Madame Mim
I had a read of the woohooer documentation the other day - that thing is getting almost inteenimator like. With complete adjustability to disable the teen, same sex, etc options as well as opening up autonmous woohoo to the general populace again. Definately something I might add to my game when I next play one I haven't already worked the script out for (I'm remaking Pleasant Village again).
Mia kusenveturilo estas angiloplena.
I had a read of the woohooer documentation the other day - that thing is getting almost inteenimator like. With complete adjustability to disable the teen, same sex, etc options as well as opening up autonmous woohoo to the general populace again.
This is why with the next patch my Teen TFB mod will become more of a general autonomous interaction tweak. The TFB xml tweak is made redundant with Twallan's woohooer mod.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 190
The WA registers buyable goods may be blocking the consignment store in 1.19. With it, the buy/consign menu doesn't show up at all, not even in a brand new 3-Sim day old world. Taking it out allowed the consignment shop to open for buying or consigning.
I don't recall having that issue, but I haven't used the consignment store for quite some time, so I'll check it out next time I load up TS3. What world are you using?
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 190
I'm using Twinbrook, not from a save made AM friendly. Other than building a house, nothing else has been added to it.
I've updated the majority of my mods for the latest patch. However, as I've only got the EP today, and am still in the process of updating other mods, I cannot guarantee 100% functionality. So please let me know of any bugs you encounter.
Another update. Re-addition of the "Ask if single" and "Ask Sign" changed to friendly interaction (InteractionTweaks). Also a fix to pregnancy mod.
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
Generations did make a slight change to the "Ask if Single" interaction. It now also shows up as a conversation option in the "Family-Oriented" Special Dialogue options.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Generations did make a slight change to the "Ask if Single" interaction. It now also shows up as a conversation option in the "Family-Oriented" Special Dialogue options.
I noticed that. I wasn't sure if that was the case before Generations or not. I changed those simply because I wanted to ask about these things wiithout looking as though my Sim is about to jump their bones. 
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 168
Generations did make a slight change to the "Ask if Single" interaction. It now also shows up as a conversation option in the "Family-Oriented" Special Dialogue options.
I noticed that. I wasn't sure if that was the case before Generations or not. I changed those simply because I wanted to ask about these things wiithout looking as though my Sim is about to jump their bones.  I think it was like that before, even asking the star sign is part of the family-oriented dialogue options.
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
It's been a while since I played a Family-Oriented sim, so I guess I didn't notice it until now.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Generations did make a slight change to the "Ask if Single" interaction. It now also shows up as a conversation option in the "Family-Oriented" Special Dialogue options.
I noticed that. I wasn't sure if that was the case before Generations or not. I changed those simply because I wanted to ask about these things wiithout looking as though my Sim is about to jump their bones.  I think it was like that before, even asking the star sign is part of the family-oriented dialogue options. It is in the "Family Oriented" special dialogue, although when asking other Sims "Ask if Single" or "Ask Sign" when you relationship is not high enough they will still have negative reaction. I also got my YA Female Sims in trouble with the law (PedoBear) when she ask a Teen Female her sign and relationship status under that Special Dialogue.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 190
I also got my YA Female Sims in trouble with the law (PedoBear) when she ask a Teen Female her sign and relationship status under that Special Dialogue.
Try For Baby is also under Family-Oriented. I don't think the fact that an interaction is considered Family-Oriented precludes it from being romantic. Anach, the All_Buyable_1.22 was busting the consignment store this time. I took out everything related to consignment and it looks like it works so far (didn't try a vacation to see for absolute certain). Nice having it all rolled into one, including death flowers.
Anach, the All_Buyable_1.22 was busting the consignment store this time. I took out everything related to consignment and it looks like it works so far (didn't try a vacation to see for absolute certain). Nice having it all rolled into one, including death flowers.
I'll look into consignment asap. I assume by busting the consignment, you mean that there was nothing available at the registers?
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 190
The menu to buy or consign didn't even show up. With Twallan's ErrorTrap installed, it reset my Sim and sent him back home. Without it, nothing at all came up and it looked a little like a jump bug.
I removed the XML that referred to consignment and after that, the consignment register worked as normal.
The menu to buy or consign didn't even show up. With Twallan's ErrorTrap installed, it reset my Sim and sent him back home. Without it, nothing at all came up and it looked a little like a jump bug.
