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Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
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Topic: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager? (Read 18877 times)
Weeaboo Pee Fancier
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 74
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Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
2012 April 19, 14:07:30 »
Short version: Is there any danger in killing the game in task manager as soon as it's done saving?
TLDR version: The game is taking ages to close, and hogs up resources when I click the proper quit option of the game. Actually, the longest route seems to be saving a quitting, and a shorter one is somehow going to Neighborhood view confirming that game should be saved, and then quitting. I was wondering if I could just kill the process, or if bad things would happen if I did. What's the game doing that takes so much time and RAM when told to close anyway?
Sorry, I think you can still hold it a bit more...
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #1 on:
2012 April 19, 14:33:53 »
If you kill the game from the task manager, your game will crash, causing all of your unsaved play to be lost. Other than that, no. I do that all the time. I'm a busy man. What is it doing? I have no idea, and frankly, I don't care.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Weeaboo Pee Fancier
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 74
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Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #2 on:
2012 May 22, 10:21:06 »
Thanks, it seems the time saved is worth it.
Anyway, at least I found that besides wasting our time, the process saves changes made to the neighborhood (like added decorations) and game options (changes that aren't saved when one uses the save button in-game.)
Sorry, I think you can still hold it a bit more...
buddha pest
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 440
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #3 on:
2012 May 28, 22:02:40 »
Quote from: Basura on 2012 May 22, 10:21:06
Anyway, at least I found that besides wasting our time, the process saves changes made to the neighborhood (like added decorations) and game options (changes that aren't saved when one uses the save button in-game.)
Right. It took me literal years to figure out why the changes I made to the seasons of the neighborhood never stuck for me. It's because I always end via task manager.
Posts: 2996
warm n jiggly
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #4 on:
2012 May 28, 22:43:33 »
Quote from: buddha pest on 2012 May 28, 22:02:40
Quote from: Basura on 2012 May 22, 10:21:06
Anyway, at least I found that besides wasting our time, the process saves changes made to the neighborhood (like added decorations) and game options (changes that aren't saved when one uses the save button in-game.)
Right. It took me literal years to figure out why the changes I made to the seasons of the neighborhood never stuck for me. It's because I always end via task manager.
For once someone has an appropriate avatar. Facepalm indeed.
[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs
[19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
buddha pest
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 440
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #5 on:
2012 May 28, 23:23:01 »
Quote from: jesslla on 2012 May 28, 22:43:33
Quote from: buddha pest on 2012 May 28, 22:02:40
Quote from: Basura on 2012 May 22, 10:21:06
Anyway, at least I found that besides wasting our time, the process saves changes made to the neighborhood (like added decorations) and game options (changes that aren't saved when one uses the save button in-game.)
Right. It took me literal years to figure out why the changes I made to the seasons of the neighborhood never stuck for me. It's because I always end via task manager.
For once someone has an appropriate avatar. Facepalm indeed.
I once made a thread about it in 1904, and no one for the life of them could figure out why it was happening.
Good to see you're here to save the day by no-duhing-ly knowing all the answers to problems already stated solved though. No, duh.
Posts: 2996
warm n jiggly
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #6 on:
2012 May 28, 23:47:12 »
You mean
thread? Yes, your post clearly stated that you were not shutting down the program properly. Had you been a little more vague, it's possible that someone might not have figured out your problem.
[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs
[19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
buddha pest
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 440
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #7 on:
2012 May 29, 00:29:34 »
Well, I've noticed that "vague" is the new buzzword here at MATY ever since hilariously correcting grammar errors became a dead horse.
I mean one has to find
wrong with someone else's post in order to get one's daily feeling of superiority via pedantic pwnage on the internet with intricate knowledge about a role playing video game for 12s. Right?
Pro-tip: J.M. does it right. You guys don't.
Grammar Police
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Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #8 on:
2012 May 29, 00:41:57 »
Considering that you were dumb enough to close your game with the Task Manager instead of saving properly in the first place -- and took years to realize this was why your neighborhood seasons weren't sticking -- you're getting off pretty lightly with the sporks, but feel free to continue flailing about with the overcompensation if you must.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Posts: 2996
warm n jiggly
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #9 on:
2012 May 29, 00:52:14 »
Vagueness is a
huge fucking problem
in technical support, which is most of what MATY is all about.
If you don't describe the problem thoroughly and completely you can not expect to get an accurate answer to fix your problem. Normal smart people close programs in the traditional method, generally via the File -> Exit command (or similar). Ergo, when you posted saying that you were having problems with the things in the neighborhood being saved, everyone assumed (incorrectly) that you were of a normal intelligence and doing the same thing. Thus no one asked you if you were closing the program via the task manager, because That Just Isn't Done.
[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs
[19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
buddha pest
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 440
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #10 on:
2012 May 29, 01:07:12 »
Get down with your bad selves.
I'm pretty sure closing down with Task Manager is done, as evidenced by this very thread.
Gosh, I hope you're not ever wrong about something on The Sims messageboard. It might mean you're not smart.
You two aren't the real tech support here though, are you?
