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Question: Should I 'hide' the Ask to Grow Up option under the Adjust... in the Sim Pie Menu?
Yes, my menu's a bit cluttered, thanks. - 125 (66.1%)
No, I like seeing the option right away. - 62 (32.8%)
I have another suggestion (which I will actually post below in a reply. Tongue - 2 (1.1%)
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Author Topic: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies (Updated 3/15/2008)  (Read 199885 times)
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/20
« Reply #100 on: 2007 January 10, 10:50:34 »

2) Aging a dormie to an adult wasn't so great; it basically worked like the normal "Propose->Move In" and I had to fix up her wants and locks with the college adjuster.

Well... that's sort of the point. It is due to how the game itself handles aging up Young Adults to Adults. The game will copy the status of the sim who is asking them to grow up. As of now... dormies can't really graduate anyways. I had added options to send dormies to their final exams and what not... but it appears that dormies can get reset and ultimately end up losing the those changes when they move out. I haven't had a chance to research this further and figure out a way for dormies to retain those changes. So I had to remove those options. Declaring a major for dormies also has similar problems I believe.

So for now that's pretty much the way it will work. If you want a dormie to have graduated status, then you'll have to only use sims who have actually graduated ask them to grow up.


The Sim doing the asking was a graduate.  I'll just do it the hard way by making the dormie a playable during the University years and have them graduate normally.

Aging to YA is great!  Had a couple Sims who wanted a friend to come to college.  When the friend "grew up," the other Sims even got the aspiration points for it!
Posts: 2365

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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/20
« Reply #101 on: 2007 January 10, 17:45:45 »

The Sim doing the asking was a graduate.  I'll just do it the hard way by making the dormie a playable during the University years and have them graduate normally.

Hrm... well... I wasn't sure whether or not your asker was or not (a graduate), but I thought I'd mention it, in case it weren't obvious.  However... this issue, of YAs not always properly getting graduate status seems to be an Maxis EA thing.  Since... it appears to randomly work for some and randomly not work for others, and sometimes it randomly works and doesn't for the same people. Huh

If I ever find the time to dig around and see what might be causing it to "fail" to upgrade sims when they are supposed to be, I'll see if I can actually "fix" it. But... if the failure is coming from "deep within" the code i.e. on the primitive/executable core level, then most likely, I probably can't fix it.  I'll have to think of a way, maybe to insert a check to see if... after a sim transitions... whether or not they are considered a graduate and/or get the proper number of wants and locks. According to the code... it is supposed to "carbon copy" the asker's status. And... in my testing, it appeared to work for me. But my test hood was relatively small. It may not be worth the extra work to try and "code" double checking and/or looping routines if it is a bug at the primitive level, since it could theoretically sadorandomly repititively recur. Plus... it may be messy if sims that "fail" to graduate get crappity memories that would need to be removed/replaced and what not. Would the lotdebugger help in upgrading those YAs for you?

Aging to YA is great!  Had a couple Sims who wanted a friend to come to college.  When the friend "grew up," the other Sims even got the aspiration points for it!

Well... at least someting works. Cheesy


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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/20
« Reply #102 on: 2007 January 10, 19:27:58 »

<snip> Would the lotdebugger help in upgrading those YAs for you?<snip>

I used 2Jeff's College Adjuster.  Since she was some flavor of Uni student, the Lot Debugger refused to upgrade her.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/20
« Reply #103 on: 2007 January 10, 19:38:44 »

<snip> Would the lotdebugger help in upgrading those YAs for you?<snip>

I used 2Jeff's College Adjuster.  Since she was some flavor of Uni student, the Lot Debugger refused to upgrade her.

Ahhh, I figured as much, but I thought I'd ask, just to find out if you tried it and what your results were. Has this happened to all of your sims? i.e. have all of your YAs that you tried to move in always transition to adult as drop outs? Or have you ever had any successful transitions to full graduates?

Also, have you only tried to grow up this one YA that failed? Or have you used the option on more than this YA, and the results are always the same as when you "move in" or marry a YA?

