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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread
on: 2013 July 05, 11:46:20
AM's smarter vehicle chooser is definitely causing Sims to use boats as cars which is unfortunate. It is definitely NOT causing the sound issue though since I just played without it and the sound issue was still very much present in IP.
Have you started a new game without awesomemod or just continued the one you started before, when awesomemod was installed? Removing awesommod does not cure an already borked save, you have to start a fresh game without it.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 August 24, 21:22:36
And am I really expected to read through every page in this thread?
Absolutely! This is how Internet works mate. If you want free information you do a search and read through your finds. Information is valuable, it takes time to find it, it takes time to type it for you in a language that you would understand. Plenty of people make a living out of searching for info and presenting it in easy to read form. Nobody here owes you any favors and people here are not nice. So read MOAR!
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 August 21, 17:30:45
Non-playable sims fail to be pushed to work if they happen to be holding a baby or a toddler when the push comes. Push message displays repeatedly, they go to home lot with a toddler and stand there because there is nobody else to leave it with. That is a big improvement on EAs "disappearing kids" behavior but hurts their work performance. Could you make them to hire a babysitter?
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 August 15, 19:11:19
This is what happened the next day after broken links were removed (before you fixed it). He-he.  Marriage PostMortem indeed  I'll try fixed version now. Right. The previous version in which the screenshot was made and "bad" links removed by fixromances was actually really fixing things. Because I never used to get those marriage links after death and this appeared only after they remarried after death and fixromances. You did fix the removal of postmortem marriage info. Message now says that nothing wrong was found. But as I understand now, it never worked correctly in the first place. I specifically tested now that it applies to both AS driver townie marriages and player sims made in CAS and married in game: after death siblings have broken links in family tree and spouses do not show their dead half at all. Tested in the same game I sent you with the awesomemod redownloaded today after your post.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 August 12, 11:51:54
I have never seen households split other than through marriage. When they have money in the beginning they move to a bigger house straight away and struggle with the bills, then downsize. That is because the usual motivations for being able to split a house are rarely met. In order for a house to split, it has to consist of at least two fambly units. A sim that splits off will take its spouse, and non-adult children with it. The original fambly must have enough funds to support purchasing an appropriate house, otherwise, for obvious reasons, they can't do it. To motivate the desire to do so in the first place, the presently existing house must have become inadequate. This is tricky to arrange, as they wouldn't have moved into the house in the first place if it was inadequate to start, so the only event that can cause a house to suddenly become inadequate is 0s growing up to become 6ses, or the player sabotaging the house. I understand your rules and I agree that they are reasonable. My problem is with realism. Newlyweds would never move in with parents in the first place if one of them already owns a house for himself/herself. And when two family units are living in a mansion I don't necessarily want them to split as soon as they can afford another house. They are most likely a married heir with kids waiting to inherit and grandparents looking after kids for free.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 August 12, 08:34:22
I restart default Sunset Valley + cribs test hood for every announced build. Jared Frio married a different girl every time and without failure moved in with her family into most crowded houses there are: Bunch, Langerak, Single Moms. Steel sold his nice house to move in with Blair into student's shared house, whatever it's called, by the pool. This doesn't really matter. They don't lose any funds doing tihs, and there is a subsequent event that fires to split them off and move them into their own place. Just let them work it out on their own, they will. Once they are *IN* that house, which, incidentally, is required to have enough space, so it must clearly have enough space, they will feel the population pressure and then move out since selling the other house makes them have money. Oh yes, they do lose money to the point that they can't actually move out. Because once they move in, their cash is shared between all residents and starts depleting to feed/house bride's younger siblings and unemployed parents or roomies. When they try to move out they have to purchase a house with cash, which is now divided by about 3 (in the case of Bunch family: 7 residents - two moving out) and that is not enough for a starter home not alone for a bigger house that was left behind. And in case of Frio brothers the house was not actually sold. The other brother was left there, so Jared Frio moved out with a bit over a thousand in cash to join Bunch making it 7 residents so nobody can move out because they were poor at that point (he married the youngest daughter - Darlene and all the others were still in the house). Steel can't buy his house back for the same reason: he has to share his cash with all other young adults -roomies of his bride. In a generation of Sunset Valley only 1 (ONE) family moved to a bigger house because they were better off. The rest of the moves were into smaller houses, whether to downsize and cash in or to make room for homeless moving in. I have never seen households split other than through marriage. When they have money in the beginning they move to a bigger house straight away and struggle with the bills, then downsize.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 August 11, 23:01:59
I have babies in my hood now, thank you J.M.
