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I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
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Topic: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt (Read 66868 times)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 87
Domestic Goddess
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3)
Reply #25 on:
2009 August 01, 20:28:10 »
Quote from: leopoldstotch on 2009 August 01, 17:29:15
I have not downloaded the no censor patch; What I do have installed is the Delphy's Slider hack, Ingredient Override from MTS2, a set of default skins/eyes, hairs... I think AM is the only 'mod' I had on it but hey, I'm computer illiterate.
Those are all mods and you don't need Delphy's Slider hack if you use AM. Also, I think it conflicts with AM.
If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left handed people are in their right mind.
TFM'S Naughty Sims Asylum
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3)
Reply #26 on:
2009 August 01, 20:29:36 »
I used to think hacks and mods were two seperate things.
Thanks for informing me.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 61
Invalid File Note
Reply #27 on:
2009 August 01, 20:32:00 »
Just a quick note on the "Invalid File" error:
I experienced this error as well and determined that it was caused by a
modified camera (.ini file) mod
that I had installed. I simply removed the file and restored the original and it worked.
If you modified ANY game files outside of the mods folder then start looking there for invalid files.
More Awesome Sig
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3)
Reply #28 on:
2009 August 01, 20:55:01 »
Thanks all.
And yeah, a word of (repeated) wisdom to those who tread this thread (pun NOT intended): modifying any files outside of the Mod folder will indeed bork the patch installation process. Tell it to my poor, ruined game being revived as we speak.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 87
Domestic Goddess
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3)
Reply #29 on:
2009 August 01, 21:18:45 »
Well now you know, and won't have that problem again.
If the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left handed people are in their right mind.
TFM'S Naughty Sims Asylum
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3)
Reply #30 on:
2009 August 02, 10:57:00 »
Sorry to bring the whole debate up again but apparently I don't think Razor will reinstall (I clicked on it in Daemon and the Autoplay didn't give me an option for setup) And so I was becoming more frustrated... Thank God for TS2. So, here's the screenshot of me attempting to uninstall the whole program itself from CP hoping afterwards Razor would reinstall itself.
Hmm? This is really, really strange. Does anyone have an idea of what could be causing this: Razor torrenting (unlikely), or one of the Mods I downloaded or what? I also unmounted the image in Daemon but even then nothing helped. And I certainly know better than to contact EA (lol!)
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3)
Reply #31 on:
2009 August 02, 13:03:54 »
Quote from: Motoki on 2009 August 01, 17:25:32
Okay let's try this approach. Have you downloaded the no censor blur patch? Anything that messes with the camera? Otherwise any sort of 'mod' that was
a .package file (ie it replaces a game file).
Do you have a nocd crack?
If you modified
any file
from the original install then you need to restore the original file. Like if you used a cracked TS3.exe and TS3Host.dll then you need to put back the ones that were there
you put the crack in.
Honestly, if you still have the original install disc/files I would just reinstall the game. You'll still have your saves as long as you choose to keep them when it prompts you when you uninstall.
Okay, I'm sorry to bring this up again, but I've really run out of ideas. I already uninstalled and reinstalled my game, installed the first patch, the second doesn't work, and I've searched for the error log up and down but without any success. The search function comes up with nothing at all so I can't find out where the problem lies now. I can't remember downloading anything that would modify a file, but since I already reinstalled, that shouldn't be the problem, right?
Edit: Problem miraculously solved itself after I downloaded another version of the patch.
Last Edit: 2009 August 02, 14:40:15 by Narya
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3)
Reply #32 on:
2009 August 02, 13:06:50 »
Seriously?! On one hand if this is what I'm thinking it is... it has nothing to do with me, but my arr'ed copy is completely fucked. I think it is, anyway.
Alright, I'm actually tempted to whine in a no-whine zone. ARGH. Well... Let's get this into a nutshell. Said game could not install either two of the official patches because of a corrupt file, named sku.text. Desperate to fix this problem, I deleted both EA folders and retorrented Razor. I then mounted Razor and it didn't reinstall. I checked the folder on the Autorun pop-up looking for options. There were, naturally, none. And there were no new EA games folder. Zip, zilch, nada. Just the 'Sims 3' stuff that were in the virtual drive from the Autorun pop up. I tried uninstalling it the official way, using CP. It fucking failed.