I removed the XML that referred to consignment and after that, the consignment register worked as normal.
I've just reverted a couple consignment related changes, and tested the consignment register in bridgeport (my test game), which is working fine. You will need to re-download the packages and replace the all_buyable. If it doesn't work, then it must be something specific to twinbrook, or you have a conflicting mod somewhere. I'm unsure what else in that file could be causing your issue.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 190
Yes, that did it--it's now working fine. Thank you.
I've removed the pregnancy mod for now, until I work out what is causing Sims to get stuck pregnant. At the moment I am unsure if it's caused solely by my mod or a specific combination, but for safety I would suggest to anyone using it, to remove it until I can track down the problem.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 38
The mod to allow teenagers to be in a band doesn't work.
The mod to allow teenagers to be in a band doesn't work.
Thanks for the report. I had a suspicion that might be the case due to the modifications to the socializing xml. However, I'll most likely have to combine it into my interaction tweaks for it to work. Or have a bunch of compatibility tweaks, which I don't want to do. I'll look into it. Just need some teens in my house.
« Last Edit: 2011 June 08, 05:09:52 by Anach »
Zed Pee Em
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 43
Zed Pee Em..What? He's Canadian. I'm sorry.
The mod to allow teenagers to be in a band doesn't work.
I had the same problem, I thought it was just me doing something wrong.
Oh Canada, the pipes, the pipes are calling...
The mod to allow teenagers to be in a band doesn't work.
I had the same problem, I thought it was just me doing something wrong. Should be fixed now. Although I've had to merge it into my interaction tweaks, as it needed tweaks in the socialising xml (this makes other things available to teens also). Added some more mods, updated some, modified others. File modification times will show which, though it's always best to simply update them anyway.
Bruce Banner
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 123
Is your ' Interaction tweaks ' mod a tweak to make the Ask to Move In interaction more autonomous or less autonomous ? Since installing Generations my playables get automously pestered by their best friends , who keep asking them to move in and that's without this mod in . So surely a mod isn't needed to make it more autonomous ?  And if it's supposed to make it a little less autonomous then it doesn't seem to be working because my sims get pestered just as much with this installed  Anyone who is in either the ' Best Friend ' category or ' Old Friend ' category keeps nagging my sims about moving in 
Is your ' Interaction tweaks ' mod a tweak to make the Ask to Move In interaction more autonomous or less autonomous ? Since installing Generations my playables get automously pestered by their best friends , who keep asking them to move in and that's without this mod in . So surely a mod isn't needed to make it more autonomous ?  And if it's supposed to make it a little less autonomous then it doesn't seem to be working because my sims get pestered just as much with this installed  Anyone who is in either the ' Best Friend ' category or ' Old Friend ' category keeps nagging my sims about moving in  The interaction tweaks mod isn't about one thing specifically. It's a collection of tweaks that enable autonomous interaction for a few things, as well as enable others for teens. Hard to remember specifically which off-hand, but it doesn't alter the chances of such things. The "Ask to move in" interaction was something I've had in there for a few versions, so I've never tested to see if it worked without my tweak, however, it isn't marked as autonomous by default, at least not in that file. You can change this yourself. Look in the 0x50B229A0C636C136 file, search for "ask to move in" and change the auto to false and udo to true.
Bruce Banner
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 123
Is your ' Interaction tweaks ' mod a tweak to make the Ask to Move In interaction more autonomous or less autonomous ? Since installing Generations my playables get automously pestered by their best friends , who keep asking them to move in and that's without this mod in . So surely a mod isn't needed to make it more autonomous ?  And if it's supposed to make it a little less autonomous then it doesn't seem to be working because my sims get pestered just as much with this installed  Anyone who is in either the ' Best Friend ' category or ' Old Friend ' category keeps nagging my sims about moving in  The interaction tweaks mod isn't about one thing specifically. It's a collection of tweaks that enable autonomous interaction for a few things, as well as enable others for teens. Hard to remember specifically which off-hand, but it doesn't alter the chances of such things. The "Ask to move in" interaction was something I've had in there for a few versions, so I've never tested to see if it worked without my tweak, however, it isn't marked as autonomous by default, at least not in that file. You can change this yourself. Look in the 0x50B229A0C636C136 file, search for "ask to move in" and change the auto to false and udo to true. Thanks Anach .