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Author Topic: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)  (Read 36671 times)
HRH Posie
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #25 on: 2005 August 09, 11:58:44 »

No problem, I'll have to update the tutorial anyway otherwise the BBS users will be sending me more gb messages.  Let me know if you are going to be using the older version of SimPe Momthing and I'll hold off updating the tutorial.  As it stands I have photos ready for chapter 1 which I'll reference here for you.  I've been using version 0.44c Grin

Picture 01. You need to start SimPE and select Neighborhood then Neighborhood Browser from the Tools tab ...

Picture 02. Select the required neighbourhood which is Pleasantview then click open ...

Picture 03. Select Neighborhood/Memory from the Resource Tree on the left hand side then select the file in the Packed Files window ...

Picture 04. Now select Skip Broke from the list of sims and select 'I Am Dead' ...

Note there are 2 Skips, one at number 27 and another at number 88 in the list. In my game the second one is the Skip with character data. You will know which one is the correct Skip by the squares in the top left corner. One has a blue square; the other has both pink and blue squares. You require the one with *just a blue square* as pink indicates no character data.

Picture 05. Click delete to delete the ‘I am dead' memory, then click ‘Commit'. Select the second ‘I am dead' memory, repeat, then save your file.

Picture 06. Now select Brandi Broke from the list of sims.  Select ‘Made Made best Friends with unknown (0x4DAF6C0D).

Picture 07. Select Skip Broke in the subject box then click ‘Commit'.  Repeat steps 6 and 7 for ‘Had Very First Kiss', ‘Kissed for the First Time', ‘Fell in Love with', ‘Got Engaged to', ‘Got Married to' and finally ‘Did woohoo with'.

Picture 08. Select ‘Unknown (0x4DAF6C0D) Died' …

Picture 09. Click delete to delete the memory, then click ‘Commit' then save your file.

Picture 10. Now select Dustin Broke from the list of sims.  Select ‘Learned to Walk from Unknown (0x4DAF6C0D).

Picture 11. Select Skip Broke in the subject box then click ‘Commit'.  Repeat steps 10 and 11 for ‘Learned to Talk'.

Picture 12. Select ‘Unknown (0x4DAF6C0D) Died' …

Picture 13. Click delete to delete the memory, then click ‘Commit' then save your file.

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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #26 on: 2005 August 09, 21:49:47 »

Posie, even though I wasn't the one with the originial question, I've been following this thread and I 've learned a lot. I'm, shall we say, SimPe challenged and this is done very nicely. What a lot of work you do, very impressive. Thank you very much, this is very informative, just what I needed. I tried the SimPe home-page, other tutorials... you name it, I checked them, but for the first time I truly understand what to do with those memories.


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HRH Posie
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #27 on: 2005 August 09, 23:57:02 »

Thanks veilchen Grin  I have chapters 1 and 3 updated and ready for loading to the exchange.  Let me know when you are all done with the older version and I'll overwrite it.

"Does nothing work outside of London? Hmm? Apparently not." Natasha Glenville, Bridget Jones
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #28 on: 2005 August 10, 00:50:07 »

Oh, I'm done. I wrote down everything faithfully, even down to sketching the SimPe graphics. The sketches look rather horrible, luckily no one but me has to look at them :D

Next project (for me): change sim DNA. I can't wait to mess up my neighborhood, luckily its my 'experimental purposes' neighborhood. You would'nt happen to have a nifty tutorial on that one do you? Yeah, I know, use the search maybe I want to qualify for the IoD :D


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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #29 on: 2005 August 10, 05:18:52 »

Posie: I would actually prefer to use the newest version which I just downloaded, so if you have that one, that would be sweet.

I do have your page bookmarked on my computer. I guess I will have to go look up your SimPage and get the updated version.

Thanks again for all the help. Sorry I am just so slow! I was that way with algebra, too...*sigh*

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HRH Posie
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #30 on: 2005 August 10, 08:15:22 »

Oh, I'm done. I wrote down everything faithfully, even down to sketching the SimPe graphics. The sketches look rather horrible, luckily no one but me has to look at them Cheesy

Next project (for me): change sim DNA. I can't wait to mess up my neighborhood, luckily its my 'experimental purposes' neighborhood. You would'nt happen to have a nifty tutorial on that one do you? Yeah, I know, use the search maybe I want to qualify for the IoD Cheesy


It is the old SimPe but you can find it here.

Momthing, the new Skip tutorial should be up in around 5 mins Grin

"Does nothing work outside of London? Hmm? Apparently not." Natasha Glenville, Bridget Jones
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #31 on: 2005 August 10, 13:46:11 »

I just added Skip to the family information and family ties in simpe and the next time I played he showed up and was added to the family and the third child Brandi had where twins a boy and a girl. I was so excited thaught that was something new but then I checked my hacks and I had TJ triplets and quad hack installed so thats why she had twins nothing special.

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Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #32 on: 2005 August 14, 10:40:18 »

Okay, this is fast becoming an exercise in frustration. I have done everything everyone has told me, and I get Skip, but then he goes all transparent on me.

When I go check him in SimPE his ghost box is checked again. Even when I go in and uncheck it and commit it, he STILL goes transparent on me.

