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Author Topic: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)  (Read 36674 times)
Pinheaded Pissant
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Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« on: 2005 August 06, 23:40:19 »

Couldn't find an appropriate place for this. I went to the SimPE forums and they didn't have any real answers to my question, so any help is greatly appreciated.

I'd like to know how to use SimPE to resurrect Skip Broke and actually have him show up in the game. Now, I thought about just making him in CAS and just editing him and merging him in with Brandi and the boys, but I'm afraid that will mess the game up.

So, anybody who can give me detailed instructions on how to do this, I'd appreciate it. I've just gotten SimPE and am trying to learn my way around the Sim editor. Thanks (and by the way, I freely admit to being an *end* user.

MATY Buddies: Everyone on Ms. Perception's buddy list, plus the *other* Ferrets and Kookiedoe. And now Ausimpv just because it will piss a certain stupidone off, and because she asked me nicely. Oh, and Theisz, just cause I felt like adding her to my MATY buddies list.
Crazy Lollipop
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #1 on: 2005 August 06, 23:45:15 »

I can give you the tutorial link for resurrecting Bella Goth - same goes for Skip.
Ancient Sim
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #2 on: 2005 August 07, 02:14:43 »

If you have Uni, you can also bring him back with the Resurrector-Nomitron thingy, although you'll need to use SimPE initially to make him Linked instead of Unlinked.  You do this by bringing up his character file in the Sim Browser, going into Plugin View, then Extended.  Under Miscellaneous you will see Unlinked right at the bottom - change the value from 0x0001 to 0x0000, commit & save, and you can then resurrect him.  Make sure the person you want to do it has a relationship with him (you can fix that in SimPE by clicking on his Relations panel and ticking the Known Sim box).  Whoever resurrects him will have him living in their household.

Some favourite Sim thingies:  Film:  Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #3 on: 2005 August 07, 02:47:57 »

Thanks, both of you for all your help! I'll try one of these steps and see what happens. Grin

MATY Buddies: Everyone on Ms. Perception's buddy list, plus the *other* Ferrets and Kookiedoe. And now Ausimpv just because it will piss a certain stupidone off, and because she asked me nicely. Oh, and Theisz, just cause I felt like adding her to my MATY buddies list.
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #4 on: 2005 August 07, 03:25:38 »

Okay, I have a problem: I have the new version of SimPE and it has a completely GUI, although I also clicked on the old GUI to find the screen that was talked about in the tutorial.

The only problem is, that after following instructions, the memories wiindow doesn't bring up the memories like it's supposed to.

Anyone know how I can get the memories via the new SimPE Gui?

MATY Buddies: Everyone on Ms. Perception's buddy list, plus the *other* Ferrets and Kookiedoe. And now Ausimpv just because it will piss a certain stupidone off, and because she asked me nicely. Oh, and Theisz, just cause I felt like adding her to my MATY buddies list.
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #5 on: 2005 August 07, 03:57:11 »

Update: tried the resurrectomitron, after fixing up the relationships in SimPE.

For some reason, whenever Brandi calls the Grim Reaper, he says she doesn't know any dead people.


MATY Buddies: Everyone on Ms. Perception's buddy list, plus the *other* Ferrets and Kookiedoe. And now Ausimpv just because it will piss a certain stupidone off, and because she asked me nicely. Oh, and Theisz, just cause I felt like adding her to my MATY buddies list.
Crazy Lollipop
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #6 on: 2005 August 07, 04:15:51 »

True, because Skip can be resurrected only by SimPE.

Darleen can be resurrected by the O-Nomitron.
Crazy Lollipop
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #7 on: 2005 August 07, 04:49:43 »

Here is an easy way:

1) Activate SimPe.
2) Click on "plugins", and scroll to "neighbourhood brouser" - choose the first picture (Pleasantview)
3) Click again on Plugins and scroll to  "sim browser".
You will be given all pictures of the sims.

4) Click S on your keyboard, and you will be passed to S names. Scroll to "Skip Broke" and click on "open".
5) Open the Character column, and uncheck the "is a ghost", and click on the bottom line "commit".
6)  To be on the safe side - File-save, then exit.

Enter again the SimPe:
1) Click on Plugins and choose Pleasantview.
2) Highlight "neighbourhood/memory"  in the left column.
3) Highlight the center line (I don't understand either what it "says").

4) Click on "plugins" in the bottom  center section of the SimPe. You will see that it begins to bring the pictures of the sims.
5) Click on Mortie once, to see his memories (just to enter there).

