TreyNutz » Logged

Just coincidence but it works.
Malodorous Moron
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #11 on: 2006 March 04, 03:48:26 »

You know, I think I may finallly actually give this a shot!  For whatever reason, there are in-game template faces I absolutely adore, still.  And then others that I just cringe whenever one is generated.  And now I'm starting to sound as picky as other people I've seen post, but I can't seem to find any one person's files that I really, really like!  Wink  It's not that they aren't good, but they just don't quite suit my taste.  Some seem to have all the same nose, and others are still going to cause problems genetically because of the facial structure.  Picky, picky, picky!  And then in other instances I'm just tired of looking at some of the faces.  Wink

At any rate, I really appreciate the tutorial AND Alan's extracted templates!

Edited to add:  This'll also give me a great excuse to make some sims in BodyShop!

BTW, I kind of liked the bizarre lips on the above alien.  He looked very, ummm, alien-like!  Cheesy

Lord of the Nannies
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #12 on: 2006 March 04, 13:09:51 »

Well if you make some please post them. I'd like to see! Smiley

In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #13 on: 2006 March 05, 01:57:09 »

Same Regina, please share if you do. Variety is the spice of life. Smiley

I was going to have a go at making my own set of templates too, but it's just time, there's not enough time to do all the work and play all the games - and as for sleep! Huh!

My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #14 on: 2006 March 05, 04:05:24 »

I made a set. They're nothing special, but here's the link:

Regina, have fun doing your own! It's tedious but rewarding.
Malodorous Moron
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #15 on: 2006 March 05, 19:31:05 »

I made a set. They're nothing special, but here's the link:

Regina, have fun doing your own! It's tedious but rewarding.

Indeed, I saw yours, and they are quite lovely! Smiley  Please don't take this wrong, because everyone has their own tastes and I don't mean this in a bad way at all, but for my taste there wasn't enough variety in the facial structures.  In RL I've always liked looking at people's noses--all different kinds of noses, and on the side views it seems like they're all very similar in size and proportion.  This isn't all bad, though, because I think overall your faces would blend exceptionally well genetically, and as I said they are very lovely faces! Smiley

Motoki & Witch:  I will probably put these up on our website at some point.  I was thinking what I'd do is put individual sets rather than the whole she-bang (I don't think I'll make them all anyway, just the ones I want different--for example, I want a couple more Asian-looking faces than the game currently has so am replacing a couple of those hideous in-game archetypes with those) and if someone decides they'd like a replacement for a certain face they won't need to try to sort through the whole mess to find the few they'd like.  I really wish other people put theirs up this way.  I've seen some very nice ones I would love to have but don't want to waste someone's bandwidth on downloading the whole file just to have two or three.

So far, I have a whopping two sets made! LOL

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #16 on: 2006 March 06, 03:21:52 »

Thanks, Regina!  Grin

I noticed the same thing about the noses when I was compiling the pictures, but by then I had already declared the project "done." Not to mention I had to sacrifice some image quality to make the attachments small enough, so it's that much tougher to make out the differences among the faces. They do blend pretty well genetically, and that was what I was going for in the first place.

As for uploading in separate files, me=lazy.
Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #17 on: 2006 March 06, 06:16:57 »

Regina what a good idea, collecting one or two templates from different people, creating a unique custom set with lots of variety. Smiley I suppose individual templates could be overwritten so there is only one set.

Do you know if you have to have a full set of faces in, or can you just replace some?

What's your website url please? If it's in your siggy, don't bother answering! I can't see the sig from the 'post reply' bit.

I've managed some reasonably Asian faces just in Bodyshop, but none that just crop up unless I plant them as townies.

Cheers for the link terrakosmos, you've made some nice looking sims there, big project.

My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Lord of the Nannies
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #18 on: 2006 March 06, 13:52:40 »

You can definitely just replace some. When I first tested it out I only replaced one and it worked, so you can certainly mix and match between the sets or leave some Maxis ones in.

In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Feckless Fool
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #19 on: 2006 March 07, 01:59:48 »

Yes it's all very flexible. I'm actually playing with a blend of faces I made and faces that terrakosmos made where I thought they were a lot better than my efforts.

