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1  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread. on: 2014 October 15, 01:54:01
-Am I missing something? There is no nanny or baby sitter, and no maternity leave? WTH?
Well, unattended babies poof into netherspace and children are allowed to be home alone for their parent's entire work shift with no repercussions. So there is no need. Gah. I do not like how the spawn are handled.

-my sims won't wash the dishes when I select clean up. They pick up a plate, walk somewhere and set it back down. Half the time when the clean out the spoiled food from the fridge they just set it on the counter. Where are our dishwashers?
Seems like it's one magical plate placement that causes this. If I choose another plate to clean up first, it's fine.

-bills are WAY too high
I'm actually cool with the amount, but I still don't find it hard to amass huge amounts of money without really trying. My legacy family's 3rd gen heir is only a teen and they have about $200k.

-I can't even FIND my mailbox on my lot... I have to stalk the mailman and see if I can figure it out...
You can move the mailbox in build mode and also pay bills from the computer. But I miss saved camera views, which is related.

-having to clean up trash after every repair is annoying
Fucking A.
-no queue dropping mod would be nice. If she auto eats I don't want it to drop because I queue her up to pee...
And don't quit playing on the damn monkey bars when all your motives are near max and you have the aspiration want for 10 motor points.

-even the ts3 camera option sucks, especially if I'm trying to move the camera back. The camera operation that it comes with is bogus
For the longest time I thought you couldn't pan back, the spot your mouse has to be in is so freaking tiny.
2  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Major bug warning on: 2014 October 08, 00:02:07
Someone in that thread mentioned that maybe the RNG got disabled for testing, and they forgot to switch it back on.

That would be very EA-like, but you wouldn't think that would affect things aging of already created sims.
3  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Major bug warning on: 2014 October 07, 19:12:39
I'm generally anti-creating-new-topics, but this is a big one. Two problems suspected to have begun with the 10/1/4 patch:

1. Aging off is borked. As in, if you set other households (non-played, played, even just the townie pool) to not age, they still will. Kills rotational play, obviously. Reference
2. Sim males are getting squinty eyes and lantern jaws most noticeably in the child & YA stage and returning to what they should be at adult. Reference

The supposed "gurus" are aware. It's now a countdown to the next patch and a wait-and-see on how much worse they bork it with that.

Lantern jaws are the new pianos.
4  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread. on: 2014 October 07, 00:58:25
I just want them to stop carrying their plates all over the fucking house so they can chat with Uncle Bob while they eat. Is it too much to ask for them to just eat at the fucking table!?

As a part of multitasking, queuing them to sit at a particular place while holding a plate will make them eat there.  Though you'd think after 14 years they'd programme sims smart enough to sit at one damn table.
I don't even care if they go across the house to eat. Just effing stay there! I'm sick of them all sitting at the dining table, some reading, some eating, and periodically getting up to play musical chairs. Sit. the. F. Down.
5  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: New patch rollout - ghosts, pools and careers on: 2014 October 04, 00:03:51
And now the one grave I had in game is for ____. Should be Alessandro whateverthehellhislastnamewas.

I'm a fan of the Star Wars costumes.
6  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread. on: 2014 September 24, 17:33:57
4. Less stalking. Dude, I know we're friends and all, but do you honestly need to show up on the doorstep like 5 times in a single day?
Up until now, my sim family seemed to share my convictions that townie/neighbor sims were only for marrying and using as fodder for their spawning. Which means no outside friends. The marry-in only had a couple buddies and only one who came over every day. Usually twice a day. Fine, I figured he must have a personality trait that made him a little stalker. After his friend the marry-in passed, he's still come over, though not as frequently. But now the newest marry-in, Alexander Goth, has so many stalkers I'm about to get his seed and kill him off just to make the visits stop. Cassandra once a day is okay. Bella every other day, fine. However, there are also 3-4 guys who come over once or twice a day who Alexander has barely any friendship points with, and they aren't even a good age or single to be candidates for the one girl I still need to pair off. Their sole purpose seems to be to get in the way and annoy me with their buzzing the door.
7  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 is out what's the scoop? on: 2014 September 19, 19:57:06
I had difficulty hiring a nanny. Both of my adults had to go to work because NO MATERNITY LEAVE FUCK YOU AMERICA *cough* and I couldn't find Nanny anywhere on the phone  Huh
Apparently if you leave the house, the baby is magically whisked away to day care. Children can be home by themselves.

