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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Game won't load on: 2010 September 01, 05:33:54
There's a link in the first fucking post of the awesomemod download thread.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Broken Resource.cfg file on: 2010 August 14, 16:06:07
That's not actually a property of the file, but in fact, just something your OS stores. It doesn't change a thing about how it functions when called by a program.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Game refuses to load: film at 11 on: 2010 August 11, 17:29:59
When you first installed, did you edit the region code? You might want to try redoing that, if so.

Also, what framework method are you using?
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Coreless AwesomeMod? on: 2010 August 11, 07:03:11
Quote from: Shadowkiller
While I am a programmer by trade, my specialty tends to be more assembly level. Having dabbled a little bit in the higher level stuff, I thought maybe I could combine the cores giving me access to both mods.

Never said I had mad computer skillz.

You're a programmer by trade but you can't manage to figure out Windows? And how long have you been unemployed, good sir?
5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2010 July 30, 08:41:19
Simius: I've never touched any of the files but reading the instructions right above your post, you're DOING IT WRONG.

Hint: look up the meaning of the word "Hex".
6  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Game freezing on: 2010 July 20, 04:13:24
Interesting, given my Twinbrook hasn't had any such school issues.
7  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: deconstructing the 1am freeze on: 2010 July 12, 06:39:54
What would it tell him?That less resource intensive is better? Pretty sure he knows that. The exact threshold is going to vary significantly by system. If he cared enough, he's probably very capable of artificially limiting his system to arbitrary settings and seeing how well it performs to offer a revised "minimum spec", but hell, we're capable of compiling that ourselves just by comparing performance.
8  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Non Random CTD on: 2010 July 09, 01:59:15
Read MOAR. They stated they made three different saves in Sunset Valley it was happening to.

However, OP, clothing, hair, lots, and sims CAN affect this sort of thing - if there's a corrupted lot it's trying to load, or a sim with a corrupted hair file, or something, it'll crash the game. Try doing a binary sort.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: EAxian Spyware And YOU! on: 2010 July 04, 22:14:21
I have EADM blocked in windows firewall for Vista and I caught it updating the download manager anyway. I suggest Vista users at least get a better firewall.
10  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2010 July 02, 19:22:19
To be fair, the poster is clearly ESL; 6 < 12 but .6 > .12 usually, because .6 > .1, so 1.6 should be a version number higher than 1.12, except EA treats them like two separate cardinal numbers instead of a single decimal number.

Anyway, the problem is that 1.6 is an older version than 1.12.
11  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2010 July 02, 07:34:50
1.12 should be the newest version. Have you made sure you applied all the patches?
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Ambitions: What's borked on: 2010 July 01, 19:35:33
Um, no. You have to collect five pieces using the harvester. This means blow up the pile, stand in the middle of a bunch of pieces, and use the harvester - if it grabs five pieces from around you in one go, you get the wish.
13  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD 4.0.87 (AMB) TEST THREAD on: 2010 June 29, 04:38:30
No, he's just that awesome, that he's able to write a mod for a game he doesn't even have. With his psychic powers.  Roll Eyes
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Collecting Issues on: 2010 June 26, 09:57:09
I'm having an issue finishing the gem collection. I read elsewhere that gems collected via the miner don't count - have we confirmed this? I've also read about a glitch in which collecting gems from a miner counts as having discovered them for everything but the skill challenge, so you can't complete the skill challenge because you already discovered them. Can this be confirmed?
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The Neverending Pause on: 2010 June 25, 04:52:58
I had one earlier. Been playing this new game three RL days, ambitions, originally vanilla; the pause happened after I added awesomemod, though it still took a while, and I only had the one. My game seems to be running slower in general, though, I ought to tweak how much background shit I've got turned on in my config.
16  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2010 June 23, 20:29:12
[...] When I click the map tag, the "Visit the Peasant-household"-option has been grayed out and the tooltip says "There's nobody home right now...". [...]

Wouldn't the tooltip say something like "Sim is out at the moment" then?

What, exactly, is the difference between "There's nobody home right now" and "Sim is out at the moment"?
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Creepy Doll in ur files messin with ur Sims3Packs on: 2010 June 22, 22:56:52
Given that it's the BBS, I would assume they're not condoning the framework at all, and therefore assume you have no Mods folder. After all, their primary audience doesn't use hacks because there aren't hacks on the exchange.
18  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: About Fragrant Error on: 2010 June 18, 15:37:02
Good enough to reproduce a word I'm staring at.
19  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Playable sim becomes married to townie when traveling to China on: 2009 December 31, 04:28:30
New updates are going into the newest version of the mod, most likely. Patch.
20  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Crash to desktop on: 2009 December 26, 05:26:55
Probably the fact that you patched your game?
21  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod breaks Sims 3 upon installation? on: 2009 December 24, 22:33:56
Busy signals still exist?!
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Marriage in Family Trees on: 2009 December 22, 00:49:26
Is Nancy the selected sim's mother? It seems to me that when you're viewing family tree, only blood relatives are shown. I may be misremembering, though, haven't had time to play lately.
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances on: 2009 December 19, 22:12:14
How lovely. I'm sure we were all waiting with baited breath for jrcaporal to come along and give us their professional opinion. It's alright everyone, you can sleep at night again, jrcaporal thinks the tool is shit.
24  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Sim canīt fish any more on: 2009 December 19, 22:03:38
I had trouble with certain sims fishing last patch - then I noticed I'd forgotten to remove a series of "more fun" mods. Sure enough, that fixed it. I think it broke on the sim that was fishing at the time, as I noticed him standing near a pond and he was the one that couldn't fish.
25  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Marriage, Baby, Death in France on: 2009 December 19, 21:12:19
Might have been in someone's custom hood.
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