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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Sims 3 on eBay rant and questions on: 2013 July 09, 16:41:00
First of all, I sold one of my Sims games on ebay. The guy who bought it, is trying to scam me, at least I am 99.9% sure of it. He claims he can't install the game, that the code was already used. Well, of course, I used it. But in the past I had it installed on multiple computers, without Origin installed mind you, and it worked just fine. I now only have it installed on one, that has Origin installed on it.

So my question is, can I have the game installed on multiple computers (um, yes because I did this already so it should work for him, right?) and the Sims 3 computer game bought in the USA will not work on a computer in Israel, right? It has different regions when you update the game, so Israel must be a different region than the US, right?

The thing is, first he said he didn't receive the damn game, and now he's saying it won't install. He also says the game is now in Israel. I'm like OK, I shipped it to him in the US. How am I to know what he's going to do with the damn thing?

I am pissed. I already called eBay once on this guy, am trying to contact EA and ask these questions and then I'll contact eBay again. If anyone has any suggestions, it would be helpful.

Also I sold my Sims 3 games in the past on eBay and had no issues. So it's got to be this guy's user error, right?

He wants a full refund, I said fine, ship it back to me and you will get it. He says I have to pay for the shipping from Israel. I'm like, I don't think so, as that's not where I shipped it to. The bastard is trying to scam me. This is the last time I sell the game on eBay, ugh.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2012 December 07, 03:26:15
Rubyelf, did you untick the checked box before downloading? I got a rar file just fine with no exe in it.

Also Monte Vista is 163 MB. The Street Market is 30.79MB. Make sure you click the right download button as well, there are a lot of ads to get through. It's in the middle and says "Click here to start download from sendspace".
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 Patch 1.38 on: 2012 September 01, 14:34:42
I tried it on a different hard drive, still had the same issue. Downloaded it at least 10 times now. Did a complete reinstall of the game and am still having the same issue.

Edit: I tried the incremental patch again and still got an invalid file found error. Cumulative patch gives the crc error.

All the other patches installed just fine when I did my reinstall, it's just this one that isn't working.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 Patch 1.38 on: 2012 September 01, 11:40:45
Looks to me like you've applied a no cd crack. You should have backed up the original files before appying such crack. Now you get the joy of reinstalling the whole game.

Wrong answer. I don't use no cd cracks, I don't need them. (Awesomemod or NRaas anyone?) And I'm smart enough to remove stuff before patching. So no, it is not a crack.

I still don't know why it isn't working. So I'm reinstalling anyways since no one seems to have an answer, and all the answers are not helping. Hopefully that will work if not then I'll just wait until the game comes out and it auto patches itself. Because that makes some sort of sense. Not really. But whatever. Will find out soon enough.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 Patch 1.38 on: 2012 September 01, 08:09:33
Tried that already still didn't work.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 Patch 1.38 on: 2012 September 01, 07:54:51
I didn't that's the cumulative patch. Which I downloaded from here. Then I tried it from crinrict's site. Still gives me the same error.

Oh and I tried searching on this issue and did what I found to solve the issue and I'm still getting the same error.

Now I'm getting a new error, getting past the first error though. I have a legit copy of the game so there's no reason for this error.

7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 Patch 1.38 on: 2012 September 01, 07:15:03
I can't seem to patch, I keep getting the same error. Using the cumulative patch I get this error:

Using the incremental I just get "file not found". Wtf does this mean?
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 10th July 2012 (1.36) on: 2012 August 30, 14:51:29
These are all great tweaks. Cheesy

I wonder if you can make a tweak to add a fee for taking a taxi, like you did with the newspaper delivery. I never saw free taxi rides in real life, so why do sims get free rides?

Much appreciation.

I read somewhere, I think it was from Twallan, that the fee for a taxi isn't possible...but I could be wrong.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2012 August 26, 10:41:10
@witch only twins? I got triplets from it. O.o
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 10th July 2012 (1.36) on: 2012 August 21, 01:07:40
This was the first time installing the world.
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 10th July 2012 (1.36) on: 2012 August 19, 04:36:32
I'm having trouble sending my sims to work at the business building and the warehouse building in your sunset valley expanded. They keep complaining that they can't get in...but when I walk them step by step to it they can.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Vampires on: 2010 November 04, 02:10:10
I've had non-vampire sims randomly throwing up.
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Is it really my processor? on: 2010 November 04, 02:07:09
I went to to see if I could run The Sims 3 on my computer, and it said all the eps were fine except for Late Night.

I passed everything but the video card.