Quote from: BlueSoup
Stop replacing the broken items.  Even my Sims with pretty low handiness levels seem to be able to fix the items.  Send them out fishing also if you need more money.  It's easy to rack up the cash that way.
Plus, as you build up mechanical points, you get the options to upgrade in ways that make them break less often. Since the beginning of my household, I've had one sim do all the repairs. He was a full adult when he joined in and now has reached the point where the game is telling me of his impending death. The cheap computer still breaks every week or so, but nothing else has broken for ages with me doing whatever upgrade I could as they came available. And this is a two-bathroom household for six sims.
8  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread. on: 2014 September 18, 21:50:35
Last night, sim teen mopped up a puddle. Mop was stuck to hand after interaction. She showered with it. She read with it. She fished with it. Going to another lot (via the magic loading screen) removed it.
9  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Emotion triggers on: 2014 September 18, 16:53:49
There's a display item for the cube. Looks like a really small periodic table. I only have two filled in because I keep finding the same element over and over.
10  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Collections on: 2014 September 16, 18:47:01
pomegranate (fishing - possibly also cherry+apple broken grafting)
There is a pomegranate plant on common land in Willow Creek. I don't recall where. Will see if I can locate tonight. My family has two pomegranate trees and they don't really fish and haven't bought seed packets. Gardening/collecting isn't something I've been focused on. I just picked some ripe ones and planted a couple on a whim.

EDIT: Can't find it. Maybe I got it from rummaging in the trash instead? Or ordering online.
11  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 is out what's the scoop? on: 2014 September 16, 15:48:55
Flat houses. Well, flat surroundings for non-flat houses.

I'm actually okay with the segmented neighborhood, but it's much too small. And flat.

From the smallest house builder I know. (Other end of the scale from my efforts.)

I meant number of lots. I may build small houses, but I also press the baby button a lot. The spawn has to go somewhere. There's...what?...20 liveable lots per 'hood for a total of 40. I'll have those filled with just my founder's descendants in three generations.
12  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread. on: 2014 September 15, 15:04:22
  • Having trouble with conversation dialog (the box at the top with the sim's name and relationship bar) sticking around long after the conversation is over and the other sim is gone from the lot.
  • Birthday celebrations sometimes sticking in queue. They aren't still trying to celebrate and are doing other queued actions, but the celebration action is still in the queue and can't be cancelled.
In both cases, these are fixed by taking at least one sim off-lot.

Collision control is buggy. Generally routing is better, but I'll still have situations where sims will be right next to each other with nothing around on a flat surface and actions will drop because they show they can't get to each other. Also, sims clipping through things is still an issue (you would think by the fourth game they could fix this but this is EA) including the normal hands through clothing but yesterday I had a sim blowing out the birthday cake who ended up halfway through the kitchen counter.
13  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 is out what's the scoop? on: 2014 September 15, 00:15:19
Flat houses. Well, flat surroundings for non-flat houses.

I'm actually okay with the segmented neighborhood, but it's much too small. And flat.
14  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Collections on: 2014 September 15, 00:14:12
first person gameplay
You keep using that word. I dunna think it means what you think it means.
15  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 is out what's the scoop? on: 2014 September 12, 15:24:16
On the official site, SimGuruGrant is asking what people want in story progression.  He says the game already has some degree of story progression (he's probably referring to the fact that inactives age and die), and adding to it shouldn't be a problem. 
Aging and dying isn't story progression, that's time progression. EA. I swear. They need to get married and spawn. I now have a new child born into my family yet all the sims living in houses have teens. That means I have to pair her with a townie, if she ends up being my heir, and townies have no $. It also means that at the moment her wishes to make a child friend are unobtainable.

