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Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
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Topic: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships (Read 33368 times)
Asinine Airhead
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Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #25 on:
2008 March 27, 23:15:54 »
Quote from: mildlydisguised on 2008 March 02, 13:49:59
What happens if you have a CAS parent and teen family then kill off the parent? Does that qualify?
Several times, I have made a multi-generational family in CAS strictly for the purpose of killing off the middle generation (i.e. the parent) in order to have an orphaned teen living with their grandparents and they do get the scholarship. I usually kill the parent pretty much right after I load their lot and it still works.
Obtuse Oaf
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Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #26 on:
2008 March 27, 23:28:53 »
Quote from: SnootCB on 2008 March 27, 17:33:25
Does this hack include scholarships for the new FT badges as well?
Quote from: seelindarun on 2008 March 27, 18:57:46
I took care of the money problem in college by making the students re-pay the money needed to build their dorm, with interest.
Originally, I'd intended for some family to endow the uni, but the parents are still up to their eyeballs in debt with their mortgages. Tyrant Overlord back in the base 'hood holds all the mortgages, and comes by to try to eat someone's brains as punishment, if they can't make at least the interest.
The YAs are in no danger of missing a payment because they get so much money every semester, but I priced the dorm as a residential lot in a regular 'hood first, so they'll be paying back the money for generations. A hack would be better though, the bookkeeping is irritating.
Yeah, heh, I have a hack in mind I've been toying around with doing for a while and given that it seems like a popular idea I'll probably actually do it one of these days. We'll see.
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Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #27 on:
2008 April 10, 21:51:42 »
Quote from: Zazazu on 2008 March 03, 21:18:50
It should be noted that, in the real world, being well-rounded helps you to get
college, but not to get your college paid for. For that, you need to excel at something, or have mommy & daddy shell it all out, or indept yourself to the goverment. In Sim-world, anyone who doesn't flunk out of high school gets into college regardless, and finishing a semester nets you more money instead of costing you.
I am interested in this idea but - how does the kid get enough $$ to move back to a neighbourhood upon graduation? I am not enough of a slave driver: my students rarely graduate with even 20k, and that's
they started with ~6k in scholarship funds. And God forbid they move to their own place and move in a dormie, because that splits up the $$ even more once the graduates start moving out. Or do they move back in with their parents even if they're not a Legacy heir and save up to move out in this scenario? Does college eat up all the scholarship funds? I guess it would, to be realistic. *kofflikesimsisrealistickoff* I did experiment recently with a Sim who was born from an illicit liaison. I wanted her to have her share of the inheritance so I had her putative father send her 1/3 of the family funds via the money order after she moved to the college bin but before she went to college, and sure enough she had 100k when I moved her into a dorm. Now I know that works, it might be a partial solution to the heir getting all the money just because he's the last on the lot when the parents die.
When you think about it, Legacy is sort of
because the kid can move back home and instantly have access to all the career rewards the family's stocked up so far, and it doesn't matter how much s/he leaves college with since s/he's coming back to a fully stocked house and ample funds. In real life, moving home after college is not usually an option!
If only there was a way to really implement apartments and rent... then the poor recent graduate could move into a 300/wk roach-infested firetrap. Ah ha ha ha!
Fuzzy Pumpkin
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Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #28 on:
2008 April 10, 22:04:58 »
About half of the people I know moved back home, at least temporarily, after college. The other half of us were already non-locals and had been working and renting while in school. So having sims move back doesn't bother me. That said, most of my sims don't do so, as moving out gives me an excuse to build.
In Prospect Beach, pretty much everyone is filthy rich (with the exception of Daphne, but she's a hippy). One current sim started a business while in college and had enough to buy a
nice home straight out. One other was technically an orphan and I had noted how much money his mom had before she kicked it (approx $197,000 in the family coffers). When he came of age, I family funded it to him, as I considered it held in a trust. In other situations, I have the parents grant their kids some money as a nest egg. For Daphne, she saved about half of her college scholarships and moved into an empty, windowless, tiny barn and still has very little to her name after working in the oceanographer career line for about half her adulthood. But then, she has twins (the only kids not in prep/private school as she can't afford the fees) and four cats to feed.
