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1  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Flirt = Affair? Wtf? on: 2007 June 03, 20:09:19
I've noticed recently that I've had a helluva time getting two sims to fall for each other.  This is the most extreme example: I wanted to hook my gen 1 challenge sim up with this townie.  They flirted, woohooed via ACR, kissed, went on a date, etc.  Pretty soon they were 100/100, with one lightning bolt.  He was in love with her, but she hadn't even developed a crush on him.  I had her Propose/Move-in and made him start flirting with her constantly.  Still nothing.  I had her propose engagement, and he of course said yes.  She STILL didn't have a crush on him.  She finally fell in love with him UNDER THE WEDDING ARCH after they got married!  Wtf?  Is noinstantlove causing this?
2  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Face Templates - Testers Wanted - 18 March: Faces 08 & 18 Uploaded on: 2007 May 25, 15:50:13
These templates are fabulous.  I can't get over it - some of my townies turned out to be gorgeous!  There was a nasty surprise for me when one of my sims aged to elder, though - I had forgotten that most of the templates are still adult-only.  I'm pretending that he was involved in some sort of disfiguring accident lol.

I like the way you preserved the distinctive characteristics of each template, so the resulting faces look human instead of like porcelain dolls. 

I hope work is continuing on this wonderful set.  Thanks this is great! Tongue 
3  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: May "More Awful Than You": Buttugly Brokeass Furniture on: 2007 May 11, 03:19:18
I have another entry.  This beauty by feeEssen accosted me while I was en route to innocently browse paintings by justmoi.  It's not the subject of the screenshot that bothers me, it's everything around it.  The table, for instance.  Notice how thick the surface is, and how peculiarly the table legs seem to exist perspectively - the back legs should be sticking through the wall, but they're not.  They're just... wrong.  And the colors!  My God!  She must have done a LOT of drugs in the 70s.  The curtain above the table is also puke-tacular.
Because I don't even want this picture in my Photobucket account, here's a link.

Have your Clorox 3:Optics! at the ready.

4  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: May "More Awful Than You": Buttugly Brokeass Furniture on: 2007 May 03, 03:49:30
Okay, so I decided to enter the competition instead of working on my term paper.  Roll Eyes  Here are my entries:

First, my MTS2 entry:  This is seriously the only picture of the chair (yes, they are chairs).  I swear to God.  This guy probably cuts off everyone's heads in the vacation pictures too.

Next, the tacky recolor category: from Adjiumi,, proud purveyors of furnishings for acid users everywhere.

And the Buntah category: This wall lamp is for those times when you just need to instill a little deep-rooted psychological trauma in your baby.

Here is another delightfully frightening baby object, this one from Simscorner (also check out the turtle in the background!)  Maybe these are supposed to be anti-industrial-pollution propaganda. ("This used to be a normal turtle, until he wandered into the creek downriver from the pesticide factory...")  Seriously, why else would you give these things to a child?

This one isn't a real entry, since it's not that ugly, but it sure as hell is unrealistic.  Look at the points on those things!!  "Kids, let this be a lesson to all of us: when I said no jumping on the bed, it wasn't for the benefit of the mattress.  Luckily your sister just got out of surgery and they say the internal bleeding didn't cause too much permanent damage..."  Also from Simscorner.

This is a recolor of WallSims' "Luz" set.  I personally feel that the title is a typo; a letter is missing.  It should read 'lulz".  WTF is up with the tartan lounge chair??

And finally, here is my personal favorite.  This one made me laugh out loud.  It looks like the final stages of some horrible skin disease, or maybe some sort of venereal fungus transmitted during oral sex.  Four gallons of bleach and an acetylene torch, stat!!  And also a vat of penicillin for me to soak in!

5  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Apr "More Awful Than You" CC Treasure Hunt: Whore Clothes on: 2007 May 02, 00:18:04
Thanks for fixing the newsbox, pes Cheesy
6  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: May "More Awful Than You": Buttugly Brokeass Furniture on: 2007 May 01, 23:11:13
But see, in general it's not a good idea to put a baby in a hammock four feet from the floor.

