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Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 18th September 2014 (1.67)
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Topic: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 18th September 2014 (1.67) (Read 693657 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #125 on:
2011 October 21, 14:31:04 »
Thanks Anach, will look forward to your updates, when you have time, cheers
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 17
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #126 on:
2011 October 25, 11:29:38 »
According To Sims3Dashboard -- Your Mode With the new Patch Version 1.26 conflicts with Awesomemode .
Is there another way to add more skin slots-- dots in CAS accept This Mod? I want to have more Skin to choose from option .
I was looking inside the Awesomemode Config And couldn't find such option
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not after me ...
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 505
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #127 on:
2011 October 25, 11:36:00 »
Quote from: SocialSim on 2011 October 25, 11:29:38
According To Sims3Dashboard -- Your Mode With the new Patch Version 1.26 conflicts with Awesomemode .
Is there another way to add more skin slots-- dots in CAS accept This Mod? I want to have more Skin to choose from option .
I was looking inside the Awesomemode Config And couldn't find such option
There should be no conflict with my mod and awesome mod. You can check for duplicate files by opening both in s3pe. It's more likely dashboard is reporting a false positive, or it's telling you something other than conflict errors.
You can use your mouse scroll wheel to see more skins if you can't use my mod.
Anach's Sims 3 Mods
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Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 358
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #128 on:
2011 October 25, 15:37:16 »
The option to see more CAS skins is not compatible with 1.26, so you'll need to use the mouse wheel to see more skins. I have more than just the basic 6 that come with the game, and it works fine.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 17
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #129 on:
2011 October 25, 18:49:08 »
Yes...Lol Never Tried that before the scroll thing works perfect thanks for the help.
Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not after me ...
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 41
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #130 on:
2011 November 05, 04:54:20 »
The previous version compatible before Pets seems to have been taken down by Anach? I can't access it. I don't have Pets installed yet and my old single package folder seems to have escaped (I keep combined packages in the game)...
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 505
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #131 on:
2011 November 05, 05:00:54 »
Quote from: Telcara on 2011 November 05, 04:54:20
The previous version compatible before Pets seems to have been taken down by Anach? I can't access it. I don't have Pets installed yet and my old single package folder seems to have escaped (I keep combined packages in the game)...
It is still there. Maybe Mediafire was having issues when you last tried. I double-checked and all is fine currently. I'm also still waiting to get Pets.
Anach's Sims 3 Mods
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 41
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #132 on:
2011 November 05, 06:45:31 »
huh weird. I've been downloading from Medifire all day today and yesterday. Been checking your link several times but it gets me to their startpage. Maybe it doesn't think I deserve them... *sigh*
My Pets finished downloading 5 mins ago. For health and safety reasons installing and kitteh factory will have to wait until tomorrow =^__^=
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 505
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #133 on:
2011 November 05, 06:51:42 »
Quote from: Telcara on 2011 November 05, 06:45:31
huh weird. I've been downloading from Medifire all day today and yesterday. Been checking your link several times but it gets me to their startpage. Maybe it doesn't think I deserve them... *sigh*
My Pets finished downloading 5 mins ago. For health and safety reasons installing and kitteh factory will have to wait until tomorrow =^__^=
Here is the direct link to the file
If that doesn't work, there must be something you are doing different than the other 10000 downloaders, which mediafire doesn't like.
Anach's Sims 3 Mods
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #134 on:
2011 November 05, 16:22:17 »
Anach, any word on the 1.26 updates for your mods? Im holding off playing Sims till yours are updated heh. Also playing BF3 btw, whats your BF3 soldier name?
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 505
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #135 on:
2011 November 06, 00:10:16 »
Quote from: Zoan on 2011 November 05, 16:22:17
Anach, any word on the 1.26 updates for your mods? Im holding off playing Sims till yours are updated heh. Also playing BF3 btw, whats your BF3 soldier name?
Anachroschism is the soldier name, but unless you are in Australia, I doubt you'll see me playing.
The update for pets is about priority. Skyrim and SWTOR this week. Then between now and Christmas there is LA Noire, Batman: Arkham City, MW3, Jurassic Park, Assassin's Creed Revelations, Metro: Last Light, Trine 2, LOTR: War in the North............ etc. I hope to fit in Pets somewhere between all that.
While I can patch these files without the Pets EP or play testing, there isn't much incentive for me to do so unless I want to play too. If there is a mod you particularly like, you might be best getting winMerge, and altering the files yourself. It's very easy to alter XML files. Or even finding a similar mod on MTS, which there are no doubt plenty.