What I may consider doing... is providing multiple options in the case that the townie you are trying to grow up is a YA:

Drop out, Grow Up/...Graduate, Grow Up/... Graduate with Cum Laude, ... Magna Cum Laude, ... Summa Cum Laude.

In this way, you get more control over how the YA turns out. At least that's my idea for now, whether I am capable of implementing it, and whether or not it actually works is a whole other question. Tongue Hopefully I can find time to toy around with this on the weekend.


Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/20
« Reply #104 on: 2007 February 07, 12:56:35 »

One question: if a Sim has a graduation party, one of the dormies shows up in cap and gown, poses for the graduation picture, and jumps in a taxi, but after you save, they're still listed in the University directory.

What's the best way to make this fit my mental storyline (that the graduate has moved back to the hood, etc.)?  I'm tentatively thinking have one of the remaining controllables invite the "graduate" over and grow them up.

I'm not quite sure what you mean... as I've never thrown a graduation party yet. But are you saying that when you do, a "dormie" i.e. a non-playable YA that resides in the same dorm as your playables actually dresses up in a cap and gown and leaves in the taxi? Does this always happen? From what I read, I thought dormies didn't graduate and stayed in the same dorm forever immortal?<snip>

Yes, I had a non-controllable dormie show up (univited, mind you) at a graduation party in cap and gown and pose for the "going away" picture with the Sim that threw the party.  I don't remember if the Sim got in the taxi or not, but I'm pretty sure they did.  After saving, I started looking for the "graduate," and couldn't find them in the Sim bins for either the main hood or for the Uni hood.  Then one of my other YA Sims became friends with her (still on campus) and invited her to move in.  She had no major or skills and was a first semester freshman!

I don't do graduation parties very often, so it was pretty surprising when I realized what was going on...

That always happens, a random friend of yours who happens to be there will pose with you for the graduation cinema, and all the dormies at the party wear caps and gowns. Then they apparently take them off and go back to being undeclared freshmen, because they cannot age up and move out. I've had a mascot "graduate" with 3 generations of my legacy fam now, lol

EDIT: er, sorry for possible necromancy, was linked here today and forgot to check the dates, but it seemed to be important information anyway

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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/2006)
« Reply #105 on: 2007 February 07, 18:47:29 »

1) Posting on hack threads is never considered necromancy.
2) Thank you for posting!  I missed syberspunk's response to my post.

Before installing your hack, I had an adult Sim ask a dormie to "move in".  That ex-dormie was basically a drop out, although they didn't have a Drop Out memory per se. 
I then installed your hack and tried "growing up" a dormie, then asking her to move in.  The grown-up-dormie was indistinguishable from the moved-in-Dormie.  Only tried it once, since I didn't like the results.  Since then, I've just moved them into campus housing to make them controllables and graduated them the normal way.

I'd love if they could grow up as Drop Outs or as Graduates! 
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/20
« Reply #106 on: 2007 February 08, 07:34:43 »

I actually poked around the code... and it turns out, it's a bit more complicated than I thought. Embarrassed I would have to dig deeper and figure out what bits and parts I'd have to adjust so that a sim get's the proper memory and what not.  ATM, it's a bit too entangled and I just haven't had the time to sit down and suss it all out.

I will try and get around to doing a bit more testing with growing up dormies in general, but unfortunately, it seems that the issue of having dormies move in and not getting the proper status seems to be inconsistent. Undecided  I'll try and poke around again when I have time.


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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/2006)
« Reply #107 on: 2007 February 08, 08:05:44 »

I've actually started a whole new 'hood to test this out.  I made 3 male YA Sims, Dudly Dropout, Sidney Scrapingby, and Major CumLawde.  Dudly has already dropped out after making the acquaintence of the 5 Dormies resident in their dorm.  Sidney passes every semester, but I keep him as close to the "line" as possible.  Major has a 4.0 average.  I'm going to have Major ask a Dormie to "grow up" before graduating, just to see what happens.  Once Sidney and Major have graduated and Dudly has managed to make friends with one of the Dormies, I'll have each of them ask a Dormie to grow up.  Will post the results!
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/2006)
« Reply #108 on: 2007 February 08, 17:20:59 »

I figured it out! 

