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1  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: How To Tell If Graphics Card Is Aging on: 2011 March 20, 03:26:11
Ichigo - Graphics card seizure:

2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here on: 2011 March 19, 08:08:08
My ideal was a Lotso Bear (Toy Story 3) with "You're a Keeper!" on it. Couldn't find one, didn't feel like making one. I've never received a chocolate fish, but I HAVE seen women leave stores with them; maybe they're being marketed as a Valentine for men?
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here on: 2011 March 16, 00:30:52
Not clueless, too busy to search. Could you fill in me on where else to search, because I have searched every site I know and google for .package format and the sites have them with .sims3pack. If there is a program which turns .sims3pack to .package tell me where to find it rather than offering bullsh*t as an answer.

Type what you're looking for, then Google it. That's not a bullshit answer, it's the truth. I did it. I found the exact program you're looking for. I've been using for almost a year now. You also need to 'Decrapify' the sim3packs before you can use them. That requires another program, made by the same creator.

 The MATY moderators and contributers make tutorials with links on what to do in almost every modded/patched Sims 3 related scenario. All you need to do is search and follow instructions. What are you doing that makes you so busy that you can't type your issue and click on a search button? Why are there so many of you asking the same type of questions, and what justifies you to be a jerk about it? 

(I apologize moderators, if this is the wrong place to post this.)

4  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Gypsy matchmaker broken (more than usual) on: 2010 August 18, 03:58:07
Try dumping NeighborhoodManager.package.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: New peggy hairs. They doesn't replace anything on: 2009 August 08, 12:09:39
They all look like Southern US hairstyles to me. I could never use them...I have really thin, slick hair which is even worse since I suffered some follicle damage in a fire seven years ago. Those things would hurt like hell. Most barrettes just fall right through.

I live in the Southern US and I don't see hairstyles like that on a normal basis. My sister occasionally teases her hair to get it to bump a little bit, but my hair is too thin to make them work right and teasing my hair causes too much damage.

I'm with you on that one. Grew up in the Live Oak (San Antonio) neighborhood of Texas. We saw a LOT of bumps for anything involving the football teams. Pep rallies, cheerleaders, games, etc. Anything involving pageants, beauty contests, or floats also brought out the helmet headed femmes. Other than that, I didn't really see teased hair aside from older women like my grandmother; who kept her hair cut relatively short, curled it all over, and teased the curls out to make a much softer, more realistic hairstyle.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: New peggy hairs. They doesn't replace anything on: 2009 August 05, 11:46:45
Haven't you heard? TEH BOOMP is the New Thing.
Don't forget.. we're all really in a beauty pageant every day of the week, whether we're poolside (and not wet) or grocery shopping!

i have the hair on the left in my game and it looks awful and i cant believe they are charging for that crap. the rest look just like giant wigs. lol
7  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Altering "NPC - Put outfit on me"... Where would I find it? on: 2009 August 03, 11:10:03
Will do, seelindarun. And nope, I don't have AL. Still, it's possible she'd have some information for me.
8  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Altering "NPC - Put outfit on me"... Where would I find it? on: 2009 July 23, 05:37:48
It looks to me like you're comparing apples and oranges.

In the first screencap, you're looking at the wrong BHAV.  You need to find the "Function - Init" BHAV.  Scroll down. 
I don't think I've ever found any object in the game that didn't have that BHAV; I just don't know what it looks like for the gypsy because I've never modded her.

In the second screencap, that doesn't look like an NPC at all.  If your proposed gypsy is still in CAS or just a regular sim that you haven't converted to an NPC yet, none of this is going to work.

Okay, thanks. I saw the "Can I change?" and thought I had the right one. I see Function - Init on her now. And the second screen was a CAS sim that I converted to NPC, called up, and used. She performs normally, but doesn't retain her chosen clothing.

What step in "make an NPC" have I missed? I set her NPC Type number, her GUID under OBJD.. booted the game to call her to a house (through Services) and see if she was working properly.
If I can't figure this out, I'll just leave her be and move on to checking out the other NPCs and see if they're missing all that, too.
9  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Altering "NPC - Put outfit on me"... Where would I find it? on: 2009 July 20, 22:27:19
Hey, seelindarun. I'm thinking I may be going the wrong way 'round to find the function. I'll boot up and take a screenshot. Could you let me know your path to the function?

Trying to alter a CAS-Gypsy to keep the outfit I chose for her, rather than the standard wear.

