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101  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Sims Go Insane! on: 2006 September 09, 02:53:05
Had to post a link to this, it's a new Sim Insanity mod on MTS2 from wintermuteai1.  I may be imagining things, but the Sim in the very last picture looks awfully familiar ...
102  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: i'm frickin bored no1 cook food for me :( on: 2006 September 08, 22:07:58
I always used this but had to take it out as it caused quite a few problems in my game once I installed OFB, in particular 'freezing' the fridges so they could no longer be used atonomously.  I do miss it greatly, but I won't put it back whilever it's not updated.  I'd advise you to watch very carefully after you start using it.
103  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Last sim on lot dies....tombstone stuck there on: 2006 September 08, 02:49:59
What I normally do is teleport in a townie just before the elder is due to die and move them in with Inge's Teleporter Bush.  I think it also works if you make them selectable, can't remember now as it's so long since I had to do it.  Then when the elder's dead and Grimmy has gone, I either get the townie to send the gravestone to the cemetery, or more likely I teleport in whichever family member will be housing it and stick it in their inventory.  I don't use them to temporarily move in as it mucks-up the family line-up, so it's easier to use a townie and you can't do it anyway if the family member is at Uni or they'll grow-up when you move them in.
104  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: The Chernobyl Contest! on: 2006 September 08, 02:31:39
Well, I downloaded it from here, from the Made-Up Animals thread.  All I did was remove the beard and alter the hairdo.  My 9-year-old son chose that one, probably because it's the nearest to his.  Anyway, how does it score in the mutant stakes?  I think it's pretty mutated.
105  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: The Chernobyl Contest! on: 2006 September 07, 19:04:10
I couldn't resist using JM in this.  I removed his beard and mated him with various people, including Sim Me, Julia Roberts & Gwen Stefano, but none of them produced weird enough looking kids.  I then tried a Self Sim I originally downloaded from MTS2 who is one of the characters in my neighbourhood.  I removed her custom hair, but that's all I did to her.  The resulting kids were nearly all pretty gross, but I think this was the best (or worst, depending on how you look at it).  There is no way this guy is normal.  One of his eyes is bigger than the other for a start, although looking closely at his 'mother', she seems to have the same problem (never noticed that before).  He has a worse case of it, though.  One eyelid seems to be sort of hooded, whereas the other isn't, or maybe he has a stye.

106  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Apparently random LTW reassignment on: 2006 September 07, 14:51:02
It's happened to me now and again, but I don't know what causes it either.  I use Squinge's mod that allows any LTW for any aspiration and often they will roll back to the original if they're not saved before their next wants reroll, but that's a different thing altogether.  I've definitely had them reroll spontaneously before using that mod.  The only other thing I can think of is have you changed the aspiration of the Sims in question and if so, are the new LTW's more suited to their former aspiration?  I doubt that's the case, but it's the only other possible cause I can think of. 
107  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Lot Sync Timer: All BlueSoups Suck Edition on: 2006 September 07, 09:14:21
So remember: Wednesday night to Friday morning. That's the time to try for babies.

Do you recommend that in real life, also?
108  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: moving house and getting a second graduation memory on: 2006 September 07, 00:39:24
In my case at any rate the degree was usually one lower, but sometimes two lower.  It was never the same.  I can't remember what happened if they only "Graduated" (if anything, as in that neighbourhood it hardly ever happened).  The problem didn't occur for me if they were moved into an occupied lot via the neighbourhood screen, only when they were moved into an empty lot (either brand-new or previously-occupied) that started at 8.01 am on Monday.  Neither did it happen if I moved them in via the "Ask to Move In" method.  It was purely an empty lot phenomenon, at least in my case.

109  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: moving house and getting a second graduation memory on: 2006 September 06, 14:33:23
This is something I reported on quite a while back, it used to drive me totally crazy.  Even couples almost at elder were getting it and I was forever in SimPE sorting it out.  I eventually found the answer, at least for me.  Before you move the family, while they're still in the Family Bin, go play another house, doesn't matter which.  Teleport in the relevant ex-YA's and make them selectable.  Unpause the game for a brief second, save it, make them unselectable again and teleport them out.  Save that lot.  When you move the family now, there shouldn't be any extra memories.

