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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 30th August 2013 (1.55)
on: 2014 January 05, 03:39:02
I got the necro warning, but I'm posting anyway because of the popularity of these mods. If I do wrong, I'm sure you all won't hesitate to tell me so.
Rubyelf: I had the same problems with Anach's mods interfering with the future portal, and so far I've ruled out:
Burglar Tweaks CAS Details Children Train Sim Fix Fires Genie Tweak IceCream Truck fix Medical Panic Child fix Newspaper Tweaks No Annoying Music No Auto Pet Wake Up Party Tweaks Reaction Remover Vampire Tweaks
At least those are the ones I'm running right now and I'm able to use the portal. This is just for anyone's information. I'm not planning on doing more testing to find out specifics.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here
on: 2013 March 23, 01:44:46
Well hmm. You were right, Madame Mim, about CAS. The butler disappeared after I tried to edit him. I tried a couple more things, just for anyone's information: 1) Took a roommate sim, edited her in CAS to what I wanted, then added her to the butler service pool with mastercontroller->service. She never did show up when I called for the butler though, the game just kept generating new butlers instead. 2) I kept the original butler and age him up to elder, then change his clothes to something more comfortable to simulate a "house father" rather than mother. But I couldn't get him to age up using cheats for the life of me. Not sure what I'm messing up there, but I just don't like a young male sim in my sorority house. For now I managed to cycle to a female butler and changed her clothes using mastercontroller->stylist. I wish she was older though. 
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Uni Life Thread
on: 2013 March 21, 00:36:59
Is anyone else having problems with the Uni Library?
First I noticed that raindrops were splashing inside the building. Then I placed a chessboard and couldn't use it because the "snow was too deep". No other environmental effects seemed to be happening though, no visible breath, no puddles and no snow accumulation. So I messed around (a lot) with the building and after I managed to delete the roof and replace it, the issues went away.
But in play testing the rebuilt library I now have sims pulling out the business presentation object thingy and giving presentations ALL THE TIME. Like 8 different sims on the lot going at once. I directed my sim to leave the lot, but all she wants to do is watch the presentations, and I keep autonomy set to low. I finally got her out of there, and I'm working on it using twallan's mastercontroller to reset the lot, but so far I'm just confused.
PS. To rum nate: I found that if you click on the barista him/herself, instead of the counter, things always work how they're supposed to. PPS. SJActress: Yes, not just in the Uni world either. My sim at home, say Jim, will click on his own assigned bed and get "Sleep in Jim's bed".
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Uni Life Thread
on: 2013 March 19, 08:36:39
My sim recently "got caught cheating" on her final exam, except she wasn't.
She didn't make a cheat sheet or look for test answers before the exam. I certainly didn't select the cheat tone from the drop-down menu during the exam. So far those are the only ways I know of to cheat. She didn't talk to anyone either, so if there's a way to cheat through socialization, it's ruled out.
She got booted from the building, has the cheated moodlet and lost all of her academic progress. Super annoying.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Requesting Help with my Uploads
on: 2013 March 15, 05:52:56
I want to share and contribute as I appreciate the lack of stupidity on this site (OMG, have you been the the EA forums lately?) but I'm having a little stupidity of my own and I hope to get some pointers. If I should just go away, that's fine, but I figured I'd try. I have two lots I uploaded in a post in the Pudding Factory. They are hyperlinked to Dropbox, but I got some feedback stating that only other Dropbox users could access the files, which I didn't expect. I tried using 7zip to compress my package files to upload directly, but they are still too large. Google suggested I mess around with the settings on 7zip, and I did, but I still can't get under the max upload size. I searched on MATY, and I understand there is a thing called the compressor tool, but it looks like that is for getting your game to run smoother and not for uploading smaller package files. Am I wrong? What is the right way to go about this? Perhaps I could simply link to the Sims 3 Exchange? Or is that frowned upon? Thanks for the help if it comes. 
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Two Firehouse Lots
on: 2013 March 15, 05:47:40
For some reason I was on a firehouse kick so here's another one. This is CC- and store-free, but uses objects from Pets, Generations and Ambitions (at least). It is a replacement for the Riverview Community Pool at 107 Industrial Drive... over by all the warehouses and business buildings.   Note: the "no cart tipping" sign pictured is not present, I removed it because it is a store item, but didn't re-take the pictures. Oh, and I should say that all I did was rebuild the lot that was there. So the aesthetic and construction is mostly EA's work, not mine. Riverview is possibly my favorite town and I've been updating a lot of the community lots to jive with the expansions. Any notes or comments are welcome. I hope you are able to see this pictures this time! Download from Dropbox
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
on: 2013 March 13, 06:33:25
Is it possible for Awesomemod to change the way Seasons and University work together? I hate that when I go to university it's a different time of year than when I left home and vice versa. I could use the weather objects to rectify this, but I wonder if it could be made automatic? Thanks.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Uni Life Thread
on: 2013 March 12, 20:56:31
Does anyone have a problem with some of the community lots in the university world having the name "Community Lot" and being categorized as "No Visitors Allowed?" Also, some of the drinks I order from the barista, my sim pays for it, grabs it, and then does the motion like they are putting it in their pocket. The thing is, it doesn't go into their inventory, it just disappears. So, I pay for a drink, but I don't actually get to drink it.
Yes, I've had this problem. It only happens sometimes, but when it happens, the sim can order 5 things in a row and it will happen every time.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Uni Life Thread
on: 2013 March 09, 19:09:31
I was also annoyed about the dirty and broken stuff in my dorms. I ended up hiring a maid and consider the cost as part of "tuition and fees". After all, dorms are not free in real university (in the states, at least). I used nraas debug to add the unbreakable upgrade to everything else. The roommates do at least seem to have better AI than Sims 2, but I was annoyed during the term I had a sim at Uni and friends started sharing a double bed with her until I moved the other bed in the room to another and locked the door. Or basically roomies playing a shuffle game when it came to which bed they slept in. It seems as though setting a bed owner means little, though perhaps we're supposed to assign every bed available.
I had random roomies sleeping in my sim's single bed! So annoying. So I assigned everyone a bed, locked all the doors according to each assigned bed and haven't had the issue since. The only problem I noticed with locked doors is firemen. I started a fire in one of the dorms and got a notice from the firefighters that they couldn't reach the flames. They actually could, but weren't able to leave the room again until I unlocked the door. *shrug*
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread
on: 2013 March 09, 04:11:27
Routing in University is awful. My sim runs to the other side of a building to enter, doubles back on sidewalks constantly, and takes an hour to get to class when it should only take 30 minutes. If a path-finding fix isn't actually possible, my apologies. I fully admit I didn't read through this whole thread since I only noticed a serious problem in University and that is so new.
Thanks for the awesomeness of Awesomemod.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / LittleBear's Creations
on: 2013 March 04, 19:43:23
A humble offering and my first post after a lot of lurking. This is a fire station community lot, complete with items to see to all motives and most skills. I tried to minimize route-failures and gridlocks, and it is play-tested. I made it to play with myself, so I didn't pay much attention to which expansion/stuff packs I was using; I have all expansions plus Fast Lane and Town Life. I also used at least one store item (the outdoor shower) but I understand that the game will fix any discrepancies in that regard. If that isn't the case and there's interest, I will happily try to fix and re-upload. On another note, I'm interested in expanding my friend count. I think my one friend is getting sick of getting gifts from me twice a day.  I'd rather not post this request on the Sims 3 forums, for obvious reasons, so if anyone wants another friend please send me a pm!    Download Here