Edit: Okay, clearly there's something more I should be doing before attempting to stomp on their need to change into their uniforms.
Here's what I get when I go to an old neighborhood's game-Gypsy: Bhav
And here's what I get when I go to the constructed neighborhood's CAS-Gypsy: Bhav
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: New peggy hairs. They doesn't replace anything on: 2009 July 19, 05:03:46
Gadwin. Gadwin is your friend.

Here's some screenshots with the two pay hairs from CAS with an EAxis sim (an adoptable child one who grew into a teen recently). Please pardon the darkness as these were shot with the in-game camera; I really need to download a screen-grabbing program (because screen-grabbing with shitty Windows is even darker).
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Altering "NPC - Put outfit on me"... Where would I find it? on: 2009 July 16, 08:24:39
From somewhere in the depths of MTS2 - found via search:
You can stop the reversion for an individual NPC using SimPE. In order to do this, open the character file ( ex. N001_User00071.package), and in the behavior function "Function - Init: behavior function", there is a line "NPC- Put NPC outfit on me". Bypass that command by redirecting the line that points to it the the line that "NPC- Put NPC outfit on me" points to. For example, if "NPC- Put NPC outfit on me" is line A and has 2/2 for its true/false targets, make the line that points to A point to line 2. This will make more sense when you are looking at the code. You could also do the redirect a little sooner if you want to be more efficient. The problem with this is the sheer number of NPC's in the game.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but when I open the package, open Function, open Init... I don't see anything like that.
12  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09 on: 2009 May 16, 17:50:23
Chobeegal: Does that whole mash of curtain, tub, and college shower work out? I mean, is it usable? Because I'm looking to recreate our new bunker in Sims, but the only way I can recreate our tub setup is something along those lines.
13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Magic Wand question on: 2009 May 02, 16:03:10
Glad you found it, nanacaek. I had the same issue when I first looked for it.
14  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09 on: 2009 May 02, 16:01:09
It's probably breaking the sprit of the rule, but this isn't a contest. It's a challenge, so if you feel like breaking it we can't stop you.

Hey jesslla.. whassa "sprit"?
A sprit is spitting while stretching into sexual positions.

How do you not know that?!

Simple. I HAS NAWT Assylike encyclopedic knowledge of teh beds.
One can only hope I learn her ways.
15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Magic Wand question on: 2009 May 02, 09:38:36
I can't find the magic wand. It's not coming up in collections. I have ep up to BV.

Are you looking in Collections in BUILD mode?
It looks like a box. Similar to the Stuck Object Remover.
16  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09 on: 2009 May 02, 09:17:52
It's probably breaking the sprit of the rule, but this isn't a contest. It's a challenge, so if you feel like breaking it we can't stop you.

Hey jesslla.. whassa "sprit"?
17  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: EAxis house of Phail: April 09 on: 2009 April 30, 07:16:35
Nabbed pentabet's duplex and ciane, DO WANT. The house is nice, clean, and looks like the kind of place I'd like to live in.
18  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: can't sell or hang painting on: 2009 April 28, 05:44:29
I've had the issue with ONE painting on one easel. Ripped out my CC folder, dumped the old copy of the 'hood, and dropped an "empty-but-for-borked-easel" lot into a new 'hood. Miraculously, painting became unstuck from easel. idea what did it. Never happened to me again.
19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Magic Wand question on: 2009 April 24, 01:31:44
I understand the fixing of bugged items would be the result in changed lotprice in this instance. Is it true paintings go up in value once the painter dies?
20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Magic Wand question on: 2009 April 21, 09:09:12
Can I point and laugh anyway?  Tongue
Doubly, since I thought I had to wave it around the lot.
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Magic Wand question on: 2009 April 20, 23:25:03
 Cheesy Well, you know how the PSA goes...

22  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Magic Wand question on: 2009 April 20, 23:08:26
I had the same questions.

When in Build Mode (I do it before moving anyone in) go to Collections and select Magic Wand Collection. Grab the "wand"box and wave your arrow and the held box all over the place. Delete box. Save.
23  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Restoring the pre-Seasons sky on: 2009 April 19, 07:59:37
24  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest) on: 2009 March 24, 11:39:58
Spifftastic on Jericho Lodge.. I downloaded it for future vacation lots. I especially like the kitchen and bathrooms. I MUST learn how you decide internal walls. It always comes off interesting and stylish, unlike my general internals.. boxes within boxes or an entirely open floor plan. lol
25  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest) on: 2009 March 24, 03:01:09

Flat edged lot, all EPs and SPs up to Seasons/Glamour Life.
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