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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Please help me fix this BS on: 2011 April 20, 12:03:44
I wasn't taking the response as an aggressive or soapboxy one, because it isn't. I'm sorry if it came off that way?

Based on the ratio of paragraphs to post, it's pretty obvious that sarasati has strong feelings about the issue, but the point of my post was that I don't want to debate with them, and I'll not be lured in by a bunch of paragraphs about the topic at hand. They have their opinion and I have mine, both of which are derived from personal experiences with people and their selections.

I don't think saraswati is wrong, and I'm quite aware that there are oodles of noodles with systems that were purchased because they didn't do the research, didn't want to do the research, or didn't know that they should. I knew that beforehand and learnt it quite some time ago: since saraswati's post appeared to be a case of preaching to the choir, I elected to skip over the rest of the post. I'll use better judgement next time, 'spose. As to my choice to contribute (or in your opinion, fail to contribute), I generally respond when I'm directly addressed - otherwise, I lurk. That's been the for the past few posts in this topic, and that's really all there is to it.

FWIW I don't really care to debate with anyone over much of anything, so if you want you can take this post as a concession or a yield. Forum squabbles are not my thing.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Please help me fix this BS on: 2011 April 19, 22:18:10
You're obviously passionate about the subject matter. To put it bluntly, I'm not. I'm pretty sure that we aren't even disagreeing about anything major - but I didn't really finish reading your post. I know that there are plenty of people out there who make informed decisions about what they buy, I said that at the start. There are a lot of people who don't. That's how humans are, the end.

Feel free to write another bunch of paragraphs on the topic, though. It's possible that someone around here has a remote interest.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Please help me fix this BS on: 2011 April 19, 12:14:13
Pretty much what Seqkat said. Like one of my favourite lecturers likes to say, "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Please help me fix this BS on: 2011 April 15, 04:32:29
Macs are like FWD/SUVs.

For every informed decision made RE: owning one and using one, there's a dozen folk who have one because they're shiny.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances on: 2010 December 29, 03:30:42
I also get the wish for a hot tub, even though I don't have Late Night. How fortunate that we can right-click to disregard such wishes.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances on: 2010 December 16, 06:09:47
I'll troubleshoot with mods/CC if I run into the problem again, but I'm sure someone else will get there before I do. I haven't changed any of my mods or CC since the error disappeared, so it may not be related at all. No idea.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Late Night bugs & annoyances on: 2010 December 15, 06:22:25
A few days ago I did a fresh install. Armed with up-to-date patches and mods, I threw in some CC and headed on in.

Brand new family, brand new install. I got the plummeted mood syndrome right off the bat.

I've been using the custom neighbourhood of Fincastle, and so moved my founder into a premade home because there are no blank lots. Most of the Fincastle houses that I've used, by the way, have been rather rubbish for large families (six or seven sims). The layouts are nice but not functional for more than two or three sims, no 0s or 6s.

Anywhoodle. The next day of gaming, I learnt that it could be caused by the beds, so I replaced them. That + the reloading of the game seemed to fix it for a while, but it wasn't a permanent fix. I've had to reload once or twice more since then, and in house 3 it got really bad (same family, by the way). It does seem to accumulate after a while. I moved houses in a wild attempt at stopping the bug. It came with the kewian-based wrought iron beds (+10, I think?) so the very first thing I did was pause the game, and replace the cheapo beds. The sims never slept in them. I replaced them with the highest the family could afford, the Landgraab Lothario ones. I haven't had the problem since then, although family deaths seemed to have a far more drastic impact than ever before. The two 6s in the family had a teeny bit of green and the rest of their bar was bright red. I have never had a death with that severe an impact - so unless I've had a very limited experience, there's something odd kicking around.

I don't have Late Night or Fast Lane. Patch is up to date and so are my mods. My sims do not do laundry.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Toddler Problems on: 2010 July 20, 06:40:05
I've had the 'learn to talk' freeze as well, at least twice in two separate families and save files. Definitely occurs in Base-game.

I have also recently experienced the non-stop reading as well, but I assumed that it was like the exercise bike from TS2. It's just something you can't leave them 100% unsupervised for.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: That stupid "game freezes but effects and sounds keep going" problem, again. on: 2010 April 29, 08:53:27
I've experienced this some time in the past, but I've also experienced this recently in my own game - a freshly started game in Sunset Valley after 2 months of not playing.