Whatever causes it, it seems to only happen if they're not played in between moves.  I have no idea if it's still happening in my game since I changed pc's as none of my few ex-YA's in my latest neighbourhood have moved more than once yet, but this is how I sorted it out in my other neighbourhoods.  I did have a few it didn't happen to and I think maybe if they appear on a community lot or are visitors on someone else's lot in between moves that works as well, but I never got around to testing that part.
110  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: "Assign Baby To" hack..? Possible or Not? on: 2006 September 05, 21:08:23
Well I know it sounds ridiculous and it is in one sense.  But you see, I like my Sims to starve to death if that's what they want to do and nobabyharassment sort of stops that because they feed themselves instead of trying to feed the baby that doesn't need feeding.  It's all down to my desperate need for more nasty things to happen.  I get so b-o-r-e-d otherwise, all that perfect cereal advert existence, it just ain't NORMAL.

(And I know I'm not either, that's the whole point really).
111  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: "Assign Baby To" hack..? Possible or Not? on: 2006 September 05, 14:57:21
I used nobabyharassment for a long time, then I took it out.  I had various reasons for doing this, but mainly because it stops visitors interacting with the baby and this meant that if their father was a non-resident, he couldn't communicate with his own child.  It was actually a Servo who caused me to take it out, though.  This poor Family Sim Servo female kept constantly trying to hold a baby and being thwarted and I felt so sorry for her.  She was allowed to interact with it if the Controller felt like allowing it (she stayed for at least 24 hours at one lot and basically took care of all the baby's needs in that time, the family never got the chance!), but she still wasn't allowed to autonomously cuddle the baby or play with it when she wanted to, only if the baby needed it, everytime she took the baby out of the crib she was forced to put it back in again and she looked so sad!
112  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: OFB problem on: 2006 September 05, 14:44:52
I have a "Business Owner" career.  Not sure where I got it from, but I know it was linked to on this site somewhere.
113  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Wanting a harder game.. Which mods would you remove or add? on: 2006 September 04, 14:30:22
I started my latest neighbourhood because my first two (both Pleasantview) had become too easy.  I started using the Landlord & Tenant Mod so they had to buy their houses and would therefore have less money (or take longer to get more money), although I've since stopped as it doesn't really work properly for buying. 

I've added various mods that have helped.  One of them is Ste's mod which makes the A+ harder to get.  Now, an A+ is an exception in my neighbourhood rather than an automatic thing.  I only have a handful of Sims who've got them and they really do have to work for them.  The only drawback with it is that it means they have to skill more, which makes things easier later on, but I don't push that anyway.  Most families have the autonomous study bookcases and whereas the more serious kids will start studying the second they transition from toddler, the more playful ones don't go anywhere near them.  This is how it is in real life, so that's how I let it be in the game.  I have one kid with 10 in Playful who went straight to the piano when she transitioned to child and within a few day she'd maxed-out her Creativity (which was at 0 when she started as the Baby Controller won't let them learn it as toddlers).  I had to force her off it the first time to go to bed and by then she was on level 4 or 5 as I recall.  She is one of the few kids in my neighbourhood who reguarly gets an A+, because she's maxed-out the skill that goes with her personality.  I also have kids who get D's because they just aren't doing what they need to do.

I've been very sparing with smart milk, too.  I didn't use it all for my first generation born-ins, mainly because I was no longer cheating to obtain it and none of the parents could afford it.  I have just the one Sim who is 'stuck' at the moment and it's quite an interesting scenario.  His parents are both Pleasure Sims (his father is Fricorith Tricou), as is his elder sister.  He, on the other hand, is extremely serious (only 2 in Playful) and all he does in his spare-time is autonomously study.  He has 'stuck smart milk' and as a result has very high skills now he's just transitioned to teen.  He's totally different in personality to the rest of the family (no doubt due to the Randomise Sim Generator) and I'm sure they must wonder where the hell they got him from.  He gets A+'s all the time, but it isn't difficult as he'd almost maxed-out his Logic when he was a toddler.  I see him as my 'neighbourhood genius' and to keep that going I will probably hit the "Make Me Smart" button on the LotDebugger once he goes to Uni, because once a genius is always a genius in my book.  Yes, that's cheating, but it's calculated cheating, not willy-nilly for the sake of it.  If he never left home he'd stay 'stuck' and it makes no sense that he should become less intelligent just because he's gone to Uni.  Once he's maxed-out his skills (which he will), I may get him to sell some to the Reaper (another mod, LizzLove's I think) so he can start all over again.