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #11 on:
2012 May 29, 15:10:32 »
Quote from: buddha pest on 2012 May 29, 01:07:12
Get down with your bad selves.
I'm pretty sure closing down with Task Manager is done, as evidenced by this very thread.
The point is that no one would think to suggest that being the problem, because it's not a normal thing to do. YOU were the only person who could possibly know you weren't shutting the game down properly. It's like asking why Word isn't prompting you to save your file when you shut down your computer, and neglect to mention that you shut down your computer by holding in the off button.
Grammar Police
Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #12 on:
2012 May 29, 15:25:49 »
Quote from: buddha pest on 2012 May 29, 01:07:12
I'm pretty sure closing down with Task Manager is done, as evidenced by this very thread.
Just because other people admit to doing it doesn't make it a good idea. Yes, Pescado said he does it too. He also said he's in a hurry, doesn't know what the game is doing during the regular closing process, and doesn't care.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Posts: 2996
warm n jiggly
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #13 on:
2012 May 29, 15:53:43 »
shutting it down via task manager is done. I've done it, but only when the sims (or whatever program) has stopped responding for some reason. That's what task manager is for,
to allow you shut your programs down when the correct method fails
. Task manager is not to be used to shut down a program on a regular basis. The fact that you don't grok that concept is what makes you stupid, not the fact that you were wrong.
Straight from the horses mouth:
Using Task Manager to end a program yourself might be faster than waiting, but any unsaved changes will be lost. If you have important work that you want to keep, wait a few minutes and let Windows try to fix the problem first.
[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs
[19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #14 on:
2012 May 29, 23:05:32 »
On both XP and Vista, TS2 used to do this to me all the time. It would LOOK like it had shut down, and then I'd wonder why everything was lagging, check the Task Manager, and find that the process was still there. Then I'd kill it. After a while I learned to just automatically check Task Manager after closing the game, and kill the process if it was still there. I had to kill it just about every time after playing for a significant amount of time (an hour or more). Nothing bad ever came of it and I never lost any changes. Note: I have a habit of saving my lot and exiting to the neighborhood before closing the game, because I believe this could help prevent loss.
On Win7 it has never done this to me yet.
I suspect it's a processor issue, because that was my bottleneck on both my XP and Vista computers. I always had plenty of RAM.
buddha pest
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 440
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #15 on:
2012 May 29, 23:20:22 »
Quote from: Tarlia on 2012 May 29, 15:10:32
Quote from: buddha pest on 2012 May 29, 01:07:12
Get down with your bad selves.
I'm pretty sure closing down with Task Manager is done, as evidenced by this very thread.
The point is that no one would think to suggest that being the problem, because it's not a normal thing to do. YOU were the only person who could possibly know you weren't shutting the game down properly. It's like asking why Word isn't prompting you to save your file when you shut down your computer, and neglect to mention that you shut down your computer by holding in the off button.
If it had occurred to me that it was the problem, I would have thought of it, and not needed to make a pondering thread at all.
Hence eliminating this great problem of "vaguery" that plagues the people who pretend to be tech support here but really just want to win Teh Best at High School Debate Teamz in every thread these days.
I'm not one to make neighborhood decorational changes or whatever that needs to be saved on a neighborhood-wide scale, so it just never crossed my mind.
P.S. Is anyone going to help reggiko edit the private school bill amount? Or are we all going to continue sitting here debating who's right and how clever we are on an issue that's been long since resolved by not-anyone-here? Oh.
Last Edit: 2012 May 29, 23:30:56 by buddha pest
Axe Murderer
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2816
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #16 on:
2012 May 30, 00:47:18 »
Quote from: buddha pest on 2012 May 29, 23:20:22
P.S. Is anyone going to help reggiko edit the private school bill amount? Or are we all going to continue sitting here debating who's right and how clever we are on an issue that's been long since resolved by not-anyone-here? Oh.
Word. Either Pescado is annoyed with me for retiring from the Senate or he thinks even if he 'splains it, I am not awesome enough to follow instructions. I am fairly certain it must be a straightforward change, but nothing in the tuning gives me any hints.
Oh, most likely your second option.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26289
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #17 on:
2012 May 30, 01:24:21 »
I wasn't even aware this was a question. And it's not in the rest of the thread. NEEDS MOAR REGGIKKOWINKLE. Also, I have no idea. It's in there, somewhere, and should be obvious.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Weeaboo Pee Fancier
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 74
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Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #18 on:
2012 July 14, 06:59:51 »
Quote from: jesslla on 2012 May 29, 15:53:43
Task manager is not to be used to shut down a program on a regular basis.
J. M. Pescado said on this thread that he does that all the time.
Sorry, I think you can still hold it a bit more...
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26289
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #19 on:
2012 July 14, 09:28:16 »
Yes, but first, necromancy, and second, Professional: Do Not Imitate.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Grammar Police
Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
Re: Ending Process of The Sims 2 on Task Manager?
Reply #20 on:
2012 July 14, 17:43:06 »
It seriously resurrected a dead thread to come back and say, "But Pescado, neener, neener" when that's already been discussed?
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
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