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1  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: A question of genetics on: 2008 October 11, 19:50:00
If the offspring is male and the female skintone is dominant then male is a very skinny dude when his father is Slim Body Builder.

Isn't the body mesh linked to the skintone? That might be why the male spawn isn't a bodybuilder if he inherits his mothers skintone.
2  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Faster computer - why the lag? on: 2008 March 06, 18:57:01
I will consider it. Thank you.
3  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Faster computer - why the lag? on: 2008 March 04, 06:06:07
How does one switch to XP from Vista? I ask because I just bought a new computer and would prefer XP, but it came with Vista. Do I have to spend mucho money to purchase XP? How do I remove Vista?
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Undead: Okay, this Sims 2 movie just BLEW MY MIND. It is AMAZING. on: 2008 January 28, 13:01:05
That was truly awesome!
5  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: game run problems, with no saved data.. huh? on: 2008 January 12, 01:46:12

well, thanks for the attempt. i might wait around and see if anyone else reports an issue though.  its a nvidea geoforce
5200 card.    if there if something wrong with the stairs or the card i would think someone else might have noticed the
same thing.

I had H&M Stuff for a time while using a Nvidia 5200 and didn't have that problem so I doubt that it's the card.
6  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: BV problems - anyone else noticed these? on: 2008 January 04, 04:01:55
Oh, yea, have you applied the BV patch?  There's supposed to be a fix for one of the big causes of the stalling (if I remember correctly, it was a timer issue), and I do seem to get less stalls since I updated the game.

I have the patch. I'm just glad to know that it isn't due to problems in my system.
7  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Frequently Freezing Lot on: 2008 January 04, 03:55:33
I now blame it on Numenor's coal stove. The freezing has spread.

I have had the coal stove for some time and it hasn't caused problems like that in my game. I hope that helps the debugging proccess a bit.
8  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: BV problems - anyone else noticed these? on: 2008 January 04, 02:27:34
I have the first two issues, but haven't noticed the third. Of course I haven't looked at any townies in SimPE lately either so it might well be there. I also had anti-redundancy installed. My sister and I have been experiencing an additional issue of stalling. The sound cuts out and everything stops for 5-10 seconds and then starts again. I have 3.25 MB of RAM and recently updated my sound card, and lost all my downloads to an unfortunate brain fart accident. It still stalls with no cc at all. I was just wondering if this is a known bug as well and/or if there is a fix for it.
9  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Medieval Barrel Project on: 2007 August 01, 22:55:38
I wonder what they could have done to alter it that much; I would have thought it to be a recolor.
10  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Medieval Barrel Project on: 2007 August 01, 02:21:47
I will look at it later.  I suppose you would also like the "kicked" animation to work the same way? 
I'm afraid that i don't know what "kicked" means. Embarrassed
I would like the animations to be the same as the original though.
Thank you again for your time.
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Medieval Barrel Project on: 2007 July 31, 16:59:30
No problem Grin

I hope someone who is better equipped for meshing than I can/wants to fix my can. I hope I didn't do such a completely rotten job that there is no hope.

12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Medieval Barrel Project on: 2007 July 31, 05:03:28
Thank you for trying to help me, but I saw that recolor and wanted something that actually looks like a barrel rather than a brown metal trash can with a little wood grain detail on it. I don't mean to sound ungrateful, I really do appreciate the input. Grin
13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Medieval Barrel Project on: 2007 July 31, 02:45:18
Is that an outdoor trash can (by the mailbox) or a regular trash can (in the house)?
14  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Medieval Barrel Project on: 2007 July 31, 01:35:08
I am attaching the package here. Thank you for your help.
15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Medieval Barrel Project on: 2007 July 30, 11:10:37
My sister and I are trying to create medieval neighborhoods and there are certain objects that really don't fit in. I am a really bad mesher for the most part, but I have managed to create a barrel trash can to replace the the big metal one. It looks pretty good and it works just like the original, except that the lid will not separate from the can. I know that there are specific programs and/or techniques that are used to retain animations and I've tried to use the Mesh Tool, but I failed. Sad

I know also that there is a plug-in for milkshape for animations, but I don't have/can't get milkshape(yes, I really am that poor). So I was thinking that maybe someone with the necessary skills/software who shares the desire to replace that trash can for a medieval neighborhood would be interested in collaborating. The barrel is meshed, mapped, and textured; I just can't fix the animations.