6) Click  S on your keyboard, and you will be skipped to the letter S, and shown Skip's picture.

7) He has 2 tokens "I am dead" - highlight them both, and delete them.

Now pass to Brandi's house. You can summon Skip by the Insimenator.

1) Spawn (click on the ground) the "relation adjuster", to bring the "heart" object viewed.
2) Choose Brandy, click on Skip, order "entertain-joke", then click on the heart and choose "mutual love" (100/100, or 90/90 - don'r remember).
3) After they are in love, propose "move in" to Skip, to make him playable sim.

4)Choose Skip, and propose engagement to Brandi.
5) Propose marriage  to Brandi  by Skip.

That's all.

Happy simming...Smiley

Ancient Sim
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #8 on: 2005 August 07, 05:20:13 »

It will work if you made him linked, it did for me.  As long as you do that and make sure Brandi has a relationship with him, she can resurrect him.  It's a lot quicker that way.  Just as a matter of interest, did you link the correct Skip Broke?  It has to be the one with character data.  If you bring up the Sim Browser, it will say Unlinked next to his name - that's the version you need to alter, not the one that says "No Character Data".  Also, you can avoid having to marry them again by ticking the married boxes in SimPE, although you may need to add the memories to Skip to coincide with Brandi's, can't remember if he has them or not.

Some favourite Sim thingies:  Film:  Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #9 on: 2005 August 07, 05:40:06 »

I did link the correct Sim, it worked perfectly, Thanks to all who helped. And to be on the safe side I took the ghost flag off both versions of Skip.

MATY Buddies: Everyone on Ms. Perception's buddy list, plus the *other* Ferrets and Kookiedoe. And now Ausimpv just because it will piss a certain stupidone off, and because she asked me nicely. Oh, and Theisz, just cause I felt like adding her to my MATY buddies list.
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #10 on: 2005 August 07, 06:38:15 »

Okay, I spoke too soon. It did work, but then I moved the family out of the home. When I moved them someplace else, Skip disappeared entirely.

I made changes in both files just to be on the safe side. I'm beginning to think that this is more trouble than it's worth, but how do I make him linked?

MATY Buddies: Everyone on Ms. Perception's buddy list, plus the *other* Ferrets and Kookiedoe. And now Ausimpv just because it will piss a certain stupidone off, and because she asked me nicely. Oh, and Theisz, just cause I felt like adding her to my MATY buddies list.
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #11 on: 2005 August 07, 07:28:52 »

Nevermind...I found out how to link him and added him to the family but now the house doesn't load.Grrr.

MATY Buddies: Everyone on Ms. Perception's buddy list, plus the *other* Ferrets and Kookiedoe. And now Ausimpv just because it will piss a certain stupidone off, and because she asked me nicely. Oh, and Theisz, just cause I felt like adding her to my MATY buddies list.
Crazy Lollipop
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #12 on: 2005 August 07, 10:13:11 »

You should first move Brandi and kids to the new house, and only then revive Skip. It happened to me with Lyla Grunt - I added her to the Grunt family, then moved them all to a new house, and she dissapeared too. I had to summon her again, and for some time I could control her only with the Mind Control Mirror. Only after I deleted her tomb at Olive's yard, she stayed.

I suggest you to download the Merola's Mind Control Mirror, and each time he dissapears, you select him with the mirror, click twice on the tumbnail, and you'll find him. If you don't, summon him again.

With Bella things were easier, because I first moved Mortimer and kids to a new house, and only then revived Bella.

Try to move the family to the family bin and return them again to the house. Perhaps it will work.

If you have a backupped neighbourhood - restore it, and try again, but this time move Brandi to a new house first.
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #13 on: 2005 August 07, 12:42:09 »

Here's my two cents' worth:

I used SimPE and TOL&D (Tombstone of L & D) to resurrect dead sims. Only those with Character Data can be resurrected, you can tell who those are in the Sim Browser - those without the little pink square on the top left hand corner. The downside is I had to manually add back the missing memories.

Because there are 2 versions of Skip Broke, also Michael Bachelor & Darleen Dreamer if you want them back too, I renamed the versions without Character Data in SimPE first to avoid confusion when using the TOL&D to add them back to the family.

