Group outings like any outing (or family) is limited to 8 characters.
If you use the modular booths and a double table you can seat a maximum of 7 Sims at one table (one space has to be left free to get on the table). There is no limit to seating at counters from what I can tell (my personal maximum is 14).
I like seeing sims jump over the table or other sims to get out from the back of the booth. Saves the trouble of asking everyone to move or trying to crawl under the table. 
J. M. Pescado
If you use the modular booths and a double table you can seat a maximum of 7 Sims at one table (one space has to be left free to get on the table). There is no limit to seating at counters from what I can tell (my personal maximum is 14).
You can seat sims on the corners of a booth? You can seat up to 8 sims at the triple table using the Uni cafeteria-table which has 3 spaces on it.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
With the 2x2 table: two on top, two left, two right, one bottom, one space open on the bottom. Sims will happily share corners of tables. Come to think of it if you use /chairs/ you probably /could/ seat 8... but I like the 'dining love talk' etc. interactions the booths give.
I always get problems with the 3x1 uni tables for some inane reason.
J. M. Pescado
Ah, there are 2x2 tables, that makes sense, then.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Can't wait to have an OFB version of this one, or is it already safe to use it in OFB?
Would be nice when you have the time to do a post with what works as it is and what don't and need updates for OFB.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 165
Can't wait to have an OFB version of this one, or is it already safe to use it in OFB?
Would be nice when you have the time to do a post with what works as it is and what don't and need updates for OFB.
YES, me too please 
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1062
INTP - I didn't do it.
Could you make a hack like this so that sims will just put the plate down on the counter instead of serving it?
Remember - a bimbo is for life and not just for christmas!
Could you make a hack like this so that sims will just put the plate down on the counter instead of serving it?
If you put a counter next to the BBQ, the Sim who did the cooking will place it on the counter, take a plate and sit down and eat. It won't serve the plates all over the lot. This hack is affecting only community lots, Sims at home will still serve the food like usual unless you stop them. Were you asking for one that do that but in household? That would be a good idea but maybe it already exist somewhere.
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4475
In dog we trust, all others pay cash...
Could you make a hack like this so that sims will just put the plate down on the counter instead of serving it?
If you want to do that at "home", it's easy -- just put something on the table, like the little votive lights or romatic candles, or the napkin holder in decorative objects. As long as something is on the table (you'll need 2 for the long tables), the cook will put the food on the counter and just take a plate. Then the rest of the household can just grab a plate and go sit at the table to eat. The object on the table doesn't prevent it from being used -- it only stops the sims from serving food. I guess any object small enough to sit in the middle of the table would work, too, like the small flower vases.
Thanks for the tip jsalemi, it will be really useful in some of my families. 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
This will be a great help. Thank you for sharing. 
For those wondering.
I have this one in with the pet ep and I have not seen any weirdness, it is working perfectly fine for me.