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1  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: More FUBAR Than You December (New) on: 2009 January 01, 04:15:57
I had a freaky baby/child combo that turned out like this:

2  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Apartment Life: Obligatory Hate/Love Topic on: 2008 September 01, 11:36:59
I rather like the butler... mine seem somewhat intelligent.  It just seems like he should cost a lot more money.  B/c of the surplus of money anyways, even most of my poorer sims can have a butler, which doesn't seem right. 

Having him around seems to really eradicate the need my sims to always have somebody in the kitchen...for the most part, with the butler there is always fresh food prepared.  Yay.

I don't know if I have something in that is conflicting with my game... I think I've really only downloaded stuff from here, but I am getting townies showing up to my sim's homes and then complaining that I invited them to stay over but didn't give them a place to sleep.  I don't know what that is about.
3  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Can't open cheat box in Vista on: 2008 August 29, 03:48:19
Hmm it's worth a shot, you never know...I'll try that too.

ETA...the addition of the windows key worked...thank you!!!
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Gameplay: How do YOU keep track of sim lifes? on: 2008 August 29, 03:46:57
I used to keep track of it but no longer do.
If I start losing track of sims I just check their family trees.

In my one hood I have had some unintentional incest with cousins thanks to the game not recognizing them as such, losing track of sims, and TJ's casual romance.
5  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Can't open cheat box in Vista on: 2008 August 29, 03:42:01
I'll try that.
6  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Apartment Life: Obligatory Hate/Love Topic on: 2008 August 28, 09:45:59
What is the point of the new things sims can study from the bookcase?  They've been rolling up wants...I have them study it until it is fulfilled but there seems to be no point.
7  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Can't open cheat box in Vista on: 2008 August 28, 05:22:26
Okay I've searched this site and googled the hell of this problem...none of the solutions offered have worked.

Simply put, since getting a new laptop and transferring my sims to it... I cannot open the cheat box when playing.

I don't have any cursor dealy that I have read can cause the problem and I don't appear to be using what normally opens the box  as any other hot keys.  I also disabled thing in windows security (name escapes me at the moment) that I saw mentioned here. What else can I do/look for?
8  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What's on YOUR Wish List? on: 2008 August 11, 22:38:08
Facial asymmetry
Ability to make sims fat..thin, ect in CAS.  I know they're doing that in TS3.  I don't have hardly any interest in TS3 right now and unless there is something I am missing, don't know why it couldn't be added to TS2.
More random death...illlnesses that could lead to death.  Babies & toddlers occasionally die, I don't know...I'm morbid.
Truly evil sims... who want to like...kill other sims and set fires to things...and yeah...
For things sims have experienced in their lives to actually mean something in their future wants/fears and interactions
For the game to recognize family relations outside of so many generations.  It is dumb that it doesn't let great grandparents recognize their great grandchildren or totally skeevy when Uncle Frank is hitting on his niece that for some reason he doesn't recognize is his niece by way of his wife's sister.
Sunrise/sunsets... I liked these with the lighting mod (hated the excessive darkness & brightness so took it out)
More expensive objects... its too easy to accumulate a huge amount of money and not have anything to do with it
Rounded walls
Teenagers to have more 'life events'... where is prom, graduating high school, first date... and little interactions that go along with them
Regular CAS to work like Uni CAS
A way to control sims finances... like setting the prices for rent, water, electricity and then choosing what the sims pay for... or maybe some sims have to pay child support, or alimony ha
A mix up of intelligence levels...there should be some really truly dumb sims...and then some realliy intelligent ones with the average..being well average
Some sort of funeral type is disturbing that sims cry for a second and then forget.  At least make them depressed for a few damn days that their loved one died, maybe like the mood meter that is enacted when a sim has a miscarriage using Inteen
For the sims to have an adult touch... andI don't mean like the pervy stuff
For the want to fall in love with everybody the sim has ever went on a date with or made out with to be removed.  I hate when this rolls up on dates especially, blocking the cue for actual meaningful interactions with their date.  No, instead they are on a date with somebody, wanting to fall in love with 3 of their previous dates.  They should only want to fall in love with those they have the most chemistry with,  most in common with...something like that.
Aspiration failure needs to actually mean something.  Maybe it could be like motive failure, where they won't want to study/earn skill points if they are depressed, ect
Being able to place things at variable heights on walls...but I thought I read they will allow that in Apartment Life

