Grow Up Townies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA* v1.14 for TS2FT v1.0p0
Made by: syberspunk
Edit: 7/6/2006
Until further notice, I'm declaring this a Beta since I will be making updates while people are testing and giving feedback.
Known Issue:Edit: 9/21/2006
Problem: If a residential dormie is set with a major or sent to a final, their data will reset if they move out back into the dormie pool. Non-residentail dormies (dormies that do not live on the current dorm lot) will always have their major and semester time set.
Workaround: The Go to Final Exam option has currently been disabled altogether, until further analysis can be conducted and a fix is feasible. Declare/Change Major is still available, but please note that when a residential dormie moves out, their major will most likely be reset to Undeclared. :/
Problem: If a townie that has transitioned becomes deleted for some reason, when that townie is summoned/teleported back to the lot, their Sim Age will NOT have changed even though their physical appearance retains the transition. This results in some creepy ugliness, where for example, Brittany Parker should have aged to Teen, and while she still has a teen body, with the selected aspiration and teen wants, she will be crouched down at the knees and still have a child voice and animations. This seems to Only be a problem if you DELETE the sim. If the sim is reset, they seem to still be ok. This is currently being investigated.
Solution: Workaround - If you SAVE right after the transition, this seems to permanently write the proper Sim Age. So even if you force the townie to be deleted, when they return to the lot, they will appear as the correct age.
Unfortunately, to fix a sim with this problem, you would have to use a debug cheat or hack to age them back down. I will try to think of a way to detect this problem and enable a fix via the pie menu, so you can click on a sim and force them to age back down.Edit: This is actually not a problem. In my many edits of this first post, I lost my original message explaining that this is actually just how the game works. This also occurs when regular age transitions fail or if your sim gets reset somehow after an age transition.
Ever wanted to age your townies? Did you hate that they are immortal? Did you hate the fuss of having to use hacks or debugging cheats as a work around to age your townies? Is it really worth the hassle of teleporting them in, making them selectable, and aging them up? Well, if you've been as frustrated as I am, then here is the hack for you!

This hack rolls in all of these into one neat interaction. Your
playable sims can now ask your
townies, dormies, and downtownies to 'Grow Up' effectively making them go through the appropriate Age Transition! Finally, your townies do not have to live forever! And you don't have to worry about using other hacks or cheats to do it! You
don't have to make them selectable or move them in. Just click on the townie, select 'Ask to Grow Up' and they will. You also get to decide when they age. They will only ever age when you ask them to.

