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Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/05/02)
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Topic: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/05/02) (Read 144305 times)
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #75 on:
2009 March 27, 12:38:09 »
Updated to v1.11. Added Building Party Phone Call, ComputerGlobals and OFB Craftables.
This time, "Read Sections.../(hobby)" menu was
fixed in German and Brazilian Portuguese.
Chili Con Carne and Grandma's Comfort Soup use "Grab a Bowl" instead of "Grab a Plate".
Quote from: Timoram on 2009 January 22, 11:59:32
In French, "Make" is translate into "Faire". "Faire" is too general and not enough specific. "Crιer" is more appropriate.
But it will be better if we have (in French) a specific verb for every craftable, but it will not match others languages and it would be redundant.
As per your suggestion, I changed both "Gestion.../Fabriquer plusieurs.../" and "Gestion.../Composer plusieurs.../" to "Gestion.../Crιer plusieurs.../". This only applies to Management menu on employees. Strings for crafting stations themselves were not altered, they still use "Fabriquer" and "Composer".
Updated to v1.12. Added Phone Call - Magazines - Subscribe, computers, Drama TV channel and OrchardTreeGlobals.
"Drink (potion)" in Sim pie menu will be merged under "Drink.../(potion)", just like CS potions.
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #76 on:
2009 April 07, 19:40:37 »
I'd love a fix for the phone menu. I have the Happy Holiday Stuff and I get two "Throw Party" menus. One of them Throw Party -> New Year's Bash (or something like that) and the other Throw Party with all the regular (House party, Sports party, Wedding party etc.). So maybe you could make them all appear in one "Throw Party".
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2010 July 31, 03:09:32
I know I don't have an evil twin, because I'm the evil one.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #77 on:
2009 April 08, 12:06:14 »
Duplicate "Throw Party" glitch in UK English and many other languages was fixed in my
SP Objects Fix Collection for AL
. It's not included in Pie Menu fix, because it doesn't work in Downloads folder.
If you don't have AL or M&G, use
this separate fix
Last Edit: 2009 April 28, 14:04:25 by Lord Darcy
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #78 on:
2009 April 08, 15:05:49 »
Thank you.
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2010 July 31, 03:09:32
I know I don't have an evil twin, because I'm the evil one.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #79 on:
2009 April 18, 19:59:52 »
I am using a Traditonal Chinese version and want to raise requests.
Should I request in Chinese?
Such as,
X) 學習
O) 學習...
Is that OK?
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #80 on:
2009 April 19, 02:13:16 »
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 18, 19:59:52
I am using a Traditonal Chinese version and want to raise requests.
Should I request in Chinese?
Yes. People contribute corrections for their own language, and I include them in the next version. I already fixed several glaring errors in Traditional Chinese, like cluttered fridge menu.
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 18, 19:59:52
X) 學習
O) 學習...
It's one of those "ellipsis character vs. three dots" thing, isn't it? Will be fixed in the next version.
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #81 on:
2009 April 20, 14:57:43 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2009 April 19, 02:13:16
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 18, 19:59:52
X) 學習
O) 學習...
It's one of those "ellipsis character vs. three dots" thing, isn't it? Will be fixed in the next version.
Below are some more requests.
1. X)玩
2. X)玩把戲
Phones: (And sim-self if having cellphone in the inventory)
Stoves, Ovens, Fridges:
Other Sims:
1. X)玩...
2. X)親吻
3. Dance:
There are some complication about dance. The "Dance...>Together | Slow Dance | Classic" is somehow splitted.
Could this be fixed? Also, mistranslations exist.
(I think this translation would look better in submenu)
(Not really sure what "Classic Dance" means; this is "Ballroom Dance" or "Dancesport". Hope my guess is right.)
There are other translation mistakes. I'll keep reporting.
Thank you so much for all your fixes and mods.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #82 on:
2009 April 20, 15:29:27 »
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 20, 14:57:43
Other Sims:
1. X)玩...
Please give me the exact Play interaction names which are wrongly categorized under "玩...", with their English names or descriptions. There are so many Play interactions from various EPs that I may miss some of them.