After growing the Dormie up and inviting the new Townie to move in, I was picking No from the "erase memories" dialog, because I thought it would erase memories of interactions with the Sim doing the inviting (which it does).  However, when you pick No, it also doesn't add all the "end of semester" and graduation memories, the wants stay at 4 with 1 lock.  If the Sim doing the inviting is a dropout, the YA life stage gets a red X instead of a "(/)" or slashed circle symbol. 

If you pick Yes, all the new memories pop up (and strangely, one Mystery Sim memory remains).

So, it's actually the Move In hack that's slightly flaky...

Now that I know what's happening, I'll go back to my original plan to make the Dormies playable while still on campus and work them up the normal way.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/20
« Reply #109 on: 2007 February 08, 21:12:35 »

I figured it out! 

After growing the Dormie up and inviting the new Townie to move in, I was picking No from the "erase memories" dialog, because I thought it would erase memories of interactions with the Sim doing the inviting (which it does).  However, when you pick No, it also doesn't add all the "end of semester" and graduation memories, the wants stay at 4 with 1 lock.  If the Sim doing the inviting is a dropout, the YA life stage gets a red X instead of a "(/)" or slashed circle symbol. 

If you pick Yes, all the new memories pop up (and strangely, one Mystery Sim memory remains).

So, it's actually the Move In hack that's slightly flaky...

Now that I know what's happening, I'll go back to my original plan to make the Dormies playable while still on campus and work them up the normal way.

Hrm... that is weird.  I'll try and look into that.  So... the growing up works properly? But when you move the sim in, they get all screwed up?  You are moving them in After you had them grow up?  That is strange that they would get messed up...

With the erase memories dialog, are you saying that, when you choose "no" they end up losing memories?

It is a bit confusing, but let me break it down per scenario as to what should happen:

Scenario A

1) You grow up a dormie to an adult.  If the asker is an adult, the dormie should copy the graduate status of the sim that is doing the asking i.e. the dormie becomes a graduate if the asking sim is a graduate OR they become a drop out if the asking sim dropped out or never went to Uni.

2) You move in the newly growed up dormie (who is now an adult).  Theoretically, since they are an adult, then no copying of graduate status should occur.  If you choose "yes" to erase the townies memories, then their memories essentially get wiped and start with a (relatively) clean slate.  I think the game, however, does repopulate them with basic crappity memories (like met/kissed mystery sim, or whatever).  If you choose "no" then the townie should move in as "normal" with all memories intact, including any graduate memories that should have been produced during step 1 from above.

Scenario B

1) You attempt to move in a dormie into your houldhold.

  a. If your household is a dorm or frat, then they should join the household as a playable.  Their graduate status won't get affected.  I do not recall whether I enabled grow up for when a playable YA asks a dormie.  I would assume in this case, that the dormie would grow up into a drop out, since the game would copy the asking sim's status, and since they are still in Uni.

  b. If your household is not a uni type household, then I would imagine that the game would just age them up automatically and they would get the same status as the asking sim.

2) If your situation is a. and you attempt to ask the dormie to grow up, I would think the dormie would become a drop out (assuming the asking sim is a YA in Uni that hasn't graduated yet.

From the first scenario,  I would have thought that, aging the dormie up first should lead to the generation of proper memories. Maybe, grow a dormie up first, and then make them selectable and see if they have the memories. Then make them unselectable, move them into the household, choose no (make them keep all their memories),  make them selectable again and check if they lost those memories.


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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/2006)
« Reply #110 on: 2007 February 10, 08:30:21 »

Let me go in and look at the memories with SimPE.  I saved one of my moved-in exDormies, so she's toast for purposes of this experiment and I'll have to reproduce her.  Fortunately, she was the one asked to grow up by a Dropout.

