You may want to double check that result, because error 10 is just about the worst error one can receive. I recommend uninstalling TS3 immediately, or you may suffer from horrible glitches, such as:
- Save games becoming permanently corrupted.
- Store content becoming impossible to install/uninstall.
- All custom and default hairs being replaced with two Peggy hairs.
- The Sims 3 theme playing even with the game closed.
- RAM suffering from spontaneous combustion.
Note that this is not an error caused by AwesomeMod. It is due to PEBCAK errors in the operating system while running TS3.
Given the OP's lack of punctuation and appropriate capitalisation, their inability to find the right thread to post in, and that they didn't bother to read the FAQ, I suspect they may like Peggy hairs.