I don't know what else to do. I am about to give up on this.

I successfully resurrected Skip.  There are actually two Skip character files, but they are technically two different characters - one has no DNA file.  I studied all the memories of Dustin and Brandi and traced them to the correct Skip's GUID, though the picture in the family tree looked more like the no-DNA Skip to me.  Even though I brought the correct one back, I had to do a little quicktime romance between him and Brandi with the help of SimPE and the relationship editor.  They had to go through the whole love, engagement and marriage thing again, after Skip interacted with his boys and Brandi.

In the Description area, in the extended box, at the bottom there is a 'more...' - there are a few things to check in here as well.  This is some instruction I gave a poster at MTS2:

I successfully brought Bella back as a playable character in the Goth home. I also successfully ressurected her brother, Michael Bachelor and Skip Broke, Brandi's hubby. There are a few other things you have to do in SimPE, in order to get her back. Apart from removing the Dead token, you need to go into the Sim Description Editor and relink her there, too. On the main part, check to be sure that her Family Instance is 0x0001. Under the tab labeled Character, in the Ghost section, you need to uncheck the box that says 'Is Ghost'.

Next, go to the Extended tab and in the center box - Misc. - the entry for 'Unlinked' should be 0x0000. Directly under that field is 'more...' - open this editor and change the display type at the top to 'Decimal' - the values will change and I think it's just easier to read this way.

Scroll down to line entry #:
0062 - should = 1 for Family number
0068 - Lingering house number should = 0
0069 - Ghost flags should = 0 (for no)
0082 - Body flags should = 16 (for a normal adult not pregnant or elderly)
0113 & 0114 - together should be a sum value = to 100, usually in a combination such as 60/40, 75/25, 40/60, 25/75. I usually go with 60 on line 0113 and 40 on line 0114 or 75/25, respectively.
0119 - Motives normally = 3100
0155 - should = 0
0159 - should = 0
0160 - should = 0
0166 - should = 0
Be sure and commit on each screen when you are finished.

Under the 'Relationships' tab, reconnect her with her family and friends. Check every box that applies for each relationship and commit after each one you fix. They will auto update in the other Sims relationships, so you don't need to do double work. If you plan to put her back with Mortimer, she will have no memory of any friendship or being married to him. Make any other changes in her Description that you wish, but these are the ones to get her up and going again - literally.

Two last things to do under the Filetypes in SimPE:
Family Ties Editor - Find her name under the 'Sim' drop down box and check or add those that are there (or aren't). These are Bella's immediate family:
Parent A
Parent B
Married to
You will want to note down her parents and her brother, from her family tree and I find viewing the pictorial tree ingame is the easiest. You can do this from either Alexander's or Cassandra's relationship panel.

Family Information Editor - Goth Household is the second entry. Just make sure she is entered there, if not do so. Save the file information from the task bar at the top under the first drop down menu 'Edit'.

Later on, if you wish, you can go back into SimPE and edit/recreate/fill-in some of her memories. I did some of this using bits and pieces of her family's memories.

Then start the game and go into the lot. Summon her to the lot by whatever means you use - either the Tombstone of L&D or one of Inge Jone's Teleporters (shrub or painting). She will need to interact with everyone there to confirm her relationship. Hopefully you have set her relationship high enough with Mortimer, at least to 90-95, 100 is best for a quick reunion. This will be followed by 'first kiss'. With a little romantic interaction the best friends icons and the pink and red hearts icons will all go up at the same time. When this happens continue with a proposal for engagement and then marriage to follow. From here on she should play as a normal character.


The family instance number mentioned for Bella was of course for the Goth family.  You will just need to replace this with the number for Brandi's family and everything else that is specific to the Broke family.

Love is the Virtue of the Heart
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #33 on: 2005 August 18, 05:44:36 »

I have read the resurrection guides before,and followed every step for-Bella,Skip,Lyla,Romeo's parents,and Juliette's parents.  It worked for everyone but Skip.  I did everyone at the same time.  I went back to check, if I missed something,but everything is as it should.  Does somethings just don't work with all games??
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #34 on: 2005 August 20, 16:36:36 »

I know it's already been answered, but I've made Skip/Bella/Michael Bachelor resurrection tutorials on TSR and have posted pictures and everything. Remember, it's the skip ending in "D0".
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #35 on: 2005 September 03, 09:33:23 »

Hey Michelle,

How did you come out with Skip - were you successful?

Like Zythe said, there are two Skip Broke character files and two Michael Bachelor character files and you have to make sure you get the complete ones with the DNA files.  I carefully traced the identifications through the family member's memories to make sure I had the correct characters' ID#s.

Skip's picture in the family tree looks more like the one with the incomplete file, but it is actually the other one.  The 'wrong' Skip is the one that was used in the stock pictures that you see of him and Brandi in the Storytelling folder.  They look very similar, just like the two Michaels, although I think the partial Skip looked a little dorky.  The real Skip is better looking in game and he cleans up real nice - his resurrected attire was jeans and cowboy boots.

Love is the Virtue of the Heart
Sincerity, the Virtue of the Mind
Decision, the Virtue of the Will
Courage, the Virtue of the Spirit
The Organic Commandment - 1948, Frank Lloyd Wright
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