On two occasions it's frozen on me, once upon arriving at the Graveyard (one sim household) and once before a toddler's birthday. It is a permanent freeze, the game does not pick up again. The trees still rustle, the water and fish still animate, but the sims, puck and all controls are dead.
It's in a neighbourhood that has not yet had Supreme Commander applied, or even a switch to a new active household, so lordrichter: I don't think there's a correlation there at all. I suspect the sim herself is corrupted somehow.

I've also had a similar kind of permanent freeze occur in that family midway through teaching a toddler how to talk. The parent and toddler become completely frozen, though the surrounding world is still active and alive. I cannot recall whether it affected all members of the household, I don't believe that it did. This freeze has occurred at least twice previously in other families on different save files. I quit without saving, so no suggested fix from me. I did try switching to a different household and evicting the frozen ones. They were then moved back into that lot. The mother sim and the frozen toddler were both there, but the toddler's twin had vanished from the family. Still on the family tree, but otherwise gone. Really fracking annoying, since it was a ghost toddler and I wanted to keep it. I've had other sims drop from families before (again, in other files), so I don't think it's by virtue of being a ghost or otherwise related to one.
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Surprise buttsecks er... I mean, marriage. on: 2010 March 21, 12:53:06
Your =! You're.

But I'm pretty sure you knew that already and just made an honest mistake.
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: EA Exchange Stupidity on: 2010 February 21, 05:04:22
If there is something broken, leading to false data that is then used for culling, then I can see how a decision like this is rather stupid and frustrating for those who are penalised via the culling process.

But I don't think it's particularly stupid for any website/company to want to free up space. Far more economic than having to buy more space every time it fills because they can't tell what to cull and what to leave.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Plants Not Growing/Maturing on: 2010 February 18, 05:58:00
FWIW, I did encounter this once, around the same time as the OP. A small garden of plants, having already been harvested several times before, failed to return to a harvest state despite four or five sim days passing. Since this included an apple tree (which to my knowledge is one of the more frequently harvestable plants), I took notice. I wish I'd taken greater notice of the problem at the time, such as the plants involved, the sim involved, other miscellaneous oddities that might have been indicative of a larger problem. It would have been interesting to observe whether all future plants were screwed as well, or if it was just those specific plants in that garden.

Fortunately (or unfortunately?) I had a CAS loading fail a few sim days later, and needed to later revert to the last save point, prior to the garden going screwy. The garden in that earlier save subsequently grew as normal. I don't know what caused it, I don't think it was WA related as I don't have it. It might have been CC related, but I only had a few CC hairs, which I used before and after the problematic garden with no other issues.

I haven't encountered the problem since and the hood hasn't shown other problems, it may have been a plain hiccup in the game.
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Flagrant System Error? on: 2010 February 11, 12:10:03
I'll try and grab screenies of that too, then, should it happen again. Thanks, though.
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Flagrant System Error? on: 2010 February 11, 11:26:00
It looks like some kind of EAxis bug. You should update to the latest patch.

Duly noted, I'll prod that in the morn.

I also have a sim in the criminal career track who, on two occasions on levels 6 and 7, did not have a carpool turn up. The hours counted down normally, but after the carpool hadn't turned up by the time work started, the count clocked over to "23 hours" or whatever it's meant to be. So, although they did not receive a penalty, they had to wait until the following work day to go to work again. Neither resetsim nor backtowork changed it, I didn't expect them to but thought it was worth a shot.

Would that be related to the flagrant system error, and/or something else hopefully resolved by patching?
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Flagrant System Error? on: 2010 February 11, 09:10:29
Howdy. I've lurked this place for some time, but a recurrent error in my game has persuaded me to join and stick my head in the forums. Maybe something worthwhile will come of it.

The error is this:

I have received this type of error before, this is arguably the shortest one as the other errors have extended well beyond my screen dimensions. I've encountered this error in both Riverview and Sunset Valley. This particular error coincided with with two of my sims leaving work, which makes sense compared to what I can decipher from the dialogue box. It's infrequent, I'd say I've had it about five times since installing Awesome in December or so.

I'm running base game, legal copy, patched up to I have the latest AM which functions just fine, I have no other mods. I can do a screencap of the CC in my folder if anyone thinks it's relevant. I also run Windows 7 on a system that is more than adequate for the game's system requirements. If I get the error again whilst playing tonight, I'll be sure to post screencaps of them also.

Finally, to be as clear as possible: however much I wish otherwise, I have no experience in modding or scripting or things that involve tampering with the files given to me by the game. On the other hand, I follow directions very well.

Anyway - if anyone has appropriate solutions or explanations, that would be rad. Thanks.
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