The only downside is that as more people make faces, it's likely you'll see one that you want but it'll replace another favorite of yours.  Unfortunately you can't just change the family name and expect it to replace a different family set.
Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #20 on: 2006 March 07, 05:00:59 »

Great! I reckon mixing and matching sounds like a cool way to get lots of genetic variety. That much I can manage, thanks to the hard work of others.  Kiss

My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Juvenile Jackass
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #21 on: 2006 March 08, 15:52:32 »

I've made my own CAS templates replacements using Simposieum self sims.  They can be downloaded from this thread:  I don't have pics of all 27 faces used, but there is a photobucket album with some of the new townies that were created.  All the self sims were used with permission, with the possible exception of Pescado's.  He merely replied on the thead I made asking for donations and I took the liberty of assuming he was donating his self sim.  (So, JM - if you're not ok with it, let me know and I'll remove it.)

I used one self sim for each template family, creating a male/female pair from each self sim, and created replacements for all age groups.  I found that for each template family, I could get the facial data for all age groups and genders by creating a male toddler and a female teen in CAS and using those package files to extract the data.  I did not find it necessary to make a sim for each age group.  (It's actually easier to create a female child because they don't need you to assign aspiration and turn ons/offs.)  I used AllenABQ's default templates from MTS2 and combined them into 27 package files so there would be one package file for each template family containing all age groups and both genders.  Then I followed Motoki's tutorial to extract and replace all the geometric container data. 

Along the way I also created separate txt files with the list of all the GDC names for each template family.  I could make those available for upload if anyone is interested.  It would save you some time if you doing a full set.  I actually did a test set, the Simposieum set, then finally a set for my own use.  I actually ended up with a whole nested folder system to stream line the extraction and replacement process, but still it's a bit tedious.  Needless to say I won't be doing that again anytime soon.  (Although someday I'd like to make a set of alien looking templates and used them in different XP account.)

edited for clarity.
« Last Edit: 2006 March 08, 16:13:05 by TreyNutz » Logged

Just coincidence but it works.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #22 on: 2006 March 08, 21:06:45 »

I found that for each template family, I could get the facial data for all age groups and genders by creating a male toddler and a female teen in CAS and using those package files to extract the data.  I did not find it necessary to make a sim for each age group.  (It's actually easier to create a female child because they don't need you to assign aspiration and turn ons/offs.)  I used AllenABQ's default templates from MTS2 and combined them into 27 package files so there would be one package file for each template family containing all age groups and both genders.  Then I followed Motoki's tutorial to extract and replace all the geometric container data. 

That's how I did it, too (the CAS part)! I used a toddler female for all my female data and and teen male for the males. Saves a lot of time, doesn't it? I extracted the facial data myself, though, way back in November when the tutorial was first posted (unrepentant lurker), and named/numbered them according to the order they appear in CAS.

For my next set (if I ever get around to it, lol) I will probably do it the long way and spend more time tweaking each age and gender for a particular face. As it is my children and teens' faces are too similar for my tastes. Shame on me for rushing.

Needless to say I won't be doing that again anytime soon.

Same here.
Juvenile Jackass
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #23 on: 2006 March 09, 01:43:16 »

For my next set (if I ever get around to it, lol) I will probably do it the long way and spend more time tweaking each age and gender for a particular face. As it is my children and teens' faces are too similar for my tastes. Shame on me for rushing.

I tweaked the female faces a bit.  I started off making all the males in Bodyshop, then converted them to females in CAS.  The game tends to make their jaws and chin very small, so mostly I corrected that so their face wasn't cut off at the lips.  If you make a balanced female face in CAS and convert it to a male, I saw the same thing in reverse:  big jaws and large chins.  If I do another set I might tweak the childer and toddler faces.  They tend to look very weird, especially the children.  But that would mean making even more sims and since I never make toddlers children in CAS I'm not sure what good it would do.

Just coincidence but it works.
Malodorous Moron
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Re: Tutorial - Replacing the default Maxis facial templates
« Reply #24 on: 2006 March 13, 00:02:06 »

I still haven't made a lot of headway on this because other things interferred--like building a new computer and actually being able to PLAY my game for a change! LOL

At any rate, what I'm doing at the moment is using some of Alan's faces and some of those included in the self-sim set from SimPoseum.  I was playing around a bit last night in BodyShop and noticed some really scary results could be acheived with this mess of faces!

I am definitely enjoying watching new service workers as they're generated because finally there's something different to look at!

BTW, TreyNutz, I love your 'self' sim!  Between just those two sets and leaving some of my faves in the game my neighborhood's already getting more interesting.

Terrakosmos, I may yet download your set and add a few of them to the mix, too--especially now that I actually have enough computer resources to add more goodies to my game. Wink

I'll get back to finishing at least some of my own customs, probably after the 'new' wears off of this new machine and OFB. Wink

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