I also used to find that more or less all my students graduated Summa Cum Laude, but now hardly any do.  I think only one has so far and that was a former dormie.  I don't cheat at Uni now, even though it makes it somewhat laborious, because otherwise they won't get what they would have got, if you see what I mean.  The ones without sigificant others do much better, because they aren't pre-occupied with the effects of three lightning bolts.  I've also had three of my female YA's get pregnant at Uni and that hasn't helped, either.  None of them ever go on probation, though.  I've had several go to their final exam with their bars in the red and in some cases with two of their 3 skill point subjects short, but they still pass.  The only time they don't is when they're late for the final (regardless of whether the bar is red or not) and I'm sure that before they would be put on probation for being in the red, so maybe some mod is affecting that, I don't know.

I don't use the more expensive npc mod because I use my own Sims to do these jobs (via the ChristianLov NPC mod) which would defeat the object insofar as they would be earning more money than I want them to.  I have one Sim who is the maid for the entire neighbourhood and her husband is the repairman.  The maid also does the gardening, although I do have a few houses that employ a gardener as they don't need the maid due to having residents with very high Hygiene who keep their places clean autonomously.I only have the one gardener, having killed-off the others and put JM's new mod in that stops more being spawned.

Although I don't use the harderjobs mod, I nevertheless follow the rules of it as they suit me.  I started the neighbourhood with the Tricous - Jon Smith was Mayor and Jennicor was Chief of Staff.  They've since died and there is now a new Mayor, who has just turned elder.  He will be replaced by one of my ex-graduate playables who is coming up nicely in the Politics career.  None of my other playables have been allowed to follow that career, although there are several who could hop into it at a high level if the need arose.  I don't have a Chief of Staff at the moment as no one is in that career (my oversight!), neither do I have anyone to replace Captain Hero who has just died (although there are two townie females in the job).

I use Squinge's mod that allows any LTW for any aspiration, together with the one that uses the Uni careers as LTW's and I choose the LTW very carefully.  I look more at their personality and interests than I do at their aspiration.  So, if they are asking to become Master Criminals or Captain Heros but have no interest in crime, it won't happen.  Also, to follow one of the 'one only' careers such as Mayor, they need to fulfil certain criteria.  They must have at least 8 in Outgoing for a start (7 if I was desperate), a bare minimum of 6 in Nice, and preferably be Popularity, plus they must also have at least 8 interest in Politics.  If they don't fit this mould, they can't even study Political Science at Uni even if they want to, because they will never go into the Politics career.  By applying these rules, I have very few prospects for Mayor at any one time.  At the moment, I only have two or three Sims who fit the bill.

I do a lot of things like this and although it doesn't necessarily make the game harder, it makes it a lot more complex and gives me more to think about, which is what I want more than anything.  I spend quite a lot of time working this, that & the other out on paper and I keep all sorts of lists on everything from pregnancies to Inheritance & Earnings (I'm a compulsive list-keeper). 

I no longer cheat with money, I don't boolProp stats anymore, and I no longer cheat Death.  If no one is around to plead, they die, unless they're pregnant, that's my only exception, nore do I reload if the pleading fails (as it has on one occasion so far).  Nor do I 'obtain' the means to resurrect them unless it's legit.  Several Sims have lost their partners as a resut of this, but it makes the game more interesting.  They've all managed to find someone else anyway, so I don't think they're too bothered, and at least I have some adult ghosts around instead of all the old fogeys.
114  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: An Odd Uni Glitch on: 2006 September 04, 02:23:50
Do you by any chance have Inteen installed?  I always move mine into dorms first, but Inteen allows anyone to live on campus in residential housing, so it might possibly not let the teens age, although I would have thought it would.  Only thing I can think of.
115  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: hack request - attn twojeffs - OFB toys on: 2006 September 03, 06:40:58
Please don't make fun of Don.  I miss him in my custom neighbourhood.  I may have to bring him over ... complete with floppy hairdo, of course.
116  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Hack ideas, requests on: 2006 September 02, 16:30:30
I'd like something that would let me put the stupid doors down when I'm in build mode.  It's a pain in the proverbials sometimes, especially with small rooms.  Took me about 5 minutes once just to replace a stupid floor - couldn't see the blasted thing.
117  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Lot Sync Timer: All BlueSoups Suck Edition on: 2006 September 02, 02:40:40
I am puzzled with regard to the Time Warp function.  When I finally got all my lots onto the same neighbourhood day and remembered about it (took a while for the two to tally), it was Day 36.  I started all the original lots at 8am on Monday on Day 0 and it therefore became Day 1 at 6pm on Monday.  Day 1 continued through to 6pm on Tuesday (the weekday changing at midnight, obviously) and Day 2 was Tuesday/Wednesday.  By the same token, Day 3 was Wednesday/Thursday and so on.  As a result of this, I make it that at 6pm on Day 36 it should have been a Monday, changing to Tuesday at midnight.