It said:

Features: Minimum attributes of your Video Card
                         Required      You Have
Video RAM               128 MB        1.0 GB
Pixel Shader version   2.0        3.0 is it that I failed? Looks to me like I have above the minimum required. *shrugs*

So before you go by a computer, make sure you get one that will run the Sims right, get all the specs you need, etc etc and show the computer guy what you want. Sometimes you can go into a store, say what you want your computer for, and they'll fix you up with one.

This post is kind of pointless. Sorry.
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances on: 2010 November 04, 02:00:07
Has anyone figured out or solved the mixologist not being on duty problem? I know that, apparently, the mixologist is "stuck" downstairs (in Prosper Lounge) by the elevator.  Does anyone how to prevent this problem or solve it?

Mine doesn't even show up to the lot. Neither does the bouncer. Sometimes they do in certain clubs, other ones they don't.
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances on: 2010 November 02, 03:07:00
I haven't actually tried the apartments yet, I wasn't too fond of them in the Sims 2 because they weren't big enough for my sim families. From what I've read about them, they're still nothing that great.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Sims 3 EPs on External Hard Drive? on: 2010 November 01, 11:15:55
My external hard drives specifically say not to run programs off of it (in the manual), so make sure you check that out first.
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances on: 2010 November 01, 11:14:14
Sims keep getting stuck in elevators.

Neighbours are loud and annoying and are lacking 'bang on wall' option that was worked in AL.

Lack of gigs still frustrating but i'm getting tips now.

Plasma 501 and The Prosper Room are poorly built. The elevator areas are anyway, overcrowding leads to Sims getting stuck many times.

Thats it for now.

Yeah I'm not getting many gigs either, I think I've had two now. I don't have an overcrowding problem, I have lack of sims at clubs. Sometimes even the NPCs don't show up, which makes it hard to complete opportunities.
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances on: 2010 October 31, 23:47:32
Mine's pretty jerky too, I just figured all the high rise buildings were to blame. And perhaps a graphics card upgrade was needed.
19  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Can Not Install Awesome Mod post Ambitions on: 2010 October 31, 01:13:33
I had that error on a PC and I had an outdated AM version, so when I updated it the error went away.
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances on: 2010 October 29, 01:38:07
I can't get my sims to play any of the new instruments. They go up to it like they're going to play it, and then the jump bug attacks.

I took out all my hacks that could conflict and am stilling having this problem. What am I doing wrong? Did I miss something, because I usually do.

Edit: Nevermind, I missed one. It works now.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Lifetime Rewards and Food Spoiling on: 2009 November 23, 03:28:10
I had the food spoilage problem, but there was a hack-type thing that apparently works for WA and stops the food spoilage. I think it was at modthesims.

The only problem I had was with the lifetime wish disappearing after it was fulfilled. But then it came back, so I don't know. The rewards seem to be working fine for me.
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: So is World Adventures worth it? on: 2009 November 22, 03:13:20
Yes I meant you will have to limit yourself in terms of CC cause the EP and CC do not appear to mix.
Although over at MTS there has been suggestion that .package files are the problem, and that having the Launcher install the CC to \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\DCCache seems to not slow the EP down much at all.
I dont have much laucher-installed stuff, perhaps you could check that out for us claudiasharon?

Well the stuff I have installed via the launcher are the sims store crap and some exchange crap (sim households). I haven't put anything else in the DCCache via the launcher. I almost have 100MB of .package files though in the mods folder. So far my game is running fine, it loads pretty fast and doesn't lag. When I hit 300MBs then we'll see I suppose.

Oh and apparently I have 3 GB of RAM. Don't know if that actually helps or not. I'm on Windows Vista too.
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: So is World Adventures worth it? on: 2009 November 21, 22:41:03
Basically, it would appear that a cap of about 300 mb of cc is called for with this EP, perhaps less.
Its an absolute pain the ass in that regard, but the scenery, the interactive objects, and the ability to have 4 hoods in one savegame means that in the end, I suppose, it is worth it.

Where did you read that? Does that include EA Store crap (I don't know if that even counts as CC) or just other cc? Because I've got over 500 MB for EA Store crap and I haven't noticed anything missing. Other cc I have 50 MB of so I don't know if it'll stop me at 300 or not.

To the OP, I like the EP more than the base game itself. Though that might only last for a month, since when I got the base game I obsessively played for about a month and then got bored. So we'll see how long I obsess over the EP. So far I like it a lot and I haven't had any problems that other people have been having.
24  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: The dreaded jump bug on: 2008 December 06, 03:10:39
I asked the same question at simbology since I have some of TwoJeffs hacks and they said it was Carrigon's hacks that needed to be updated.
So the problem's all fixed. Thanks for the help!
25  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: The dreaded jump bug on: 2008 December 03, 05:09:54
Well, I have been gaining weight lately...could be the pants.
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