1. Open SimPE, click on Plugins, select Neighbourhood Browser, click on Pleasantview, click Open.
2. Click on Plugins, select Sim Broswer, click on Skip Broke's thumbnail, click Open.
3. Click on the Extended tab, under Misc, change the Unlinked value from 0x0001 to 0x0000, click Commit.
4. Click on the Character tab, under Ghost, uncheck 'Is Ghost', click Commit.

Adjust his Character/Genetic Character, Interests and Skills however you like, remember to click Commit as you go along.
Adjust his relations with the surviving Brokes however you like. Personally, I set his relation with Brandi as 'Spouses', checked the 'Best Friends', 'Crush' and 'Love' but left the 'Married' square unchecked, 'cos I read that the only way for them to have a ring on their finger is to have them marry each other in-game again, and that seemed to be true. Plus, that way, the family portrait of the Broke's when you click on the lot will then show the couple looking married/joined instead of standing separately, if you know what I mean.

5. Open Neighbourhood Memory, scroll to Skip Broke's thumbnail (he's right after Darleen Dreamer, with Michael Bacherlor before her, note the lack of a little pink square at the top left hand corner in the thumbnails, these are the versions that has Character Data) and click on it. Click on the 'I Am Dead' token, click Delete, click Commit. Repeat deletion if there is more than one 'I Am Dead' token.

To add back memories, click on Add, Under Event Owner, click on the underlined 'Me' in blue, that'll give you Skip's name. Under Guid, choose the event type,for example, Potty Trained by, then Under Subject, choose the name of the sim who Potty Trained Skip, these Subject's names will show up as tumbnails in-game in Skip's memory. I chose Flat Broke, Skip's late father. Refer to Brandi Broke's, or other sim's memories if you aren't sure what to add. Remember to click commit at the end when you are finished with adding in all relevant memories. Save and exit SimPE.

6. Start the game, enter the Broke family lot, pause the game, open up the cheat window, type in 'boolprop testingCheatsEnabled true', close cheat window. Now shift-click on the active sim, select Spawn, select Tombstone of L & D, a tombstone will appear near the active sim. Open up the cheat window again to turn off the testingcheats i.e. type 'boolprop testingCheatsEnabled false' (I have to say I'm pretty technically challenged and I dunno what negative effects leaving testingcheats on will have on my game so I always turn if off when I'm done with whatever I needed the testingcheats for). Click on the TOL&D, select 'Add Neighbour To Family...', click on 'More...' until you see Skip's name, then click on the name and Skip will appear on the lot, resurrected.

This method of resurrecting the dead worked for me for all the Goths, Michael Bachelor and Darleen Dreamer, hope it works for you too.
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #14 on: 2005 August 07, 21:36:32 »

Okay, this is fast becoming an exercise in frustration. I have done everything everyone has told me, and I get Skip, but then he goes all transparent on me.

When I go check him in SimPE his ghost box is checked again. Even when I go in and uncheck it and commit it, he STILL goes transparent on me.

I don't know what else to do. I am about to give up on this.

MATY Buddies: Everyone on Ms. Perception's buddy list, plus the *other* Ferrets and Kookiedoe. And now Ausimpv just because it will piss a certain stupidone off, and because she asked me nicely. Oh, and Theisz, just cause I felt like adding her to my MATY buddies list.
Crazy Lollipop
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #15 on: 2005 August 07, 21:46:36 »

Did you check the tokens "I am dead" deleted too? Perhaps after the moving house, his previous tokens returned (i,e. "I am dead").
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #16 on: 2005 August 08, 13:16:29 »

Yeah, did you check to make sure all 'I Am Dead' tokens have been deleted like Gali said? I don't think the tokens will return on their own once they've been deleted and the sim was resurrected though. At least they never did in my game.

I don't know if this might be relevant but I read through your posts again and noticed you removed the ghost flags off both Skip, but maybe that's the problem? When I went about bringing back Skip, Darleen and Michael, I left the versions with NCD (No Character Data) alone other than change their names. I have no clue if how changing those attributes would affect the ones with CD so I left them as it is. I didn't even delete them when I got rid of all the townies and YAs I know I won't play (yup, deleted them off in SimPE and from the game's Characters Folder so they won't appear in my game, ever) to trim the folder down to size and put off the too many characters bug and having to start all over from scratch again.