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 20, 14:57:43
2. X)親吻
Again, please give me the exact Kiss interaction names. From the look of it, I guess it's from AL.
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 20, 14:57:43
3. Dance:
There are some complication about dance. The "Dance...>Together | Slow Dance | Classic" is somehow splitted.
Could this be fixed?
Yes. This issue was raised earlier in this thread, which I already fixed for several languages.
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #83 on:
2009 April 20, 16:37:30 »
Sorry for being vague. The interactions are listed below.
Other Sims:
1. X)玩...(Play...)
The interactions categorized in it are: Toss Football | Rock-paper-scissors
2. X)親吻
The interaction: Dance
Last Edit: 2009 April 20, 19:28:43 by hansbobby
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #84 on:
2009 April 23, 11:38:33 »
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 20, 14:57:43
Phones: (And sim-self if having cellphone in the inventory)
Forgot about Party phone call. I need the exact Party interaction names which show up under "辦派對...".
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 20, 14:57:43
Stoves, Ovens, Fridges:
Is it for orphaned "Make Many.../Single Plates..." menu?
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #85 on:
2009 April 28, 06:35:33 »
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 20, 14:57:43
Phones: (And sim-self if having cellphone in the inventory)
Action: 新年倒數
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2009 April 23, 11:38:33
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 20, 14:57:43
Stoves, Ovens, Fridges:
Is it for orphaned "Make Many.../Single Plates..." menu?
Most of the reagents, potions, and items have wrong names in "Make..." or "Resume making" interaction.
製造多種藥水 -> 製造許多藥水...
製造多種藥水 /化狼人B群 -> 製造許多藥水.../人狼藥劑 B 型
製造多種藥水 /種植多旋C -> 製造許多藥水.../去植物維生素-C
製造多種藥水 /愛情藥水#8.5 -> 製造許多藥水.../愛情特調 #8.5
製造多種藥水 /吸血盤西林-D -> 製造許多藥水.../吸血盤尼西林 - D
製造藥水 -> 製造藥水...
製造藥水 /化狼人B群 -> 製造藥水.../人狼藥劑 B 型
製造藥水 /種植多旋C -> 製造藥水.../去植物維生素-C
製造藥水 /吸血盤西林-D -> 製造藥水.../吸血盤尼西林 - D
製造藥水 /愛情藥水#8.5 -> 製造藥水.../愛情特調 #8.5
繼續製作龍之鱗 -> 繼續製作龍的鱗片
繼續製作光之本質 -> 繼續製作光之精髓
繼續製作神秘粉塵 -> 繼續製作奇異粉
繼續製作毒蛇本質 -> 繼續製作毒蛇萃取液
繼續製作凝視壁燭 -> 繼續製作星塵壁燈
繼續製作光明君主 -> 繼續製作天際椅
繼續製作月亮豆結晶 -> 繼續製作月光水晶
繼續製作星塵吸頂燈 -> 繼續製作天際星晨吊燈
繼續製作魔法香料糖 -> 繼續製作神奇辣味糖
繼續製作固化藥水 -E -> 繼續製作去女巫-E
繼續製作狼人藥水 -B -> 繼續製作人狼藥劑 B 型
繼續製作植物藥水 - B -> 繼續製作去植物維生素-C
繼續製作愛情魔藥 #8.5 -> 繼續製作愛情特調 #8.5
繼續製作小妖精之火落地燈 -> 繼續製作仙子火焰落地燈
繼續製作小溫德妮小姐雕像 -> 繼續製作小溫道靈小姐雕像
製造試劑 -> 製作試劑...
製作物品 -> 製作物品...
製作許多物品 -> 製作許多物品...
And I need to correct one of my previous requests
The "Dance.../Classic" that I previously translated into "跳舞.../標準舞" should be "跳舞.../經典慢舞"
to match the translation of want slots.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #86 on:
2009 April 28, 10:42:47 »
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 28, 06:35:33
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 20, 14:57:43
Phones: (And sim-self if having cellphone in the inventory)
Action: 新年倒數
New Year's Party glitch was already fixed in my
SP Objects Fix Collection for AL
. Read
this post
for more information.
