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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Romanza Ceremony, Reception + Attire (decrap issue?) on: 2023 January 05, 00:31:18
Would a sims3pack that was only recompressed work to be downloaded through the launcher or is it here where the decrap becomes necessary to remove some extra encryption?
You can't recompress an encrypted pack because the index that contains the sizes of everything in it can't be read.

Okay thanks for your respones! I ended up just downloaded store content as undecrapped package files to avoid the whole store fixes / decrap situation that I fear I am too dumb to understand. Thanks anyway to trying to help out.  Grin
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Romanza Ceremony, Reception + Attire (decrap issue?) on: 2023 January 01, 18:13:04
Recompress is mostly about repacking the file to save disk space, and doesn't materially alter any of the innards of the file. Decrapify attempts to remove the tags that prevent the content from loading in the game.

Oh okay. The reason why I got confused was as I was looking around with this whole store content issue. I can across someone who supposedly has store content as package files undecrapped which means that store fixes aren't necessary. I always assumed decrap was necessary to allow other programs to access the encrypted sims3pack file. Well, apparently just using the recompress supposedly also unlocks this without jumbling the whole file to the point where certain accessories etc go missing so no store fixes required. But I mostly here about this whole decrap and decrap store fixed when it comes to arrd store content so it did make me confused. Would a sims3pack that was only recompressed work to be downloaded through the launcher or is it here where the decrap becomes necessary to remove some extra encryption?
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Romanza Ceremony, Reception + Attire (decrap issue?) on: 2023 January 01, 13:06:40
I somehow don't think that's actually going to help in any way, but it probably won't hurt, either.

This might be unrelated but I didn't know there was a difference until just now. Whats the difference between recompressing and decrappin? Why would I do decrap over recompress when it does the same but decrap also jumbles the file and need store fixes. Why don't people just recompress instead?

4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Romanza Ceremony, Reception + Attire (decrap issue?) on: 2022 December 31, 13:36:00
I have no information about this set. Are other fences from other sets affected?

Hi! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Not that I've noticed, I see other store fences just fine. Ofc with the store fixes there are some fixed stencils of fences I dont have, but they show up as unnamed custom content as I don't have the actual pieces downloaded. (I believe these are to fix uncastable fences IIRC)?

EDIT: I know for a fact it said "success" when installed, but I can try reinstalling the sims3pack perhaps downloading from another page to see if the issue was this sims3pack. However, is it safe to do so if some parts are already installed? Or do I need to clean out any remnants of the set from the launcher and my game to avoid it kinda causing some duplicate mess?
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Romanza Ceremony, Reception + Attire (decrap issue?) on: 2022 December 31, 01:33:14
Hello, it's me again.

I downloaded this sims3pack by sailing the seven seas. Of course, that meant that I had to decrap the file before I could install it. I just noticed recently, that the fence "festive fencing" from the pack is not in my game. I got a bit suspicious, basically looked to see it any other item was missing from the pack, but no, they're all there except this random fence. I assume this is probably caused by the decrap process since it has a tendency to require certain store fixes to fix missing elements and whatever.

Just wanted to confirm if anyone else who pirated this (or got it officially if it's a set issue) also has this particular fence missing. (I'm specifically asking regarding the full set "Romanza Ceremony, Reception + Attire. Not necessarily the Romanza Ceremony + Attire OR Romanza Ceremony + Reception). However, if people with those sets also have this issue when pirated, feel free to comment.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Has anyone looked into trying to fix the store content bunk beds? on: 2022 August 30, 16:51:57
Im kinda trash at coding and whatnot so the possibility that I would even be possible to fix them is between 0 and minus and infinity. Hence, might ask here since these forums basically created the standard store fixes that are used today.

I guess a lot of people already know that the store bunk beds act very weirdly. Both the double bed and only top bunk act weird, they create like a copy of itself in the same place when reloading a save, and the top bunk version seems to be more like an afterthought than intended cause they have no name or description only a price tag in the catalogue.

Has anyone attempted to find a solution to this before, whether it was proven impossible or not.