Marriage move in choices annoy me to the point that I have to go to Edit Town after seeing every other story popup. I restart default Sunset Valley + cribs test hood for every announced build. Jared Frio married a different girl every time and without failure moved in with her family into most crowded houses there are: Bunch, Langerak, Single Moms. Steel sold his nice house to move in with Blair into student's shared house, whatever it's called, by the pool.
Suggestion: can you please code separate rules for marriage move in? One of which should be "Choose more expensive house only if there are 3 people or less living there (including marriage victim), otherwise choose less crowded house". This way ancestral homes will preserve at least one heir and get rid of the rest of the spawns and Single men moderately well off could get a bride to come to live in their house.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 August 09, 08:42:46
I liked it the way pre-beta version of awesomestory handled spawns. If there was a crib you had a message that "SimA was pollinated by SimB". If there was'n room/crib you had a message "SimA and SimB are unable to spawn at this time". Then I could go and have a look why and add a crib if I want/think it makes sence. Can we have attempted spawn messages back please? Maybe as an optional feature? I like to be awere of the whole town and build a "Town story" in my head as opposed to "Family Story".
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 August 07, 20:08:43
Added cribs around town and still no autonomous pregnancies in my town either.
Same story here. I played new hood edited to have empty beds and cribs in most houses for a generation. Not a single pregnancy except for premade. Married couples seem to move to a more crowded house every time despite available room in groom's house. Ex-spouses of the sims my flirty sim asked to break up never move out nor kick out their cheating halves. When ex-spouse remarries she brings her husband to live in ex-husband's house as well. Lovely!!! When first marriage happened and new wife sold her house to move in with husband and his parents it was all right, the bigger house wins I presume (although IRL newlyweds would have preferred to live in their own house). New husband in question - Frio - moved from a more expensive house with only his brother left and 2 free bed-slots to a house with 3 adults (including ex-husband) and only 1 bed-slot available.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports
on: 2009 August 05, 16:18:33
1. In current build Polygamy is allowed. Some of my sims marry every day to a different person and move in with them. Abandoned spouses still count themselves married to the polygamist. This bug is not dependent on gender. I've got both multiple wives and multiple husbands situations. If it is a feature I would like it optional please.
2. In current build spawns did not happen so far (about 6 hours of gameplay). Not even attempts are reported, unlike in previous build : "SimA and SimB are unable to spawn at this time". This message never happens.
3. For some reason Mortimer Goth moved in with Bunch(!!!) after marrying Darlene. All other siblings were still there. Granted there is a second double bed, but Goth Manor has more beds for future breeding. Does your cod check for sanity?
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Using Aging Off/Story Mode Off - game takes 18 minutes to save
on: 2009 July 08, 08:08:59
No tabbing out.
The size of the save file is about 63 Mb. I tried to load "no story mode" save and switch the story mode back on, aging on. I played for two sim days on fast forward without switching households and saved under different name. The save took the same 15 minutes as before.
It seems that once you play for a while with story mode off your game is irreversibly borked.
My legacy game, with story mode on, is in 5th generation now, save file 35 Mb, saving time 4 mins.
A new game with all humans but my chosen 12 dead, six new houses built (all the rest are still present as on startup, except empty now) but never unpaused saved in 2 seconds.
Edit: It seems to me not the stuff so much as sims with all their traits and relationships that cause the game to bloat. Especially homeless and NPCs. I'll try to play a post apocalypse scenario (in empty hood and story mode off, no jobs, no maids) and report later.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Using Aging Off/Story Mode Off - game takes 18 minutes to save
on: 2009 July 07, 09:54:45
I play with story mode off and Aging on, but TS2Aging enabled and I have the same problem. My condolences to you. Thankfully my game does not crash so I save only when I am done for today. Killing all NPCs did improve saving times somewhat (to about 12 mins from 20) and keeping sims' inventories (fridges, bookcases etc.) at minimum helps a bit too.
