I think this is the first time I've ever shared anything from TS3, so I may be posting more information than necessary.
I was inspired by this house:

So, trying to copy the outside structure exactly, I created this house (the inside is loosely based on the floor plan):

Backyard at night:


Master Bedroom:

Master Bath:
More screenshots available here.It contains 4 bedrooms (two double beds, three singles, and a crib), 4 1/2 baths, a master sitting room, a study, a play/movie/party room, an eat-in kitchen, and formal dining.
Sits on a 30 x 40 lot.
Furnished: $159,000
Unfurnished: $82,000
Custom Content Required:
Vitasims Flower Setleesester's Federal Windows and Caesar's Pathway Doorseris3000's HomeSpa Bathroom Collection OneLisen801's Modular Stair Cornersrolltocrit's Shallow Traditional Wall CabinetsEPs and SPs:
WA, HELS, Ambitions, Pets.
No Kewian-based objects. I haven't examined AwesomeSpec since TS2, but the only thing that I suspect is non-Awesome is the nursery's location on the second floor.
Admittedly, I went theme-crazy with the decorating. Comments/Suggestions/Sporking are welcome (not that my permission is necessary).