I'm tempted to try the only option there seems to be right now: Reset Windows, but really, I would like to know if there /is/ anything I could do before taking that drastic step
Update: It seems stupid to try so hard when apparently the only invalid file is the skuversion txt. So, would anybody be as kind as to oblige (no jokes there) give me a download to a new one to replace my corrupt one. Motoki provided the Bin.RAR but it for some reason failed to install itself into my Game/Bin folder. I was sure it had nothing to do with my folder when I was able to replace .dllhost and .exe with a different download on Mediafire.
Last Edit: 2009 August 02, 14:06:20 by leopoldstotch
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #33 on:
2009 August 02, 14:44:04 »
Waiting for someone to post up the file you need could take much longer than just manually uninstalling the game completely, and even then it might not work. And I'm not going to sound like a broken record anymore by posting the same god damn thing a third time. So find it yourself. It's really the easiest thing in the world if you GOOGLE IT. I'll even go as far as to give you a hint: 'the sims 3 won't uninstall! Oh NOES!!1!!1oneone'
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 38
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #34 on:
2009 August 02, 15:09:43 »
if you cannot extract the txt file, doesn't a copy+paste of the contents itself help?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #35 on:
2009 August 02, 15:28:13 »
Actually, sorry to put a damper on the obvious attitude you're trying to convey which is actually much better suited for MATYers that do know what they're talking about... I HAVE googled it. Not everyone is as moronic as you assume they may be just because they ask for what seems to be an easy find. A working skuversion.txt file is much harder to find than it seems.
edit: above post- that almost sounds too easy?
I shall investigate, although.... If it works, I have been bit in the ass big time.
Nope, still doesn't work. /facepalm
I give up. Thank God this was only on my laptop. I may torrent Razor onto the home computer. Or wait until somehow a magic working file turns up.
Last Edit: 2009 August 02, 15:39:36 by leopoldstotch
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #36 on:
2009 August 02, 15:58:32 »
Understandably, you misunderstood my post.
I was simply referring to the fact that I'm not going to post another link on how to do complete manual uninstall of the game, which would be easier than waiting for someone to post the file because even if someone did, it might not work anyway.
Don't ever say that I don't know what I'm talking about. I don't talk out of my ass like some. I have a good knowledge of computers and I actually use google on a regular basis when I don't understand something or when I've come across something I'm not familiar with.
And if completely uninstalling/reinstalling doesn't work, then you're probably fucked. Then again, you really can't complain about that if you're using an arr'ed copy.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #37 on:
2009 August 02, 16:04:44 »
Alright then, I seem to have misunderstood.
Yes, I seem to have been fucked. I'll simply download to my big computer because EA=cesspool of fucking fail. This whole incident concerning a minority (myself included, as many ARR'ed copies are still intact and playable by others?) makes me honestly wonder if EA /has/ finally found a way to start preventing piracy on the Sims 3.
Twas nice while it lasted.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #38 on:
2009 August 02, 16:24:32 »
I doubt they have. There is a chance that something effed up during your install, during the download, or your computer is just a sad panda right now.
I have torrented many games over the years and there are definitely cases where I'll DL a version that is messed up for me but works for others. Sometimes I can get a fix by reading the comments on where I got the torrent.
Hopefully you can get it to work on your other computer. And yes, EA is a batch of fucking fail cookies.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #39 on:
2009 August 02, 16:28:02 »
Maybe you're right. I might be becoming unnecessarily paranoid.
Unlike you, I have only started torrenting fairly recently because in the past, I believed that torrents could give your computer a virus. Obviously this isn't actually the case many times and when I did torrent Sims 3 I knew the basic walkthrough but... I guess I must have fucked something up. It's the only thing I can think of right now.
Thanks for the help, you all. Unfortunately when it gets down to it... Sometimes problems can't be solved. I'm still not accepting No for an answer and therefore, am torrenting on my big computer right now
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #40 on:
2009 August 02, 18:29:10 »
I stupidly bought the digital download and am unable to patch. The launcher says my game is up to date on version After searching I found out that they're working on a patch for the digital download and say it should be available soon. Guess I'll have to wait.
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3509
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #41 on:
2009 August 02, 19:43:28 »
Quote from: shana on 2009 August 02, 18:29:10
I stupidly bought the digital download and am unable to patch. The launcher says my game is up to date on version After searching I found out that they're working on a patch for the digital download and say it should be available soon. Guess I'll have to wait.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #42 on:
2009 August 02, 23:01:03 »
Guess I should have mentioned I have a mac. I got so excited when I saw your link Motoki but of course I can't open it. Do you know of a patch for me? Thanks
Retardo Lander
Posts: 257
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #43 on:
2009 August 03, 05:14:44 »
Attention panicing retard.