Yes, YA's can ask each other to Grow Up.   

I have plenty of current dormies so I can experiment with simply asking them to move in.  I also saved (and quit) between the Ask to Grow Up and the Propose... Move In so I could look at them with SimPE.  Didn't think to actually look at the memories...

Ok... I've got complete results, including memory checks with SimPE.  These are my 4 scenarios:

1) Donna Dropout went to college for long enough to meet a YA named Marshall.  She then dropped out.
2) Sidney Scrapingby went to college and met a YA named Janice.  He graduated, but not with any sort of Honors.
3) Major CumLawde went to college.  First he asked a YA named Paula to grow up.  He also met a YA named Blanca.  He graduated with a 4.0 average.

Back in town, Donna asked Marshall to Grow Up.  Sidney asked Janice to Grow Up. Major asked Blanca to grow up.  We now have 4 "grown up" Dormies ready to move in.  All saved and quit the game to take notes on the current memories with SimPE.

1) Marshall (asked to grow up by adult Donna Dropout).  Marshall's adult (but not moved in) memories from SimPE included Fell in Love with Donna, Best Friends with Donna, WooHoo with Donna, First WooHoo with Donna, Made Out with Donna, Met (one of Donna's housemates), Grew Up Well, Kissed Donna, Met (Dormies), Went to College, Kissed Mystery Sim, First Kiss with Mystery Sim, Best Friend with Mystery Sim, Met Mystery Sim. 

After being asked to Move In and answering No to the erase memories dialog, Marshall had an X over his YA stage (not a Dropout mark) and added the memories for "(housemates) Joined Family."  No other changes to his memories.  Quit without Saving.

After being asked to Move In and answering Yes to the erase memories dialog, Marshall had an X over his YA stage and lost all memories except Went to College, Kissed Mystery Sim, First Kiss with Mystery Sim, Best Friend with Mystery Sim, Met Mystery Sim.  At the time I thought, dang, what stupid memories to keep... more on that subject under Major and Paula.

From this, I conclude that Dropouts should not ask YAs to Grow Up, since it leaves them in an undefined state regarding their college careers.  No, I didn't think to try the Lot Debugger to see if he could be repaired that way. 

I also noticed that Deloris, a previous victim of this portion of the experiment via Duddly Dropout, was still on campus wearing her adult outfit when I moved Donna into the dorm to drop out.  Yet another reason not to let Dropouts ask YAs to Grow Up.

2) Janice, asked to Grow Up by non-honors graduate Sidney.  Janice's adult memories pre-Move In were Best Friend with Sidney, Grew Up Well, Met (Townies), WooHoo with Sidney, First WooHoo with Sidney, Made Out with Sidney, First Kiss with Sidney, Met (Dormies), Met Sidney, Went to College, Kissed Mystery Sim, First Kiss with Mystery Sim, Best Friends with Mystery Sim, Met Mystery Sim.

After being asked to Move In and answering No to the erase memories dialog, Janice had no mark on her YA stage.  She added the memory Sidney Joined the Family.  No Graduation memory.  Everything else was unchanged.  Quit without Saving.

After being asked to Move In and answering Yes to the erase memories dialog, Janice had no mark on her YA stage.  She gained the memories Graduated, Completed Junior Year, Completed Sophmore Year, Completed Freshman Year.  She lost all the other memories except Went to College, Kissed Mystery Sim, First Kiss with Mystery Sim, Best Friends with Mystery Sim, Met Mystery Sim. 

3) Blanca, asked to Grow Up by honors graduate Major.  Blanca's adult memories pre-Move In were Fell in Love with Major, Best Friends with Major, Grew Up Well, Kissed Major, Met (Dormies), Met Major, Went to College, Kissed Mystery Sim, First Kiss with Mystery Sim, Best Friends with Mystery Sim, Met Mystery Sim.