I am attaching a pic so that anyone who might be interested can make an informed decision regarding whether or not this is something that they would even want to use much less invest time in.
16  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: BFBVFS or Just a Nuisance? on: 2007 July 27, 01:11:51
I don't think the Captain Hero carpool is going to work for me. I'll just have to try to mesh something and hope that it doesn't hurt my eyes too much to look at it Tongue
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: BFBVFS or Just a Nuisance? on: 2007 July 26, 16:55:32
I saw that too, but much of her shopping list is found on MTS2 and they have been having problems for awhile with very slow downloads. In the case of the clothes which can run into the neighborhood of 5 Mb, downloading at a speed of 800 bytes per second is a new kind of torture. If that makes me impatient (MTS2 seems to believe that it does) then I guess I'm impatient.

Thank you for your response though Smiley
18  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: BFBVFS or Just a Nuisance? on: 2007 July 26, 15:51:32
Out of curiosity, without some custom vehicles, how will you deal with travel to community lots? 

There are buggies and horse drawn carriages that other people have created that I can download for wealthy sims, but none of them are ugly enough to suit as a carpool for a very poor peasant. Of course peasants will never have enough simoleons to buy a carriage. They have grow their own food; they can't go anywhere to buy it.
19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: BFBVFS or Just a Nuisance? on: 2007 July 26, 15:10:51
I want to overwrite the maxis careers because I often have my sims marry townies and I like that they come employed, but I don't want them to have modern careers if they are in a medieval neighborhood (I have a separate user account for this 'hood on my computer, so custom career files for this themed neighborhood won't effect the others).

"Is there a way to update lifetime wants to reflect new custom wants?"

I mistyped because I'm a doofus. I meant to ask if there is a way to edit how a lifetime want displays so that it will show the custom title rather than question marks.

Unfortunately I suck at meshing.

20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Poll: Stealth Stairs on: 2007 July 26, 14:22:43
I use a couple of spiral staircases from MTS2 if my house is too small for normal stairs. There is a CW version and a CCW version which covers most occasions, and they look better.
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / BFBVFS or Just a Nuisance? on: 2007 July 26, 13:21:17
I am trying my hand at making  medieval careers to replace the maxis careers because I don't want my medieval sims walking around in crisp white lab coats etc.

I have had a custom career overwrite a maxis one before and other than an odd looking lifetime want it didn't seem to cause any problem, but at the time I didn't want to lose my Science career so I took out the custom one. Therefore i didn't get a chance to see what the long term effect would be if or if there was one.

My questions are these:

Will it cause BFBVFS?
Is there a way to update lifetime wants to reflect new custom wants?

While I'm asking questions one more just because:
Is it possible to have a custom car pool that mirrors how dormies go to class? Having a medieval sim walk to work and return in that manner would add realism as peasants should not be able to afford fancy carriages or be carted around by such. This last is hopeful (wishful) thinking, but maybe someone awesome will surprise me Grin
22  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: More realistic/difficult relationships? on: 2007 July 26, 13:06:33
Wonderful! Thank you Marhis.
23  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Oops I Broke It! on: 2007 July 19, 22:28:10
More great advice, thanks. Now my CD drive will no longer recognize that my seasons CD is in the drive when I try to load it up Undecided
I'm full of stupid problems; I'd make a lousy pirate. AAAR---*chokes on spit*

Any ideas for my new problem?

I don't know if this is still an issue, but if it is you may need to remove the Daemon virtual drive and then reinstate it with a different drive letter.  Also, Nero has been known to occasionally bork the cd drive functionality.  The usual fix for this is to go into device manager (hit winkey+R and enter "devmgmt.msc" without quotes) and remove the drive.  It will reinstall when you reboot and tends to work without issues after that. 

After your post I checked my disc drive just in case and it was borked. Shocked
Then I followed your instructions and now it works fine. Grin
Thank you again!
24  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Oops I Broke It! on: 2007 July 19, 10:50:21
Will do. Smiley
25  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Oops I Broke It! on: 2007 July 19, 09:31:16
It works Cheesy Thank you all so much

*Ennarys huddles in lifeboat dripping wet*

If not for all of you I surely would have drowned!
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