Lot Sync Timer: All BlueSoups Suck Edition

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This is pretty dang awesome.

Basically, it tells you how long you've been playing each lot, so you don't have to keep notes to stay in time sync. This is a very good thing for those of us with serious note taking issues. It's basically an auto note taker. If you want to keep your neighborhoods time sync-ified, this is very important, because otherwise you're liable to forget to note down day/play an extra day/ etc. and before you know it someone's kids are older than them.

It's for lazy people, really. Or those who can't be bothered by little pieces of paper.

This has already come in immensely handy.  I love the new lot jumping feature you added to it; it's awesome.

And I think I should be thanked instead of you calling it the "All BlueSoups Suck" edition, but whatever.  ::)

Great, I really need this!  Just one question, is it retrospective, or does it just begine counting when you install it?   (It was one useful feature we had in Sims1 that I've really missed!)

You can set forwards or backwards the amount of days you need the lot to go.

To set up in the neighbourhood:

Buy and place the lot timer for each lot you want to keep track of (looks like an Elixir of Life bottle, located in the Misc/Misc section).
Click on bottle and choose "Install for family"
Set the day timer to the appropriate day (IE.  If it's the fifth day on the lot, select +5).

Set all families the same way.  Once all the families are set up, you can use the lot jumping feature to switch between them (it auto-saves the lot).  You can click on the bottle to see which family is on which day and who you need to play and for how long to make sure the aging is even for the neighbourhood.

I can't think of anything else now, I'll edit if I do.  :)

Thanks for the help, BlueSoup!  Useful info for the future, I'll just have to guess at how long families have been on current lots. 

Oh, and if you have Aging Off, does it count those days too?  If so, a useful way, if you start your family from CAS, of keeping track of the REAL age of adults, so if they take a full bottle of elixir, you'd know they are 15 days older than they appear!  (I mean, if Icould take elixir in RL, I'd look and feel younger, but I'd still be the same age!


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