Of course, there are restrictions:
- This interaction is Only available between lovers, crushes, and best friends. If enough people request it, I may enable it for just friends, but I figured there should be some limit to this. Would you really want to age up all your townies anyway? You could, but you'd have to work at it.
- This interaction is Only available with townies that your current selected playable sim is at least older or the same age. In other words, your sim must be the same age as the townie or older (except for elder townies, your sim can still be an adult).
- This interaction is Only available for teens and older (which makes sense since townies are only children and up).
- This interaction DOES NOT enable aging for NPCs. I decided to restrict this since multiple NPC deaths could be bad. If it is later confirmed that NPC death is no less 'dangerous' than regular townie death, then I may enable it in a later version.
- Townies can age appropriately, from children to elders. Elders of course will die. The option appears as 'Say Goodbye Forever' for elder townies instead of 'Grow Up' for children, teens, young adults, and adults.
- Children aging to teens should also have a dialog pop up so you can choose their aspiration. If you are on a College Lot, you can age townie teens into Young Adults.
- Young Adults can be aged into Adults, regardless of what lot you are on. If a YA is a dormie i.e. has a college key, that key should be removed. Upon returning to the Dorm, that YA dormie should be set to an adult and their dorm room should be unclaimed and ready for a new dormie.
- All transtions should occur like regular Age Transitions, with the appropriate memories and inheritance.
Edit: 9/3/06
:new: Because I am lazy, I decided to make different controllers with different checks to determine the availability of the option. Details explaining the different controllers can be found in
this post.
Edit: 9/11/06
:new: Added features:
- Fixed - Downtownies aged to YA will be moved into the "Townie" family so they become available in the dormie pool. Note: As a result, these YAs will be "Townies" when aged to Adult. They will NOT revert back to "Downtownie" status.
- Added - You can now send dormies to their final exam. They should transition to the next semester like normal and they should gain all the regular benefits (wants, fears, want locks, etc.) This option is available under College.../Go to Final Exam when clicking on a dormie. Note: Dormie age meters will still remain frozen.
- Added - You can now declare and change majors for dormies. The appropriate option will show up under College.../Registar - Declare Major (or Change Major) when you click on a dormie.
These features still require testing. Let me know if you run into any problems.
Edit: 9/13/06
If you are using my
Secret Society Finals Fix, you
MUST use the growuptownies compatible version to fix the "bug" where grants from non-playable dormies finals "magically" go to the dorm lot funds.
Edit: 9/20/06
The different check controllers have been tweaked. Details can be found in
this post.
Edit: 1/16/07
Added options to Drop Out, Graduate.../Without Honors, Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude
Added proper memories for Dormies/YAs transitioning to Adults to complete years, graduate, or graduate with honors.
- Sims who drop out will only get a memory of dropping out
- Sims who graduate cum laude or higher should get a memory of getting on the dean's list
- Wants for getting on the dean's list, completing years, graduating or dropping out should be satisfied
- UI Life Stage for YAs should display properly now: Circle with / for Drop Outs, nothing for normal graduates, and stars for honors
:!!: Note: Townies may suddenly appear in the selection skewer (with their icon showing up as if they are part of the household) but this is only temporary. It appears to be a side effect of the Age Transition interaction. But rest assured, the townie did not magically move in, and should NOT be part of the household.
:!!: Note: I am also unsure whether townies aged to Young Adult will become part of the dormie pool, and can thus be used to populate dorms. Conversely, I am also unsure if dormies aged to Adults will roam around the normal hoods as adults or if they are removed from the dormie pool used to populate dorms.
Warning: As a result, this hack definitely needs testing and will be considered experimental, since the long term effects remain to be seen. Killing off multiple townies, even via death by old age, may possibly lead to a BFBVFS.
:!!: Note: The animations don't exactly sync up. The initator of the interaction may suffer from adhd and decide to walk away before the age transition completes. This is a 'known issue' that isn't really an issue, because it is due to my lack of experience using animations and my stubborn unwillingness (or more likely laziness) to learn more about them in depth. If I ever decide to suss this out, I may come back to this and fix it. Otherwise, it's a fairly minor, superficial thing, and I am more concerned about the rest of the functionality.
PS. This hack is
NOT autonomous, so don't worry, no surprises here

PPS. You need
BOTH packages in the .zip archive. The controller and the actual interaction itself.
INSTALLATION:This MUST be in your Downloads folder, typically found under:
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\My Documents\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\Downloads
:!!: Note: You can use subfolders, however, be aware of 'benign' conflicts that depend on the load order of hacks.
Compatibility:This works for OFB/FFS. It is probably compatible with Uni and/or NL, but is untested. Feel free to try it out if you Only have Uni or NL and report any feedback, whether it works or if you have problems. The current version is
NOT compatible with the original basegame alone. If all goes well, I may backport it and make a basegame compatible version.
This hack is compatible with most, if not all mods by MATY crew (Pescado, TJ, and CBoy), dizzy, and probably more. Again, up to you to help me determine any possible conflicts.
REMINDER and fine print (to cover my ass ) :Remember to ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR DATA BEFORE INSTALLING NEW HACKS. By using this hack, you agree to absolve me of any responsibility or liability for any potential loss of or damage to your data. You have been warned.
HOW TO REPORT: Conflicts, problems, or errorsI would appreciate any constructive criticism and feedback that is actually helpful. With that in mind, it would be helpful, when reporting any conflicts or issues, that you include the following:
1) thorough but reasonably brief description of what you were doing
2) clear, comprehendible explanation of your problem
3) list of hacks that may be related aging, moving in sims, or inheritance
4) archived (.rar or .zip) of log produced by error
HOW TO PRODUCE AN ERROR LOG:1) Open the cheat menu - Ctrl + Shift + C
2) Enable the debug mode - Type: boolprop testingcheatsenabled true
3) Hit Enter

