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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The Sims 3 has stopped working - Windows or computer problem? on: 2012 January 04, 13:02:04
I may have some of the others named also, but not all of them. I have all eps and sps, but I did not list them all. I also use FPS-limiter. When the crashes happened for me, I first checked very thoroughly if something was up with the temperature and such, but there was no connection. As said, once I had the right file listed in DEP, they didn't happen anymore. I have a good comp and W7. Since the beginning of S3, the exe-file needs to be in DEP for it to run, without it, I get random CTD within 60 game minutes.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The Sims 3 has stopped working - Windows or computer problem? on: 2012 January 04, 00:22:19
When I changed so that the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\TS3W.exe" was the one named for DEP, then the crashes stopped.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The Sims 3 has stopped working - Windows or computer problem? on: 2012 January 03, 18:15:54
Try this:
OK I now saw that you already did that, but check so you have the right game.exe in the list, I didn't and it gave me crashes suddenly.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Merging mods to increase Performance! on: 2011 January 12, 20:17:27
The memory eating and how to solve it is discussed in this thread at S3PE-forum at Simlogical:
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances on: 2010 December 30, 19:37:00
Did you use things from Riverview or for example store stuff without having it installed? That can make it unable to open. I have very few problems with CAW now, compared to earlier versions, and EIG works very smooth. CAW crashes sometimes when searching for stuff, but not worse than you can save without corruption, and reopen the file.
Did you try and open an earlier backup-copy of this world? Maybe you can narrow down what you changed or added before it became corrupt.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances on: 2010 December 18, 01:09:14
After some annoying attempts to save different versions of the same world for export (for example different versions with stuff from only base game/expansions ect) I figured out how to do it. As this was not easy obtained info anywhere I am posting it here: Save a copy of the world in caw, name it anything, lets say Riverview-Redux. Close the world. Open with s3pe. Delete resource called WPID. Save, close. Open again with CAW, save again - of course with name, description and pic for the export. Close file. Export. Install. Rinse and repeat for as many copies of the world as you want.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: CAW and Installation of Revised World Problem on: 2010 November 13, 17:22:25
..and I think this didn't happen before. When I built my space world, a year ago, I had several versions installed, only needed different names. They did something. It's probably a conspiracy.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: CAW and Installation of Revised World Problem on: 2010 November 13, 13:41:39
I am having the same problem with new versions from Riverview Lite (with Riverview installed). Oddly enough, new versions of Sunset Valley Lite, works fine.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Ambitions and SURPRISE! - CTDs on: 2010 June 07, 08:42:20
I also had frequent CTDs on my w7-machine (with all the expansions and the stuff pack installed).  FPS-limiter was the only thing that helped, in my case. Now the game seems stable.
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Colonization 212 - A New World - Updated Jan 3 on: 2010 January 18, 17:45:07
Ellatrue, its up - download the new version here:
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: a new world, Coconut Island on: 2010 January 08, 18:14:00
It looks great! It is very interesting how you can vary the worlds with different sets of rabbitholes, and MelissaMels small ones are coming to a great use.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Colonization 212 - A New World - Updated Jan 3 on: 2010 January 07, 20:58:41
I like that idea, but was more concerned that they could go home and to work, as well as have access to the different venues on the community lots. (Almost all lots in this world are inside domes). I would experiment with no routing paint in CAW to restrict the sims, if I was aiming for that.
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Colonization 212 - A New World - Updated Jan 3 on: 2010 January 07, 19:15:18
I used the place-on-lot-technique for my first versions of the Colonization, in Sunset Valley. But they didn't satisfy me, as they demand a very big lot and restrain the building too much, I think. Thats why I used placing the domes in the world this time, which has worked out pretty well for this world. The sims only go through the dome glass if a lot is placed so that it has both a part outside and inside the dome. If its completely inside the dome, its not accessible for sims at all.