After being asked to Move In and answering No to the erase memories dialog, Blanca had no mark on her YA stage (Major has a star, because he graduated with honors).  No Graduation memory.  She added the memory Major Joined the Family.  Everything else was unchanged.  Quit without Saving.

After being asked to Move In and answering Yes to the erase memories dialog, Blanca had no mark on her YA stage.  She gained the memories Graduated, Completed Junior Year, Completed Sophmore Year, Completed Freshman Year.  She lost all the other memories except Went to College, Kissed Mystery Sim, First Kiss with Mystery Sim, Best Friends with Mystery Sim, Met Mystery Sim. 

From cases 2 & 3, I conclude that Grown Up Dormies should answer Yes to the Move In dialog to finish populating their memories, although I'd rather keep the memories of their relationship with the person with whom they're Moving In.  Or is this a bug in the Move In dialog?

4) Paula, asked to Grow Up by an undergraduate Major.  Paula's adult memories, pre-Move In, were Met (Dormies), Engaged to Major, Grew Up Well, Fell in Love with Major, Kissed Major, Met (Dormies), Best Friends with Major, Met Major, Went to College, Kissed Mystery Sim, First Kiss with Mystery Sim, Best Friends with Mystery Sim, Met Mystery Sim.

After being asked to Move In and answering No to the erase memories dialog, Paula had an X over her YA stage and added the memory for "Major Joined Family."  No other changes to her memories.  Quit without Saving.

After being asked to Move In and answering Yes to the erase memories dialog, Paula had an X over her YA stage and lost all memories except Went to College, Kissed Major, First Kiss with Major, Best Friend with Major, Met Major.  Yes, Mystery Sim was replaced by Major, her fiance!  I'm pretty sure it's the Mystery Sim memories being replaced because they were before Went to College in the time sequence, but I doubt that can be verified.

From this, I conclude that undergraduate YAs should not ask YAs to Grow Up, since it leaves them in an undefined state regarding their college careers.  No, I didn't think to try the Lot Debugger to see if she could be repaired that way. 

I'm going to go check Janice and Blanca's memories and see if the vestigial Mystery Sim memories were replaced by boyfriend memories.
« Last Edit: 2007 February 10, 09:07:05 by miros » Logged
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/2006)
« Reply #111 on: 2007 February 10, 08:34:22 »

So, is Syberspunk going to get his own section on MATY or what? He's making all of these awesome mods, which implies that he is, indeed, awesome. This site is called More Awesome Than You, so it only makes sense that Ste should get his own area to manage.

Disclaimer: I am condescending, arrogant, pedantic, and have a foot-shaped mouth. I also like to throw stones from my glass house. Resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/20
« Reply #112 on: 2007 February 10, 08:48:08 »

After being asked to Move In and answering Yes to the erase memories dialog, Blanca had no mark on her YA stage.  She gained the memories Graduated, Completed Junior Year, Completed Sophmore Year, Completed Freshman Year.  She lost all the other memories except Went to College, Kissed Mystery Sim, First Kiss with Mystery Sim, Best Friends with Mystery Sim, Met Mystery Sim. 

From cases 2 & 3, I conclude that Grown Up Dormies should answer Yes to the Move In dialog to finish populating their memories, although I'd rather keep the memories of their relationship with the person with whom they're Moving In.  Or is this a bug in the Move In dialog?

{More to come, just doing an intermediate save...}
Uh...genius, maybe you shouldn't have ANSWERED YES TO ERASING MEMORIES?

So, is Syberspunk going to get his own section on MATY or what? He's making all of these awesome mods, which implies that he is, indeed, awesome. This site is called More Awesome Than You, so it only makes sense that Ste should get his own area to manage.
Perhaps if he bothered to appear in chat to receive his section...

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/20
« Reply #113 on: 2007 February 10, 09:02:11 »

After being asked to Move In and answering Yes to the erase memories dialog, Blanca had no mark on her YA stage.  She gained the memories Graduated, Completed Junior Year, Completed Sophmore Year, Completed Freshman Year.  She lost all the other memories except Went to College, Kissed Mystery Sim, First Kiss with Mystery Sim, Best Friends with Mystery Sim, Met Mystery Sim. 