All I can say at the moment is Soon™
Anach's Sims 3 Mods
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #136 on:
2011 November 06, 00:30:20 »
Ah Australia damn, yeah I play in NA region. So youre getting MW3 as well eh... didnt see that I figured its either BF3 or MW3, at least for me. I have looked at MTS and they have lots of great MODS, but the one thing they seem to be missing is difficulty mods. One thing that has always turned me off from Sims is how easy it is and thats why youre mods are great. Making money is already too easy and I like things being realistically more expensive. There are only a select that I was looking to use, but Ive looked into the WinMerge and yeah... Ive NO idea how that stuff works. Maybe I should just try using em with the game? I have tested other mods when was testing stuff for EP and a bunch of them still worked. You think thats a good idea?
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 505
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #137 on:
2011 November 06, 00:52:16 »
Quote from: Zoan on 2011 November 06, 00:30:20
Ah Australia damn, yeah I play in NA region. So youre getting MW3 as well eh... didnt see that I figured its either BF3 or MW3, at least for me. I have looked at MTS and they have lots of great MODS, but the one thing they seem to be missing is difficulty mods. One thing that has always turned me off from Sims is how easy it is and thats why youre mods are great. Making money is already too easy and I like things being realistically more expensive. There are only a select that I was looking to use, but Ive looked into the WinMerge and yeah... Ive NO idea how that stuff works. Maybe I should just try using em with the game? I have tested other mods when was testing stuff for EP and a bunch of them still worked. You think thats a good idea?
I enjoy the single player of MW, multiplayer sucks balls compared to BF3, unless you like a rehashed version of quake multiplayer, and I was never an Arena or UT player.
I can't say which mods need updating without actually going to update them, and then I might as well. Likely a lot wont actually need updating, but if they do, it might crash or cause strange behaviour. WinMerge is very easy to use. Just copy the xml from my mod to the one side of winmerge, and the same xml from gameplayData.package (same resource ID) into the other side of winmerge, and compare the data. You will quickly see what I have altered and what (if anything) is missing.
It's a pain when mod authors don't update their mods, but as I stated, I only provide files for the version I'm currently playing. Unfortunately for the majority at this stage, I'm still unpatched. This is why I encourage other people to take my mods and do their own edits. It's very easy once you know which file to change, as finding the right xml to tune initially can be the most difficult part.
Anach's Sims 3 Mods
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Zed Pee Em
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 43
Zed Pee Em..What? He's Canadian. I'm sorry.
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #138 on:
2011 November 06, 05:00:31 »
I've been updating your mods myself, Anach, well at least the ones I use in my game. That way I don't have to wait. The only one I had trouble with was the CASSkins one that allowed for a larger viewing area of all the skintones. But I found an alternative to it so I'm using that instead. My version of the mod borked my game. Oops.
Oh Canada, the pipes, the pipes are calling...
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 505
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #139 on:
2011 November 06, 05:15:19 »
Quote from: Zed Pee Em on 2011 November 06, 05:00:31
I've been updating your mods myself, Anach, well at least the ones I use in my game. That way I don't have to wait. The only one I had trouble with was the CASSkins one that allowed for a larger viewing area of all the skintones. But I found an alternative to it so I'm using that instead. My version of the mod borked my game. Oops.
Yeah that one can be a little tricky.
Anach's Sims 3 Mods
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 23
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Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #140 on:
2011 November 07, 14:29:27 »
I just wanted to say that I tried to use your mods, which I love by the way, and I can't use them with Pets. For some reason having your mods in will not allow my sims to interact with the actual pets. When I take your mods out, everything is fine. So please update as soon as possible. Being without your mods is like not having AwesomeMod.
If you look in the mirror and dislike what you see, simply get plastic surgery. BWAH HA HA HA HAA!!
Grammar Police
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Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #141 on:
2011 November 07, 14:32:25 »
Quote from: ILikeChocolateMilk on 2011 November 07, 14:29:27
I just wanted to say that I tried to use your mods, which I love by the way, and I can't use them with Pets. For some reason having your mods in will not allow my sims to interact with the actual pets. When I take your mods out, everything is fine. So please update as soon as possible. Being without your mods is like not having AwesomeMod.
He already said he'll do it when he gets to it. Stop badgering him.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 41
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #142 on:
2011 November 07, 20:46:27 »
Thanks Anach. For some very odd reason, the link in the first post still doesn't work but the one you posted now does. The link on the first page has worked for me in the past and I can access all other mediafire links. Oh well. In case anyone is wondering why I want these even though I'll be installing Pets - in case I want to uninstall due to bugs and borked CC I just need to swap my mod folder.
