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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here
on: 2010 May 29, 23:55:12
Do you have Store stuff to share? Post it here, with a link to the off-site location, and your post will be moved to the Downloads Only thread by a moderator.
Are you having problems installing Store stuff acquired from the Downloads Only thread? Describe your problem here, and perhaps someone can help you.
If you have no problems with your own Store stuff because you know exactly what you are doing, feel free to give the n00bs in this thread a hand -- at least they are posting their questions in the right place.
This thread may be subject to occasional pruning. Information of lasting usefulness should be saved elsewhere.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Reading the contents of a package file
on: 2010 May 21, 01:35:34
Do you have only one package file per item, or are they multiple items in one package? I use Echo's Postal Viewer when I need to sort through improperly labeled files, but it will only be useful to you if you don't use merged packages. It will let you see the png file so you can ID it by thumbnail; if the png isn't included, you can still view the dds files. The item name might be in the string tables, or check the xml file if one is included.
Sure, you have to load one package file at a time to use it, but it shouldn't take too long unless you have several dozen files to sort through.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The definitive EA Store Set & Guide?
on: 2010 April 14, 01:19:59
I nth the request. I would be content with clear, spelled-out instructions on step 1, step 2, ect. On the rare occasions I try download new things, its like I have to learn the process all over again because suddenly the info is outdated or I got the wrong thread.
After the guide is done, maybe Pes could lock the thread, make it a sticky and send all the noobs there. It would eliminate a LOT of confusion.
If someone puts it all into one post (not the first post of this thread, please), I will split it off into a single-post sticky topic in Pudding Factory. Just send me a PM when it is perfected.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: EA Store stuff converted to package files?
on: 2009 December 03, 00:15:05
1: Don't put questions in the Pudding forum. And learn to edit; I didn't bother to read your entire post.
2: Get jfade's 3viewer, which is like the TS3 version of the Clean Installer, and use that to install the Store stuff. It will leave a ton of package files with long number names in your Packages folder.
3: Use Echo's Postal Viewer to look at the files you extracted and find out what they are. Re-name them one at a time.
Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: New AwesomeMod Request Thread
on: 2009 October 17, 00:09:09
Frugal - Wouldn't spend money on birth control.
Spawn are way more expensive than birth control. But considering the way the frugal trait is mishandled, it would work with the shortsighted, penny-wise, pound-foolish way that the game handles frugal sims. (For instance, why would a frugal sim be happy at getting a discount on a charisma class, when the mirror at the gym is free? Why rejoice over a discount on a book, when that same book is at the library?)
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: SUPPORT THE MUNICIPALITY!
on: 2009 September 03, 16:30:09
Sketchy is not the issue if she is DEAD. Is anyone in contact with her?
I am and can make an inquiry if you like. Awesome. Could you ask her to give the Zazzle password to whomever is handling donations this year? Even if the store isn't making any profits, it would be nice if someone who hasn't retired is checking on it every month or two.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: SUPPORT THE MUNICIPALITY!
on: 2009 September 01, 15:55:57
All I know is that Hecubus told me the store was getting very, very little action, and I would vouch that she has been forwarding any profits if there are any. People here *hem* have had their differences with her, but I have never known her to be sketchy.
Sketchy is not the issue if she is DEAD. Is anyone in contact with her? Titles are bullshit. You know what you need to ask for in return for your donations?
A discussion area in Serious Business that is not Retardo Land, so we non-retards can have fights and discussions without being shat on by tards and pancake fuckers. This idea is brilliant and will be more useful to each of us who uses those threads. Get Pescado to do it and I will move the non-stupid topics.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Hair not showing up right...
on: 2009 August 11, 05:56:26
That is not a mohawk. This is a mohawk:  Notice that it is below the hair you selected. If you don't see the mohawk in your game, you probably installed Peggy's first TS3 hair, which replaces it. Get a fixed version of Peggy's fail hair in Pudding Factory.
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Wash your @#$%ing hands! No toilet geniuses! Some Toilet Mods
on: 2009 June 30, 00:41:30
Yeah, that's why I use my sleeve. It cracks me up when I see someone take so much care to wash their hands thoroughly, then touch a towel dispenser knob that's been around the block and back, then grasp a door handle with their hands that a bunch of dirty-handed kids and adults have just touched.
I used to worry about that, then I realized that 2 minutes later, I'm going to go back to my table, pull out a chair that has been touched by god knows how many people (many of whom used the door handle in the restroom) and I'm going to look at the menu that's been handled by countless strangers, and so on. Yes... but sometimes, the door handle is wet. Ick. DNW.