From cases 2 & 3, I conclude that Grown Up Dormies should answer Yes to the Move In dialog to finish populating their memories, although I'd rather keep the memories of their relationship with the person with whom they're Moving In.  Or is this a bug in the Move In dialog?

{More to come, just doing an intermediate save...}
Uh...genius, maybe you shouldn't have ANSWERED YES TO ERASING MEMORIES?

Wrong.  You have to answer Yes in order to get the Graduated memory and the Completed memory for the 3 previous years.  If you read the paragraph before the one you quoted, you'd see that No does not produce the Graduated memory and the poor Sim is left with 4 wants and 1 lock.  It's currently a choice of evils here... and forgetting your entire college experience except graduation is less evil than not remembering graduation!

This is the situation I have been attempting to describe periodically for weeks.  I now have systematic data to define the problem for syberspunk so he can fix it, either in Grow Up or in Move In.

I'm going to go check Janice and Blanca's memories and see if the vestigial Mystery Sim memories were replaced by boyfriend memories.
Janice and Blanca retain their memories of "Mystery Sim."  I suspect it's because Paula was the only one engaged to the "asker" before the Move In request.

I'll keep this hood around a few days in case syberspunk wants more data, then delete it.  I've got a couple Sims here more borked than I like!
« Last Edit: 2007 February 10, 09:20:30 by miros » Logged
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/20
« Reply #114 on: 2007 February 11, 17:33:16 »

Thanks for the feedback.  Definitely helpful.  The problem is most likely not due to the moveinall hack, but rather a "bug" in the grow up townies hack that was merely exposed by the moveinall hack.  Ideally, because my hack allows you to ask sims to grow up, the townies should be getting the memories at the time that they are asked to grow up and transition.  Obviously, this is not happening.

Moving sims in, when it comes to YAs, effectively forces them to transition AND move-in, so it is bundling those things up together.  I will have to dig into the code again, see how memories are created, and make sure that the grow up townies hack properly adds those memories as well.

FYI - choosing "yes" (the option that "erases" memories) is actually just accepting the default Maxis EA behaviour.  That is... the game will erase all other memories and leave generic ones.  The met mystery sim, kiss and what not are sort of "place holder" memories to "activate" some adult related interactions (Make Out and Woohoo).  I believe those interactions are sort of "locked" until a sim has had at least one of them.  At least, I think Woohoo was "locked" that way.  So... it is a bit of a misnomer in that, not all the memories are erased.

I'll try to root around and see if I can figure out what is different and hopefully it won't be too hard to fix. Undecided


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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/2006)
« Reply #115 on: 2007 February 11, 20:44:40 »

I'll keep this hood around in case you want me to test anything else!

Otherwise, I'll probably just make the Dormie playable and run them through college the normal way.  I do suppose that a Sim might not meet The One until after he graduates and actually need to do the Grow Up thing...
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/20
« Reply #116 on: 2007 February 14, 06:49:50 »

I'll keep this hood around in case you want me to test anything else!

Otherwise, I'll probably just make the Dormie playable and run them through college the normal way.  I do suppose that a Sim might not meet The One until after he graduates and actually need to do the Grow Up thing...

That would be great.  I've been working on a fix for this, the past few days, whenever I could spare a moment.  So far... the code looks ok.  I now have to add the options to have the sim drop out, graduate, graduate cum laude, graduate magna, and graduate summa.  Hopefully I will have a working version for testing, sometime this weekend.

A couple of questions:

1) When a sim drops out, does s/he get some specific memory about dropping out?  I know sims get a memory for being expelled, but that doesn't seem appropriate.

2) Can someone confirm that... playable sims get their graduation and completed year memories only after returning from exams?  So... a sim "graduates" before age transitioning... right?

Also... I'm thinking about possibly tweaking the acceptance code for the drop out option.  Maybe a sim has to be really good friends, and the dormie will be more likely to drop out if they are a Pleasure, Romance, or possibly Family sim?  Does that sound good, aspiration wise?