However, when I went into these original lots, the ones before midnight were on Tuesday and the ones after midnight were on Wednesday.  I genuinely can't see how this can be right, but presumably it must be if they were all like it.  Can someone please explain to me which of these is correct and if it's Tuesday/Wednesday, tell me where I'm going wrong?  I've looked at it every which way and I just can't get it to anything but Monday at 6pm on Day 36.
118  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Why teen cant ? on: 2006 September 02, 00:04:33
They can if they hate each other enough.  I had a teen attack one of her grandparents and/or the other way around.  Was quite a regular occurrence.
119  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Split character files? on: 2006 August 31, 23:13:03
I am seriously wondering if my lobonanny function is back-to-front, maybe because of the extra file or something.  When it's on, the nannies behave stupidly like they used to do, but when I turn it off, they behave very well indeed.  So, now I have it off (well not literally ... not anymore, anyway.  Not that I wouldn't be interested, but he'd have to be rich.  No more marrying for love, had enough of that.  Rich, extremely intelligent, with infinite patience & a penchant for extremely peculiar females ... any takers?  Thought not.  Was worth a try.  Desperate measures and all that.  Sigh).
120  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Car Repair Hack Request on: 2006 August 31, 14:20:07
I've got an actual car that lets you do things like mend it for mechanical points and go on courses and stuff, but it only applies to that one car.  Trouble is, it's doctored so that the points are gained at about 4 times the normal rate so I never use it.  Skill points are easy enough to gain as it is, without making them ludicrously easy.  The only reason I keep it is because it's ridiculously cheap, but gives very high comfort and fun levels, so it's handy for Sims who can't afford a more expensive car. 
121  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Be able to hire multiple Maids/gardeners etc on: 2006 August 30, 14:43:29
I've always thought it was strange that they don't get points of some kind for gardening, which is why I don't bother sending them to do it very often.  I'm hoping that the expansion pack coming up after the non-existent one that apparently will include growing things and similar gardenng-type stuff will have something like that in it.
122  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Memories of deleted Sims on: 2006 August 28, 04:00:56
When you say deleted, do you mean on the lot with moveobjectson, in SimPE or from the actual character file?  Only the latter actually deletes them properly.  Deleting them in SimPE doesn't work properly, it never has, because it doesn't remove the character file.  Deleting them in TS2Enhancer does, though.  If they were properly deleted, they'd show-up as "Unknown" in all the relevant places, so they're not really deleted at all by the sound of it.

In future if something like that happens, try moving the family into another house.  That usually sorts things out.
123  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Question about moving to a different lot on: 2006 August 27, 15:10:19
That's a slightly messy answer since it causes the lot slots to be used up. The Ingelogical shrub leaves attributal garbage on objects causing their costs to become corrupted. The "clean" way to do it is to backup the lot file, then after you move out, revisit it in build mode, save it, quit, and restore it back.

Why is it necessary to revisit it in build mode and save it?  What I've been doing is moving the new family in, saving, then going out the game and replacing the lot with the previously saved one (with the furnishings intact).  Sounds more sensible your way actually, that way they have to pay full price instead of getting a freebie.  Not sure why you need to do the build mode part first, though?
124  TS2: Burnination / The War Room / Re: The Plague: A Detailed Study on: 2006 August 26, 04:39:06

I'm wondering if you perhaps had 'move objects on' when you put the new flowers out after manually deleting them?

Yes, I did - the flowerbeds can't be deleted unless it's on and I know I never bothered to turn it back off.  Oddly enough, exactly the same thing happened today on another lot and I had to burinate again.  There were hidden rubbish piles and smell emitters on that lot as well.  I noticed that one of the Sims went over to one of the new flowerbeds and picked-up a rubbish bag to throw out, even though there had been no rubbish to be seen, just a new flowerbed.  I've no idea why it works like this and it never used to, because I always used to get rid of dead flowerbeds like that. 
125  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Problem with Satisfying Sibling/Sim Goes to College Want on: 2006 August 25, 14:42:20
Could it be because they only tend to get memories of the first child in a family going to college?  That's always irritated me, the fact that only the first one is recognised.  Maybe it has something to do with that?

I also read somewhere recently that if the new YA doesn't move into the same dorm, the want won't be satisfied until the other Sim either talks to them on the phone or comes into physical (pixel?) contact with them.  Did this actually happen in your game?
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