The moment I switch story mode on saving improves dramatically. One assumes that with story mode on only sacred households are actually saved and the rest are simply reset when with the story mode off everything is saved in detail. Am I right Mr.Pescado?
on: 2009 June 15, 08:55:02
I had my first CTD on startup yesterday and for me it is not random at all.
You see, through all the versions of Awesomemod I NEVER bothered to remove retail DVD out of the drive or dismount reloaded iso before that. I always deleted cash files (and if I don't it would crash even with DVD in). Yesterday I needed my DVD drive for something else and decided to test nocd feature of awesomemod. And without DVD in the drive the game almost never boots no matter how much woodoo debugging suggested in this thread I perform. In fact, without DVD in I managed to load retail version (patched) just once.
I hope it might help to reproduce the issue.
Edited for typo.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds
on: 2009 May 29, 12:22:30
I haven't experienced it yet because my sims live on empty lots and never actually stay home, but sims with the "Brave" trait can apparently be mighty warriors and will fight the burglars, fires, and whatnot, instead of screaming like neurotic idiots that in my family, we would shoot.
That's the description we are given, but it is vague at best. I think more testing needs to be done. The sim I got robbed with had the brave trait. I intentionally put that trait in (along with getting him a law enforcement career) to maximize my chances of actually seeing the sim fight the burglar because that is precisely what I want to happen. I don't know if the neighbor hadn't come would my sim then be able to fight the burglar himself, but as far as I've seen there are no interactions available on the burglar for me to click. So either: 1) That the action is autonomous, but since in my situation it was interrupted (someone got to the burglar first) it failed. 2) Brave trait is borked. 3) It only works on sims you do not control. and I guess those are all possibilities? In my family dad fights the burglar every time (3 so far) autonomously. He has no brave trait. Mom has the brave trait but I command her to phone the police as soon as I hear "burglar announcement music".
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds
on: 2009 May 28, 18:14:11
Annoying bug with a wedding party. Possibly even fatal if it is reproducible (I will try to reproduce it tonight). My sim had a wedding party to marry an NPC (a magician) at the beach. During the exchange of the rings everybody swarmed to cheer and a number of guests (5 or 6) got STUCK throwing rice (interaction: react to the wedding, Dad was doing the same but thanks God snapped out of it). 24 hrs later they were still there stuck (and throwing rice  ). One of them is required to finish an opportunity and the other is the groom's boss. I am not happy to let those two die just yet. (Former magician can phone the boss and sucking up at work increases relationship score, but the boss does not turn up if invited). I'll see if they do die and then try to reload and marry again at the beach. This happened to me too... My sim got married and had a wedding party and one of the swimming pools, one of the invited sims started throwing rice, and continued to do so for hours after, everyone left the parrty but he was still there, throwing rice... I have no idea what made him stop, but he just did and went home and said he had a great time  . Easily pleased. No such luck. Mine 5 guests are still there a week later. They don't die either. No need to reload as it seems to be a confirmed "Al-fresco wedding bug" now.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds
on: 2009 May 28, 15:41:07
For some stupid reason "testingcheatsenabled true" does not work for me (the command is accepted but no new options appear on the mailbox).
Just checking: Are you SHIFTclicking on the mailbox? And both "testingcheatsenabled true" and "testingcheatsenabled on" work. OOOOpss  Sorry, my bad. I new it is something silly like that. It works with SHIFT. Still can't reset sims from outside active family though  I am waiting for them to die now.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds
on: 2009 May 28, 14:31:26
Annoying bug with a wedding party. Possibly even fatal if it is reproducible (I will try to reproduce it tonight). My sim had a wedding party to marry an NPC (a magician) at the beach. During the exchange of the rings everybody swarmed to cheer and a number of guests (5 or 6) got STUCK throwing rice (interaction: react to the wedding, Dad was doing the same but thanks God snapped out of it). 24 hrs later they were still there stuck (and throwing rice  ). One of them is required to finish an opportunity and the other is the groom's boss. I am not happy to let those two die just yet. (Former magician can phone the boss and sucking up at work increases relationship score, but the boss does not turn up if invited). I'll see if they do die and then try to reload and marry again at the beach. For some stupid reason "testingcheatsenabled true" does not work for me (the command is accepted but no new options appear on the mailbox).