What about personality? Should that be a factor, and if so, in what way?  I guess slobs might be more likely to drop out? How about sims that are more grouchy, more lazy, more playful... and does it make sense if they are more outgoing or more shy?

I'd appreciate suggestions. Smiley


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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/2006)
« Reply #117 on: 2007 February 14, 09:09:47 »

1) I believe so.  I'll double check my two "real" dropouts, Dudly and Donna, this afternoon.
2) Dang, I'm not sure.  I think they get the memories before they move out and age transition (since they can hang out on campus for the equivalent of another semester for parties and such), and logically they must get the memories after leaving the lot for the exam.  However, I'm not sure if the exam has to be complete before the memory pops up.  Guess I gotta slave drive another Sim through 8 semesters to find out! (Or maybe Sidney or Major has relevant memories.)

Pleasure and Romance Sims should definitely be more likely to drop out.  Family, eh.  I'd think they'd want to stick around in hopes of meeting a graduate who'd get a better job and be better able to support the family.  Maybe any Sim with low aspiration would be likely to drop out.

Same for personality.  Lazy and Grounchy should want to drop out.  Again, Playful, I'm not too sure -- maybe if they're having enough fun (high aspiration), they'd want to stick around.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/2006)
« Reply #118 on: 2007 February 14, 09:36:03 »

Pleasure and Romance Sims should definitely be more likely to drop out.  Family, eh.  I'd think they'd want to stick around in hopes of meeting a graduate who'd get a better job and be better able to support the family.  Maybe any Sim with low aspiration would be likely to drop out.

I agree about Pleasure and Romance Sim, but I think that a Family sim would be more likely to want to drop out if they become engaged. Male or female most of my Family sims seem happier when they stay home with the kids and do not rely on nannies.

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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/2006)
« Reply #119 on: 2007 February 14, 18:29:48 »

Ok, this is the data I can glean from the memories of my 4 playables...

1) Yes.  Donna and Dudley both have almost identical memories of their college moments.  Went to College, Met Dormies, Dropped Out, Grew Up Well, Moved Out.  Donna has a second but invisible Went to College memory between Met Dormies and Dropped Out.  Dudley has a Moved In memory after the Moved Out memory, because he was the first to move into the lot in the 'hood.  Then both of them have Get Job, yadda, yadda... the normal detrius of Sim life.

2) I think so.  Sidney had a party but Major didn't.  Major was the last playable on the lot when he went back to the hood via phone call/taxi.

Sidney's memories: Completed Junior Year, Met Dormies, Earned 5K, Probation (happened 1st sem senior year), Graduated, Diploma, Grew Up Well, Moved Out, Had a Great Party, Moved In.  I assume everything from Grew Up Well to Had a Great Party all "sprouted" when Sidney jumped into the taxi in cap and gown, but I'd have to play through it again to double check.

Major's memories: Completed Junior Year, Made Deans List, Made Dean's List, Met Dormies, Graduated with Honors/Summa, Diploma, Grew Up Well, Moved Out, Graduated with Honors/Cum Laude, Moved In.   I'm not sure why he's got the second Graduated memory; he had a 4.0 average the whole 8 semesters.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/20
« Reply #120 on: 2007 February 15, 08:56:27 »

I searched through the code and I found the Drop Out memory... so I've added that.

Sidney's memories: Completed Junior Year, Met Dormies, Earned 5K, Probation (happened 1st sem senior year), Graduated, Diploma, Grew Up Well, Moved Out, Had a Great Party, Moved In.  I assume everything from Grew Up Well to Had a Great Party all "sprouted" when Sidney jumped into the taxi in cap and gown, but I'd have to play through it again to double check.

Major's memories: Completed Junior Year, Made Deans List, Made Dean's List, Met Dormies, Graduated with Honors/Summa, Diploma, Grew Up Well, Moved Out, Graduated with Honors/Cum Laude, Moved In.   I'm not sure why he's got the second Graduated memory; he had a 4.0 average the whole 8 semesters.

