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TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
on: 2014 November 11, 19:19:46
I consider that one of my very most essential mods to the point where I just can't play without it. For one thing, it helps if you can switch over to that sim and see what their current work performance is so you can decide if you want them to continue to work hard or not (ie if it's maxed already you really don't need to). I kind of wish he had put it up somewhere slightly less obscure though. Sorry Inge. 
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: AwesomeSpec building in TS4?
on: 2014 November 11, 19:16:57
fify - I decided to leave 'fulfill' alone - because you're American aren't you?
Guilty as charged. And yes macrotastics would be nice. Hell, I'd settle for Counter Uses You because for some reason in some of my houses they always seem to pick the farthest damned counter they can instead of the one right next to them. It doesn't make any different if the counter is completely bare and the type and price of the counter doesn't seem to matter either as far as I can tell.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: AwesomeSpec building in TS4?
on: 2014 November 09, 01:00:30
I don't like using the environmental mood boost items because they screw with the wants too much, including from passers by. There's no way to lock wants in this game and I don't want it so everyone who passes through a given room get, say, focused, then not focused again cycling through the emotion based wants several times.
It's easy enough to to do things like Browse Simpedia, practice chess, take a thoughtful/steamy/etc shower that I just try to do those things before I do my skill building. There are some paintings where you can 'view <emotion> painting' and I do use those because they don't reek wreak havoc on emotions of everyone in the room. Also there are some foods you emotional foods you can make and store and I use those too.
The main other thing is I try to fulfill wants and aspirations first and to get the Never Tired reward ASAP because that gives you about an extra third of the day to work with for skill building or whatever.
Also you can switch between aspirations at any time and grab all the points for each of the levels you may already have anyway (ie if you house is worth X amount, you have a bar and two stools, became an adult, collected X # of collectibles etc. etc.). I usually cycle through them all for any sim I haven't yet done that on and then head back to their main one. Some of the aspirations and levels are easier than others too. So I go for the easier ones just for the points and then switch back later to one I really want them to do.
Keep in mind too that any of the knowledge aspirations give the Quick Learner trait so you can switch to one of them when you sim is building skills then switch back to another aspiration later.
The Savant reward, which also build skills faster, is the second one I usually shoot for after getting Never Tired.
But definitely having them on the right emotion for each particular skill provides a significant bonus so that should be done whichever way you can.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: L&P: TS4 CAS Demo | Full TS4 Game Leaked
on: 2014 November 04, 17:53:58
It seems like they are going to keep adding content patches at least for a while. Which is basically an admission that they cut too many core features spun as 'We're giving you free presents. Aren't we nice?' because, you know, EA. Which isn't to say that there isn't technical shit they need to fix too, because there most certainly is, but people are easily dazzled by shiny things. Anyway the 'pools' patch is due to drop any time now.Actually I just checked and it's live now.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Super Mod foundation already?
on: 2014 November 03, 20:08:31
I've seen people on other forums saying "Pescado isn't modding for Sims 4!" so I guess that misconception is spreading, in spite of the clarification. However, I'm not in quite a hurry to go and get the game this time, what with it still being tainted by shitty Origin and all.
I thought the Arrr'ed version strips it out or disables it or something?
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Major bug warning
on: 2014 October 23, 14:49:07
I've gotten the 100hr achievement, but I left it open for a week while I did other stuff.
Well some of it was that. Just leaving the darned thing running to go and do other things etc, but I admit I've played a lot too. 
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: L&P: TS4 CAS Demo | Full TS4 Game Leaked
on: 2014 October 22, 13:58:18
What is "Gallery"?
It's what Sims 4 calls The Exchange.
FWIW, this time around you can only access it in game. In the event that someone does post something halfway decent there (what? having several hundred Miley Cyrus sims to choose from is not good enough for you?) you'll need to login in game with an Origin account to get it. Of course, if someone else gets it and then saves the files from it and uploads them you can still add them to the Tray folder and get stuff that way. It's really only sims and houses anyway. There's no nickel and diming store content. Not yet anyway. They'll probably wait until they add toddlers and the angry mob puts the pitchforks down for that. RELOADED release contains the Sims 3 'lights' and the freezer bunny statue that costs 7k but does absolutely nothing.
Also contains the digital deluxe content sans the soundtrack, and also includes the latest update for the game which added ghosts.
So it's better than the 3DM release.
Did anyone crack that damned Prima 3000 computer reward for buying the Prima collector's guide yet? I looked and looked but haven't seen it anywhere. As far as I can tell, it's in the game files already since Prima just gives you a key to unlock it.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Major bug warning
on: 2014 October 22, 07:55:50
The patch today supposedly 'fixed' it, but unsurprisingly they actually just half assed it, so still keep the Shimrod fix if you have it. From Shimrod @ MTS new patch did not fix anything, it did not even address the issue. What they have done is REVERT back to prior to the Oct.1st patch. With that patch they added 3 new Cas Modifier files (6 files actually, 3 XML and 3 DATA, but this is 3 "Modifiers", each requires an XML file and a DATA file).
What they have done now is remove these 3 new modifiers! These three were TeenMale, AdultMale and ElderMale; the entire problem is that these 3 did not jive with the YoungAdultMale file which was in the game from the start, since the CaS Demo; the new ones were written a bit differently.
My recommendation is that anyone using this mod keep using it after this patch, the mod does not need "updating" to "comply" with their "changes"; they have changed these by REMOVING!!!!!!!! one third of these modifiers which our sims need, as opposed to, IDK, writing them correctly and leaving them in the game maybe? I am gravely disappointed.
