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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2015 October 08, 05:55:35
If human Sim and a Werewolf sleep in the same bed the Werewolf needs more  time to be full rested. Even in his Human form.
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2015 October 07, 12:40:31
Most likely the whole Hood is bugged. But thx for telling me. Another thing which bugs be are werewolves, Transformed they have a slower energy gain while sleeping, and  now ist the same in human form, even in the most expensive bed. A nomal sim has 3 arrows a Werewolf 1 arrow like he sleeps in the cheapest bed.
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2015 October 02, 07:11:40
I get a strange error every time a Alien visits a residential lot.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here on: 2013 May 31, 14:37:48,21179.0.html KT has  made a replacement and a standalone Version of the Window.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) on: 2013 April 12, 14:09:17
I do not have these problems. Are you using a mix of Launcher installed content and package files? If so, put the ccmerged.package in your overrides folder. Also, make sure you are using an updated ccmerged. You can get one here:

One more thing, make sure you aren't using any out of date mod that alters store content moodlets, or some out of date premium content fix.
Is it something happen with Kissing Toast so he still waiting for releasing new fix?

And about Havelock DecrapFix, the size is bigger than usual? Any reason? Thanks

KT is probably busy, which is why he hasn't updated.

I took a look at Havelock's Fix, which I had not yet downloaded because I was lazy. As it turns out, his fix is much larger than KT's because he has many empty STBLs in it. I do not know why those STBLs are there, but they should not be there. If the empty STBLs are actually Store STBLs that might explain the missing moodlets. Moodlets that do not have proper localization do not show up in game.

Edit: I looked a bit closer at Havelock's package because I had some more spare time and saw that the reason the package is so big is because he included a lot of unnecessary resources that KT normally omits.

The STBL are for the new accessorys i added. The chickens and the foodbag, the empty one are from the bag and have nothing to do with moodlets.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) on: 2013 April 06, 07:51:19
I noticed that too.  I wonder if you're suppose to see the feed bag when your sim feeds them?  Edit: Nevermind, your sim is suppose to have a visible bag of feed.  I just saw a picture of the coop at the Store.  The picture showed a boy feeding the chickens and he had a bag of feed in his hands.

Fixed redownload.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.14.2013) on: 2013 April 05, 22:46:52
I'd like to confirm what Tia said in another thread - the chicken coop needs a fix. You can't see the chickens come out on the top. Including Charlie.  When KT has time, or someone here with the knowledge, will have to fix this.

Edit: Deleted get the updated KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes in the first post.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2013 March 23, 07:51:51
Warning the Live, Laugh, Love Set uploaded by midge is  decrappified it installs via the launcher.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Store content hidden stencils enabled - New Generations/Store 6/28 on: 2012 October 05, 11:17:06
Some stencils enabled for Drifter´s Desire Set. They are for non decrapped Stuff.
For the Canopybed 2 stencils are enabled to the presets but not Pictured because you would not see mutch, its the Canopyceiling in different woods.

Fixes attached.
10  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: White Flying Textures on lot after two days of playing, any help? on: 2012 September 14, 07:17:44
It looks more like Ceilingtiles. Stuff like this happens when building with Constrainfloorelevation false.
It brakes the Grid. Use the cheat and put a floortile where the white stuff is and remove it. Should fix it.
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2012 July 27, 05:41:52
13 new medieval Mystery Bag items. Pictures and details in this tread
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Woozelbury Mews on: 2012 June 13, 14:13:11
Finaly Woozelbury Mews for Regular or Merged Packages. (Witch add the downloadlink to the first post if you like)


You would need the pattern for the Teen Beds its called sionelle_africa_3

The bedding pattern is from Sionelle at Mod The Sims
I see she's done some smaller versions of the patterns as well, maybe that would suit the bedding better.

The only item i could not replace is this towelring pictured. Witch has me not told what to place here.
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Woozelbury Mews on: 2012 June 12, 14:46:15
Tikibookcase: Pattern, Colors
Colour 1 = #d5c9b6, colours 2,3,4 = #2b2c2f
The engraved pattern was already there. It's a very flat plain wood, hardly any grain. ( If i use your Pictures as reference the light Pattern looks like you used the same as on top of the Dining Table)

End tables the same except on the top which is #f41e4. (#f41e4 gives a dark Blue. Endtable where not replaced and had the colors you had applied) Sheets #9ecba7 (The pattern you used has tree colors).