In my new side 'hood, it's a miniscule self-sufficient island (or as close to it as I can stand). The one family has a good house and makes a fair bit on produce, but they are far from rich. The kids won't be going to college as they can't afford tuition (yup, I charge tuition less initial scholarships...usually $20,000). At least two of them need to move out, and they will probably be living in tiny shacks off of what they can scrounge.
Capitalism, Ho!
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My Urinal
Asinine Airhead
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Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #29 on:
2008 April 11, 08:22:15 »
Jfade, I really like the hack and for me it seems to be working as intended. Nice extra money for my sim teens!
The problem I see about removing the money they earn at uni is that I'd hardly ever get my sims to move out of their parents' house. I use the no20khandout mod and if newly graduated sims started out with some hundred bucks, they'd have to earn loads to ever buy their own home - after all, you can't go to a sim bank for money, and there aren't any places to rent and live in (yet.....).
Retarded Reprobate
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Lost in Middle-earth
Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #30 on:
2008 April 11, 09:45:20 »
I used to use Monique's computer for bank loans. That way a penniless sim only had to buy a computer to have access to internet banking. I found the interest added on was sufficient to ensure the money got repaid asap. (As Monique is inactive I see there are 2 different updates of this computer for FT but there is no internet banking in the one, I have not looked at the other yet.)
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Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 518
Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #31 on:
2008 April 11, 10:13:15 »
Quote from: Jemina on 2008 April 11, 08:22:15
The problem I see about removing the money they earn at uni is that I'd hardly ever get my sims to move out of their parents' house. I use the no20khandout mod and if newly graduated sims started out with some hundred bucks, they'd have to earn loads to ever buy their own home - after all, you can't go to a sim bank for money, and there aren't any places to rent and live in (yet.....).
As for me, it'd be a nice addition to have that 'no handouts at college'. With ACR's normal settings, it's a rare family that has more than 3 kids (my average is a tad over 2 kids per household). True, the 2nd generation kids of the founding house might be a bit squeezed, but with the additional scholarships, my college house will still have money building up due to the large ratio of kids who would normally be inheriting their parents homes. Also, all of my girls return to their parents home to be married out of, giving them a 10% dowrey.
I rarely play pre-made homes, so the basic need is to buy an empty lot, from that point, the parents can money-order any needed funds. Any mod that even 'slightly' reduces the cash floating around, is good.
It would also add an additional challenge to that starting CAS YA, he/she will really have to work their butt off at college, to even scrape up the cash for an empty lot.
I await with baited breath for the next installment of TANSTAAFL package.
No20kHandout - check
PrivateSchoolBillfix - check
NoInsuranceInheritance - check (not sure why no-one mentioned it, but Jordan M.G. put up one on this site earlier - and i never saw it till today)
NoRetirementPay (yes, i know i could just make them quit, but i want the retirement memory)
Edited to check off NoInsurance for Elders Death
Last Edit: 2008 April 23, 18:56:19 by GayJohnScarritt
[11:18] Pescado: GJS manages to appear smart and knowledgeable, even though he wasn't really..
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Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #32 on:
2008 April 11, 14:25:53 »
Quote from: tngrspacecadet on 2008 April 11, 09:45:20
I used to use Monique's computer for bank loans. That way a penniless sim only had to buy a computer to have access to internet banking. I found the interest added on was sufficient to ensure the money got repaid asap. (As Monique is inactive I see there are 2 different updates of this computer for FT but there is no internet banking in the one, I have not looked at the other yet.)
Chaavik's has it. As far as I can remember, Chaavik's is the most like Monique's original and also allows for studying of the new badges (that's how Mystery Bleu got her gold sewing badge and is now torturing the youngest two by making them wear handmade godawful clothes). I haven't used the loan functions, but I know they are there. Online bill pay is definitely working, as are private school fees.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #33 on:
2008 April 29, 06:28:51 »
Sorry if this is an extremely stupid question, but... Why should it cost the Sims money to go to university? It isn't like that in real life.
EDIT: Nevermind, turns out it does in the US.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #34 on:
2008 April 29, 07:32:26 »
Quote from: Tsarina on 2008 April 29, 06:28:51
Sorry if this is an extremely stupid question, but... Why should it cost the Sims money to go to university? It isn't like that in real life.
EDIT: Nevermind, turns out it does in the US.