9  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Almost entire family burned to death, including child - why? on: 2008 May 12, 09:05:35
I didn't realize children could actually die.  I haven't managed to kill any the whole time I've had TS2...don't know if that is an accomplishment or not.
10  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What's on YOUR Wish List? on: 2008 May 09, 23:15:26
Add me to the list of more random sim death.  I've recently decided that there will be no more of this pleading with the reaper nonsense.  I quickly wiped out 2 sims once deciding that.  Don't eat until until you fall to the ground?  Nobody is saving you.  Set your pregnant ass on fire making crepes, your husband puts you out, and then you pass out from heat stroke...bye bye.
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Abductions not resulting in pregnancy? on: 2008 April 22, 20:49:22
Actually now that I know this I feel a bit relieved b/c I had been reluctant to use Summon Aliens for a lot of my knowledge sims just based on the fact that I didn't want every knowledge male ending up with an alien baby. 
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Abductions not resulting in pregnancy? on: 2008 April 22, 07:21:24
Aha...did not realize it was intended to be this way.
13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Abductions not resulting in pregnancy? on: 2008 April 22, 02:27:29
Since installing FT... alien abductions using the summon aliens feature of the game or watch for UFOs does not result in pregnancy for eligible sims.  I couldn't find anything about this but then again I didn't look to hard...was wondering if this was a bug/meant to work that way/or possible hack conflict.
14  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Does anyone still have the FT patch? on: 2008 April 17, 23:05:46
I never patched when it was available.  Hell I never downloaded any of the BV patches either.
15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Bork List: Freetime Ed. on: 2008 March 03, 23:55:16
I know it was mentioned already but I too am having issues with the summon aliens never working and debug abductions won't work either which was already mentioned as well I think. 
16  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Bork List: Freetime Ed. on: 2008 March 03, 21:55:13
Are we then 100% convinced that the jobs being borked is hack related? 

I finally went back and got a chance to read the entire thread and believe me I am not stupid enough to leave in InSim/Inteen or any other unupdated hack.  Now something still stuck in there that I don't know about, possible but not likely as I'm a little OCD about how things are organized within the game, but I have looked and have not found.
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Bork List: Freetime Ed. on: 2008 March 02, 04:43:44
Sorry I haven't had a chance to read this whole thread yet and yes I am very aware of the fact that one should not have un-updated mods in the new EP.  I delete my hacks folder upon every new EP and redownload them as they are updated or approved for the EP.
18  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Bork List: Freetime Ed. on: 2008 March 02, 03:49:25
My natural science career is borked.  When my sim was promoted to ecological guru I got an error and a "bonus" of -32,000
19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Autonomously Pet Breeding on: 2008 March 02, 02:37:10
good lord, that seems disasterous.

20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Bork List: Freetime Ed. on: 2008 March 02, 02:29:12
I'm having the problem of badging taking ridiculous amounts of time to acquire as well.

Also having the adhd/fun issue that I saw mentioned. 

Don't know if this has been mentioned or not...but on my lots with their own cars... each time a sim leaves or comes home from work/school I get pretty much a stoppage of time or freeze for about 10-15 seconds which really annoys me
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Bork List: Freetime Ed. on: 2008 February 29, 23:22:55
Yeah I noticed that my sims are initiating a lot more actions as well..I found that odd.  I have yet to decide or not if it annoys me.

I have a few sims that are into a nature that are rather fond of harassing skunks.  I've never before seen a sim interact with a skunk on their own freewill. 
22  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Trying to install more RAM and failing, help on: 2008 January 13, 02:00:26
We actually got it to work w/o having to buy another gig.  We mixed them and discovered my hubby wasn't installing it right the first time, it wasn't clicking right or something.  He got it installed and it was showing we had 1.5 gig of ram and then I tested it up by booting up TS2 of course.  Wow, tis like having new computer. 
23  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Trying to install more RAM and failing, help on: 2008 January 11, 09:38:53
Okay, makes sense.  Aggh more money to spend, we just need a new comp!
24  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Trying to install more RAM and failing, help on: 2008 January 11, 05:19:46
Okay so do we need 2 things of 1G or does it need to be 2 things PC3200... b/c we're stupid lol and the owner's manual is confusing us

This is what it says:

The recommended memory configurations are:
• Install a pair of matched memory modules in connectors DIMM1 and DIMM2.
• Install a pair of matched memory modules in connectors DIMM1 and DIMM2 and
another matched pair in connectors DIMM3 and DIMM4.
• Do not install ECC memory modules.
• If you install mixed pairs PC2700 (DDR 333-MHz) and PC3200 (DDR 400-MHz)
memory, the modules function at the slowest speed installed.

And then this

DDR memory modules should be installed in pairs of matched memory size. This means that
if you purchased your computer with 128 MB of memory installed and you want to add
another 128 MB of memory, you should install it in the appropriate connector. If the DDR
memory modules are not installed in matched pairs, the computer will continue to operate,
but with a slight reduction in performance.

So I'm taking it that means we need to go buy another gig to match the one we bought?  Or does the matching refer to needing 3200?
25  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Trying to install more RAM and failing, help on: 2008 January 11, 05:16:10
Opps I meant Dell Dimension 4600 will edit above.
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