Paint pattern (Is a Wood, same as Default on Tikki Bookcase) - don't think i changed it from default - #f4f1e3.

Towel? I see the towelring from basegame. Default color. (The black Metal grey Towel Ring from basegame Is visible in my red ring Picture above. The Towel by the Bathtub got not replaced its the one by the Sink.) Blue #3c73af. Metal #bec1bd. 3rd colour #dedfe9.

Garagebathroom: Towel? The Base Towelbar is there default color. ( The black Metal red and grey towels Bar from Basegame was there, the one you used recolored in Masterbathroom. I guessed you used the Futureshock Loft- Moisture Minimization Station. Which uses the pattern you described)

That's pretty rough, but may give you an idea. (Thx Helped)

Let me know if the light colours came through, or do they get lost too? (Pattern where not affected exept the african you provided a link for.
Objects you had as decrapped versions got replaced by Basegame objects and reverted to default colors.
For most of them your Pictures are good as references but some items are not visible in any of them so i had to ask what you used.)

Some pics how it looked before i tried to restore everything.

14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Woozelbury Mews on: 2012 June 11, 10:00:39
If you wouldn't mind, it would be great to have your version for download, maybe people who use packages would be able to use it? I'd be happy to take more pics and give more info if that's something you wanted to do.

I would have asked if i could share the redone one here. I would need more info on several items which got replaced.

Dining Area Chairs: Pattern, Colors

Tikibookcase: Pattern, Colors

Bed: Sheet Colors, For the Headboard pattern i have used the same as the wall behind and colored it like the endtable is this correct.
Loveseat: Pattern, Colors
Blind on Door:Pattern, Colors

Sink:Pattern, Colors

Sink:Picture, Colors
Towel? I see the towelring from basegame. Default color.

Kidsplayroom: Toy Xylophon the Cat one? The base one is there.

Garagebathroom: Towel? The Base Towelbar is there default color.

Thanks for your help.
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Woozelbury Mews on: 2012 June 10, 13:45:54
Awesome House, but i miss the Sofa(converted TS2?) in the Masterbedroom and the Pattern on the Singlebeds(looks Custom). I had to find the stuff in my game because i use merged Packages and everything was replaced by Basestuff.

Witch would it be possible to tell me what items should be where the red rings are in my picture?

16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 05.17.2012) on: 2012 May 23, 19:41:49
True. I should have added "unless you use KT's store fix." So new generations reg pack + KT's store fix = working Vintage Rotary phone.

I have KT's fix, and everything works but that phone. *shrug* Dunno why, and more to the point, no big deal...I'm just glad everything else works.

Maybe your Phone is missing the needed script to work like it should. Try the attachment and see if it works.
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Two TS2 Clocks converted for TS3 on: 2012 May 06, 13:03:50
The Ikea PS and the Display Clock by Gaudy from the Art Noveaulicious Set converted for TS3.


Get Clocks
18  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread on: 2012 May 05, 09:27:34
Ghosts are forced to go Home(Limbo) if not on an active Lot since Ambitions. NRaas_GoHere fixes it but it may be not compatible with Awesomemod.

Quote from: Twallan
This mod replaces the "Go Here" interaction, with one that can be stacked in the queue, allowing the user to better direct the route of a sim.
Also included :
 •Ghosts will no longer be pushed by autonomy to leave graveyards
•Correction for a common error with "Visit Community Lot", a widely used autonomous interaction
•Inactive sims will now be less likely to "Go Home" when visiting a lot where an active sim is also visiting
19  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2012 April 13, 18:16:13
I got a flagrant system error today. I have all EPs and my game patched to 1.33. I use the most recent version of AM. The one created on March 31.

Edit: Pic removed.
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: TS3 Store Content Fixes on: 2012 April 06, 14:28:49
Did EA ever fix the Antique clock from the Storybook set so it could be placed on the fireplace mantlepieces? If not, that might be another fix for this thread.

Fix as Attachment. Is for regular or Package.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Lights! Camera! Inaction! SHOWTIME! on: 2012 March 24, 13:45:31
Is anyone else having an excessive amount of ep-related wish spam?

I keep getting sims with no ep-related traits or ltw rolling up wishes to host some sort of act. The want to hit the karaoke bar I can handle. The want to host stuff 4 & 5 times a day at the cost of trait & ltw-related wishes is not so great.

