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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here
on: 2014 April 11, 12:48:07
fway tried to do Before someone bites my head off for being a newbie, I've been on the site before, I've read the posts and already looked through the WCIF and I haven't seen what I'm looking for. I've already searched the internet for it. I've been "Lurking Moar" for about two years without actually registering. So if possible, I'd really like to skip that part and get down to business, or at least skip the part where everyone yells at me for the audacity of being newly registered.
Now to the aforementioned business. This is more of a request than a WCIF, or perhaps a challenge if anyone chooses to take it as such. Is it possible to replace the standard Nectar glasses with actual wine glasses? I'm fairly certain it is, seeing as an old mod on MTS does this with the hot beverage mugs, replacing them with teacups. I'd really love to see someone do it, or if no one is willing, a few tips on how to do it myself. Maybe replacing the standard glasses with one of the drink glasses from the nightlife bars?
I'm genuinely sorry if this was mentioned somewhere else and I just missed it, but I've only ever seen that one mod like that and I'd be really interested in knowing how it's done or if it's even possible.
Okay, NOW you can bite my head off.
fway was trying to do this. I have no idea if he ever finished it. The post is at MTS:
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
on: 2014 April 09, 15:41:02
After extensive searching I'm giving up and asking about this.
Whenever I try to get my sims to interact with the Milkin' It Dairy Coral my sims show the route failure bubble and refuse to go near it.
I downloaded it from here and decrapped it. I have installed KT's fixes (which I have just updated to notouching's fixes) and the ccmerged from Nona. I've tried them in all the mentioned places just in case it made any difference. The only difference I've found is that with KT's fixes the object cost nothing, whereas now with notouching's it is displaying a proper price. All other premium content works fine.
Any ideas? Do I just need to download the thing again (I'm trying to avoid it, it's combined in a package with many other files)?
If you installed as decrapped sims3packs, you may have installation issue. Try re-installing the sims3pack. Also, try putting the fixes in your Overrides folder, if you haven't already done so.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 April 08, 07:36:50
@phoenixc, your script errors are deferencing issues and should be reported to nraas, not here.
I posted the error script seeing many bakery station... sorry. I thought it could be a faulty installation. Ok, but what about the double birthday and wedding cake in build/buy mode? I do intend to fix the double cakes when I have some time, which may not be today.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 April 05, 17:27:55
I will check it out and pop up results. I am gonna hopefully doubt it, but it's good to find a glitch.
EDIT: 5 of the 8 plants are still busted for me (strawberry, pecan, rasberry, peach, pear). The remaining three still don't work with the bakery set. Now for the Bakery Set, I tried out buying a group meal from the register. I have a single sim and all I see when looking through the menu is to purchase serving plates not group meals. Oddly when I place them from family inventory they turn into full meals. Upon trying to click these items, I only get the Browse interaction
BTW: I am running it as packages. I am gonna try placing the plants fix in the Overrides and seeing if they work out. (EDIT: Nope! no cigar at all)
Ok, I decided to sit down and give this some attention. About the Bohemian Garden harvestables: I had a similar issue in my game with these. The plants wouldn't produce new harvestables. I checked the ccmerged and it's perfectly fine, so I made the fixes I posted earlier and they worked for me. However, after reading phoenixc's comment, I tested the plants without a fix in a brand new game and the plants worked fine. I think there may be some corruption going on here. Try the plants in a fresh game and see if they work (without the fix I posted them for them). After going through about one hundred million review videos of this venue, trying to find at least ONE where people actually show some freaking gameplay and not talk for half an hour about how totally awesome and cool and sweet every single object is, I have come to the conclusion that the plates are working as EA intended. I can't be sure because my brain started to melt while watching the videos, but I did see a couple where the sim purchased from the glass display case and got a serving plate. If you click on the plate while it's in the sim's inventory, you can use the "Grab a Plate" interaction.This also works for the food that ends up in your sim's inventory. I don't really have the time or inclination to fix this so hopefully somebody else will do it. Until then, just click on it from your sim's inventory. @phoenixc, you can just ignore the bohemian garden fix.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 April 05, 11:36:34
Thanks for the reports. -- The frosting piping bag has been fixed and is now visible: (this is the same link as here, as the file has not moved) -- Fix for the Bohemian Garden Harvestables: BohemianGarden_Plants_Fixes.zipAs for this report: *snip* You are right! I had to replace my ccmerged file. The oven works fine and so does everything else but when I try to purchase items from the Baker's Bazaar, it shows empty plates and is added to family inventory. When I take the plate out of the family inventory, the only interaction i get is "Browse"  I cannot reproduce empty plates from the baker's bazaar. If your plates are empty and you're using my fix, you may have an installation issue. I have noticed the following quirks when purchasing food from the bakery lot: If you purchase food by clicking on the display case, the food is added to the sim's personal inventory, not the family inventory. If you then place this food on the lot, you can use "grab a plate" to grab a plate. If you place the food on your home lot, you can use "call household to meal" but it seems the grab a plate interaction is missing. If your household only has a single sim, you might not see this option at all. I don't know, I don't didn't test with a single sim. I think this is a coding problem, but I currently do not have time to look into it. If you purchase the food from the register, the food is placed in the family inventory. I didn't have the "Grab a plate" interaction from most of them, except one time on the bread. Again, I think this is a coding problem with the object, so it's not a fix I can whip up in 20 mins or so, but I'm not sure. What I'd like to know is: do these problems come up for people who purchased the set from the store? Also, if you install the set as package files, do you get these problems? If these problems exist for users who bought from the store as well, then it's a coding problem. If the grab a plate interaction is visible for people who installed the set as packages, it's a decrap problem. Personally, I don't have the time to test this in depth. Hopefully somebody else can and will report back.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 March 24, 12:27:07
I've noticed something peculiar that is with the food concession stands, my sim was trying to buy food and nothing happened. I thought my c-merged file was updated to the latest. I will update once again, but I was curious if there was/is an issue with the concession stands. I had him click on the attendant and the stand and nothing.