For Major, he has two memories of Graduating with honors?  One with Summa, and the other just Cum Laude?  I think I read about some bugginess regarding this.  I had an experimental fix for it somewhere on this forum... I dunno if I put it in the Peasantry maybe?

Anyways... I think I'm almost ready to release a version for testing.  I almost had one last night, but I ran into a few bugs while testing it myself.  I forgot to clean up a few things... but maybe by tonight I'll post it.


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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/2006)
« Reply #121 on: 2007 February 15, 13:21:42 »

Yep, Major has 2 memories.  Kind of threw me too when I first saw it.  Later, I'll check another 'hood and look at another Sim who graduated Summa and see if they've got 2 memories.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/20
« Reply #122 on: 2007 February 15, 20:49:43 »

Incidentally, here is the experimental fix for the multiple graduation memories.

And the test version is almost ready.  I managed to get the options showing up, and they mostly work.  I have the memories being added properly now... but the life stage bar doesn't display properly just yet... I think I have a clue of what I may have to change to fix this.  But I'm not absolutely sure.  Right now, I'm kinda just workin on a hunch that it's the semester flag info stuff.  If anyone knows for sure what it is that might determine how the life stage displays being graduated or dropped out, I'd appreciate a hint. Cheesy


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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/2006)
« Reply #123 on: 2007 February 16, 00:21:26 »

I just looked at some other Uni grads, and they mostly have the second memory.  Doesn't seem to do any harm, since they still have the star on their YA life stage, so I think I'll just leave it alone. 

One thing I did notice, even the exDormies that the game considers to be graduates still have 1 in their semester field, where playable graduates have 8.
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Re: Testers Wanted: Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* (Updated *AGAIN* 9/21/20
« Reply #124 on: 2007 February 16, 07:14:44 »

One thing I did notice, even the exDormies that the game considers to be graduates still have 1 in their semester field, where playable graduates have 8.

These exDormies, are these ones that you moved in yourself? Or are they ones that you "Growed Up" with this hack?

If you're interested in the somewhat "technical" stuffeths:

For playable sims, the memories and setting of semester flags occurs via the Interaction - At Class BHAV (which also handles going to Final Exams).  When a sim returns from an exam, the game sets the memories (Dean's List, Completed Year or Graduated), satisfies the appropriate wants, and also sets the semseter info.

In my code, I was just having the sim run through the Age Transition interaction.  This only happens to graduate YAs after their last hours on campus expire or you have them move back home/into the sim bin.  Thus, I totally skipped the memories part.  At first, I thought the memories would be handled when you move a dormie YA into your household.  As you proved, this is true, but only if the regular Maxis EA code is run, for moving sims in, which includes having [most of] their memories erased.

I believe Pescado suggested, the reason why Maxis EA had townie memories erased, was that it's a cheap way to "solve" the jump bug issues that people were having way back in the early days, due to the limitation in the number of memories the code could iterate through.  Since townies were immortal, they could potentially have tons of memories throughout several generations in your game, before you end up making them playable by moving them in or marrying/joining them.  So, to avoid that, it would appear that Maxis EA just chose to give them "amnesia" instead, and start with [almost] a clean slate.  There appears to be a BHAV that essentially erases all their memories, and then repopulates them with generic crap ones (Met Mystery Sim, Kissed Mystery Sim, etc.) which enables some interactions that would normally be locked if they didn't have at least one of those memories (probably Kiss/Make Out and Woohoo interactions).  I believe this BHAV also adds the completed year/graduate memories and sort of uses (or is supposed to use) the asking sim as a template for which memories to add (whether the sim dropped out, graduated, or graduated with honors).

Anyhew, now I just have to figure how the game sets the life stage status on the UI.  Hopefully, if my hunch is right, it shouldn't be too hard to do. Smiley

« Last Edit: 2007 February 16, 07:42:28 by syberspunk » Logged

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