We could have avoided this whole thing if you had just opened up skuversion.txt and changed 1.0.632.00002 to 1.0.632.00001
hur fucking dur.
Sauces: I have the same arr'd version, and am not an idiot.
"Please tell me 13 underage El Salvadorian sex slaves is 'the line.'" - Jon Stewart
"Everything becomes absolute truth when shouted." - kiki
"When the only one making sense is the ghost of Peter Tosh, either you're really high, or the whole world is fucked" - Wyatt Cenac
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2145
ISTP. Officially male since she plays MUDs
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #44 on:
2009 August 03, 09:07:02 »
Quote from: shana on 2009 August 02, 23:01:03
Guess I should have mentioned I have a mac. I got so excited when I saw your link Motoki but of course I can't open it. Do you know of a patch for me? Thanks
They had withdraw the patch until further fix. See here:
From SimGuruMel
"We have identified an issue specific to the Mac in which update 1.3 causes the game to fail to install custom content. We are working to resolve this as soon as possible. Until it's resolved, users with the digital download version of the game will not be able to download update 1.3.
All features should work as usual on version 1.2. If you have already updated to 1.3 on the digital download version and wish to install custom content, you must reinstall your game and 'revert' to 1.2.
Thank you for your patience. "
Mac versions are borked. Oh teh surprise!
I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi,
The one and only Rhayden's AIDE. Accept no substitutes.
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3509
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #45 on:
2009 August 03, 10:21:06 »
So is that why people were running around saying they couldn't install custom content? It works for me and I had no idea what the hell they were talking about. Didn't occur to me might be a Mac thing. Weird.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 393
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #46 on:
2009 August 03, 10:33:10 »
No, I had the same problem, but am not a Mac user. It turned out to be an issue with the stupid EA Download Manager. After reinstalling that, my downloads work fine.
IN T/F J/P. Yeah, I know.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2145
ISTP. Officially male since she plays MUDs
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #47 on:
2009 August 03, 10:37:46 »
Just for the record, I envy the Mac users who can't patch. I
reported my experience on the BBS
, if you want to know what you're missing.
I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi,
The one and only Rhayden's AIDE. Accept no substitutes.
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #48 on:
2009 August 04, 06:01:26 »
Is rtpatch always called rtpatch? By "temp directory" you mean the windows temp directory, or possibly a subfolder of the sims install path? Because if all of the above are true, I don't appear to have it. I also don't have the 1.2.7 patch - not to mention the forum search here apparently doesn't like periods in any way, shape, or form. Searching by hand got me a few links to the 1.2.7 patch that don't appear to work any more.
So, my question now is, a) will not being 1.2.7 when applying the patch give the "invalid file" error and, if so, where can I get the older patch?
and b) where else should I be looking for the rtpatch file? It's possible windows search just failed me, as I did a search of the entire hard drive out of frustration. Or is there a circumstance in which this file won't be generated?
Also, am I retarded or does the EA site not let you download the patches? I did log in. Do I have to install the EADM?
ETA: Apparently, I may be falling victim to a "feature" in which Vista refuses to search in any folder named temp, or any subfolders under that level. Combing the windows temp file by hand still reveals nothing, though, so where is the temp folder the rtpatch should be in? Some virtual directory bullshit some place? (I'm posting from a linux machine, hence my lack of knowledge of the intricate workings of the accursed microsoft machine I'm borrowing)
Last Edit: 2009 August 04, 06:17:44 by kuronue
INFP or something
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 368
Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt
Reply #49 on:
2009 August 04, 07:54:51 »
Quote from: Marhis on 2009 August 03, 09:07:02
They had withdraw the patch until further fix. See here:
Mac versions are borked. Oh teh surprise!
So I guess I'm happy that I have to run 1.2 and AwesomeMod by changing the date on my computer to 7/31 every time I play. I'm so torn, I want the Awesome Story Mode and such, but I don't want and can't get the Mac 1.3 patch (and I have never gotten the Unholy Hybrid to work). After reading your experiences Mahris I'm happy to be doing what I am for now. I caught myself looking at a PC at the store the other day thinking "just for gaming" and about shot myself on the spot.
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