This is a problem if you're using an outdated version of KT_XMLs. At some point the fixes were separated so that the "Pet store now sells limited edition content" fix was given a separate package, because it usually needed an update for major patches. I recommend re-downloading the KT_StoreFix_Fixes and KT_XMLs. As long your ccmerged is updated, you don't need to re-download it.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 March 13, 19:38:40
To notouching: Please, can you update your fix for Grandpa including the mod that can make the corn be planted? The mod is here Or if you don't want do it, can you eliminate the corn and plant corn from key? I think you know how to "fix" the fix making the corn be planted... (sorry for my english) ... can you try? The first answer is No, because I have no doubt that EA will release another Store set that unlocks the corn and I really can't be bothered to fix something that technically isn't broken. Secondly, I don't understand what you mean by "Or if you don't want do it, can you eliminate the corn and plant corn from key?" The Grandpa's Grove fix (and the combined fix) do not contain any resources related to the corn at all. There is no reason why you shouldn't be able to use douglasveiga's temp fix alongside these store fixes.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
on: 2014 March 11, 07:18:37
I am actually confused what the premium content is exactly. I don't see anything in the collection folder that there is a premium content even in this set.
Are you talking about the Bohemian Garden set? Since you always buy your store content, maybe you could try looking at the set on the store, where EA has a big box that tells you exactly what the premium content is.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
on: 2014 March 08, 17:53:01
I've read through the thread and I don't recall anyone mentioning this; with the premium content in buy debug misc. there are two copies of everything from toy machine, glass blowing station and the baby dragon. One copy has the store icon and the other has the CC icon. Besides that they are exactly the same and the CC ones can't be deleted or anything.
I haven't installed anything more than once so I have no idea why it's like that. Has anyone seen this or heard about it? Nothing else in the catalogue is doing this even in other sections of buy debug there is only one (for example, all the new plants just released, they don't have a duplicate). This isn't doing anything to the game that I'm aware of.
Beyond that it's a bit annoying and makes that section needlessly messy and long, it's not bothering me. I just don't know if I've installed them wrong or something else is screwy.
It's because of the fixes. Maybe I'll hide the fixed version next time I update the fixes.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 February 20, 07:06:03
Download: CumulativeStoreTempFixesContains fixes for: Door of Life and Death (Grim's Manor) Power Suits (Quantum Power Pack) Grandpa's Grove Tractor Fixer Upper Car (Roaring Heights Gold) Glassblowing table (Prism Art Studio) Combine with KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes to have fixes for all of your premium content. I have not previously uploaded a fix for the quantum power pack, so if you're using the package files of the suits you can remove them and use this fix instead. This worked for me....kinda. My sim will start the project. Glass blowing or using the car. But then the sim kinda resets and stops. it's like i'd never done the interaction. Also, can anyone link me a free download for the power pack and the pet store register? I'm not sure if I got it or not when I got Into the Future and Pets, and I really want them to complete my world. That means your ccmerged is oudated, broken or otherwise blocked. Update it.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 February 13, 07:17:21
Download: CumulativeStoreTempFixesContains fixes for: Door of Life and Death (Grim's Manor) Power Suits (Quantum Power Pack) Grandpa's Grove Tractor Fixer Upper Car (Roaring Heights Gold) Glassblowing table (Prism Art Studio) Combine with KT_StoreFix_DecrapFixes to have fixes for all of your premium content. I have not previously uploaded a fix for the quantum power pack, so if you're using the package files of the suits you can remove them and use this fix instead.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 February 10, 14:22:05
So is there somewhere a CCMerged which is updated to include the premium glass bench? Not nagging, just begging! Nona's seems to be dated 6 Feb, before this thing was on the Store?
I assume you mean the glassblowing station? Yes, the Nona ccmerged is updated for that. The set was released on February 6th. The studio is also listed on the page as being included.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 February 10, 10:07:50
That CC Merged package that comes with the fixes is a bit outdated.
Is there an updated one somewhere? Yes.*snip* You have to decrap the sim3pack before extracting packages to merge. Otherwise s3pe won't read the files because the program picks up that it is a store file and you can't merge the files together. I do not run content in the launcher not even worlds. I thought everybody did it this way. *snip*
It is not necessary to decrap package files to merge them. Use s3rc only, and then the only thing you'll need is an updated ccmerged. No fixes necessary. Yes, many people do use decrapped packages but that's because they don't know better, not because it's the right way to do it.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 11.02.2013)
on: 2014 February 08, 19:29:32
The table block and the balloons are coming out fine for me. Your problem is probably from a faulty installation. If you're using decrapped sims3packs try re-installing the sims3pack and see if it helps. That CC Merged package that comes with the fixes is a bit outdated. Also did you place the CCMerged in all the right locations (overrides for packages, Packages for normal S3P/decrapped S3P, and DCBackup for all else)?
In most cases, if you use only decrapped sims3packs, there is no need to put the ccmerged anywhere other than dcbackup. But if you mix or use packages, then it has to go into overrides.