I attached a separate fix for people who don't have AL or M&G, because jordi's fix only works for English.
It should go to Overrides folder of your latest EP.
C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 <your latest EP>\TSData\Res\Overrides
(or the corresponding folder on your system if your game is not installed in C:\Program Files)
I already fixed cluttered "Buy Potion..." menu on Gypsy and Grand Witch in Traditional Chinese. Have you tested it in your game? Is anything wrong? Like incorrect potion names?
I'll post the new version as soon as I get confirmation from you.
Further investigation revealed more mistakes in PersonGlobals.
Play.../Toss $Object in Air (for toddlers)
Play.../Steal A Bite & Play.../Throw Food (NL dining interactions)
Play.../Show Off.../Cartwheel (I believe they are from OFB)
Play.../Show Off.../Somersault
Play.../Show Off.../Headstand
Play.../Peek-A-Boo (from AL)
Play.../Swing Around & Play.../Swing Me Around
All of above interactions will show up under "玩耍...", including Pets interactions like Finger Wiggle or Fetch.
(10.01 KB - downloaded 600 times.)
Last Edit: 2009 April 28, 13:32:08 by Lord Darcy
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #87 on:
2009 April 28, 15:08:07 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2009 April 28, 10:42:47
New Year's Party glitch was already fixed in my
SP Objects Fix Collection for AL
. Read
this post
for more information.
I attached a separate fix for people who don't have AL or M&G, because jordi's fix only works for English.
It should go to Overrides folder of your latest EP.
I have AL and M&G installed, as well as your great objects fix collection...
I downloaded it from MTS2 site and it works now. Sorry for not knowing about such an awesome place before.
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2009 April 28, 10:42:47
I already fixed cluttered "Buy Potion..." menu on Gypsy and Grand Witch in Traditional Chinese. Have you tested it in your game? Is anything wrong? Like incorrect potion names?
I'll post the new version as soon as I get confirmation from you.
The translations are all correct except a whitespace before dash in:
吸血盤尼西林- D -> 吸血盤尼西林 - D
The latter, which currently have only a subchoice "buy 1", is correspondent with the translation in the spellbook so I think it correct.
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2009 April 28, 10:42:47
Further investigation revealed more mistakes in PersonGlobals.
Play.../Toss $Object in Air (for toddlers)
Play.../Steal A Bite & Play.../Throw Food (NL dining interactions)
Play.../Show Off.../Cartwheel (I believe they are from OFB)
Play.../Show Off.../Somersault
Play.../Show Off.../Headstand
Play.../Peek-A-Boo (from AL)
Play.../Swing Around & Play.../Swing Me Around
All of above interactions will show up under "玩耍...", including Pets interactions like Finger Wiggle or Fetch.
I haven't even used some of those interactions so far. Thank you so much for these mods.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #88 on:
2009 April 28, 15:44:39 »
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 28, 15:08:07
I have AL and M&G installed, as well as your great objects fix collection...
I downloaded it from MTS2 site and it works now. Sorry for not knowing about such an awesome place before.
Oh damn. Looks like they used a DB backup from several months ago after their server crashed.
Thanks for the heads up.
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 28, 15:08:07
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2009 April 28, 10:42:47
I already fixed cluttered "Buy Potion..." menu on Gypsy and Grand Witch in Traditional Chinese. Have you tested it in your game? Is anything wrong? Like incorrect potion names?
I'll post the new version as soon as I get confirmation from you.
The translations are all correct except a whitespace before dash in:
吸血盤尼西林- D -> 吸血盤尼西林 - D
The latter, which currently have only a subchoice "buy 1", is correspondent with the translation in the spellbook so I think it correct.
Noted. "Influence To.../Drink Vamprocillin-D" will also be fixed accordingly.
Found yet moar inconsistency with potions.
影響.../喝吸血盤尼西林 - D($local:0)
Which verb should I use for "Drink", 喝 or 飲用? Also, wrong potion names again.