Thanks for making me snort in the university library.  During finals week.  Everyone around me probably thinks I'm cracking up under the strain or something.  (Which I'm not.  Not at all.  What would make you think that?  I'm perfectly sane.  Completely.  Utterly sane.)
7  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Apr "More Awful Than You" CC Treasure Hunt: Whore Clothes on: 2007 May 01, 23:04:53
Quote from: The News Box
MsMaria, Jeffy. Gali, Bangelnuts. and Flowerchile report the judges' area.

should be "report *to* the judges' area."

[mumbles]Just sayin'.[/mumbles]
8  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Huge recolour project on: 2007 April 29, 23:42:28
Your reds are much nicer.  I actually like the ones you say are too vibrant. *shrug*

Also love the comments.  I think this was my favorite:

Darkened. The salad tucked away in the back also got darkened. Doesn't look any worse, though.

 Cheesy Cheesy
9  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Apr "More Awful Than You" CC Treasure Hunt: Whore Clothes on: 2007 April 14, 23:43:13
That first one gives me the urge to poke her balloons boobies with a pin, and watch her fly around the room!

 Cheesy "Hey, what the...!" PBBBBBBBBBBbbbbbbbbbbbbbt!!!!!!  "Aieeeeeeee!!"
10  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Questions in prep for Death By Freewill Challenge on: 2007 March 28, 05:17:09
I would have liked to have given the extra attraction to stupid Sims, but I couldn't figure out how to do that.

Is there a way to make it more attractive to sims with no logic points?
11  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Mar MATY "More Awful Than You" CC Treasure Hunt: Hair! on: 2007 March 19, 22:11:10
I love the way the headband matches the background, almost making it look like the hair is levitating above the guy's head.

That was my first impression when I looked at the picture too!  I thought, "Now THAT is a serious gap."  It would make peggy's meshes look high-quality.
12  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Warmth Fix Mod on: 2007 March 14, 17:40:28
Dear God,

Thank you for sending us Pescado to fix Maxian screwups.

13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Recategorizing Clothing for Outerwear (the "hard" way) on: 2007 March 14, 04:45:49
First I got held up cause I was sick with the flu for about a week, then Seasons arrived and I started (and still am) working on updates to my hacks, and now I'm currently awaiting some compression code that a friend of mine is working on since I tried to do it and got lost.
So far this has been a very annoying project to work on. Tongue

 Embarrassed *super embarrassed* I didn't realize you were already working on it.  That look was a "I think you're the one with the skillz to do it" look, not a "when ya gonna finish it???" look.  And of course your health should come first.  Whenever you have the time and WANT to work on it will be soon enough for us. 

Right, everyone? *glares around*

*polonius tackle-hugs jfade, then gets a flu shot*
14  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Maybe the trees need therapy? on: 2007 March 13, 21:13:05
The spraying is a gimme, though: I mean, come on. Everyone knows The Sims is full of bugs! Is it any surprise they will get into the trees?

*groan*  I knew somebody was going to make that pun sooner or later.
15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Recategorizing Clothing for Outerwear (the "hard" way) on: 2007 March 13, 20:59:33
Usually. What we need is some batch updater for clothing.

*polonius looks at jfade*
16  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Mar MATY "More Awful Than You" CC Treasure Hunt: Hair! on: 2007 March 13, 20:37:48
In the picture, though, it looks like she has hair. It's ok as a hat/headpiece - a bit strange, but well-made and vaguely attractive if you like things like that, but without the hair it just looks like weird head-growths :S
EXACTLY.  The Final Fantasy artwork is quite attractive.  The Sim, on the other hand, simply looks like she was exposed to highly radioactive clowns!
17  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Mar MATY "More Awful Than You" CC Treasure Hunt: Hair! on: 2007 March 13, 15:44:19
Ooh boy, I have some good ones for this contest.  Let's see how many I can add before I have to leave for class...

The obligatory hair from TSR:

I love the description next to this one: "A recolour of one of Pegy's many masterpieces. Looks a bit messy in screenshots but looks great when it's in the game."  LOL.

Obligatory entry from Parsimonious:

Not really sure what this one is supposed to be...

From BlingBlingSims2:

This one is great if you want to disguise yourself from behind - the hairstyle looks so different from behind, nobody would suspect a thing!

Bad anime hair from Bipsouille:

Just hope she doesn't turn around too quickly... "Hey, Yuzuki!"  "Yeah?" *THWACK* "Ooh, sorry... second time today!"