I know it's frustrating and tedious, but try going through those steps again to make sure you didn't miss anything? The method I provided above, I got it from the 'How To Resurrect Bella Goth' tutorial off the BBS. I was a completely clueless newbie unaware of things like SimPE and game hacks surfing the official website for solutions to my game bugs and I stumbled upon it. There was a craze about bringing her back then and there were people posting over and over asking and answering questions about the 'real' and 'fake' Bella so much so there was something of a 'Bella fatigue'. Well, I found this tutorial to work on my first try. You only have to do it once if you do it correctly, then backup your game files (not just the Neighbourhood folders) if you ever need to play from scratch for whatever reason.
HRH Posie
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #17 on: 2005 August 08, 14:08:57 »

OK, I created a new computer account therefore I have a fresh neighbourhood install.  I also have SimPe version 0.40.1992.25042  Here's what I did:

01. Selected Neighborhood Browser from the Plugins tab, then Pleasantview then open.
02. Selected Neighborhood/Memory from the list of filetypes, selected the file in the Packed Files window, then selected Plugin View.
03. Selected the Skip Broke between Darleen Dreamer & Lucy Hanby.
04. Deleted the first ‘I am dead' memory, then clicked ‘Commit'.  Repeated with the second then saved.
05. Deleted "Skip Broke Died" memories from Brandi and Dustin.
06. Changed Brandi's Skip memories (apart from Met Skip) to link to 0x00D0 rather than 0x0020.
07. Selected Sim Description from the list of filetypes, typed 0x00D0 into the Instance Filter box, then selected the file in the Packed Files window.
08. I changed Unlinked 0x0001 to 0x0000, clicked commit then saved.
09. I removed the tick from Is Ghost, clicked commit then saved.
10. Finally I removed the relationship for Brandi Broke, clicked commit then saved.
11. I went into the game and from Don Lothario's house I added Skip Broke using testingCheatsEnabled then saved the lot.  A quit to he neighbourhood then returned to make Skip was ok (he was) and while Don was cleaning, I got Skip to move out using Don's pc then let him move into an empty house.
12. Back in SimPe I deleted Skips relationship status with Don and removed the moved in/out memories for Don and Skip.
13. In the new house I used Inge's shrub to summon Brandi so they could meet, become best friends and fall in love.  This way the game creates some of the memories Skip requires instead of me creating them.  The memories the game can generate are shown in red.

*Edit* The memories Skip should have are as follows:

Grew Up Well
Met Brandi Broke (0xADD79121)
Made Best Friends with Brandi Broke (0xADD79121)

Grew Up Well
Had Very First Kiss with Brandi Broke (0xADD79121)
Kissed Brandi Broke for the First Time (0xADD79121)

Grew Up Well
Fell in Love with Brandi Broke (0xADD79121)
Got Engaged to Brandi Broke (0xADD79121)
Got Married to Brandi Broke (0xADD79121)
Did WooHoo with Brandi Broke (0xADD79121)

Bob Newbie (0x0DAF718D) Died
Betty Newbie (0xADAF709A) Died
Had Dustin Broke (0xEDAE7952)!
Taught Dustin Broke (0xEDAE7952) to Walk
Taught Dustin Broke (0xEDAE7952) to Talk
Dustin Broke (0xEDAE7952) Grew Up Well
Dustin Broke (0xEDAE7952) Grew Up Badly
Had Beau Broke (0x6DAE79D9)!

I'm afraid I can't find any problems with Skip at all Undecided  He seems perfectly happy and in my other game he is almost 70 and has moved house a couple of times.  Have you removed the "Skip Died" memories from Brandi and Dustin?
« Last Edit: 2005 August 08, 14:27:43 by Posie Flump » Logged

"Does nothing work outside of London? Hmm? Apparently not." Natasha Glenville, Bridget Jones
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #18 on: 2005 August 08, 20:06:48 »

05. Deleted "Skip Broke Died" memories from Brandi and Dustin.
06. Changed Brandi's Skip memories (apart from Met Skip) to link to 0x00D0 rather than 0x0020.

I was going to add these in after I realised I was so busy focusing on editing Skip that I forgot about Brandi and Dustin  Tongue. On Posie Flump's point no.6, you might also want to check that Dustin's memories of 'Learned To Walk' and 'Learned To Talk' are from the correct Skip, because in my version, they were memories of the Skip with NCD. That's also why I kept stressing to change the name of the NCD Skip so that you can tell them apart from each other when you choose the Subject's name in the Event Owner's memory so that you pick the correct one.

Hope you get the hang of it and succeed in bringing Skip back.
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #19 on: 2005 August 08, 20:53:32 »

I deleted the Skip died memories from both Brandi and Dustin, yes. But I probably didn't change the code #' or whatever. I will save this post for future reference and try Posie Flump's steps to see if this works, next time I install the game. (which will be whenever I get Nightlife, I think)...