In other news, there's something that's making the save file sizes bloat ridiculously out of control, and eventually causes crashes on saving at times. So far, only people who have put in A LOT of time in the game (over 100 hours) have reported it but surely as time goes on other people will start getting it. One guy is getting save files of 100MB.  Mine range from 28-54MB right now.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: L&P: TS4 CAS Demo | Full TS4 Game Leaked
on: 2014 September 27, 21:48:53
Anyone managed to unlock some of the bonus crap like the animal hats or that computer that you get for buying the Prima Guide? As far as I can tell they're built into the game but hidden until you unlock them so I don't think you have to download anything. At least the Prima computer is definitely a code.
Semi necromatically replying to myself, but I found someone who posted the Deluxe DLC bonus costumes and hats. (scroll down) As I thought, they're there in the game files everyone has but locked if you don't have the Deluxe Edition. She didn't unlock them though, she cloned them. There still are some extra foods that are locked away and that Prima computer. And I guess all those plumbob mood lamps if you arr'ed Sims3 and don't actually own that to unlock those. Oh and beware you may get some townies spawning with those, err, unique clothing items. I know the townies in my game seem to love that damned pinata sombrero to death and I am constantly finding more of them with it and having to go in and edit it off of them.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 is out what's the scoop?
on: 2014 September 20, 02:09:27
I had difficulty hiring a nanny. Both of my adults had to go to work because NO MATERNITY LEAVE FUCK YOU AMERICA *cough* and I couldn't find Nanny anywhere on the phone  That's because there' not one. I just made an elder and dressed her up like a nanny and moved her ass in. Gotta have my nannies! I another of my houses I moved one of those 'public gardener' townies in because I got tired of fussing with all the plants. The lack of almost any service npcs besides the really half assed maids that don't work worth a shit is annoying.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Collections
on: 2014 September 18, 13:58:07
You can breed the frogs? Well I'll be. Here I was just sitting them on desks using them as decor and something for the sims to waste time procrastinating looking at while they are doing something else.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Emotion triggers
on: 2014 September 18, 03:10:41
You can get crystals by chance when digging up stones. Just send them off to the geo research and you get a nifty cube with a focus aura. I've come across two, oxypin and wolfium.
If you get to level 3 cooking and are in the flirty emotion already, you can make "flirty cookies." These cost 23 simoleans to make and you get a plate of them. This is great for dates or you can serve them at a party for a rather amusing time.
I did get a crystal once that gave an energized aura, but it seems like most give focused. I've done the flirty cookies and those work well to get others in the mood. Apparently, according to SimsVIP there's also a High Energy Protein Plate (energized emotion), Silly Gummy Bear Pancakes (playful emotion) and Angry Flaming Spaghetti (angry emotion).
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
on: 2014 September 17, 17:30:18
It phones home every few minutes to give you hundreds of notification spam about what other people are uploading and favoriting. It does it even if you turn off notifications. So playing in Offline mode is recommended and only go online for putzing around in the gallery, then turn it off again. Those stutters are annoying.
That's ridiculous. I don't mind some of that while I am browsing the gallery for content but I don't need or want it while I am playing the game. Speaking of the gallery I like the idea of it but the implementation is slow as molasses in January going uphill and it's not my computer. The game itself runs fine even on all the high settings so there's no reason what amounts to basically a built in web browser should be that damned slow. It makes me wish we just had a true web version of it because it's got to run better than the in game one.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 is out what's the scoop?
on: 2014 September 12, 17:58:58
On the official site, SimGuruGrant is asking what people want in story progression. He says the game already has some degree of story progression (he's probably referring to the fact that inactives age and die), and adding to it shouldn't be a problem. Though whether it'll be patched in for free, or we'll have to pay for it, hasn't been confirmed.
Except they don't have kids or adopt so as far as I can tell once the Goths etc die off you'll end up with an empty neighborhood populated by homeless townies only unless you intervene. And those wants to friend x# of neighbors or whatever won't be unobtainable unless you go and manually move some new sims or townies into houses. Nobody will be living in the non starter homes either if you don't use money cheats.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
on: 2014 September 12, 14:07:17
Dead sims do stay in the relationship panel of other sims who knew them with their portrait greyed out and listed as deceased, but yeah it's not much. I had my first crash last night. Lost several hours of play and then I realized the autosave feature is utter useless shit. Oh well, I guess I get to play alternate reality what if.  At least I can throw that one sim a damned birthday party so he can stop moping endelessly about not getting one.
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread.
on: 2014 September 10, 13:52:36
Before the game released, EAxis claimed story progression wasn't possible; but on the official site, SimGuruGrant is asking how the players would like to see it implemented. I don't know if they're going to patch it in or we have to pay for it. Either way, they're gonna screw it up somehow.
See and this is why I think they would be better off if they just leveled with people instead of bullshitting them. It's like how they insisted Sim City could not have an offline mode due to how it was made. And then they made one. 
TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 is out what's the scoop?
on: 2014 September 10, 13:47:31
From the neighborhood screen you can go to "Household Management" in the upper right corner, then the "Unplayed Households" tab. At the top are the other moved in families but if you scroll down there should be a bunch that say "Currently not in world". These are the townies. They're shared across both neighborhoods too so it doesn't matter which one you are currently in. It's nice because it gives you an easy way to access them. One of my Sims formed a relationship with a townie and I went to see if I could visit his house except he ended up being a townie and not having one so I grabbed him from that screen and moved him into his own place. I like that the townies at least age so you don't get that weird 'Oh that's the same teen boy great-grandma dated' effect that TS2 had. Since we're not getting true neighborhood progression though I hope someone at least can bring back the old non-played sims gain skills too mod. At least I assume they don't because I don't see bars on them when my sims are playing chess with them and such. I do notice they gain/lose relationship with other sims, but I suppose that's obvious. 