4) Play as normal until an error occurs. If an error dialog box pops up, note the location of the error log and choose Reset. If the error pops up repeatedly, choose Delete and exit WITHOUT SAVING!
5) Post your error log here, preferably as a .zip or .rar archive.
Posts which do not include a clear description of what your problem is will be pretty much ignored. (i.e. posts such as "This does not work! I am taking it out! You suck! Nice try! etc.") I can't and won't help you if you don't explain what's wrong.
Please be nice when trying to explain your problem and I might be nice and help you.
Finally, my Thank Yous go to:J.M. Pescado, twojeffs, dizzy2, and jase439 for being excellent tutors and providing excellent models in their mods. As always, thanks to those creators who've put out some excellent modding tutorials, Quaxi and co for SimPE, and dizzy2 for disaSim2, and the finally letters T and S, and the number 2, all of whom, without which this mod would not be possible.
Special thanks to miros for testing the hack and informing me of the memory and UI life stage issue with YAs.
Version History:v1.01 - Fixed minor bug reported by Nec where townie would be set as stayover visitor
v1.02 - Fixed bugs reported by Theo where Teen to YA transition did not use proper animations, YA reverts to Adult if reset
v1.03 - Added Italian Translation thanks to Max3D, added check to disable option if sim is pregnant
v1.04 - Added Korean Translation thanks to miaokitty, fixed pregnancy check so option should not show up on pregnant sims
v1.05 - Added German and Dutch Translations thanks to veilchen and jordi, respectively. Danke schein.

v1.06 - Added Swedish Translation thanks to LilAbner. Added new option to declare major and send dormies to final exam immediately.
v1.07 - Fixed bug where Go to Final Exam option showed up for dormies even if they finished their last final
Added other language translations for 'Grow Up' using existing Maxis text
v1.08 - Fixed bug where Ask to Grow Up interaction on dormie that has graduated does not transition properly
Fixed "bug" where non-playable dormies grants from final exams go to dorm lot funds
v1.081- Removed relationship checks for college related options
v1.082- Fixed minor bug in regular and notypecheck controllers
v1.083- Fixed bug where playable, selectable sims are made unselectable, tweaked noagecheck and notypecheck controllers
v1.084- Fixed bug where interaction shows up but fails to execute, removed college options for non-resident YAs
v1.085- Removed Go to Final option for now due to dormies reseting their semester status
v1.090- Added options to Drop Out, Graduate.../Without Honors, Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude
Added proper memories for Dormies/YAs transitioning to Adults to complete years, graduate, or graduate with honors.
- Sims who drop out will only get a memory of dropping out
- Sims who graduate cum laude or higher should get a memory of getting on the dean's list
- Wants for getting on the dean's list, completing years, graduating or dropping out should be satisfied
- UI Life Stage for YAs should display properly now: Circle with / for Drop Outs, nothing for normal graduates, and stars for honors
v1.091- Fixed controller bugs.
v1.092- Disabled option when either sim is on a date or group outing
v1.100- Added option to choose major for YAs asked to graduate
Fixed minor bugs
v1.110- Added options to Drop Out and Be Expelled at different levels (before completing Freshman Year, after Freshman Year, after Sophomore Year, and after Junior Year)
v1.111- Changed Menu Pie Strings
v1.112- Removed Declare/Change Major option for YAs
v1.12 - Updated for Bon Voyage to allow option for Tourists and Vacation "Locals"
v1.13 - Added "real" Tourist families
v1.14 - Updated for Free Time