Hair That Makes You Go "What the Fuck?"

Time to run across campus!
18  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Macrotastics hates Rose Greenman? (Please help find the non-awesome hack) on: 2007 March 09, 12:12:42
Do you think having CC trees on the lot will bork my game, or just mean I won't see many lightning strikes?  If I hadn't had debug mode on, I probably wouldn't have even noticed there was a problem.
I'm kinda attached to my downloaded plants...  Undecided
19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Someone have Seasons Bonus? on: 2007 March 09, 09:38:29
non have them is showing up in the game..

and someone have another download for the bonuses?

Could someone share the code for the above two bonuses???


*headdesk* Siiiigh.

Anyway, thank you birene.  I couldn't even get the bonus I paid for since I lost the little sticky thing with the code on it, Roll Eyes so this is much appreciated.
20  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Macrotastics hates Rose Greenman? (Please help find the non-awesome hack) on: 2007 March 09, 09:09:32
awesomeness.  I haven't played with G001 since (I'm starting to get into my new hood Grin), but the one error that popped up in several hours of playing was (doubtfully) hack-related, seeing as how it dealt with the Climate Controller.  *goes to read error log out of curiosity*
Oh shit lol!  Looks like having CC trees on my lot saved my poor outdoor-living sims' lives!  The error occurred when the game attempted to run a lightning strike on a non-maxis tree Cheesy
(Actually, it kinda *is* a maxis tree - it's one of Numenor's maxis-lost-and-found thingies) 

I wonder if this is something that will need to be addressed by creators... or *can* be... to my total and utter non-awesomeness it looks like the game looked for that object in treeglobals and didn't see it (or something along those lines) and then threw an error.

I attached the error log in case anyone who hasn't seen this happen yet is interested.
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Recategorizing Clothing for Outerwear (the "hard" way) on: 2007 March 09, 00:35:57
Just a couple of additional things - to add hexidecimal codes together you can use your Windows calculator in hexidecimal mode (just click the hex option).
Oh, good to know, thanks.  I wouldn't have thought of that. 
And, I think if you want an outfit available for both sexes it's 3 - at least it is with children and toddlers.  I want to change a pile of my clothes for outerwear too (I have some nice long coats for men) but I'm even lazier than you and am waiting for SimPE.
LOL - the only reason I'm not being lazy about this is because I'm on spring break this week and actually have time to play the game.  Next week I'm back in classes - I wanna play NOW, dang it!
22  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Macrotastics hates Rose Greenman? (Please help find the non-awesome hack) on: 2007 March 09, 00:30:15
Try updating your Less Whiny.

I assume the updated version is in the Seasons Director's Cut?
23  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Recategorizing Clothing for Outerwear (the "hard" way) on: 2007 March 07, 22:40:52
@Corky: Wow.  That's definitely a start to answering my curiosity, thanks!  I shall have to peruse this more carefully when I didn't just get home from work at 1 AM and am needing sleep.  *Ctrl-C*

@Sisaly: See, that would work, but it requires bringing up BS, which takes forever and a day on my computer.  And all that file creation and deletion... I'd much rather just change a few digits of code and be done with the whole thing.  Fewer overall keystrokes required Grin - right, so I'm a lazy Knowledge Sim.
24  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Seasons: Plant sims on: 2007 March 07, 14:25:04
Polonius, I agree with you about curing the toddlers. It would make a lot of sense, and avoid the problem with skipping uni. You'd think a parent would want to allow their toddler to have a childhood.
I dunno about having a CHILDHOOD, as it's pretty annoying, but an edumacation might be nice.
*gasp* Pescado, is that a hint that you'll take me up on my idea in some form or another?  I'd be EVAH so grateful, sah...
25  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Recategorizing Clothing for Outerwear (the "hard" way) on: 2007 March 07, 14:22:39
Excellent, thanks!  That makes me feel smart, too - That was my guess after looking at the Maxis outerwear skins. Grin All those other values in the property set scared me though lol.  I wanted to ask people that know what they're doing before borking anything.
Has anyone written out and posted an explanation of all the strings?  I am interested in knowing what they do, even if I'm not going to attempt to mod them.  What can I say but that I'm a Knowledge Sim at heart lol.
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