Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
I'd like to place tents on community lots for poor "homeless" sims. But when I place the tents from WA, they are rolled up. When I send sims to sleep, they can't open it. I guess I can have a sim buy some tents, go to a community lot, and place and leave them around, and then save the lot. But that's too much prep for each new hood. I want to make a lot that's ready to plot. Also I'd like to put it in a world.
I saved some camps from the adventures hoods, and they have opened tents. Apparently it can be done, but how?
« Last Edit: 2009 December 24, 03:15:46 by Lion »
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 32
I can't find the way to do that in Buy mode, but you can try:
1. Select the household you play. 2. Select the sim that has some tents in his/her inventory. 3. Move the camera to the location you want to put the tent in. (You don't have to move the sim itself.) 4. Open the inventory, click the tent and click 'Place.' 5. Put the tent down.
Sorry if it was too obvious.
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 248
That shouldn't work with AM updated though. >NPCs should no longer hijack player tents.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 32
Then how about making a dummy sim, move the sim in the empty lot, buy some tents in the debug mode and place them in the community location? You can then save that community lot to the library and evict & remove the dummy sim. Damn, it's too much effort, though.
J. M. Pescado
The placeable tents on premade lots are special. They are not the same as your regular tents. In fact, trying to place them all seems to bugger up the game. If you edit the Egyptian lot, for instance, and try to clone the tents, the result is a fucked up tent with mutilated textures.
So basically, we're not sure how to do this or if it is even possible.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 529
Are you sure?  I cloned the tent on a camp from China and made a little camp ground in a custom hood. It looks fine. Don't know about the big tent, because I haven't found it in a premade lot.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
I have managed to unlock the opened up tents, they appear in the community lot build mode, under community objects all.
You can find them at
I'd like them too, but I am a member at so many places that I never even go to again. Now when I follow the links to a nice pretty I often try to login first just in case I am already a member there, other places I just do not bother. I second an upload into Pudding Factory, I suspect there are at least a good handful of people who would want them.
One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone. -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 59
Utterly unAwesome
I second an upload into Pudding Factory, I suspect there are at least a good handful of people who would want them.
----- This sig don't say nothing.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
Pretty Sims is pretty lame. Download it from here. If you don't have MTS acount, go here.
Spirit Fox
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
That just catagorizes the tents. Everyone else is talking about placing them on community lots already open. Which. I can not find a mod for. Since Pretty Sims's downloads are messed up right now and I can not download the mod that allows me to do so, I will have to continue looking.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
I've been watching this post for a wee while to see when someone would do that, knew it would happen.
You only had to pm one of us to get the tents mod mailed to you. These are free downloads and there is no need to steal them. Drat, I had to sign up here for an account to make this comment. blah!!!
Our download issue just means you have to sign out then back in and they all work, we've been looking into this for a while and haven't come up with an answer as to why it happens.
Remember, you don't have to steal our downloads, they're free, just ask and you will receive. I do hope you at least give Bill credit for the work he did on it.
The New "Gay"
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 7582
Evil Mastermind BehindTorturing Emo 12s
No one can PM you without registering, point is no one wanted to register for one download. No one took credit for it, so go bah somewhere else.
Also, painkiller registered after this thread was made, so I suspect that attempted drama bomb is made of FAIL.
 | Why are all these damn hippies on my website?
We are on your forum, taking over your world and making your children gay. |
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
There was no attemped drama bomb. I also had to sign up here to make a comment, it's the way of the web. Had to sign up to make one lousy comment about stealing something that's free anyway. It was actually blah I said, not bah, lol, this site is hilarious as is the stealing of free stuff.
I won't be back over on this, all I am saying is pay stuff is one thing, but free stuff? How lame is that?.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 329
They are saving your bandwidth, you should be grateful!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
That just catagorizes the tents. Everyone else is talking about placing them on community lots already open. Permanent tents and public picnic blanket can be found in the Miscellaneous Debug sub-category. You didn't read, did you? The mod recategorizes permanent and non-permanent tents.
Feckless Fool

Posts: 260
I wasn't the only one who wanted to use the tents in community lots so I shared the mod... Didn't have any demoniac plan, nope.