I had this problem one other time but didn't think much of it. But now it's happening again, and it's a big problem. I am using the baby controller, and when Mom tries to get the kid out of the kid, she just stands there, and he just stands there crying, and they both wait. I try to cancel the action, but it won't go away and they remain locked in position. She will move around and stretch and act bored, but she acts like she is waiting for him to get in the proper position, but it never happens. The only way out is move objects or force error. Of course this resets the "smart milk" bit and she has to go make smart milk for him. But she cannot give it to him. This causes a problem as well, and I have to reset them. This boy has a twin sister, and once she got two doses of smart milk one behind the other because she drank his smart milk too. She had an IQ of 360! Dad and teen twin brothers (thanks to twojeffs twins and trips hack) had no problems getting him out of his crib or feeding him smart milk. I reset the toddler, I reset the mom, I bought new cribs, but it didn't help. So I thought if I could let the others take care of the kid until they grew up, the problem would not be an issue any longer. He grew up with his smart milk bit intact. Now he and his sister are skilling on the cleaning guns (two different ones) and Dad and daughter are doing fine. But Mom and son are frozen in place, just like with the crib, and neither will move even after cancelling their queues. I can force an error on mom, the son, or the gun, and it will break them up, but the side effect of this is that he loses his smart bit. This is annoying because he will be severely handicapped compared to his sister in gaining skills. But my main concern is why is this happening? Is it a problem with Mom or the son? Does she not like her son?
I'm being sarcastic, of course, as they are 100/100 and best friends. This has me stumped. Any ideas, O Awesome One?