I see what you mean about the time now and between christmas. Every game company out there are aiming to release their game so it can be found under the tree, probably pushing the deadline so we'll get some extra bugs and crap
Zed Pee Em, would you mind sharing the mods you have updated? Or if anyone else can? Yes it might sound like a piece of cake to edit it myself to you but to me its like fighting a horde of rhinos wanting to kill me. If Anach would be fine with anyone else uploading updated versions, of course.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #143 on:
2011 November 07, 23:25:31 »
I was wondering as well Zed if you would be able to share them? I have tried using Winmerge and I still have no idea what im doing
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 505
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #144 on:
2011 November 08, 02:03:02 »
Fine with me if someone else wants to update these mods. In case it's later found that one of us made an error in one of the files, be sure to change the filename so people can distinguish them from mine, this way people will know who to blame.
Anach's Sims 3 Mods
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Zed Pee Em
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 43
Zed Pee Em..What? He's Canadian. I'm sorry.
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #145 on:
2011 November 08, 16:08:45 »
Okay, changed the name on them to Zed, and like I said, I only updated the few that I use.
I might update other ones later if I feel like it. But by then I'm sure Anach will have Sims 3 Pets. Hopefully, lol.
Oh Canada, the pipes, the pipes are calling...
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 41
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #146 on:
2011 November 08, 17:16:01 »
Anach_5x_Vacation_Price - Increases the costs of going on Vacation.
Anach_AdoptionPrice - Increases the price of adopting a child to 10000.
Anach_AgingTweaks - Removes CAS age stagger and doubles the occult agespan.
Anach_DonationAmount - Increases the medium and large amounts for charity donations as well as the buff received.
Anach_HigherBillsRegular - Bills are 4x, but only delivered once per week instead of twice. Also changes bookclub day to Friday.
Anach_MedicalPanicChildFix - Excludes children from the medical panic situation (Missing animations.)
Much appreciated Zed! The above is what Zed has updated.
I have been able to find variations or similar mods updated for Pets. The following are ones I haven't found in any kind for Pets, if someone knows where to find or is willing to update you'll have my eternal gratitude for as long as I'll remember ;P
Anach_ClubClosingTimes - All clubs close at 5a.m.
Anach_NoAnnoyingMusic - Removes majority of Build/Buy/CAS music.
ugh I forgot how annoying some of it was
Anach_Party_Tweaks - Increases maximum party guests allowed to 25. Also tweaks food and bring friend changes.
Anach_ReducedMemories - Reduced memories for certain events (don't ask) Made using velocitygrass' "No (or fewer) automatic memories mod tool" (MTS)
Anach_WashHandsChance - Normal Sims have 75% change of washing hands. Slobs 0%, Neat 100%.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 505
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #147 on:
2011 November 08, 22:13:29 »
Quote from: Zed Pee Em on 2011 November 08, 16:08:45
I might update other ones later if I feel like it. But by then I'm sure Anach will have Sims 3 Pets. Hopefully, lol.
Anach's Sims 3 Mods
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Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #148 on:
2011 November 09, 10:47:16 »
Quote from: Telcara on 2011 November 08, 17:16:01
Anach_ReducedMemories - Reduced memories for certain events (don't ask) Made using velocitygrass' "No (or fewer) automatic memories mod tool" (MTS)
Um, use velocitygrass' "No (or fewer) automatic memories mod tool" from ModTheSims? It's updated for Pets.
Anach, thanks for mentioning WinMerge. Makes XML tuning a hell of a lot easier, not mention its usefulness in other non-Sims-related fields. Don't know how I did anything without it! Seriously, they should add that to the XML-tuning tutorial on MTS.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 505
Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011
Reply #149 on:
2011 November 09, 11:51:33 »
Quote from: dinodyke on 2011 November 09, 10:47:16
Quote from: Telcara on 2011 November 08, 17:16:01
Anach_ReducedMemories - Reduced memories for certain events (don't ask) Made using velocitygrass' "No (or fewer) automatic memories mod tool" (MTS)
Um, use velocitygrass' "No (or fewer) automatic memories mod tool" from ModTheSims? It's updated for Pets.
Anach, thanks for mentioning WinMerge. Makes XML tuning a hell of a lot easier, not mention its usefulness in other non-Sims-related fields. Don't know how I did anything without it! Seriously, they should add that to the XML-tuning tutorial on MTS.
It also compares folders. Very handy tool, and free!
I included that reduced memories package simply because it's in the folder where I keep all the other mods and saved me time. This is why I included info on how it was made, so other people can do it the proper way if they wish.
Anach's Sims 3 Mods
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