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #89 on:
2009 April 29, 04:24:38 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2009 April 28, 15:44:39
Which verb should I use for "Drink", 喝 or 飲用? Also, wrong potion names again.
I'm not very sure since they are somewhat exchangeable.
Personally I prefer 飲用, because 喝 is more often used in daily life and for regular drinks;
飲用, as a more formal form, would be more suitable for these not-so-regular potions.
Also, I found the direct interactions to those potions have the same inconsistency problem.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 45
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #90 on:
2009 April 29, 13:12:33 »
I'm playing the english version of the game, but I could install on my laptop and play-test the russian if needed. I still remember the funny times with the first sims when my friend had russian version installed and the "fill bowl" (in unleashed) was translated into russian like "fill aquarium".
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2010 July 31, 03:09:32
I know I don't have an evil twin, because I'm the evil one.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #91 on:
2009 April 30, 15:52:34 »
Quote from: hansbobby on 2009 April 29, 04:24:38
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2009 April 28, 15:44:39
Which verb should I use for "Drink", 喝 or 飲用? Also, wrong potion names again.
I'm not very sure since they are somewhat exchangeable.
Personally I prefer 飲用, because 喝 is more often used in daily life and for regular drinks;
飲用, as a more formal form, would be more suitable for these not-so-regular potions.
I forgot that there IS actually an official EAxian string for "Drink.../(potion name)" in Castaway Stories, which can be found in
Awesome CS conversions
. EAxis used 喝 for this string. ("喝藥水.../") I already used this string in my fix, so that "Drink (potion)" in Sim pie menu will be merged under "Drink.../(potion)"
If both verbs are exchangeable, I think that it's better to stick with 喝, keeping consistent with official EAxian strings.
Quote from: Fikcija on 2009 April 29, 13:12:33
I'm playing the english version of the game, but I could install on my laptop and play-test the russian if needed. I still remember the funny times with the first sims when my friend had russian version installed and the "fill bowl" (in unleashed) was translated into russian like "fill aquarium".
I noticed a couple of glaring mistakes in PersonGlobals, i.e. "Propose.../Be Roommate" is translated into "Сделать предложение.../Переехать в квартиру", while other Propose functions use "Предложить.../", resulting in an orphaned submenu. Is "Предложить.../Переехать в квартиру" grammatically correct?
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #92 on:
2009 April 30, 21:57:37 »
Quote from: Lord Darcy on 2009 April 30, 15:52:34
I noticed a couple of glaring mistakes in PersonGlobals, i.e. "Propose.../Be Roommate" is translated into "Сделать предложение.../Переехать в квартиру", while other Propose functions use "Предложить.../", resulting in an orphaned submenu. Is "Предложить.../Переехать в квартиру" grammatically correct?
"Сделать предложение" is only used when proposing engagement, but I think it would look good with marriage as well. "Предложить" is a more common word, like "offer". I would also suggest to replace "Переехать в квартиру" (which means "move into the apartment") with "Снимать квартиру вместе" ("Rent an apartment together), because there is no actual word for a roommate in russian. There's nothing grammatically wrong with "Предложить.../Переехать в квартиру", but my suggestion would be more accurate knowing what exactly it means in the game.
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2010 July 31, 03:09:32
I know I don't have an evil twin, because I'm the evil one.
Lord Darcy
Posts: 958
The owls are not what they seem.
Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/03/27)
Reply #93 on:
2009 May 02, 14:53:29 »
Updated to v1.13. Fixed several Traditional Chinese strings. If I missed something, please let me know.
Quote from: Fikcija on 2009 April 30, 21:57:37
I would also suggest to replace "Переехать в квартиру" (which means "move into the apartment") with "Снимать квартиру вместе" ("Rent an apartment together), because there is no actual word for a roommate in russian.
Fixed in the new version.
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Pie Menu Text Strings Fix (Updated 2009/05/02)
Reply #94 on:
2009 May 12, 02:15:45 »
If you need any Hungarian translation for this, or any of your fixes, let me know!
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