I'd expect a patch-in. Some things are too hard to make into a mod (which is what feature DLC effectively is).
16  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread. on: 2014 September 10, 08:21:18
  • The camera. Oh my how I hate the camera. Either the "new" version or the TS3 version, both suck. Can't get in close enough on my sims and panning forward and backward takes a year, as does rotating. Sideways isn't too bad.
  • Not sure what's going on, but one of my sims seems to have a pee fetish/issue. Her motive drains pretty quickly, but she'll also go and use the toilet, flush, then two seconds later go and use the toilet again. Except she doesn't need to pee yet.
  • When I tell my sim to go home, she stops on the sidewalk in front of her home. However, that space isn't truly her home, and when I tell her to dump her inventory of time capsules and frogs and such, she drops it on the sidewalk. I then can't pick them up because they aren't technically on the home lot. So I either need the option to put community lot things into personal inventory (thereby also allowing me to steal hot dogs) or for her to take one fricking step further onto the lot before she considers herself home.
  • I know I'm the gazillionth person to say this and there's absolutely no way anyone here could fix it, but the elimination of toddler stage is bonkers. There's just no sense of continuity. I had my first baby age to child this morning and it was weird to have school-aged spawn jump out of the bassinet.
  • Related to baby stuff, I find it wrong that the bassinet stays after age up and can be sold for $150. Presumably, children could be a money farm. A slow money farm, but a money farm.
17  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread. on: 2014 September 08, 20:47:29
Route failure has always been an issue in every sims game to date, why is everyone so surprised it still exists in the latest reincarnation?
As well as Sims clipping through furniture and their own clothes, which I see is alive and well. I plan for routing stupidity in house design.

Because they promised it would be improved in TS4.
Pfft, I suppose you believe in fairies, too?
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Hostile Play Environment on: 2012 March 15, 03:29:43
I are disappoint. According to the title of the thread, I expected "my brother ruined my game" wank. Instead, I got "so mean" wank.

Please correctly advertise your wank in the future. Thank you.
19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Sims 2 Vs. The Sims 3 on: 2012 March 08, 04:05:56
That's not what she meant. It's recommended that all RAM sticks be of the same size (as in, all 1 GB or all 2 GB, not a 1 GB stick and a 2 GB stick).
20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Sims 2 Vs. The Sims 3 on: 2012 March 07, 03:32:50
I aim to please. Fixed now. Apparently it is not a fan of being truncated.
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Sims 2 Vs. The Sims 3 on: 2012 March 07, 02:35:15
3GB just seems low to run Windows 7 & Sims3 with any EP. But then I have 8GB on a 3.2 GHz quad-core and am contemplating upgrading to 16GB (MOAR power) on Win7 x64.

Check . Don't trust the minimum requirement. You want to be well over that.
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances on: 2011 August 06, 22:33:02
Awesome, I've been complaining of this very thing. Have tried a few small 'hoods out there but two have horrible routing issues and one is so full of rocks and trees it Error12's on saving.
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: CAW, please. on: 2011 May 21, 04:30:35
You don't need an account to download CAW, you just need a direct link to the file. I'm pretty sure it's around here somewhere if you search.
It is, and in the same thread, just a couple posts down, it clearly states that this is a file that updates with each release.
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Testing the waters: What do you want in a 'hood? on: 2011 May 10, 23:41:23
Mine is to use deco buildings which I can pump out in an hour or two.  If I spend a day or two on it, I can make a deco home which is almost indistinguishable from an in game home.

No, your solution is to make a box mesh and photoskin some brick and a sign on it. I suppose that's good for you, but it pretty much looks like crap.

That being said, I commonly don't furnish or cut a portion of the homes in my neighborhood to keep the population down. My current 'hood has 62 lots (counting community, maybe 50 residentials) and no more than 40 residentials will actually get beds.
25  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Low Detail Mode?? on: 2011 May 03, 00:30:42
Sim or, often, sims. My neighborhoods typically house around 150 sims and I'll have 10 or so tagged in map mode. Don't know why. Don't really care. Sometimes I use it as a prompt to introduce my house in play to that household, because otherwise my sims tend to be shut-ins.
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