
Posts: 2486
A Ferris WheelFrom the pictures, it looks like it works, too. This person must have spent a long time on it. Check it out.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 144
Most Awesome Cat - RIP
Very cool! Did you see Pescardo's comment? 

Posts: 1572
Lots of sheepiness in that thread, so be sure to wear your cool goggles first. 

Posts: 2486
Very cool! Did you see Pescardo's comment?  Very nice. And a great point might I add. Lots of sheepiness in that thread, so be sure to wear your cool goggles first.  Bleh! The sheep! I must flee!
I slogged through those imbecilic, misspelled messages to get to Pescado's comment. Was worth it.  The wheel is rather cool, though.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 586
I used to have to be nice
And of course we can't tell anyone what page it's on, people need challenges for their thought processes and sanity  He does make a good point, though. What about if it came off its stand and rolled off the lot? Any comments about the fate of the five sims on board?
 I'm not doing too bad, considering my age and personality Pro-freedom
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 717
If The Curmudgeonly One himself only makes a morbidly jocular comment instead of citing the object as a game breaker then I'm impressed.
The reason that clichés become clichés is that they are the hammers and screwdrivers in the toolbox of communication. Guards! Guards! (Terry Pratchett)
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 192
[Piratey Translation] 't ought be breakable an' require multiple mechanics t' repair 't. In th' event a Sim be actively appearin' t' work on th' upper areas, a plummet t' Davy Jones' locker ought frequently occur due t' th' absent `balance` an' `acrobatics` feats in game - includin' lack o' ninjas wi' engineerin' qualifications. Th' design structure looks easy t' tip o'er at th' side fer various giant-sized inhuman mutant Sims. Nevertheless, fatality would occur through adherent coastal winds t' th' aforementioned passengers viewable in th' screen shot. So... be thar a speed settin'?  [Original Post] It should be breakable and require multiple mechanics to repair it. In the event a Sim is actively appearing to work on the upper areas, a plummet to death should frequently occur due to the absent 'balance' and 'acrobatics' feats in game - including lack of ninjas with engineering qualifications. The design structure looks easy to tip over at the side for various giant-sized inhuman mutant Sims. Nevertheless, fatality would occur through adherent coastal winds to the aforementioned passengers viewable in the screen shot. So... is there a speed setting? 
« Last Edit: 2006 September 23, 18:03:27 by Weaver »
Page 5 comment #122
Conversely you could simply use the search function by member. And personally, I expected more but hey thats just my opinion.
Ancient Sim
Dead Member

Posts: 1931
Back from the dead ...
It certainly looks amazing, although it would seem it's not autonomous and there's a problem with it decreasing fun instead of increasing it. Will be trying it out to see what's what. I must admit I'd LOVE to see someone adapt it so they can fall out of it ... should be possible using the same whatevers for plummeting in the lift, although you don't actually see that, so maybe not. Would be great if there could be random deaths from it, though.
Some favourite Sim thingies: Film: Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.

Posts: 2486
Might have been easier to program death if it were an elevator, but apparently, it's made from a grandfather clock.
J. M. Pescado
If The Curmudgeonly One himself only makes a morbidly jocular comment instead of citing the object as a game breaker then I'm impressed.
Well, I didn't actually download it, seeing as it's technically useless and not at all amusing as a result.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.

Posts: 1572
The significance of this object is its use of custom animations. They are simple, granted, but it is encouraging that people are starting to do this more and more.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 106
The significance of this object is its use of custom animations. They are simple, granted, but it is encouraging that people are starting to do this more and more.
And for something non-sex related too!
"Ten percent of nothin' is, let me do the math here...nothin' and a nothin', carry the nothin'..."
J. M. Pescado
The significance of this object is its use of custom animations. They are simple, granted, but it is encouraging that people are starting to do this more and more.
Now that's interesting. What custom animations were in there?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 518
Spifftastically Fantabulous!
The idea of it is really neat and if it works, that's awesome. My only complaint is that it's so.. plaine looking. The seats look fine, but the rest of it just looks like some plain sticks that couldn't possibly be part of a functioning ferris wheel. Gears aside, where are the rivets? There's no texture to it at all. Of course, this is the problem I ultimately had with the otherwise cool Grand Trianon bunkbeds featured over at MTS2. They just look so fake when put next to all the other objects.
I'm still debating whether I want to give this one a try or not. Admittedly, I'd love something like it for a community lot. I miss being able to have an amusement park (I miss the carnival games from Sims1)
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 541
Mr Flibble's very cross
I liked the look of it, ok it's not spectacular, but kudos for the attempt, I am crap at making anything so appreciate any effort put in to make my sims lives more interesting/entertaining. I won't be downloading it but if they made a working "London Eye" I might change my mind!
I'd rather have a full bottle in front of me, than a full frontal lobotamy
I was quite impressed when I saw this. From the picture I assumed it was a neigbourhood object. I did however not download it. I don't know where I'd use it. It would be silly on a residential lot, and my sims rarely leave the house. Still, I am impressed. I hope this is the start of a new trend in (non-adult) object modding.
I had problems in that it gave neither comfort nor fun as advertised. But so many sheep are googling over it so much that my complaint kinda got lost and ingnored in the thread.
Running: Sims2, University, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV, FT and AL

Posts: 1572
The wheel itself turning is in the custom animations. I don't think it animates sims if that's what you were thinking.  The sims themselves move by virtue of Snap Into and some carefully placed slots, but the animations of them getting in are all ordinary chair type animations.
My, some of ya'll are ...hard to please... This is a really nice object. It's not perfect, no, but I've wanted one for a long time and it's the first working one I've seen. Now that there's one, other people's can clone and change too, sos if they want to remesh or recolor, it should be easier. Once someone builds it, more is usually not far behind...

Posts: 1572
It's a nice object for kids. Honestly, a ferris wheel IRL is a dull and boring ride, generally has a line that's far too long and is mainly intended to be decorative.
Furry Lover
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 949
I definately agree to that one. I mean, "Whee! We're slowly going around in a circle!" just doesn't sound that great, no matter how much enthusiasm you say it with. Perhaps if it went around fast enough that you'd be on the ceiling when you were at the top (kind of like a loop in a roller coaster) that might be fun.
All generalizations are false, including this one.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 143
Not Awesome Indeed
Are custom animations really that difficult to make? It seems that modders can alter game behavior, create new meshes, new textures and even new sound files on a regular basis, but there don't seem to be that many new animations being created. Why so difficult?
Furry Lover
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 949
I think you just answered your own question.
All generalizations are false, including this one.