It's the same anywhere, whether you prefer to have it rolled up as "taxes" or just pay for it yourself. I prefer the direct method.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1389
Lost in Middle-earth
Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #35 on:
2008 April 30, 10:08:41 »
Universities in South Africa are subsidised. Non-citizens pay significantly higher tuition fees.
I remember being very amused as a high school student, when an exchange student from Germany told me that culture should be available free of charge to all. In an ideal world yes, but in this reality someone, somewhere always has to pay.
More F than you
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #36 on:
2008 April 30, 15:06:11 »
At state schools here in the US, a resident of another state will pay a good chunk more than a state resident, too. It all makes sense. A state-line hopper loses out in the long run because a portion of their taxes are going to colleges in their state and then they are paying more for an out-of-state school. (This of course doesn't apply to private universities, where you are getting screwed at both ends regardless of where you are from).
I just started building another uni (because $20k is really expensive with my property tax scheme). First one, Renwarr College, teaches all subjects, has multiple small dorms and apartment living/small single rental homes, with a really nice quad and classrooms with skilling objects the small dorms can't hold. But it's $20k/student. Second one is Tou Laine Tech. Only teaches math and science, only has one dorm with barely-functional rooms and crappy communal showers, and has one large community lot that serves as both classrooms and bookstore. But the classrooms have career reward objects and crafting benches, and it's only $8k/yr, free for kids of the Mayor.
Last Edit: 2008 April 30, 15:15:58 by Zazazu
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Pinheaded Pissant
Posts: 1023
Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #37 on:
2008 April 30, 18:12:07 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2008 April 29, 07:32:26
Quote from: Tsarina on 2008 April 29, 06:28:51
Sorry if this is an extremely stupid question, but... Why should it cost the Sims money to go to university? It isn't like that in real life.
EDIT: Nevermind, turns out it does in the US.
It's the same anywhere, whether you prefer to have it rolled up as "taxes" or just pay for it yourself. I prefer the direct method.
On the other hand, isn't it good that people with less money can still get a good education?
I guess it's up to every person to decide what to think. But here in Denmark, university is paid through taxes.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 597
Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #38 on:
2008 April 30, 20:27:22 »
The same thing could be accomplished with tax breaks for donations to universities, for the purpose of providing scholarships (or need-based financial aid) for students with less money. This is how it works at the private uni I attended for undergrad; I certainly couldn't have afforded to otherwise. In fact, they'd probably give out more money if their donors didn't have to pay taxes for state schools, too.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465
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Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #39 on:
2008 April 30, 21:40:03 »
Quote from: jfade on 2008 March 02, 02:10:51
Notes: Foreign language strings are not overwritten with this hack, though obviously the new scholarship names will only be in English since I don't speak any other language. The rewards for the talent badges cannot be revoked due to the fact that you can't normally (that I'm aware of) lose badge points. I'm open to any other suggestions for other scholarships as well since this was ridiculously easy to make.
By not overwriting the foreign language strings, does this mean the original text is left in place to confuse us (with only the names of the scholarships changed)? Would overwriting the strings bork anything/ increase the size of the mod?
Obtuse Oaf
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Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #40 on:
2008 May 06, 10:58:55 »
Quote from: Ellatrue on 2008 April 30, 21:40:03
Quote from: jfade on 2008 March 02, 02:10:51
Notes: Foreign language strings are not overwritten with this hack, though obviously the new scholarship names will only be in English since I don't speak any other language. The rewards for the talent badges cannot be revoked due to the fact that you can't normally (that I'm aware of) lose badge points. I'm open to any other suggestions for other scholarships as well since this was ridiculously easy to make.
By not overwriting the foreign language strings, does this mean the original text is left in place to confuse us (with only the names of the scholarships changed)? Would overwriting the strings bork anything/ increase the size of the mod?
No, it just means that the original names of the scholarships are there and unchanged in all languages and the new scholarships are only in English, so if someone played in Spanish, they'd see the old scholarship stuff in Spanish and the new stuff in English.
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Terrible Twerp
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ENFP, by popular request.
Re: Testers Wanted: New College Scholarships
Reply #41 on:
2008 May 07, 23:30:43 »
Bah! Awesome! I do not understand teh SimPE, thanks for the explanation.
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