Here is a picture of one of my bunkers, taken on basement level, where the dome is visible with its basement part.
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Colonization 212 - A New World - Updated Jan 3 on: 2010 January 04, 01:18:29
I downloaded her Smiley I think she must live there, she fits in Cheesy. Well, I have played with the thought. Maybe when I have finished one or two medieval worlds, the medieval urge is now starting to remind itself. One reason I created this is that I play this hood and get my dose of modern, bright and simple, then I can happily go back to dark wood and brownish clothing Wink
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Colonization 212 - A New World on: 2010 January 03, 06:08:30
I updated to a new version, and posted two alternative versions (base game and less deco). No, I will not do color variations. This particular sim planet is blue. However, if your sims want to colonize another planet of other color, feel free to use the buildings I also posted, if you have use for them Smiley.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Colonization 212 - A New World on: 2010 January 03, 01:41:25
That would be possible. I also made a base game version, cleansed of WA items. Will be uploaded later today.
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Colonization 212 - A New World on: 2010 January 02, 15:03:39
Noting your observations. I haven't notice any problems placing stuff on lowest level, and my sims seem to go to work ok - besides some that have lots with accessibility problems which I am researching. The lot prices are experimental, the idea is to have really cheap lots for newcomers, but I will adjust these for the next version (which will be released after some extensive testing and adjustments).
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances on: 2010 January 01, 16:02:08
Just to confirm, there need to be one tile in between all lots, yes. Roads/paths can be adjacent though (thats what was discusses by other posters). Apparently routing on a lot and routing in the world around is separated. But, don't despair, the versatility of the lot sizes (total, from 1-64 tiles) makes up for this. Do try it, I think you will like it.
19  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Error codes 12 and 13 along with crashing. on: 2010 January 01, 15:31:45
I just want to add that after removing all other mods besides AM and Twallans, even some old XML ones (teach toddlers faster)  that I thought was harmless, and also the SLAM age changer and the separate WA censor remover, AND starting a completely fresh new made hood (my own) I have had no problems with error 12 and 13. And I had them bad for a while, also had the problem with saved games that didn't load. I don't know which one of these things that was the culprit, but I'd say, keep to fresh updated and synced mods and this is less likely to happen. It's called tight pants for a reason.
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances on: 2010 January 01, 15:22:19
You can place lots next to each other. Only be careful if one lot is all surrounded by other lots and the door of the house is close to the outer border, things can then block the door, or the lot can level just a little with lots moving around and THAT can block the door. This is only a problem if you work with small lots placed close together, but done with precaution and testing it is possible.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Colonization 212 - A New World on: 2009 December 31, 18:26:34
No they were not added, to keep costs down Tongue - they are really mostly needed for the active family and can easily be added. Also a wish to fulfil Wink - A question: did anyone notice if the cc kitchen I used got packed with the hood? It was launcher stuff, which I had installed in mods folder, and I am just curious if it packs up like it does with lots. The kitchen is used in the more expensive small bunker type, type 1.
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Colonization 212 - A New World on: 2009 December 31, 12:03:18
Thing is, the domes are tricky when it comes to routing. Leave them as-is, and they seem to be  not accessible. I put in these under-walks, and they are, but it looks like they walk through glass. As they live and work inside them, I want them to be able to. But if you want to you can paint around them and make them all closed off. A dome with a proper entrance would be better, of course.

About CC: I did try to not use much cc in this world, but you know how it is, it can happen anyway as I normally have a lot of it. I will see if I need to add to the list, are there any objects in particular you miss?

OK, I now found one CC set I used in one of the bunker types, Angelas Warwick kitchen from TSR:
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Colonization 212 - A New World - Updated Jan 3 on: 2009 December 31, 02:47:59
Tired of the green pastures of Sunset Valley and Riverview? Have an urge to see other planets? Come visit Colonization 212, located on a planet far away in the Simverse..

Administrative Dome. Next to it there is a bigger Residential Bunker for the Leader of the Colonization.
This simworld has a blue surface, quiet strange to sim earth inhabitants. The texture is somewhat beehivish.. maybe the planet was inhabited by some bee like creatures, once upon a time? Who knows. There is water on the planet, water with a tealish color, and also tealish mud.

Read more, see pics and download here:

Oh, and please let me know of any problems, like stuck sims or anything else
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances on: 2009 December 30, 18:13:18
The more lots, the longer the saving in EIG takes. I have had errors, because of corrupted lots. In some cases it was just a question of replacing the errored lot with a fresh copy - I always save a copy of all new built lots to library, just to be safe. But in one case that didnt help, and I deleted the lot and rebuilt it. Then the world saved ok.
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Create-A-World Tips, Tricks, and Annoyances on: 2009 December 29, 16:50:58
I like the copy-lot function i CAW, but you have to beware that not everything copies - stuff in basements seems to be deleted, and some doors/windows and special edits like windows on pool walls. What I do is that I copy the lot - its handy to see how it looks in new location. Then I replace it with a proper copy of the lot in EIG. Its also good that you can move the lots around when placed, rotate them and what not.
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