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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Tutorial: Basic Core Modding (for complete and total nincompoops like me) on: 2009 July 10, 22:06:59
I made a tutorial.

Now make fun of me. Grin
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD & SCRIPT HACKS: CRASH ISSUES THREAD on: 2009 June 17, 22:18:12
Pescado, the other hacks I have been using are Hysterical Paradoxyism's default replacement bodies, the more detailed natural ones... And the no censor hack.

If you want me to test my framework installation with any other non-awesome mod I'll do so, I'd be glad to find out that my framework is all wrong so I can get it fixed, but somehow I doubt that's the case.
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD & SCRIPT HACKS: CRASH ISSUES THREAD on: 2009 June 17, 17:23:43
So, I don't mean to be a pest at all, but I still haven't gotten an answer about my problem with the awesome mod... Pescado told me my framework wasn't installed correctly, but as it turns out, it is, and other hacks using the very same framework work just fine (I am, of course, removing them when I try to run the awesomemod... even though they wouldn't conflict, I've been trying to eliminate every possibility...)

The question is... Why am I still getting a frozen loading screen? Every time, without fail, whether I delete the caches, use the newly generated ones, or leave them alone entirely... Is there any possible explanation for this? Or is the awesome mod just incompatible with ME?
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD & SCRIPT HACKS: CRASH ISSUES THREAD on: 2009 June 16, 00:03:05
So, I don't want to question the great Pescado, but... Unless I've somehow installed the framework wrong, which I would still just love to be true, then the loading screen freeze issue is not tied to that, as he clearly stated, above?

Freezing on the loading screen, as opposed to simply crashing, is failure to install the Framework correctly.
5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD & SCRIPT HACKS: CRASH ISSUES THREAD on: 2009 June 15, 18:46:45
Okay, apologies up front if I'm not understanding you.  But when I use the term "root directory," it means C:\

If that's what it means for you as well, then your framework is in the wrong place.

It needs to be in C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3

No apology necessary, and I sincerely wish I were dumb enough to put them in the wrong folder, so that this would solve my problem, and I'd be playing the awesomemod right now... Unfortunately, that's not the case, and by "root" I did in fact mean the Sims 3 folder. (the program files one, not my documents, just for even more needless clarification)

Thanks anyway, though.

Could there be a problem with my resource file? Am I missing some other file everyone collectively neglected to tell me about?
6  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD & SCRIPT HACKS: CRASH ISSUES THREAD on: 2009 June 15, 17:47:51
Freezing on the loading screen, as opposed to simply crashing, is failure to install the Framework correctly.

If that were the case, why would Hysterical Paradoxism's skins work for me, since they require the framework as well?

I'm not going to be so high and mighty as to rule out any possibility of error on my part, but seriously, what could I have done wrong in the framework installation? The Mods/Packages folders are there, in the root directory... The resource file is there, it's the very one you have posted on this forum... And all it says is this:

Priority 500
DirectoryFiles  Mods/Files/... autoupdate
PackedFile Mods/Packages/*.package

So... How have I installed it wrong? Because I would love nothing more than to admit being an idiot, repent the error of my ways, and be able to run the mod in my game.
7  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD & SCRIPT HACKS: CRASH ISSUES THREAD on: 2009 June 15, 05:24:20
The awesomemod sounds awesome in theory, but in reality its awesomeness is stifled by its inability to work at all for me. I have the mod and the configuration package in the Mods/Packages folder, and the Resource file is in place; I'm no dummy, I've been around the modding block a time or two. I've even deleted all four cache files, and every time I start the game, it freezes on the loading screen directly after the intro. I do not have any other hacks installed besides Hysterical Paradoxyism's skins, and I've removed them just in case of incompatibility. I even tried the ominously-named "enablescripterror" package, which did exactly what its ominous name suggested, it crashed my game before even getting to the intro. All of this was tried multiple times, with the newly-regenerated cache files and without... And so far nothing has worked.

So will someone tell me what in god's name else there is to try? Why is this mod so finicky?
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