Also not sure if this is all bunk beds but seems like it, at least the hideaway bunkbed and the one from the futuristic set.
7  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / "Break up" between teen and adult, it wont crash my game right? on: 2022 August 17, 21:06:30
So Ive got pedophilia off, nothing I really want in my game. I still see the break up option such as "break up text" between my teen sim and the partner who grew up into an adult. While the romantic interactions are off, the break up option is available. Will it be considered like a romantic interaction between a teen and adult and crash my game or was it left available with intention?

8  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Is awesomemod compatible with steam 1.67? on: 2022 July 26, 08:31:11
In theory, there was nothing actually changed in the Steam version, so yes. However, I obviously do not have the Steam version to test it with.

Thanks for your response. I just found this while searching around (on the nraas forums this time), does it seem plausible?

"There are no game related issues caused by the core version mismatch provided you are actually on 1.66, 1.67, or 1.69 and using a Core Mod designed for any of these. It doesn't matter whether you are running 1.67 (Origin/disc), 1.67 (Steam), or 1.69, the game files are exactly the same except for the final build number which is what the mismatch error is reporting on.

The Feb 2017 update to Awesome was indeed for 1.69 compatibility, all it does is get rid of the core version mismatch error for those on that patch. I don't think the same was ever done for the Steam version.

As long as you are certain that you are not really running a Core Mod designed for an earlier than 1.66 patch level (so that's 1.63 and prior), it is safe to dismiss the version mismatch warning and play on. The tricky part is that when the game minimizes to the task bar instead of displaying the error, some players find that they have no way to bring it back up again and dismiss the warning so the mod becomes unusable for them."

The post was from 2017 so not sure how valid it is (if it is)
9  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Is awesomemod compatible with steam 1.67? on: 2022 July 22, 21:14:53
Hello, its me again!  Wink

This is something I never really realized until I stumbled upon a post from a few years ago which mentioned that the mod wasnt technically compatible with steam 1.67. Since I play using steam this kinda interested me. I've been using the mod and it seems like the mod works (I can use commands like "backtowork" and options I put in the manual config seem to take effect such as the fulfill wishes without locking etc) I mean I've been here asking questions for a while now which I wouldnt do if the mod didnt have some effect. I was just wondering perhaps there is a mismatch and it is causing issues that I dont realize. The posts that I found werent 100% clear some said it wasn't compatible and some said there is technically a mismatch but since disc, steam, origin work similarly and any warning can be avoided.

What is the truth?
10  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2022 June 12, 10:04:44
Are you using previous gigs that were on the buffer, or are you looking at newly-generated ones post-update?

Newly generated ones, but I forgot to try in a new save. I'mma go and do that as well to make sure. Thanks!
11  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2022 June 11, 11:43:27
Uploaded new version, MAYBE resolves your weird renovation payout issue. Dunno anything about the fridge issue.

I gave the new version a try. So far I didn't notice that the budget showed correctly. However, you don't experience this bug? In that case, if you feel inclined to, if you would be able to share your config settings. So far I don't know what causes this issue, but some people seem to experience it from my research whereas others don't so just tryna track it down.
12  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2022 June 09, 21:16:05
Resets aren't technically script errors, a reset is something the game does on its own, that various scripts trying to catch script errors will log. Why your fridges are being reset, I don't know.

Oh but the little notification in the corner is from awesomemod or not?  When I googled people mentioned something about it being the awesomemod fixing something with a forced reset but I might have completely misunderstood everything.
13  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2022 June 09, 08:43:02
Uploaded new version, MAYBE resolves your weird renovation payout issue. Dunno anything about the fridge issue.

Oh I kinda forgot about that. I turned off the acceptnokewianbased thing and opened a new save and forgot to see whether it affected the weird number appearing or not.

seems to only happen the first few sim mins upon opening a save. I'm gonna ask around and see if anyone else experienced anything similar. The only mod I have impacting fridges is ani's no fridge shopping but conflict checker dont mention any possible conflicts. Not sure why fridges though. I assume maybe some sims are using fridges while I save and quit and something loads weirdly when opening the save again. Apparently thats what happens with regards to the usual 1-2 scripterror when opening a save again.

