From browsing the Podium a little bit, I have pulled the following list. It is as up to date as I can get it. This is the current status of the FFS hacks based on posts that I have read here in this forum.
Edit: Official nightlife list from Dr.Boris mods listed in his list as being unchanged are notated with a *
All mods listed in his list as needing an update are notated with a ^
Works at least on the surface(no bugs apparant)*abortablebedmaking
Clothing tool
*No hugging
rechargable aspiration rewards
Broken(at least partially)antiprankhack
autoyak(call friends shows up as groups)
Baby controller(loss of some baby interactions)
bathroomusesyou(unable to rotate when placed)
college clock
commskilling(doesn't work with downtownies)
^dailygardner(messes with matchmaker)
easybreakup(no option to breakup)
lesswhiny(loss of autonomy?)
lotdebugger(unable to rotate when placed)
Macrotastics(no college rampage)
nodeanslistspam(still spamming)
nobabyharrassment(prevents interactions with babies)
^noeatcrap(missing table interactions)
^noroadpillows(matchmaker problem)
notownieregeration(no townies downtown)
payatthebox(messes up NL mail extras)
^Phone Hack(phone errors)
Romance Mod(prevents dates)
continuouspaint(discontinued from FFS)
Greekamnesia(discontinued from FFS)
nostrangerdance(discontinued from FFS)
If you have tested mods and you want to post your findings here, I will update this post with your information. If you think the status of a mod should be changed or corrected, please post here.
Edit: alphabetized lists