Same here, to many Simport wishes. I hate them.

Oh, since you said the goldfish got the metal bars that belongs to the robofish I figured it's borked. It's been a while since I used the fish bowls but I don't recall ever seeing the bottom change for goldfishes.

I dont use the Bowl since Basegame i looked into it because of your question.

So that's something they changed recently, with either SHT or a patch?

The Script for the Bowl has to be updatet with every EP which provides new Fish you could put in it.  I am not sure when it changed.
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Lights! Camera! Inaction! SHOWTIME! on: 2012 March 24, 10:47:46
So basically the effects for the "stock" interaction is borked.

No the bottom of the Bowl is not an effect its Part of the Mesh. I stocked twice with a Goldfish from inventory and it changed to Metalbars, but stocking the same Bowl with Jellyfish got me the pink bottom it should have. Looks like Goldfish should have Metalbars.
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Lights! Camera! Inaction! SHOWTIME! on: 2012 March 24, 05:39:22
See some of the bottoms.

Edit: I got my Sim a Bowl and stocked it with a Goldfish. But insteed of keeping the green Plant for Goldfish it changed to Metalbars for Robofish.
It looks like they changed the script for the Bowl. If i put a Base Game Fish from Inventory into the Bowl it gets the Bottom which is assigned to the Fish.
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Lights! Camera! Inaction! SHOWTIME! on: 2012 March 23, 20:08:28
On a separate note also, I noticed this in one of the new homes in Starlight Shores:
(sorry for the darkness) There appears to be a different bottom, the original looks like the one on the right, while the left one I have no idea where it's from. You can't change it, and it's is the exact same object in the catalog. The first thing I did was see if it had to do with the certain fish placed in there, nope. Anyone know where this is from?

Im curious where this second bowl design came from, it's not available to edit.

The bowl has about 20 bottom designs it changes with different fish.
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.21.2012) on: 2012 March 22, 19:03:55
The fix would not work.
English:STBL looks like this
   [0F] 0x9865939C8DFC2389: {Variation.2}
   [11] 0x8224F0F197F5CE4E: Oops. Maybe I should review these spells a bit more.

   [22] 0x9221E9CFCF817699: Cursed!
   [23] 0xAED2B6C5024B9B25: Being cursed is one of the many downsides of knowing a spellcaster
   [24] 0x0A08E1E472022C46: CursedStoreFirstPerson
   [25] 0xB96B399C32472968: Spell Casting
   [26] 0xA9D0BD45F3236D46: Spell Casting
   [27] 0x8A47A28F497C0151: Level Store 3
   [28] 0x169A4F44E9A75737: Level Store 5
   [29] 0xCDAE4E77A03D1509: Level Store 6
   [2A] 0x9242B5B8EB93216A: Level Store 7
   [2B] 0xCD9D4A77A02E9B1C: Level Store 10

German and all other :STBL look like this

   [0F] 0x9865939C8DFC2389: Store/Objects/SpellBook:SpellFail
   [11] 0x8224F0F197F5CE4E: Huch, vielleicht sollte ich mir die Zauber noch mal etwas genauer ansehen.

   [22] 0x9221E9CFCF817699: Gameplay/Excel/buffs/BuffList:CursedStore
   [23] 0xAED2B6C5024B9B25: Gameplay/Excel/buffs/BuffList:CursedStoreDescription
   [24] 0x0A08E1E472022C46: Gameplay/Excel/buffs/BuffList:CursedStoreFirstPerson
   [25] 0xB96B399C32472968: Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:CastingStore
   [26] 0xA9D0BD45F3236D46: Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:CastingStoreDescription
   [27] 0x8A47A28F497C0151: Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:AthleticLevelStoreThree
   [28] 0x169A4F44E9A75737: Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:AthleticLevelStoreFive
   [29] 0xCDAE4E77A03D1509: Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:AthleticLevelStoreSix
   [2A] 0x9242B5B8EB93216A: Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:AthleticLevelStoreSeven
   [2B] 0xCD9D4A77A02E9B1C: Gameplay/Excel/Skills/SkillList:AthleticLevelStoreTen

The STBL are not complete translated .

[0F] 0x9865939C8DFC2389 should point to [11] 0x8224F0F197F5CE4E but you get Store/Objects/SpellBook:SpellFail : like in the Picture posted above
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