Thank you so much btw I'll give the new version of awesomemod a try.
14  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2022 June 08, 22:29:55
Apparently it's common, I guess, since I didn't edit anything that would reset fridges.

Thank you for your response. These reset exceptions I can ignore? It only happens at the start of each play session never while playing. Have you experienced these before?
15  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2022 June 08, 09:58:26
Not sure if this fits here but saw someone else ask this. I frequently get the "fridge: reset exception was thrown" thingy. Particulalrly at the start of the play session. It said it was a forced reset but since it is happening so frequently for me, am I doing something wrong? Or is it common to get a forced reset of some fridges when loading up a save?
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Roaring heights festival lot download? on: 2022 June 03, 08:30:27
Man, I definitely remember there was some trick to downloading from the Exchange as a Pirate Cat, but I can't remember what it was.

Didn't even know that was possible, but found a tutorial online so thank you!
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Roaring heights festival lot download? on: 2022 June 01, 00:34:12

I don't have an official copy of sims 3 hence cant download the lots from the exchange. So far I found all of the festival lots online for download. Except for the roaring heights one which on MATY the link has been removed for that festival lot. Anyone know where I can find another link to download roaring heights festival lot?
18  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Just trying to track down a bug in my game. on: 2022 May 28, 14:39:41
I have nokewianbasedsubstitute turned on, I'll run a test game and see if it happens to me. Nothing like that ever has but it's been a long time since I played that career. It may be a day or two, I'm busy today, but I'm happy to double check.

Thank you so much! That would be highly appreciated. Basically the issue Im experiencing so that there is no confusion, is when you get opportunities in mapview and pressing the icon gives the options to accept the work opportunity which brings a popup basically stating what needs to be done, budget and reward etc. However, this budget will show like 1,203,3493,3039 simoleons. Though once you get to work in buy mode on the house the correct budget appears so its mostly a visual glitch which is a bit annoying but .. in worst case I'll live with it.
19  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Just trying to track down a bug in my game. on: 2022 May 26, 15:33:37
Do you mean the career that lets you design rooms in houses?

Yes exactly. It shows a budget of like 2.0000000 on the popup when you get the option to accept a job. Im not saying its caused by awesomemod but tryna track down the issue, and just wondered if people who have the nokewianbasedsubstitute on experience this issue too.
20  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Just trying to track down a bug in my game. on: 2022 May 25, 17:41:27
So the issue I'm trying to track down regards the architect career and that the popup will show the wrong budget (showing like trillions of simoleons) but once you build its the real budget so no issue there but just minor annoyance. I have turned on the acceptnosubstitute thingy in the config which makes quality of items impact scoring. Does anyone know if that options could cause this bug? If someone else experienced something similar. I dont have access to my computer atm so thought might as well ask so that in case its responsible that I could just fix that once I get access again.
21  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: How well does the neighborhood pet adoption work with awesomemod installed? on: 2022 April 20, 21:31:22
I run both. I don't run a 'buy a pet' shop, I use the phone and get a choice of 6-8 animals. These can be completely modified in pet CAS so it doesn't really matter what you get. In NRAAS you can set max numbers of roaming animals in the hood, and say no to pets on community lots. I rarely see any pets other than the ones belonging to the active family.

Thanks for your response! thats what I do now when I want a pet I use the shelter option since I otherwise have neighborhood pet adoption unavailable. So it becomes a game of checking every few days to see if they got a pure bred dog or just another mutt (I think the chance is like 20% to be a pure bred dog/cat/horse in the shelter option).

However, my issue is when I use awesomemod storydriver no one seems to have pets adopted to their families so it gets a bit boring being the only family with a pet during the dog meetup etc Tongue I could add manually but would get tedious so considering making neighborhood pet adoption available instead since that would at least force the game to spawn pets in families every now and then.
22  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: How well does the neighborhood pet adoption work with awesomemod installed? on: 2022 April 20, 21:25:41
I don't see how it would cause any issues, so should be fine.