Meantime I just downloaded a Skip from the exchange and will play him. Thanks everyone for all the help and advice!

MATY Buddies: Everyone on Ms. Perception's buddy list, plus the *other* Ferrets and Kookiedoe. And now Ausimpv just because it will piss a certain stupidone off, and because she asked me nicely. Oh, and Theisz, just cause I felt like adding her to my MATY buddies list.
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #20 on: 2005 August 08, 20:58:11 »

I am wondering why you all use boolprop to move the person in, wouldnt it be easier to just move them in with SIMPE since you are already there any way? I repair the ghosts to sims completely in SIMPE from resurrecting them (relinking, deleting all the dead tokens/memories, removing ghosts flags etc ) to giving them the corresponding memories, family ties, relationships and move them back in to the house so that they are standing there at the mailbox when I enter the home.

Ok back to my there a reason you should not move them in with SIMPE instead of the tombstone of L&D?
Pinheaded Pissant
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #21 on: 2005 August 09, 03:37:05 »

I don't know SimPE that well. Plus I have the latest version of SimPE. The GUI is different from the classic one.

In other words, I have *no* idea what I'm doing. I'm one of those people that literally has to be shown how to do something. It's very difficult for me to just read directions and follow them.

So, I am totally at a loss. Even though I followed some of the steps, obviously I did something wrong, or left out some crucial step.

I will say that the confusion I am currently feeling has to do with the fact that in the neighborhood memory I only see one Skip Broke: that is the one without the character data, but in the Sim Browser there are *two* Skip Brokes, one with and one without the character data.

So that may be where my problem lies. And I have uninstalled and reinstalled both my game and SimPE at least two times. Maybe that was overkill, I don't know.

If anybody can show me how to ress Skip using the new GUI interface, I certainly would appreciate it. Otherwise, I will ask my son-in-law to sit with me when he has some time, and help me figure out what to do. He seems to know more about this stuff than I do.

*sigh* It is no fun being an "end user"!!!

MATY Buddies: Everyone on Ms. Perception's buddy list, plus the *other* Ferrets and Kookiedoe. And now Ausimpv just because it will piss a certain stupidone off, and because she asked me nicely. Oh, and Theisz, just cause I felt like adding her to my MATY buddies list.
Irritating Ignoramus
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #22 on: 2005 August 09, 07:25:43 »

Ok back to my there a reason you should not move them in with SIMPE instead of the tombstone of L&D?

I don't have it anymore but I remember the Readme file mentioned something about adding sims to a family that way, that some lots might not load 'cos it doesn't always work and they "don't know why". So me being technically challenged, I can muck around the basics in SimPE no problem (well, no problem for the most part), follow tutorials for the more complicated stuffs if any are available and declared to work by those who tried it before me but beyond that, I'd rather leave what I dunno or don't understand alone, that's pretty much my motto - when in doubt, leave it alone. 'Cos I know nothing about programming stuffs and I wouldn't know how to fix something if they go wrong. Hence sticking to the TOL&D method.

I don't know SimPE that well. Plus I have the latest version of SimPE. The GUI is different from the classic one.
In other words, I have *no* idea what I'm doing. I'm one of those people that literally has to be shown how to do something. It's very difficult for me to just read directions and follow them.

I have the latest version of SimPE too. I'll try to get the step-by-step screen shots and post back.
HRH Posie
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #23 on: 2005 August 09, 07:29:36 »

No reason, just force of habit nectere Grin The same is true when I let the game generate some of the missing memories.  I'm worried that creating them manually is not quite the same.  I could be imagining things but I thought JM mentioned that same of the token data is missed out when you create memories manually.

Momthing I didn't realise the new version of SimPE was different.  I'll have to take a look this evening.

"Does nothing work outside of London? Hmm? Apparently not." Natasha Glenville, Bridget Jones
Crazy Lollipop
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Re: Resurrecting Skip Broke (A SimPE Question)
« Reply #24 on: 2005 August 09, 09:36:17 »

Posie, you better do - it is indeed a new version, which requieres new tutorial (I uninstalled it and loaded again the older version, which fits your tutorial).

I looked at your sim page, and you have very good tutorial there - send Momthing there. I offerred her the older version, which fits all tutorials.

The more sophisticated they become - the more frustrations we have...Smiley.
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