Thanks! I'll give it a try. Btw, are families using the awesomemod storydriver supposed to adopt pets? cause I don't think any of the families in my town has any pets tbf.
23  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / How well does the neighborhood pet adoption work with awesomemod installed? on: 2022 April 18, 11:59:58
I noticed that no one really adopts pets with the awesomemod story driver (unless I've ticked some option somewhere), hence considering to enable the neighborhoodpet adoption in overwatch in order to cause more adoptions of pets in the neighboorhood. I turned it off previously due to people mentioning a lot of bugs and issues with the pet adoption feature.

So the question is, does it work well with awesomemod installed I noticed that the mod cleaned up some parts of the neighboorhod pet adoption system by reading the manual. Is it worth to put it on or will it still cause a bunch of issues and bugs, or even maybe get my neighborhoods run over with pets?
24  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Make sacred/track radar not working all of a sudden on: 2022 April 10, 16:19:53
Oh wow. Bless you kind stranger! Perfect I'll have a look! Boat neighborhood I assume means isla paralagso? But from what I take it doesn't prevent sims from randomly spawning boats to path over water.
I'm not a stranger, I'm tsen. Well, Pescado changed my username, but still. I'm not a stranger, I've been here for like 13 years! Anyway, I'm not clear on what effect it has on that - do they need to HAVE boats to spawn boats that way? If so, not having boats would prevent this (if you take away their boats). But if not, no, it probably has no effect.

Sorry if I've been leading you down the wrong path, I've just been trying things I usually try when my game breaks.

"To verify that your trait loaded successfully, use the "traitinfo" console command to see if data could be brought up." - from 'creating custom traits'.
For the record, I was using that exact document as a source since I have it from you in your TS3 director's cut. Tongue

Thanks for your help! Ive been MIA for a bit due to not having access to my computer for the game. I still kinda confused regarding the whole boat thing tbh I guess it dont really matter and I should try to start a world in order to experiment. Like does it refer to the boat taxis or like npc using randomly generated boats to path, cause I honestly dont remember getting free boats.

I'm new to this forum unfortunately so I assume Im the stranger and that means everyone else is a stranger to me Tongue But I appreciate that there are friendly souls helping out other people here. I managed to figure out my issue thankfully though with the chosen thing. I was being stupid at the end of the day, you need to remove the trait cap apparently which I didn't realize.

Are you 100% sure that story progression is turned off in NRAAS?

Are you testing in a brand new world?

I also run the patch for after version 1.67, for the game before Origin, just in case any files have become corrupt. If you play through STEAM, don't do that, I don't know what version 1.69 does.
PROBABLY none of those things should matter, excepting possibly the last one: If you have the steam version, definitely don't use the steam version, since it may or may not change something awesomemod needs, like potentially how traits are defined or something like that.
25  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Make sacred/track radar not working all of a sudden on: 2022 January 23, 01:09:07
Just a question btw if you happen to know. When I typ showconfig an option appear that you can't alter in the configuration file from the awesomemod website. Namely "no free boat". You cant change it yourself in the config file from here, but I'd like to have it permnanently as false (if I understood what it means correctly) cause I do have issues with random townies trying to path through waters but it kinda fudges up most of the time.
It may simply be unimplemented/unfinished and I've asked about it already, so I'll let you know if I hear back, but, in principle, you should be able to add the option to the internal XML file in aweconf.package, if you know how to do that.

Update: Pescado says that it is implemented, and that what it does is stops free boats from spawning in sim inventories so they have to pay for them properly. He doesn't seem to recall why it's not in the config tool.

Update update:
17:40 <@Pescado> Okay, there, I fixed it.
17:40 <@Pescado> The server didn't have the latest aweconf file so the page script wasn't
                 listing it.
17:41 <@Pescado> The config option made it so sims don't get free boats outside of the
                 Boat World.
17:41 <@Pescado> Default game, apparently, gave every sim, everywhere, regardless, a free
                 boat that they didn't need.
17:42 <@Pescado> AwesomeMod changes that so they only receive the boat in the boat
                 Neighborhood, because that's the boat world.

Oh wow. Bless you kind stranger! Perfect I'll have a look! Boat neighborhood I assume means isla paralagso? But from what I take it doesn't prevent sims from randomly spawning boats to path over water.
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